I think the movie was AMAZING but in the end, I felt like so much was missing... Another 10 hours would be welcome and I think even then, I would feel the same XD
Pearl Jam defined who I am today, I would be someone completely different if so many random events hadn't happened... PJ20 showed me why I exist... Can't wait for the DVD!!
BTW, since this is my first post here... Hi all! I'm Claudia, 30 yo, portuguese and a fan since the age of 12 (which was when an older cousin lend me a tape with Ten on side A and Vs on side B... When Vitalogy came out, I was on the line to buy it when the store opened).
~Can't escape from the common rule
If you hate something, don't you do it too...~
Wow...........PJ20 was amazing, interesting, emotional & funny! MTV singles party was hilarious! Movie put me in the mood for a live gig!!! Please come back to Ireland soon!!
Early the next morning thinking back on the movie I saw at 7pm the night before in Ridgewood NJ....
Throughout the movie a lot of different emotions came out and I felt that it is very similar to listening to the PJ catalog. The songs can send you on differenet whirlwinds of emotion and this movie was no different. One of the best parts was walking out of the theater and feeling very satisfied. It made me feel like I was a part of something that is larger than life. I can't wait for both the bands next chapter and my next chapter as a fan of the band. A bunch of guys I've never met have had such a profound impact on my life and to know that the sea of fans that the band has also affect them is pretty cool.
Go see the movie, be entertained, and then get ready to become very anxious to hear a little birdy tweet about a possible show coming near you.
It was great to see PJ on the big screen so close to my home - saw it at the Vue cinema in Westwood UK.
I thought it was really well made, I liked the rough cut early footage, all the stuff taken from hand held camcorders etc - I was impressed at the quality they achieved on such a big screen!
Stone's tour of his house and his lack of PJ parifinalia was really cool to see, 'oh look there's a grammy!' was my favorite quote from the film.
The best thing was being amongst so many fans in our home town, a truely unique experience.
Did anyone else keep getting the urge thoughout the film to stand up and clap?
I really need another PJ concert now - come back to the UK soon!!!
Oh and if you're on here - Hi to the girl with the stickman bumper sticker on her car who parked next to me!
Awesome ,amazing behind the scenes and other footage .I spent half the time with chills .It was the best movie I've seen in years...especially the early years and the scene where Ed comes out of his shell...You could really feel and see the transformation..
Thanks for letting us see this
First off, watching movies is part of my job, so I’m probably pretty jaded, but I was still lying awake at 2am with PJ songs running through my head. What hit me first was that after 20 years, I still get goose bumps at the first note of the songs. Then it hit me that it has been TWENTY years! Apparently a part of the 15 year old in cut off jeans, my father’s old flannel shirts with hennaed hair down to my waist is still there and 'Alive' still packs a powerful punch even though in a different way then back then. My grandmother had just been diagnosed with lung cancer which resulted in me suddenly morphing from minor to caretaker - and not being able to go to the 1992 show at the Rockhaus which actually still pisses me off more than having to work full time while still going to school when she died - but I'm still alive. Take that universe!
I liked the combination of serious parts (Andy Wood’s death, Roskilde, dealing with the sudden fame and the craziness tied to it, Ticketmaster), laugh out loud moments (Singles, ‘Look, there’s a Grammy’, the mug, ‘Boom Gaspar, 292 shows’, EV and CC horsing around on stage during Hunger Strike,the Drummer Rap feat. Spinal Tap, SG's face when the lady at the Ticketmaster hearing called them something like very delightful guys) and just plain interesting stuff like the sudden change in Eddie during the Vancouver gig.
I also thought the Crown of Thorns montage was well and respectfully done, especially since it was made clear in earlier segments of the movie how much Andy Wood still effects and to a certain extent influences everyone who knew him.
The respect and love these guys have for each other after all this time was also pretty palbable IMO. It’s normal to get on each other’s nerves from time to time, but they seem to have each other’s backs when it counts (‘I would have said it if I’d had the balls’ re the Grammy speech or ‘He could have easily killed himself a couple of times and that would have been more than I can take’). Makes me proud to be a card-carrying Ten Club member.
The movie really did lean heavily towards the first years, but 20 years is a lot of ground to cover. I agree with whoever said a miniseries would have been better, but that probably would have appealed to a very limited audience only.
You can tell a man from what he has to say - Neil & Tim Finn
They love you so badly for sharing their sorrow, so pick up that guitar and go break a heart - Kris Kristofferson
Such an amazing movie! It was a big roller coaster ride of emotions for me. I remember so many things from those early days as well, it brought back so many memories. I still remember staying up late in 1991 and 1992, waiting for an interview on Headbanger's Ball or so, recording it on VHS tape, seeing the Singles Party on MTV live, I remember how I felt when I saw the Pinkpop concert when Eddie climbed the Camera Pole and jumped into the audience, the Black version during the Unplugged session...all these things made a huge impression on me when I "lived" those moments. To relive them now was so emotional. Great! It made me realize I really grew up with this band, and each album stands for a certain period in my life as well. I found the whole Eddie's father and Release footage so touching, I felt some tears there, and the Roskilde moment. I still remember seeing those news images on TV, and feeling the pain. The pure aggression of those early days combined with the powerful Alive version towards the end. I am so happy this band is still playing. I met Mike McCready 3 times in 2003 in Seattle, and one of the times, we drank coffee together. We talked about various things, and one of the nice things I noticed was, how "normal, down to earth" he was, how kind and funny. It speaks for all the guys. I now have even more respect for Stone as well. You, me, we're all still alive!
Thank you PJ and Cameron Crowe, what a film. Loved it all. Maybe there will be a sequel to fill in the gaps.. Could have had the speakers louder too.. I was amazed how good the old footage looked, especially the secret movie stuff.
Oh, I could be new... you underestimate me
Melbourne - 16/3/95, 5/3/98, 18/2/03, 20/2/03, 13/11/06, 16/11/06, 20/11/09, EV 24/3/11 EV 25/3/11, 24/1/14, ....
Ann Arbor was fantastic as always (love that city). Went to the early show. Cool little old theater.
The film was what I was expecting when taking 20 years and stuffing it into 2 hours. It's tough to cover everything. But it was well done. The credits concept at the end was brilliant. Stone and his Grammy was fantastic as well. Of course as the musician that I am I was hoping for more gear related and studio video etc. But that's okay. Can't wait for the dvd and all the extras. Brilliant...
E. Lansing-98 Columbus-00,03,10 Detroit-00,03 (1&2),06, 14 Cleveland-03,06,10 Toledo-04, Grand Rapids-04,06 London-05, Toronto-05, Indianapolis 10, East Troy (1&2) 11, Chicago 13, Detroit 14
Saw the movie at Toronto,was amazing..for sure i want like 20 hours more stuff...lol..atleast Eddie came on stage at the end.
i hope will be played in Greece,so more fans can see it..
Thanks PJ
Was I the only one who thought of dimi when NAIS was featured?
37 PJ Shows, 3 EV Shows, 1134 Total Songs, 24 Different Openers, 9 Different Closers, 252 Unique Songs (never enough)
Saw the film first @ the Princess Of Wales theater in Toronto on September 10th. I pretty much cried at the end. Maybe cause it was over & I wanted more or the fact that being a fan for since '92 & following / reliving all the excitement this band has given their fan's for such a long time. To see my band go threw the good times & tough times, it was pretty intense.
Last night I went to see the film again @ the Bayer's Lake Theatre here in Halifax, Nova Scotia for the 2nd time. Again, I couldn't help but get emotional. When you have a feeling for the music & the band you love, you can't control it. They are a part of my family. You can't help break a tear seeing them up there on the big screen.
Thank you Pearl Jam. Here's to another 20 year's. And thank you Cameron Crowe & the crew who helped out & edited the film. Can't wait to see what guy's have in store for PJ40!
Saw the film in Philly... before the show, a representative from the Philly Film Festival spoke to the crowd... he said the band manager reached out to him specifically to state that the band considered Philly to be their #1 market, and the Philly show sold out faster than any other show... interesting way to get things started... you can imagine there was quite a cheer when Alive from the Spectrum show in 2009 came on (but why mix in footage from Italy?)
even though I was around in 1992 and already in love with this band, the first hour of the movie was pure magic, as I saw so many anecdotes and stories come to life... about 1/2 way through, I looked at my watch and thought "how are they going to cover the next 18 years in so little time... I guess the answer was "they won't" but it turns out that is ok with me...
loved seeing the famed fire pole in Ed's house... love Stone's house tour and wondered if he was a bachelor... loved the footage from Breath where ed supposedly came out of his shell... never knew cornell was so involved with the band and Andy, until reading the PJ20 Book, and I read basically everything printed... seeing Chris break down talking about Andy, and also seeing him reflect on the camaraderie was very special, considering the song(s) played at PJ10 and PJ20....
many of the "why do this" and "I would have liked to see more on this" were already stated, but regardless, when I got home, I immediately purchased the DVD with extended footage...
37 PJ Shows, 3 EV Shows, 1134 Total Songs, 24 Different Openers, 9 Different Closers, 252 Unique Songs (never enough)
I loved it, a lot. It made me more grateful to be a part of Pearl Jam and it's history, so thankful for having their music (pretty much on a daily basis, I can safely say that round here without too many sideways glances )
I always knew I was lucky that "my" band kept going, kept putting out music that seemed to change and grow at the same time I did. I had an idea that it wasn't always an easy road for them all. I am just profoundly grateful that they are still recording and touring. We Are So Lucky!
What an emotional rollercoaster. I got swept away and yea, sung, chairdanced, laughed, and yep, got watery eyes too. I really feel lucky to have known the music for all these years.
And of course....it has made it IMPERATIVE that I see them again, soon, live! Did that happen to you all? I can't wait to see them again! And I live a LONG way from Mexico....
Sincere props and thanks to everyone involved, not least: thank you so much Pearl Jam...
"my" band - ???? - that's funny, I thought it was MY band
Everything about it was great, teared up several times during it. Not that I ever needed convincing, but this is exactly why I love this band - the honesty.
i agree with those that say they would have liked some more later stuff. especially no code. jack irons was but a footnote too. i don't get that.
I haven't read through all the posts yet, so maybe someone raises this point..but maybe Crowe didn't have Jack Iron's consent to put more about him in the movie. Same can be said for Abbruzzese I guess.
With that said...maybe the story of the drummers was condensed into a ten second blurb because there was less to it than maybe we all like to believe. Hard to elaborate too much on "Hey...we just didn't get along"..and sometimes that is the reality.
What a fantastic night! Never expected that the two Vienna screenings will be sold out!!
We enjoyed every single moment and time went by too fast! I've seen video footage of Release in Verona before but this was really extremely emotional! What a voice!!!! Now I'm looking forward to the Deluxe Edition DVD!!!
Considering how quickly the tickets for the Vienna show in 2006 were gone, I wasn't really surprised actually. What did surprise me however was the vast selection of different T-Shirts in the audience, I don't think one was represented twice
Were you at Reichsbrücke or Wienerberg?
You can tell a man from what he has to say - Neil & Tim Finn
They love you so badly for sharing their sorrow, so pick up that guitar and go break a heart - Kris Kristofferson
This movie reiterates for me what I love about this band. Every single time I hear them... live, bootlegs, even studio recordings, some sort of emotion is pulled out of me. It's the only band that does this for me on this (high) level. They can literally change my mood on a moments notice.
The movie did the same thing. Clearly there were things in the movie that some people already knew (uuum, stalkers? :-) ). However, hearing in one compact format both the overview of history, plus some very specific details (I liked "THIS is the place where we listened to the demo with Ed... Eddies vocals over it, for the first time". Also, how it was possible for them to both have a clue that they were part of something (becoming) big, yet still have no clue at all (if you get my meaning). How they were getting bigger, but lolla made them realize it would almost be impossible for them to play small clubs again.... and how that affected them somewhat negatively (personally).
There are of course going to be critics of the movie... My opinion is overall it was a great representation of the first 20 years of the band we all love (even you chronic critic/complainers still love em or you wouldn't be on here. It's hard to believe that anyone pays $20 just so they can post how much a particular setlist sucked).
With that, I just want to say, one more time... I, like many, have had parts of my life significantly impacted by their music. In the end, all for the better. Thank you Pearl Jam.
Great great movie!
I liked it big times. It made me laugh so often and load, it made me almost dance, it touched me deeply,
it made sense!!!
I haven't expected a full cinema here in Munich, but it was and the movie guy was as surprised as many who really got the last seats.
It was a really good atmosphere right from the start and funny thing was, that nobody left the room before the very end, when no sound was to hear anymore... then the audience gave applause, which made me really wonder and happy.
I went with my cousin again and even for him , who is not a PJ fan and just saw them playing live once, the movie was great to watch, he said: very interesting and funny and new for him. He saw them and me different afterwards. And he liked the atmosphere of the theater and the nice people all around.
So PJ Fans are the best and Pearl Jam is just the best and greatest band in the world and to me ever, and a band, that indeed makes a difference.
As a old big fan I knew most of the story but some was really new, also the Single Premiere footage- a lot of these insights made me laugh extremely... that was new stuff, for sure... but again so nice :P
so thanks also to Cameron Crowe who really made an excellent rockumentary out of my view.
Really wonderful.
Uhhh did I enjoy my PJ day of the year. It almost was like a live gig here in ol' Europe.
Oh PJ you always surprise and make SOOO happy, ALWAYS.
so thanks so much and please keep on rockin' for the next ten years. You are needed and much loved!
p.s. had to make some adds after reading through the posts. A great fanview I would say, and it brings a lot of the scenes back and I SMILE again and just know why I love this band and the music of this band so much, all my life long it seems. The cousin said later: Well, we just are the Grunge youth of history time. That was the music of our early grown up years here in Bavaria and I would say: it still is and will be- :P
Post edited by breakmarysfall on
there is no way to peace, peace is the way!
...the world is come undone, I like to change it everyday but change don't come at once, it's a wave, building before it breaks.
Loved the movie really - could have been longer of course! I´ve seen it in Bremen, Germany - the cinema wasn´t fully occupied :? , but all were in a good mood.
Took my son and his new girlfriend to the theatre - for her to get in contact with the band the whole family loves. What to say - she was pleasantly surprised, how much she liked them, especially what the band stands for throughout the years. I think she´s ready to come with us to the next concert which I hope will be in next summer.
She also said that she likes the quiter songs more (like ITW) and I answered: I know what you mean, I started with that as well and then I realised that PJs music can express every feeling inside of me - and I love them for that.
Thank you Pearl Jam for giving me so much!
Berlin Wuhlheide 2009
Berlin Wuhlheide 2010
Berlin 1 & 2 2012
Saw it in Hartford at the Real Art Ways theater. Cool place.
It went much too fast.
Was nostalgic when they showed Crown of Thorns being sung in Las Vegas during PJ10.
Also, not to disagree with Jeff, but we were at the Nassau Coliseum for the 2003 show. I know that there were some yokels shouting when they did Bushleauger but I doubt there were more than a loud handful in a vast crowd. I think that song was a brave statement.
The Movie was an experience and I am excited to see it again! Thanks to Cameron Crowe and PJ for opening up. So much footage never seen and songs never heard! Thank You! Keep on Rollin' 20 years is only the start!
Real fans know the history of the band's origin and how PJ came about....but seeing it happen through the actual video and not some made for tv movie was surreal. All in all it was a great movie.
This really isn't a complaint, just an observation.......Prior posts talk about the fact No Code years were ignored and the drummer issues were glossed over. But what I find very very odd is that there was no mention of Boom. I know he is not an official band member, but come on. Boom has an obvious history with the band. It would have been nice to see that documented in the movie.
LMAO at Stones dirty coffee mug and his candid surprise at finding his Grammy.
Loved Eddie and Andrew singing COT. That was pure art!
Can't wait to get the DVD to watch it again.
Thanks PJ for sharing private moments and CC for his creativity!
Saw the film in Philly last night, and was completely blown away! My husband saw it with me, and he loved it, and isn't even a fan!
I found myself getting quite emotional during various parts, especially hearing Crown of Thorns, with Ed singing it, and then flashing back to Andrew Woods' performance-very very touching. Also, when Alive from Philly '09 started, and the entire place erupted-I imagine many of those in attendance last night were also at some of those Spectrum concerts-wish I had been there!
I know how touched I was by this film, and I'm a brand new fan-I can only imagine how those who have followed the band since their inception must have felt watching this. I'm sure their past lives must have flashed before them.
Kudos to Cameron Crowe for a fantastic job, and kudos to PJ for just BEING-here's to the next 20 years! :thumbup:
Love it!!!! Laughed quite a bit! Personally my favorite parts were the early days, I mean after all those experiences did mold them into who they are. I just think the process for them lately is a bit easier, and so like CC it was difficult to make because essentially it is a happy ending. And really the part showing the "making" of the Alive video, and their commentary on Live Videos being the only way to go, than cutting to the production of Jeremy, that was genius! Perhaps one of only a few time they didn't stay true to themselves, but they learned a huge lesson from it.
Also, what struck me, as an American I feel they are my band, or our band, but now realize they do so much traveling and have such a tight knit relationship with so many different countries. How exhausting it must be to do so much traveling, and throw their heart into each and every show. It is nice to see them embraced by everyone, and just how much they embrace the entire world right back! As you can tell I have only been off American soil, once or twice. But I have been to Seattle!
Great movie! I watched here in Brazil (São Paulo) and the theater was crowded. I liked a lot, there´s some funny parts (specially when Stone is involved), it´s great to see their friendship and everything they passed through to get where they are now, the love from their fans, etc. I liked the drummer story, the mug part, one of my favorites was when Eddie get the tape and says if the director called to that old phone number...A lot of highlights, I just think they gave too much time for MLB part, but it´s ok...
There´s no way to leave the theater without a smile on my face after the movie...After the credits was gone, some fan screamed "Viva Pearl Jam", and everyone started to applause, was funny
PS: after seeing the movie, now I have to give much more love and appreciate to Stone He´s the man!
Pearl Jam defined who I am today, I would be someone completely different if so many random events hadn't happened... PJ20 showed me why I exist... Can't wait for the DVD!!
BTW, since this is my first post here... Hi all! I'm Claudia, 30 yo, portuguese and a fan since the age of 12 (which was when an older cousin lend me a tape with Ten on side A and Vs on side B... When Vitalogy came out, I was on the line to buy it when the store opened).
If you hate something, don't you do it too...~
Throughout the movie a lot of different emotions came out and I felt that it is very similar to listening to the PJ catalog. The songs can send you on differenet whirlwinds of emotion and this movie was no different. One of the best parts was walking out of the theater and feeling very satisfied. It made me feel like I was a part of something that is larger than life. I can't wait for both the bands next chapter and my next chapter as a fan of the band. A bunch of guys I've never met have had such a profound impact on my life and to know that the sea of fans that the band has also affect them is pretty cool.
Go see the movie, be entertained, and then get ready to become very anxious to hear a little birdy tweet about a possible show coming near you.
I thought it was really well made, I liked the rough cut early footage, all the stuff taken from hand held camcorders etc - I was impressed at the quality they achieved on such a big screen!
Stone's tour of his house and his lack of PJ parifinalia was really cool to see, 'oh look there's a grammy!' was my favorite quote from the film.
The best thing was being amongst so many fans in our home town, a truely unique experience.
Did anyone else keep getting the urge thoughout the film to stand up and clap?
I really need another PJ concert now - come back to the UK soon!!!
Oh and if you're on here - Hi to the girl with the stickman bumper sticker on her car who parked next to me!
Thanks for letting us see this
First off, watching movies is part of my job, so I’m probably pretty jaded, but I was still lying awake at 2am with PJ songs running through my head. What hit me first was that after 20 years, I still get goose bumps at the first note of the songs. Then it hit me that it has been TWENTY years! Apparently a part of the 15 year old in cut off jeans, my father’s old flannel shirts with hennaed hair down to my waist is still there and 'Alive' still packs a powerful punch even though in a different way then back then. My grandmother had just been diagnosed with lung cancer which resulted in me suddenly morphing from minor to caretaker - and not being able to go to the 1992 show at the Rockhaus which actually still pisses me off more than having to work full time while still going to school when she died - but I'm still alive. Take that universe!
I liked the combination of serious parts (Andy Wood’s death, Roskilde, dealing with the sudden fame and the craziness tied to it, Ticketmaster), laugh out loud moments (Singles, ‘Look, there’s a Grammy’, the mug, ‘Boom Gaspar, 292 shows’, EV and CC horsing around on stage during Hunger Strike,the Drummer Rap feat. Spinal Tap, SG's face when the lady at the Ticketmaster hearing called them something like very delightful guys) and just plain interesting stuff like the sudden change in Eddie during the Vancouver gig.
I also thought the Crown of Thorns montage was well and respectfully done, especially since it was made clear in earlier segments of the movie how much Andy Wood still effects and to a certain extent influences everyone who knew him.
The respect and love these guys have for each other after all this time was also pretty palbable IMO. It’s normal to get on each other’s nerves from time to time, but they seem to have each other’s backs when it counts (‘I would have said it if I’d had the balls’ re the Grammy speech or ‘He could have easily killed himself a couple of times and that would have been more than I can take’). Makes me proud to be a card-carrying Ten Club member.
The movie really did lean heavily towards the first years, but 20 years is a lot of ground to cover. I agree with whoever said a miniseries would have been better, but that probably would have appealed to a very limited audience only.
They love you so badly for sharing their sorrow, so pick up that guitar and go break a heart - Kris Kristofferson
Oh, I could be new... you underestimate me
Melbourne - 16/3/95, 5/3/98, 18/2/03, 20/2/03, 13/11/06, 16/11/06, 20/11/09, EV 24/3/11 EV 25/3/11, 24/1/14, ....
The film was what I was expecting when taking 20 years and stuffing it into 2 hours. It's tough to cover everything. But it was well done. The credits concept at the end was brilliant. Stone and his Grammy was fantastic as well. Of course as the musician that I am I was hoping for more gear related and studio video etc. But that's okay. Can't wait for the dvd and all the extras. Brilliant...
Saw the film first @ the Princess Of Wales theater in Toronto on September 10th. I pretty much cried at the end. Maybe cause it was over & I wanted more or the fact that being a fan for since '92 & following / reliving all the excitement this band has given their fan's for such a long time. To see my band go threw the good times & tough times, it was pretty intense.
Last night I went to see the film again @ the Bayer's Lake Theatre here in Halifax, Nova Scotia for the 2nd time. Again, I couldn't help but get emotional. When you have a feeling for the music & the band you love, you can't control it. They are a part of my family. You can't help break a tear seeing them up there on the big screen.
Thank you Pearl Jam. Here's to another 20 year's. And thank you Cameron Crowe & the crew who helped out & edited the film. Can't wait to see what guy's have in store for PJ40!
even though I was around in 1992 and already in love with this band, the first hour of the movie was pure magic, as I saw so many anecdotes and stories come to life... about 1/2 way through, I looked at my watch and thought "how are they going to cover the next 18 years in so little time... I guess the answer was "they won't" but it turns out that is ok with me...
loved seeing the famed fire pole in Ed's house... love Stone's house tour and wondered if he was a bachelor... loved the footage from Breath where ed supposedly came out of his shell... never knew cornell was so involved with the band and Andy, until reading the PJ20 Book, and I read basically everything printed... seeing Chris break down talking about Andy, and also seeing him reflect on the camaraderie was very special, considering the song(s) played at PJ10 and PJ20....
many of the "why do this" and "I would have liked to see more on this" were already stated, but regardless, when I got home, I immediately purchased the DVD with extended footage...
"my" band - ???? - that's funny, I thought it was MY band
Everything about it was great, teared up several times during it. Not that I ever needed convincing, but this is exactly why I love this band - the honesty.
Can't wait for the DVD.
I haven't read through all the posts yet, so maybe someone raises this point..but maybe Crowe didn't have Jack Iron's consent to put more about him in the movie. Same can be said for Abbruzzese I guess.
With that said...maybe the story of the drummers was condensed into a ten second blurb because there was less to it than maybe we all like to believe. Hard to elaborate too much on "Hey...we just didn't get along"..and sometimes that is the reality.
Considering how quickly the tickets for the Vienna show in 2006 were gone, I wasn't really surprised actually. What did surprise me however was the vast selection of different T-Shirts in the audience, I don't think one was represented twice
Were you at Reichsbrücke or Wienerberg?
They love you so badly for sharing their sorrow, so pick up that guitar and go break a heart - Kris Kristofferson
The movie did the same thing. Clearly there were things in the movie that some people already knew (uuum, stalkers? :-) ). However, hearing in one compact format both the overview of history, plus some very specific details (I liked "THIS is the place where we listened to the demo with Ed... Eddies vocals over it, for the first time". Also, how it was possible for them to both have a clue that they were part of something (becoming) big, yet still have no clue at all (if you get my meaning). How they were getting bigger, but lolla made them realize it would almost be impossible for them to play small clubs again.... and how that affected them somewhat negatively (personally).
There are of course going to be critics of the movie... My opinion is overall it was a great representation of the first 20 years of the band we all love (even you chronic critic/complainers still love em or you wouldn't be on here. It's hard to believe that anyone pays $20 just so they can post how much a particular setlist sucked).
With that, I just want to say, one more time... I, like many, have had parts of my life significantly impacted by their music. In the end, all for the better. Thank you Pearl Jam.
I brought some people who arent fans. And they walked away very impressed and satisfied.
I think they knocked it out of the park.
I liked it big times. It made me laugh so often and load, it made me almost dance, it touched me deeply,
it made sense!!!
I haven't expected a full cinema here in Munich, but it was and the movie guy was as surprised as many who really got the last seats.
It was a really good atmosphere right from the start and funny thing was, that nobody left the room before the very end, when no sound was to hear anymore... then the audience gave applause, which made me really wonder and happy.
I went with my cousin again and even for him , who is not a PJ fan and just saw them playing live once, the movie was great to watch, he said: very interesting and funny and new for him. He saw them and me different afterwards. And he liked the atmosphere of the theater and the nice people all around.
So PJ Fans are the best and Pearl Jam is just the best and greatest band in the world and to me ever, and a band, that indeed makes a difference.
As a old big fan I knew most of the story but some was really new, also the Single Premiere footage- a lot of these insights made me laugh extremely... that was new stuff, for sure... but again so nice :P
so thanks also to Cameron Crowe who really made an excellent rockumentary out of my view.
Really wonderful.
Uhhh did I enjoy my PJ day of the year. It almost was like a live gig here in ol' Europe.
Oh PJ you always surprise and make SOOO happy, ALWAYS.
so thanks so much and please keep on rockin' for the next ten years. You are needed and much loved!
p.s. had to make some adds after reading through the posts. A great fanview I would say, and it brings a lot of the scenes back and I SMILE again and just know why I love this band and the music of this band so much, all my life long it seems. The cousin said later: Well, we just are the Grunge youth of history time. That was the music of our early grown up years here in Bavaria and I would say: it still is and will be- :P
...the world is come undone, I like to change it everyday but change don't come at once, it's a wave, building before it breaks.
The worst part of the film was when I realized I wasn't driving to go see them live. After I got over that it was awesome!
CC had amazing footage of the seen in Seattle back then. Was phenomenal to watch.
Stone and Jeff stole the show.
Crown of Thorns in Vegas and Ed's emotional moment when talking about Jeff....some highlights for me.
Can't wait for Eddie's speech at the Oscars!! jk
Great film!
Took my son and his new girlfriend to the theatre - for her to get in contact with the band the whole family loves. What to say - she was pleasantly surprised, how much she liked them, especially what the band stands for throughout the years. I think she´s ready to come with us to the next concert which I hope will be in next summer.
She also said that she likes the quiter songs more (like ITW) and I answered: I know what you mean, I started with that as well and then I realised that PJs music can express every feeling inside of me - and I love them for that.
Thank you Pearl Jam for giving me so much!
Berlin Wuhlheide 2010
Berlin 1 & 2 2012
Love is the wine (Sh. Muzaffer Ozak Ef.)
Singles party, Stone's mug, Stone's grammy statue, grammy awards (table next to tickemaster's table)
Thank you for being with us for 20 years :!: and for next 20 I hope :!:
There was a huge croud at cinemas in Poland. Greetings from Poland :!:
Can't find a BETTER BAND :!:
We love you :!:
It went much too fast.
Was nostalgic when they showed Crown of Thorns being sung in Las Vegas during PJ10.
Also, not to disagree with Jeff, but we were at the Nassau Coliseum for the 2003 show. I know that there were some yokels shouting when they did Bushleauger but I doubt there were more than a loud handful in a vast crowd. I think that song was a brave statement.
Good job Mr Crowe.
The Movie was an experience and I am excited to see it again! Thanks to Cameron Crowe and PJ for opening up. So much footage never seen and songs never heard! Thank You! Keep on Rollin' 20 years is only the start!
This really isn't a complaint, just an observation.......Prior posts talk about the fact No Code years were ignored and the drummer issues were glossed over. But what I find very very odd is that there was no mention of Boom. I know he is not an official band member, but come on. Boom has an obvious history with the band. It would have been nice to see that documented in the movie.
LMAO at Stones dirty coffee mug and his candid surprise at finding his Grammy.
Loved Eddie and Andrew singing COT. That was pure art!
Can't wait to get the DVD to watch it again.
Thanks PJ for sharing private moments and CC for his creativity!
I found myself getting quite emotional during various parts, especially hearing Crown of Thorns, with Ed singing it, and then flashing back to Andrew Woods' performance-very very touching. Also, when Alive from Philly '09 started, and the entire place erupted-I imagine many of those in attendance last night were also at some of those Spectrum concerts-wish I had been there!
I know how touched I was by this film, and I'm a brand new fan-I can only imagine how those who have followed the band since their inception must have felt watching this. I'm sure their past lives must have flashed before them.
Kudos to Cameron Crowe for a fantastic job, and kudos to PJ for just BEING-here's to the next 20 years! :thumbup:
Also, what struck me, as an American I feel they are my band, or our band, but now realize they do so much traveling and have such a tight knit relationship with so many different countries. How exhausting it must be to do so much traveling, and throw their heart into each and every show. It is nice to see them embraced by everyone, and just how much they embrace the entire world right back! As you can tell I have only been off American soil, once or twice. But I have been to Seattle!
Wrigley Earthcam/Hartford 2013
There´s no way to leave the theater without a smile on my face after the movie...After the credits was gone, some fan screamed "Viva Pearl Jam", and everyone started to applause, was funny
PS: after seeing the movie, now I have to give much more love and appreciate to Stone