U.S. to aid $400 million to Palastine..



  • redrockredrock Posts: 18,341
    yosi wrote:
    I take it upon myself to try to speak with Israelis I know ..... You all should do the same for the Palestinians.. .

    I guess it's a bit easier to speak to Israelis as Israelis have free movement, can go abroad, etc. and tourists and others who wish to visit Israel have free access to the country. Also, Israelis have access to international news/tv channels/papers/internet, etc. and one would think they would be able to inform themselves (and not just rely on Israeli propaganda) and not have such a blinkered view of things. They would then start to understand how things are and what the international community's position is and what Israel needs to do (UN resolutions - remember those?). Most would probably still not care.

    Speaking to Palestinians is a 'tad' bit more difficult seeing one cannot get into the country, electricity and goods being limited, not many people will have a computer to be able to 'connect' with the world. Even if these means of electronic communication were readily available, most people in Gaza do not have money or homes are destroyed and whatever money they may have will be going to basic goods to enable them to feed their children.

    Israel is not doing much to enable 'change' are they? On the contrary..... Again, I would ask you to turn the tables.... Again, you are putting the onus on Gaza (not giving Israel easy 'excuses' - Israel does not need excuses)

    Also, I don't think anyone said anything about hating Israel. You are again putting words in our mouths.
  • yosiyosi NYC Posts: 3,074
    No, Israel is certainly not doing enough. Not nearly. But that is not an excuse for the Palestinians not to do their part, or for their supporters not to push them in the right direction.

    Israelis are not relying on government propaganda. The press in Israel is free and vibrant. It is not state controlled, and it is quite often very critical of the government. In fact I'd say that most Israelis recognize that their country is currently suffering an extreme crisis in leadership, and they view the pronouncements of the government with a healthy degree of skepticism. You are assuming that their is only one "correct" way to view this conflict, that there is an objective truth, and that it is exactly what you believe it is. Israelis have a very different perspective, one that I think is no less true than your own. You don't seem capable of accepting this, that the narratives of both sides of this conflict are both true and that at the same time they obscure the equally valid truth of the other side. So you just write off the Israeli narrative to propaganda, which is really very convenient, but it doesn't reflect the reality.
    you couldn't swing if you were hangin' from a palm tree in a hurricane

  • redrockredrock Posts: 18,341
    yosi wrote:
    So you just write off the Israeli narrative to propaganda, .

    Hmmmn...... doctored tapes, blatant lies, gagging of 'others'.... yep... I call that propaganda. And not just this time for the attack on the aid flotilla but numerous other occasions.
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