John Howard spoke pretty funny sometimes, Phoney Tony ummms and arrghs a lot
and do not mention fair dinkum!! WTF is that doing even being uttered in an election campaign! pisses me off only a little bit more than moving forward
Abott at least comes across as fair dinkum.
I'm not a labor fan after the shit they have given the local division I reside in.
I am in a labor safe seat, Liberals have never been in power here and my suburb is a dump.
oh yes tony is so fair dinkum.. educated by the jesuits and not making decisions without seeking guidance from cardinal pell. :roll:
yes i too live in an extremely safe labor seat.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Abott at least comes across as fair dinkum.
I'm not a labor fan after the shit they have given the local division I reside in.
I am in a labor safe seat, Liberals have never been in power here and my suburb is a dump.
oh yes tony is so fair dinkum.. educated by the jesuits and not making decisions without seeking guidance from cardinal pell. :roll:
yes i too live in an extremely safe labor seat.
That's the thing I don't like about him, his religious views, I don't agree with everything pollies say.
I am looking at it from an economic management point of view.
I believe our country is in better shape under a Liberal govt.
Adelaide 17/11/2009, Melbourne 20/11/2009, Sydney 22/11/2009, Melbourne (Big Day Out Festival) 24/01/2014
She is Welsh, how does she have an okka accent
Every person is different, and if you want to place your vote due to the sound of somebodys voice, then go ahead
i live in a 7% liberal seat and absolutly despise the person sitting in that seat :twisted:
From an economic management point of view, the coalition never faced the situations faced in the last 3 years.
Sure they left a nice big budget surplus, but what is a surplus? money that is not being spent where it could be spent on required infrastructure and services which badly needed it?
It was a labor government in the mid 90's that delivered this countries first budget surplus. Why is it ok for the majority of homeowners to be in massive debt, but bad for the government to be in a relativly small amount of debt?
Economic circumstances meant that if the people were not speding money, the government had to. If they did not, we would be in a much worse position now than we are. Sure there was wastage, but with the scale and the span of what was spent, it was bound to happen. unfortunate but true.
She is Welsh, how does she have an okka accent
Every person is different, and if you want to place your vote due to the sound of somebodys voice, then go ahead
i live in a 7% liberal seat and absolutly despise the person sitting in that seat :twisted:
I don't vote based on the sound of somebodies voice.
I just said it irritates me.
Adelaide 17/11/2009, Melbourne 20/11/2009, Sydney 22/11/2009, Melbourne (Big Day Out Festival) 24/01/2014
From an economic management point of view, the coalition never faced the situations faced in the last 3 years.
Sure they left a nice big budget surplus, but what is a surplus? money that is not being spent where it could be spent on required infrastructure and services which badly needed it?
It was a labor government in the mid 90's that delivered this countries first budget surplus. Why is it ok for the majority of homeowners to be in massive debt, but bad for the government to be in a relativly small amount of debt?
Economic circumstances meant that if the people were not speding money, the government had to. If they did not, we would be in a much worse position now than we are. Sure there was wastage, but with the scale and the span of what was spent, it was bound to happen. unfortunate but true.
Why is it everytime labor is in charge we seem to have recessions, interest rates through the roof, and high unemployment.
Didn't Keating say ''the recession we had to have'' ?
Adelaide 17/11/2009, Melbourne 20/11/2009, Sydney 22/11/2009, Melbourne (Big Day Out Festival) 24/01/2014
is the Australian labor party the cause of global economic conditions? No
Did we officially go into recession? No
Are interest rates lower now than they were when labor took office? Yes
Unemployment? higher, but dropping.
Take a look at where we stand, compared to the rest of the developed world. we are in a much better postion than most. To say that the labor government fucked up our economy in the last few years is a pretty bad argument. The libs are running with it, but as i said, it is a pretty bad argument.
Keating is great, always has the lines, downer took that one hook line and sinker
Far out you love probing me.
Ummm lets say like, Costello, Abott, Turnbull.
None of this okka accent.
oh great so what you want is all our politicians speaking like they were educated in private schools then. costello, abbott and turnball are all products of the non government education system while julia was educated in the state system. sounds a bit elitist to me. but never fear they all went on to university to study law and arts except for young tony who opted for economics over law.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
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lie beside me
i just need to say
why is it everytime labor is in charge we seem to have interest rates through the roof....
what you have to remember is that the Reserve Bank sets the interest rates, not the government. Tony Abbott keeps saying that he can lower interest rates and personally i think that's a pretty big call. how's he going to do that? reducing Government spending might play a small factor in going towards helping that to happen, but there's so many other variables taken into account when the RBA are setting interest rates.
so what's Abbott goiong to do to reduce government spending? how do you know you will be happy with what he is planning. it's not like he's being forthcoming with ideas. all he's doing is saying he can reduce the rates by reducing government spending.
it would be nice to know what he plans to reduce. education? healthcare? who knows..
Why is it everytime labor is in charge we seem to have recessions, interest rates through the roof, and high unemployment.?
because all the spending pushes up inflation. and it's the RBAs job try and control the monetary supply in order to keep inflation at the target range of around 2.5%.
as for u/e, i think old trusty keynesian theory states a relationship of high inflation going hand in hand with lower u/e. so i cant really explain the old philips curve from yr12 economics! i assume there is an initial increase in u/e during early increased inflation due to the decreased confidence in the economy, decreased investment. when i rates are increased up and up, then people have less $$ to spend -> decrease in business activity -> people get laid off. managing an economy sounds pretty easy when put like that! ha. sure. ... so yeh ask an economist who can explain the gazillion variables
maybe we should ask joolya all about it. im sure she'll give us a great informed answer... oh wait... shes not an economist either. wheres pete?!? ahhh pete. the country needs you.
Yeh I've seen Pearl Jam, too. But I can't remember the dates.
Far out you love probing me.
Ummm lets say like, Costello, Abott, Turnbull.
None of this okka accent.
oh great so what you want is all our politicians speaking like they were educated in private schools then. costello, abbott and turnball are all products of the non government education system while julia was educated in the state system. sounds a bit elitist to me. but never fear they all went on to university to study law and arts except for young tony who opted for economics over law.
No I didn't say that.
I was educated in a crappy public school and am from a working class family, I talk like 90% of Aussies do.
I am not an elitist at all, how can I be given my background.
How Julia talks is not how the majority of Aussies talk.
Take it easy, it's politics and we can all choose who we want to lead us.
Adelaide 17/11/2009, Melbourne 20/11/2009, Sydney 22/11/2009, Melbourne (Big Day Out Festival) 24/01/2014
Far out you love probing me.
Ummm lets say like, Costello, Abott, Turnbull.
None of this okka accent.
oh great so what you want is all our politicians speaking like they were educated in private schools then. costello, abbott and turnball are all products of the non government education system while julia was educated in the state system. sounds a bit elitist to me. but never fear they all went on to university to study law and arts except for young tony who opted for economics over law.
No I didn't say that.
I was educated in a crappy public school and am from a working class family, I talk like 90% of Aussies do.
I am not an elitist at all, how can I be given my background.
How Julia talks is not how the majority of Aussies talk.
Take it easy, it's politics and we can all choose who we want to lead us.
how julia speaks is how she speaks. id much prefer someone who didnt put on airs to cover up their background for whatever reason. im sure how julia speaks is indicative of where she is from. we do pick up phrasing and intonation from those around us.
anyways its really neither here nor there. its her policies that speak for her and as far as im concerned shes lacking in that department. im tired of hearing about making our borders safe knowing what theyre talking about is only applicable to boat people. we all know the majority of people who come here and stay 'illegally' do so via the front door. and any education policy that doesnt increase funding for public schools without increasing funding for private schools is not a real education policy imo. and by funding i mean the provision of resources, not the willy nilly construction of buildings not needed at the expense of much needed concrete resources. and can we please have more incentive for our teachers to go to remote schools.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
anyways its really neither here nor there. its her policies that speak for her and as far as im concerned shes lacking in that department. im tired of hearing about making our borders safe knowing what theyre talking about is only applicable to boat people. we all know the majority of people who come here and stay 'illegally' do so via the front door. and any education policy that doesnt increase funding for public schools without increasing funding for private schools is not a real education policy imo. and by funding i mean the provision of resources, not the willy nilly construction of buildings not needed at the expense of much needed concrete resources. and can we please have more incentive for our teachers to go to remote schools.
Shits me to tears at how much the Murdoch media play the "Boat people invasion" to sell news. I guess most Aussies haven't caught on to the fact that this is the same guy that own and runs fox news.
So anyway the reality is that from july 2008 to july 2009, Approximately 158,000 people migrated to Australia. About 12000 of them were Asylum seekers and 1033 of them came by boat :shock:
Can someone please explain to me why this is such a massive issue. Boat people make up less than 9% of asylum seekers and less than 1% of total immigrants in 2008/09.
anyways its really neither here nor there. its her policies that speak for her and as far as im concerned shes lacking in that department. im tired of hearing about making our borders safe knowing what theyre talking about is only applicable to boat people. we all know the majority of people who come here and stay 'illegally' do so via the front door. and any education policy that doesnt increase funding for public schools without increasing funding for private schools is not a real education policy imo. and by funding i mean the provision of resources, not the willy nilly construction of buildings not needed at the expense of much needed concrete resources. and can we please have more incentive for our teachers to go to remote schools.
Shits me to tears at how much the Murdoch media play the "Boat people invasion" to sell news. I guess most Aussies haven't caught on to the fact that this is the same guy that own and runs fox news.
So anyway the reality is that from july 2008 to july 2009, Approximately 158,000 people migrated to Australia. About 12000 of them were Asylum seekers and 1033 of them came by boat :shock:
Can someone please explain to me why this is such a massive issue. Boat people make up less than 9% of asylum seekers and less than 1% of total immigrants in 2008/09.
fear is the virus they use to divide us. you know this.
in the case of the afghanis,it amazes me that we invade their country and when they rock up on our shores seeking asylum we have the hide to throw them in detention centres. ummm hello???????
i guess australia conveniently forgets that the first boat people on these shores was the first fleet.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
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lie beside me
i just need to say
well i am leaving the country for 2 weeks, so i ain't gonna be lookin at this thread!
feel free to fight it out.
oh, interesting thing i learnt tonight. The oppisition spokesman, Greg Hunt, who seems to be opposed to a emmisions trading scheme... his masters thesis is apparently all about how an ETS is the best solution to the problems, and the most economical viable toeing the party line much?
According to The Australian, the Coalition is devoting today to winning the women's vote.1 But does Tony Abbott deserve it? See our latest ad featuring his views on issues important to women, spoken by GetUp members.
Women are being shamefully overlooked in this election by politicians and the media. The turn of female voters away from Tony Abbott is being dismissed as a turn towards Julia Gillard's gender, while Tony Abbott's archaic and indefensible views on issues affecting women go unexamined and unchallenged.
That all ends today. Watch our new video from GetUp women, putting Tony's words on the record for all Australians to see:
Politicians from all sides are mistakenly assuming that women will simply vote along gender lines. It's beyond condescending, but it also misses the point: political leadership is about so much more. It's about where you stand, who you respect, and what you'll do from a position of power.
It's time to get to the truth. Women and men alike will be shocked by the quotes in this video, each and every line expressed by Tony Abbott himself. See for yourself now, and help put the message on air:
This video features GetUp members--women who have dared to speak Mr Abbott's own words back to him for all Australians to see. They're words that many Australians will find deeply disturbing. Even if you think you've seen and heard it all from Mr Abbott: his absolute opposition to abortion, his daring to weigh in on something as personal as a woman's virginity, his opposition to the cervical cancer vaccine, you have to watch this ad - now. Then chip in to ensure every other Australian gets to see it too:
Throughout his political career, Tony Abbott has advocated views more appropriate to 1910 than 2010. Now, as he asks voters to make him the next Prime Minister of our country, we need him to bring his views into the 21st century.
As Mr Abbott reaches a leading position in the polls, we need to know where he stands. Is climate change still "absolute crap"? Is abortion still just a question of a woman's "convenience"? Is it still "folly" to expect women to ever approach equal representation in all areas of public life? Click here to watch the ad, and get the real questions heard and answered this election.
Thank you for changing this election,
The GetUp Team
PS - We want to thank the GetUp members who appeared in this ad. It's not easy to put yourself out there. We admire their courage, respect their views and want to do all we can to make sure their message gets heard. Please join us in supporting them.
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this could be the day
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lie beside me
i just need to say
Late last night the Coalition announced it won't be voting for an internet filter that censors the web. This comes after the Government responded to our campaign by deferring the filter until 2012 (with the likelihood that the filter will never come back in its current form).
With independent Senator Nick Xenophon, the Greens and now the Coalition all walking away from the ineffective policy of censoring the internet, there is now no way for the Senate to pass this scheme.
This is your victory. Thank you!
Check out what we did together -- and hear about the ongoing global fight here:
We've known all along that a system of internet censorship that missed the vast majority of unwanted content, would encourage the outsourcing of parenting and limit our online freedoms.
And we've been joined in these endeavours by our friends at Electronic Frontiers Australia and literally thousands of campaigners in a grassroots movement.
But firewalls, monitoring and governments blocking websites was never just an Australian problem. With our victory comes the realisation that social movements in Iran, China and Burma are still fighting for their political freedoms online. In fact, 30% of the world's population live in regimes that block access to parts of the internet.
Responsibility falls on us, on this side of the firewall, to help our friends who are forced to live with censored internet and the axing of their political freedoms. That's why, in partnership with our friends at global campaigning group Avaaz, we've gotten behind a worldwide anti-internet censorship movement -- AccessNow. Access provides ways for you to provide your voice, your bandwidth and your resources to continue the global flight.
Today's announcement is a real example of the power of an organised, mature, online movement. Indeed it was new technology and the power of online campaigning, which was itself at risk from internet filtering, that brought this campaign to the masses.
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take a good look
this could be the day
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lie beside me
i just need to say
and what is speaking normal?
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
what is normal?
John Howard spoke pretty funny sometimes, Phoney Tony ummms and arrghs a lot
and do not mention fair dinkum!! WTF is that doing even being uttered in an election campaign! pisses me off only a little bit more than moving forward
I wave to all my Friends... Yeah!
oh yes tony is so fair dinkum.. educated by the jesuits and not making decisions without seeking guidance from cardinal pell. :roll:
yes i too live in an extremely safe labor seat.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Ummm lets say like, Costello, Abott, Turnbull.
None of this okka accent.
That's the thing I don't like about him, his religious views, I don't agree with everything pollies say.
I am looking at it from an economic management point of view.
I believe our country is in better shape under a Liberal govt.
Every person is different, and if you want to place your vote due to the sound of somebodys voice, then go ahead
i live in a 7% liberal seat and absolutly despise the person sitting in that seat :twisted:
I wave to all my Friends... Yeah!
Sure they left a nice big budget surplus, but what is a surplus? money that is not being spent where it could be spent on required infrastructure and services which badly needed it?
It was a labor government in the mid 90's that delivered this countries first budget surplus. Why is it ok for the majority of homeowners to be in massive debt, but bad for the government to be in a relativly small amount of debt?
Economic circumstances meant that if the people were not speding money, the government had to. If they did not, we would be in a much worse position now than we are. Sure there was wastage, but with the scale and the span of what was spent, it was bound to happen. unfortunate but true.
I wave to all my Friends... Yeah!
I don't vote based on the sound of somebodies voice.
I just said it irritates me.
Why is it everytime labor is in charge we seem to have recessions, interest rates through the roof, and high unemployment.
Didn't Keating say ''the recession we had to have'' ?
I love this video...
Did we officially go into recession? No
Are interest rates lower now than they were when labor took office? Yes
Unemployment? higher, but dropping.
Take a look at where we stand, compared to the rest of the developed world. we are in a much better postion than most. To say that the labor government fucked up our economy in the last few years is a pretty bad argument. The libs are running with it, but as i said, it is a pretty bad argument.
Keating is great, always has the lines, downer took that one hook line and sinker
I wave to all my Friends... Yeah!
I wave to all my Friends... Yeah!
oh great so what you want is all our politicians speaking like they were educated in private schools then. costello, abbott and turnball are all products of the non government education system while julia was educated in the state system. sounds a bit elitist to me. but never fear they all went on to university to study law and arts except for young tony who opted for economics over law.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
so what's Abbott goiong to do to reduce government spending? how do you know you will be happy with what he is planning. it's not like he's being forthcoming with ideas. all he's doing is saying he can reduce the rates by reducing government spending.
it would be nice to know what he plans to reduce. education? healthcare? who knows..
because all the spending pushes up inflation. and it's the RBAs job try and control the monetary supply in order to keep inflation at the target range of around 2.5%.
as for u/e, i think old trusty keynesian theory states a relationship of high inflation going hand in hand with lower u/e. so i cant really explain the old philips curve from yr12 economics! i assume there is an initial increase in u/e during early increased inflation due to the decreased confidence in the economy, decreased investment. when i rates are increased up and up, then people have less $$ to spend -> decrease in business activity -> people get laid off. managing an economy sounds pretty easy when put like that! ha. sure. ... so yeh ask an economist who can explain the gazillion variables
maybe we should ask joolya all about it. im sure she'll give us a great informed answer... oh wait... shes not an economist either. wheres pete?!? ahhh pete. the country needs you.
really? thats funny, because Tony has said himself that he finds economics boring
i did not know he studied it!
I wave to all my Friends... Yeah!
No I didn't say that.
I was educated in a crappy public school and am from a working class family, I talk like 90% of Aussies do.
I am not an elitist at all, how can I be given my background.
How Julia talks is not how the majority of Aussies talk.
Take it easy, it's politics and we can all choose who we want to lead us.
how julia speaks is how she speaks. id much prefer someone who didnt put on airs to cover up their background for whatever reason. im sure how julia speaks is indicative of where she is from. we do pick up phrasing and intonation from those around us.
anyways its really neither here nor there. its her policies that speak for her and as far as im concerned shes lacking in that department. im tired of hearing about making our borders safe knowing what theyre talking about is only applicable to boat people. we all know the majority of people who come here and stay 'illegally' do so via the front door. and any education policy that doesnt increase funding for public schools without increasing funding for private schools is not a real education policy imo. and by funding i mean the provision of resources, not the willy nilly construction of buildings not needed at the expense of much needed concrete resources. and can we please have more incentive for our teachers to go to remote schools.
take a good look
this could be the day
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lie beside me
i just need to say
well i guess thats why it was his masters in arts and not economics he got at oxford.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Shits me to tears at how much the Murdoch media play the "Boat people invasion" to sell news. I guess most Aussies haven't caught on to the fact that this is the same guy that own and runs fox news.
So anyway the reality is that from july 2008 to july 2009, Approximately 158,000 people migrated to Australia. About 12000 of them were Asylum seekers and 1033 of them came by boat
Can someone please explain to me why this is such a massive issue. Boat people make up less than 9% of asylum seekers and less than 1% of total immigrants in 2008/09.
fear is the virus they use to divide us. you know this.
in the case of the afghanis,it amazes me that we invade their country and when they rock up on our shores seeking asylum we have the hide to throw them in detention centres. ummm hello???????
i guess australia conveniently forgets that the first boat people on these shores was the first fleet.
take a good look
this could be the day
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i just need to say
most aussies wouldnt give a shit.
i love the gigantic % of the population that dont even know the name of the party they vote for. "yeh labour party! woo! doin it for the labourers".
Indeed. Still cracks me up that are largest conservative party in the country are called the Liberals :wtf:
ha yep. poltics sucks. it just makes me angry from all directions... except pete.
feel free to fight it out.
oh, interesting thing i learnt tonight. The oppisition spokesman, Greg Hunt, who seems to be opposed to a emmisions trading scheme... his masters thesis is apparently all about how an ETS is the best solution to the problems, and the most economical viable
I wave to all my Friends... Yeah! ... 10ywu.html
hope she decides to bring out the red feather boa.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
According to The Australian, the Coalition is devoting today to winning the women's vote.1 But does Tony Abbott deserve it? See our latest ad featuring his views on issues important to women, spoken by GetUp members.
Women are being shamefully overlooked in this election by politicians and the media. The turn of female voters away from Tony Abbott is being dismissed as a turn towards Julia Gillard's gender, while Tony Abbott's archaic and indefensible views on issues affecting women go unexamined and unchallenged.
That all ends today. Watch our new video from GetUp women, putting Tony's words on the record for all Australians to see:
Politicians from all sides are mistakenly assuming that women will simply vote along gender lines. It's beyond condescending, but it also misses the point: political leadership is about so much more. It's about where you stand, who you respect, and what you'll do from a position of power.
It's time to get to the truth. Women and men alike will be shocked by the quotes in this video, each and every line expressed by Tony Abbott himself. See for yourself now, and help put the message on air:
This video features GetUp members--women who have dared to speak Mr Abbott's own words back to him for all Australians to see. They're words that many Australians will find deeply disturbing. Even if you think you've seen and heard it all from Mr Abbott: his absolute opposition to abortion, his daring to weigh in on something as personal as a woman's virginity, his opposition to the cervical cancer vaccine, you have to watch this ad - now. Then chip in to ensure every other Australian gets to see it too:
Throughout his political career, Tony Abbott has advocated views more appropriate to 1910 than 2010. Now, as he asks voters to make him the next Prime Minister of our country, we need him to bring his views into the 21st century.
As Mr Abbott reaches a leading position in the polls, we need to know where he stands. Is climate change still "absolute crap"? Is abortion still just a question of a woman's "convenience"? Is it still "folly" to expect women to ever approach equal representation in all areas of public life? Click here to watch the ad, and get the real questions heard and answered this election.
Thank you for changing this election,
The GetUp Team
PS - We want to thank the GetUp members who appeared in this ad. It's not easy to put yourself out there. We admire their courage, respect their views and want to do all we can to make sure their message gets heard. Please join us in supporting them.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
With independent Senator Nick Xenophon, the Greens and now the Coalition all walking away from the ineffective policy of censoring the internet, there is now no way for the Senate to pass this scheme.
This is your victory. Thank you!
Check out what we did together -- and hear about the ongoing global fight here:
We've known all along that a system of internet censorship that missed the vast majority of unwanted content, would encourage the outsourcing of parenting and limit our online freedoms.
And we've been joined in these endeavours by our friends at Electronic Frontiers Australia and literally thousands of campaigners in a grassroots movement.
But firewalls, monitoring and governments blocking websites was never just an Australian problem. With our victory comes the realisation that social movements in Iran, China and Burma are still fighting for their political freedoms online. In fact, 30% of the world's population live in regimes that block access to parts of the internet.
Responsibility falls on us, on this side of the firewall, to help our friends who are forced to live with censored internet and the axing of their political freedoms. That's why, in partnership with our friends at global campaigning group Avaaz, we've gotten behind a worldwide anti-internet censorship movement -- AccessNow. Access provides ways for you to provide your voice, your bandwidth and your resources to continue the global flight.
Today's announcement is a real example of the power of an organised, mature, online movement. Indeed it was new technology and the power of online campaigning, which was itself at risk from internet filtering, that brought this campaign to the masses.
take a good look
this could be the day
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i just need to say