*** Cincinnati Fanviews 6/24 Here ***



  • I've caught 6 gigs on this tour so far and I gotta say that the Cincy crowd was by far the most energetic and friendly to date. We couldn't have asked for a better setlist-ok, maybe some lost dogs or a rarity or 2 but all in all it FUCKING ROCKED. It was also the first show that Eddie seemed sober- Robert Pollard too- I couldn't fucking belive that that guy wasn't drunk off his ass! we were side stage right about 15 rows up on the aise...sec 114.

    ok before pre set- The security and ticket cats were SO LAX and easy- this was my best venue experience EVER. I said what's up to this old ticket guy and he he smiled and said "You know- You youngsters are alright..." BAM- preset we get The Kids Are All Right!!!!! right then and there i knew this was going to be a cosmic gig.

    Bob Pollard broke out a few good ones including The Girls Of Wild Strawberries on Eddies request, and Love is Stronger than Witchcraft (which later on Eddie used as a tag on wishlist- sounded fuckin great!) also one other GBV tune- but lots of obscure new stuff. He said in Pitts 3 of his cds were sold and Eddie bought 2...was pretty fuckin funny. He came back out for Baba O Reily with PJ which GBV covered often.

    Pearl Jam just ripped it up knocking off a BUNCH of tunes that me and my girl had written on our wishlists on the plane- I called teh Long Road which we were over due for....Long Road, Save You, Hail Hail.....all on our lists and boy were we fuckin pumped!!!!! then a bunch of great new stuff the norm wws corduroy, etc...then it was Riot Act Make up time pulling out a bunch in place of all the tired Ten Bullshit...they know they'll be playing the shit out of ten when they play greatest hits shows opening for Petty. My girl was LOVING it since RA is her favorite record next to Lost Dogs... It sounded on point....we got a bunch of harder shit later on also on my wishlist> Lukin, Whipping, Do The Evolution, Life Wasted.. Eddie went into a huge hilarious rant about how he wipes the new Rolling Stone with his ass cause they wouldn't put the band on the cover!!!!

    Everyone around me was psyched and I gotta say this was hands down the best gig on this tour that I've seen out of 6- the boys really gave it their all and this crowd was apeshit!!!!

    Encores were sweet- Thank You Pearl Jam! Thank you Cincinati for your kind hospitality and generosity- you energy is timeless- Don't let anyone on this tour tell you that your show was any less than what you experienced. This was the real psychedlic in tune deal. See you in San Fran!!!?!?!?!?!?! I said-yeahhhhhhhhhh!

    8/25/00NY, 9/1/00NJ, 4/30/03NY, 7/2&3/03MSG, 7/14/03NJ, 10/13/04 EdW/Boss, 9/24&25/05 St Johns, 5/13/06CT, 5/27&28/06NJ, 6/1/06NJ, 6/3/06NJ, 6/24/06 OH, 7/15-16/06CA, Lolla07, DC, MSGx2, MA1, ED SOLO NYC1&2!
  • binauralsoundsbinauralsounds Posts: 1,357
    I've caught 6 gigs on this tour so far and I gotta say that the Cincy crowd was by far the most energetic and friendly to date. We couldn't have asked for a better setlist-ok, maybe some lost dogs or a rarity or 2 but all in all it FUCKING ROCKED. It was also the first show that Eddie seemed sober- Robert Pollard too- I couldn't fucking belive that that guy wasn't drunk off his ass! we were side stage right about 15 rows up on the aise...sec 114.

    ok before pre set- The security and ticket cats were SO LAX and easy- this was my best venue experience EVER. I said what's up to this old ticket guy and he he smiled and said "You know- You youngsters are alright..." BAM- preset we get The Kids Are All Right!!!!! right then and there i knew this was going to be a cosmic gig.

    Bob Pollard broke out a few good ones including The Girls Of Wild Strawberries on Eddies request, and Love is Stronger than Witchcraft (which later on Eddie used as a tag on wishlist- sounded fuckin great!) also one other GBV tune- but lots of obscure new stuff. He said in Pitts 3 of his cds were sold and Eddie bought 2...was pretty fuckin funny. He came back out for Baba O Reily with PJ which GBV covered often.

    Pearl Jam just ripped it up knocking off a BUNCH of tunes that me and my girl had written on our wishlists on the plane- I called teh Long Road which we were over due for....Long Road, Save You, Hail Hail.....all on our lists and boy were we fuckin pumped!!!!! then a bunch of great new stuff the norm wws corduroy, etc...then it was Riot Act Make up time pulling out a bunch in place of all the tired Ten Bullshit..My girl was LOVING it since its her favorite record next to Lost Dogs... It sounded on point....we got a bunch of harder shit later on also on my wishlist> Lukin, Whipping, Do The Evolution, Life Wasted.. Eddie went into a huge hilarious rant about how he wipes the new Rolling Stone with his ass cause they wouldn't put the band on the cover!!!!

    Everyone around me was psyched and I gotta say this was hands down the best gig on this tour- the boys really gave it their all and this crowd was apeshit!!!!

    Encores were sweet- Thank You Pearl Jam! Thank you Cincinati for your kind hospitality and generosity- you energy is timeless- Don't let anyone on this tour tell you that your show was any less than what you experienced. This was the real psychedlic in tune deal. See you in San Fran!!!?!?!?!?!?! I said-yeahhhhhhhhhh!

    Couldn't have said it better my friend. HAIL HAIL to the NATI FREAKS!!!!!!!!!
  • Gremmie95Gremmie95 Posts: 749
    We had a great time in Cincy. A couple of highlights for me:

    * the LITER of German beer in Newport. Wow. That's a lot of beer.

    *The Kids Are Alright
    *Excellent HAIL HAIL
    *Green Disease
    *Save It For Later
    *Crazy Mary--I have seen it multiple times but this had a little something extra.
    *Modern Girl Tag
    *Wishlist, great version
    *Inside Job

    The crowd was great in our section (103) everyone was into it. I still can't speak very well so I know I did my fair shre of screaming. It was my 10th show and it did not fail to impress. Great job Cincy!
  • That was my first PJ show, and like 3rd real concert. I must say that was THE BEST show i have seen in my whole life and will cherish and never forget that night. I think the setlist is fine, they made up for not playin many rarities by extending alot of them. Matt's drums on Even flow were fuckin brilliant. They played amost all the songs on my wishlist, minus a few like Last Exit, Small Town, Given To Fly, ect...

    The only bad part of the show for me was there were two dudes to the left and right of me,, my friend, and my mom who were complete douches. One dude was only there to hear stuff of Ten, and would not stop fuckin screaming into our ears. thank god he left a few songs into it. Then there was the dude next to my friend who kept putting his arm around him. He thought I was a chick and kept telling my friend to make his move.

    Other than that, the only thing iam missing is the fuckin bootleg, ive been checking for pics and the boot all day.
    6/24/06-Cincinnati, Best night of my life!!!
  • edwhoedwho Posts: 811
    PJChuck wrote:
    I was a little disappointed with the overall out come. 26 songs (including Lukin). Nothing really out of the ordinary. And it was the first time theyve played Cincy in 6 years. Honestly, the crowd and me deserved a little better. But still, I loved it, It falls 2nd to only State College 03 as best PJ show ever witnessed by me.

    I think when critiquing Pittsburgh and Cincinnati set lists you have to remember what’s next for the band (and us) The Tom Petty shows. Maybe Pittsburgh and Cincinnati were a warm up for those shows. More hits, Less rarities, Shorter sets.

    Reading the Pittsburg Fanviews you’d think pandemonium prevailed all night in that crowd. Coming from Chicago (not bias) I agree with most those views. BUT I think Cincinnati fans were just more excited and were very much louder. If they had just known a little more cheering would have gotten them a third encore.

    In Cincinnati after the band finished playing Baba O’Riley (with the house lights on) they took their bows and left the stage. People starting leaving and nobody was cheering. Folks should have been screaming because the stage crew was setting up for another song. In Pittsburgh Mike and Jeff’s quitar techs were breaking stuff down during Yellow Ledbetter. In Cincinnati after Baba O’Riley they were still prepping guitars. But nobody was cheering so after a few minutes someone with a headset gave the kill sign and the race to St. Paul started.

    Cincinnati was so close to a THIRD FUCKING ENCORE. Royals17 and I could see a crew set list from our seats and Indifference was the last song listed.


    Three Fish

    July 1996 San Francisco

    June 1999 Chicago

  • I thought they were going to play as well. We all stayed for quite a while until the music from the PA started.

    It is possible that the venue had a time limit, too. I know that it was 11:28 when we walked out. (I have been looking into it, but I can't find anything definite about curfew/time limit at US Bank).

    I was willing to camp out if I had to to get them to play one more song...but that DARN PA music!
    ~A compliment for us, is a compliment for you.~

  • edwhoedwho Posts: 811
    I was willing to camp out if I had to to get them to play one more song...but that DARN PA music!

    A Ramones sendoff. I can’t remember what song it was.

    Three Fish

    July 1996 San Francisco

    June 1999 Chicago

  • grace6697grace6697 Posts: 1,191
    edwho wrote:
    A Ramones sendoff. I can’t remember what song it was.

    it was a cover. i also can't remember but it was a cover by the ramones.
    take your money and your drugs.
  • AbnerielAbneriel Posts: 109
    The show was great! It was my first for this tour. After hearing over 100 boots, I must say that their performance of Crazy Mary was hands down the best I've ever heard, which was great for my wife as that's her favorite song.

    For a more solemn moment, as we were seated I noticed a family directly across the aisle from me (I was on an aisle seat) and saw that they had some interesting shirts on that said "Missing Pearl Jam Fan" and "Reward" and the picture of a guy in his 20's. When Eddie mentioned the extreme misfortune of the Shaffer family and asked us all to help find Brian, everything clicked. It was his family. When Eddie said that the next song was dedicated to Brian they embraced one another and the their tears and sorrow flowed out uncontrollably. I tapped my mother (our whole family loves PJ and tries to make it out) on the shoulder during Wishlist and let her know that Brian's father was right next to us. She went and bought them all something to drink. At first they wouldn't accept, but she insisted and I think at that point they understood that she knew who they were. Brian's father, tears in his eyes, accepted the offer and shook her hand. She wished him the best of luck in this troubling time in his life. I then leaned over and shook it as well and wished him luck finding Brian. It was a very solemn moment, and kind of changed the mood of the next few songs. It was pretty hard to get into the music while thinking about this poor family that was seated right next to me. They left toward the end of Better Man (I believe). I felt very fortunate to meet his father, and wish him the best of luck.

    That was the emotional highlight of the show for me.

    We were seated in section 230 (ouch) row k seats 1-4, their family was in section 229 row k at the end of the aisle. I wish Eddie would have known they were there, I'm sure he would have made mention of it or had them back to meet the band so they could personally wish them luck.
    5th show of the tour for me. I've been so sad all day since it's the last show I can attend.. I guess better to go out with a bang!
    "I'm not present, I'm a drug that makes you dream"
  • edwhoedwho Posts: 811
    Being a huge Guided by Voices and Pearl Jam fan, I was expecting great things last night. It was better then I was expecting. Vedder came out first and ripped through kids are alright. Then Pollard came out and did a 40 min set. He only played one classic GBV tune (Game of Pricks). His new songs sounded really good, but I wanted some more classics!

    Pearl Jam + The Crowd = Awesomeness

    PJ ripped it with classic songs, yoga poses, and some entertaining between song banter. No Code and Vitalogy were representing hard core. then they dropped the fuckin leash. awesome. The crowd was going off with world cup like chants all night. alive was awesome, the crowd was in full on chant with hands in the air, i think eddie was in awe of it all.

    But they saved the best for last. PJ welcomed Pollard back on stage for baba o reily in the same venue of the who tragic incident in 1979. both vedder and pollard are huge who fans and cover baba frequently. This was awesome especially when vedder started imitating pollard by swinging his mic real high! a total love fest for 2 rock icons, vedder and pollard!!!

    The only way it could be better is if the crowd new GBV songs, and pollard played them. At any rate I got to see my 2 fav live acts PJ and Pollard, and was not disappointed. thank you PJ and pollard

    Thank you for posting your Fanview I really enjoyed it.

    After seeing Pearl Jam perform with Robert Plant I can totally relate.

    Mr. Pollard did miss the big “were all wasted” lyric (scream) at the end of Baba O'Riley. He was still on the “teenage wasteland’ chorus. He was drinking beer and wine just like Ed. After he realizes he fucked up he tells Ed but Ed didn’t seem too concerned and just shrugged. After seeing Ed’s response I remembered the opening vocals - or lack there of - on Wishlist earlier in the evening. Big Fun!

    I’d post the RP set list here if I could find them.


    Three Fish

    July 1996 San Francisco

    June 1999 Chicago

  • PorchsitterPorchsitter Posts: 1,069
    I need to give it up to the great people in Section 116 side stage. I was a bit skeptical about sitting in this area, but I was not disappointed. You guys rocked! After warning all of those in the immediate area that I would be losing my shit during the show, I soon found out that I was in good company.

    I will say this for the setlist. I knew as I listened to the show that the setlist would look pretty bland to those who weren't there, but fuck that. The boys were completely on last night, the crowd was nuts, and those that I met were incredible. I think that too often we get so hooked on "quantity" over "quality," and that is easy to do, but I must say that, for the most part, this was one of the cleanest performances I've seen of them in some time.
    We are the facilitators of our own creative evolution.--Bill Hicks
  • WickedJeremyWickedJeremy Posts: 229
    They were in the row behind my wife and I. She told me that the dad put cotton in the kids ears to use as hearing protection. If it was cotton, I sure hope the dad wises up a bit as using cotton in your eyes does not protect your hearing at ALL. Hopefully it was something else and just seemed like cotton.

    Hmmm, I don't think putting anything in your eyes will protect your hearing!

    Haha, so anyway, caught the show in Cincy, my 10th. I was sad to not see any shows in Indy, Lexington, Knoxville, this tour. But its understandable with what all they have going on. The show was great, its nice to have my senority growing in 10c. I'm getting better seats every tour. But it is also sad because that means fans are leaving or not coming to shows at least.

    Nothing I could really mention about the show that no one has already. I'll be at Summerfest Thursday. Only getting to catch them twice this round. Peace.

  • WickedJeremyWickedJeremy Posts: 229
    edwho wrote:

    I think when critiquing Pittsburgh and Cincinnati set lists you have to remember what’s next for the band (and us) The Tom Petty shows. Maybe Pittsburgh and Cincinnati were a warm up for those shows. More hits, Less rarities, Shorter sets.

    Reading the Pittsburg Fanviews you’d think pandemonium prevailed all night in that crowd. Coming from Chicago (not bias) I agree with most those views. BUT I think Cincinnati fans were just more excited and were very much louder. If they had just known a little more cheering would have gotten them a third encore.

    In Cincinnati after the band finished playing Baba O’Riley (with the house lights on) they took their bows and left the stage. People starting leaving and nobody was cheering. Folks should have been screaming because the stage crew was setting up for another song. In Pittsburgh Mike and Jeff’s quitar techs were breaking stuff down during Yellow Ledbetter. In Cincinnati after Baba O’Riley they were still prepping guitars. But nobody was cheering so after a few minutes someone with a headset gave the kill sign and the race to St. Paul started.

    Cincinnati was so close to a THIRD FUCKING ENCORE. Royals17 and I could see a crew set list from our seats and Indifference was the last song listed.


    I thought the crowd stuck with it a little bit. I even made the comment to my wife that you don't usually see a crowd stick around this long and cheer. Persoanlly, I've never seen them come back once the lights come up, especially once the pre-recorded music comes on. Anybody else?

  • Since this was my first PJ show, I don't know about the 3rd encore, but I do know I've never seen so much emotional intensity from any band in my 30 years of attending concerts. I'm not sure they had any more to give. I hope I don't ever forget the sight of Eddie Vedder doubled over on the stage-was it pain at having laid himself bare or ecstasy at the reaction of the crowd? I do know for sure I'll never listen to "Blood" again in quite the same way.
  • ledveddermanledvedderman Posts: 7,761
    The crowd in Cincy was amazing. This was show number ten for me, and this crowd blew every other crowd out of the water. From the time Ed came up to do The Kids Are Alright until Baba it was just insane. I was beyond pumped when I got to hear Long Road for the first time, and would have been happy with any set list that would follow. Some nice surprises in Save You, Green Disease, Wishlist, and Leash. During Evenflow Matt did a kick ass drum solo, and I hope that becomes a staple. The first set had some balls to it, the fact is after Long Road it didn't slow down at all (unless you count Unemployable, Present Tense, and Gone as "slow"). The first encore slowed the pace down a bit, not that that is bad, and then Leash took care of that. All in all, it was a great show. I think people were expecting an epic type show with it have being 6 years since the last show there, but I don't think anyone should be let down by it. A great concert, and easily towards the top of the concerts I have been to.
  • WOW!

    My 6th show dating back to 1998. I thought that Vancouver '05 crowd was loud, but Cincy was just amazing.

    My biggest impression was how well the new songs sounded live. I loved it, and the crowd was way into it.

    Hearing "Save it For Later" was awesome, one of the tags I've been waiting to see/hear in person. Also liked "Long Road" as an opener. And hearing "Present Tense" again was awesome. Not sure if they've played it much on this tour, but it's an awesome live song.

    Matt banging out some of "Jesus Christ Pose" during Evenflow was a huge surprise, and something I've been waiting to hear out of him since he joined the band.

    We were just a few cheers from getting that third encore, which is the only thing I'd say was disappointing about the show.
  • MercuryMercury Posts: 399
    Ok, you guys are killing me talking about the 3rd encore, but I agree, I think it was coming. I saw the upright bass being set up and figured they had more for us. That kills me too, I've never heard Indifference live and really wanted to hear that one. I think that would have put the show over the top for me, Binaural be damned. Honestly though, I kind of figured Baba might end it so I think that psyched a lot of us out. More than anything I'm just depressed that I won't be seeing them again for a while. Great show though, no matter how it ended.
  • I don't believe they would've played anymore if the crowd was louder. I think the venue probably said they were past curfew and couldn't play anymore if they actually were going to play some more.
  • I just wanted to say that, yes, the show was incredible! I also want to acknowledge the organizers of the CCFA benefit. The location was perfect. Living in NC, we never get Arrogant Bastard or Stone IPA, and having it on tap was a dream come true! It was so cool to meet the people who donated the Lexington,KY poster which we eventually won. My husband freaked out when I bought $20 worth of raffle tickets, but since we won something it turned out okay. It was especially cool because we were at the Lexington show and it still stands out in my mind as one of the best shows ever. We met some incredible people and reconnected with "old" friends. Then to have the show be fucking awesome, well that was just too much. It was especially poignant when Ed acknowledged Brian. A lot of work has gone into keeping his story in the forefront when many assume that after this length of time Brian will not be found alive. I hope for his family's sake this is not the case. At the very least, I hope they find answers. The not-knowing must be torment.

    My only complaint was with the venue employee who was "guarding" the aisle right next to us. He kept telling my husband to step back into the row (since we were on the aisle), but let people stand 4-deep in front of us. I think he was trying to get laid, because he seemed to be letting attractive girls get away with anything! Oh well, we ignored that minor irritation and rocked out until I thought my brains were going to end up on the floor! As my best friend advised, i was ready to gently scoop them up, preserve them in beer, and take them to the nearest hospital for reimplantation after the show.

    4 weeks until the Gorge!!!!
    Protecting the democracy that we ask our sons and daughters to die for is our responsibility and our trust. Demanding accountability from our leaders is our job as citizens. It's the American way. -Bruce Springsteen
  • lizard99lizard99 Posts: 1
    Great show! This show was so good, I had to sign up to your little message pit and tell the world as such. I've seen quite a few shows in my day...[although I hate to admit I haven't seen Pearl Jam since Lollapalooza '92 which they also blew everyone away...damn Bogart's for selling out so fast!]this was one of the best. I don't think I've ever experienced that much energy emanating from the crowd to the artist. What feedback! To me, that's what it's all about and Pearl Jam stoked the fire.

    And, hailing from Dayton, what about our own Robert Pollard! He, along with his new band, kicked it up to arena level with low-fi buzz! However, I still long for the good ole GBV days of 'intimate' shows at Canal Street Tavern or the beer throwing frenzies of the Southgate House performances of Baba O'Riley. However, seeing Pearl Jam, Robert Pollard and the amazing crowd with the house lights on bolting out their rendition of the Who classic, it doesn't get much better than that!
  • merlin401merlin401 Posts: 230
    I thought the crowd stuck with it a little bit. I even made the comment to my wife that you don't usually see a crowd stick around this long and cheer. Persoanlly, I've never seen them come back once the lights come up, especially once the pre-recorded music comes on. Anybody else?

    I've only been to 1 3 encore show (Holmdel) and the lights were on I believe. I actually stopped cheering and started walking out about 10 seconds before they came back and backtracked to my seats lol. I never saw that either but yes, it did happen. You guys coulda had it too!
    Jones Beach II (2000), Holmdel (2003), Camden I, East Rutherford II, Gorge I, Gorge II (2006), MSG I, Boston II (2008), Spectrum II, Spectrum III, Spectrum IV (2009), MSG I, MSG II (2010), Prague (2012), Philly I (2013), Philly I, Philly II, Fenway I (2016), Fenway I (2018), MSG (2022), MSG I, Fenway 1 (2024)
  • I was in section 104, near the bottom, and thought that the sound was bad there. I couldn't understand Ed, couldn't hear Mikey really well, heard the crowd over the music a lot. The band was fantastic- the most energy I have ever seen in them. I saw some songs that I hadn't seen before (this was #13 for me). Overall, I thought it was a great show, but for the first 5-6 songs, the sound sucked. Is there anyone out there who thought the same thing? About the sound, that is?

    The last show I saw them at was the VFC show in St Louis. Obviously, the sound was much better there.

    I don't think I'll see them again unless I have really close seats.
  • kdpjamkdpjam Posts: 2,303
    I was in section 104, near the bottom, and thought that the sound was bad there. I couldn't understand Ed, couldn't hear Mikey really well, heard the crowd over the music a lot. The band was fantastic- the most energy I have ever seen in them. I saw some songs that I hadn't seen before (this was #13 for me). Overall, I thought it was a great show, but for the first 5-6 songs, the sound sucked. Is there anyone out there who thought the same thing? About the sound, that is?

    The last show I saw them at was the VFC show in St Louis. Obviously, the sound was much better there.

    I don't think I'll see them again unless I have really close seats.

    i was on the side, the sound got better i thought, as time went on.
    lay down all thoughts; surrender to the void
    ~it is shining it is shining~
  • Hey all,

    This is my first post here. I posted the review below on my blog, thought you might dig. Freaking amazing show all the way around, I'm still buzzing. Also, I haven't seen this posted elsewhere: here is the Cincinnati Enquirer review of the show:


    Pearl Jam in Cincinnati

    People who know me, have seen my band, or have read RFN for long know that there are few things I dig more than rock and roll played like it matters. Life does not get much better for me than when rock is played with passion and urgency; with a belief that four chords can move mountains and change the world; and with a need to communicate, to break down the barriers between audience and band and turn a concert into a conversation rather than a performance.

    People who do this — they’re the true believers, the people who give a shit.

    Amy and I had not seen the band since their Lollapalooza set at Riverbend back in July 1992. We played the hell out of Ten back then and were big fans up through Vitaology. They sort of lost me with No Code and although we continued to listen to them on occasion — Amy listened far more than me — they fell out of high rotation. But the new record is really good, and we were intrigued by reports that the band had hit its groove again and was once again fulfilling its rep as one of rock’s best live acts. Our pal Jackie — one of my favorite people on earth and someone I’ll write about one day — hooked us up with tickets.

    Thank goodness she did, as we were treated to a righteous two-hour, 26-song tour de force. Pearl Jam get it. They give a shit. They’re true believers.

    The musical highlights were a blistering “Not For You,” a beautiful take on “Better Man” (where the crowd carried the first verses and the band later segued into the English Beat’s “Save It For Later”), a glorious “Crazy Mary” that culminated in a dual between the part-time keyboard player (on B3-style keys) and guitarist Mike McCready, and, of course, “Alive,” which as good as rock anthems get.

    The personal highlight — besides taking in the band’s passion and watching the crowd respond in kind — was witnessing Pearl Jam’s sense of history. US Bank Arena was formerly the Riverfront Coliseum, where eleven young adults were crushed to death trying to enter a Who concert on December 3, 1979. Two of the victims went to my high school and while I didn’t know them (I was in the eighth grade then), I came to know two of their brothers. (These are astronomical odds: 2/11 being from a small Catholic high school with an enrollment of approximately 300, especially considering that the two guys didn’t attend the show together.) I have many friends who were there and who are still haunted by the night in some ways. Pearl Jam suffered a similar tragedy in June 2000 when nine concertgoers died in a rush to the stage at a large festival in Denmark; the band considered breaking up afterwards.

    Whereas most bands might ignore the building’s dark history and their own connection to it, Eddie Vedder took it head-on. Pearl Jam are known as unabashed Who fans and Vedder took the stage wearing a classic Who t-shirt. He opened the show before opening act Bob Pollard with a solo version of “The Kids Are Alright” (we missed this, unfortunately). Midway through the show, he acknowledged both tragedies and admitted that it felt weird to set foot in that building for the first time. They felt compelled to honor the victims of both shows, dedicating “Love Boat Captain” as a “little prayer for those who passed and all the survivors” (quote from the Enquirer review linked below).

    The final piece was bringing Pollard, also a massive Who fan, back for the final encore, a joyful blow through “Baba O’Reilly” with the house lights on. Pollard messed up the end, Vedder dropped his mic while imitating Roger Daltrey’s classic mic lasso move, and they ended the song with laughter and hugs. It was beautiful, the perfect end to a night of glorious noise.

    Honestly, it felt like some demons were exorcised from the building. Someone finally acknowledged it and did it right. You don’t have to like Pearl Jam’s music, but I do not understand how people can’t appreciate their faith in rock and roll. Sometimes faith is all we have, especially during these dark times.

  • memememe Posts: 4,695
    I was in section 104, near the bottom, and thought that the sound was bad there. I couldn't understand Ed, couldn't hear Mikey really well, heard the crowd over the music a lot. The band was fantastic- the most energy I have ever seen in them. I saw some songs that I hadn't seen before (this was #13 for me). Overall, I thought it was a great show, but for the first 5-6 songs, the sound sucked. Is there anyone out there who thought the same thing? About the sound, that is?

    The last show I saw them at was the VFC show in St Louis. Obviously, the sound was much better there.

    I don't think I'll see them again unless I have really close seats.


    Until Corduroy you could hardly make up any melody.
    Things dramatically improved with LBC. Main set ended good. Then a little back to bad in the first encore, then improved again.
    ... and the will to show I will always be better than before.
  • dkfan9dkfan9 Posts: 75
    meme wrote:

    Until Corduroy you could hardly make up any melody.
    Things dramatically improved with LBC. Main set ended good. Then a little back to bad in the first encore, then improved again.

    sound wasn't a problem for me, but i was sitting further back(105 row M).
  • cenglejrcenglejr Posts: 5
    This is my first post here, I just figured some of you might want to read my thoughts on the Cincy show... I've been to six shows now, including the May 30th DC show, and I felt the crowd in Cincy was the best! I would like to seriously thank the folks at 10c because my seats were awesome! (Sec. 112 row E, very close to the right side of the stage) Anyway, I don't have a right to complain because they rocked out so hard all night, but my only wish would have been for a better setlist. Better meaning that I could have heard more songs that I haven't heard before, but it's all good. Anyway, the 9 hour drive from Richmond, VA was totally worth it! At one point while Eddie was speaking I glanced over at Stone and he was looking right in my direction! I pumped my fist in honor to him, and to my amazement, he smiled and waved!!! That was so freakin' sweet! As others have mentioned, Crazy Mary was unbelievable, Save it for Later, Lukin, LBC, Present Tense, all were fantastic. Hearing Leash the first time in DC was great, but it was even better the second time around for me! Matt was really on fire all night, I have never seen him better. I felt for sure that they were going to come back for the third encore, and I don't think anyone has mentioned this, but Eddie had said "if you stay, we'll play" so I figured we would be in for a long night. It was a little disappointing when they didn't come back, but the energy and intensity of this show made it an experience I'll never forget. Pearl Jam is the greatest band alive!
    8/3/00 Virginia Beach
    4/15/03 Raleigh
    7/1/03 Bristow
    10/3/05 Philadelphia
    5/30/06 Washington DC
    6/24/06 Cincinnati
    6/17/08 Virginia Beach
    6/22/08 Washington DC
  • MrFadedGloryMrFadedGlory Posts: 207
    Best seats I've had at ANY concert let alone PJ. My wife and I were 3rd row (which was the first row) side stage on Mike's side vs. all the way at the other end of the arena in Cleveland...that made ALL the difference. Best show of the 9 I've seen in large part due to the seats.

    Can I just say: Mike is freaking hillarious!! Pointing at everyone all show long and thanking each person he made eye contact with...killer. Matt was freaking into it big time too.

    I'm not even pissed about the dude next to me that caught the tamborine from Mike just before I was about to snag it; my wife was pissed, this dude kept asking if the songs he didnt know were off the "new album", I'm not even sure he knew WWS. The best was when someone told him he better hide it under his shirt and dude said nobody in here is big enough to take this thing from me, so I gave it a little tug and he says except maybe you and proceeded to tell me how much he benched, LMFAO, I said "not bad"...dude was a trip...kept saying "I don't know how I do it?" I told my wife I couldn't help but like the guy cuz he was into the show and was jammin right along every chance he could...if only his high maintenance looking girlfriend was standing next to me during the tamborine throw... oh well, bygones.

    Props to my poor wife who only had one beer at 7PM cuz she knew our 4 month old was going to be hungry at 2AM when we got back to Cbus.

    Why do I keep missing out on Marker? damn. Also, I think Ed got pissed when I yelled bullshit after he said "its ok to dream" in reference to PJ playing Parachutes...wtf, I had to let him know how bad we all wanted it.

    Indifference definitely would have taken this show to another level
    Left the Porch
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