Obamacare sucks



  • The FixerThe Fixer Posts: 12,837
    Cosmo wrote:
    Regarding this... "All I know is that their cost of doing business domestically has substantially increased due to govt policy"... in the form of a 2.3% tax hike on their profits.
    Got it. That 2.3% hit holds a greater value than the employees that will be reduced in order to preserve that 2.3% from their earnings.
    Again, what does that tell you about the company?

    the tax hike is incurred on revenues, not profits. ie, gross income vs net income.

    this shit just isn't right. but hey, let's give everyone 'free' healthcare

    The $20B tax was included in the Affordable Care Act that was signed into law in 2010. The amount is based on a 2.3% excise tax that will be levied on the total revenues of a company, regardless of whether a company generates a profit, starting in 2013. Many companies will owe more in taxes than they generate from their operations.
  • Cliffy6745Cliffy6745 Posts: 33,954
    Your Solution to America?

    Let's not keep our citizens healthy, let's not provide any support system for the poor, let's not educate our poor, fuck 'em.

    How do you expect anything to get better in this country? Or do we just have part of the country live well and the other half live like a 3rd world country?

    Newsflash, the more poor there are, the higher taxes are likely to be. How about trying to change the cycle of poverty? Not by giving them everything but by giving them the resources to earn for themselves.
  • The Fixer wrote:
    'free' healthcare can be given away to those who can't support themselves is flat out wrong.

    Yes. It is. That statement is wrong.

    Because you see... right now, if someone has no health insurance and goes to an emergency room and pretends to fall down and convulse... they must be given medical attention but you and me pay for it. This is a common tacitc used by people who refuse to get health insurance and it drives up costs and slows down care for those of us who actually paid for it.

    Obamacare means that those people must pay for their own care and those who can't... well we're paying for them now anyway.
  • __ Posts: 6,651
    Cliffy6745 wrote:
    The Fixer wrote:
    Reading this article and firsthand seeing good people that I work with being let go so that 'free' healthcare can be given away to those who can't support themselves is flat out wrong.

    I'll give an example of someone who "can't support themselves" who is going to be greatly helped out by this bill; my fiances mom. I never want to get personal on here but her husband died when she had 3 kids from ages 9-14. She was left to raise them on a city job, which left very little room for savings. She needed spinal surgery a little under 10 years ago and unfortunately, that surgery did not go well. She has had about 4 follow up surgeries, has very limited use of her hands due to nerve damage and is in constant pain, pain I could never imagine. She now needs open heart surgery, ironically enough, on election day.

    Within the past year, she as cut off from her insurance because she hit her lifetime cap, which basically made it so she lost healthcare and prescriptions that allowed her to live a normal life. She is constantly in pain and it takes her hours to just get out of the house.

    Now this woman is not some 17 year old with 4 kids getting free healthcare and welfare. She had done nothing but work her ass of to do the best to raise 3 kids on a very limited budget, and she did a damn good job, if I say so myself. She has been through more shit than anyone I know and didn't ask for any of it. How can a country that claims to care about their people so much do nothing to help this person? What happens if something like this happens to you, your mom, your wife or your kid? You want to talk about good people? Why is this good womans life ruined because we are one of the only civilized nations in the world to not take care of their people?

    I completely understand where you are coming from and why you think the way you do. But I also think you have an incredibly simplistic and somewhat ignorant view on how the real world works.

  • __ Posts: 6,651

    1. Will you please post the primary source for your assertion that the ACA provides coverage for undocumented immigrants? (I assume you're referring to a provision specific to this law.)

    2. It's not my experience that bellosjam's support of the ACA puts him/her in the minority among physicians. I know a shit-ton of physicians & every single one of them prefers Obamacare to the previous status quo. The only complaint I've heard about it is that it's not a big enough change.

    3. I disagree that there is no right or wrong when discussing politics. Of course there is room for opinion, but many things are a matter of fact.
  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    g under p wrote:
    Godfather. wrote:
    your post just made hate obama....I thought he was a usless piece of shit.


    Godfather. wrote:
    polaris_x wrote:

    why do you folks continue to show your lack of independent thought? ... seriously, aren't you embarrassed every time you fall for one of these things?? ... you would think after the first dozen or so - you would take a step back and say - this sounds too absurd even tho I don't like Obama and check it ...

    http://urbanlegends.about.com/od/govern ... andate.htm

    I checked it already but thanks for the link :D and several links infact.
    embarrassed ? no way :mrgreen: most of the good folks on here fall for or believe some kind of bullshit for days on end..this is the Train and it's all good.


    I think Godfather enjoyed the opportunity to call the President what he did more so than to give a quick check as if it was going to go unnoticed here on AMT. What do I know you probably call him a UPOS everyday anyway.


    actuall ..no I don't believe he is really a UPOS, the guy can't be as stupid as I would like to believe,four years ago he ran a great race(and doing well now) and won and I don't know what his intentions are as president but he is the president and not joe the plunber, I'm not happy with the condition of our country's economy and the promise he made to make thing better...honestly I just believe he is not the person for the job and I'm not even sure Romny is either but he is our only shot at changing thing's right now...in four more years well see who else steps up to the plate and go from there, my comment was just a tit for tat for the anti Bush and Romney folks that have no problem doing the same thing ...yea I know that was baaad but this is the AMT and there seems to be a no holds bar'd attitud when it comes to thing's like politics and social issues(we have a few know it all's on here)...and a few that actually do and make their point in a respectable mannor and without naming names my hat is off to them(and you as well).

  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    the reality is that the US spends the most money on health care per capita in the world ... how is it that so many other countries can provide better universal health care at lower costs!? ... the crux of the health care debate is the same as many other issues in that ultimately in the US - systems are designed for profiteering ... it means that the single most important goal for every entity is profits ... it's not employing americans, it's not giving americans a fair living wage, it's not supporting the local economy, it's not engaging in a sustainable model ... it's strictly about profits and corporations and companies are not required to be held accountable when they choose profits above everything else ... manufacturing has all but disappeared because of this and free trade agreements ... funny enough, it might come back as all these other countries workers start to demand fairer wages ... but i digress ... as it pertains to health care - there are too many players and each one of them seeks only to maximize profits ... that is why the US spends so much on health care ... and so, if that gravy train is coming to an end - so be it ... you can't continue to go down this path where 60% of US bankruptcies are due to medical bills ...
  • BinFrogBinFrog MA Posts: 7,309
    polaris_x wrote:
    you can't continue to go down this path where 60% of US bankruptcies are due to medical bills ...

    While I agree the whole healthcare system needs an overhaul and is not sustainable (which is why I support Obamacare), this statistic is very misleading. The oft quoted "60%" includes those who lost their job/income due to an illness. It does not mean they explicitly were affected by mounting medical bills. it also does not address those who would have found themselves bankrupt regardless of medical bills.
    Bright eyed kid: "Wow Typo Man, you're the best!"
    Typo Man: "Thanks kidz, but remembir, stay in skool!"
  • know1know1 Posts: 6,794
    That's what people don't get. The OVERALL cost of health care and health insurance is not going to go down with a further reliance on mandated health insurance. It's going to go up when you look at the big picture.
    The only people we should try to get even with...
    ...are those who've helped us.

    Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
  • know1know1 Posts: 6,794
    polaris_x wrote:
    the reality is that the US spends the most money on health care per capita in the world ... how is it that so many other countries can provide better universal health care at lower costs!? ... the crux of the health care debate is the same as many other issues in that ultimately in the US - systems are designed for profiteering ... it means that the single most important goal for every entity is profits ... it's not employing americans, it's not giving americans a fair living wage, it's not supporting the local economy, it's not engaging in a sustainable model ... it's strictly about profits and corporations and companies are not required to be held accountable when they choose profits above everything else ... manufacturing has all but disappeared because of this and free trade agreements ... funny enough, it might come back as all these other countries workers start to demand fairer wages ... but i digress ... as it pertains to health care - there are too many players and each one of them seeks only to maximize profits ... that is why the US spends so much on health care ... and so, if that gravy train is coming to an end - so be it ... you can't continue to go down this path where 60% of US bankruptcies are due to medical bills ...

    I'll agree with much of this with the amendment that, while the system is designed for profit, we've introduced insurance which takes the competition out of the profit system. Therefore, you have skyrocketing costs. If you have a for-profit system and remove competition, then you get what we have now. We need a wholesale shift to people paying for the day-to-day medical care out of pocket and by shopping to get the best buy. That's how you drive the costs down.
    The only people we should try to get even with...
    ...are those who've helped us.

    Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
  • BinFrogBinFrog MA Posts: 7,309
    know1 wrote:
    That's what people don't get. The OVERALL cost of health care and health insurance is not going to go down with a further reliance on mandated health insurance. It's going to go up when you look at the big picture.

    In the long run, that is incorrect.
    Bright eyed kid: "Wow Typo Man, you're the best!"
    Typo Man: "Thanks kidz, but remembir, stay in skool!"
  • pandorapandora Posts: 21,855
    This is an editorial but speaks of an illegal immigrant who received free healthcare
    in the millions...

    http://news.investors.com/ibd-editorial ... system.htm

    I suppose this happens a whole lot and that Obamacare will not stop it from happening.

    I'm paying for insurance now, I don't think it is fair to pay for illegal people's bills
    and be taxed to pay for those who can not afford healthcare. If I choose not to
    carry insurance because money is too tight, no one pays for my bills and I get
    an additional tax penalty levied because I did not carry insurance.
    Where is the justice in this?
  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    know1 wrote:
    I'll agree with much of this with the amendment that, while the system is designed for profit, we've introduced insurance which takes the competition out of the profit system. Therefore, you have skyrocketing costs. If you have a for-profit system and remove competition, then you get what we have now. We need a wholesale shift to people paying for the day-to-day medical care out of pocket and by shopping to get the best buy. That's how you drive the costs down.

    i don't believe that competition is the equalizing factor in this ... not without significant regulation (which many are against) ... what you will ultimately have is a consolidation of medical options where maybe at the beginning - there was choice and affordability but by the end that won't be the case ...

    the thing is - americans need to decide whether health care is something that is fundamental in social services such as roads and police and army ... if that is the case - the ONLY way to drive down health care costs is to nationalize the system ... now, before everyone gets up in arms - i understand that the gov't is not very good at administering social services ... but i believe part of that is related to my previous post about the need to profit ...

    and binfrog - yes ... i just googled what percentage of bankruptcies in the US were due to medical reasons and that was the number that came up ... thanks for the clarification ...
  • whygohomewhygohome Posts: 2,305
    http://abcnews.go.com/Health/medical-or ... IAnmG_A-So

    "Most major national medical organizations -- including the American Medical Association, the National Physicians Alliance, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the Association of American Medical Colleges -- hail the ruling as a victory. Many of these organizations have been strong supporters of the ACA since Congress passed it in 2010."

    "The law also has support from a wide range of patient advocacy groups, including the American Cancer Society, the National Organization for Rare Diseases, the American Heart Association, Consumer Reports, and the March of Dimes.

    "The ruling is a victory for people with cancer and their families nationwide," said Dr. John Seffrin, CEO of the American Cancer Society.

    "[This is] very important to rare disease patients," said Mary Dinkle of the National Organization for Rare Diseases."
  • whygohomewhygohome Posts: 2,305
    More Myths of Obamacare

    http://keller.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/07 ... obamacare/

    Busted! Health Insurers Secretly Spent Huge To Defeat Health Care Reform While Pretending To Support Obamacare

    http://www.forbes.com/sites/rickungar/2 ... obamacare/
  • BinFrogBinFrog MA Posts: 7,309
    whygohome wrote:
    More Myths of Obamacare

    http://keller.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/07 ... obamacare/

    Busted! Health Insurers Secretly Spent Huge To Defeat Health Care Reform While Pretending To Support Obamacare

    http://www.forbes.com/sites/rickungar/2 ... obamacare/


    I love when those pesky little facts destroy an entire side's argument. The amount of myths, lies, and misleading stats out there about Obamacare are perhaps the worst I have ever seen for any issue. it is exclusively for political purposes (boo hoo, our boy didn't win the white house), and the sheer volumes of people swallowing them without question is astounding to me. Do your own research. It's amazing how the actual facts differ from what Fox News is spewing and the Republican/Teabaggers outright lies and manipulations of the truth.

    Whenever I hear someone say "open up your eyes" about Obamacare, from the other side, it just makes me laugh. "Your" party is flat out lying to you so you will vote for their candidates in November, and it's worse than I have ever seen in my lifetime.
    Bright eyed kid: "Wow Typo Man, you're the best!"
    Typo Man: "Thanks kidz, but remembir, stay in skool!"
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    edited October 2012
    pandora wrote:
    This is an editorial but speaks of an illegal immigrant who received free healthcare
    in the millions...

    http://news.investors.com/ibd-editorial ... system.htm

    I suppose this happens a whole lot and that Obamacare will not stop it from happening.

    I'm paying for insurance now, I don't think it is fair to pay for illegal people's bills
    and be taxed to pay for those who can not afford healthcare. If I choose not to
    carry insurance because money is too tight, no one pays for my bills and I get
    an additional tax penalty levied because I did not carry insurance.
    Where is the justice in this?
    So... you would have been happier if the hospital just let him die? Is it because he is not an American... therefore, the value of his life is worth less than an American's life? What about the Americans who don't have insurance and are getting health care services... should they be left to die? Why, is it because money is worth more than people?
    Would that be fair to you? Is that your justice?
    I'm asking because I would like to know what your solution is.
    Post edited by Cosmo on
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • keeponrockinkeeponrockin Posts: 7,446
    It blows my mind that in the United States of America, the 'greatest country in the world', people are okay with others just dieing because they don't have insurance.

    Furthermore, if you're a doctor, and you don't treat a guy in an emergency becaue he is illegal, you're a doctor for the wrong reasons.
    Believe me, when I was growin up, I thought the worst thing you could turn out to be was normal, So I say freaks in the most complementary way. Here's a song by a fellow freak - E.V
  • pandorapandora Posts: 21,855
    Cosmo wrote:
    pandora wrote:
    This is an editorial but speaks of an illegal immigrant who received free healthcare
    in the millions...

    http://news.investors.com/ibd-editorial ... system.htm

    I suppose this happens a whole lot and that Obamacare will not stop it from happening.

    I'm paying for insurance now, I don't think it is fair to pay for illegal people's bills
    and be taxed to pay for those who can not afford healthcare. If I choose not to
    carry insurance because money is too tight, no one pays for my bills and I get
    an additional tax penalty levied because I did not carry insurance.
    Where is the justice in this?
    So... you would have been happier if the hospital just let him die? Is it because he is not an American... therefore, the value of his life is worth less than an American's life? What about the Americans who don't have insurance and are getting health care services... should they be left to die? Why, is it because money is worth more than people?
    Would that be fair to you? Is that your justice?
    I'm asking because I would like to know what your solution is.
    I ask you...
    Do you think it is justice, this situation I speak of? Why must it fall to me, if I can not afford
    insurance myself, that I also pay someone else's bills and a penalty tax to boot.
    It comes down to money because I can not afford it, just like the one's I am expected to cover.
  • keeponrockinkeeponrockin Posts: 7,446
    Do I think it's justice to provide everyone in the country health care?

    Unequivically yes. Every time. No exceptions.
    Believe me, when I was growin up, I thought the worst thing you could turn out to be was normal, So I say freaks in the most complementary way. Here's a song by a fellow freak - E.V
  • redrockredrock Posts: 18,341
    It blows my mind that in the United States of America, the 'greatest country in the world', people are okay with others just dieing because they don't have insurance.

    Furthermore, if you're a doctor, and you don't treat a guy in an emergency becaue he is illegal, you're a doctor for the wrong reasons.
  • keeponrockinkeeponrockin Posts: 7,446
    Maybe it's cause I'm from Canada...

    But here, if you get sick, you're treated. If you're here illegally, I'm sure it's sorted out later. Either way, I won't lose any sleep that my tax dollars went to treat someone who needed it, even though they didn't have the 'right' to it.
    Believe me, when I was growin up, I thought the worst thing you could turn out to be was normal, So I say freaks in the most complementary way. Here's a song by a fellow freak - E.V
  • comebackgirlcomebackgirl Posts: 9,885
    redrock wrote:
    It blows my mind that in the United States of America, the 'greatest country in the world', people are okay with others just dieing because they don't have insurance.

    Furthermore, if you're a doctor, and you don't treat a guy in an emergency becaue he is illegal, you're a doctor for the wrong reasons.

    I cant' understand how someone's right to a fat bank account outweighs someone's right to live. Actually I hope I never understand that. If that ever happens I'll know my life has been too easy and I need more to worry about.

    "I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
  • josevolutionjosevolution Posts: 30,555
    Maybe it's cause I'm from Canada...

    But here, if you get sick, you're treated. If you're here illegally, I'm sure it's sorted out later. Either way, I won't lose any sleep that my tax dollars went to treat someone who needed it, even though they didn't have the 'right' to it.

    Totally agree ..
    jesus greets me looks just like me ....
  • pandorapandora Posts: 21,855
    Do I think it's justice to provide everyone in the country health care?

    Unequivically yes. Every time. No exceptions.
    you mean socialized healthcare?
  • redrockredrock Posts: 18,341
    redrock wrote:
    It blows my mind that in the United States of America, the 'greatest country in the world', people are okay with others just dieing because they don't have insurance.

    Furthermore, if you're a doctor, and you don't treat a guy in an emergency becaue he is illegal, you're a doctor for the wrong reasons.

    I cant' understand how someone's right to a fat bank account outweighs someone's right to live. Actually I hope I never understand that. If that ever happens I'll know my life has been too easy and I need more to worry about.

    Even those with insurance, thinking they are OK find out they are not, find out they have some condition/need care that exceeds their 'allowance', etc. I see it with relatives. Husband working 2 jobs (and not 'menial' jobs - sort of well paid), wife not because of major health issues, insurance no longer pays, cannot afford meds/follow up/surgery that would give her a better quality of life (and longer life...). Home already remortgaged, no more savings.....

    Those basically saying 'to each their own - sort yourself out, I've done so and why should I pay for you' - well... I hope nothing drastic ever happens to them. Wonder what they would be thinking then?

    Live and let die...

    Obamacare is far from perfect, but it's better than what is in place.
  • comebackgirlcomebackgirl Posts: 9,885
    redrock wrote:
    redrock wrote:

    I cant' understand how someone's right to a fat bank account outweighs someone's right to live. Actually I hope I never understand that. If that ever happens I'll know my life has been too easy and I need more to worry about.

    Even those with insurance, thinking they are OK find out they are not, find out they have some condition/need care that exceeds their 'allowance', etc. I see it with relatives. Husband working 2 jobs (and not 'menial' jobs - sort of well paid), wife not because of major health issues, insurance no longer pays, cannot afford meds/follow up/surgery that would give her a better quality of life (and longer life...). Home already remortgaged, no more savings.....

    Those basically saying 'to each their own - sort yourself out, I've done so and why should I pay for you' - well... I hope nothing drastic ever happens to them. Wonder what they would be thinking then?

    Live and let die...

    Obamacare is far from perfect, but it's better than what is in place.
    That's just it...it's not that a lot of people aren't working or aren't trying or don't have coverage...it's that it just isn't enough...or for people who can't get coverage because of pre-existing conditions...I guess they're just out of luck.

    Some of the "haves" aren't willing to acknowledge that they "have" because they've been fortunate enough to have different supports, different access and fewer or different barriers. Those things don't make one person more worthy than another...they just make them more fortunate. People can't thrive if their basic human needs aren't met. It all goes back to the hierarchy of needs. Maslow knew what he was talking about.

    I agree it's not perfect, but we do have to start somewhere.

    "I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
  • whygohomewhygohome Posts: 2,305
    redrock wrote:
    It blows my mind that in the United States of America, the 'greatest country in the world', people are okay with others just dieing because they don't have insurance.

    Furthermore, if you're a doctor, and you don't treat a guy in an emergency becaue he is illegal, you're a doctor for the wrong reasons.

    I cant' understand how someone's right to a fat bank account outweighs someone's right to live. Actually I hope I never understand that. If that ever happens I'll know my life has been too easy and I need more to worry about.

    + 1,000,000

    Obviously there are some who think a hedge fund manager or Alex Rodriquez deserves better healthcare than us serfs.
  • pandorapandora Posts: 21,855
    I must have missed the folk who are ok with letting people die?
    Where are they?

    Again it comes down to money only because people can not afford the insurance plans,
    so they are given a penalty tax from the government and expected to pay for the hospital bills
    of illegal immigrants and others who can not pay their bills, this in the form of
    higher taxes, rising medical costs.

    It is a double injustice, no insurance and less money to pay for basic needs.
  • pandorapandora Posts: 21,855
    So some here feel the very rich should pay for the medical costs of others?
    They can afford it yes but would that be justice?

    And perhaps many already are with huge donations to hospitals and research.
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