Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,711
Well said, gimme. Thanks for the reminder that others out there are real people with feelings.
We all have something to learn- I certainly know I do. I think :shock: that's why I enjoy this forum. I've learned a lot from others here and I'm encouraged to learn more. I also like that at times my beliefs are challenged. This offers me an opportunity to go a little further in researching an issue or looking at it from a different angle.
Kudos to all here!
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
I was not well versed in world politics, and am still quite challenged in that area. But my inner circle of friends never really touch on "serious" topics, and when we do, it's because the one person who does is a fucking know-it-all lawyer who thinks she knows everything, so people shy away from that type of personality, much like people do here.
I learn something new about world affairs every time I'm here. Which is pretty much every day.
Gimli 1993
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
Oh boy! How I enjoy this thread. FYI—I live an unscheduled life which means I can't check in regularly.
Comebackgirl; yeah, girls and their shoes and it sums it up just fine: we really do like it when others think we have something special going on—either from our tips to our toes!
Cosmo; I'm chuckling at the humor, the twist, and at myself. Yes, this post is "What I've learned on AMT
It ends with a question: "What do YOU guys want to see, (or feel) this MT (a political thread catagory) could, or should be, used for? Instead, YOU guys took this thread on a run of its own: "what YOU guys have learned from this MT". So I'm smiling, thinking about everyones post here, thinking that I've learned more about you guys in this one thread than I have from all the months of reading all the other threads and THIS makes me happy. So you see—the jokes on me. YOU guys took it where you wanted, not where I wanted and yet—it's exacally what it need to be! so yeah, thanks.
Pandora; always, I like the entertainment here.
Gimme; Wow! that was a post of some insightful thought. You honor me.
HFD; I'm certain ALL of us can relate: finding ourselves hanging with the same group of friends—casual and the best of, when a breeze lifts us, suspends us above the rumble of the same conversation which took place at the last gathering and the last and the last. The same, "safe stuff" conversation over and over where if anyone ventured into the waters of a "serious dialogue" the hubbub would drop like an LP coming to a screeching halt. So yeah, its probably like a breath of fresh air for all of us to come here—to challenge ourselves to expand just a bit.
Well, nite again. By the way, is there a particular evening when most of you check in? Nothing comes regular in my life but if it does for you guys—I'd like to make a speficifc effort to join you.
My brother gave me a CD called Pearl Jam TEN two weeks before it went nationwide. I listened to it and knew that they were the band I would be closest to for the next couple decades or so. Maybe they will even be there forever. I walked closer with Pearl Jam than anything else in the world, including God! I was a hacky-sacking, acid eating, beach combing hippie! One thing I excelled at was hosting parties that will never be forgotten, and Pearl Jam was always in the air. I grew up in a very liberal household and lets just say my extended family was very big and very carefree. We had parties my entire life and when I was old enough to have better believe that I hosting unique parties with Pearl Jam as the main sound! I promoted Pearl Jam to everyone, including my mother! Today, when people hear a Pearl Jam song, they tell me they think of me briefly. Pearl Jam concerts, Pittsburgh Steelers football games, Ocean City, Md. beach houses, Pittsburgh clubs, bars and universities were all on the menu and Pearl Jam was the main entree.
It took me awhile to join the club here, but when I did, it was a special feeling of inclusiveness. It felt great to be a part of something global and all having something in common that I love....Pearl Jam. Pearl Jam used to be my life, now its an escape. I dont listen to much music anymore, nor do I ever travel to attend concerts, however I will still do so for one band! I feel as if I have changed and my interests have changed, I still love PJ but I wont spend 8k to go see them on a tour in Europe, although that would be the best thing ever! I did see them in Toronto for PJ20 on 9/11/11, which was an unbelieveable show! I have seen them about 20 times, which is a blessing for sure.
I have not gotten close to anyone on the site here....probably cause im a outspoken conservative, so I wont hold my breath. I can easily hang out with anyone here and we would have a blast! I can appreciate everyone's right to have their opinions and speak their mind. I think that anyone who is active in discussing the issues, whether left or right or in between, is a good thing. Its important for us to remain informed as much as possible. It seems as if both sides have witty, intelligent, honorable and motivated people, which is awesome. I grew up a liberal Democrat so I have much empathy for everyone on here. I believe moderation is one of the key value we need to embrace regarding all aspects in our lives. Rebellious Truths is a model which I would like to try here on AMT one day. Its a place for all walks of life to come together and try to be constructive. God bless you all and Godspeed.
Theres no time like the present
A man that stands for nothing....will fall for anything!
My brother gave me a CD called Pearl Jam TEN two weeks before it went nationwide. I listened to it and knew that they were the band I would be closest to for the next couple decades or so. Maybe they will even be there forever. I walked closer with Pearl Jam than anything else in the world, including God! I was a hacky-sacking, acid eating, beach combing hippie! One thing I excelled at was hosting parties that will never be forgotten, and Pearl Jam was always in the air. I grew up in a very liberal household and lets just say my extended family was very big and very carefree. We had parties my entire life and when I was old enough to have better believe that I hosting unique parties with Pearl Jam as the main sound! I promoted Pearl Jam to everyone, including my mother! Today, when people hear a Pearl Jam song, they tell me they think of me briefly. Pearl Jam concerts, Pittsburgh Steelers football games, Ocean City, Md. beach houses, Pittsburgh clubs, bars and universities were all on the menu and Pearl Jam was the main entree.
It took me awhile to join the club here, but when I did, it was a special feeling of inclusiveness. It felt great to be a part of something global and all having something in common that I love....Pearl Jam. Pearl Jam used to be my life, now its an escape. I dont listen to much music anymore, nor do I ever travel to attend concerts, however I will still do so for one band! I feel as if I have changed and my interests have changed, I still love PJ but I wont spend 8k to go see them on a tour in Europe, although that would be the best thing ever! I did see them in Toronto for PJ20 on 9/11/11, which was an unbelieveable show! I have seen them about 20 times, which is a blessing for sure.
I have not gotten close to anyone on the site here....probably cause im a outspoken conservative, so I wont hold my breath. I can easily hang out with anyone here and we would have a blast! I can appreciate everyone's right to have their opinions and speak their mind. I think that anyone who is active in discussing the issues, whether left or right or in between, is a good thing. Its important for us to remain informed as much as possible. It seems as if both sides have witty, intelligent, honorable and motivated people, which is awesome. I grew up a liberal Democrat so I have much empathy for everyone on here. I believe moderation is one of the key value we need to embrace regarding all aspects in our lives. Rebellious Truths is a model which I would like to try here on AMT one day. Its a place for all walks of life to come together and try to be constructive. God bless you all and Godspeed.
Fear4freedom; I think this has been about the 4th long post here. Actually, about the 4th longest (aside from mine as I don't do well with writing short anything it seems...dammit!) But the 4th longest about how you guys actually feel about each other, and about AMT. Nice effort. thks.
f4f, it's nice to see a different side of you, and to know of your background - music and otherwise. Kinda goes back to some of what gimme said in his post.
(and by the way, I don't mind the long ones, I just need to be in a place to properly take it all in)
f4f, it's nice to see a different side of you, and to know of your background - music and otherwise. Kinda goes back to some of what gimme said in his post.
(and by the way, I don't mind the long ones, I just need to be in a place to properly take it all in)
(that's what she said :P )
OH yes I used to have many places to "take it all in" :twisted:
Theres no time like the present
A man that stands for nothing....will fall for anything!
All great things here. I like Gimmie's description. It can get heated from time to time, but it's all good. Helps you either strengthen your viewpoint (by really being challenged) or change it. I've done both here over time.
All great things here. I like Gimmie's description. It can get heated from time to time, but it's all good. Helps you either strengthen your viewpoint (by really being challenged) or change it. I've done both here over time.
no kidding. back in 2001 I thought Dubya did the right thing invading Iraq. That was before I did my own research!
Gimli 1993
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
cindybearcat; so, how often is your prerogative changed due to hostility?
I say this because I've just seen my first example of what you guys keep referring to; that it can get rough on this train.
It's not just an affliction that only I must suffer, but when I decided to hang out here and get to know you guys, I feel I've done just that. In fact, I feel as though you are one tight bunch but yet, there's a pack attack going on in another thread and I'm confused. Are you not a tight group? Well regardless, my affliction flared and I went on auto-pilot. I came to the defense of the one down being kicked.
So yeah, this is one aspect I didn't need to learn here on this MT. There's enough of that crap going on "out there".
sign me bummed....
HFD; I had something I was gonna say here and now I've forgotten. Troubled mind I guess. If there's a way to review anothers post without losing your own, then I'd go back and see what it was you wrote inspiring me to want to reply to you. Ah well, maybe tomorrow. nite.
I think to a large extent we are a tight bunch, and like with any group there is conflict. The conflict isn't necessarily a problem...working through it in a productive manner can actually strengthen the group. Many of us probably replay the same dynamics that we experience with people in other areas of our life. Doing it on here gives us an opportunity to learn from it if we want to. We can take a step back and observe how we contribute to the dynamic and the role we play. Do we seek it out? Do we avoid it? Do we move through the drama triangle of becoming perpetrator, victim and rescuer? The triangle does get played out on repeat sometimes and the only way to stop it is to refuse to move into the different roles...but that is easier said than done...and maybe not everyone wants that to change.
"I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
I have learned from other positive posters here.
I have reinforced rejuvenated my positive side. It carries in my personal life as well.
It is what I look for daily.
cindybearcat; so, how often is your prerogative changed due to hostility?
I say this because I've just seen my first example of what you guys keep referring to; that it can get rough on this train.
It's not just an affliction that only I must suffer, but when I decided to hang out here and get to know you guys, I feel I've done just that. In fact, I feel as though you are one tight bunch but yet, there's a pack attack going on in another thread and I'm confused. Are you not a tight group? Well regardless, my affliction flared and I went on auto-pilot. I came to the defense of the one down being kicked.
So yeah, this is one aspect I didn't need to learn here on this MT. There's enough of that crap going on "out there".
sign me bummed....
HFD; I had something I was gonna say here and now I've forgotten. Troubled mind I guess. If there's a way to review anothers post without losing your own, then I'd go back and see what it was you wrote inspiring me to want to reply to you. Ah well, maybe tomorrow. nite.
we are tight knit but we do not suffer fools. do you not call your friends on their shit??? as far as ive ever experienced on here, you need to state your view clearly, you need not waffle about who the crap knows what and you can not be evasive when you are challenged. if a question is asked, its cause someone is seeking an answer... an answer that we can all understand. if that answer is not forthcoming then we will keep asking til we get the clarification we are looking for. oh and if soemone says stupid shit, they will be called on it. simple.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Humor is needed in dealing with some here...
also to remember people are just not what/who they seem.
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,711
Carl Rogers (whose work greatly influenced what is often referred to as "client centered therapy") said this:
"It seems to me that anything that can be taught to another is relatively inconsequential and has little or no significant influence on behavior. Such self-discovered learning, truth that has been personally appropriated and assimilated in experience, cannot be directly communicated to another."
It might be helpful- at least I feel certain this is true for myself- that the best of what can be learned here on AMT is that which comes from what we on our own coalesce through assimilating, digesting, experiencing and finally discovering for ourselves. Limiting what I take in limits what I experience which, in the long run, limits what I discover. Looked at this way, I think the converse could be just as true. That what I think I have to offer here is but a small part of a much larger whole seeking to be discovered. The moving train has many cars.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
I will also say that sometimes, I look back and wonder what the FUCK was I thinking?
Live, and in the process, hopefully learn - at least try.
I know... I've got posts here going back to 2003 and I'm afraid to look at them if I happen to come across them, because if I do, I'm usually embarrassed by them. Shit, I wish I could take back some of things I posted here last week. :oops: Oh well. So I've learned some things about myself here, as well as learning from the many interesting and brilliantly worded posts by others. :thumbup:
Kenny Olav; You've taught me to rethink socialsim. Understand though, I'm born and bred American. We were gifted a democracy. Something we've broken and we need to fix. Probably the best part of what you said was
(I'd use those cute little paste quote things except I don't know how to get back to here) something about "Norway isn't perfect but it runs FOR the people".
You are right, we have allowed our once nobly envisioned democracy to run for power. While we can learn from some great aspects about socialism, still, I'd rather have a democracy that works as intended. Socialism would be great if the people had in place a good plenty of failsafe detterents of elitist corruption. Evidently, Norway has yet to confront those what ifs.
Kenny Olav; You've taught me to rethink socialsim. Understand though, I'm born and bred American. We were gifted a democracy. Something we've broken and we need to fix. Probably the best part of what you said was
(I'd use those cute little paste quote things except I don't know how to get back to here) something about "Norway isn't perfect but it runs FOR the people".
You are right, we have allowed our once nobly envisioned democracy to run for power. While we can learn from some great aspects about socialism, still, I'd rather have a democracy that works as intended. Socialism would be great if the people had in place a good plenty of failsafe detterents of elitist corruption. Evidently, Norway has yet to confront those what ifs.
personally id rather a system that values people equally over profit.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Kenny Olav; You've taught me to rethink socialsim. Understand though, I'm born and bred American. We were gifted a democracy. Something we've broken and we need to fix. Probably the best part of what you said was
(I'd use those cute little paste quote things except I don't know how to get back to here) something about "Norway isn't perfect but it runs FOR the people".
You are right, we have allowed our once nobly envisioned democracy to run for power. While we can learn from some great aspects about socialism, still, I'd rather have a democracy that works as intended. Socialism would be great if the people had in place a good plenty of failsafe detterents of elitist corruption. Evidently, Norway has yet to confront those what ifs.
personally id rather a system that values people equally over profit.
We all have something to learn- I certainly know I do. I think :shock: that's why I enjoy this forum. I've learned a lot from others here and I'm encouraged to learn more. I also like that at times my beliefs are challenged. This offers me an opportunity to go a little further in researching an issue or looking at it from a different angle.
Kudos to all here!
I learn something new about world affairs every time I'm here. Which is pretty much every day.
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
Comebackgirl; yeah, girls and their shoes and it sums it up just fine: we really do like it when others think we have something special going on—either from our tips to our toes!
Cosmo; I'm chuckling at the humor, the twist, and at myself. Yes, this post is "What I've learned on AMT
It ends with a question: "What do YOU guys want to see, (or feel) this MT (a political thread catagory) could, or should be, used for? Instead, YOU guys took this thread on a run of its own: "what YOU guys have learned from this MT". So I'm smiling, thinking about everyones post here, thinking that I've learned more about you guys in this one thread than I have from all the months of reading all the other threads and THIS makes me happy. So you see—the jokes on me. YOU guys took it where you wanted, not where I wanted and yet—it's exacally what it need to be! so yeah, thanks.
Pandora; always, I like the entertainment here.
Gimme; Wow! that was a post of some insightful thought. You honor me.
HFD; I'm certain ALL of us can relate: finding ourselves hanging with the same group of friends—casual and the best of, when a breeze lifts us, suspends us above the rumble of the same conversation which took place at the last gathering and the last and the last. The same, "safe stuff" conversation over and over where if anyone ventured into the waters of a "serious dialogue" the hubbub would drop like an LP coming to a screeching halt. So yeah, its probably like a breath of fresh air for all of us to come here—to challenge ourselves to expand just a bit.
Well, nite again. By the way, is there a particular evening when most of you check in? Nothing comes regular in my life but if it does for you guys—I'd like to make a speficifc effort to join you.
farts warm them up. thats why i have a cow. :P
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
You just ruined hot pockets for me
youre welcome. :P
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
It took me awhile to join the club here, but when I did, it was a special feeling of inclusiveness. It felt great to be a part of something global and all having something in common that I love....Pearl Jam. Pearl Jam used to be my life, now its an escape. I dont listen to much music anymore, nor do I ever travel to attend concerts, however I will still do so for one band! I feel as if I have changed and my interests have changed, I still love PJ but I wont spend 8k to go see them on a tour in Europe, although that would be the best thing ever! I did see them in Toronto for PJ20 on 9/11/11, which was an unbelieveable show! I have seen them about 20 times, which is a blessing for sure.
I have not gotten close to anyone on the site here....probably cause im a outspoken conservative, so I wont hold my breath. I can easily hang out with anyone here and we would have a blast! I can appreciate everyone's right to have their opinions and speak their mind. I think that anyone who is active in discussing the issues, whether left or right or in between, is a good thing. Its important for us to remain informed as much as possible. It seems as if both sides have witty, intelligent, honorable and motivated people, which is awesome. I grew up a liberal Democrat so I have much empathy for everyone on here. I believe moderation is one of the key value we need to embrace regarding all aspects in our lives. Rebellious Truths is a model which I would like to try here on AMT one day. Its a place for all walks of life to come together and try to be constructive. God bless you all and Godspeed.
A man that stands for nothing....will fall for anything!
All people need to do more on every level!
Great post
f4f, it's nice to see a different side of you, and to know of your background - music and otherwise. Kinda goes back to some of what gimme said in his post.
(and by the way, I don't mind the long ones, I just need to be in a place to properly take it all in)
(that's what she said :P )
OH yes I used to have many places to "take it all in" :twisted:
A man that stands for nothing....will fall for anything!
All people need to do more on every level!
That sig photo has me jonesing yet again.
Live, and in the process, hopefully learn - at least try.
All great things here. I like Gimmie's description. It can get heated from time to time, but it's all good. Helps you either strengthen your viewpoint (by really being challenged) or change it. I've done both here over time.
no kidding. back in 2001 I thought Dubya did the right thing invading Iraq. That was before I did my own research!
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
I say this because I've just seen my first example of what you guys keep referring to; that it can get rough on this train.
It's not just an affliction that only I must suffer, but when I decided to hang out here and get to know you guys, I feel I've done just that. In fact, I feel as though you are one tight bunch but yet, there's a pack attack going on in another thread and I'm confused. Are you not a tight group? Well regardless, my affliction flared and I went on auto-pilot. I came to the defense of the one down being kicked.
So yeah, this is one aspect I didn't need to learn here on this MT. There's enough of that crap going on "out there".
sign me bummed....
HFD; I had something I was gonna say here and now I've forgotten. Troubled mind I guess. If there's a way to review anothers post without losing your own, then I'd go back and see what it was you wrote inspiring me to want to reply to you. Ah well, maybe tomorrow. nite.
"I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
I have reinforced rejuvenated my positive side. It carries in my personal life as well.
It is what I look for daily.
we are tight knit but we do not suffer fools. do you not call your friends on their shit??? as far as ive ever experienced on here, you need to state your view clearly, you need not waffle about who the crap knows what and you can not be evasive when you are challenged. if a question is asked, its cause someone is seeking an answer... an answer that we can all understand. if that answer is not forthcoming then we will keep asking til we get the clarification we are looking for. oh and if soemone says stupid shit, they will be called on it. simple.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
now I got to find a smiley with a sign
Humor is needed in dealing with some here...
also to remember people are just not what/who they seem.
"It seems to me that anything that can be taught to another is relatively inconsequential and has little or no significant influence on behavior. Such self-discovered learning, truth that has been personally appropriated and assimilated in experience, cannot be directly communicated to another."
It might be helpful- at least I feel certain this is true for myself- that the best of what can be learned here on AMT is that which comes from what we on our own coalesce through assimilating, digesting, experiencing and finally discovering for ourselves. Limiting what I take in limits what I experience which, in the long run, limits what I discover. Looked at this way, I think the converse could be just as true. That what I think I have to offer here is but a small part of a much larger whole seeking to be discovered. The moving train has many cars.
ill be in the bar car if you need me.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
I know... I've got posts here going back to 2003 and I'm afraid to look at them if I happen to come across them, because if I do, I'm usually embarrassed by them. Shit, I wish I could take back some of things I posted here last week. :oops: Oh well. So I've learned some things about myself here, as well as learning from the many interesting and brilliantly worded posts by others. :thumbup:
(I'd use those cute little paste quote things except I don't know how to get back to here) something about "Norway isn't perfect but it runs FOR the people".
You are right, we have allowed our once nobly envisioned democracy to run for power. While we can learn from some great aspects about socialism, still, I'd rather have a democracy that works as intended. Socialism would be great if the people had in place a good plenty of failsafe detterents of elitist corruption. Evidently, Norway has yet to confront those what ifs.
personally id rather a system that values people equally over profit.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
You would would hate the States.