I found a copy of Noel Redding and Carol Appleby's book, Jimi Hendrix Experience... A Turkish copy!! The Turkish title is Bir Deneyimin Gizli Tarihi which translate to "On the Experience of a Secret." The English version of the book is called Are You Experienced. Close enough!
You can't have too much Jimi!
Jimi's in the Lounge tonight.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
Thank you Hedonist for that mellow snapshot of life and the great PJ link. (and Eddie said the "F" word in the Ed Sullivan Theatre!) That song totally made my day.
So often PJ is like an antidote to despair.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
Several years ago a bartender offered me a taste of green beer on St Patrick's day. I tried it, shrugged my shoulders and said, "I'll take a room temp Guinness, please!"
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
the dark and stormies are going to be coming on full force
that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
Founders Double Trouble IPA
What's up?
Edit: ha, ha. Didn't read your question. No movie Rangers on the tube, Beatles on the ears - Let It Be Raw
Rangers-- I can see why you'd be watching! Out here it's not as exciting. I mean, the Sharks? Last time they won the Stanley Cup? Never!
We all can't live in NY. At least you had the baseball Giants and the Freak a couple years ago....
Or can we?.....hmmmmmmmm
Thanks for the indirect suggestion.
A hit or two of Jimi feels a good way to go this evening...
Castles and Wind.
Jimi is all you need....
We transitioned into some old-ish PJ...Dead Man, Immortality.
Dark, but in a good sense.
And then, Blind Melon - Skinned.
Ick! Really?
Quiet One - the Ox vocals
(that's what she said)
This is one of those go-to-beloved-music evenings. Healing. Needed!
And I'm going back for more...been a longass week.
Hope you have a good night!
Oh man, that is so true!
I found a copy of Noel Redding and Carol Appleby's book, Jimi Hendrix Experience... A Turkish copy!! The Turkish title is Bir Deneyimin Gizli Tarihi which translate to "On the Experience of a Secret." The English version of the book is called Are You Experienced. Close enough!
You can't have too much Jimi!
Jimi's in the Lounge tonight.
Keep hydrated! One drink, on glass water, one drink, one glass water... unless you're related to W. C. Fields
I don't remember that one.
"Jimmy", not "Jimi"?
Kramer had dental surgery and was wearing the "jump" shoes and Mel Torme thought he was a special needs guy who was doing very well on his own.
I can picture that.
I took today off to take care of my back and take it easy.
So nice to just REST this grey morning...to lounge about
Looks like rain's coming - I hope so! - but I'm fine with this gloomy cool.
(thank you, flannel robe)
While I wish Danny was home too, it's also nice to have this mellow time with Beans and George (our resident and amusing feline compadres).
No Code?
Yeah. My favorite album of theirs. And this, probably one of my all-time loves.
"scared of life" <<<< "scared alive"
mmm hmmm.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwamCGQU ... re=related
Make me cry...almost.
Mostly smile.
Thank you Hedonist for that mellow snapshot of life and the great PJ link. (and Eddie said the "F" word in the Ed Sullivan Theatre!) That song totally made my day.
So often PJ is like an antidote to despair.
Glad it did you good, sir.
I've been selfmedicating today and am somewhat loopy now but feeling alright.
(I think that was a disclaimer :P )
Anyway, this too made me smile. I love how this show presented both ends of the spectrum and some in between.
Plus I just fucking love Archie.
Cheers, mate!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRfc_Y_A ... re=related
Even better when Puke goes down!
Whoa- huh?
Quick, somebody pass Edson the barf bucket!
Driver Eight, easy around the corners PLEASE!!
Pele never chucks.
Several years ago a bartender offered me a taste of green beer on St Patrick's day. I tried it, shrugged my shoulders and said, "I'll take a room temp Guinness, please!"
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan