
**Saskatoon Fanviews Here**



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    I'm having trouble downloading...
    can someone tell me how many disks
    where they start/stop??
    running out of time...meet me on the moon
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    I knew when Ed came on to sing "I Believe in Miracles" with the Supersuckers that we were gonna get something special. I want to elaborate more on the crowd and the reaction from the band. As one person mentioned the crowd seemed pretty shy with Release. Then before Ed talked about the taping he said "I want to say something that's never been said before...Hello Saskatoon!" And that got the crowd goin. I was in a section right next to the stage that allowed me to look right down onto it. I could see Ed's reaction to everything clearly. As the crowd got more and more into it I could see Ed smiling and from that I knew we were going to get one hell of a show. The crowd almost drowned out Eddie for several songs including Even Flow, Small Town, Do the Evolution, Betterman, Daughter, and Alive. It was great. After Even Flow I think it was Ed said "Saskatoon you guys are getting rowdy...I like it." Ed also led the crowd in two chants one with Porch and one previous to that. He also fell to the stage in response to the overwhelming support from the crowd. The shout of "Hello" during Small Town was LOUD! Ed also let the crowd take over for him during part of Even Flow, Betterman, and I think one other.

    Ed sounded fantastic. All the other guys as well. The crowd especially reacted to Mike. Ed walked around with a bottle of wine or somethin and toasted various sections of the crowd. Some very lucky people got two tamborines and a harmonica. Ed standing on the rail during Porch was awesome to see. And to confirm he was supported by the crowd and security and then at the end he fell back into the hands of the security goons and let them toss him back on stage. Arms pumping in the air to several songs. During the encore breaks the crowd started chanting Eddie a couple times. And after one of the songs all you could here was "Booooooom....Booooooom"

    I knew Saskatoon would deliver up an awesome crowd for the boys. We are good for that. Thanks to Eddie and the band for an awesome show. Better then the one I was at in Vancouver in '03.
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    MANTISMANTIS Posts: 272
    Poster???? Anyone Have Pics????

    Columbus 00 -- Toronto 00 -- Toronto 03 -- Hershey 03 -- Boston I 04 -- Boston II 04 -- Toledo 04 -- Kitchener 05 -- London 05 -- Hamilton 05 -- Ottawa 05 -- Toronto 05 -- Toronto I 06 -- Toronto II 06 -- Cleveland 06 -- Detroit 06 -- Gorge I 06 -- Gorge II 06 -- Chicago Lolla 07 -- Toronto 09 -- Buffalo 10 -- Hamilton 11 -- Toronto I 11 -- Toronto II 11 -- Buffalo 13 -- London 13 -- Toronto I 16 -- Toronto II 16 -- Ottawa 16 -- Chicago I  18 -- Chicago II 18 -- Hamilton 22 -- Toronto 22

    Ed Ved - Toronto I 08--Toronto II 08

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    By any chance, did Boom tear into the keyboard during this great cover song?
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    SlashSlash Posts: 12
    Great setlist, damn i'm gonna die waiting for these shows...

    I know what you mean. "The waiting drove me mad."
    I Love Beer
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    One thing that hasn't been mentioned yet is that after Alive, Ed introduced everyone and said goodnight, etc. They left the stage for about a minute and came back. He said they were going to sing "Canada's national anthem. Actually, it should be the world's national anthem." Then they broke into "Rockin' in the Free World." In the mean time, someone turned on the stadium lights. They are the type that take a couple of minutes to warm up, but by half way through the song the lights were completely on. It was cool to see the crowd from the upper level where I was sitting.

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    Hey all, just shaking off the cobwebs this morning from a fantastic show last night. I had 31st row seats on the floor with 2 friends who are big fans. Eight of us ended up going together, it was the day after my birthday, best present ever! The place wasn't sold out, 3 sections at the very top back were empty. We got there after the opening band finished, no reviews on that. Eddie was amazing, his voice just rang out all night. When the three guys were all on guitars it was beautiful. Eddie said when he heard they were coming to Saskatoon, he said it sounded like they were going to a camp! He made comments all night about playing another campfire tune for us. My highlight was "Off He Goes" which hasn't been on the setlists for the other shows so far. The crowd really got into it for Elderly Woman, Daughter, Alive, Betterman all singing and drowing Eddie out at times. Rearview Mirror was 8 minutes long with guys jamming out guitar riffs building up then slowing down then building up again to the climax of the final verse, one of many goosebump moments, great! The crowd never let up on encore breaks screaming and chanting "Eddie" urging them back for more. Eddie told the crowd "if you're still here, we'll keep playing" After the second encore the guys came back out one more time and said they couldn't leave without playing the national anthem then broke into "Rockin in the free world" to end off the night. I had hoped for "Yellow Ledbetter" but getting "Off He Goes" totally makes up for it. True professional entertainers who wanted to please the crowd, I can't wait for the next time.
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    Flew in from Cgy for the show last night...my 3rd in 4 days. The setlist, from front to back, was awesome. The crowd, however, was not. There were at least 1000 seats in the upper bowl unfilled and everyone pretty much sat on their hands the whole show. We bought Ten Club tix for Cgy and Edm (great seats) but had lower bowl, almost opposite the stage because this show was a last minute thing for us...from that view, maybe the first few rows of the floor and a bit on the side near stage showed energy but most people to the section right of us sat thru the entire show. People were leaving in droves at the end of Daughter (wtf?) and then again at the end of the 2nd encore...musta had to beat that heavy Saskatoon traffic I guess. Only saving grace from an energy standpoint was Alive and RITFW. That being said, the band was REALLY trying to get everyone up throughout the whole show. Eddie was jumping around quite a bit, Mike was doing his pogo and Jeff was jumping too but noone ever really seemed to get into it, which absolutely astounded me, because we were losing it.

    I think the setlist was super high energy and the guys were really giving it. Eddie made about 3 or 4 references to this being like "playing at a campfire". I think he was dropping a hint. He also made a comment something like "Well...we can just keep playing or..." which got a crowd response because I think PJ really wanted more energy, which doesn't surprise me after the pandemonium of Calgary and the great response in Edmonton as well. I have to give the band, setlist and music a 9/10 and the crowd a 2/10. I have to admit being a bit disappointed by the response.

    All you Sask folks, please don't slay me but this is my opinion from a pretty good vantage point (both seatwise and multiple show wise).

    I actually heard someone behind me in the upper bowl yell, "Eddie, you suck" at one point. I think the bar was as full as the rink for Release...
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    7 days and counting!!!MTL, Ottawa
    Montreal '98, Montreal '00,
    State College '03,
    Toronto '03,
    Montreal '03, Montreal '05,
    Ottawa '05,
    NYC1 08 - NYC2 08 - Eddie MTL 08
    Toronto 09 Philly 09 - 3rd Philly 09 - 4th
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    Excuse Me!!! What show were you watching wgord??? Because what I saw wasn't what you described.

    Arms pumping to several songs, the chanting, the crowd singing loud enough to drown out Ed!!!

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    Just listened to the bootleg, its great, adrenaline pumping setlist all the way through with eddie's voice sounding better than ever.
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    I have been to Saskatoon/Edmonton/Calagry/Vancouver...heres I deduce everything..the Saskatoon show was a quiet one but the setlist was incredible....overall a great show IMHO...my seats 7th row on floor were so good that this was my favorite show on the tour but followed by a half an inch by Calgary (which had the BEST crowd of the shows I seen)...
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    Okay here goes incredible I was 7th row dead center on the floor....fucking fantastic.....

    I must have been right beside you dude, 7th row dead center also! Were u the guy in the green tee?

    Anyway the show was absolulutely awesome! The crowd needed some encouragement but Pearl Jam were in great form for this show! Footsteps was very well done! Porch started out great, I don't know if they have done this before or not, but it started out with a western feel and then ramped up from there. I would definately suggest ppl buy this boot, the set was incredible!

    The show was incredible, and any hardcore jammers would have loved to be at this show...but unfortunatly there were crickets in the background...
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    I must have been right beside you dude, 7th row dead center also! Were u the guy in the green tee?

    Anyway the show was absolulutely awesome! The crowd needed some encouragement but Pearl Jam were in great form for this show! Footsteps was very well done! Porch started out great, I don't know if they have done this before or not, but it started out with a western feel and then ramped up from there. I would definately suggest ppl buy this boot, the set was incredible!

    The show was incredible, and any hardcore jammers would have loved to be at this show...but unfortunatly there were crickets in the background...

    Thats the thing...I did have a green tee....I was in seat 18....yourself?...anyhow yeah the crowd was lack lustre..but I expected that from the show...anyhow I really enjoyed it for a pure musical experience...I think so far the best set of the Canadian tour....
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    seat 25......
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    what does that mean?

    Pretty sure it means the crowd was quite. You know....so quite you could hear the crickets?

    Anyway, the set looks awesome. I've yet to hear from my buddy that was at the show to get his view on it but I'm sure he had a blast.
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    My first PJ concert. Unbelievable! I can't remember what song it was, but Eddie was leaning out toward the crowd. He had two tambourines. He whipped one out to the crowd. He went to get up, stumbled back, & put the 2nd tambourine through the mic stand!!! He ran over to the other side of the stage (my side) and then rammed his head through the tambourine! Awesome! True entertainment! Also, during Alive, I noticed someone running fast across the stage. What the hell?!? Then Eddie started running and slid across the stage!!! Best concert ever!!!
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    I've been to about 18 differnent concerts in my 26 years but there has always been one band left to see.
    In all honesty, PJ was increadible last night. Words can not express what I was feeling during the whole show. Best concert ever!!
    I said that people were going to be surprised with the crowd in SK and I know that the boys were.
    The boot of this show is IMO the best one yet, but I may be a bit biased..

    THANK YOU PEARL JAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    I must have been right beside you dude, 7th row dead center also! Were u the guy in the green tee?

    I was actually dead center, seats 23 and 24 with my girlfriend....Right behind the guy who was about 6 foot 8....I talked to you Rockin earlier in the day at the venue while we were killing time. My girlfriend said it was the greatest show she's seen "part of". She only had a view of Mike all night because of the giant in front of us and he pretty much blocked my view of Jeff all night as well.

    Great show from beginning(Eddie w/Supersuckers), to Porch with Ed on the barricade to their "flubbed" Running back to Saskatoon to Rockin in the Free World...Amazing. I'm off to see them again in about half an hour, just hoping it will be half as good.
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    It’s the day after and I honestly woke up feeling like I had some great epiphany or clarity of mind. Like when it feels as though you’re waiting in limbo for some great occurrence to change your whole concept of things (in this case live music) and when it happens you know that this is the moment that you will judge all things against. Everything leading up to that moment and every moment after. This is the closest I have been to putting last night into words. I’ve been to a lot of concerts in my life and what I saw last night was inspiring. PJ were on stage for almost three hours, 27 songs, with no big screens or over the top theatrics. It was rock in it’s greatest and purest form. After 3 encores, the place was still packed and no-one wanted to leave. To end the second encore they played Alive, my fav, and after already playing for over 2 hours Matt McCready entered into probably the greatest solo I have ever heard live. I don’t think that Eddie Vedder could even believe it. There was a point where I felt so overwhelmed and overjoyed, you know, when you realize you’re in a “perfect moment”, that I thought the tears were gonna come. 12 years was a long time to wait. When it comes your turn I hope you have find that same kinda moment.
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    Drifter wrote:
    I was actually dead center, seats 23 and 24 with my girlfriend....Right behind the guy who was about 6 foot 8....I talked to you Rockin earlier in the day at the venue while we were killing time. My girlfriend said it was the greatest show she's seen "part of". She only had a view of Mike all night because of the giant in front of us and he pretty much blocked my view of Jeff all night as well.

    Great show from beginning(Eddie w/Supersuckers), to Porch with Ed on the barricade to their "flubbed" Running back to Saskatoon to Rockin in the Free World...Amazing. I'm off to see them again in about half an hour, just hoping it will be half as good.

    Dude, your the dude in the green tee! My gf was bumping into you guys all night! See you there tonight!
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    Oh and Footsteps, once again, kicked some serious ass...
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    SkooledSkooled Posts: 147
    Yeah i just came back and yes it was an amazing show. I don't know what u guys are talking about, I thought for the amount of people in the stadium it was damn loud, especially the first encore, i was in the back on the left side (section P) and we were screaming, clapping, yelling and stomping our feet against the ground (made an awesome banging noise) it was awesome, no one mentioned that eddie gave his harmonica to someone in the crowd, there was also guitar picks and drum sticks flying into the crowd constantly :)and yes the set was amazing, they played their hearts out and I am glad I went to that show, the rock out at the end of rearview mirror was AWESOME
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    ok, I was at the Vancouver show and it was amazing...but you lucky Saskatooners got Off He goes AND Glorified G??? my two favorite Pearl Jam songs...
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    It’s the day after and I honestly woke up feeling like I had some great epiphany or clarity of mind. Like when it feels as though you’re waiting in limbo for some great occurrence to change your whole concept of things (in this case live music) and when it happens you know that this is the moment that you will judge all things against. Everything leading up to that moment and every moment after. This is the closest I have been to putting last night into words. I’ve been to a lot of concerts in my life and what I saw last night was inspiring. PJ were on stage for almost three hours, 27 songs, with no big screens or over the top theatrics. It was rock in it’s greatest and purest form. After 3 encores, the place was still packed and no-one wanted to leave. To end the second encore they played Alive, my fav, and after already playing for over 2 hours Matt McCready entered into probably the greatest solo I have ever heard live. I don’t think that Eddie Vedder could even believe it. There was a point where I felt so overwhelmed and overjoyed, you know, when you realize you’re in a “perfect moment”, that I thought the tears were gonna come. 12 years was a long time to wait. When it comes your turn I hope you have find that same kinda moment.

    .....um, don`t you mean " Mike" McCready entered into probably the greatest solo.....?.....But that`s understandable.....it sounds like it was an unbelievable night.....
    MORE BARN!!!!!
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    SkooledSkooled Posts: 147
    .....um, don`t you mean " Mike" McCready entered into probably the greatest solo.....?.....But that`s understandable.....it sounds like it was an unbelievable night.....

    was it ever, i seriously never wanted it to end there is so much energy from that band it is awesomeness, and the light show was amazing to!
    And a sing along on even flow? That was fuckin amazing!
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    Sea wrote:
    Did you see the show?

    Set list (confirmation pending): Release, Corduroy, Save You, Given To Fly, Do The Evolution, Animal, Insignificance, Green Disease, Even Flow, Present Tense, I Am Mine, State Of Love and Trust, Small Town,
    I Got Shit, Rearviewmirror

    1st Encore: Glorified G, Whipping, Daughter, Off He Goes, Footsteps, Better Man/(Save It For Later), Porch (Ed jumps onto top of barricade)
    2nd Encore: Running Back To Saskatoon (by The Guess Who), Last Kiss (by Frank Wilson), Alive, Rocking In the Free World.

    it's the new mother nature taking over...

    absolutely wicked
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    Great concert last night, from the floor 8th row. I've only seen them once before in Fargo, ND, this blew that concert out of the water.

    The crowd was very quiet to start with, probably 3/4 of the people weren't in there seats for the Supersuckers which is too bad, because they put on a good show. They are just one of those bands that are so comfortable in their own skin - don't care what anyone thinks, that they get up there and rock out. Eddie was great at getting the crowd into it (what crowd there was).

    There was a pretty long break in between and i think that caught a lot of people by surprise. Because there are so few big concerts that come through Saskatoon, most people probably didn't realize there's no warning. When PJ hit the stage the crowd was pretty quiet, again most probably getting to their seats. I'm not sure at what point it changed, but like one of the reviews i heard today, it was almost when the cameras went off after Given to Fly that PJ seemed to loosen up. It was almost as if they were uptight when being videotaped. After they started joking around a bit on stage and enjoying themselves. I think that kind of brought the crowd into it and got the noise level up.

    At one point Eddie had to stifle a laugh in the middle of a song (don't recall which one) when someone in about the 3rd row unfurled a huge Sask Riders flag. Mike had a little something going with someone too, i couldn't quite see what was going on, but a "t-shirt trade" took place with, I'm assuming a woman. He was chuckling about it and i guess she kept bugging him and at one point i saw him look over and shake his head no. Then he flashed his wedding ring with a big smile so I can imagine what was asked of him. Pretty funny. Mike really looked like he was having a great time, cracking a huge smile a number of times. Eddie coming into the crowd a couple rows was a bit of a surprise i think and falling back to crowd surf back on stage (if only for a couple of rows) was pretty cool. He went kind of nuts with the tambourines, pretty funny when he rammed the one over his head and then chucked it out in the crowd.

    I must say way more energy than the Fargo show, the band seemed so relaxed and to be enjoying themselves so much. I would believe they were a little dissapointed about the crowd reaction to start with, but i think when they started rolling the crowd got into it and PJ probably left pretty surprised. Amazing concert, and Corduroy and I Got Shit on the set list, this is a great bootleg to pick up.

    If anyone else at the show wants to trade pics, i've got a few decent ones taken with a pretty good qual. dig camera. Big screw up though and we forgot to charge the batteries before so only about 1/2 dozen pics turned out from the first 3/4 of the show.

    Edit - oh & at the risk of looking like i'm sticking up for 'toon, that is a big venue to play (must be 15,000 seats) and a pretty small draw area. Still no excuse, but....probably lots realizing they should have been there after reading/hearing about it today! Suckers!
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    ok could i want to be at a show more than this one? man i would kill to see this show.
    i gather speed...from u fucking with me

    "i am the first man to shit my pants ya whew!"

    its no crime to escape..theres still time to escape...theres still time so escape...

    "yellow ledbetter is like the smoke after a 3 hour fuckfest" - 62strat

    st.louis 04, chicago 06, and counting...
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    Well, as everyone previously has said .. Pearl Jam absolutely destroyed Credit Union Centre.

    Since I'm not disagreeing with much from above, I'll just add stuff that I don't think has been mentioned:

    - Supersuckers having every single member of their band play the bass guitar, too cool. Even the drummer getting into the act, drumming and strumming while the Eddie Spaghetti held the chords.

    - Eddie saying that Saskatoon "has a magical name .. Saskatoon" and then going about saying how "when I heard it I thought we'd be playing a campfire" .. which I thought completely set the tone for many songs to come. I didn't notice it in the setlist, but "Elderly Woman behind the counter in a small town" was played and definitely a highlight as well.

    - I could be mistaken, but I think they played a Temple of the Dog track "Times of Trouble". When it started off with it's characteristic riff, me and a friend were so stoked we couldn't believe it, and started singing "When the needle's hot" and then we realized the lyrics were different! Anyone that could provide a heads-up, thanks in advance.

    - "Glorified G" & "Off he goes" were definitely highlights.

    - "Runnin' back to Saskatoon"/"New Mother Nature" with the revised lyrics about the President was too amazing, even though they only went about halfway through.

    - I'm not sure if being on the floor had anything to do with it, but I was in Section U and about 8th row, and looking around I noticed a shitload of people getting into it. I was belting out the lyrics myself to most songs, and I could hear a ton of people doing the same. I think Saskatoon showed up in fine form and it should make for a great boot. It sure looked like Eddie and the bunch were truly feeding off the crowd, and were there to play their asses off for us! That's what I liked to see!
    I'd love to see the video footage!
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