Two Of The West Memphis 3 To Be Freed



  • BlockheadBlockhead Posts: 1,538
    Byrnzie wrote:
    Is there any evidence these boys committed these murders other than Misskelley's 'confession'? No. There's zero evidence.

    Wearing black clothes and reading a few occult books doesn't make someone a murderer.
    They all 3 confessed... shows how much you know...
    Also the:
    Jessie Misskelley’s many confessions
    Damien’s pre-arrest hinting that he’d been involved in the murder
    The girls who testified that they heard Damien confess
    Jason Baldwin’s jailhouse confession
    Damien’s mental illness
    Secondary fiber evidence
    Two types of blood on Damien’s necklace
    Shaky alibis
    Jessie’s weeping spells right after the murders
    The knife found behind Baldwin’s house
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    Blockhead wrote:

    None of these are confessions by Damien Echols. They're all second-hand statements made by individuals who claimed to have 'overheard' Damien Echols talking.

    Also, William Jones later recanted his statement.
    Eight year old Aaron Hutcheson was considered unbelievable even by the West Memphis police.
    And Alvis Bly was considered a '"drug looped" mental case'.
  • BinauralJamBinauralJam Posts: 14,158
    Weren't there bite marks on the face of one of the victims, that didn't match and of the WM3? i think i remember that from one of those Documentries.
  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    Blockhead wrote:
    Byrnzie wrote:
    Is there any evidence these boys committed these murders other than Misskelley's 'confession'? No. There's zero evidence.

    Wearing black clothes and reading a few occult books doesn't make someone a murderer.
    They all 3 confessed... shows how much you know...
    Also the:
    Jessie Misskelley’s many confessions
    Damien’s pre-arrest hinting that he’d been involved in the murder
    The girls who testified that they heard Damien confess
    Jason Baldwin’s jailhouse confession
    Damien’s mental illness
    Secondary fiber evidence
    Two types of blood on Damien’s necklace
    Shaky alibis
    Jessie’s weeping spells right after the murders
    The knife found behind Baldwin’s house

    you're beating your head aginst the wall with this bunch brother...after all the WM3 were wrongly convicted and everybody here has celeb backing on their guess's to prove it :lol:

  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    Blockhead wrote:
    I asked what you based you opinions on? Is it that hard for you to answer. Have you read the court documents? Or just watched your Paradise lost movies...
    Do you do any of your own thinking?

    and i told you i am not taking your bait and getting into a long heated discussion where no minds are changed.

    they are out. and i am glad they are out.

    do i do my own thinking?

    no dude, i just blindly believe everything i read on a pearl jam message board :roll:
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    Blockhead wrote:
    Secondary fiber evidence

    You mean fibers found on a knife that wasn't found at the scene of the crime?

    Two black polyester and one blue polyester fiber found on a knife (E-134). There is no reason to think the knife was involved in the crime in any way. Nor is there any reason to believe it was found at the crime scene. It was found at 'Marion High School'.
    While the crime lab found fibers similar to items from the Echols and Baldwin residences on this knife, there's no reason at all to think the fibers can be tied to the murders, crime scene, or victims.
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    Blockhead wrote:
    Jason Baldwin’s jailhouse confession

    By the time of the trials, Michael Carson [who Baldwin allegedly 'confessed' to] had been in and out of juvenile facilities for burglary and falsifying his identity. He had completed at least two stays in mental health facilities. He was diagnosed as having alcohol, hallucinogen and marijuana dependency and polysubstance abuse.

    His counsellor contacted Baldwin's defense attorneys to warn them of his concerns that Carson would lie about his testimony. ... ldwin.html
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,602
    The terrible thing in all of this is that 3 young boys lost their lives and there will not be any justice for their deaths.

    I hope that whoever killed those kids has a terrible life filled with personal tragedy. This is a very sad case for all involved. I've not read enough to make my own conclusion about the WM3, not sure I really want to at this point.
    hippiemom = goodness
  • JonnyPistachioJonnyPistachio Florida Posts: 10,219
    Blockhead wrote:
    Byrnzie wrote:
    Is there any evidence these boys committed these murders other than Misskelley's 'confession'? No. There's zero evidence.

    Wearing black clothes and reading a few occult books doesn't make someone a murderer.
    They all 3 confessed... shows how much you know...
    Also the:
    Jessie Misskelley’s many confessions
    Damien’s pre-arrest hinting that he’d been involved in the murder
    The girls who testified that they heard Damien confess
    Jason Baldwin’s jailhouse confession
    Damien’s mental illness
    Secondary fiber evidence
    Two types of blood on Damien’s necklace
    Shaky alibis
    Jessie’s weeping spells right after the murders
    The knife found behind Baldwin’s house

    I think I've read several of Misskelleys confessions (a few years back). I thought they were all different in details (time, locations, what went down). I believe they were also inadmissible in Echols and Baldwins trials (I assume this is because he was trading his confession for less severe punishment)

    Some of the people who overheard Echols talking about the crime recanted, some were considered unreliable..

    I think the fiber evidence and knife were not concrete evidence.

    I have not seen or heard of Baldwins jailhouse confession. I am curious, where did you see this. I'd like to hear, although most jailhouse confessions to cellmates and such are highly unreliable.

    I had never heard of the necklace with blood evidence. I wonder why that wasnt allowed to be used as evidence. If it was inadmissible, then it didnt have a bearing on the trial. Of the evidence I saw related to the trial and actual conviction, I thought it was shoddy all the way around. You have to remember to stick to the things that were used to convict them.
    Pick up my debut novel here on amazon: Jonny Bails Floatin (in paperback) (also available on Kindle for $2.99)
  • dasvidanadasvidana Grand Junction CO Posts: 1,356
    You need to read the totality of the evidence out there, not just pick and choose items that support your position. Many of us here are WM3 supporters, but not because Ed told us to. We watched the the news reports, read the transcripts (including those of Terry Hobbs' deposition), and then we made our decision. I think the juror misconduct alone in Damien and Jason's trial are enough for you to question the outcome of their trial. Then the factual errors in Jessie's confession are enough to question the outcome of his.
    It's nice to be nice to the nice.
  • BlockheadBlockhead Posts: 1,538
    Here is a summary of the Exhibit 500 (Damiens mental history)
    INDEX 500

    001- 003: title pages.
    004: Inquisitor table of contents.
    Chronology of treatment
    Admission to East Arkansas Regional Mental Health Center 05/07/92
    Arkansas disability determination records
    Admission to St. Vincent’s hospital and medical center. 09/02/92
    Admission to Charter Hospital of Little Rock.
    005: Inquisitor Title page for Chronology of Treatment.
    006: Chronology of Treatment
    007-010: Brief description of dates and circumstances of referrals, Disability determination and sessions whilst at institutions. (By Shettles)

    011: Inquisitor Title page for section concerning Admission to East Arkansas Mental regional Mental health center 05/07/92
    012-017: Communication –re Shettles and East Arkansas Mental health center. (Release of documents)
    018: Referral letter regarding family to EARMC
    019- 020: Mental health referral form attached to above letter (About Jack’s abuse of Michelle and Pam’s thoughts on Damien.)
    “smarter than everyone else” and will verbalize this fact. He also reportedly has little regard for others and stated he feels people have no true feeling for each other; Their main purpose is to use and bring harm to others around them.
    021: referral form re Damien.
    022-023: copies of referral letters
    024: copy of referral form.
    025-026: Form
    027: Poem by Damien:
    I rule this inferno enthroned for eternity..
    Sprits damned to rot amidst the brimstone fireballs. Eyes of the Dead watching from their living walls. Broken glass reflections show your flesh eaten away. Beyond the gates I’ll take you where the blood forever reigns.
    028-029: Intake data sheet- Damien. 6/1/92 referral by driver, suicidal at detention center in Jonesboro. Suicide pact with Deanna.
    Admits to having been suspended ? this past semester for inciting fights at school, starting small fires, cussing. States in one fight he almost gouged out the victim’s eyes. Denies feeling violent – sees it as release – “Sometimes I have to do this not because of being angry – sometimes I’m confused.”
    Admits to substance abuse.
    States he has one friend “a friend is one who would die for you—everyone is only interested themselves and what they want.”
    030-033: Payment for treatment forms.
    034: Termination form (7/24/92): referred to Charter- Little Rock
    035-036: Printed form (hard to read) lists Damien’s details/ billing details and diagnosis.
    037: Referral form – re to charter

    038: Intake report (7/24/92):
    Nails are clean + filed to points
    Question of Satanic involvement.
    039: Intake report (cont)
    040: form- reopening of case. (12/16/92) ?
    041: Mental Status Assessment (1/5/93) –with Domini now. Sherry Dockins.
    Describes self as feeling “neutral/nothing” most of the time. Denies current suicidal/homicidal ideation- Reports history of self mutilation – cutting self with knives/? Last time was 3 months ago.
    ..that he tends to “trance out” when by himself he has done this since the 5th grade.
    042: Mental Status Assessment (cont)
    Reports he thinks a lot about life after death – “I want to go where the monsters go.”….
    Reports history of alcohol/drug usage- coke, acid, pot, alcohol…..
    Reports being harassed by local authorities as “they think I’m a Satanic leader.”….
    Denies cult involvement….interested in witchcraft for past 8 years. He has tried (?) t steal energy from someone else and influence other minds with witchcraft. States that he was able to do these things.
    Describes self as “pretty much hate the human race” relates that he feels people are in two classes – Sheep and wolves (wolves eat the sheep)
    043: Supervision and Utilization case reviews Form (1/8/93) Sherry Dockins
    044: Letter for release of files to Charter from Sherry Dockins.
    045-047: Forms -Authorisation of above letter from Damien.
    048: Individual Progress Note (1/13/93)
    Damien reports one of his biggest problems that he would like to work on is being able to forgive others. When questioned about this he reports that he is very angry with family members and with other people that have “let him down”. He wants t be normal but feels that he has never been normal….
    He discussed issues of power and control. He states that he could make things happen. He believes very much in magic. Damien stated “I don’t believe anything until it’s proven.”
    (the arm numbing trance thing)
    049: Individual Progress Note (1/13/93) (cont)
    050: Individual Progress Note (1/19/93)
    “Mom told me to apply for disability – what do you think?”
    Reveals a history of abuse as he talked of how he was treated as a child.
    Denies that this has influenced him stating “I just put it all inside” Describes this as more than just anger – like rage. Sometimes he does “blow up”.
    Relates that when this happens the only solution is to “hurt someone”.
    Damien reports being told at the hospital that he could be another “Charles Manson or Ted Bundy”
    When questioned on his feelings he states, “I know I’m going to influence the world – people will remember me”.

    051: Individual Progress Note (1/20/93)
    He’s had three psychiatric hospitalizations. Each has been associated with anger, thoughts of killing others and thoughts of killing himself. He’s not currently suicidal or homicidal.
    052: Individual Progress Note (1/25/93)
    The theme of this poem centered around death and power.
    Damien explained that he obtains his power by drinking blood of others. He typically drinks the blood of a sexual partner or of a ruling partner. This is achieved by biting or cutting. He states “it makes me feel like a god.” Damien describes drinking blood as giving him more power and strength. He remembers doing this as far back as 10….
    He wants very much to be all powerful.
    Damien relates that a spirit is now living with him. The spirit was put inside him last year. He indicates that a month ago the spirit decided to become part of him and he to become part of the spirit. This is reportedly a spirit of a woman who was killed by her husband. When questioned about how he feels with this spirit or what the difference is, Damien is able to relate that he feels stronger and more powerful with this spirit. He has not seen the spirit but does hear the spirit. In addition, he also reports conversations with demons and other spirits. This is achieved through rituals. He denies that he is satanic, seeing himself more as being involved in demonology.
    053: Individual Progress Report (1/25/93) (cont)
    054: Individual Progress report (2/5/93)
    The name domini is cut into his arm
    Relates feeling very angry yesterday when running into previous girlfriend- “I controlled it – I can do anything.”
    055: Diagnostic Change of Status form. (2/11/93)
    Depressive disorder
    Other specified circumstances
    056: Individual Treatment Plan
    057: Disability determination request for records letter from Social Security 2/12/93
    058: Disability determination 2nd request for records letter from Social Security 2/26/93
    059: Letter from Sherry Dockins to Social Security 3/5/93
    060: Letter from Sherry Dockins to Social Security 3/9/93
    061: (bad copy) Physician’s progress report
    Seems to enjoy people being concerned about him
    062: EARMHC Medication Record
    063-064: Client information sheet (5/6/93)

    065: Inquisitor Title page: Arkansas disability determination records.
    066: Shettles letter requesting info from above. (7/6/93)
    067-069: Authorisation forms concerning above.
    070-072: Forms concerning Disability Determination.
    073: Copy of no.060
    074: Copy of no.048
    075: Copy of no.049
    076: Copy of no.050
    077: Copy of no.051
    078: Copy of no.052
    079: Copy of no.053
    080: Copy of no.054
    081: Copy of no 055
    082: Discharge Summary- Charter Hospital Little Rock (9/28/02)
    Includes history of arrest, charges of sexual misconduct, sacrifice of baby, sucking blood of other inmate whilst at Craighead detention center, eat father.
    On his time at craighead: the other peers were afraid of him. Damien denies that he rubbed the blood all over his face.
    083: Discharge Summary (cont)
    His effect was extremely flat.
    He did admit to sucking blood out of the peer’s neck. He related that the peer had hurt his neck, and he subsequently sucked the blood.
    He denied false perceptions including illusions, depersonalization, distortion of bdy images, and ideas of reference. There was no evidence of auditory or visual hallucinations. There was no evidence of delusions.
    He exhibits extremely poor judgement and has absolutely no insight into his illness.
    084: Discharge Summary (cont)
    He was started on his Imipramine 50 mg, 1 tablet, p.o., q.h.s. he was taking that medication prior to admission. While in the hosipital, Impramine was increased to 100mg, 1 tablet, p.o., q.h.s.
    His problems included bizarre and unusual behaviour.
    He did not demonstrate bizarre and unusual behaviour with exception on one occasion, he did bite a male peer; however this was in a fight type manner.
    He was not considered a danger to others at the time of his.. (cont on 085)
    085: Discharge Summary (cont)
    086: Admission to Charter – Psychiatric evaluation. (9/14/92)
    Includes same info as in discharge summary no. 082. but has diff section at end.
    1. Charter Hospital
    2. St. Vincent’s Hospital Oregon
    087: Admission to Charter (cont) –info found in discharge notes too.
    088: Admission to Charter (cont)
    1. Bizarre and unusual behaviour (blood sucking)
    2. Depressed mood.
    3. Threatening others.
    089: Admission to Charter (cont)
    090: Charter report (part of admission?): History and Physical
    He has required n medicines for his asthma for the last two years. He says he has had borderline hypertension but takes no medicine for this. He has migraines by history but currently takes no medicine. He has a history of “palpitations”, and these are asymptomatic and require no medications as well.
    091: Charter report: History and Physical (cont)
    092: Discharge Summary Charter (6/25/92)
    About Jonesboro detention center.
    Reportedly, Damien and his girlfriend were going to have a baby and then sacrifice the child. Damien denied this type of behavior. There was also a question of his involvement with Satanism. Damien, however, indicated that he was not involved with Satanism, but witchcraft. Supposedly, Damien chased a younger child with an ax and attempted to set a house on fire. He denied this behaviour. He reported that his girlfriend’s family reported this so that they could get him in trouble. He was also accused of beating a peer up at school….
    He said prior to admission he did attempt t enucleate a peer’s eye at school. He was suspended subsequently from school. He was suspended on seven different occasions during that school year. He related that he was suspended on one occasion, because he set a fire in his science classroom and also would walk off on campus on several occasions. …. He has been accused of terroristic threatening.
    093: Discharge Summary (cont)
    Staff was quite concerned as they noticed that he was meditating in his room in a bizarre and unusual fashion. He also drew numerous pictures of witchcraft type symbols. He also wrote unusual poems.
    094: Discharge Summary (cont)
    095: Confidential Psychological Report (6/8/92)
    096: Confidential Psychological Report (cont)
    He appears to have a rather distorted view of himself and life.
    097: Confidential Psychological Report (cont)
    098: Confidential Psychological Report (cont)
    099: Confidential Psychological Report (cont)
    100: Confidential Psychological Report (cont)
    101: Confidential Psychological Report (cont)
    (1) Depressive disorder
    (2) Bipolar disorder
    102: St. Vincent Hospital & Medical Center Medical Record Report (09/04/92)
    History, Physical Exam and discharge summary.
    Admitted………..through the Emergency room because of the alleged threat to the parents.
    103: Above cont
    His efforts at self harm may be seen more as a manipulation to escape responsibility for a wide variery of behaviours which have got him into difficulty with the law.

    104: St. Vincent Emergency Room Report (9/2/92)
    He apparently has ahd thoughts of harming himself by his report tto family members, even though he denies that. He has talked about drinking lye or some type of bleach that would kill himself, he has also tld his sister that he won’t be around much longer. The parents are concerned that he is also into Satanism or devil worship.
    The patient denies suicidal or homicidal ideation at this time, however, in talking with family members, they state that he made it quite clear that he had thoughts of harming other people, i.e. was going to cut the throat of his mother and has said so in the past and also apparently made some verbal threats to his father here at St. Vincent Hospital even.
    105: Above cont.
    Father state that he apparently has sniffed propane, glue, gasoline and almost every ther drug that is possible, but he denies that, especially over the last four months.
    106: St. Vincent Hospital – Dept of psych nursing admission 9/1/92
    107: above cont
    108: DDS Form
    109: DDS Form
    110: DDS Form
    I have to go to the mental health center once a week
    111: DDS Form/Interview..response written by Damien.
    Some of Damien’s responses:
    Having nightmares
    No, he hates me (ref to stepfather)
    I am a sociopath.
    112: DDS Form (cont)
    113: DDS Form (cont)
    114: DDS Form (cont)
    115: DDS Form (cont)
    116: DDS Form (cont)
    117: DDS Form- Vocational report
    Lists Damien’s work exp.
    118: Above cont
    119: Above cont
    120: Above cont
    121: Above cont
    122: Above cont
    123: DDS Disability report- Form
    124: DDS- Info about your medical records- Form
    125: Above cont
    126: Above cont
    127: DDS Info about education – Form
    128: DDS- inf about work – form
    129: DDS form
    130: DDS Interviewers summation of interview
    131: DDS form

    132: Inquisitor Title Page: Admission t St. Vincent’s hospital and Medical center (09/02/92)
    133: Inquisitor request for records letter
    134: Letter from St.Vincent’s to Glori Shettles – enclosed reports.
    135: Above cont- billing info
    136: St. Vincent’s Diagnosis summary
    137: St. Vincent’s Admission Report (9/2/92)
    138: Above cont
    139: Medical record Report
    140: Medical record Report (cont)
    141: above cont?
    142: Copy of no.104
    143: Above cont
    144: Copy of no.106
    145: Physician’s Progress Record: Social Work Note
    Brought to ER by mother and natural father because pt has been ? depressed & has been making statements daily that he was going to kill himself or others.
    Dad says that Damien has been sniffing gasoline & that at dinner table tonight he talks about drinking a bottle of bleach…
    Pt told sister that he would be killing himself in the next 3 days, & has made threats to kill himself by hanging w/bed sheet or tying socks together and told grandmother today that he would cut his mother’s throat.
    146: Physician’s Progress Record: Patient Care Conference/Nursing Treatment Plan
    Basic outline of all people Damien will see whilst at St. Vincent’s.
    Plus (handwritten at bottom): Parents visited in ? he stated visit did not go well, he was tearful and would not discuss visit other than to say, “I no longer have parents.” Other staff overheard him begging them to take him home. (unreadable)…. They refused. He cont. to deny suicide ideation but appeared depressed & would not ? further. He did not attend ? & should be encouraged ? ? treatment.
    147: Physicians Progress Record: Testing 9/2/92
    Includes reading, maths, language, written sample, science.
    148: Physicians Progress Record: (continued physician progress note- late entry) (9/2/92)
    He appears to be an individual who passively provokes anxiety in others including actual petty criminal behaviour, now mixed up with suicidal threats entitling him to psychiatric treatment.
    He is not sucidal, but rather is in disagreement about living in Oregon and on this basis pines for Arkansas and his friends.
    Handwritten: “I’m the only person who stands up to my Dad. My Mom just cries but I don’t stand for him pushing me around. I don’t want anything to do [with] either one of them. I just want to be on my own from here on out. I’m not suicidal, that’s their way of trying t keep me in a hospital & away from my friends & girlfriend.”….
    His plan is to cash his last pay check & return to Arkansas by bus where he states friends family have agreed to let him live [with] them. He plans to contact local probation.
    149: Physicians Progress Record: (continued physician progress note) (9/4/92)
    His return to Arkansas will be facilitated and his discharge will be conditional upon proper arrangements made by the probation officer in Washington County connecting with the probation officer in his home in Arkansas.
    Nursing Progress note:
    Problem #2: Discharge Planning.
    Patient is scheduald to be discharged today between 3 and 4.00pm., at which time his mther will be in to pick him up….. The mother was notified by phne that Damien could be discharged today, and she will make arrangements with the bus ticket and make arrangements with Arkansas authorities.
    150: Physician’s Progress Record: Social Service Assessment- Initial (9/4/92)
    Assessment with Pam and Joe- not Damien.
    Briefly, Pam stated that she has had difficulty with Damien since he was 10 years old. He always tended to be an angry child and somewhat difficult to manage, particularly through his adolescent years. She is convinced that he is into activities, such as witchcraft and is very concerned about the quality of friends that he developed while living in Arkansas. For this reason, she felt coming to Oregn would be a new beginning for him….
    Because of the circumstances that precipitated the hospitalization and Damien’s threats, particulary towards his father and of course his mother, both parents do not feel that they wish to have him return to their home. They are frightened of him and what he can do, not only to them but to other children that reside in the home (2 others)
    Damien does not want to remain in Oregon. He wishes to return to Arkansas
    151–155 : MMPI Scoring Program- test. 9/2/92
    156-157: Physician’s Order Record (9/1/92)
    158: Medication Record.
    159: Graphic Chart
    160: Blank page
    161: Admission Form stating clothes and jewellery worn. (9/1/92)
    162: Emergency dept triage and nursing care record (9/1/92)
    163-165: Patient Database- Young Adult Program, Question sheet.
    Damien ticks applicable emotions and answers questions.
    Cold and not very emotional
    A leader
    Bored easily
    Quick tempered
    Feel depressed.
    Also answers questions about parents. (mother is loving, father is stupid yet warm and affectionate.)
    166: Blank page
    167: repeat of 163
    168: continuance of above question sheet
    Q.List any street drugs, such as marijuana, cocaine, speed that you have used, frequency, how much
    A.Marijuana, speed, acid, gas

    169: Inquisitor Title Page: Admission to Charter Hospital of Little Rock (06/01/92)
    170: Charter Hospital Summary Index
    6-1-92 Admitted to inpatient status.
    6-19-92 Out on pass
    6-21-92 Return from pass
    6-25-92 Discharged.
    171: Copy of no.092
    172: Copy of no.093
    173. Copy of no.094
    174: Discharge Form- billing.
    175: Arkansas Dept of Human Services –certification of need
    Damien was reportedly involved in witchcraft and Satanism. Damien has demonstrated intermittent explosive behaviour (attempted to enucleate a peer)
    Reason for Emergency Admission:
    1. Fire-Setting behaviour by history.
    2. Potential danger to property
    3. Excessive irritability and anger that is potentially dangerous and persistant
    4. Involvement in bizarre &unusual behavior.
    176: Form- change from Mid South to Charter. (6/1/92)
    Don’t want to send to mid-south – girlfriend is there now –wants to change court order to charter.
    Caller information – Jerry Driver
    177: Form billing
    178: Adolescent Services Clinical Assessment Form
    (Handwritten all over form)
    Wet toilet paper roll threw it against a light bulb it exploded started a fire rolled (?) himself in a blanket and ?.......was bored.
    Verbal threats to others: to kill people when he gets upset.
    Rebellious/defies family authority: suspended 7 times
    179: Form- voluntary admission.
    180: Form–admission agreement
    181: Form-Advance directive acknowledgment.
    182: Form-Family Confidentiality Statement
    183: Form- Consent to participate in Human Sexuality Group
    184: Form- Consent to Group Videotape
    185: Form- Adventure Ropes Course consent
    186: Admission Psychiatric Evaluation (6/2/92)
    Damien presented for admission accompanied by his probation officer. He was described as having suicidal ideation for two weeks prior to admission. He indicated that he ran away with his girlfriend because her parents forbade her t see him anymore……
    Damien admits to a history of violence
  • BlockheadBlockhead Posts: 1,538
    The WM3 Alibis: Summary of Damien. Please read to see how many time the story changes...

    In notes-May 9th it says that Damien, Domini and Jason stated that they were picked up at 6.00pm from the Laundromat by Damien’s father. That they then dropped Jason and Domini home.

    In a later interview (May 10th) Damien states that his mother picked him up from the Laundromat. He then says that after dropping Domini at her home, (not Jason as well) he, his mother and father and his sister all went to the Sanders house to visit. They stayed there from 3-5pm.

    On May 12th Damien’s mother gave this statement to police.
    In it she says that at around 12.30, she took Damien from the East Arkansas Mental Health place to the pharmacy and left his prescription there. She dropped Damien at Jason’s house at about 1pm. She says she collected the medicine on THURSDAY morning.
    At 3.45ish he phones and asks her to pick him up from the Laundromat. She dropped Domini off (again no Jason) and they were home by 4.10pm.
    She says that at 6-6.30 they went to the sanders house.
    (this is the time that Damien originally said he was picked up from the laundromat and is also the same time that his father said he was home.)
    Stayed for about an hour/got back after about an hour.
    She says that the day before (May 4th) , her and Joe had separated and Joe had moved out.

    She later says that no, that whole "separation" incident happened on May 9th, not May 4th.
    (remember she has said that Joe was with them all day on May 5th…would he have been with them if he’d left the house on May 4th? I doubt it. So the date is now changed to May 9th.)
    When she gave her interview on May 12th, she apparently couldn’t remember that her hubby and her separated THREE days before.

    On Sept 10th Pam gives another statement This time she says that she took Damien to DOMINI’S house NOT Jason’s at about 1pm.
    She then says that her, damien’s dad and michelle pick up Damien and Domini from the landromat at about 3.45pm. They drop Domini off and go and collect Damien’s prescription at about 4.30. (before she had said that she picked up the medicine on THURSDAY AM.)
    At 6.30 they go to the Sanders house and got there at about 6.45-50pm. They stayed for 30 mins and went back home. Damien was on the phone from 7.30 – 10.30ish.

    In 2000 Stacy Coker says in her declaration

    "I was at our trailer the evening of May 5, 1993 and I saw him and Domini going into the house across the street."

    This is not what she testified to at the trial:

    "Um - I was watching tv and my cousin, Meridith, looked out the window and said Pam and Joe are at your house. And I looked out there and seen Pam and Joe and Damien at my house."

    And it's not what she said in her statement either.

    This is what Susan Sanders stated on May17th:

    "2 Days later Damien's Mother told her (Susan Sanders) that the police would come by her house and ask her questions and told her to Remember that her and Damien Came to Visit her on 5-5-93 that Evening Also told her that Damien Didn't Kill those Boys he was with her all night."

    So...we have more than a few discrepancies...

    1# Change in time from around 3 to around 6.30.
    2# Change from taking Jason home to just taking Domini home.
    3# Change in when Damien's medicine was collected.
    4# Change in the date when Joe and Pam seperated.
    5# Change in who was seen going into the Sanders residence.
    6# Change in Damien getting home at 6 and staying at home through the night.
    7# Change in Damien being picked up from the laundromat at 6 to 3.45 (notest May 9th) (later interview) (mothers statement) (Pams other statement) ... tion.html/ (stacy coker declaration) (what she testified) ... ment.html/ (stacys statement) (susan sanders stated)
  • BlockheadBlockhead Posts: 1,538
    WM# Alibis for Jessie.

    Jessie's main alibis were centered around two things:
    1# that Stephanie Dollar says he was standing near 3 police cars in the trailer park at 6.30pm.
    2# that he then went wrestling.

    So, Stephanie Dollar testifies that Jessie was standing about 5 yards from the police car, at least within earshot.

    One of the Police officers, James Dollahite testifies:

    FOGLEMAN: Okay. Now let me back up, on the first time you were there, did you see the defendant?

    DOLLAHITE: No sir.

    FOGLEMAN: Alright, are you acquainted with the defendant?

    DOLLAHITE: Yes sir.

    FOGLEMAN: Okay. On the second call, when you got there at 6:31, did you see the defendant?

    DOLLAHITE: No sir.

    Infact, none of the officers that were present saw him there.
    Joe McCafferty
    Jason Oliver

    So, apparently he then went wrestling.

    People testify that he was going wrestling, people testify that he had gone wrestling.

    The fact that:
    “Dyess Mayor Edward Wooten said there hasn't been a wrestling match in Dyess for more than a year. "There were no wrestling matches that day in the town of Dyess," Wooten said.” doesn’t seem to bother Jessie’s pals.

    Apart from that, the reason the alibis for this "wrestling" thing may have failed for the defence, can be shown very clearly in the testimony of Fred Revelle

    Here's a bit of it:

    DAVIS: Now, the receipt, and I’m going to show you a copy of a receipt. You told officers, you said “We paid $300 dollars and that’s why I remember it was the fifth [May] cause we went down there”—In fact you and Bill Cox went down there and paid him the money, right? That’s what you told officers?

    REVELLE: Yes sir.

    DAVIS: Ok. I wanna show you a receipt. (HANDING) And does that receipt have your name at the top?


    DAVIS: Ok. You’re Fred Revelle, right?

    REVELLE: Yes sir.

    DAVIS: Ok, and does that receipt reflect that you paid Charles Stone $300 dollars?

    REVELLE: Yes sir.

    DAVIS: Ok, and what date does that receipt show?

    REVELLE: April 27th.


    DAVIS: Ok, and then you tell the police that it’s all connected to this $300 dollar payment. And you found out after that that the $300 dollar payment was made on April 27th, didn’t you?

    REVELLE: It was made at a earlier date, yes.

    DAVIS: Ok, and so then when you come back and formulate this new theory as to why you’re there on May fifth, when was it that you went and told the police about this new theory you’d formulated?

    REVELLE: I never talked to the police. After that.

    DAVIS: You never told this to the police?

    REVELLE: No sir.

    Others also put Jessie wrestling in Dyess on the night of the murders. It is my opinion that they are lying...or mistaken.

    It’s my opinion that Jessie’s dad organised people to make statements on behalf of his son that were untrue. (also alluded to by the prosecution)

    Conveniently, all of Jessie’s alibi witnesses claimed to remember that day specifically because of various things…(A police report and a receipt)
    Well….the police said they never saw Jessie and the receipt was for the WEEK BEFORE the murders.

    You see, Jessie’s own father said that he may have been there, but that he didn’t think he was involved in it.
    In court he attempted to say that even though he made that comment, he remembered exactly where Jessie was because that was the night that he (Jessie Sr) had to go to a DWI class.
    So….if he was NOW sure where Jessie was….why was he originally telling people that Jessie may have been there?

    So, Jessie Sr reckons he can remember that night (may 5th) because of a DWI class:

    A: It was seven o'clock when I got out of DWI school.

    Unfortunately, the teacher of the class testified:

    Q: Okay. And when would those classes end?

    A: Well, anywhere from 7:30 to 8:00. But on these particular ones, they ran closer to 8:00 because it was my first ...? and I was being evaluated.

    The prosecution attempted to show that these alibis were manufactured.
    It’s my opinion that they succeeded in doing that.


    Jason’s lawyer, Paul “like my ponytail?” Ford, didn’t establish an alibi for Jason in court, IIRC, he said in one of the PL films to Jason: (PARAPHRASING BTW) “look how they tore into Damien’s witnesses? Well they can’t do that to you because we didn’t call any!!!!”

    This is Matt's statement

    As you can see, Matt was not with Jason all the time.
    And no, Jason does not have a “solid alibi”.

    Jason’s great uncle says that Jason went to mow his yard at 4.30 - 6.30pm.
    He says Jason was alone.

    Domini says that she and Damien went with him to watch him mow his Uncle’s lawn.
    She says that they got to his uncles at 4-4.15pm.

    Well, Matt says that Jason left his trailer at 4.30pm.
    Matt doesn’t see either Damien or Domini:










    Yeah they might’ve? Cept Domini says she was AT his trailer and left WITH Jason and Damien and Ken:










    Shame that Jason’s Great Uncle doesn’t recall seeing Damien or Domini either huh?
    Oh wait that’s right….he DID see them, just not on May 5th.

    And you might want to check out Ken Watkin’s statements.
    Statement 1
    Ken also says it was another day that Jason mowed the lawn, NOT May 5th. He also says that they left Jason’s trailer and went to Wal-mart, they didn’t go to mow a lawn. Statement 2 (stephanie dollar testifies) (james Dollahite testifies) (Joe McCafferty testifies) (jason Oliver testifies) (fred revelle testimony) (matt statement) (Domini) (Domini statement) (hubert report) (ken statement 1) (ken statement 2)
  • ajedigeckoajedigecko \m/deplorable af \m/ Posts: 2,431
    now finish it ed....step up....get your buddies together.

    put an equal amount of effort into finding the thing(s) that killed 3 young human beings.
    live and let live...unless it violates the pearligious doctrine.
  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    ajedigecko wrote:
    now finish it ed....step up....get your buddies together.

    put an equal amount of effort into finding the thing(s) that killed 3 young human beings.

    I've been reading the stuff Blockhead posted.....and I think that they may have just been freed from prison.

  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    Godfather. wrote:
    ajedigecko wrote:
    now finish it ed....step up....get your buddies together.

    put an equal amount of effort into finding the thing(s) that killed 3 young human beings.

    I've been reading the stuff Blockhead posted.....and I think that they may have just been freed from prison.


    you do realize that blockhead is posting selective stuff and that he hasn't responded to anyone who has addressed his points and that the website he keeps linking is being put together by 3 guys ... 2 of which believe the WM3 are innocent ... ????
  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    polaris_x wrote:
    Godfather. wrote:
    ajedigecko wrote:
    now finish it ed....step up....get your buddies together.

    put an equal amount of effort into finding the thing(s) that killed 3 young human beings.

    I've been reading the stuff Blockhead posted.....and I think that they may have just been freed from prison.


    you do realize that blockhead is posting selective stuff and that he hasn't responded to anyone who has addressed his points and that the website he keeps linking is being put together by 3 guys ... 2 of which believe the WM3 are innocent ... ????

    yes some body posted that, but even if it is selective it's pretty damn ugly in my opinion.
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    Blockhead wrote:
    Here is a summary of the Exhibit 500 (Damiens mental history)
    INDEX 500

    Even if it were proved that Echols was a bonafide fruitcake, how is that evidence that he killed 3 boys?

    You have no evidence.
  • __ Posts: 6,651
    Blockhead wrote:
    If all of you who follow this case and act as if you care and are supporters of PJ and Eddies view, I hope you actually read through all the info and come to your own conclusion.

    Has it occurred to you that some of us HAVE read through all the info and still come to a different conclusion than yours??
  • LikeAnOceanLikeAnOcean Posts: 7,718
    I haven't read much on the case, but I do know this..Liberals seem to think they are innocent and conservatives seem to think they are guilty..

    How does this happen? Do political opposites just agree to disagree on most things where there can be debate?
  • __ Posts: 6,651
    Byrnzie wrote:
    Blockhead wrote:

    None of these are confessions by Damien Echols. They're all second-hand statements made by individuals who claimed to have 'overheard' Damien Echols talking.

    Also, William Jones later recanted his statement.
    Eight year old Aaron Hutcheson was considered unbelievable even by the West Memphis police.
    And Alvis Bly was considered a '"drug looped" mental case'.

    See, Blockhead, it's really hard to take you seriously when you BLATENTLY misrepresent the "evidence" by saying things like "These are statements where Damien confessed" when in fact that's just outright bullshit. People who are able to support their opinions don't have to resort to those kinds of tactics.
  • BlockheadBlockhead Posts: 1,538
    polaris_x wrote:
    Godfather. wrote:
    ajedigecko wrote:
    now finish it ed....step up....get your buddies together.

    put an equal amount of effort into finding the thing(s) that killed 3 young human beings.

    I've been reading the stuff Blockhead posted.....and I think that they may have just been freed from prison.


    you do realize that blockhead is posting selective stuff and that he hasn't responded to anyone who has addressed his points and that the website he keeps linking is being put together by 3 guys ... 2 of which believe the WM3 are innocent ... ????
    haha, what am I posting that is selective, its not like I am leaving things out.
    THey are all court documents showing:
    THey lied about all there alibis and damiens story changes up to 7 times (same with Jesse)
    Miskelleys had multiple confessions (also after conviction) he named pieces of evidence (Evan Williams bottle) and where they could be found.
    Damiens mental history.
    Damiens necklace with 2 types of blood on it. Later found that it matched blood of one of the victims. (The court document has been posted a page or two back, explaning why the piece could lead to mistrial)
    You see that and you see Innocent?
    At least my info is factual unlike everybody else that has commented. No one else has posted anything from the courts, people are only refering to Eddie and Paradise Lost (1 &2) why do you give those movies any credit when they are extremely biased and portray one of the murders as a RETARD and I just showed court documents where he had a normal IQ and tried to LIE to make it look like he was mentally challenged...
    And I am the one being selective... If you actually have a rebutle please contribute, if not shut the fuck up.
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    Blockhead wrote:
    If you actually have a rebutle please contribute, if not shut the fuck up.
    easy there need for that....
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    Blockhead wrote:
    haha, what am I posting that is selective, its not like I am leaving things out.
    THey are all court documents showing:
    THey lied about all there alibis and damiens story changes up to 7 times (same with Jesse)
    Miskelleys had multiple confessions (also after conviction) he named pieces of evidence (Evan Williams bottle) and where they could be found.
    Damiens mental history.
    Damiens necklace with 2 types of blood on it. Later found that it matched blood of one of the victims. (The court document has been posted a page or two back, explaning why the piece could lead to mistrial)
    You see that and you see Innocent?
    At least my info is factual unlike everybody else that has commented. No one else has posted anything from the courts, people are only refering to Eddie and Paradise Lost (1 &2) why do you give those movies any credit when they are extremely biased and portray one of the murders as a RETARD and I just showed court documents where he had a normal IQ and tried to LIE to make it look like he was mentally challenged...
    And I am the one being selective... If you actually have a rebutle please contribute, if not shut the fuck up.

    uhhh ... i'll let you rebut the ones from everyone else first ...
  • BlockheadBlockhead Posts: 1,538
    _ wrote:
    Byrnzie wrote:
    Blockhead wrote:

    None of these are confessions by Damien Echols. They're all second-hand statements made by individuals who claimed to have 'overheard' Damien Echols talking.

    Also, William Jones later recanted his statement.
    Eight year old Aaron Hutcheson was considered unbelievable even by the West Memphis police.
    And Alvis Bly was considered a '"drug looped" mental case'.

    See, Blockhead, it's really hard to take you seriously when you BLATENTLY misrepresent the "evidence" by saying things like "These are statements where Damien confessed" when in fact that's just outright bullshit. People who are able to support their opinions don't have to resort to those kinds of tactics.
    THEY Are statements FROM PEOPLE who HEARD damien confess... How do you not understand that.
    Keep getting your info from Eddie, and those Paradise Lost movies. Have you posted a single item from the case?
    All my links are court documents showing:
    They all lied about their alibis and changed their story up to 7 times. WHy would they do that if they are innocent?
    Damiens mental history
    Damiens necklace with two different types of blood matching one of the boys.
    Its hard to take you seriously when you can't post anything that supports your case of their innocence.
    Please post some court docuemnts, Ill be waiting.
    Or are you going to refer to your Paradise lost movie when they portray one of the boys as mentally challenged when he confessed.
    Why do you ignore all the confessions from MIskelly naming the evans williams bottle and where it would be?
  • BlockheadBlockhead Posts: 1,538
    polaris_x wrote:
    Blockhead wrote:
    haha, what am I posting that is selective, its not like I am leaving things out.
    THey are all court documents showing:
    THey lied about all there alibis and damiens story changes up to 7 times (same with Jesse)
    Miskelleys had multiple confessions (also after conviction) he named pieces of evidence (Evan Williams bottle) and where they could be found.
    Damiens mental history.
    Damiens necklace with 2 types of blood on it. Later found that it matched blood of one of the victims. (The court document has been posted a page or two back, explaning why the piece could lead to mistrial)
    You see that and you see Innocent?
    At least my info is factual unlike everybody else that has commented. No one else has posted anything from the courts, people are only refering to Eddie and Paradise Lost (1 &2) why do you give those movies any credit when they are extremely biased and portray one of the murders as a RETARD and I just showed court documents where he had a normal IQ and tried to LIE to make it look like he was mentally challenged...
    And I am the one being selective... If you actually have a rebutle please contribute, if not shut the fuck up.

    uhhh ... i'll let you rebut the ones from everyone else first ...
    Like what?
  • BlockheadBlockhead Posts: 1,538
    Q. Mr. Price has asked you about your feelings about being arrested. You said you had good days and bad days. Was it a bad day the day after you were arrested when you blew a kiss to the victims' families? Was that a bad day when you did that?

    A. That was one of the times I lost my temper.

    Q. You lost your temper is why you blew a kiss to the victims' families?

    A. Yes.

    For supports, why would an innocent person blow kisses at the victims families?
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    Blockhead wrote:
    Damiens necklace with two different types of blood matching one of the boys. ... nce_7.html
    On the night of Damien’s arrest, a necklace he was wearing was taken in as evidence and sent away for testing as there appeared to be blood spots on it. The results of these tests were not available when other evidence had been presented at the trial so the prosecution asked for a continuance in order to obtain these results. The continuance was granted and the court reconvened two days later. The minute quantities of genetic material present for testing meant that only the blood types present could be determined. It was found that one spot was consistent with the blood type of Damien and the second spot was consistent with the blood type shared by both Jason Baldwin and Steven Branch, and 11% of the world’s population.

    Because there was evidence to show that both Jason and Damien were known to wear this necklace on occasions, Judge Burnett offered the State the opportunity to re-open the case presenting the new evidence, if they would agree to a severance for Jason Baldwin from the State’s case against Damien Echols as it was no longer legally acceptable for the defendants to be tried together. The reason for this was that the evidence could now be used by either party to implicate the other in what is called an "antagonistic defense." The State chose not to present the evidence and proceeded to its closing arguments. This was probably because this new evidence was very weak and a case against Jason standing on its own merits would be very risky for the State...'
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    Blockhead wrote:
    For supports, why would an innocent person blow kisses at the victims families?

    Maybe because of all the false accusations, animosity, and abuse having been hurled his way.
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