My dad would always have us watch Being There with him.He loved it.Sellers plays Gardner the simpleton so well. I got sucked into Goldie Hawns vortex last night by watching Overboard with Goldie/Kurt Russel.Always thought the plot was entertaining for a RomCom.Knowing the were married made it better.I didn't mean to keep watching but much like a Drew Barrymore(A modern day Goldie?)movie, I couldn't bring myself to change the channel.
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,782
Here's one of those nifty little bits synchronicity:
My wife says to me today, "Nancy was telling me about this really great movie we should see." "Oh yeah? Which one is that?" "Umm, I don't remember but it has Peter Sellers in it." "Was it 'Being There'?" "Yes! That's it! I've never seen it before. Is it good?" "Oh yeah! It's great! I'll put it on our queue!"
Haha! Fantastic!
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
I just thought I'd share this with the lounge.Im kinda pumped. We have a local Music and Arts fest on the waterfront every year called SunFest.Last Year AIC headlined.Check out this year. I'm Stoked,Kravitz,The Pixies,STP,Eddie Money,Boston,Sammy nice and classic
Eddie Money! He played a small outside gig when my husband worked at LA's version of the twin towers...right in the walkthrough space between the two buildings. It was kind of an odd place to perform, actually.
Fans leaning on the stage.No rail.Old school fun.I can't wait to see him.I read an article yesterday With Sammy Hagar who now has a little band called The Circle.Jason Bonham is drumming.They say they will be doing multiple Zeppelin songs in their set along with Van Hagar,RHCP,Sammy solo stuff and some other "timeless covers". I am now intrigued.They will be at the same fest.
This, Ladies and what I decided to miss bc I thought it was too far away. Missed the German gig in Cologne bc of a friends here is what I bedder not have missed.....
What!!! And For What? Anyone else recently? That's BS
It all went down in the AET thread "this place is dead anyways"
There was some cussin that was truly all in good fun and the mods stepped in...people got pissed and things escalated...a real shame. Dont want to jinx us but we get rougher here in AMT than it was there!
Thx Gambsy.Man o man.I had jump on that thread it was not bad.just silly stuff.I can't really even picture Whispering doing something that bad.Hope she's back soon.
So let me get this right. They banned the member perhaps only temporarily and plastered a scarlet letter over her avatar. This is some kind of joke right.
I remember when, yeah. I swore I knew everything, oh yeah.
Crickets in the lounge this week.Im going to drink alone apparently.I just tapped some Cigar City Invasion.What a fine pale indeed.
Starting the pre game now,going to see Elton John tomorrow night in Miami.Looking forward to it,but I'm thinking it's probably going to be a mellow show.You know the kind were people don't stand ,and they ask you to sit when you do.I sure hope I'm wrong.
I wanted to see about getting some better seats or should I say closer seats(The ones I have were comped by a client)But my wife brought up a good point.She said "it's not like it's Cornell.Elton is getting on in age and dosent move much behind the pianoanymore so what advantage is it getting closer,when all they action will be on the Jumbo tron." I can't argue with that.I am expecting it to be like a Eagles show vibe wise.Can anyone enlighten me here?Anyway,Thursday night is always the gateway to the weekend.So hope everyone is feeling good.
I just got back from the dispensary with a nice supply, including a red-haired Indica which I'm breaking into right now in a virgin glass bowl.
Twenty or more years ago, I went with my sister and brother-in-law to see Elton. LOVE his old music - like Captain Fantastic, Yellow Brick Road era - but he didn't play much from that time, mostly newer stuff and I don't recall many antics. And halfway through, during Philadelphia Freedom yet, I looked over at my BIL and he was asleep.
Yellow Brick Road is up there with the all-time great albums! Definitely top 30 for me. PJ has spoiled me for live shows though, it sure won't be a 3 hr mindfuck like our boys put on! Enjoy!
Thx guys. Gambs-I am ready for another round of PJ touring.A mini tour or some one offs would be awesome.Going to have to rely on The Foo Fighters this summer to get my 3hr shows.
Hedo- Red haired indica sounds very tasty indeed.And that first clean hit,ahhh.
We also broke into a new satchel of goodness this evening but because Florida has its head up its own ass on MJ policy,I had to procur said provisions the old fashioned way.Although it's tasty and quite pungent this grouping of fluorescent nugs will remain nameless.I would say they could glow in the dark though.
And I will drink some Coffee before the EJ show just in case.
I always loved Sellers, but as Chauncey Gardner? My god, what a sweet man. He made up for Shirley MacLaine being in it (I kid, I kid!).
He had such a face, such eyes.
I got sucked into Goldie Hawns vortex last night by watching Overboard with Goldie/Kurt Russel.Always thought the plot was entertaining for a RomCom.Knowing the were married made it better.I didn't mean to keep watching but much like a Drew Barrymore(A modern day Goldie?)movie, I couldn't bring myself to change the channel.
So I had to reverse from film to music.
Man o'man, there's nothing like this drugmix of instrument + voice + I don't even know what. But it's silken and warm.
My wife says to me today, "Nancy was telling me about this really great movie we should see."
"Oh yeah? Which one is that?"
"Umm, I don't remember but it has Peter Sellers in it."
"Was it 'Being There'?"
"Yes! That's it! I've never seen it before. Is it good?"
"Oh yeah! It's great! I'll put it on our queue!"
Haha! Fantastic!
We have a local Music and Arts fest on the waterfront every year called SunFest.Last Year AIC headlined.Check out this year.
I'm Stoked,Kravitz,The Pixies,STP,Eddie Money,Boston,Sammy nice and classic
And to rr, this Kravitz song just gets me. So pretty - doesn't even need that guitar.
But goddamn, there's nothing like the voice of thousands.
Happy happy happy.
Cheers to my friends!
I am now intrigued.They will be at the same fest.
Missed the German gig in Cologne bc of a friends here is what I bedder not have missed.....
Gotta love MM - he and I and a few others share the same initials too.
I think MM really likes to sing. Gonna make me smile....!
Have a nice day everybody!
Anyone else recently?
That's BS
There was some cussin that was truly all in good fun and the mods stepped in...people got pissed and things escalated...a real shame. Dont want to jinx us but we get rougher here in AMT than it was there!
For you Whispering if your out there.
I hate that one more voice of reason is silent.Peace
Starting the pre game now,going to see Elton John tomorrow night in Miami.Looking forward to it,but I'm thinking it's probably going to be a mellow show.You know the kind were people don't stand ,and they ask you to sit when you do.I sure hope I'm wrong.
I wanted to see about getting some better seats or should I say closer seats(The ones I have were comped by a client)But my wife brought up a good point.She said "it's not like it's Cornell.Elton is getting on in age and dosent move much behind the pianoanymore so what advantage is it getting closer,when all they action will be on the Jumbo tron." I can't argue with that.I am expecting it to be like a Eagles show vibe wise.Can anyone enlighten me here?Anyway,Thursday night is always the gateway to the weekend.So hope everyone is feeling good.
I just got back from the dispensary with a nice supply, including a red-haired Indica which I'm breaking into right now in a virgin glass bowl.
Twenty or more years ago, I went with my sister and brother-in-law to see Elton. LOVE his old music - like Captain Fantastic, Yellow Brick Road era - but he didn't play much from that time, mostly newer stuff and I don't recall many antics. And halfway through, during Philadelphia Freedom yet, I looked over at my BIL and he was asleep.
Gambs-I am ready for another round of PJ touring.A mini tour or some one offs would be awesome.Going to have to rely on The Foo Fighters this summer to get my 3hr shows.
Hedo- Red haired indica sounds very tasty indeed.And that first clean hit,ahhh.
We also broke into a new satchel of goodness this evening but because Florida has its head up its own ass on MJ policy,I had to procur said provisions the old fashioned way.Although it's tasty and quite pungent this grouping of fluorescent nugs will remain nameless.I would say they could glow in the dark though.
And I will drink some Coffee before the EJ show just in case.