And by "What are we doing here" what I really mean- WHY are we doing what we do here?
To learn, to let it out? And then some.
It's been a day - a humbling one in many aspects...almost too many aspects.
So yeah. This evening I turned to some of my favorite music - that which IS the common bond here (if nothing else )
And not just my favorite, but my quilt, so to speak - Sometimes, In Hiding, Present Tense, In My Tree.
Push Me Pull Me (which sorta fits here, now).
Right now is Milan, 2000.
12 years! Time flies, sometimes.
(opening band for the sun - I love you, your grace, and how you teach me)
Nicely said, Hedonist. Yes, when all else fails, there is the music. And yes, it has been a day. 9/11 always is a somber, introspective day for me. I just wish we could learn from it. Learn to make peace. Learn to get along. Enjoy together the goodness that is life.
Somehow, some ridiculously amazingly somehow somehow, I had never heard Televisions "Marquee Moon" until today. I guess it was just supposed to be. As I listened to the record I thought about all the lost lives. I thought about how very very lucky I was to be here today to hear this music. In the middle of the title track I broke down in tears.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
I think he's busy telling peacefrompaul to go to bed.
But, no, maybe my world play fell flat because the dictionary definition of threadbare is: "Becoming thin and tattered with age."
AMT does seem tattered, but not so thin.
And by "What are we doing here" what I really mean- WHY are we doing what we do here?
But since my post was so fraught with error maybe I don't know what I mean.
So I'm going to tell myself- GO TO BED!
It's been a day - a humbling one in many aspects...almost too many aspects.
So yeah. This evening I turned to some of my favorite music - that which IS the common bond here (if nothing else
And not just my favorite, but my quilt, so to speak - Sometimes, In Hiding, Present Tense, In My Tree.
Push Me Pull Me (which sorta fits here, now).
Right now is Milan, 2000.
12 years! Time flies, sometimes.
(opening band for the sun - I love you, your grace, and how you teach me)
Nicely said, Hedonist. Yes, when all else fails, there is the music. And yes, it has been a day. 9/11 always is a somber, introspective day for me. I just wish we could learn from it. Learn to make peace. Learn to get along. Enjoy together the goodness that is life.
Somehow, some ridiculously amazingly somehow somehow, I had never heard Televisions "Marquee Moon" until today. I guess it was just supposed to be. As I listened to the record I thought about all the lost lives. I thought about how very very lucky I was to be here today to hear this music. In the middle of the title track I broke down in tears.