i beg to dissagree. there are exceptions to every rule. i have smoked every day or nearlly every day for25 years or more i have miseed maybe 3 days of work for sickness.i am the top painter in my company i own my home have a few dollers in the bank and are a responsible(most of the time)person
Just about every one I know smokes the shit out of the stuff and they are all doing just fine with life, relationships, and careers. Now the heavy drinkers on the other hand...
See i started supplementing drinking for smoking, it's so much worse for you, i've recently slowed down and caught myself. Here's my thing about the Stoners, who's lives never move forward, So what? i mean are really expecting some great reward at the end? were all gona die. may as well enjoy the time you have. He who dies with the most toys doesn't win anything, you just get a prettier box.
I am a party smoker- meaning socially - only when I have a string of days off and have 100% nothing productive to do and the house is more than 110% clean will I burn one down and do... something... spin vinyl or go for a hike or whatever - but weed cost money, to much really - so for no reason other than just how friggin amazing a Pearl Jam show is with weed, or any live music really - I limit myself to those times - MSG Night 2 right after sweet lew and just before Given To Fly I put out a joint and that was the last time I smoked... will I smoke again? yes... BUT SEEING THIS THREAD EVERYDAY MAKES ME WANNA MORE AND MORE
Plus I have an inner ear upper jaw infection from a very small pebble that fell into my ear canal while changing my wife's exhaust on her car last week and they don't give you pain meds for this only ear drops and antibotics - perhaps a session I should partake in... ok you guys convinced me - I'll let you know how it goes
i beg to dissagree. there are exceptions to every rule. i have smoked every day or nearlly every day for25 years or more i have miseed maybe 3 days of work for sickness.i am the top painter in my company i own my home have a few dollers in the bank and are a responsible(most of the time)person
everytime i read blenderman69's posts, i think to myself, "this dude is way badass and quite cool."
your cool too dude! it's official we're in a bromance
i just scraped my pipe and found gooey resin to light on fire.
sucks being out, suck being broke.
sucks weed costs so much.
I'm in Forced retirement, but like Hulk Hogan i plan to keep coming back.
Before retiring i was the James Cameron of smoking.
It's one thing to decide to lived stoned, but i had to convice my wife as well, and reconvice her again and again. Now i'm clean, shes still smokes, but such small amount's i'm embrassed to even mention it.
I smoked between the ages of 14 and 27 .. the first few years socially the last 7 years numerous times a day ... I became ill and had to give up ... it was hellish but 13 years on the best thing I did ... I still know people in their 50's and 60's who are total dope heads they seem to think it makes them windswept and interesting but I just feel for them as they live such sad lives living for the next joint
I hear ya...
I still get a good laugh when I see my friends who are in their late 40"s early 50's, who still "Have to get high" every single day of their life. 99% of these people have one thing in common. Their lives are a complete fucking joke, at least in my eyes. They are in their 40's-50's, and STILL cant hold down a job, they have no such thing as a savings account, they live from paycheck to paycheck. I think the thing that sickens me the most with these knuckleheads, is now some of them have children tn their early 20's. And they see nothing wrong with getting high with their children.
I realize their are plenty of people who smoke dope every day, and function like normal rational human beings...I get that...
But as far as MY FRIENDS are concerned?? The one's who have been smoking dope every day since highschool??? Their lives are a complete fucking mess...At least in my eyes they are.....They still look at life through the eyes of an 18 year old. Pathetic is the word that comes to mind, when I look at their lives and what they have accomplished.
How's the air up there, people?
All of your judgement is 100% subjective. Speedy; I could say that in my eyes, YOUR life is a mess. You just bought a house recently....at what age? You drive a truck for a living, right? And you think these accomplishments put you in a position to look down on people you call (pathetic) friends ? I'm 35 and have owned a house for 8 years, despite a divorce and having to buy my ex out. I worked my way out of being a labour-grunt to a management desk job, and I'm slowly getting an education at night. Does that mean I can look down on your accomplishments (or lack thereof)?
Not everyone has the same ambition, and not everyone cares about the same things .
hey drowned out that was a bit harsh don't ya think...insult's not needed. speedy is ace's with me...and sometimes we disagree.leave him alone little dick p.s. your eyes must be crooked :shock:
hey drowned out that was a bit harsh don't ya think...insult's not needed. speedy is ace's with me...and sometimes we disagree.leave him alone little dick p.s. your eyes must be crooked :shock:
Care to show me where I insulted him? I simply turned his statements around on him....
why aren't you offended for his friends? Cause they're not here to suck up to? :P
Speedy, nor anyone else here, should take anything I say to heart on a personal level - if my presentation was too harsh, I apologize.
I'm not one to put politics before friendships, and I have no issues with Speedy at all, in fact I think he's a pretty fuckin funny guy and I'd gladly lift a pint with him.
the crooked eyes thing totally went over my head....
hey drowned out that was a bit harsh don't ya think...insult's not needed. speedy is ace's with me...and sometimes we disagree.leave him alone little dick p.s. your eyes must be crooked :shock:
Care to show me where I insulted him? I simply turned his statements around on him....
why aren't you offended for his friends? Cause they're not here to suck up to? :P
Speedy, nor anyone else here, should take anything I say to heart on a personal level - if my presentation was too harsh, I apologize.
I'm not one to put politics before friendships, and I have no issues with Speedy at all, in fact I think he's a pretty fuckin funny guy and I'd gladly lift a pint with him.
the crooked eyes thing totally went over my head....
hey drowned out that was a bit harsh don't ya think...insult's not needed. speedy is ace's with me...and sometimes we disagree.leave him alone little dick p.s. your eyes must be crooked :shock:
Care to show me where I insulted him? I simply turned his statements around on him....
why aren't you offended for his friends? Cause they're not here to suck up to? :P
Speedy, nor anyone else here, should take anything I say to heart on a personal level - if my presentation was too harsh, I apologize.
I'm not one to put politics before friendships, and I have no issues with Speedy at all, in fact I think he's a pretty fuckin funny guy and I'd gladly lift a pint with him.
the crooked eyes thing totally went over my head....
Don't worry about it. I did the EXACT same thing with Speedy awhile back. It took him some time, but he loves me now... Not sure why it's ok to diss the intelligence of pot smokers, while others are somehow off limit. I say fuck that.
Idaho's Premier Outdoor Writer
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
I smoked between the ages of 14 and 27 .. the first few years socially the last 7 years numerous times a day ... I became ill and had to give up ... it was hellish but 13 years on the best thing I did ... I still know people in their 50's and 60's who are total dope heads they seem to think it makes them windswept and interesting but I just feel for them as they live such sad lives living for the next joint
I hear ya...
I still get a good laugh when I see my friends who are in their late 40"s early 50's, who still "Have to get high" every single day of their life. 99% of these people have one thing in common. Their lives are a complete fucking joke, at least in my eyes. They are in their 40's-50's, and STILL cant hold down a job, they have no such thing as a savings account, they live from paycheck to paycheck. I think the thing that sickens me the most with these knuckleheads, is now some of them have children tn their early 20's. And they see nothing wrong with getting high with their children.
I realize their are plenty of people who smoke dope every day, and function like normal rational human beings...I get that...
But as far as MY FRIENDS are concerned?? The one's who have been smoking dope every day since highschool??? Their lives are a complete fucking mess...At least in my eyes they are.....They still look at life through the eyes of an 18 year old. Pathetic is the word that comes to mind, when I look at their lives and what they have accomplished.
How's the air up there, people?
All of your judgement is 100% subjective. Speedy; I could say that in my eyes, YOUR life is a mess. You just bought a house recently....at what age? You drive a truck for a living, right? And you think these accomplishments put you in a position to look down on people you call (pathetic) friends ? I'm 35 and have owned a house for 8 years, despite a divorce and having to buy my ex out. I worked my way out of being a labour-grunt to a management desk job, and I'm slowly getting an education at night. Does that mean I can look down on your accomplishments (or lack thereof)?
Not everyone has the same ambition, and not everyone cares about the same things .
hey drowned out that was a bit harsh don't ya think...insult's not needed. speedy is ace's with me...and sometimes we disagree.leave him alone little dick p.s. your eyes must be crooked :shock:
Care to show me where I insulted him? I simply turned his statements around on him....
why aren't you offended for his friends? Cause they're not here to suck up to? :P
Speedy, nor anyone else here, should take anything I say to heart on a personal level - if my presentation was too harsh, I apologize.
I'm not one to put politics before friendships, and I have no issues with Speedy at all, in fact I think he's a pretty fuckin funny guy and I'd gladly lift a pint with him.
the crooked eyes thing totally went over my head....
first,let me appologize myself i was alittle harsh with my humor too. and for the record i didn't like what speedy said,but then again he'd know if they were loosers or not i too would love to lift a pint with speedy and you..as for the crooked eyes i was dissagreeing with what you said you saw through your eyes...glad you didn't dispute the little dick part though ....just kidding...mines little too(for a guy 9 ft 11
Reading the replies posted here and taking into account all the experiences I have read on the net, it comes down to each person and their individual set of circumstances. For instance I can agree with the post about people doing the same thing year after year and wasting their lives, I've done it and watched it happen but I have also seen the other side of the coin where it does not affect peoples drive at all. The thing that amazes me about weed, (please correct me if I am wrong), is that it is the only thing on the planet where you can take it straight from the bush, put fire to it and get safely out of it.
It Suck's Moose C***, i've been without for 5 months because my job started testing, i lived stoned for 10 years before that, it was wonderful, if i wasn't at work i was stoned. I miss it SO much. If i ever get laid off the first thing i'm doing is buy like 3 ounces and sit home get hi and watch scifi movies and t.v. shows, i almost wana get laid off. If i could chose i would give up drinking and go back to getting hi any day of the week. I once took a week off work, played Grand Theft Auto 3 and watched all 7 seasons of Star Trek DS9, while smoking like 14 joint's a day, one an hour while being awake. It was the Greatists week EVER!!!
yep, weed and productivity go hand in hand. :?
whatever floats your boat...
disclaimer: even tho many folks have assumed that's me in my avatar....it's not.
If I had known then what I know now...
Vegas 93, Vegas 98, Vegas 00 (10 year show), Vegas 03, Vegas 06
VIC 07
EV LA1 08
Seattle1 09, Seattle2 09, Salt Lake 09, LA4 09
Columbus 10
EV LA 11
Vancouver 11
Missoula 12
Portland 13, Spokane 13
St. Paul 14, Denver 14
disclaimer: even tho many folks have assumed that's me in my avatar....it's not.
why not?
cuz i'm not michael phelps. I only have 3 olympic gold medals.
If I had known then what I know now...
Vegas 93, Vegas 98, Vegas 00 (10 year show), Vegas 03, Vegas 06
VIC 07
EV LA1 08
Seattle1 09, Seattle2 09, Salt Lake 09, LA4 09
Columbus 10
EV LA 11
Vancouver 11
Missoula 12
Portland 13, Spokane 13
St. Paul 14, Denver 14
i've actually been thinking about this. Looking back at things and trying to see if it's holdin me back somehow. I'm 23, work full time, little college under my belt and not a lot in the bank at the moment and smoke daily. However, when i look back at my paychecks and the past couple years it doesn't really feel like the herb is holding me back a lot. I probably have bought a little more than i should have over the years but when i don't buy, i usually wind up spending it on other stuff anyways. It really seems to come down to the individual. Almost all my friends my age have their college degrees (they come from more fortunate families so don't want to make it sound like i'm just lazy) and i know people who have kids and drink way too much...they all smoke a lot of bud and lead very different lives. To be dead honest, I really wish they'd do some sort of Kinsey type report on weed...
for ten years i bought around 100 a week, so 5,200 a year , so about 52,000 thousand in ten years. which i owe about 30 grand in debt, but have about 150,000 in my 401 k and in 2 years i get to take another loan out, so i plan to take about 50 grand out at that time to pay off all my debt, includes my wife school loan. but ya in honesty i would be doing much better without pot in my life. but i did bring me a lot of joy. as Drew Carey says why make the money if you can't enjoy spending it.
I sometimes forget that I get my weed pretty cheap. I spend about $100-120 a month and I'm high every weeknight and sometimes all weekend long. Granted, it's not high grade stuff, but it's working for me right now High grade (though I don't have any right now) is saved for concerts and whatnot... I might spend 3 times as much for that. I wouldn't smoke the good stuff every day anyway... unless I want to spend hours watching rabbits and birds out in the yard (guilty).
I know many successful people (won't name names) who are potheads... and I'm not talking about musicians... but people with normal jobs. I wish I didn't have a normal job, but I've been steadily employed in the financial services industry for about 10 years, earning above the median (although barely) and I've never had a break from pot during those 10 years.
When my generation takes over (I'm 34) it's gonna be legal. No doubt about it.
Here's my average day... go to work, be a productive citizen, come home from work, smoke a bowl, talk a 45 minute walk, eat a huge dinner, smoke another bowl, and I'm good for the night. I'm perfectly functional. I'm going food shopping in a few minutes... and yes, I will find something for the munchies, but it'll be apples, or granola, not Doritos. Perhaps some ice cream....
I suppose weed is not for everyone, but some of us would be less than ourselves without it. Others are less than themselves with it... I don't dispute that. It's very strange...
I suppose weed is not for everyone, but some of us would be less than ourselves without it. Others are less than themselves with it... I don't dispute that. It's very strange...
It keeps me from twisting heads and snapping necks. So, it's good for everyone (in my general vicinity), not just me.
Idaho's Premier Outdoor Writer
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
I suppose weed is not for everyone, but some of us would be less than ourselves without it. Others are less than themselves with it... I don't dispute that. It's very strange...
It keeps me from twisting heads and snapping necks. So, it's good for everyone (in my general vicinity), not just me.
Funny thing is that I used to think the same way when I was wasted 24/7, when I slowed down to once a day and then once a week people commented on how much more relaxed I was.
See i started supplementing drinking for smoking, it's so much worse for you, i've recently slowed down and caught myself. Here's my thing about the Stoners, who's lives never move forward, So what? i mean are really expecting some great reward at the end? were all gona die. may as well enjoy the time you have. He who dies with the most toys doesn't win anything, you just get a prettier box.
Plus I have an inner ear upper jaw infection from a very small pebble that fell into my ear canal while changing my wife's exhaust on her car last week and they don't give you pain meds for this only ear drops and antibotics - perhaps a session I should partake in... ok you guys convinced me - I'll let you know how it goes
Best on the web - check them out
<left><a href='http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4018/4676758738_20a07ec4f1_m.jpg/'><img src='http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4018/4676758738_20a07ec4f1_m.jpg' border='0' alt='Image Hosted by flickr.com'/></a><br/>
2008 Bonnaroo - 2009 Philly 2&3 - 2010 MSG 1&2
i just like what i read that you typed up.
you smoke like mad, you work your balls off.
and you are the best at what you do.
that is a champion.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
are you a champion?
i am an idiot.
i just scraped my pipe and found gooey resin to light on fire.
sucks being out, suck being broke.
sucks weed costs so much.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
i love a good fuck up.
no wonder i love myself.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
I'm in Forced retirement, but like Hulk Hogan i plan to keep coming back.
Before retiring i was the James Cameron of smoking.
It's one thing to decide to lived stoned, but i had to convice my wife as well, and reconvice her again and again. Now i'm clean, shes still smokes, but such small amount's i'm embrassed to even mention it.
How's the air up there, people?
All of your judgement is 100% subjective. Speedy; I could say that in my eyes, YOUR life is a mess. You just bought a house recently....at what age? You drive a truck for a living, right? And you think these accomplishments put you in a position to look down on people you call (pathetic) friends ? I'm 35 and have owned a house for 8 years, despite a divorce and having to buy my ex out. I worked my way out of being a labour-grunt to a management desk job, and I'm slowly getting an education at night. Does that mean I can look down on your accomplishments (or lack thereof)?
Not everyone has the same ambition, and not everyone cares about the same things .
why aren't you offended for his friends? Cause they're not here to suck up to? :P
Speedy, nor anyone else here, should take anything I say to heart on a personal level - if my presentation was too harsh, I apologize.
I'm not one to put politics before friendships, and I have no issues with Speedy at all, in fact I think he's a pretty fuckin funny guy and I'd gladly lift a pint with him.
the crooked eyes thing totally went over my head....
Don't worry about it. I did the EXACT same thing with Speedy awhile back. It took him some time, but he loves me now...
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
Frank Grimes!
Or Grimey, as he prefers to be called.
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
Look at me, I'm Speedy...everything always works out for me!
whatever floats your boat...
disclaimer: even tho many folks have assumed that's me in my avatar....it's not.
Vegas 93, Vegas 98, Vegas 00 (10 year show), Vegas 03, Vegas 06
VIC 07
EV LA1 08
Seattle1 09, Seattle2 09, Salt Lake 09, LA4 09
Columbus 10
EV LA 11
Vancouver 11
Missoula 12
Portland 13, Spokane 13
St. Paul 14, Denver 14
why not?
Vegas 93, Vegas 98, Vegas 00 (10 year show), Vegas 03, Vegas 06
VIC 07
EV LA1 08
Seattle1 09, Seattle2 09, Salt Lake 09, LA4 09
Columbus 10
EV LA 11
Vancouver 11
Missoula 12
Portland 13, Spokane 13
St. Paul 14, Denver 14
I'm still proud of ya buddy, still proud of mike to.
I know many successful people (won't name names) who are potheads... and I'm not talking about musicians... but people with normal jobs. I wish I didn't have a normal job, but I've been steadily employed in the financial services industry for about 10 years, earning above the median (although barely) and I've never had a break from pot during those 10 years.
When my generation takes over (I'm 34) it's gonna be legal. No doubt about it.
Here's my average day... go to work, be a productive citizen, come home from work, smoke a bowl, talk a 45 minute walk, eat a huge dinner, smoke another bowl, and I'm good for the night. I'm perfectly functional. I'm going food shopping in a few minutes... and yes, I will find something for the munchies, but it'll be apples, or granola, not Doritos. Perhaps some ice cream....
I suppose weed is not for everyone, but some of us would be less than ourselves without it. Others are less than themselves with it... I don't dispute that. It's very strange...
Boy am I fucking hungry right now.
It keeps me from twisting heads and snapping necks. So, it's good for everyone (in my general vicinity), not just me.
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book: