Please remember that these threads are for the of the show. A new thread can be started to talk about the other fans (not preferred) or the scalpers or other things. Some posts will be removed, thanks.
you should not have to repeat yourself kat! drop the ax!
Does anyone know what that photo was on the right side of the stage? It looked like a portrait and was lit up during the show. I was too far to make it out.
In an Aussie show he had a photo of his wife on his table thing... that might be it
was nice to see him look at it while on stage... and say that she's with him every show awwww
Audience was fine after the crazy drunk lady that was shouting during Glen's set left...
Did she leave the whole show? I find it ridiculous to scream the headliner's name during the first song of the opener. Why did she come so early? And then some other woman yelled, "Shut the fuck up bitch!". Very classy. I think Glen said, "I agree." Pretty bad to be so loud all the way up there.
I thought the crowd was pretty bad. Some dude started yelling how he was from South Orange, NJ. Like who cares. But to say they ruined the show would be false. The show was great. I wish I had a copy of it. Porch was real good. I didn't know Glen, but he was good too.
When FASCISM Comes To America
it will be wrapped in the FLAG and
carrying a CROSS.
Seriously - I'm not the type to get emotional, but I was all goosebumpy and borderline teary eyed during Long Road
Me too!!! Ok it was not just me.I got the goosebumps and was teary eyed throughout the show. I loved " I got you" duet with Neil Finn. That was super cool!!!
I was in the Orchestra on the aisle by the door... shoulda been a great spot but I might as well been next to the revolving door at the Empire State Bld on a Sunday afternoon... NON-STOP! I ended up sneaking down to about the 10th row and just staying out of the the ushers radar and definetly surrounded by more "like minded peeps." I feel like Ed was a bit bummed by the lack of respect too But I danced and sang and got goosebumps like I always do in the presence of My Hero
"Sometimes you find yourself having to put all your faith in no faith."
~not a dude~
2010: MSGx2
2012: Made In America
2013: Pittsburgh, Brooklynx2, Hartford, Baltimore
2014: Leeds, Milton Keynes, Detroit
2015: Global Citizen Festival
2016: Phillyx2, MSGx2, Fenwayx2 2018: Barcelona, Wrigleyx2
-See the waves on distant shores, awaiting your arrival...
Stanhope, New Jersey 08-12-1992
Randall's Island, New York 09-28-1996
E. Rutherford, New Jersey 09-08-1998
Wantagh, New York 08-24-2000
New York, New York 07-09-2003
E. Rutherford, New Jersey 06-03-2006
New York, New York 05-21-2010
Brooklyn, New York 10-19-2013
New York, New York 05-01-2016 New York, New York 09-11-2022
UMMM S'cuse me SamJam... you don't know me but I love you! Because you got an amazing photo of Ed with me in the background! Would you, could you PLEASE share this pic with me
<!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->
UMMM S'cuse me SamJam... you don't know me but I love you! Because you got an amazing photo of Ed with me in the background! Would you, could you PLEASE share this pic with me
<!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->
purple shirt?
“I know this song so well, I can smoke a cigarette, have a drink, brush my teeth, take a shit, and mow the lawn while singing it. But I'll only be doing a couple of those things during this version.”
Does anyone know what time Ed ended up coming out of the Beacon after the show to get into the car? I waited for about 45 minutes but couldn;t stand security (or the cops anymore) and decided that I had to get home to my little one. But on the brighter side - I did end up meeting the guy who does the Geico commercials (Mike McGlone... also from a couple of Ed Burns movies) who was waiting for his car as well. He saw the show and we talked for a bit. Nice guy. Then I went "wee wee wee all the way home".
Great show.
Really, who pays $80 to heckle? And shout "play the guitar"? Did they just let meat heads in off the street without telling them what kind of show this is?
Crowd was better than Philly last solo tour but the few chuckle heads that wouldn't shut up are a real drag.
EDIT: I was in Orchestra Row U right side aisle. TC 412xxx
I was seating in row V and he was right they would not shut up If you are the guy that said shut up or leave the building I thank you.I was ready to turn around and say the same thing my brother was saying its not worth it so thank you . Other than the couple of morons it was a great show. the story about bruce and clarence going into long road classic. the rest of the crowd was great overall a great night looking forward to tonight. Thanks Eddie
Hey were you one of the 3 that were applauding when the 2 of them walked out the first time? That was great, thanks for backing me up. I was the one who told them to be quiet. I'll transcribe the conversation I had with these 2 vapid brain dead idiots. But first...
Let me say it was an amazing performance! Everyone has already mentioned my fave moments but I really wish I could have heard the new arrangement of Betterman more clearly because what I did hear of it was fantastic. I totally forgot that Eddie and the band had ever covered the Split Enz song, but that was great too. And of course the Clarence story was hilarious. I think Eddie also said something during that about he looked like a bouncer who by the way could also play the hell out of the sax.
I think the crowd hada huge impact on the fanviews and so I think they're valid and I do want to write some about that. I've seen PJ in ten or more cities and New York and Atlanta are neck and neck for the worst. I grew up on Long Island and lived in ATL for 7 years so I'm not bashing here, because I lived in the places. But the fistpumpers and rednecks are interchangeable and they're equally moronic. If you don't want to hear Ed talk, listen at home to the record. If you don't want to hear the slow songs, take a leak or get a beer and a dog. I don't care what the hell you do, as long as you do it quietly and turn your damn cell screen off. And if you don't want to see him play the uke, WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU GO TO AN ED VEDDER SOLO SHOW IN AN INTIMATE AFTER HE JUST RELEASED AN ALBUM CALLED "UKULELE SONGS!?!?!?!?!?!"
All I can say is that 30 seconds after the show started, the ushers had to come yell at a woman for taking flash photos. They clearly said not to do that, but that started it all. And the guy who I'm responding to and I were seated near 2 youg women who did not stop talking literally all show. When Just Breathe started, the one next to me yelled "Oh this is my second favorite song!!" She sang 2 lines, and then turned to her friend and started talking again. Like are you kidding me, your favorite song and you can only listen for 15 seconds?? And then there's the conversation we had when I finally asked them to shut up:
I asked them for the last 2-3 songs if they could just... (trailed off)
They look at each other, decide what to do, and the other one leans over and goes, "really??"
So I say, "yeah really. Serioiusly."
So she asks me where I get the nerve, and I'm the only one who feels that way.
And so I say, "No (pointing), this guy and these two have been looking at you, and the people behind me (at which point the guy behind me - thanks again - and his friend all shush her and whatnot)..."
So she says, "Well maybe if you had asked me nicely...."
And I said, "I did ask you nicely at first. Maybe if you could just shut the fuck up..." (And anyway they had been so rude the whole show, and now I all of a sudden should have consideration for you?!!?)
So anyway, they left, we got to enjoy some of the softer songs, but up until that point I had only been able to enjoy the tunes that were loud enough to drown them two out. So anyway, I want the bootleg, I will definitely go see Eddie solo again but I'm not sure about NYC or the Beacon, and that probably includes MSG as well.
Please have the next tour hit the United Palace next time, that was such a much better venue. Or play my house, I live in NJ like 10 minutes from the George Washington. Would be an easy commute for most of the metro area. And please if you come, be quiet. You might scare the Vedder away.
This was the first time I saw Eddie alone and I gotta say it was quite the fiasco to get tickets for. I went with my girlfriend cause it was her first too. Not to mention its a total lovers album. She's not as huge of a fan as I am but now she's getting there. Orch right second to last row. I end up meeting 2 very cool 10c's and I see a neighbor 4 seats down from us.
I dont know if anyone else in Orch right saw this but the security were very hands on so-to-speak in regards to ppl w cameras. Maybe two songs in one of the lame ass securities slapped a beer out of someones hands cause they they thought he took a picture. Huge distraction for such a small intimate setting. the "Long Road" dedication to Clarence had me also in tears. I had a loss last year so it kinda all brought it full circle for me. Overall a wonderful show. Just wish security didnt keep shining their lights all over:(
(~);} STEAL THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MSG 6.25.08
Newark, NJ 5.18.10
MSG 5.20.10
PJ20 9.3.10
PJ20 9.4.10
Philly, PA 9.2.12 (Made In America Sponsored by Budweiser)
Jimmy Fallon 9.8.12
Brooklyn, NY 10.18.13
Philly, PA 10.21.13
Philly, PA 10.22.13 Phx, AZ 5.9.22
I posted this on the night 2 board but should really post here too. My pictures from both nights. There's one from night 1 where Ed was handing someone something, maybe a picture or a setlist.
-See the waves on distant shores, awaiting your arrival...
Stanhope, New Jersey 08-12-1992
Randall's Island, New York 09-28-1996
E. Rutherford, New Jersey 09-08-1998
Wantagh, New York 08-24-2000
New York, New York 07-09-2003
E. Rutherford, New Jersey 06-03-2006
New York, New York 05-21-2010
Brooklyn, New York 10-19-2013
New York, New York 05-01-2016 New York, New York 09-11-2022
Glad i was able to go to this show. Looking forward to Benaroya 2.
Pine Knob, MI Lollapalooza 1992 / Soldier Field, Chicago 1995 / Savage Hall, Toledo 1996 / Palace, Detroit 1998 / Palace, Detroit 2000 / Pine Knob, MI 2003 / Showbox, Seattle 2004 / MSG, NYC 2008 / Key Arena I & II, Seattle 2009 / Eddie Vedder Beacon, NYC 2011 / Eddie Vedder Benaroya, Hall Seattle 2011 / Barclays, Brooklyn I &II 2013 / Wells Fargo, Philadelphia II 2013 / Wuhlheide, Berlin, Germany 2014 / Wells Fargo, Philadelphia 1 2016 / Madison Square Garden, NYC 2 2016 / Wrigley 2, Chicago 2016/ Fenway 1, Boston 2018/
was nice to see him look at it while on stage... and say that she's with him every show
Did she leave the whole show? I find it ridiculous to scream the headliner's name during the first song of the opener. Why did she come so early? And then some other woman yelled, "Shut the fuck up bitch!". Very classy. I think Glen said, "I agree." Pretty bad to be so loud all the way up there.
I thought the crowd was pretty bad. Some dude started yelling how he was from South Orange, NJ. Like who cares. But to say they ruined the show would be false. The show was great. I wish I had a copy of it. Porch was real good. I didn't know Glen, but he was good too.
it will be wrapped in the FLAG and
carrying a CROSS.
Me too!!! Ok it was not just me.I got the goosebumps and was teary eyed throughout the show. I loved " I got you" duet with Neil Finn. That was super cool!!!
~not a dude~
2010: MSGx2
2012: Made In America
2013: Pittsburgh, Brooklynx2, Hartford, Baltimore
2014: Leeds, Milton Keynes, Detroit
2015: Global Citizen Festival
2016: Phillyx2, MSGx2, Fenwayx2
2018: Barcelona, Wrigleyx2
Great pic!
Stanhope, New Jersey 08-12-1992
Randall's Island, New York 09-28-1996
E. Rutherford, New Jersey 09-08-1998
Wantagh, New York 08-24-2000
New York, New York 07-09-2003
E. Rutherford, New Jersey 06-03-2006
New York, New York 05-21-2010
Brooklyn, New York 10-19-2013
New York, New York 05-01-2016
New York, New York 09-11-2022
that is! congrats on meeting him
Very nice!!! I got a blurry one, my hands were still shaky from shaking his hand
UMMM S'cuse me SamJam... you don't know me but I love you! Because you got an amazing photo of Ed with me in the background! Would you, could you PLEASE share this pic with me
<!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->
purple shirt?
Great show.
Hey were you one of the 3 that were applauding when the 2 of them walked out the first time? That was great, thanks for backing me up. I was the one who told them to be quiet. I'll transcribe the conversation I had with these 2 vapid brain dead idiots. But first...
Let me say it was an amazing performance! Everyone has already mentioned my fave moments but I really wish I could have heard the new arrangement of Betterman more clearly because what I did hear of it was fantastic. I totally forgot that Eddie and the band had ever covered the Split Enz song, but that was great too. And of course the Clarence story was hilarious. I think Eddie also said something during that about he looked like a bouncer who by the way could also play the hell out of the sax.
I think the crowd hada huge impact on the fanviews and so I think they're valid and I do want to write some about that. I've seen PJ in ten or more cities and New York and Atlanta are neck and neck for the worst. I grew up on Long Island and lived in ATL for 7 years so I'm not bashing here, because I lived in the places. But the fistpumpers and rednecks are interchangeable and they're equally moronic. If you don't want to hear Ed talk, listen at home to the record. If you don't want to hear the slow songs, take a leak or get a beer and a dog. I don't care what the hell you do, as long as you do it quietly and turn your damn cell screen off. And if you don't want to see him play the uke, WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU GO TO AN ED VEDDER SOLO SHOW IN AN INTIMATE AFTER HE JUST RELEASED AN ALBUM CALLED "UKULELE SONGS!?!?!?!?!?!"
All I can say is that 30 seconds after the show started, the ushers had to come yell at a woman for taking flash photos. They clearly said not to do that, but that started it all. And the guy who I'm responding to and I were seated near 2 youg women who did not stop talking literally all show. When Just Breathe started, the one next to me yelled "Oh this is my second favorite song!!" She sang 2 lines, and then turned to her friend and started talking again. Like are you kidding me, your favorite song and you can only listen for 15 seconds?? And then there's the conversation we had when I finally asked them to shut up:
I asked them for the last 2-3 songs if they could just... (trailed off)
They look at each other, decide what to do, and the other one leans over and goes, "really??"
So I say, "yeah really. Serioiusly."
So she asks me where I get the nerve, and I'm the only one who feels that way.
And so I say, "No (pointing), this guy and these two have been looking at you, and the people behind me (at which point the guy behind me - thanks again - and his friend all shush her and whatnot)..."
So she says, "Well maybe if you had asked me nicely...."
And I said, "I did ask you nicely at first. Maybe if you could just shut the fuck up..." (And anyway they had been so rude the whole show, and now I all of a sudden should have consideration for you?!!?)
So anyway, they left, we got to enjoy some of the softer songs, but up until that point I had only been able to enjoy the tunes that were loud enough to drown them two out. So anyway, I want the bootleg, I will definitely go see Eddie solo again but I'm not sure about NYC or the Beacon, and that probably includes MSG as well.
Please have the next tour hit the United Palace next time, that was such a much better venue. Or play my house, I live in NJ like 10 minutes from the George Washington. Would be an easy commute for most of the metro area. And please if you come, be quiet. You might scare the Vedder away.
wait, i mean...
was eddie even there?
i must say when he walked out i knew i was getting "throws your arms " and was super stoked
I dont know if anyone else in Orch right saw this but the security were very hands on so-to-speak in regards to ppl w cameras. Maybe two songs in one of the lame ass securities slapped a beer out of someones hands cause they they thought he took a picture. Huge distraction for such a small intimate setting. the "Long Road" dedication to Clarence had me also in tears. I had a loss last year so it kinda all brought it full circle for me. Overall a wonderful show. Just wish security didnt keep shining their lights all over:(
MSG 6.25.08
Newark, NJ 5.18.10
MSG 5.20.10
PJ20 9.3.10
PJ20 9.4.10
Philly, PA 9.2.12 (Made In America Sponsored by Budweiser)
Jimmy Fallon 9.8.12
Brooklyn, NY 10.18.13
Philly, PA 10.21.13
Philly, PA 10.22.13
Phx, AZ 5.9.22
'00 12 shows / '03 4 shows / '06 6 shows
'08 3 shows / '09 5 shows / '10 6 shows ... directlink
Stanhope, New Jersey 08-12-1992
Randall's Island, New York 09-28-1996
E. Rutherford, New Jersey 09-08-1998
Wantagh, New York 08-24-2000
New York, New York 07-09-2003
E. Rutherford, New Jersey 06-03-2006
New York, New York 05-21-2010
Brooklyn, New York 10-19-2013
New York, New York 05-01-2016
New York, New York 09-11-2022