pa dobro bre ljudi,ja se namucih zadnji put da ostavim neku temu za pricanje a ono niko...
nego ok,sama cu sebi da odgovorim:
draga tina,jeste to je jedina pesma temple of the dog na kojoj peva edd...
draga tina,i mene nerviraju creed isto koliko i tebe...
uh...kazu blago onom ko rano poludi pa mu zivot prodje u veselju...
pa gde ste svi vi?
hajde ljudi nesto smo redji ove nedelje...
ja vas sve pozdravljam,moram da zurim zovu me edd and co.
poz !!!!!!:):):):):):):)
And sometimes is seen a strange spot in the sky
A human being that was given to fly...
ha sta kazete na ovaj novi clanak koji se pojavio:
Exclusive listening
This morning in the offices of Sony/BMG in Spain we've had exclusive access, as the only accredited media, to the hearing of six songs already mastered from what will be Pearl Jam's next album.
The album, of which the title is still unknown, will be in stores beginning May 2nd and is one of the more awaited releases for this year from the multinational, along with AC/DC, of which they don't have information yet, and Tool, which will be available the same May 2nd.
Of the songs we've heard is where we get the idea that Pearl Jam goes back to being that powerful band that bewitched in the 90's. It seems like it will be an LP that retroacts itself to the sound of their first works. The production of the guitar and drums goes back to being very raw, the songs very rocking, with a lot of guitar riffs and solos, and Eddie Vedder recovers his agressive tone. Thus, "Severed Hand," the first song that we were able to listen to, fulfills all these requisites. It's a tune with a lot of groove, with that feeling given out by songs like "Alive." It's a constant guitar flow mixed with a great chorus where Vedder goes back to shining like the old days. From the ones we've heard, there's a lot more songs along those lines. For example, without going any further, the selection of the single is surprising for not being a usable single at all. It's called "World Wide Suicide" and, although still it is not completely confirmed, it could indeed be the definite single. In this tune Vedder goes out singing with all his strength, and with a lot of guts that “World Wide Suicide” thing. It’s a tune that gives out sweat, just like “Comatose” does, a very fast song mixed with a touch of insanity and recklessness that has already characterized some of Pearl Jam’s compositions at the beginning of their career. The solos and the way Eddie tears apart his voice will leave you astonished.
The other two compositions could compare more closely with their latter works, especially “Unemployable,” more calm with respect to rhythm, with Eddie playing around with background vocals and double voices. “Parachutes” reminds melodically to the Beatles, accompanying the guitars with acoustics and a very marked bass line.
In any case, we don’t know if they have leaked these six songs to us in a premeditated way, but, if it has been casual, this new Pearl Jam album could bring us back the fresh Pearl Jam that we all enjoyed in the nineties. So be it.
ha sta kazete na ovaj novi clanak koji se pojavio:
Exclusive listening
This morning in the offices of Sony/BMG in Spain we've had exclusive access, as the only accredited media, to the hearing of six songs already mastered from what will be Pearl Jam's next album.
The album, of which the title is still unknown, will be in stores beginning May 2nd and is one of the more awaited releases for this year from the multinational, along with AC/DC, of which they don't have information yet, and Tool, which will be available the same May 2nd.
Of the songs we've heard is where we get the idea that Pearl Jam goes back to being that powerful band that bewitched in the 90's. It seems like it will be an LP that retroacts itself to the sound of their first works. The production of the guitar and drums goes back to being very raw, the songs very rocking, with a lot of guitar riffs and solos, and Eddie Vedder recovers his agressive tone. Thus, "Severed Hand," the first song that we were able to listen to, fulfills all these requisites. It's a tune with a lot of groove, with that feeling given out by songs like "Alive." It's a constant guitar flow mixed with a great chorus where Vedder goes back to shining like the old days. From the ones we've heard, there's a lot more songs along those lines. For example, without going any further, the selection of the single is surprising for not being a usable single at all. It's called "World Wide Suicide" and, although still it is not completely confirmed, it could indeed be the definite single. In this tune Vedder goes out singing with all his strength, and with a lot of guts that “World Wide Suicide” thing. It’s a tune that gives out sweat, just like “Comatose” does, a very fast song mixed with a touch of insanity and recklessness that has already characterized some of Pearl Jam’s compositions at the beginning of their career. The solos and the way Eddie tears apart his voice will leave you astonished.
The other two compositions could compare more closely with their latter works, especially “Unemployable,” more calm with respect to rhythm, with Eddie playing around with background vocals and double voices. “Parachutes” reminds melodically to the Beatles, accompanying the guitars with acoustics and a very marked bass line.
In any case, we don’t know if they have leaked these six songs to us in a premeditated way, but, if it has been casual, this new Pearl Jam album could bring us back the fresh Pearl Jam that we all enjoyed in the nineties. So be it.
meni deluje jako zanimljivo...sada tek ne mogu da docekam novi album..mogu da zamislim kakve je energija na njemu..
OH MY GOD, it sounds awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cannot look forward to their new effort!!!!
Budapest.Budapest.Arnhem.Antwerpen.Vienna.Madrid.Katowice.Nova_rock.Nijmegen.Rotterdam.Berlin.Dublin.Belfast.London.Venice.Prague.Stockholm.Copenhagen.Vienna.Leeds.Milton_keynes.Padova.Prague.Seattle1.Seattle2.Chicago1.Budapest.Cracow.Vienna..>>>LONDON.BERLIN1.BERLIN2 Eddie: Dublin & London
Ljudi evo mene!postala sam redovnija-hehe jedan bambi za mene!
ja sada slusam Temple Of The Dog,konkretnije Hunger Strike
jel je to jedina pesma koju peva i edi zajedno sa krisom?
ladno nisam provalila da imam i taj spot...
to je jedna tema za razgovor...
druga je-Ljudi ja mrzim creed,dobro ne mrzim ali me nerviraju..deluju mi kao bleda kopija PJ-a..mada sam cula njihovu higher koju peva i edi sa njima...ali opet...
treca je-pa,kako ste ljudi,sta ima kod vas?kako zivite?zena,deca dobro?
ajd pa tako (sto bi rekli ovde zupljani) :):):)
hey tinna... kako je...?
nisi valjda stvarno poverovala da Eddie stvarno pjeva sa Creed pesnu "Higher"... )))
pa ljudi, mislim na svima, nemojte verovati na sve te raznorazne lazne verzije koje se mog spustiti(downloadirati) sa neta preko Kazaa i slicno.
pa to su samo neki klinci koji smatraju da zvuce slicno kao na primer Eddie, snimili bi se na amaterskom mikrofonu i to bi procurilo na Kazaa i doslo bi do mnogo ljudi ali to je samo stvar za zabavu a ne za poverovati ...
imao sam pesmu kako Metalika("Metalika") pjevaju Jeremy hehe...
inace ne nerviraju me Creed uopste... ali nisu bend koji bi mi bio najdrazi ili omiljeni bend... oni ne poznaju rec evolucija, povtoruju se , kopiraju od svg zvuka sto postaje dosadno i banalno, tacnije to je recept za komercijanost...nadam se da znate da oni vise ne postoje, vec sada S.Stapp(pevac) ima solo album a ostali clanovi imaju nov bend sa pevacem Myles Kennedy, zovu se Alter Bridge... i Pearl Jam su mogli da produzu da stvaraju albume kao Ten i Vs. ali oni su odabrali pravi put, put evolucije, onaj prirodni put koji svi mi znamo da cenimo...
pozdrav svima...
stvarno je tesko izdrziti sve ove traceve oko novog albuma... nadajmo se da ce biti sto ranije u prodaonici...
jao, a mene sto nervira creed!!!! i bush me nervira!
znaci zivi ste!!!
jao super da jos nekog nervira...
bas su nam iskopirali momke,ali nisu uspeli do kraja..
jel si cula pesmu ,,higher,, na kojoj gostuje i eddie?
And sometimes is seen a strange spot in the sky
A human being that was given to fly...
ha sta kazete na ovaj novi clanak koji se pojavio:
Exclusive listening
This morning in the offices of Sony/BMG in Spain we've had exclusive access, as the only accredited media, to the hearing of six songs already mastered from what will be Pearl Jam's next album.
The album, of which the title is still unknown, will be in stores beginning May 2nd and is one of the more awaited releases for this year from the multinational, along with AC/DC, of which they don't have information yet, and Tool, which will be available the same May 2nd.
Of the songs we've heard is where we get the idea that Pearl Jam goes back to being that powerful band that bewitched in the 90's. It seems like it will be an LP that retroacts itself to the sound of their first works. The production of the guitar and drums goes back to being very raw, the songs very rocking, with a lot of guitar riffs and solos, and Eddie Vedder recovers his agressive tone. Thus, "Severed Hand," the first song that we were able to listen to, fulfills all these requisites. It's a tune with a lot of groove, with that feeling given out by songs like "Alive." It's a constant guitar flow mixed with a great chorus where Vedder goes back to shining like the old days. From the ones we've heard, there's a lot more songs along those lines. For example, without going any further, the selection of the single is surprising for not being a usable single at all. It's called "World Wide Suicide" and, although still it is not completely confirmed, it could indeed be the definite single. In this tune Vedder goes out singing with all his strength, and with a lot of guts that “World Wide Suicide” thing. It’s a tune that gives out sweat, just like “Comatose” does, a very fast song mixed with a touch of insanity and recklessness that has already characterized some of Pearl Jam’s compositions at the beginning of their career. The solos and the way Eddie tears apart his voice will leave you astonished.
The other two compositions could compare more closely with their latter works, especially “Unemployable,” more calm with respect to rhythm, with Eddie playing around with background vocals and double voices. “Parachutes” reminds melodically to the Beatles, accompanying the guitars with acoustics and a very marked bass line.
In any case, we don’t know if they have leaked these six songs to us in a premeditated way, but, if it has been casual, this new Pearl Jam album could bring us back the fresh Pearl Jam that we all enjoyed in the nineties. So be it.
meni deluje jako zanimljivo...sada tek ne mogu da docekam novi album..mogu da zamislim kakve je energija na njemu..
Awesome!!!I`m looking forward to it!!!
jao jedva cekam da izadje,odnosno da stigne kod nas,kako je divno sto su dodali i onu staru energiju koju su posedovali pri izvodjenju alive,porch ...
uh,..bas super vest.ionako sam bila nesto ubedacena,a sada sam mnogo doooobrog raspolozenja...
And sometimes is seen a strange spot in the sky
A human being that was given to fly...
ha sta kazete na ovaj novi clanak koji se pojavio:
Exclusive listening
This morning in the offices of Sony/BMG in Spain we've had exclusive access, as the only accredited media, to the hearing of six songs already mastered from what will be Pearl Jam's next album.......
ma bice sigurno najbolji album ikada!!! i can feel it!
Trying to shake the cancer off. Stupid human beings.
Once you hold the hand of love it's all surmountable.
i Pearl Jam su mogli da produzu da stvaraju albume kao Ten i Vs. ali oni su odabrali pravi put, put evolucije, onaj prirodni put koji svi mi znamo da cenimo...
Well said!:)
kako si ovo lepo rekao.citiracu te nekim mojim kretenima ovde koji su izdajnicki batalili PJ bas zbog toga...:)
pa..ja imam jednu verziju higher i mislim ,mozda gresim,ali cini mi se da cujem eddov glas...
ma,vazno je da su meni oni zivi i zdravi i da rade na novom albumu!:)
And sometimes is seen a strange spot in the sky
A human being that was given to fly...
Ljudi evo samo da vas pozdravim..
Ovih dana se malo bavim fakultetom ali me to nikako ne ometa u slusanju pearl jama.. Također sam jako uzbuđen zbog novog albuma od kojeg ocekujem puno (bar po najavama), ali moram vam priznati da sam jos uzbuđeniji zbog toga sto bi ih uskoro mogao vidjeti uzivo!
Cuvajte se moji (jedini) PJ prijatelji.
26.09.2006 Zagreb, Croatia
12.06.2007 Munich, Germany
Ljudi evo samo da vas pozdravim..
Ovih dana se malo bavim fakultetom ali me to nikako ne ometa u slusanju pearl jama.. Također sam jako uzbuđen zbog novog albuma od kojeg ocekujem puno (bar po najavama), ali moram vam priznati da sam jos uzbuđeniji zbog toga sto bi ih uskoro mogao vidjeti uzivo!
Cuvajte se moji (jedini) PJ prijatelji.
ako,ako samo napred u nove pobede!uci tako i treba!:)
i slusaj PJ naravno...
vazno je ljudi samo da ne zaboravite na nas ostale i na forum,a kad stignete stignete... :)
And sometimes is seen a strange spot in the sky
A human being that was given to fly...
MOLIM??? :eek: Ti si se jako prevarila.
Ono sigurno nije Eddie. To Stapp pokusava zvucati kao on... :rolleyes:
polako ljudi,nemojte da me bijete!nisam nista tvrdila...
mozda nemamo istu verziju,ali ok ako vi kazete da nije bilo neke takve saradnje...
ali svejedno me creed nerviraaaaajuuuuu...
And sometimes is seen a strange spot in the sky
A human being that was given to fly...
Eto mene malo da svratim. Gledam DVD-e nekih starih koncerata,
kako je to dobro Zbilja su bili ludi tada, ali isto dobri...
Ludim to pomalo, jedva cekam da nesto objave, da bude novosti,
a uskoro, sljedeci tjedan, nadam se... trebalo bi kako je pocelo
i kako se prica na boardu.
Moram priznat da su ljudi stvarno poludili na boardu. Objektivno, stvarno ne mogu ocijeniti jel dobro. Totalno podsjeca na mix Satan's Bed i Spin The Black Circle.
Subjektivno, NARAVNO da je zakon!!!!
Al mislim da ima tu i nesto vise nego samo Vitalogy groove!
Moram priznat da su ljudi stvarno poludili na boardu. Objektivno, stvarno ne mogu ocijeniti jel dobro. Totalno podsjeca na mix Satan's Bed i Spin The Black Circle.
Subjektivno, NARAVNO da je zakon!!!!
Al mislim da ima tu i nesto vise nego samo Vitalogy groove!
Meni zvuci super. Slusala sam WMMR kad su ga pustili i vec sam DLala...:D
Jedva cekam single, a nakon toga i novi album i turneju Woohoo!
ha ovih 15 sekundi su super meni zvuci kao mix do the evolution/satans' bed ima tu neku zaraznu notu tj. refren...pretpostavljam da je ovo sto se pojavilo deo refrena pesme...dosta dobro producirano i sto bi se reklo groovy!
jedva cekam album! uhh
ha ovih 15 sekundi su super meni zvuci kao mix do the evolution/satans' bed ima tu neku zaraznu notu tj. refren...pretpostavljam da je ovo sto se pojavilo deo refrena pesme...dosta dobro producirano i sto bi se reklo groovy!
jedva cekam album! uhh
Zdravo tzumi...
takogje, i mene na Do The Evolution, ali zvuci mi mozda bolje sa ovih pop-punk rifova u stilu Ramones...
doista zarazni 15 sekundi... ne mogu ih izvaditi iz pamet... a i cover art za single je valjda ta slicica koja je stvarno,mislim STVARNO, dobra...
ovih 15 sec zvuci odlicno, mogli su da okace celu pesmu pa da jos vise uzivamo . A sto se tice ove rasprave Creed vs. Pearl Jam jeste li gledali Celebrity Deathmatch, bas je zanimljivo pogadjajte ko je pobedio na kraju
Why are you hitting yourself? C'mon hit me instead.
Ljudi aj ako izadje cela pesama da se skine ostavite link pliz, posto trenutno nemam vremena pa da ne buljam po tremu .
P.S. Gde ste svi nestali, isla sam na serach da bih nasla topic?!
Why are you hitting yourself? C'mon hit me instead.
nego ok,sama cu sebi da odgovorim:
draga tina,jeste to je jedina pesma temple of the dog na kojoj peva edd...
draga tina,i mene nerviraju creed isto koliko i tebe...
uh...kazu blago onom ko rano poludi pa mu zivot prodje u veselju...
pa gde ste svi vi?
hajde ljudi nesto smo redji ove nedelje...
ja vas sve pozdravljam,moram da zurim zovu me edd and co.
poz !!!!!!:):):):):):):)
A human being that was given to fly...
Exclusive listening
This morning in the offices of Sony/BMG in Spain we've had exclusive access, as the only accredited media, to the hearing of six songs already mastered from what will be Pearl Jam's next album.
The album, of which the title is still unknown, will be in stores beginning May 2nd and is one of the more awaited releases for this year from the multinational, along with AC/DC, of which they don't have information yet, and Tool, which will be available the same May 2nd.
Of the songs we've heard is where we get the idea that Pearl Jam goes back to being that powerful band that bewitched in the 90's. It seems like it will be an LP that retroacts itself to the sound of their first works. The production of the guitar and drums goes back to being very raw, the songs very rocking, with a lot of guitar riffs and solos, and Eddie Vedder recovers his agressive tone. Thus, "Severed Hand," the first song that we were able to listen to, fulfills all these requisites. It's a tune with a lot of groove, with that feeling given out by songs like "Alive." It's a constant guitar flow mixed with a great chorus where Vedder goes back to shining like the old days. From the ones we've heard, there's a lot more songs along those lines. For example, without going any further, the selection of the single is surprising for not being a usable single at all. It's called "World Wide Suicide" and, although still it is not completely confirmed, it could indeed be the definite single. In this tune Vedder goes out singing with all his strength, and with a lot of guts that “World Wide Suicide” thing. It’s a tune that gives out sweat, just like “Comatose” does, a very fast song mixed with a touch of insanity and recklessness that has already characterized some of Pearl Jam’s compositions at the beginning of their career. The solos and the way Eddie tears apart his voice will leave you astonished.
The other two compositions could compare more closely with their latter works, especially “Unemployable,” more calm with respect to rhythm, with Eddie playing around with background vocals and double voices. “Parachutes” reminds melodically to the Beatles, accompanying the guitars with acoustics and a very marked bass line.
In any case, we don’t know if they have leaked these six songs to us in a premeditated way, but, if it has been casual, this new Pearl Jam album could bring us back the fresh Pearl Jam that we all enjoyed in the nineties. So be it.
“Severed Hand”
“World Wide Suicide”
“Life Wasted”
meni deluje jako zanimljivo...sada tek ne mogu da docekam novi album..mogu da zamislim kakve je energija na njemu..
OH MY GOD, it sounds awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cannot look forward to their new effort!!!!
Eddie: Dublin & London
hey tinna... kako je...?
nisi valjda stvarno poverovala da Eddie stvarno pjeva sa Creed pesnu "Higher"... )))
pa ljudi, mislim na svima, nemojte verovati na sve te raznorazne lazne verzije koje se mog spustiti(downloadirati) sa neta preko Kazaa i slicno.
pa to su samo neki klinci koji smatraju da zvuce slicno kao na primer Eddie, snimili bi se na amaterskom mikrofonu i to bi procurilo na Kazaa i doslo bi do mnogo ljudi ali to je samo stvar za zabavu a ne za poverovati ...
imao sam pesmu kako Metalika("Metalika") pjevaju Jeremy hehe...
inace ne nerviraju me Creed uopste... ali nisu bend koji bi mi bio najdrazi ili omiljeni bend... oni ne poznaju rec evolucija, povtoruju se , kopiraju od svg zvuka sto postaje dosadno i banalno, tacnije to je recept za komercijanost...nadam se da znate da oni vise ne postoje, vec sada S.Stapp(pevac) ima solo album a ostali clanovi imaju nov bend sa pevacem Myles Kennedy, zovu se Alter Bridge... i Pearl Jam su mogli da produzu da stvaraju albume kao Ten i Vs. ali oni su odabrali pravi put, put evolucije, onaj prirodni put koji svi mi znamo da cenimo...
pozdrav svima...
stvarno je tesko izdrziti sve ove traceve oko novog albuma... nadajmo se da ce biti sto ranije u prodaonici...
jao super da jos nekog nervira...
bas su nam iskopirali momke,ali nisu uspeli do kraja..
jel si cula pesmu ,,higher,, na kojoj gostuje i eddie?
A human being that was given to fly...
jao jedva cekam da izadje,odnosno da stigne kod nas,kako je divno sto su dodali i onu staru energiju koju su posedovali pri izvodjenju alive,porch ...
uh,..bas super vest.ionako sam bila nesto ubedacena,a sada sam mnogo doooobrog raspolozenja...
A human being that was given to fly...
Once you hold the hand of love it's all surmountable.
kako si ovo lepo rekao.citiracu te nekim mojim kretenima ovde koji su izdajnicki batalili PJ bas zbog toga...:)
pa..ja imam jednu verziju higher i mislim ,mozda gresim,ali cini mi se da cujem eddov glas...
ma,vazno je da su meni oni zivi i zdravi i da rade na novom albumu!:)
A human being that was given to fly...
Ovih dana se malo bavim fakultetom ali me to nikako ne ometa u slusanju pearl jama.. Također sam jako uzbuđen zbog novog albuma od kojeg ocekujem puno (bar po najavama), ali moram vam priznati da sam jos uzbuđeniji zbog toga sto bi ih uskoro mogao vidjeti uzivo!
Cuvajte se moji (jedini) PJ prijatelji.
12.06.2007 Munich, Germany
MOLIM??? :eek: Ti si se jako prevarila.
Ono sigurno nije Eddie. To Stapp pokusava zvucati kao on... :rolleyes:
Kako sam vec rekla, NE, to nije Eddie.
Cula sam da Creed vise nisu zajedno... LOL
I don-t care for Creed, I only care for PEARL JAM!!!!!
Tako je reci im....uhh.....:)
i slusaj PJ naravno...
vazno je ljudi samo da ne zaboravite na nas ostale i na forum,a kad stignete stignete...
A human being that was given to fly...
mozda nemamo istu verziju,ali ok ako vi kazete da nije bilo neke takve saradnje...
ali svejedno me creed nerviraaaaajuuuuu...
A human being that was given to fly...
Eto mene malo da svratim. Gledam DVD-e nekih starih koncerata,
kako je to dobro Zbilja su bili ludi tada, ali isto dobri...
Ludim to pomalo, jedva cekam da nesto objave, da bude novosti,
a uskoro, sljedeci tjedan, nadam se... trebalo bi kako je pocelo
i kako se prica na boardu.
Cujemo se ljudi, idem surfat dalje...:D
a ne na creed(btw znam da nisu vise zajedno)
A human being that was given to fly...
Znam , znam, haha, pa zato i ovaj smajlic
hehe, ma Creed je fuj. Veliki FUJ!
Necu ih ni spominjat vise u ovom threadu :rolleyes:
Pearl Jam rocks!
A human being that was given to fly...
nisam stigla ceo da procitam...
A human being that was given to fly...
meni zvuci genijalno...
a ovo bi mogao biti cover za WWS single:
laku noc :-)
Moram priznat da su ljudi stvarno poludili na boardu. Objektivno, stvarno ne mogu ocijeniti jel dobro. Totalno podsjeca na mix Satan's Bed i Spin The Black Circle.
Subjektivno, NARAVNO da je zakon!!!!
Al mislim da ima tu i nesto vise nego samo Vitalogy groove!
Meni zvuci super. Slusala sam WMMR kad su ga pustili i vec sam DLala...:D
Jedva cekam single, a nakon toga i novi album i turneju Woohoo!
Once you hold the hand of love it's all surmountable.
jedva cekam album! uhh
Zdravo tzumi...
takogje, i mene na Do The Evolution, ali zvuci mi mozda bolje sa ovih pop-punk rifova u stilu Ramones...
doista zarazni 15 sekundi... ne mogu ih izvaditi iz pamet... a i cover art za single je valjda ta slicica koja je stvarno,mislim STVARNO, dobra...
pozdrav svima...
vrhunski fatality od strane pogadjajte koga
P.S. Gde ste svi nestali, isla sam na serach da bih nasla topic?!