HBO: Boardwalk Empire



  • prismprism Posts: 2,440
    great episode...I think it's awesome tonight's show had such ballsy ladies! 8-)

    while the scene with Margaret and Nucky was rather slow...Nucky saying to her 'I'd never put anything alive in a box' ...awkward

    I've read some reviews on this episode and saw quite a few men saying it was boring because it didn't show any murders. it's kinda strange to see peeps (women too) being so inane and insecure...tho I suppose that shouldn't come as any surprise

    guess changing affiliations, alligator fights and crazy hate fucking isn't exciting enough for some... :lol:

    angels share laughter
  • Dr. DelightDr. Delight Posts: 11,210
    Good to see Maragret back.

    Pretty dumb of Eli to confide in the FBI agent and allow him inside info to re-open the case against Nucky.
    And so you see, I have come to doubt
    All that I once held as true
    I stand alone without beliefs
    The only truth I know is you.
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    Glad Richard Harrow has reappeared in AC.
    He has changed his ways? Or has he ?

    Large emphasis on Chalky White also.
    ( * weird having a character named Daughter )
    Wonder how his involvement with Daughter will lead him to Dr. Narcisse,
    or was that the whole idea?

    Sally- " I hate a goddamned whiner " . :lol:
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,313
    prism wrote:
    great episode...I think it's awesome tonight's show had such ballsy ladies! 8-)

    while the scene with Margaret and Nucky was rather slow...Nucky saying to her 'I'd never put anything alive in a box' ...awkward

    I've read some reviews on this episode and saw quite a few men saying it was boring because it didn't show any murders. it's kinda strange to see peeps (women too) being so inane and insecure...tho I suppose that shouldn't come as any surprise

    guess changing affiliations, alligator fights and crazy hate fucking isn't exciting enough for some... :lol:

    i am thinking that line about putting something alive in a box was a reminder of owen, who as we know, was found dead in a box. that was what seemed very awkward to me. it was nice to get some info on eddie and what he meant to nucky.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    Good to see Maragret back.

    Pretty dumb of Eli to confide in the FBI agent and allow him inside info to re-open the case against Nucky.

    Alot of hype over a 2 minute appearance.
    Shouldve been billed as a cameo . :)

    Agree that I think Eli is digging his own grave and will wind up in jail ( again ) .
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • YardenYarden Posts: 820
    good episode.. wonder what they're going to do with Margaret this season.
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    just read this on another board:

    Chalky getting his Nuck off and Nucky getting his Chalk off

    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • nanenane Seattle, WA Posts: 65
    Just marked this spot as favorite in my browser! :corn:
    Nane Barbosa-Meirndorf

    2005, Rio de Janeiro (BRA)
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    2014, Rio de Janeiro (BRA) - EV
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    2018, São Paulo (BRA) - EV
    2018, São Paulo (BRA) - EV
  • nanenane Seattle, WA Posts: 65
    prism wrote:

    that they featured van alden so prominently in the scence where frank capone was killed....i wasn't expecting to see that :shock:

    Italian mobster, in a great suit, killed in a trap at daylight by a milion of bullets in front of a car? That scene made me remember Sonny's death, son of Don Corleone at the toll! ;)

    Nane Barbosa-Meirndorf

    2005, Rio de Janeiro (BRA)
    2011, São Paulo (BRA)
    2011, São Paulo (BRA)
    2011, Rio de Janeiro (BRA)
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    2013, Santiago (CHL)
    2014, Rio de Janeiro (BRA) - EV
    2014, Rio de Janeiro (BRA) - EV
    2015, Rio de Janeiro (BRA)
    2018, Rio de Janeiro (BRA)
    2018, São Paulo (BRA)
    2018, São Paulo (BRA) - EV
    2018, São Paulo (BRA) - EV
    2018, São Paulo (BRA) - EV
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    nane wrote:
    prism wrote:

    that they featured van alden so prominently in the scence where frank capone was killed....i wasn't expecting to see that :shock:

    Italian mobster, in a great suit, killed in a trap at daylight by a milion of bullets in front of a car? That scene made me remember Sonny's death, son of Don Corleone at the toll! ;)


    That scene with Sonny was filmed out near Jones Beach .
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • nanenane Seattle, WA Posts: 65
    Oh, and I also noticed that in the S04E05, when showing Eddie's room, there were a paper of FranZ Schubert.
    Any clue of what instrument he played?! :P
    Or it is another Schubert? hahahah

    I got curious about it.

    Nane Barbosa-Meirndorf

    2005, Rio de Janeiro (BRA)
    2011, São Paulo (BRA)
    2011, São Paulo (BRA)
    2011, Rio de Janeiro (BRA)
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    2013, Santiago (CHL)
    2014, Rio de Janeiro (BRA) - EV
    2014, Rio de Janeiro (BRA) - EV
    2015, Rio de Janeiro (BRA)
    2018, Rio de Janeiro (BRA)
    2018, São Paulo (BRA)
    2018, São Paulo (BRA) - EV
    2018, São Paulo (BRA) - EV
    2018, São Paulo (BRA) - EV
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    so happy.

    F you, Dunn Purnsley

    Ive been wanting him offed for a while now.
    And how ironic he get stabbed in the back.

    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • prismprism Posts: 2,440
    Bathgate66 wrote:
    so happy.

    F you, Dunn Purnsley

    Ive been wanting him offed for a while now.
    And how ironic he get stabbed in the back.


    sure it was good to see purnsley finally get dunn in

    however, it's not cool you posted this spoiler before it aired in the rest of the country and elsewhere. :nono: it was rude when all you had to do was put a "Spoiler Alert"" at the top of the post. next time have some consideration for those yet to watch B.E. in the later time zones
    angels share laughter
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    Apologies to everyone who might've looked at the Boardwalk Empire thread
    just before watching the show in your time zone(s).

    Anyhow, loved the episode even more after the 2nd viewing.

    Aside from the enigma that Sally Wheet is as a whole,
    how the fuck does she just blow into town,
    and with Mickey Doyle? :fp:
    Loved Nucky cracking him in the noggin with Eddies cane. :lol:

    Agent Knox and Eli are getting real tense now.
    No doubt this will be a carryover until next ( 5th) season.

    And for the life of me I cannot figure out the dynamic between Narcisse and Daughter.
    ( Is it exactly that as in a father/daughter relationship, or is there something more creepy and sinister ? )
    Whatever the case it appears their bond is not as strong as Narcisse believes, which was good to see. I was pulling for Chalky all the way in that one.

    Looks like the florist in Chicago gets whacked next week ? ,
    and Van Alden has something to do with it !
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • prismprism Posts: 2,440
    I don't see Sally as enigmatic. on the contrary she's free-spirited, independent and smart....while perhaps not many women were traditionally like her in the 20's, her character is refreshing. she didn't come to town with mickey (he was already there.) notice she was laughing at him, not with him. at the bar she only pretended she was gonna hook up with Mickey in order to get Nucky's reaction. props to her for being a ballsy gal when she told Nucky she she expected $ in return for protecting his rum shipment 8-)

    it was fucking awesome when Nucky took Eddie's cane from Mickey to hit him upside the head with it. :lol:

    I though the end scene of last week's episode spelled out the dynamic between Daughter and Dr. Narcisse-ist quite well. he killed her prostitute mother after she threw lye on him for getting too rough, then he took Daughter and raised her. he has her twisted into believing he's saved her from a similar fate, so she owes it to him to fulfill his ego demands. all that 'worship, go sing for me' stuff was sinister and creepy as hell. he's obviously a psychopath with a major messiah complex... :twisted:

    damn, I really hope Narcisse doesn't discover that she's in love with Chalky and she stabbed Dunn in order to save him...if he does the psycho will take out some horrible revenge on her

    it oughta be interesting to see next week how they work Van Alden into the story about offing Dean O'Banion...he was a real-life mob rival of Torrio and Capone.
    angels share laughter
  • Dr. DelightDr. Delight Posts: 11,210
    I was under the impression this thread was full of spoilers?

    If you havent seen the latest episode, I suggest staying away from the thread the night of/day after episode airs.
    And so you see, I have come to doubt
    All that I once held as true
    I stand alone without beliefs
    The only truth I know is you.
  • davidtriosdavidtrios Posts: 9,732
    this is getting good, i have a feeling eli's song gets killed.
  • prismprism Posts: 2,440
    I was under the impression this thread was full of spoilers?

    If you havent seen the latest episode, I suggest staying away from the thread the night of/day after episode airs.

    actually peeps in this thread have been generally really good about not posting spoilers before it's aired in all the time zones. i'm on the left coast and I wait until it's over in at least Alaska time before posting anything

    it makes sense to stay away from the thread if someone dvr's or does on-demand to watch later or another day. still it's on the poster to use some restraint to not spoil the plot or at least alert peeps where it hasn't yet initially aired. sure using common courtesy and grasping there are other time zones are strange concepts for some east coasters...still it's not cool :P
    angels share laughter
  • nanenane Seattle, WA Posts: 65
    I am from Brazil and the subtitles just got ready today, 4 days after the episode was released. But as I saw that there were a new post here, I came to the last page to see it, thinking that the new reply was about S04E07 that we were talking about, and also read the "spoiler" for S04E08! Quickly I stopped reading the post and the rest of the thread but it was aldready too late and read that Mr. Purnsly got killed. :cry:
    Is it a good idea for us to put a code in the beginning of our replies here?! hahahaha
    Maybe start the post with the episode you're commenting, or just a "spoiler alert". Well, just a thought, beacause I'll now always come back here 'coz I dont have friends in RL that watches B.E., so I have no one to chat about... hahahah

    S04E08 - The Old Ship of Zion
    Man, I got impressed with the beatiful scene in the church, where the camera is closed in Chalky obssessed with Daughter's singing and it moves slowly and reaveals his wife paying attentiion to him, then a tear drops in her cheeks! Wonderful take! *__* This serie has a fucking awesome director!!!

    I bet that Doc. Narcisse will find out that Daughter saved Chalky and she'll get killed, unfourtunatelly. (P.S.: Oh, how we woman are easy: just see a man crying in front of us to fall in love - since 20's! hahahahah)
    And I will be surprised in the future if Eli did NOT nodded to the fed, 'coz everything lead us to believe the opposite.
    What's ecxatly the agreement between Nucky and William?! I think I missed this part; don't remember this conversation explicit in other episode.

    I'm curious about the next episode to find out what's gonna happen between Margaret and A.R.!
    Nane Barbosa-Meirndorf

    2005, Rio de Janeiro (BRA)
    2011, São Paulo (BRA)
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    2014, Rio de Janeiro (BRA) - EV
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    2018, Rio de Janeiro (BRA)
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    2018, São Paulo (BRA) - EV
    2018, São Paulo (BRA) - EV
  • LloydXmasLloydXmas Posts: 7,539
    I need some advice. I'm half way through season 3 and I'm wondering if I can just skip the rest and start up again at season 5.

  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    LloydXmas wrote:
    I need some advice. I'm half way through season 3 and I'm wondering if I can just skip the rest and start up again at season 5.


    I wouldnt recommend it, but thats having seen every episode.
    This ( 3rd) season had alot of departures from the cast , and major story shifts.
    ( ie : Owen Slater becomes more prominent and Gyp Rosetti hits the scene )

    On a sidenote

    Steve Buscemi hitting The Rockaways ... ane-sandy/
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • LloydXmasLloydXmas Posts: 7,539
    Bathgate66 wrote:
    LloydXmas wrote:
    I need some advice. I'm half way through season 3 and I'm wondering if I can just skip the rest and start up again at season 5.


    I wouldnt recommend it, but thats having seen every episode.
    This ( 3rd) season had alot of departures from the cast , and major story shifts.
    ( ie : Owen Slater becomes more prominent and Gyp Rosetti hits the scene )

    On a sidenote

    Steve Buscemi hitting The Rockaways ... ane-sandy/
    FINE!!!! I better get moving then.
  • YardenYarden Posts: 820
    the actress/singer who plays Daughter has a beautiful voice..
    i'm enjoying this season a lot..
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    this might be a spoiler if anyone hasnt watched it.

    I love the fact that Richard Harrow went back to Nucky for a job.

    Only 3 episodes left !
    Gonna be wild !
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • Dr. DelightDr. Delight Posts: 11,210
    Bathgate66 wrote:
    this might be a spoiler if anyone hasnt watched it.

    I love the fact that Richard Harrow went back to Nucky for a job.

    Only 3 episodes left !
    Gonna be wild !

    Yes.....guns back in hand.

    Van Alden is nuts again.

    And I feel like Chalky's days are numbered.......
    And so you see, I have come to doubt
    All that I once held as true
    I stand alone without beliefs
    The only truth I know is you.
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813

    And I feel like Chalky's days are numbered.......

    I'd rather see Narcisse gone, but yeah somethings brewing.
    Maybe Richard harrow will take care of Narcisse.
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • JK_LivinJK_Livin South Jersey Posts: 7,365
    I'm one episode behind but enough already with Gillian. She's a succubus for this series. Does her story line need to continue? Tommy's story can go on without her. End Gillian if it didn't happen last episode already.

    I'm surprised Narcisse would put so much faith in Purnsley after he already f'd up with the heroin and the guy he killed in the 2nd episode, Dicky?
    Alright, alright, alright!
    Tom O.
    "I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"
    -The Writer
  • JK_LivinJK_Livin South Jersey Posts: 7,365
    So who do you think the Office Space guy is working with to screw Gillian? Not that she doesn't deserve it.
    Alright, alright, alright!
    Tom O.
    "I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"
    -The Writer
  • nanenane Seattle, WA Posts: 65

    CARALHO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o

    I just saw the last episode and felling kinda dizzy! In a few days I come back! hahahahahahah
    Nane Barbosa-Meirndorf

    2005, Rio de Janeiro (BRA)
    2011, São Paulo (BRA)
    2011, São Paulo (BRA)
    2011, Rio de Janeiro (BRA)
    2013, São Paulo (BRA)
    2013, Buenos Aires (ARG)
    2013, Santiago (CHL)
    2014, Rio de Janeiro (BRA) - EV
    2014, Rio de Janeiro (BRA) - EV
    2015, Rio de Janeiro (BRA)
    2018, Rio de Janeiro (BRA)
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    2018, São Paulo (BRA) - EV
    2018, São Paulo (BRA) - EV
  • markymark550markymark550 Columbia, SC Posts: 5,179
    JK_Livin wrote:
    So who do you think the Office Space guy is working with to screw Gillian? Not that she doesn't deserve it.

    Gotta be careful asking that...the guy that played Milton (Stephen Root) is in BE too. He plays the role of Gaston Means.

    But, I think Roy Phillips is somehow working with/for Harrow or Julia to ensure Tommy's adoption goes through. That's probably too obvious though...Whatever it is, I am tired of Gillian. Time for her to go.

    Really like this season, much more than season 3. Love the story line of Van Alden's devolving into full-fledged criminal. Also, while Dr. Narcisse is an odd, creepy character, I hope his character stays on for more than just this season. They could go in so many directions with that arc. Looking forward to see how they go forward with A.R. knowing Margaret's whereabouts and wanting to keep that secret. Knowledge is power, and A.R. will find a way to use that to his advantage.
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