
The Golf Thread



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    HorosHoros Posts: 4,518
    Horos wrote:
    its precisely as the announcers said on 16 or 17. this is possibly the greatest golfer in history, and he doesnt have a clue how to put the clubface to the ball and hit it. I think thats a very telling statement.
    This could be your best post ever, but then it's not your words and not 5 frickin' paragraphs long. :twisted:

    even though you are a fellow eugenean gotta disagree here. Ive always admired people who can sum up things in a small amount of words, im not one of them, nor do i really wish to be. Not to compare myself to Chomsky, but CNN was asked in the 90's why Chomsky was never invited to speak and give his political opinions on the shows. CNN said "we dont have 20 minutes to discuss these issues, we have a few minutes". While golf obviously isnt as important nor as pressing and weighty as say chomsky discussing u.s. foreign policy, the general premise is something I adhere to.

    I dont think anyone can sum up whats ailing and bothering and hindering Tiger is a few sentences. Even a few paragraphs. Thats the whole point. Thats why the people who considered him "back to normal" after Bay Hill were childish. Theres been alot going on with him for a long time. You cant sum that up, nor discuss it in a condensed manner, because it isnt condensed. He's got a million things going on with him.

    The quote you liked, that the commentator made, is succinct and to the point, and i think its correct. But its just a starting point. The fact that Tiger can't play to his previous standards is a reality, and today he couldnt play at all. We can use hyperbole and wish him to be good again, or back, or winning again, or dominant again, the fact is, he isn't. Plus the commentators stated "wow" and "inexplicable". knowing just the basics of where his head is, the last couple years, i dont find it all that surprising, nor inexplicable. the reasons for his meltdown and inability to win are self evident. Divorce, public humiliation, shame, loss of his father, arrogance, boredom, losing ones way. If those things matter, and can cause one to act in a bizaare manners, then certainly the fact that he can;t play golf like he used to, or at all, is hardly surprising or inexplicable.
    Don't you see though? You've made the same point half a dozen times or more in this thread but each time you use 250 words or more. Other posters might be more interested in what you say if you didn't repeat the same thing over and over. I know I rarely read your whole post because they are long winded and boring. Not to mention your examples are poor and really don't parallel golf.
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    WobbieWobbie Posts: 29,698
    norm wrote:
    tiger's putter is betraying him +2 thru 11

    just like he betrayed his family. karma's a bitch ;):lol:
    If I had known then what I know now...

    Vegas 93, Vegas 98, Vegas 00 (10 year show), Vegas 03, Vegas 06
    VIC 07
    EV LA1 08
    Seattle1 09, Seattle2 09, Salt Lake 09, LA4 09
    Columbus 10
    EV LA 11
    Vancouver 11
    Missoula 12
    Portland 13, Spokane 13
    St. Paul 14, Denver 14
    Philly I & II, 16
    Denver 22
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    normnorm I'm always home. I'm uncool. Posts: 31,146
    moving day!!! :D

    tiger just bogeyed 6 to drop back to +2, -1 today
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    normnorm I'm always home. I'm uncool. Posts: 31,146
    well, now that tiger is out of it, let's go phil! ;):lol:

    also, it would be cool to see westwood or maybe harrington win it

    right now 10 playes are within 3 shots of the lead...friggin' awesome! 8-)
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    Indifference71Indifference71 Chicago Posts: 14,792
    Horos wrote:
    its precisely as the announcers said on 16 or 17. this is possibly the greatest golfer in history, and he doesnt have a clue how to put the clubface to the ball and hit it. I think thats a very telling statement.
    This could be your best post ever, but then it's not your words and not 5 frickin' paragraphs long. :twisted:

    even though you are a fellow eugenean gotta disagree here. Ive always admired people who can sum up things in a small amount of words, im not one of them, nor do i really wish to be. Not to compare myself to Chomsky, but CNN was asked in the 90's why Chomsky was never invited to speak and give his political opinions on the shows. CNN said "we dont have 20 minutes to discuss these issues, we have a few minutes". While golf obviously isnt as important nor as pressing and weighty as say chomsky discussing u.s. foreign policy, the general premise is something I adhere to.

    I dont think anyone can sum up whats ailing and bothering and hindering Tiger is a few sentences. Even a few paragraphs. Thats the whole point. Thats why the people who considered him "back to normal" after Bay Hill were childish. Theres been alot going on with him for a long time. You cant sum that up, nor discuss it in a condensed manner, because it isnt condensed. He's got a million things going on with him.

    The quote you liked, that the commentator made, is succinct and to the point, and i think its correct. But its just a starting point. The fact that Tiger can't play to his previous standards is a reality, and today he couldnt play at all. We can use hyperbole and wish him to be good again, or back, or winning again, or dominant again, the fact is, he isn't. Plus the commentators stated "wow" and "inexplicable". knowing just the basics of where his head is, the last couple years, i dont find it all that surprising, nor inexplicable. the reasons for his meltdown and inability to win are self evident. Divorce, public humiliation, shame, loss of his father, arrogance, boredom, losing ones way. If those things matter, and can cause one to act in a bizaare manners, then certainly the fact that he can;t play golf like he used to, or at all, is hardly surprising or inexplicable.

    Please make it stop!
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    normnorm I'm always home. I'm uncool. Posts: 31,146
    The back 9 never disappoints ...Phil's lob on 15 was fucking crazy
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    kevinbeetlekevinbeetle Posts: 358
    i work on an army base and joined the golf club there last year. decent price. think i pay $79 a month, so $950 a year. costs me $2 every time i want to play 18, discounts on tournaments and other stuff. played only a few times last year, so this year i'm getting my moneys worth. been out twice and shot a 91 and a 92. just cant seem to break 90. so that's my goal this year. constantly shoot high 80s. getting a birdie in a round makes my day, and already had two. golf league starts on the 17th and i can't wait to play more with the chance to win money.

    watched a bunch of the masters this weekend. glad to not see tiger in the running tomorrow. seeing him blow up and kick his club yesterday affirmed my hatred for him. just a big old whiner. can't stand him. rarely do you see anyone else pout, scream, toss their clubs when they miss a shot. nice to see lefty coming back with a great round today. that's the guy i want to win.
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    Bronx BombersBronx Bombers Posts: 2,208
    norm wrote:
    The back 9 never disappoints ...Phil's lob on 15 was fucking crazy

    That was a badass shot gotta love Phil
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    Newch91Newch91 Posts: 17,560
    Looks like Tiger barely has a chance just to get into contention. Go Phil!
    Shows: 6.27.08 Hartford, CT/5.15.10 Hartford, CT/6.18.2011 Hartford, CT (EV Solo)/10.19.13 Brooklyn/10.25.13 Hartford
    "Becoming a Bruce fan is like hitting puberty as a musical fan. It's inevitable." - dcfaithful
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    BLACK35BLACK35 Hanover, Ontario Posts: 22,589
    Hope this is going to be a classic finish for Sunday at the Masters. Phil is in the hunt, beer in the fridge, some sort of BBQ will be happening today.........AWESOME DAY AHEAD :D
    2005 - London
    2009 - Toronto
    2010 - Buffalo
    2011 - Toronto 1&2
    2013 - London, Pittsburgh, Buffalo
    2014 - Cincinnati, St. Louis, Detroit
    2016 - Ft. Lauderdale, Miami, Ottawa, Toronto 1
    2018 - Fenway 1&2
    2022 - Hamilton, Toronto
    2023 - Chicago 1&2
    2024 - Las Vegas 1&2
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    Go Lefty!!!
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
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    HorosHoros Posts: 4,518
    Go Lefty!!!
    Yeah, Go Bubba!!!
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    Horos wrote:
    Go Lefty!!!
    Yeah, Go Bubba!!!
    3 shots off the lead..
    Your man Bubba definitely is in the mix....

    Though I see a front 9 score of 41 for Bubba.....

    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
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    eddieceddiec Posts: 3,849
    Wow! What a great 3rd round. I thought -5 was going to be lead until the last groups hit the back 9, then bam. It's great to hear those Augusta roars. The coverage was on another player when Phil made his eagle. You could hear the eagle screams in the background and you knew Phil had made his putt. So cool.
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    HorosHoros Posts: 4,518
    Getting excited!

    This is going to be fun to watch today.
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    normnorm I'm always home. I'm uncool. Posts: 31,146
    masters sunday!!

    the best day of the year!!

    if phil continues his play from yesterday, no one will beat him...just got to limit mistakes on the front nine

    the guys sitting at -4 have the best chance to steal it though
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    norm wrote:
    masters sunday!!

    the best day of the year!!

    if phil continues his play from yesterday, no one will beat him...just got to limit mistakes on the front nine

    the guys sitting at -4 have the best chance to steal it though
    My dumbass wont be able to watch any of this today...

    Because nothing says Easter Sunday, like going to the Outback Steakhouse with the folks!!! hehehe

    Me thinks Phil can/will handle the pressure, and win another green jacket....
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
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    normnorm I'm always home. I'm uncool. Posts: 31,146
    norm wrote:
    masters sunday!!

    the best day of the year!!

    if phil continues his play from yesterday, no one will beat him...just got to limit mistakes on the front nine

    the guys sitting at -4 have the best chance to steal it though
    My dumbass wont be able to watch any of this today...

    Because nothing says Easter Sunday, like going to the Outback Steakhouse with the folks!!! hehehe

    Me thinks Phil can/will handle the pressure, and win another green jacket....

    jesus really fucked up rising on master sunday ;):lol:

    yeah i think he will too...he looked perfect yesterday...someone is gonna have to out-shoot him

    have a great time with the folks! :D
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    normnorm I'm always home. I'm uncool. Posts: 31,146
    "I'm not good enough ... I don't have the thing I need to have," Garcia said in Spanish. His comments were translated for the Augusta Chronicle. "In 13 years I've come to the conclusion that I need to play for second or third place."

    Garcia was asked if he meant in the Masters, and replied: "In any major."

    well, not with that attitude you won't :roll:
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    normnorm I'm always home. I'm uncool. Posts: 31,146
    bo van pelt with a 64 today...so low scores are out there

    leaders about to tee off! :thumbup:
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    Cliffy6745Cliffy6745 Posts: 33,663
    Holy shit that was awesome
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    Cliffy6745 wrote:
    Holy shit that was awesome
    HOLY FUCKBALLS!!!!!!!!
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
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    normnorm I'm always home. I'm uncool. Posts: 31,146
    that was incredible! never happened on 2 before and only the fourth double in masters history
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    edited April 2012
    norm wrote:
    that was incredible! never happened on 2 before and only the fourth double in masters history
    And he threw the ball into the crowd???

    Post edited by SPEEDY MCCREADY on
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
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    normnorm I'm always home. I'm uncool. Posts: 31,146
    norm wrote:
    that was incredible! never happened on 2 before and only the fourth double in masters history
    And he threw he ball into the crowd???


    right now, several men in green jackets are going to talk to that guy...he might have free badges for next year :lol:
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    norm wrote:
    norm wrote:
    that was incredible! never happened on 2 before and only the fourth double in masters history
    And he threw he ball into the crowd???


    right now, several men in green jackets are going to talk to that guy...he might have free badges for next year :lol:
    I would already have that fucker on ebay!!!!!!
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
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    Empty GlassEmpty Glass In Rob's shed Posts: 12,329
    Cliffy6745 wrote:
    Holy shit that was awesome
    HOLY FUCKBALLS!!!!!!!!

    Yep, ^^^^ that sums it up

    Amazing shot
    I've met Rob


    This place is dead


    "Kfsbho&$thncds" - F Me In the Brain - circa 2015
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    Double Eagle, on the 2nd hole, on Sunday, at The Masters.....

    For the lead....

    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
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    normnorm I'm always home. I'm uncool. Posts: 31,146
    by tomorrow morning there will be a plaque there commemorating it...bet on it!
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    Indifference71Indifference71 Chicago Posts: 14,792
    Double Eagle, on the 2nd hole, on Sunday, at The Masters.....

    For the lead....


    That was incredible. I still don't know how to say that guy's last name!
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