Also, I would encourage all the individuals who know so much regarding autism and its genetic link, read the Harvard Autopsy report regarding the autistic brains they researched and what they found. You will not find this in main stream media.
I don't know how anyone would "know so much" about autism, given that its definition keeps changing. My child was given an Asperger Syndrome dx, along with the more obvious, profound, disorders that he has; per revised definitions, AS no longer is a "thing," yet those behaviors still exist independent of a diagnosis. Are they a sub-set of autism? Are they actually within the boundaries of neurotypical behavior? How will they be viewed in five years? Unlike diabetes or cancer, autism is not a clear-cut diagnosis obtained via bloodwork or biopsy.
My child does not have autism. He has multiple neurological disorders stemming from one condition which, yes, really is known to be genetic -- the symptoms of which can be traced back at least five generations on my side of the family (that's long before the advent of vaccines).
My husband has a PhD along with more than two decades of experience in the medical device field. He has done his research, in peer-reviewed journals, not in People magazine or USA Today, and not in "alternative" media sources. He has worked closely with federal agencies. He is a good man, in all ways, who has saved countless lives and improved millions more. When you suggest that there is some closely-held government-industrial conspiracy to poison our children, you are slandering people like him who work hard, every day, to be a force for good in the world. And, by association, you are insinuating that he (and I) would willingly poison our own children for the sake of the company's bottom line. This is offensive, to say the least.
You are entitled to your own opinions. You are not entitled to your own facts. The fact is, Wakefield is a fraud, and this has been proven. The fact is, measles killed people -- so did smallpox, so does the flu. These are facts. They are no more open to debate than the shape of the Earth or the lunar landings are.
If I give a a flu shot to an older or younger person who has a compromised immune system, how does that compromised immune system develop immunity if it is compromised? Some people die each year, but not the numbers you may believe or think. I have spent 25 plus years researching and nothing in my research convinces me that vaccines do what they say they do, are inherently good, and the claims behind them are absolute lies. As for funding, we only fund that which we want to validate, and the info that is found to contradict, we toss to the side and cherry pick our research. I have gathered it all, not just vaccines, but he ingredients in them researched. If I test one adjuvant and find it is toxic, I am not allowed to say this adjuvant is bad? But since in is in vaccine and given by pediatrician, all nasty effects are negated. Interesting? I have posted articles, not mine, not big pharma, but peer reviewed and most ignore. Okay. I see post for article that was shown to be invalid because they cherry picked the information. The gene theory of autism, please show conclusive research. Autism is a condition of encephalopathy (please dispute if not) and yet, we are led to believe we are genetically programmed to inflame our brain to dysfunction all on our own.. That in itself is a great survival trait. Glad my relatives only could run faster than the biggest predator or throw a spear with accuracy. The teacher laughed cuz it was not a big deal, she had mumps herself and lived to become a teacher. She and her family had a healthy immune system, they thrive now because it worked like it was programmed to do. If a vaccinated kid gets the mumps, their immune system is shit, crap, does not work as well as the fake immunity from the jab is a life saver.! If I am wearing a bullet proof vest that stops .38 bullets, and you fire one at me, at the vest I am wearing, and i get inured, is it the fault of the bullet or the vest? The vest said it would protect me, yet it didn't. This is why we see outbreaks of the measles all over the US, the virus is mutating and evolving faster than our own immune system. If that is the recipe for success, count me out. If it scares you so, then by all means jab your kids until they are "safe"!
First of all you NEVER give these shots to those with compromised immune systems. Believe me, like someone else here, I live with a person that's is permanently compromised due to a liver transplant ( my Dad). Everyone in the household receives the shots to prevent HIM from getting it, but they will NOT vaccinate him. As for your silly teacher laughing off such a possibility of a serious outbreak, still find that to be HIGHLY irresponsible of her. Yes, she had a heathy and functional immune system; good for her. But to act like it is no big deal only because SHE survived it, is stupid, cruel, insensitive and very VERY unprofessional on her part. Here's why: 1. Not all kids have such strong immune systems. 2. Some of these kids live in ridiculously guarded, slathered down in antibacterial, and 'germ' free homes( which is equally stupid, as in order for the immune system to function properly, it must be challenged to at least SOME degree). 3. And absolutely most importantly is those kids whose parents have chosen for whatever reason NOT to vaccinate them. That teacher was an ASS to just fritter that off when we know the history of this illness to wipe out massive groups of kids. As to your point of illnesses evolving.. ummmDuh. Everything evolves, regardless of vaccines. What you just cited was a reason NOT to vaccinate is the reason we began to vaccinate kids in the first place. As for your insisting that you know more about Autism than anyone here, cause you have hand picked your OWN research.. man, stuff it. You know no more than anyone here. It is a still decidedly unknown ill. So far as ANYONE knows it is a combo of genes not lining up correctly, ( which I personally believe comes from over breeding of humans.. you know breeding as a pleasure sense, versus for true purpose, though not always.. but it makes so much sense.. too many gene pools mixing..) and encephalitis tendencies. So... please, unless you are an Autism expert, for real, please quit acting like you are, here. You have every right to choose wether or not you vaccinate your kids. You do NOT have the right to try to scare everyone else into what you have decided. Period.
Why do I believe in vaccines? Because it is pretty much the only way to ensure mass health. What you are failing to realize, is that we were never designed to live in such highly populated groupings. We are one of the weakest species on the planet when it comes to executive health. We don't have coats of hair to keep parasites at bay, we have five major open recesses in our heads alone, that allow parasitic and germ ridden ills INTO our bodies. Our immune system is complex, yet no where near as strong as say.. a dog. Dogs survive far worse ills than we do EVERYDAY! But because they don't have the brain power or complexity to create vaccines, they just survive it, or they don't, or we vaccinate them. We don't really have that luxury. We are WEAK creatures by all points of comparison. We have made that leap that says 'because we have the biggest brains, we are stronger.. 'but..we aren't. We have chosen to literally live UP EACH OTHERS' ASSES.. as a society. We breathe each others' air. We sneeze all over each other, cough all over each other... thus accelerating the spread of disease like wind catching a wild fire. It Is STUPID to endanger the population because you wish to appear an independent thinker.. just my Point of view.
Also, I would encourage all the individuals who know so much regarding autism and its genetic link, read the Harvard Autopsy report regarding the autistic brains they researched and what they found. You will not find this in main stream media.
I don't know how anyone would "know so much" about autism, given that its definition keeps changing. My child was given an Asperger Syndrome dx, along with the more obvious, profound, disorders that he has; per revised definitions, AS no longer is a "thing," yet those behaviors still exist independent of a diagnosis. Are they a sub-set of autism? Are they actually within the boundaries of neurotypical behavior? How will they be viewed in five years? Unlike diabetes or cancer, autism is not a clear-cut diagnosis obtained via bloodwork or biopsy.
My child does not have autism. He has multiple neurological disorders stemming from one condition which, yes, really is known to be genetic -- the symptoms of which can be traced back at least five generations on my side of the family (that's long before the advent of vaccines).
My husband has a PhD along with more than two decades of experience in the medical device field. He has done his research, in peer-reviewed journals, not in People magazine or USA Today, and not in "alternative" media sources. He has worked closely with federal agencies. He is a good man, in all ways, who has saved countless lives and improved millions more. When you suggest that there is some closely-held government-industrial conspiracy to poison our children, you are slandering people like him who work hard, every day, to be a force for good in the world. And, by association, you are insinuating that he (and I) would willingly poison our own children for the sake of the company's bottom line. This is offensive, to say the least.
You are entitled to your own opinions. You are not entitled to your own facts. The fact is, Wakefield is a fraud, and this has been proven. The fact is, measles killed people -- so did smallpox, so does the flu. These are facts. They are no more open to debate than the shape of the Earth or the lunar landings are.
As for all this cite articles crap.. as one that actually DOES research ( albeit it's research of animals And their behavior markers), I know the constant volatility of the field. There is a reason studies aren't always published, or even considered for several years. Research is a very tedious and multi-faceted aspect of work, we spend HOURS watching subjects or isolated compounds in MILLIONS UPKN MILLIONS of scenarios. We record what we see.. Then, when every accessible and plausible scenario has been played out and recorded.. we spend MONTHS.. sometimes years, pouring over those results to find like and in like in the most unbiased fashion. We HAVE to remain unbiased. That is why I hate all the crazy posting of this article or that. All to support/ hoping to sway the next 'educated' opinion. So, no I don't cite educated opinions, even when they are compounded with concrete truth. My mission is to hopefully educate, while in turn being educated, not sway or dissuade. If I have to read unbiasedly, I hope only to relay that in turn. I know I am highly opinionated, and I know my opinion is just that.
So I did a bit of extra research on vaccine mandates. Turns out there are a FEW countries that mandate vaccines for children in their education systems. This shoots in the foot the idea that the US government is echoing subliminal poisoning/control over our children.. unless now this theory has grown to a world domination conspiracy.. which is another silly leap I could see occurring in the human mind. See why I don't cite articles? ONE variable eliminates or creates new opposition. ONE.. variable elements are the bane of research.. findings are just that.. something that has been found after many many ridiculous amounts of time have been spent either in controlled settings, or in field study, allowing variables to present via natural cause and effect pretense; though almost always, both. It changes constantly.. these articles you all cite and swear by are Preliminary findings on subjects still under scope.. they are vastly un-reliable until they are cited as "theory proven", at which point they become fact.. until then.. they are findings in study.. subject to change.. one variable at a time.
The clip didn't work, so I couldn't see it. If you want to you can tell me what it was about. I just thought that it's cool that two horrible diseases in human history almost are gone thanks to successful vaccines.
The clip didn't work, so I couldn't see it. If you want to you can tell me what it was about. I just thought that it's cool that two horrible diseases in human history almost are gone thanks to successful vaccines.
the Tragically Hip have a song called Vaccination Scar. that was all. nothing to do, really, with the topic.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
Can't read it. Whomever designed this website is not wise enough to choose contrasting colors for bg/ font. So.. though interesting within topic, unreadable, as charcoal grey is really hard to read on black.. sucks, I was curious as to what they believed was the catalyst of the the outbreak. Though, one can surmise from the headline that lack of vaccination is at play..
Can't read it. Whomever designed this website is not wise enough to choose contrasting colors for bg/ font. So.. though interesting within topic, unreadable, as charcoal grey is really hard to read on black.. sucks, I was curious as to what they believed was the catalyst of the the outbreak. Though, one can surmise from the headline that lack of vaccination is at play..
Weird, for me the page came up with black text on a white background. Anyway, it was a good example of why rational people vaccinate. Here are some highlights:
"As of Thursday afternoon, the Minnesota Department of Health had confirmed 28 cases in Hennepin County and one in Stearns County. All were among children under age 5, most of them unvaccinated."
"Of the 29 cases that have been confirmed in Minnesota so far, 25 were Somali Minnesotan children."
"Before the introduction of the measles vaccine in 1963, 450 to 500 children in the U.S. died from the disease and 48,000 were hospitalized each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention." "The effectiveness of the MMR vaccine has greatly reduced the incidence of measles in the United States but the disease is still common in other parts of the world. Outbreaks occur periodically in the U.S. when travelers bring in the disease, which then can spread when it reaches unvaccinated communities."
"I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
Can't read it. Whomever designed this website is not wise enough to choose contrasting colors for bg/ font. So.. though interesting within topic, unreadable, as charcoal grey is really hard to read on black.. sucks, I was curious as to what they believed was the catalyst of the the outbreak. Though, one can surmise from the headline that lack of vaccination is at play..
Weird, for me the page came up with black text on a white background. Anyway, it was a good example of why rational people vaccinate. Here are some highlights:
"As of Thursday afternoon, the Minnesota Department of Health had confirmed 28 cases in Hennepin County and one in Stearns County. All were among children under age 5, most of them unvaccinated."
"Of the 29 cases that have been confirmed in Minnesota so far, 25 were Somali Minnesotan children."
"Before the introduction of the measles vaccine in 1963, 450 to 500 children in the U.S. died from the disease and 48,000 were hospitalized each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention." "The effectiveness of the MMR vaccine has greatly reduced the incidence of measles in the United States but the disease is still common in other parts of the world. Outbreaks occur periodically in the U.S. when travelers bring in the disease, which then can spread when it reaches unvaccinated communities."
Thank you. And perhaps it's my browser that is unwise! Lol a lot of articles in research and class study, I have to attend my local library to read, for the same reason.
The clip didn't work, so I couldn't see it. If you want to you can tell me what it was about. I just thought that it's cool that two horrible diseases in human history almost are gone thanks to successful vaccines.
the Tragically Hip have a song called Vaccination Scar. that was all. nothing to do, really, with the topic.
Thank you, I didn't know about that band, I listened to the song
The clip didn't work, so I couldn't see it. If you want to you can tell me what it was about. I just thought that it's cool that two horrible diseases in human history almost are gone thanks to successful vaccines.
the Tragically Hip have a song called Vaccination Scar. that was all. nothing to do, really, with the topic.
Thank you, I didn't know about that band, I listened to the song
they are wildly popular in Canada (sell out 15,000 seat arenas every tour), yet can barely fill a bar anywhere else in the world. lead singer has terminal brain cancer, though. Ed mentioned it at Wrigley this past August.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
That's very sad, a remainder that every living day is a gift.
I try to count which diseases I've taken vaccines against it's; measles, rubella, tetanus, TB, hepatitis A,B, polio, difteria, and mumps.
Yeah, it is very sad indeed. With the exception of Polio, ( by the time I was born, they were no longer vaccinating for that) I have had all of those, plus Malaria ( Haiti and Costa Rica) and the vaccine for Congo Fever can't remember what the actual disease is called, but it too is carried by mosquitoes.. had to get that for Haiti too. Don't remember any extra shots for Russia.. by the time I went toRussia I had had all these other shots, and i think I was good to just go..
It saddens me to think that people can't wrap their heads around the importance of these vaccines. I have added this conversation here as a possible article of consideration in my Thesis study. Not sure if I'll ever finish this, because of the parameters of the study itself.. but something no one else has covered in my field. And this conversation is a good example of the detrimental effect of communication via text. ( tiny piece of the study as a whole, but relevant). So.. one day.. you may see yourself quoted in a UC Davis study journal. Lmbo.. if I ever finish this.. ( even bigger ).
My comment to Whispering Hands......The good news is you have a physician who cares. The most common method is to vaccinate regardless of the health of the child / adult. I have spoken with a number of parents who stated, “little Johnny had a cold, and they still vaccinated.” I guess I am silly in assuming a cold is compromised immune syste.?
Please explain why the vaccines is still relevant if it the bug “has left the planet “years ago. Sounds like unscientific propaganda if you still need to vaccinate. My point, which you missed entirely, is that the bugs have out maneuvered us in evolution, our immune systems are regressing. If we are top of the food chain and we die with such ease, then we have either been lied too or we are not the top of the food chain. As far as comparing animals (dogs to humans) you may want to take some time and look up the studies done at Purdue University on small animal diseases and vaccination. (done by the vet students in the vet science department) If our immune systems have to be so protected, so protected… the f’ did we evolve to this point? We evolved with these viruses, and the weak failed, too bad so sad. I just do not advocate evolution, I believe in it, unlike those who claim we are superior due to our knowledge in a practice called medicine!! As far as wiping out large groups of kids, do your research, every major disease was free falling in numbers due to the cleaning of our water and sewers. Imagine how much better life has become since we no longer drink shit in our water. Novel!
I for one have not handpicked reaearch, I used what others have demonstrated and my own research, well that will be taken into account as publications continue to pour over it and determine what course of action is best to take with it. Just becuz the vaccine companies did cherry pick their research, some of us chose not too!. Your inability to read past the pediatrician pamphlet is astounding. I may know more than what I am saying, but it is not for me to express all that I know for the simple fact that a number of people sit back and need to be spoon fed, and I am not that person to do so. The genetic theory of Autism you write about (this is by no means a slam on those individuals who are dealing with this on a daily basis) is validated by only a few scientist, the rest are looking at the epigenetics as well as the response to toxins in the environment, including the crap in vaccines by the brain….hence encephalitis! It is not unknown, but becoming more clear, yet people remain buried in dogma. Don’t get started on breeding, b-cuz the subjects we breed for research are compromised animals that we manipulate in every sense of the word. So if people are over breeding so be it, (why did you breed and put a person on this planet? Your parents?) if overbreeding is such a concern?, but if you continually know more than anyone here as expressed by your opinion, and lack of validation from science. And all the scientist researching this condition including those I have talked with, worked with, and listened to. Regarding Autism.
The ear has tympanic membrane, impermeable to viruses and bacteria, nose and mouth have the naso-pharynx, which is our first line of defense, where neutrophils and macrophages go to fight bacteria and viruses to present to the complementary immune system (the part that makes antibodies) to develop immunity, natural!, and the eyes, other than the lacrimal duct, which has fluids travelling form interior to exterior and why pink eye does not go to the pituitary gland/ liver/ spleen, etc…, what portals are there? Confused on your anatomy explanation. “We don't really have that luxury. We are WEAK creatures by all points of comparison. We have made that leap that says 'because we have the biggest brains, we are stronger.. 'but..we aren't. We have chosen to literally live UP EACH OTHERS' ASSES.. as a society. We breathe each others' air. We sneeze all over each other, cough all over each other... thus accelerating the spread of disease like wind catching a wild fire.” Where are you going with this? How weak are you and what have you done to yourself that weakened you to such a state? (Answer: Homogenome Theory of Evolution) Good science and good reads. Food for thot!
I will not reveal where I work, nor anything regarding me personally until my research is published and out there as fair fodder for all to do what they please. I also am an advocate for dialogue, but please give reasons as to your point as I find emotional rant, which I am guilty myself, to be drivel. This is how I see the world.
My comment to Whispering Hands......The good news is you have a physician who cares. The most common method is to vaccinate regardless of the health of the child / adult. I have spoken with a number of parents who stated, “little Johnny had a cold, and they still vaccinated.” I guess I am silly in assuming a cold is compromised immune syste.?
Please explain why the vaccines is still relevant if it the bug “has left the planet “years ago. Sounds like unscientific propaganda if you still need to vaccinate. My point, which you missed entirely, is that the bugs have out maneuvered us in evolution, our immune systems are regressing. If we are top of the food chain and we die with such ease, then we have either been lied too or we are not the top of the food chain. As far as comparing animals (dogs to humans) you may want to take some time and look up the studies done at Purdue University on small animal diseases and vaccination. (done by the vet students in the vet science department) If our immune systems have to be so protected, so protected… the f’ did we evolve to this point? We evolved with these viruses, and the weak failed, too bad so sad. I just do not advocate evolution, I believe in it, unlike those who claim we are superior due to our knowledge in a practice called medicine!! As far as wiping out large groups of kids, do your research, every major disease was free falling in numbers due to the cleaning of our water and sewers. Imagine how much better life has become since we no longer drink shit in our water. Novel!
I for one have not handpicked reaearch, I used what others have demonstrated and my own research, well that will be taken into account as publications continue to pour over it and determine what course of action is best to take with it. Just becuz the vaccine companies did cherry pick their research, some of us chose not too!. Your inability to read past the pediatrician pamphlet is astounding. I may know more than what I am saying, but it is not for me to express all that I know for the simple fact that a number of people sit back and need to be spoon fed, and I am not that person to do so. The genetic theory of Autism you write about (this is by no means a slam on those individuals who are dealing with this on a daily basis) is validated by only a few scientist, the rest are looking at the epigenetics as well as the response to toxins in the environment, including the crap in vaccines by the brain….hence encephalitis! It is not unknown, but becoming more clear, yet people remain buried in dogma. Don’t get started on breeding, b-cuz the subjects we breed for research are compromised animals that we manipulate in every sense of the word. So if people are over breeding so be it, (why did you breed and put a person on this planet? Your parents?) if overbreeding is such a concern?, but if you continually know more than anyone here as expressed by your opinion, and lack of validation from science. And all the scientist researching this condition including those I have talked with, worked with, and listened to. Regarding Autism.
The ear has tympanic membrane, impermeable to viruses and bacteria, nose and mouth have the naso-pharynx, which is our first line of defense, where neutrophils and macrophages go to fight bacteria and viruses to present to the complementary immune system (the part that makes antibodies) to develop immunity, natural!, and the eyes, other than the lacrimal duct, which has fluids travelling form interior to exterior and why pink eye does not go to the pituitary gland/ liver/ spleen, etc…, what portals are there? Confused on your anatomy explanation. “We don't really have that luxury. We are WEAK creatures by all points of comparison. We have made that leap that says 'because we have the biggest brains, we are stronger.. 'but..we aren't. We have chosen to literally live UP EACH OTHERS' ASSES.. as a society. We breathe each others' air. We sneeze all over each other, cough all over each other... thus accelerating the spread of disease like wind catching a wild fire.” Where are you going with this? How weak are you and what have you done to yourself that weakened you to such a state? (Answer: Homogenome Theory of Evolution) Good science and good reads. Food for thot!
I will not reveal where I work, nor anything regarding me personally until my research is published and out there as fair fodder for all to do what they please. I also am an advocate for dialogue, but please give reasons as to your point as I find emotional rant, which I am guilty myself, to be drivel. This is how I see the world.
oh God yes!. I am the worst, my mind races with such speed that I get tripped on many tangents. of note, I hope to meet WH someday at a convention discussing immunology and vaccination. Until the n i share my experience and opinions. My goal is to get individuals thinking!
rgabs, how many jabs does a horse receive in its first year of life, and what is the most catastrophic disease a horse can be infected with? Saw your post on edible and was curious to know. Met many parents who use edible for their Autistic child. Just curious.
oh God yes!. I am the worst, my mind races with such speed that I get tripped on many tangents. of note, I hope to meet WH someday at a convention discussing immunology and vaccination. Until the n i share my experience and opinions. My goal is to get individuals thinking!
Never gonna happen. I work in the field of animal behavior, not immunology. I have interest in this simply because of the opportunity to see the sway of opinion given this format; security found behind a computer screen and it's lifeless text. My opinion has never been stated as anything more than an opinion , drawn from my experience in society from a completely outside perspective. Completely outside, because as a whole I fit nowhere into society as it has been culturally defined. That is ok with me most days. I have NO desire to be like other humans. Especially in this current social stasis. But because of this, I have a unique perspective, an education earned in hardship and unbiased observation..that you sir, have repeatedly denied the ability to grasp. That is just who you are, and where you are in life. I cannot change your mind, you're a 'free-thinker'; to your own detriment and those around you as well. But that is ok, right? Cause you're educated on what you believe, your own private Idaho that you feel is the truth. I find conspiracists to be largely untrustworthy.. just from experience. Have a good life my friend, it has been nothing less than interesting conversing with you here.
Ps. Horses are not vaccinated on booster series, like dogs are. Horses don't receive their first immunization until 6 mo-1 yr. so 1; depending on how early or late they are weaned .. if diligently weaned at 6 mo., two. Most catastrophic illness for horses.. because I know this list very well, and you like to research I'll encourage you to google that. I will also pre-warn you that this can be a very drawn out search, because region and environment affects the illnesses in play. Horses eat shit.. all day long.. their own and other animals'.. they pretty much eat the ground. they EAT parasites, virus cultures, and bacteria..making the question .. what is NOT catastrophic to the horse?
Ps. Horses are not vaccinated on booster series, like dogs are. Horses don't receive their first immunization until 6 mo-1 yr. so 1; depending on how early or late they are weaned .. if diligently weaned at 6 mo., two. Most catastrophic illness for horses.. because I know this list very well, and you like to research.. I'll encourage you to google that. I will also pre-warn you that this can be a very drawn out search, because region and environment affects the illnesses in play. Horses eat shit.. all day long.. their own and other animals'.. they pretty much eat the ground. they EAT parasites, virus cultures, and bacteria..making the question .. what is NOT catastrophic to the horse?
I know you had asked Gambs this question.. but he would have to google too. Not trying to disrespect Gambs. I have mad respect for that guy.. but he has admitted to me personally to knowing nothing of horses. And my original degree is IN horse behavior. So.. saved you at least a little bit of googling. Still I encourage you to look up that list.. it really is incredible they survive domestication at all! Such tenuous creatures with their health.. them and cattle..
My comment to Whispering Hands......The good news is you have a physician who cares. The most common method is to vaccinate regardless of the health of the child / adult. I have spoken with a number of parents who stated, “little Johnny had a cold, and they still vaccinated.” I guess I am silly in assuming a cold is compromised immune syste.?
Please explain why the vaccines is still relevant if it the bug “has left the planet “years ago. Sounds like unscientific propaganda if you still need to vaccinate. My point, which you missed entirely, is that the bugs have out maneuvered us in evolution, our immune systems are regressing. If we are top of the food chain and we die with such ease, then we have either been lied too or we are not the top of the food chain. As far as comparing animals (dogs to humans) you may want to take some time and look up the studies done at Purdue University on small animal diseases and vaccination. (done by the vet students in the vet science department) If our immune systems have to be so protected, so protected… the f’ did we evolve to this point? We evolved with these viruses, and the weak failed, too bad so sad. I just do not advocate evolution, I believe in it, unlike those who claim we are superior due to our knowledge in a practice called medicine!! As far as wiping out large groups of kids, do your research, every major disease was free falling in numbers due to the cleaning of our water and sewers. Imagine how much better life has become since we no longer drink shit in our water. Novel!
I for one have not handpicked reaearch, I used what others have demonstrated and my own research, well that will be taken into account as publications continue to pour over it and determine what course of action is best to take with it. Just becuz the vaccine companies did cherry pick their research, some of us chose not too!. Your inability to read past the pediatrician pamphlet is astounding. I may know more than what I am saying, but it is not for me to express all that I know for the simple fact that a number of people sit back and need to be spoon fed, and I am not that person to do so. The genetic theory of Autism you write about (this is by no means a slam on those individuals who are dealing with this on a daily basis) is validated by only a few scientist, the rest are looking at the epigenetics as well as the response to toxins in the environment, including the crap in vaccines by the brain….hence encephalitis! It is not unknown, but becoming more clear, yet people remain buried in dogma. Don’t get started on breeding, b-cuz the subjects we breed for research are compromised animals that we manipulate in every sense of the word. So if people are over breeding so be it, (why did you breed and put a person on this planet? Your parents?) if overbreeding is such a concern?, but if you continually know more than anyone here as expressed by your opinion, and lack of validation from science. And all the scientist researching this condition including those I have talked with, worked with, and listened to. Regarding Autism.
The ear has tympanic membrane, impermeable to viruses and bacteria, nose and mouth have the naso-pharynx, which is our first line of defense, where neutrophils and macrophages go to fight bacteria and viruses to present to the complementary immune system (the part that makes antibodies) to develop immunity, natural!, and the eyes, other than the lacrimal duct, which has fluids travelling form interior to exterior and why pink eye does not go to the pituitary gland/ liver/ spleen, etc…, what portals are there? Confused on your anatomy explanation. “We don't really have that luxury. We are WEAK creatures by all points of comparison. We have made that leap that says 'because we have the biggest brains, we are stronger.. 'but..we aren't. We have chosen to literally live UP EACH OTHERS' ASSES.. as a society. We breathe each others' air. We sneeze all over each other, cough all over each other... thus accelerating the spread of disease like wind catching a wild fire.” Where are you going with this? How weak are you and what have you done to yourself that weakened you to such a state? (Answer: Homogenome Theory of Evolution) Good science and good reads. Food for thot!
I will not reveal where I work, nor anything regarding me personally until my research is published and out there as fair fodder for all to do what they please. I also am an advocate for dialogue, but please give reasons as to your point as I find emotional rant, which I am guilty myself, to be drivel. This is how I see the world.
First off. Stating an opinion is not an emotional rant. That is YOUR perception of it. Secondly. We ARE weak. Period. We are not really at the top of the food chain for any other reason than intellect having evolved over braun. That's just a part of where things went in our evolution. We have developed an unhealthy fear of dirt, germs, and illness that has created a chain reaction of immunity diminishing, that I cannot see a connection to with vaccines. If we are introducing a ( sometimes live, and sometimes dormant) virus or disease in order to force our bodies to develop an immunity to it, how is that SUPPRESSING our immune system, concerning the illness or virus involved? As for the bugs outgrowing our immune system, that happens without the vaccine too, silly. That was kind of a stupid point to try to make, because of that fact. Again I don't waste time posting articles, because it really is a waste of time. It is going to CHANGE constantly, wether you find concrete truth in your study or not. We learn so many new things in science all the time. This is especially true in the medical sciences.. I guess I just get sucked into things like this, because the volatility factor within the Internet fascinates me. Humans baffle me.. constantly.. I just can't understand how we can be so smart and stupid at the same time.. You and I, to one another, are living examples of my last statement; proving the existence of the volatility factor I brought up earlier. Your conspiracy that the government means us greater harm than good, reminds me of the character in the movie 23. You are that guy that has lost your mind in trying to solve the equation of 23. At least that is what I see from what I have read of your ideals. Just how you read to me.. I am sure we pro vaxxers read similarly, as sheeple, to you.. I apologize for all the well thought out drivel I have exposed you to.
Having said all that. I would like to know what publishing houses you are being considered by? I stated mine. My thesis if ever finished, will be published in the UC Davis behavioral sciences library. Where will yours be published?
Having said all that. I would like to know what publishing houses you are being considered by? I stated mine. My thesis if ever finished, will be published in the UC Davis behavioral sciences library. Where will yours be published?
And don't squirm out by saying it is too risky to your research to state. So anyone here knows.. when a researcher tells you that.. it means no one has committed to consideration. When you HAVE a publishing house that is committed, it says a lot about the validity of your research. WHOM has committed to consideration says even more.. so, who's looking at your work, for real?
Ps. Again.. but just caught this. Seeing how I am the QUEEN of typos, I will assume that you meant the Hologeonome Theory of Evolution. Invalid. As Rosenburg's initial hypothesis based on his observations concerning the bleaching of diseased coral, was later questioned, by finding that it was very possible that his initial observation was assumptive and variables were missed; obviously; when they discovered that it was more likely a situation of opportunistic colonization that occurred in the infected coral, versus an actual selective occurrence of a particular disease causing the bleaching. C'mon now... as that that was his initial observation, this finding discounts the theory all together. But, as always, fields of science will always be debated.. you without intending to, shot your own basis of this belief in the foot by quoting that. I don't think you had any inkling that I may have read this before. I think you were of the belief that you had quashed my theory of human frailty with this study.. That you were presenting a solid bit of evidence as answer to your query of 'what did you do to make yourself so weak?', thinking I wouldn't read it... What you DIDN'T know was, was that..Yes, I have studied pieces of this because it has been used many times as an example of the volatility of the ever present variable. Quoting a highly debated study didn't answer anything.. but you DID prove my statement that variables fuck up theory, and that quoting articles of study findings is a complete waste of time, so thank you. That was entertaining to watch you do.
And other than answering my question of who has your work on their table. Since you shot your own self in the foot, quoting highly questionable theory as evidence in answer, well.. you kind of ended your own conversation.. because, based on your hyper paranoia written out as a theory, you have provided nothing but gravely unreliable theoretical sources, leaving your reliability as an unbiased researcher in extreme question...end of conversation. Thank you for proving your own insanity; thus giving everyone here proof that what you say should be discounted as paranoid fluff. Best part? You did it yourself!
And other than answering my question of who has your work on their table. Since you shot your own self in the foot, quoting highly questionable theory as evidence in answer, well.. you kind of ended your own conversation.. because, based on your hyper paranoia written out as a theory, you have provided nothing but gravely unreliable theoretical sources, leaving your reliability as an unbiased researcher in extreme question...end of conversation. Thank you for proving your own insanity; thus giving everyone here proof that what you say should be discounted as paranoid fluff. Best part? You did it yourself!
I know. I'm a jerk.. but feel I would be lying to not call this how I see this, don't take it personally..
As for your silly teacher laughing off such a possibility of a serious outbreak, still find that to be HIGHLY irresponsible of her. Yes, she had a heathy and functional immune system; good for her. But to act like it is no big deal only because SHE survived it, is stupid, cruel, insensitive and very VERY unprofessional on her part. Here's why: 1. Not all kids have such strong immune systems. 2. Some of these kids live in ridiculously guarded, slathered down in antibacterial, and 'germ' free homes( which is equally stupid, as in order for the immune system to function properly, it must be challenged to at least SOME degree). 3. And absolutely most importantly is those kids whose parents have chosen for whatever reason NOT to vaccinate them. That teacher was an ASS to just fritter that off when we know the history of this illness to wipe out massive groups of kids.
As to your point of illnesses evolving.. ummmDuh. Everything evolves, regardless of vaccines. What you just cited was a reason NOT to vaccinate is the reason we began to vaccinate kids in the first place. As for your insisting that you know more about Autism than anyone here, cause you have hand picked your OWN research.. man, stuff it. You know no more than anyone here. It is a still decidedly unknown ill. So far as ANYONE knows it is a combo of genes not lining up correctly, ( which I personally believe comes from over breeding of humans.. you know breeding as a pleasure sense, versus for true purpose, though not always.. but it makes so much sense.. too many gene pools mixing..) and encephalitis tendencies. So... please, unless you are an Autism expert, for real, please quit acting like you are, here.
You have every right to choose wether or not you vaccinate your kids. You do NOT have the right to try to scare everyone else into what you have decided. Period.
Why do I believe in vaccines? Because it is pretty much the only way to ensure mass health. What you are failing to realize, is that we were never designed to live in such highly populated groupings. We are one of the weakest species on the planet when it comes to executive health. We don't have coats of hair to keep parasites at bay, we have five major open recesses in our heads alone, that allow parasitic and germ ridden ills INTO our bodies. Our immune system is complex, yet no where near as strong as say.. a dog. Dogs survive far worse ills than we do EVERYDAY! But because they don't have the brain power or complexity to create vaccines, they just survive it, or they don't, or we vaccinate them. We don't really have that luxury. We are WEAK creatures by all points of comparison. We have made that leap that says 'because we have the biggest brains, we are stronger.. 'but..we aren't.
We have chosen to literally live UP EACH OTHERS' ASSES.. as a society. We breathe each others' air. We sneeze all over each other, cough all over each other... thus accelerating the spread of disease like wind catching a wild fire. It
Is STUPID to endanger the population because you wish to appear an independent thinker.. just my
Point of view.
We HAVE to remain unbiased. That is why I hate all the crazy posting of this article or that. All to support/ hoping to sway the next 'educated' opinion. So, no I don't cite educated opinions, even when they are compounded with concrete truth. My mission is to hopefully educate, while in turn being educated, not sway or dissuade. If I have to read unbiasedly, I hope only to relay that in turn. I know I am highly opinionated, and I know my opinion is just that.
See why I don't cite articles? ONE variable eliminates or creates new opposition. ONE.. variable elements are the bane of research.. findings are just that.. something that has been found after many many ridiculous amounts of time have been spent either in controlled settings, or in field study, allowing variables to present via natural cause and effect pretense; though almost always, both. It changes constantly.. these articles you all cite and swear by are Preliminary findings on subjects still under scope.. they are vastly un-reliable until they are cited as "theory proven", at which point they become fact.. until then.. they are findings in study.. subject to change.. one variable at a time.
-EV 8/14/93
I just thought that it's cool that two horrible diseases in human history almost are gone thanks to successful vaccines.
-EV 8/14/93
"As of Thursday afternoon, the Minnesota Department of Health had confirmed 28 cases in Hennepin County and one in Stearns County. All were among children under age 5, most of them unvaccinated."
"Of the 29 cases that have been confirmed in Minnesota so far, 25 were Somali Minnesotan children."
"Before the introduction of the measles vaccine in 1963, 450 to 500 children in the U.S. died from the disease and 48,000 were hospitalized each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."
"The effectiveness of the MMR vaccine has greatly reduced the incidence of measles in the United States but the disease is still common in other parts of the world. Outbreaks occur periodically in the U.S. when travelers bring in the disease, which then can spread when it reaches unvaccinated communities."
-EV 8/14/93
I try to count which diseases I've taken vaccines against it's; measles, rubella, tetanus, TB, hepatitis A,B, polio, difteria, and mumps.
It saddens me to think that people can't wrap their heads around the importance of these vaccines.
I have added this conversation here as a possible article of consideration in my
Thesis study. Not sure if I'll ever finish this, because of the parameters of the study itself.. but something no one else has covered in my field. And this conversation is a good example of the detrimental effect of communication via text. ( tiny piece of the study as a whole, but relevant). So.. one day.. you may see yourself quoted in a UC Davis study journal. Lmbo.. if I ever finish this.. ( even bigger
Please explain why the vaccines is still relevant if it the bug “has left the planet “years ago. Sounds like unscientific propaganda if you still need to vaccinate. My point, which you missed entirely, is that the bugs have out maneuvered us in evolution, our immune systems are regressing. If we are top of the food chain and we die with such ease, then we have either been lied too or we are not the top of the food chain. As far as comparing animals (dogs to humans) you may want to take some time and look up the studies done at Purdue University on small animal diseases and vaccination. (done by the vet students in the vet science department) If our immune systems have to be so protected, so protected… the f’ did we evolve to this point? We evolved with these viruses, and the weak failed, too bad so sad. I just do not advocate evolution, I believe in it, unlike those who claim we are superior due to our knowledge in a practice called medicine!! As far as wiping out large groups of kids, do your research, every major disease was free falling in numbers due to the cleaning of our water and sewers. Imagine how much better life has become since we no longer drink shit in our water. Novel!
I for one have not handpicked reaearch, I used what others have demonstrated and my own research, well that will be taken into account as publications continue to pour over it and determine what course of action is best to take with it. Just becuz the vaccine companies did cherry pick their research, some of us chose not too!. Your inability to read past the pediatrician pamphlet is astounding. I may know more than what I am saying, but it is not for me to express all that I know for the simple fact that a number of people sit back and need to be spoon fed, and I am not that person to do so. The genetic theory of Autism you write about (this is by no means a slam on those individuals who are dealing with this on a daily basis) is validated by only a few scientist, the rest are looking at the epigenetics as well as the response to toxins in the environment, including the crap in vaccines by the brain….hence encephalitis! It is not unknown, but becoming more clear, yet people remain buried in dogma. Don’t get started on breeding, b-cuz the subjects we breed for research are compromised animals that we manipulate in every sense of the word. So if people are over breeding so be it, (why did you breed and put a person on this planet? Your parents?) if overbreeding is such a concern?, but if you continually know more than anyone here as expressed by your opinion, and lack of validation from science. And all the scientist researching this condition including those I have talked with, worked with, and listened to. Regarding Autism.
The ear has tympanic membrane, impermeable to viruses and bacteria, nose and mouth have the naso-pharynx, which is our first line of defense, where neutrophils and macrophages go to fight bacteria and viruses to present to the complementary immune system (the part that makes antibodies) to develop immunity, natural!, and the eyes, other than the lacrimal duct, which has fluids travelling form interior to exterior and why pink eye does not go to the pituitary gland/ liver/ spleen, etc…, what portals are there? Confused on your anatomy explanation.
“We don't really have that luxury. We are WEAK creatures by all points of comparison. We have made that leap that says 'because we have the biggest brains, we are stronger.. 'but..we aren't.
We have chosen to literally live UP EACH OTHERS' ASSES.. as a society. We breathe each others' air. We sneeze all over each other, cough all over each other... thus accelerating the spread of disease like wind catching a wild fire.” Where are you going with this? How weak are you and what have you done to yourself that weakened you to such a state? (Answer: Homogenome Theory of Evolution) Good science and good reads. Food for thot!
I will not reveal where I work, nor anything regarding me personally until my research is published and out there as fair fodder for all to do what they please. I also am an advocate for dialogue, but please give reasons as to your point as I find emotional rant, which I am guilty myself, to be drivel. This is how I see the world.
Have a good life my friend, it has been nothing less than interesting conversing with you here.