Poster Addicts Unite!!!!

So I had posted in another thread about being retired from posters, and was called on the carpet so to speak by a fellow posterer...;)....
release30 gave me an idea.....If you are hooked on posters, lets hear your story...are you still an addict....can you stop on your own, or do you need help like I would think SOME of us is my story...;)
I imagine that it would go something like this.....
This story is not for the weak at heart, this gets kind of graphic...small children should probably leave the room.......:) is just paper, I guess. It all started back in 2000 with a sticky note. I liked the way it stuck to things all by itself....then I discover photographs and found that if you put them in a frame, you could HANG them on a wall...BRILLIANT I THOUGHT!! Then came lithographs, but they didnt stick, didnt have a taste for them...
.... But one day, I was at a friends house, and he took me to his basement, said he wanted to SHOW me something..I figured it was a new radio or record player we were going to check out BUT THEN...He pulled out what he called and "archival box"...Didnt think much of it until he took the lid off. One smell of the silk screening ink was ALL IT TOOK for me....Before I knew it, I had MY OWN archival box, and my OWN acid free foam board, nails, a hammer, paper towels and GLASS CLEANER!! I started dealing on line then. But by this time, I was a mess..I had emails coming in at all hours of the night..."hey man, wanna trade for this" "hey dude, I'll sell you this one at cost! " It spiraled out of control and before long, I didnt recognize myself.. I started speaking in tounges that no one had ever heard of. Gibberish mostly. I would just walk around talking to myself saying things like AMES and KLAUSEN and HESS and KOZIK...People were looking at me as though I were an alien...
...Then one day, I took what started out as 20 posters to the framers...then it was 35...then 50 and then I just said FUCK IT MAN DO THEM ALL!!! HAHAHAHAHA I was GONE man,there was no saving me til I decided enough was enough...I had to get some help.... I am here...Hi everybody....My name is pjtradeking, and I AM a poster addict!!!
release30 gave me an idea.....If you are hooked on posters, lets hear your story...are you still an addict....can you stop on your own, or do you need help like I would think SOME of us is my story...;)
I imagine that it would go something like this.....
This story is not for the weak at heart, this gets kind of graphic...small children should probably leave the room.......:) is just paper, I guess. It all started back in 2000 with a sticky note. I liked the way it stuck to things all by itself....then I discover photographs and found that if you put them in a frame, you could HANG them on a wall...BRILLIANT I THOUGHT!! Then came lithographs, but they didnt stick, didnt have a taste for them...
.... But one day, I was at a friends house, and he took me to his basement, said he wanted to SHOW me something..I figured it was a new radio or record player we were going to check out BUT THEN...He pulled out what he called and "archival box"...Didnt think much of it until he took the lid off. One smell of the silk screening ink was ALL IT TOOK for me....Before I knew it, I had MY OWN archival box, and my OWN acid free foam board, nails, a hammer, paper towels and GLASS CLEANER!! I started dealing on line then. But by this time, I was a mess..I had emails coming in at all hours of the night..."hey man, wanna trade for this" "hey dude, I'll sell you this one at cost! " It spiraled out of control and before long, I didnt recognize myself.. I started speaking in tounges that no one had ever heard of. Gibberish mostly. I would just walk around talking to myself saying things like AMES and KLAUSEN and HESS and KOZIK...People were looking at me as though I were an alien...
...Then one day, I took what started out as 20 posters to the framers...then it was 35...then 50 and then I just said FUCK IT MAN DO THEM ALL!!! HAHAHAHAHA I was GONE man,there was no saving me til I decided enough was enough...I had to get some help.... I am here...Hi everybody....My name is pjtradeking, and I AM a poster addict!!!

Never, ever, flipping forget
My friend was going to see Eddie last night. Since he was in Vegas, I gave him 5 Grand to gamble with. I told him I wanted it all to go on Black. Bastard! PhillyCrownOfThorns-11-2-12
My friend was going to see Eddie last night. Since he was in Vegas, I gave him 5 Grand to gamble with. I told him I wanted it all to go on Black. Bastard! PhillyCrownOfThorns-11-2-12
Post edited by Unknown User on
Ron Paul 2012
work = work + 1;
sleep = sleep - work * 10;}
else if (work >= 0) {
work = work +1;
return 0;}
My other half bought it for me for Christmas, ah the memories
Then the yearning set in.....the smell, the feel, uncurling them from the tube for that first sweet glimpse....
I'm hooked, probably got around another 50ish posters since then. Really really want the Missoula '98, the new Ed one is sweet and hoping to add more from the '08 tour when the 10c lets some go.
Whenever I see a thread on here 'posters for sale' I get that rush, then the depression sets in when I realise I'm in a totally diferent time zone to those selling and more often than not they're gone by the time I take all of 2 seconds to convinve myself I need them.
<object width="360" height="300"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><PARAM NAME=FlashVars VALUE="url="><embed src="" FlashVars="url=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="360" height="300"></embed></object>
Hi, I am release30 I am addicted to posters...I don't care if they are framed although I would like them to be but, I feel the money I spend on framing is another badass poster I can buy...Do I need help...Yes...Do I care...No...Will I still buy posters??...I am unable to stop!!!..:)
There's a constant ringing in my ears
Sense of humor's void and numb
And I'm bored to tears.......
thanks BK
Thanks Ames (most of them)
thanks EMEK
thanks all the others too
So how many have you bought since the dorf???
My friend was going to see Eddie last night. Since he was in Vegas, I gave him 5 Grand to gamble with. I told him I wanted it all to go on Black. Bastard! PhillyCrownOfThorns-11-2-12
-ed july 8th MSG 2004
If we only knew then what we know now, huh?
My friend was going to see Eddie last night. Since he was in Vegas, I gave him 5 Grand to gamble with. I told him I wanted it all to go on Black. Bastard! PhillyCrownOfThorns-11-2-12
My camera battery just went dead while I was taking a pic of each of my posters to put on picturebucket.
I am relatively new too, but getting too deep way too fast! Only 7 pages at ebeans but thats just since 2006.
My mother warned me about people like you. I will not succumb to your peer pressure !
Honestly, I will not get involved with the posters because of my addictive personality. Plus, I hoard.
But hey, you only live once, so enjoy yourself
Montreal/98, Toronto/00'03'05'06x2, Brad Toronto/02, Buffalo/03, Kitchener/05, London/05, Hamilton/05, Late Show Taping/06, Cleveland/06, Pittsburgh/06, Bridge School Benefit Concert/06, Hartford/08, Mansfield 1/08, EV Montreal/08x2, EV Toronto/08x2...
2006 was a year that I realize to have one more good reason to live.................................................................collect more posters
And yes Im an addict.....It all started with the getz 96 florida poster!!!!
BTW, wanna buy some?
Donate Organs and Save a Life
HAHA...Those days were waaaaay before posters, and only ONCE!
Just having a bit of fun is all...:) Have a seat.... You are among friends....;)
My friend was going to see Eddie last night. Since he was in Vegas, I gave him 5 Grand to gamble with. I told him I wanted it all to go on Black. Bastard! PhillyCrownOfThorns-11-2-12
1996: Ft Lauderdale
1998: Birmingham
2000: Charlotte, Tampa
2003: Tampa, Atlanta, Phoenix
2004: Kissimmee
2008: West Palm Beach, Bonnaroo, Columbia
2010: MSG2
2012: Music Midtown
2014: Memphis
2018: Wrigley 1, Fenway 1
2022: Nashville
2023: Ft. Worth II
2024: Baltimore
Upcoming: 2025 Hollywood, FL Night 2
I can see your trackmarks from here....;)
My friend was going to see Eddie last night. Since he was in Vegas, I gave him 5 Grand to gamble with. I told him I wanted it all to go on Black. Bastard! PhillyCrownOfThorns-11-2-12
I think about posters all the time. I dream about cobbling enough money together to buy a 98 Maui (and damn-it, someday I will). I have traded five posters to get the one I want (ex: Pink Borgata--ever realize how much that sounds like pink "vagina"? Mmmmm). I have sold 14 different pieces of memorabilia just so I can have a 96 Ireland--what a pain in the ass that was, but so worth it.
I daydream about what my man cave will look like when my carefully curated poster museum is complete. I think about the framed poster thread and how I can make my post stand out. "Should I make a video once my dream comes to fruition?" Maybe with Olympic music in the background? Or maybe I could use that scene in Christmas Vacation with Clark and his Christmas lights and the drum roll and cut to my cream of the crop Klausen wall just as Clark sticks the plugs together?
People will say "can I please hang out with you at your house just so I can be in this awesome space? Pretty please??" And I will say No since I am afraid they just want to steal from me.
Down the road, my children will experience a suffering tenfold of what I have gone through as a poster addict. They will assume the responsibility of a collection that could only be rivaled by the Rockefeller family. They will be tortured at night with the fear that people only want to be friends with them because of the posters they've inherited. And if they do sell them all and make millions from the Sotheby's-run auction, then they will never find true love because of their vast riches.
But that won't be my problem anymore. Because the only thing that can free a poster addict from his/her fate is death. And when Gabriel's Trumpets finally blow-- then and only then will I know how it feels to be free.
thats classic!
remember the first step
We admitted we were powerless over posters—that our lives had become unmanageable.
but i'm not like that....i can quit at any....ohh look at the ev batman poster....gotta get me one of those
wait wait i'm not addicted....after this one, i'm done
did you see the latest mccarthy?
yea that looks cool i might...
no no must resist....i'm not an addict!!
I have bought one poster every 4th day!!!!
It went from not caring at all.... to this!! Kinda creepy to think about and I am not seing myself slowing down anytime soon..
HI Smarter_Than_U!!.....Welcome to the club, please pull up a chair...Someone please pass him the tissue so he can dry his eyes...I know that was tough, but it will be ok! Admitting it is the first step in recovery!
My friend was going to see Eddie last night. Since he was in Vegas, I gave him 5 Grand to gamble with. I told him I wanted it all to go on Black. Bastard! PhillyCrownOfThorns-11-2-12
Hold me
My friend was going to see Eddie last night. Since he was in Vegas, I gave him 5 Grand to gamble with. I told him I wanted it all to go on Black. Bastard! PhillyCrownOfThorns-11-2-12
My friend was going to see Eddie last night. Since he was in Vegas, I gave him 5 Grand to gamble with. I told him I wanted it all to go on Black. Bastard! PhillyCrownOfThorns-11-2-12
EV:boston 1+2.albnay 2010