Just happened to take place during the NRA statement.
sound like a bad joke...
"...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
its a guise lets face it...while just about every freedom and "right" is continually stripped away, there will still be those that feel "free" and "protected" as long as the right to keep and bear arms remains in place. these same people effectively lose many other rights and freedoms, will die ("over my cold dead hands") fighting to preserve the right to keep and bear arms.
first, fourth, fifth, sixth, eighth, ninth and tenth amendments are gutted.... but yes you can keep and bear all the "arms" you desire until "we" say otherwise, otherwise we label you a "terrorist" then strip you of your "arms".
It’s not the America I grew up in but neither has it been a border line communistic state that it is now.
When you think about where our most precious resources and assets are during most of the day, and in this day of terrorism by nut cases and Islamic radicals why doesn’t it make sense to protect our children at all costs? We do it at the airports, other govt bldgs., malls and at sensitive locations.!
Kahlberg: Why there are no school shootings in Israel
December 17, 2012 By Marc Kahlberg With yet another terrible tragedy at a U.S. school, perhaps it is time we energize and educate the public on how these crazy shootings can be prevented.
A “head in the sand” citizenry must be a thing of the past. There is no other way to deal with these violent tragedies but to adopt a method similar to what Israel uses when thwarting terror. That is to share and use information about people by simply being aware and alert.
Since the Columbine tragedy in 1999, many theories and tactics have emerged on how U.S. law enforcement should respond to such incidents. But the only tactic that was ever discussed or implemented was a reactive one, where officers considered mostly military tactics.
Time has passed, and as we saw with the senseless murder of innocent children last week, the problem has not been solved. It is seemingly getting worse. The slaughter of these innocents in what is supposed to be a safe environment of a school reminds us once again that schools need to do more to protect the safety of the children in their care.
This is not about reaction. It is about prevention. It is about proactive intelligence methods that every police department in the Western world should implement, as they do in every other aspect of classic policing.
Israeli law requires that an armed security guard be on duty at all times in all educational environments. No person can enter a protected school without being physically checked. Most Israelis have had military training, so in a school environment, there are people who have weapons and know how to use them to defeat an attacker. They also have the tools to question any visitor in a way where a simple set of questions will in most cases allow them to determine a good or bad intent.
Weapons alone in the hands of school security officials or teachers will never prevent an attack, but they may certainly delay it from escalating, ending it far more quickly than simply waiting for the nearest police backup to arrive at the scene. But intense training and coordination is required.
Access should be strictly limited, perimeters should be protected with cameras monitored while students are on the property, and as in Israel, no strangers or people without good reason to be on campus should be allowed into any school.
Access control should include searches and the use of technology such as metal detectors, like those used when entering a government building.
Protecting schools and training their personnel to prevent and respond to attacks should be a priority in all educational systems around the world.
Our future is dependent on keeping our next generation safe, especially at school, and whether the school borders are physical or virtual, the community’s help in providing information and intelligence is vital to ensuring a safe community and protecting the future generations to come.
It’s not the America I grew up in but neither has it been a border line communistic state that it is now.
When you think about where our most precious resources and assets are during most of the day, and in this day of terrorism by nut cases and Islamic radicals why doesn’t it make sense to protect our children at all costs? We do it at the airports, other govt bldgs., malls and at sensitive locations.!
Kahlberg: Why there are no school shootings in Israel
December 17, 2012 By Marc Kahlberg With yet another terrible tragedy at a U.S. school, perhaps it is time we energize and educate the public on how these crazy shootings can be prevented.
A “head in the sand” citizenry must be a thing of the past. There is no other way to deal with these violent tragedies but to adopt a method similar to what Israel uses when thwarting terror. That is to share and use information about people by simply being aware and alert.
Since the Columbine tragedy in 1999, many theories and tactics have emerged on how U.S. law enforcement should respond to such incidents. But the only tactic that was ever discussed or implemented was a reactive one, where officers considered mostly military tactics.
Time has passed, and as we saw with the senseless murder of innocent children last week, the problem has not been solved. It is seemingly getting worse. The slaughter of these innocents in what is supposed to be a safe environment of a school reminds us once again that schools need to do more to protect the safety of the children in their care.
This is not about reaction. It is about prevention. It is about proactive intelligence methods that every police department in the Western world should implement, as they do in every other aspect of classic policing.
Israeli law requires that an armed security guard be on duty at all times in all educational environments. No person can enter a protected school without being physically checked. Most Israelis have had military training, so in a school environment, there are people who have weapons and know how to use them to defeat an attacker. They also have the tools to question any visitor in a way where a simple set of questions will in most cases allow them to determine a good or bad intent.
Weapons alone in the hands of school security officials or teachers will never prevent an attack, but they may certainly delay it from escalating, ending it far more quickly than simply waiting for the nearest police backup to arrive at the scene. But intense training and coordination is required.
Access should be strictly limited, perimeters should be protected with cameras monitored while students are on the property, and as in Israel, no strangers or people without good reason to be on campus should be allowed into any school.
Access control should include searches and the use of technology such as metal detectors, like those used when entering a government building.
Protecting schools and training their personnel to prevent and respond to attacks should be a priority in all educational systems around the world.
Our future is dependent on keeping our next generation safe, especially at school, and whether the school borders are physical or virtual, the community’s help in providing information and intelligence is vital to ensuring a safe community and protecting the future generations to come.
It’s not the America I grew up in but neither has it been a border line communistic state that it is now.
When you think about where our most precious resources and assets are during most of the day, and in this day of terrorism by nut cases and Islamic radicals why doesn’t it make sense to protect our children at all costs? We do it at the airports, other govt bldgs., malls and at sensitive locations.!
Kahlberg: Why there are no school shootings in Israel
December 17, 2012 By Marc Kahlberg With yet another terrible tragedy at a U.S. school, perhaps it is time we energize and educate the public on how these crazy shootings can be prevented.
A “head in the sand” citizenry must be a thing of the past. There is no other way to deal with these violent tragedies but to adopt a method similar to what Israel uses when thwarting terror. That is to share and use information about people by simply being aware and alert.
Since the Columbine tragedy in 1999, many theories and tactics have emerged on how U.S. law enforcement should respond to such incidents. But the only tactic that was ever discussed or implemented was a reactive one, where officers considered mostly military tactics.
Time has passed, and as we saw with the senseless murder of innocent children last week, the problem has not been solved. It is seemingly getting worse. The slaughter of these innocents in what is supposed to be a safe environment of a school reminds us once again that schools need to do more to protect the safety of the children in their care.
This is not about reaction. It is about prevention. It is about proactive intelligence methods that every police department in the Western world should implement, as they do in every other aspect of classic policing.
Israeli law requires that an armed security guard be on duty at all times in all educational environments. No person can enter a protected school without being physically checked. Most Israelis have had military training, so in a school environment, there are people who have weapons and know how to use them to defeat an attacker. They also have the tools to question any visitor in a way where a simple set of questions will in most cases allow them to determine a good or bad intent.
Weapons alone in the hands of school security officials or teachers will never prevent an attack, but they may certainly delay it from escalating, ending it far more quickly than simply waiting for the nearest police backup to arrive at the scene. But intense training and coordination is required.
Access should be strictly limited, perimeters should be protected with cameras monitored while students are on the property, and as in Israel, no strangers or people without good reason to be on campus should be allowed into any school.
Access control should include searches and the use of technology such as metal detectors, like those used when entering a government building.
Protecting schools and training their personnel to prevent and respond to attacks should be a priority in all educational systems around the world.
Our future is dependent on keeping our next generation safe, especially at school, and whether the school borders are physical or virtual, the community’s help in providing information and intelligence is vital to ensuring a safe community and protecting the future generations to come.
You lost me at "a border line communistic state that it is now".
i veered off at the "communist" comment then crashed into a ball of flames at "Islamic radicals"...Im burning, Im burning, Im burning, Im burning, Im burning, Im burning, Im burning, Im burning....
You lost me at "a border line communistic state that it is now".
i veered off at the "communist" comment then crashed into a ball of flames at "Islamic radicals"...Im burning, Im burning, Im burning, Im burning, Im burning, Im burning, Im burning, Im burning....
Just happened to take place during the NRA statement.
And the 'good guys' were there with their guns and they got hurt. Oh wait... the victims probably weren't packing - guess if they were they would still be alive - they could have totally ignored the element of surprise, got their gun out from their holster and got the shooter who was driving past in his car. Yep... that would have worked....
so,Israel is the exable how to do things for keep " Freedom" that some of you talking about??
"...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
here is the solution for undercover armed cops at schools..
"...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
Just happened to take place during the NRA statement.
And the 'good guys' were there with their guns and they got hurt. Oh wait... the victims probably weren't packing - guess if they were they would still be alive - they could have totally ignored the element of surprise, got their gun out from their holster and got the shooter who was driving past in his car. Yep... that would have worked....
Exactly. And the deadliest school shooting (in terms of numbers) was at VA Tech, which has armed police officers on campus.
"I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
Aaron Zelinsky
Adjunct Professor, Peking University School of Transnational Law
The Truth About Israel's Gun Laws
Friday's unspeakable tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut, put gun control back on our national agenda. For now, pro-gun advocates are mostly keeping quiet, but we're already starting to hear the inevitable response: "Guns aren't the issue. Look at Israel. They've got lots of guns and little gun-related violence." There's only one problem with this argument:
It's not true.
So the next time someone tells you that, "Israel shows we don't need gun control," here's what to tell them:
1) Israel has a lot fewer guns than we do.
Fact. Israel has 12 times fewer guns per capita than America. Let me say that again: twelve times. In order to reach the same rate of gun ownership here as in Israel, we'd have to get rid of approximately 247 million guns.
2) Israel bans assault rifles.
That law we allowed to expire in 2004? Israel's got it. And no one there argues they need a semi-automatic to hunt ibex.
3) Israel has no individual right to bear arms.
Israel has no Second Amendment. And no one I ever met when I lived there believes that they need a gun to be safe from the central government. True, this may be because Israel is beset on all sides by enemies bent on its total annihilation rather than, say, Canada. Nevertheless, Israel controls who has a gun much more strongly than the Supreme Court has said our Constitution allows.
4) Israel sharply limits ammunition purchases.
You can't buy more than 50 rounds a year in the Holy Land. The Newtown killer reportedly had hundreds on him when he walked in to Sandy Hook Elementary.
5) Israelis view gun ownership as a burden.
I was clerking at the Israeli Supreme Court when our Supreme Court handed down District of Columbia v. Heller, holding that the Second Amendment contained individual right to bear arms. In discussing the case with many Israelis, I was struck by their views on guns.
Most Israelis would like nothing more than to have a country where they needn't carry guns, where they live in peace. Most Israelis are not gun "enthusiasts"; they're reluctant warriors. And they've been dreaming of the day they can turn their weapons into plowshares for thousands of years.
"I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
That's one of the worst attitudes to have. Considering they are one of the most powerful political lobbyies in the US, have a shit load of money, and the support of millions and millions of US citizens I would harldy call them idiots.
btw,those israelian kids looks so happy at the foto!!cant get enough of their huge smiles!!
"...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
What is next from the NRA, telling the Greg LeMond story. In short, he got shot and came back a few years later to win the Tour de France. Some positive spin on guns right there. Don't forget that the fact that they were hunting when one of the guys heard something behind him and decided to turn and fire thinking Greg may just be a turkey that day.
Guns, Guns, Guns
American hunter, bring 'em up the north side
Guns, guns, guns
Run, take the money, here's a bullet for your boyfriend
Guns, guns, guns
Eagle all gone, and no more caribou
Guns, guns, guns
You be the red king, I'll be the yellow pawn
God speed Mother Nature
Never really wanted to say good-bye
God speed Mother Nature, you know that I'm callin' you now
Never really wanted to say good-bye
God speed Mother Nature
Never really wanted to say good-bye
God speed Mother Nature
Never really wanted to say good-bye
Shoot a few, knock 'em down, cost you half a buck now
Guns, guns, guns
Babe give you kisses if you hit a rubber duck now
Guns, guns, guns
You be the red king, I'll be the yellow pawn
Guns, guns, guns
Eagle all gone, and no more caribou
Guns, guns, guns
Eagle all gone, and no more caribou
Guns, guns, guns
No more
Eagle all gone, and no more caribou
God speed Mother Nature
Never really wanted to say good-bye
God speed Mother Nature, I'm weepin', I'm cryin' for ya
Never really wanted to say good-bye
The poison from the poison stream caught up to you ELEVEN years ago and you floated out of here. Sept. 14, 08
That's fine. There's still plenty of hunting and sportsman channels on tv. There's also still hundreds of shows glorifying violence, 1000's of movies and video games as well. But of course it's the legal gun owners who are the problem. :roll:
That's fine. There's still plenty of hunting and sportsman channels on tv. There's also still hundreds of shows glorifying violence, 1000's of movies and video games as well. But of course it's the legal gun owners who are the problem. :roll:
I think the main point was that Ted Nugent is an idiot.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
(come to think of it, I live in a little pink house! :shock: )
Just happened to take place during the NRA statement.
Tom O.
"I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"
-The Writer
"I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
"I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
first, fourth, fifth, sixth, eighth, ninth and tenth amendments are gutted.... but yes you can keep and bear all the "arms" you desire until "we" say otherwise, otherwise we label you a "terrorist" then strip you of your "arms".
When you think about where our most precious resources and assets are during most of the day, and in this day of terrorism by nut cases and Islamic radicals why doesn’t it make sense to protect our children at all costs? We do it at the airports, other govt bldgs., malls and at sensitive locations.!
Kahlberg: Why there are no school shootings in Israel
December 17, 2012 By Marc Kahlberg With yet another terrible tragedy at a U.S. school, perhaps it is time we energize and educate the public on how these crazy shootings can be prevented.
A “head in the sand” citizenry must be a thing of the past. There is no other way to deal with these violent tragedies but to adopt a method similar to what Israel uses when thwarting terror. That is to share and use information about people by simply being aware and alert.
Since the Columbine tragedy in 1999, many theories and tactics have emerged on how U.S. law enforcement should respond to such incidents. But the only tactic that was ever discussed or implemented was a reactive one, where officers considered mostly military tactics.
Time has passed, and as we saw with the senseless murder of innocent children last week, the problem has not been solved. It is seemingly getting worse. The slaughter of these innocents in what is supposed to be a safe environment of a school reminds us once again that schools need to do more to protect the safety of the children in their care.
This is not about reaction. It is about prevention. It is about proactive intelligence methods that every police department in the Western world should implement, as they do in every other aspect of classic policing.
Israeli law requires that an armed security guard be on duty at all times in all educational environments. No person can enter a protected school without being physically checked. Most Israelis have had military training, so in a school environment, there are people who have weapons and know how to use them to defeat an attacker. They also have the tools to question any visitor in a way where a simple set of questions will in most cases allow them to determine a good or bad intent.
Weapons alone in the hands of school security officials or teachers will never prevent an attack, but they may certainly delay it from escalating, ending it far more quickly than simply waiting for the nearest police backup to arrive at the scene. But intense training and coordination is required.
Access should be strictly limited, perimeters should be protected with cameras monitored while students are on the property, and as in Israel, no strangers or people without good reason to be on campus should be allowed into any school.
Access control should include searches and the use of technology such as metal detectors, like those used when entering a government building.
Protecting schools and training their personnel to prevent and respond to attacks should be a priority in all educational systems around the world.
Our future is dependent on keeping our next generation safe, especially at school, and whether the school borders are physical or virtual, the community’s help in providing information and intelligence is vital to ensuring a safe community and protecting the future generations to come.
Reaction is simply not good enough.
http://www.bizpacreview.com/2012/12/17/ ... rael-11515
You lost me at "a border line communistic state that it is now".
"...I changed by not changing at all..."
i veered off at the "communist" comment then crashed into a ball of flames at "Islamic radicals"...Im burning, Im burning, Im burning, Im burning, Im burning, Im burning, Im burning, Im burning....
correct above from "burning" to "burnin"
And the 'good guys' were there with their guns and they got hurt. Oh wait... the victims probably weren't packing - guess if they were they would still be alive - they could have totally ignored the element of surprise, got their gun out from their holster and got the shooter who was driving past in his car. Yep... that would have worked....
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
"I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
Aaron Zelinsky
Adjunct Professor, Peking University School of Transnational Law
The Truth About Israel's Gun Laws
Friday's unspeakable tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut, put gun control back on our national agenda. For now, pro-gun advocates are mostly keeping quiet, but we're already starting to hear the inevitable response: "Guns aren't the issue. Look at Israel. They've got lots of guns and little gun-related violence." There's only one problem with this argument:
It's not true.
So the next time someone tells you that, "Israel shows we don't need gun control," here's what to tell them:
1) Israel has a lot fewer guns than we do.
Fact. Israel has 12 times fewer guns per capita than America. Let me say that again: twelve times. In order to reach the same rate of gun ownership here as in Israel, we'd have to get rid of approximately 247 million guns.
2) Israel bans assault rifles.
That law we allowed to expire in 2004? Israel's got it. And no one there argues they need a semi-automatic to hunt ibex.
3) Israel has no individual right to bear arms.
Israel has no Second Amendment. And no one I ever met when I lived there believes that they need a gun to be safe from the central government. True, this may be because Israel is beset on all sides by enemies bent on its total annihilation rather than, say, Canada. Nevertheless, Israel controls who has a gun much more strongly than the Supreme Court has said our Constitution allows.
4) Israel sharply limits ammunition purchases.
You can't buy more than 50 rounds a year in the Holy Land. The Newtown killer reportedly had hundreds on him when he walked in to Sandy Hook Elementary.
5) Israelis view gun ownership as a burden.
I was clerking at the Israeli Supreme Court when our Supreme Court handed down District of Columbia v. Heller, holding that the Second Amendment contained individual right to bear arms. In discussing the case with many Israelis, I was struck by their views on guns.
Most Israelis would like nothing more than to have a country where they needn't carry guns, where they live in peace. Most Israelis are not gun "enthusiasts"; they're reluctant warriors. And they've been dreaming of the day they can turn their weapons into plowshares for thousands of years.
"I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
That's one of the worst attitudes to have. Considering they are one of the most powerful political lobbyies in the US, have a shit load of money, and the support of millions and millions of US citizens I would harldy call them idiots.
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
would turn this:
into this:
"...I changed by not changing at all..."
Guns, Guns, Guns
American hunter, bring 'em up the north side
Guns, guns, guns
Run, take the money, here's a bullet for your boyfriend
Guns, guns, guns
Eagle all gone, and no more caribou
Guns, guns, guns
You be the red king, I'll be the yellow pawn
God speed Mother Nature
Never really wanted to say good-bye
God speed Mother Nature, you know that I'm callin' you now
Never really wanted to say good-bye
God speed Mother Nature
Never really wanted to say good-bye
God speed Mother Nature
Never really wanted to say good-bye
Shoot a few, knock 'em down, cost you half a buck now
Guns, guns, guns
Babe give you kisses if you hit a rubber duck now
Guns, guns, guns
You be the red king, I'll be the yellow pawn
Guns, guns, guns
Eagle all gone, and no more caribou
Guns, guns, guns
Eagle all gone, and no more caribou
Guns, guns, guns
No more
Eagle all gone, and no more caribou
God speed Mother Nature
Never really wanted to say good-bye
God speed Mother Nature, I'm weepin', I'm cryin' for ya
Never really wanted to say good-bye
The poison from the poison stream caught up to you ELEVEN years ago and you floated out of here. Sept. 14, 08
http://www.examiner.com/article/ted-nug ... b_articles
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
That's fine. There's still plenty of hunting and sportsman channels on tv. There's also still hundreds of shows glorifying violence, 1000's of movies and video games as well. But of course it's the legal gun owners who are the problem. :roll: