U.S. to aid $400 million to Palastine..
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Israel gives millions in aid to Palestinians every year.
All food, medical aid, etc is let thru.
Common misconception is that there are "1.5 million Palestinians starving". I hear it all the time here, but its just not true. I don't even want to defend that against the usual suspects on this site- b/c they dont want to hear it. But it is true.
Just research it. If anyone can find evidence of 1.5 million starving Palestinians, PLEASE POST IT.
and I'll shut up. (Now's ur chance everybody)
Really? Concrete? You need concrete to build structures, do you not? You can't just stop basic things going into a country because they can potentially be used for a weapon. You can make a weapon pretty much out of anything.. Might as well stop food from going into the country because that is used to make weapons by feeding the people who make weapons.
dude ... the guy doesn't know what he is talking about ... he actually posted that ALL food and medical supplies are let thru ...
here is a partial list
http://gisha.org/UserFiles/File/HiddenM ... 060510.pdf
the list can change daily and israel won't make public what is and isn't allowed into gaza ...
Concrete Bombs (left is actually bomb, right are concrete bombs):
Typically used for practice runs. These, for example, would have to be dropped from Palestinian Me-110s.
Addendum: The U.S. used concrete bombs with laser guidence systems in Iraq on specific targets. The 1,000 lb bombs use the kenetic energy to flatten the structure, but since there is no explosives, the collateral damage is held to a minimum. So, yeah... if you are sitting on your couch and a 1,000 chunk of concrete that was launched from an F-16's attack angle lands on your lap... it's gonna do some damage.
Hail, Hail!!!
400 million wouldn't go very far here anyways. What's that, a dollar for every person?
well said. $400 million for people to burn American flags with, and we have %10 unemployment and record debt. Not to mention homeless and starving right here.
And the starving here can motivate themselves to get off their asses and do something about it. Last I checked America was the land of opportunity.
A homeless American has every opportunity to make better for themselves, but most don't because they are mentally ill. They don't want money. They want booze.
and they're burning those American flags because we are giving billions to Isreal. Fuck Isreal. What are they doing for us?
I s r a e l. 'A' before 'E'.
At which point did you say "Fuck Skool"?
I'm just trying to understand this. I don't like taking sides with anyone over there.
If you want to get technical with spelling, "thru" is not a word, just so you know. There's a quite a few gramical errors in your posts, but I won't hold them against you.
Israel asked U.S. to increase weapons supply, Haaretz learns
Air force seeking more JDAM bombs, and larger emergency stores held by American army.
By Amos Harel
Israel recently approached the United States with new requests for security-related purchases, Haaretz has learned. The requests included Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM ) bombs for the Israel Air Force, as well as a significant expansion of the emergency stores held by the U.S. army in Israel.
The Israeli requests were brought up during recent visits to Washington by Defense Minister Ehud Barak and director-general of the Defense Ministry, Udi Shani, and in conversations with senior administration and Congress officials.
The priority list reflects the security threats the defense establishment believes Israel will face in the next few years, i.e. the eventuality of a prolonged war, which would necessitate using the IAF widely to attack many targets, along with ensuring enough spare parts and supplies.
Israel also requested JDAM bombs, seeking to significantly increase the number of such munitions already in its arsenal. The JDAM bombs have been used increasingly in recent operations, including in the Second Lebanon War in 2006 and Operation Cast Lead in 2008.
Israel is also seeking to increase the amount of gear held by the American army in their emergency stores in Israel by 50% - from $800 million to $1.2 billion. The Obama administration placed the stores in Israel in December, as part of a number of steps to improve U.S. assistance to Israeli security. To date, $600 million worth of American emergency equipment has been placed in Israel.
The American stores hold rockets, bombs, aircraft ammunition and armored vehicles, along with other weapons. The gear fully matches equipment already used by the Israel Defense Forces and is cataloged upon arrival to ensure quick and easy access at a time of need, pending permission from the United States. The American move has a dual purpose: bringing military equipment closer to areas in which Americans might need to fight, and assisting the U.S. ally should the need arise.
Maybe I am just in a good mood today, but I'd construe this as progress, rather than something negative.
Gaza needs food ... And Iran has the weaponry situation covered in any case.
Of course Gaza needs food and we know the reason why.
Israel is the one requesting the U.S. to stockpile additional bombs for Israel's use, not Iran. If you put the new Clinton sanctions into play and Turkey's response to the killings and Egypt opening its border with Gaza for aid transport, hell lets throw in North Korea's supposedly attack on South Korea's ship. Now you have a case for Israel to get more bombs to go after Iran.
Why can't Israel get its weapons from some one else, South Africa supplied them with nuclear materials for their plants and weapons, can't they ask one of their other Western allies to get blood on their hands. Why do they always have to come to the U.S. for their killing machines, especially, when they make and sell their own.
We have our own domestic problems to worry about, do we really need to get drawn into Israel sh-t? We're supposed to be bringing our troops out of Iraq soon, not getting them sent to Iran.
Israel (and the international Community, including the U.S.) turn jusisdiction of Gaza back to Egypt? This way, Egypt will be held responsible and fully accountable for Gaza, including any attacks on Israel that are launched from Gaza.
And is there a problem with the establishment of a Paletinian state... within the current borders of Arab states? I mean, can Syria or Jordan... Egypt or Iraq set up a territory for a Palestinian state... with full national soverignty after 2 decades of non-violent actions against Israel?
Or... how set is Israel with their current location/neighbors? How about we work out a three-way deal with Mexico? Mexico sells off Baja California and that becomes the new israel. All of the Mexicans living in Baja California are automatically U.S. Citizens (unless they wish to maintain their Mexican citizenship and move to mainland Mexico... or convert to Judaism). Baja could use new management... it is beatuiful... amazing coastlands and beaches... and... it's a fucking desert, just like the Middle East.
This way... Israel has no more rocket attacks and exploding city busses... Baja California is under new management... no more illegal immigrants crossing the San Diego border, Mexico gets a ton of cash (to hopefully, build up a middle class) and the Arabs can carve up the Middle East any way they wish and can revert to the tribal conflicts that have been going between them for the past 1400 years and have no one to blame, but themselves.
Hail, Hail!!!
I don't need a map to know that Israel doesn't lay between these two countries, so why draw America into Israel's mess!!! i guess its now up to the Hillary to make sure Iran gets drawn into a war. At least she has put us one step closer to fulfilling that goal.
Actually Israel does quite a lot. It is one of the leading centers of technological innovation in the world. Much of the technology in your cellphone, in your computer, probably even a lot of the technology that runs this site was developed in Israel. They've made huge contributions to medical technology, nano technology, green technology, not to mention the development of agricultural methods for arid environments that are now being deployed across large areas of Africa. So actually they've done quite a lot for us.
Not saying that homelessness isn't a problem (I come from an area of Canada that has one of the biggest homeless problems in the country) - but I don't particulary understand when people are up in arms about foreign aid and not all the other stuff that the government wastes its money on... i mean, i usually get mad about the government spending money on war, olympics, their own fat raises, etc. instead of our homeless problems... foreign aid seems a lot more important than a lot of things you may have forgotten your money goes to...
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
are you are aware of the $3 billion in direct foreign assistance each year that the U.S. gives Israel, which is close enough to 1/5th of the US foreign aid budget? aid which backs and supports Israel's illegal and brutal occupation against the Palestinians which has been going on for years.
the US is funding the siege of gaza, if you're an american you are paying for brutality and repression and misery.
be outraged about that.
Yeah.. it was meant to be tongue in cheek...
But, seriously... wasn't Gaza part of Egypt prior to the 1967 War? It is considered occupied territory, right?
How about Israel giving Gaza back to Egypt and telling Egypt they are responsible for attacks launched from Eqyptian soil.
And you know how Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia, et al are always citing the plight of the Palestinians as a central issue in the region? Why don't they take in the Palestinians into their homelands? Like Iran, for example... they are bitching about Israel all the time and how Israel needs to be kicked out of the region... why can't they carve out a plot within their borders to set up a homeland for them?
I think, you are likely to find that they don't want them in their homes either. I think that even if Israel were to pack up and move out... like to Baja California or something... there would STILL be problems in the Middle East. I think the major force that is keeping them from fighting with each other is the common enemy of Israel in their neighborhood.
Personally... i think they a ALL fucked up... Israel, the Arab States, Iran... they are all acting like assholes... killing each other... sending off young men to blow themselves up on a bus because an airstrike leveled a city block because a young man blew himself up in a cafe because a helicopter attack killed a buch of civilians because...
They must not value life very much over there... or they are fucking stupid in thinking this airstrike will be the last one needed or that next suicide bomber will be the one to end the conflict. Life must be cheap and mean very little if they continue to think that what they are doing is a success.
Am i wrong, here?
Hail, Hail!!!
That's a Scary god damn thought.
I have had this same thought many times ... Glad someone else mentioned it. Jordan has made it very clear that they don't want a large body of Palestinians in their territory. Iran is heavy on the rhetoric and arms dealing, but hasn't exactly stepped up to help with any Palestinian homeland. The whole Iran thing is just odd to me in the first place ... Historically, Iranians have clashed with the Arab world ... They fought a 10-year war with Iraq, and the Saudis even got pulled in. But suddenly now, Iran is casting itself in this saviour role. I think it all fits the Iranian government's strategic and religious aspirations, and has sweet fuck all to do with concerns about the Palestinian people.
Either way though, your logic is STILL flawed. why should anyone have control over Gaza other than the people who live there? They are not Egyptian, trading one occupier for the other is a meaningless attempt at just forcing the Palestinians to submit under foreign rule. again this logic makes no sense. Iran is miles away from there, why should the Palestinians be forced to relocate from their original homes? additionally, Israel is obviously the aggressor and the occupier in this conflict, why should we ignore their need to abide by international law and force another country to give up part of its territory because the Israelis don't want to give land back? Iran has every right to call out Israel's crimes, and all the countries who don't, including which ever Western country you live in (if it's the US then you should get my point) should be ashamed of themselves for letting this rogue state go on committing these crimes and massacres while facing no repercussions. is this not disturbing to you? what does this have to do with Israel's disregard for international law? because of Cosmo's theory that the Middle East is destined to be fucked up, we should ignore Israel's illegal oppression of Palestinians and let it go by unnoticed? the injustice to the Palestinians has gone on long enough and I think if you just reread what you wrote, you'd see the flaws in your language. if any other state had done this, kept up this occupation for this long, everyone would be condemning them to hell, whereas with this issue everyone says "there's two sides". how come there is no two sides to any other occupation in the history of the world? i like that phrase, "history of the world" yes you are wrong. in fact you should know you're wrong by your categorization ... your usage of "they" to refer to everyone is startling. you know black people in the US are thieves right and drug dealers right? they must not care about the law, that's your logic right here, stereotypical and borderline racist.
I suggest you read Robert Pape's "Dying to Win" where he assesses the strategic logic of suicide terrorism, I think it'll shed light on this last paragraph of yours that breathes ignorance
as for why Arab countries don't help out Palestinians, you are both right that Arab countries have certainly made the problem worse and their treatment of Palestinians is disgusting. in fact i am in Amman, Jordan right now and I just visited a Palestinian refugee camp today - it was one of the worst sights I had ever seen. Half a million people living horrendously, they have atleast 5 or 6 families living in 1 building! Lebanon is just as bad if not worse. The only thing about this though is that Israel supporters and defenders (not accusing either one of you of being so, just making a general statement) use the Arab countries' lack of caring for the Palestinian refugees as a distraction from the main problem, which is how they were created in the first place and why they don't have a homeland to go back to yet: Israel.