Show me people running a charity......



  • 81 wrote:
    Just, not enough.
    I need more.
    Nothing seems to satisfy.
    I said, I dont want it.
    I just need it.
    To breathe, to feel, to know Im alive.
  • Wow. You didn't know someone's personal situation so you just decided they must be embezzling? Really? That was the only option that you could come up with? Not that they have a job, or a side business, or an inheritance, or that they're just really good with their money...

    Sit in judgment much? I'm just stunned that that would be someone's first assumption. You must live in a very small, negative place.

    Also... that is the most pathetic "apology" I have ever seen.

    "Laura - I take it back. Sorry for questioning you. I didn't know your background and didn't know you had a day-job."

    "Holly f**k, that was so amazing, I just forgot who I came here to see!!" - Courtesy of the guy in the U2 t-shirt standing next to me in Aloha Stadium, Post PJ
  • neilybabes86neilybabes86 Posts: 16,057
    i haven't been to many pre parties....just not my thing

    however the few times i have gone, i have donated a few hundred bucks between raffles and whatnot. totally believe in their cause and honesty
    (hence i donate)

    also back in hawaii 06 a prominent member ( who i will not name) was kind enough to sell me their extra ticket for a friend who came last minute (it was critical to get this particualr ticket becasue it was right next to my original 2 ) thanks again to the member

    anyway ...i believe in them so until people have real facts about anything it is messed up to accuse ...we're not talking about robbing a pencil here

    ok chill out all
    i have surfing to watch
    i post on the board of a band that doesn't exsist anymore .......i need my head examined.......
  • Dirty TomDirty Tom Posts: 883
    I need more popcorn! Good thing i just saw this thread now. No-one wants dirty tom to get upset :evil:|187003.jpg

    "This is the greatest band in the world"---Ben Harper

  • 8181 Posts: 58,276
    81 is now off the air

  • I don't have a problem with people asking questions. Wishlist is an organization made up of Pearl Jam fans and run by Pearl Jam fans.

    However, I am sadden by serious accusations. There are other ways to get more in depth questions asked other than a public forum. With various forms of communication available, answers are available.

    When I was involved with organizing and volunteering, I always welcomed any concerns. The current members of the board, I'm sure, would love to hear feedback or comments.

    You, as fans, can get the information about this very charitable group...all you have to do is ask. Please consider a direct email or instant message before letting things escalate.

    Sunshine & Lollipops.


    "We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"

    Wishlist Foundation:
  • Cliffy6745Cliffy6745 Posts: 33,729
    Dude like reactions. Don't bother with him.
  • I am a true supporter of free speech, however accusing people that you have absolutely no factual evidence for is just wrong. I don't agree with the mods shutting down most threads, however I think this is one that should be ended. Foxymop and others made if very clear with backup information on how the wishlist foundation works. It is really easy for people to hide behind a moniter and say untrue things. It is not easy to run a charity, be a board of director, or member of a charity and donate your time, patience, money and energy.

    Respect people's personal lives and don't use there success against them. We all strive to be financial stable, why use it against someone who actually did it right? We all have the ability to be successfull.

    The Wishlist foundation is an amazing charity that has my 100% support. Thank you wishlist foundation for everything you do.
  • rival.rival. Posts: 7,775
    man, i hate tuesdays too.
  • Feel free to email <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> or PM us if you have any questions in regards to our financials (or post here and/or our FB page). We will be open to answering any questions.
  • Steve DunneSteve Dunne Posts: 4,965
    As someone who is involved in wishlist foundation I would like to point out the fact that this organization includes some of the most most kind-hearted, open-minded, selfless, generous people in ANY community, fan or otherwise.

    J you forgot to say Good Looking... :D
    I love to turn you on
  • pjtaperpjtaper Posts: 3,020
    wait, vedder has a solo tour?

    Laura is one of the NICEST people I know, very honest, always smiling, go take your negativity somewhere else...
  • kcherubkcherub Posts: 961
    Wow. I really don't post over here anymore due to this kind of stuff. I think the last time I did was on this same subject. I am really shocked and a little sad that anyone would post with the intent of slandering Wishlist. Again. Hmmm...

    I became involved with them in 2008. For over 10 years, I have worked with other non-profit organizations here in Georgia, and I think that I have a good handle on who is legit and who is not. To make assumptions about an organization on a public forum (when you have no idea what you are talking about) is just pathetic and could potentially cause financial and legal issues for said organization. I have run three Wishlist fundraisers myself, and volunteered at countless others. I have to agree that everyone who volunteers at these events are doing so in a selfless manner and are some of the most wonderful people I have met. We work our asses off, don't get paid, and don't expect to get anything in return other than the knowledge we have done something for many worthy organizations. Note the "don't get paid" concept there, which also applies to the fundraisers I chair elsewhere.

    An apology is great, but you can't take it back. This thread could be deleted, but it is still "out there". I encourage each and every one of you to take a good look at Wishlist and then get in touch with someone to volunteer at an event when you see how great it really is.

    As for the prime tickets thing (which really pissed me off), make some more friends. That's how that works.

    I still want you all to "take care"--I am just damn tired of typing it.
    A few facts:

    Most charities are required to be transparent in terms of major donors, total donations received, and officers' salaries paid. If someone is really concerned about whether or not a charity is legit, they can actually do some research instead of making empty accussations. Larger charities are often rated on what percent of their total income actually goes to their programs. Obviously, a charity with lower overhead can provide more services.

    In terms of highly-compensated officers, they are often hired because of their fundraising and marketing abilities. It would be great if everyone worked for cheap, but to some people, working for a charity is their meal ticket, and in a perfect world, the charity receives a huge return on their investment in the pricey officer.

    Unfortunately, charities offer premiums as a way to entice people to make donations. Not everyone gives for the sake of giving. Think of how many people on these boards have remarked "It's not worth the price" when an item is being auctioned for a charity. Not everyone has a giving spirit, and only give if they get something in return.

    Finally, I want to say that many people here remodel their kitchens, drive BMWs, can afford swanly vacations and have accumulated or inherited some wealth. With such a wide cross section of people here, it makes sense that there would be some people who are financially secure, and others not so much. Hopefully those who think that thivery is the key to financial propserity will soon be enlightened to the contrary.
  • SxDx1982SxDx1982 Posts: 124
    My thoughts on charities etc...

    I'd much rather give money to a stranger who comes up to me on the street and asks for change. But who says they aren't lying too? I once gave 10 euros to an older guy who stopped me in front of a department store and asked for change, because he said he didn't have enough money to buy the medicine that he needed by Monday (this happened on a Friday). I mean, for all I know he could have headed straight to the liquor store (that is very likely too), but I couldn't not help because he seemed so sincere.

    So I guess my point is, there's no way to know for sure, unless you know the person you're giving the money to. I like to help, and sometimes people take advantage of that, but I feel like it's their problem more than mine... :problem:
    I'm still out here waiting
    Watching reruns of my life
  • Foxy MopFoxy Mop Posts: 2,823
    SxDx1982 wrote:
    My thoughts on charities etc...

    I'd much rather give money to a stranger who comes up to me on the street and asks for change. But who says they aren't lying too? I once gave 10 euros to an older guy who stopped me in front of a department store and asked for change, because he said he didn't have enough money to buy the medicine that he needed by Monday (this happened on a Friday). I mean, for all I know he could have headed straight to the liquor store (that is very likely too), but I couldn't not help because he seemed so sincere.

    So I guess my point is, there's no way to know for sure, unless you know the person you're giving the money to. I like to help, and sometimes people take advantage of that, but I feel like it's their problem more than mine... :problem:

    Of course there are ways of learning what is a legitimate charitable organization. Investigate. Research. Check with the IRS and the finances of the organization itself. Speak with the beneficiaries. By doing this you can come at least as close to 100% legitimacy as possible. Yes, there are some organizations out there that have had financial scandals. That doesn't mean that EVERY organization or nonprofit employee is trying to swindle or take advantage of you. It's just like choosing a doctor, lawyer, employer or significant other. You do the research and make sure you feel good about the choice.
    Wishlist Foundation

    This is my kind of love...
  • PJPixiePJPixie Posts: 3,026
    Thank You Wishlist, I can not even number the ways you have helped me.
    The best use of Life is Love.
    The best expression of Love is Time.
    The best time to Love is Now.

    I'm never as good as when you're there.........
  • kenny olavkenny olav Posts: 3,319
    I don't know if it's really necessary to add my two cents in to defend Wishlist, as it's been done very well already, but speaking as someone who has been involved with them and knows them all well enough to know they are not doing it to enrich themselves, I will defend the organization anytime. It's the real deal. These people work hard to make positive change in the world, and it should be no surprise to anyone that they work hard in their professional lives too, and that's why they can afford to travel far and wide to see their favorite band - a band who supports them too.

    I know for sure that I'm a poorer man because of Wishlist. :mrgreen:

    I've volunteered for a few other charities too, and never did I get a hint that I was wasting my time with them. I get where peoples' cynicism comes from, but there is too much cynicism out there these days. In my experience, the people who are the most cynical tend to do the least to help their fellow man, and their cynicism is how they justify their lack of action.
  • chiquimonkeychiquimonkey Posts: 9,337
    I'm sure my 2cents aren't needed, but Laura and company are good eggs. Love seeing them before and at shows, and it's nice to see folks out there helping others. Donated a tote bag last year and I'm sure to do it again if they want any of my swag for a raffle!

    My query earlier about how people manage to do so many shows was in general, not directed towards anybody in particular. I figure whatever they're doing, it's certainly smarter than what I'm doing :lol:
    Damn, it is so easy to lose faith in society after reading through this entire thread. What ever happened to gathering the facts before making accusations/mean comments towards others.

    Why is it people can't accept that others have built-up or have been honestly granted a nice life?
  • Grandmas JamGrandmas Jam Posts: 1,860
    how is this thread not locked yet
    Ryan Crooks insists upon himself
  • Empty GlassEmpty Glass Posts: 12,329
    how is this thread not locked yet

    agree. It should go away. As with anything in your adult life, do your homework.

    I do have to laugh at the name change. Funny he chose No Code...he should Smile more
    I've met Rob


    This place is dead


    "Kfsbho&$thncds" - F Me In the Brain - circa 2015
This discussion has been closed.