The way I see it, personally, is that too many people see themselves as Citizens of Earth last. They see themselves in terms of their family, their neighborhood, their city, their state, their country, their continent, and then their planet.
Which is normal in a way. You do identify yourself with what is close and familiar and do not like anything or anyone that might disturb this familiarity or, as someone said, this comfort zone. Unfortunately, for a good number of people, they are so comfortable and 'protective' of this comfort zone that they do not wish to see the broader picture. New comers to their zone are seen as threats that may risk turning their little world around. It's all about change and acceptance. I've been lucky and have been able to live where I wanted though it has not always been without 'challenges'. I would like my daughter or her future children to be free to consider the Earth as a whole their 'homeland' and not be defined by their place of birth. Everyone has something to contribute, let's be able to do this freely.
I talked to a guy recently, ex military man, and he said my life is more important than others since I am American. We live in Hong Kong so I pointed to the table next to us and said if given the choice you would kill all 10 of those people for me. Answer, "yes"
He took it farther and said he would kill 100,000 non Americans for me.
I was stunned. I would kill myself before that.
Absolutely amazing that being born somewhere would make you more important than another human born somewhere else....
Did you ask him why he thought Americans were more important than everyone else?
I talked to a guy recently, ex military man, and he said my life is more important than others since I am American. We live in Hong Kong so I pointed to the table next to us and said if given the choice you would kill all 10 of those people for me. Answer, "yes"
He took it farther and said he would kill 100,000 non Americans for me.
I was stunned. I would kill myself before that.
Absolutely amazing that being born somewhere would make you more important than another human born somewhere else....
Did you ask him why he thought Americans were more important than everyone else?
of course, but no answer anybody gives to that is going to make sense and of course his didn't.
He answered....He is very patriotic, loves his country and will defend every American blah blah blah
you can love where you're from, but patriotism to this extreme is the worst "ism" of them all perhaps.
I talked to a guy recently, ex military man, and he said my life is more important than others since I am American. We live in Hong Kong so I pointed to the table next to us and said if given the choice you would kill all 10 of those people for me. Answer, "yes"
He took it farther and said he would kill 100,000 non Americans for me.
I was stunned. I would kill myself before that.
Absolutely amazing that being born somewhere would make you more important than another human born somewhere else....
You should have asked him whether, since you're American, he'd be willing to buy you 100,000 beers.
I talked to a guy recently, ex military man, and he said my life is more important than others since I am American. We live in Hong Kong so I pointed to the table next to us and said if given the choice you would kill all 10 of those people for me. Answer, "yes"
He took it farther and said he would kill 100,000 non Americans for me.
I was stunned. I would kill myself before that.
Absolutely amazing that being born somewhere would make you more important than another human born somewhere else....
You should have asked him whether, since you're American, he'd be willing to buy you 100,000 beers.
I always think of the view from the space shuttles and the moon and how when you look at our beautiful planet from that perspective, there are no lines drawn in the soil.
That's all...just a thought I have often lately.
Citizen of Earth
(who wishes there was time to join the discussion further. x)
If only it was that simple......
It is that simple. It's a choice you can make. It's called evolution. I mean it's not as if a country or a flag is a real, tangible thing anyway. They're just ideas in your head. We just need to move beyond these abstract notions and see the bigger picture. The poor black farmer in Africa is no less your brother than the accountant living next door. We all share the same planet, and we all have a very limited time on this Earth to do so.
I don't give a shit about this issue. It's something for the those on the right and the conservadems on the left to get elected on. They know full well that they're not gonna do anything about it because the corporate dipshits that bought them want cheap labor so they can pay less and inflate their bottom line. If you think this is a real issue you are a fool among fools. Wanna pay 24.00 for a cantelope? fine, let's send them back to Mexico and put white, educated, union workers in the fields. Yeah, good luck with that. welfare would explode with people who think they're just too good for that kind of work.
welfare? seriously? there are documented Legal Americans who should get off their ass and get to work.
It's amazing how we bemoan the loss of dishwashing jobs and crop picking jobs yet the jury falls silent as halfway decent jobs flow out of the US like blood from a gaping wound.
when the laws are enforced and corporations are held accountable, we'll talk.
It's amazing how we bemoan the loss of dishwashing jobs and crop picking jobs yet the jury falls silent as halfway decent jobs flow out of the US like blood from a gaping wound.
I thought on commenting on this statement but i think is clear enough.
"The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it"
Neil deGrasse Tyson
this kind of stuff is part of the problem and one reason why AZ. is putting the hammer down.
Credit: U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Agents found 983 pounds of marijuana in scrub brush near Sonoita, Ariz.
by Jennifer Thomas
Posted on June 4, 2010 at 12:14 PM
Updated yesterday at 2:22 PM
TUCSON -- Nearly 4,600 pounds of marijuana worth more than $3 million was seized in southern Arizona in less than 48 hours.
On Tuesday, Customs and Border Protection officers on patrol noticed two suspicious vehicles covered with tarps near Stanfield, Ariz., and contacted U.S. Border Patrol agents for support.
The agents discovered two pickup trucks containing a total of 159 bundles of marijuana. The approximately 3,400 pounds of marijuana was valued at more than $2.7 million. Record checks revealed that both vehicles had been reported stolen.
On Wednesday, agents at the Highway 90 checkpoint discovered 200 pounds of marijuana concealed within a compartment of a vehicle. The marijuana, valued at more than $177,000, and the vehicle were seized. The driver was held for prosecution.
Early Thursday, an agent assigned to the Sonoita Station was working with a handheld infrared camera and spotted a group of suspected illegal immigrants. Responding agents discovered 20 bundles of marijuana abandoned in the scrub brush but were unable to locate anyone. The marijuana weighed in at more than 980 pounds and is valued at more than $780,000.
Combined, the marijuana seized by Tucson Sector agents is valued at more than $3.6 million.
From Oct. 1 to May 31, the Tucson Sector Border Patrol seized more than 712,000 pounds of marijuana exceeding $569 million in value.
this kind of stuff is part of the problem and one reason why AZ. is putting the hammer down.
Credit: U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Agents found 983 pounds of marijuana in scrub brush near Sonoita, Ariz.
by Jennifer Thomas
Posted on June 4, 2010 at 12:14 PM
Updated yesterday at 2:22 PM
TUCSON -- Nearly 4,600 pounds of marijuana worth more than $3 million was seized in southern Arizona in less than 48 hours.
On Tuesday, Customs and Border Protection officers on patrol noticed two suspicious vehicles covered with tarps near Stanfield, Ariz., and contacted U.S. Border Patrol agents for support.
The agents discovered two pickup trucks containing a total of 159 bundles of marijuana. The approximately 3,400 pounds of marijuana was valued at more than $2.7 million. Record checks revealed that both vehicles had been reported stolen.
On Wednesday, agents at the Highway 90 checkpoint discovered 200 pounds of marijuana concealed within a compartment of a vehicle. The marijuana, valued at more than $177,000, and the vehicle were seized. The driver was held for prosecution.
Early Thursday, an agent assigned to the Sonoita Station was working with a handheld infrared camera and spotted a group of suspected illegal immigrants. Responding agents discovered 20 bundles of marijuana abandoned in the scrub brush but were unable to locate anyone. The marijuana weighed in at more than 980 pounds and is valued at more than $780,000.
Combined, the marijuana seized by Tucson Sector agents is valued at more than $3.6 million.
From Oct. 1 to May 31, the Tucson Sector Border Patrol seized more than 712,000 pounds of marijuana exceeding $569 million in value.
I could paste a handful of stories of drug busts on your other border and they weren't done by illegal immigrants. Unless I should be suspicious of everyone who talks with that southern twang or eats maple syrup... for most of them ARE Americans and Canadians...
this kind of stuff is part of the problem and one reason why AZ. is putting the hammer down.
Credit: U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Agents found 983 pounds of marijuana in scrub brush near Sonoita, Ariz.
by Jennifer Thomas
Posted on June 4, 2010 at 12:14 PM
Updated yesterday at 2:22 PM
TUCSON -- Nearly 4,600 pounds of marijuana worth more than $3 million was seized in southern Arizona in less than 48 hours.
On Tuesday, Customs and Border Protection officers on patrol noticed two suspicious vehicles covered with tarps near Stanfield, Ariz., and contacted U.S. Border Patrol agents for support.
The agents discovered two pickup trucks containing a total of 159 bundles of marijuana. The approximately 3,400 pounds of marijuana was valued at more than $2.7 million. Record checks revealed that both vehicles had been reported stolen.
On Wednesday, agents at the Highway 90 checkpoint discovered 200 pounds of marijuana concealed within a compartment of a vehicle. The marijuana, valued at more than $177,000, and the vehicle were seized. The driver was held for prosecution.
Early Thursday, an agent assigned to the Sonoita Station was working with a handheld infrared camera and spotted a group of suspected illegal immigrants. Responding agents discovered 20 bundles of marijuana abandoned in the scrub brush but were unable to locate anyone. The marijuana weighed in at more than 980 pounds and is valued at more than $780,000.
Combined, the marijuana seized by Tucson Sector agents is valued at more than $3.6 million.
From Oct. 1 to May 31, the Tucson Sector Border Patrol seized more than 712,000 pounds of marijuana exceeding $569 million in value.
Maybe there's a market for ALL that marijuana here on the USA, I'm afraid that all that marijuana is going to waste!!! :shock:
"The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it"
Neil deGrasse Tyson
this kind of stuff is part of the problem and one reason why AZ. is putting the hammer down.
Credit: U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Agents found 983 pounds of marijuana in scrub brush near Sonoita, Ariz.
by Jennifer Thomas
Posted on June 4, 2010 at 12:14 PM
Updated yesterday at 2:22 PM
TUCSON -- Nearly 4,600 pounds of marijuana worth more than $3 million was seized in southern Arizona in less than 48 hours.
On Tuesday, Customs and Border Protection officers on patrol noticed two suspicious vehicles covered with tarps near Stanfield, Ariz., and contacted U.S. Border Patrol agents for support.
The agents discovered two pickup trucks containing a total of 159 bundles of marijuana. The approximately 3,400 pounds of marijuana was valued at more than $2.7 million. Record checks revealed that both vehicles had been reported stolen.
On Wednesday, agents at the Highway 90 checkpoint discovered 200 pounds of marijuana concealed within a compartment of a vehicle. The marijuana, valued at more than $177,000, and the vehicle were seized. The driver was held for prosecution.
Early Thursday, an agent assigned to the Sonoita Station was working with a handheld infrared camera and spotted a group of suspected illegal immigrants. Responding agents discovered 20 bundles of marijuana abandoned in the scrub brush but were unable to locate anyone. The marijuana weighed in at more than 980 pounds and is valued at more than $780,000.
Combined, the marijuana seized by Tucson Sector agents is valued at more than $3.6 million.
From Oct. 1 to May 31, the Tucson Sector Border Patrol seized more than 712,000 pounds of marijuana exceeding $569 million in value.
I could paste a handful of stories of drug busts on your other border and they weren't done by illegal immigrants. Unless I should be suspicious of everyone who talks with that southern twang or eats maple syrup... for most of them ARE Americans and Canadians...
and.....your point ? you don't think they get caught also, most of the drugs in US come in from mexico and one reason is because the borders have been so lax, it's more a country problem than a people problem,drug money has corrupeted cop's INS and mexicos past presidents and maybe the current president...he hassn't been killed yet he must be playing ball .
and.....your point ? you don't think they get caught also, most of the drugs in US come in from mexico and one reason is because the borders have been so lax, it's more a country problem than a people problem,drug money has corrupeted cop's INS and mexicos past presidents and maybe the current president...he hassn't been killed yet he must be playing ball .
I believe the drug "problem" deserves a thread for itself.
"The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it"
Neil deGrasse Tyson
and.....your point ? you don't think they get caught also, most of the drugs in US come in from mexico and one reason is because the borders have been so lax, it's more a country problem than a people problem,drug money has corrupeted cop's INS and mexicos past presidents and maybe the current president...he hassn't been killed yet he must be playing ball .
I believe the drug "problem" deserves a thread for itself.
yeah my point was that this thread is about racial profiling... and unless you weren't referring to that then i guess i would ahve had to ask what your point was.
yeah my point was that this thread is about racial profiling... and unless you weren't referring to that then i guess i would have had to ask what your point was.
Totally agreed!
this thread is about racial profiling...
"The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it"
Neil deGrasse Tyson
well yeah got me but isent this stuff part of what has been a part of the profiling the wrong people as far the AZ. issue stands ? and this is what kicked off the whole thing in AZ. when the farmer got killed isent it, but yes I apoligize for posting on the wrong thread.
well yeah got me but isent this stuff part of what has been a part of the profiling the wrong people as far the AZ. issue stands ? and this is what kicked off the whole thing in AZ. when the farmer got killed isent it, but yes I apoligize for posting on the wrong thread.
I dno apparently its people in your country illegally taking your jobs.
Drug smuggling is a problem on many borders not just Mexican/US ones
well yeah got me but isent this stuff part of what has been a part of the profiling the wrong people as far the AZ. issue stands ? and this is what kicked off the whole thing in AZ. when the farmer got killed isent it, but yes I apoligize for posting on the wrong thread.
I dno apparently its people in your country illegally taking your jobs.
Drug smuggling is a problem on many borders not just Mexican/US ones
you would be surprised how it affects the job market here,I grew up in the construction trades from the mid 70's up till 2001 and I can tell you it's not good, I put a lot(or all) of the blame on the const. company's that hired illegals at half or less the normal wage, I know company owners that have told me that they can hire 3 illegals to 1 skilled carpenter from san diego area and the same goes with concrete drywall etc. it really is no joke here
and as far as the drug market here I have lived that too it's worse than the t.v will tell you sometimes, in the 80-90's I saw things that would blow you away, in 1980-81 me and a friend went to the bay in mission beach to have a few beers and kick back around 8:30-9:00pm when we pulled up to park by the jeddy we saw 5 boxes tied up with twine so I went to check it out and it was bud's...lotza bud's and as i grabbed a box a mexican guy with a walkie talkie runs up yelling at me in spanish so I looked at him thinking I could drop this guy quick but I took a look at the only way in and out and there was a motor home parked there all the sudden and I looked back at him and he was handing me a hand full of weed saying vominos (sp) and real quick I knew we had come to have a beer on the wrong night so I took the hand full of weed and left.
I know there is problems on other border's and AZ. and cal. are just a few that's why the issue needs to be corrected across the board.
and as far as the drug market here I have lived that too it's worse than the t.v will tell you sometimes, in the 80-90's I saw things that would blow you away, in 1980-81 me and a friend went to the bay in mission beach to have a few beers and kick back around 8:30-9:00pm when we pulled up to park by the jeddy we saw 5 boxes tied up with twine so I went to check it out and it was bud's...lotza bud's and as i grabbed a box a mexican guy with a walkie talkie runs up yelling at me in spanish so I looked at him thinking I could drop this guy quick but I took a look at the only way in and out and there was a motor home parked there all the sudden and I looked back at him and he was handing me a hand full of weed saying vominos (sp) and real quick I knew we had come to have a beer on the wrong night so I took the hand full of weed and left.
I know there is problems on other border's and AZ. and cal. are just a few that's why the issue needs to be corrected across the board.
So, you are admitting here that you participated in 'Drug Trafficing' by not reporting the incident to law enforcement and took illegal drugs instead? That you are admitting that you are no better than those general contractors that hire illegals instead of local workers? Aren't you admitting to being part of the problem, instead of the solution?
Okay... I see where you are coming from.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
and as far as the drug market here I have lived that too it's worse than the t.v will tell you sometimes, in the 80-90's I saw things that would blow you away, in 1980-81 me and a friend went to the bay in mission beach to have a few beers and kick back around 8:30-9:00pm when we pulled up to park by the jeddy we saw 5 boxes tied up with twine so I went to check it out and it was bud's...lotza bud's and as i grabbed a box a mexican guy with a walkie talkie runs up yelling at me in spanish so I looked at him thinking I could drop this guy quick but I took a look at the only way in and out and there was a motor home parked there all the sudden and I looked back at him and he was handing me a hand full of weed saying vominos (sp) and real quick I knew we had come to have a beer on the wrong night so I took the hand full of weed and left.
I know there is problems on other border's and AZ. and cal. are just a few that's why the issue needs to be corrected across the board.
So, you are admitting here that you participated in 'Drug Trafficing' by not reporting the incident to law enforcement and took illegal drugs instead? That you are admitting that you are no better than those general contractors that hire illegals instead of local workers? Aren't you admitting to being part of the problem, instead of the solution?
Okay... I see where you are coming from.
cosmo.....decaf man decaf ! ha ha I was like 18 or19 years old and not afraid of much back then, it's funny how you think you know it all at that age but don't really know shit...btw arent you admitting that you are a rat just by asking me those questions... I think I see where your coming from
cosmo.....decaf man decaf ! ha ha I was like 18 or19 years old and not afraid of much back then, it's funny how you think you know it all at that age but don't really know shit...btw arent you admitting that you are a rat just by asking me those questions... I think I see where your coming from
It all comes to a question of 'Character'.
And age 18,19 is an adult and not much of an excuse for a lack moral character. You claim to have witnessed criminal activity and just let it slide... then, complain about that EXACT criminal activity later in life. It points to you either being morally bankrupt at age 19, a hypocrite or the story you just told was a complete fabrication. Which is it? If it is something other, then, please, enlighten me. It was your story in which you paint yourself as someone who not only witnessed a crime and chose not to report it... but actually PARTICIPATE in it by accepting payment from the criminal.
And how am I a 'Rat' for pointing out questions on a story you offered up freely?
Post edited by Cosmo on
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
...and I looked back at him and he was handing me a hand full of weed saying vominos (sp) and real quick I knew we had come to have a beer on the wrong night
(this is just my opinion, but it's an opinion born out of experience)
The small county in Kansas I live in has one of the highest percentages of hispanics in the country (about 49%). Most all of them work in the livestock feedlots or packing plants that dominate the area. And a fair chunk of them have a less-than-legal status. I don't have a problem with this, per se, but I have seen the problems it can cause for a community. I've noticed that they have very little involvement in the community, I'm guessing because of their rather transient nature (I go through a new set of neighbors in my apartment complex about once every six months), but part of it is also that a chunk of these people don't WANT to learn english and don't want to assimilate. A disturbingly high percentage of the school children are being taught english as a second language, which puts further strain on an already stressed and under-funded school system. I'll go to walmart to pick something up, and it's like going to the zoo. The little kids are pretty much left to run amok throughout the store and if you aren't really careful, you'll run one of them over (I've been tempted a few times). I see people who can't speak a lick of english going through the checkout line waving around wads of food stamps. It's so bad that it's almost impossible to get a job out here if you aren't fluent in spanish. I see brand spankin new Escalades that have been tricked out to the hilt parked in front of some of the dirtiest ghetto houses.
I've had this conversation with several people that work in agriculture, and we've come to the conclusion that there's a difference between those who work in the fields and those who work in livestock. The field workers are some of the best, most hard working laborers you can find, but the livestock ones are some of the laziest, and seem to think that they're somehow entitled to things which they aren't.
Bust most of all, I want these idiots to learn english so they'll quit fucking up my order at the drive-through.
Just love when someone tells me how bad illegal immigrants are for them or this country then they take their car to car wash, have “lawn service” cut their grass cause they’re too fkn fat to do it themselves as they go to local Mexican restaurant and stuff their faces with flour tortilla’s. The illegal alien has more balls than all of us. They spend every penny they have, or more go into debt, risk their lifes to get here to earn $6 freakin dollars an hour….and we BLAME them?!?!? Are you kidding me. Don’t blame the drug. In the US we have almost NO prosecution of individuals or companies that hire illegals…that’s who you go after not the poor freakin illegals. Also they sneak over the boarder, hide in the shadows, work their asses off. They aren’t following the path of the good ole White Christian founders of this nation, guns blazing, killing and cheating the native Americans. This happened just a few generations ago. So to anyone that blames the “illegals” shut the f up.
(this is just my opinion, but it's an opinion born out of experience)
The small county in Kansas I live in has one of the highest percentages of hispanics in the country (about 49%). Most all of them work in the livestock feedlots or packing plants that dominate the area. And a fair chunk of them have a less-than-legal status. I don't have a problem with this, per se, but I have seen the problems it can cause for a community. I've noticed that they have very little involvement in the community, I'm guessing because of their rather transient nature (I go through a new set of neighbors in my apartment complex about once every six months), but part of it is also that a chunk of these people don't WANT to learn english and don't want to assimilate. A disturbingly high percentage of the school children are being taught english as a second language, which puts further strain on an already stressed and under-funded school system. I'll go to walmart to pick something up, and it's like going to the zoo. The little kids are pretty much left to run amok throughout the store and if you aren't really careful, you'll run one of them over (I've been tempted a few times). I see people who can't speak a lick of english going through the checkout line waving around wads of food stamps. It's so bad that it's almost impossible to get a job out here if you aren't fluent in spanish. I see brand spankin new Escalades that have been tricked out to the hilt parked in front of some of the dirtiest ghetto houses.
I've had this conversation with several people that work in agriculture, and we've come to the conclusion that there's a difference between those who work in the fields and those who work in livestock. The field workers are some of the best, most hard working laborers you can find, but the livestock ones are some of the laziest, and seem to think that they're somehow entitled to things which they aren't.
Bust most of all, I want these idiots to learn english so they'll quit fucking up my order at the drive-through.
Just love when someone tells me how bad illegal immigrants are for them or this country then they take their car to car wash, have “lawn service” cut their grass cause they’re too fkn fat to do it themselves as they go to local Mexican restaurant and stuff their faces with flour tortilla’s. The illegal alien has more balls than all of us. They spend every penny they have, or more go into debt, risk their lifes to get here to earn $6 freakin dollars an hour….and we BLAME them?!?!? Are you kidding me. Don’t blame the drug. In the US we have almost NO prosecution of individuals or companies that hire illegals…that’s who you go after not the poor freakin illegals. Also they sneak over the boarder, hide in the shadows, work their asses off. They aren’t following the path of the good ole White Christian founders of this nation, guns blazing, killing and cheating the native Americans. This happened just a few generations ago. So to anyone that blames the “illegals” widen your outlook.
cosmo.....decaf man decaf ! ha ha I was like 18 or19 years old and not afraid of much back then, it's funny how you think you know it all at that age but don't really know shit...btw arent you admitting that you are a rat just by asking me those questions... I think I see where your coming from
It all comes to a question of 'Character'.
And age 18,19 is an adult and not much of an excuse for a lack moral character. You claim to have witnessed criminal activity and just let it slide... then, complain about that EXACT criminal activity later in life. It points to you either being morally bankrupt at age 19, a hypocrite or the story you just told was a complete fabrication. Which is it? If it is something other, then, please, enlighten me. It was your story in which you paint yourself as someone who not only witnessed a crime and chose not to report it... but actually PARTICIPATE in it by accepting payment from the criminal.
And how am I a 'Rat' for pointing out questions on a story you offered up freely?
you don't know much about the world around you do you need to get out and give your computer a break,giving people a hard time on this forum seem to be your life.....sad.
...and I looked back at him and he was handing me a hand full of weed saying vominos (sp) and real quick I knew we had come to have a beer on the wrong night
Which is normal in a way. You do identify yourself with what is close and familiar and do not like anything or anyone that might disturb this familiarity or, as someone said, this comfort zone. Unfortunately, for a good number of people, they are so comfortable and 'protective' of this comfort zone that they do not wish to see the broader picture. New comers to their zone are seen as threats that may risk turning their little world around. It's all about change and acceptance. I've been lucky and have been able to live where I wanted though it has not always been without 'challenges'. I would like my daughter or her future children to be free to consider the Earth as a whole their 'homeland' and not be defined by their place of birth. Everyone has something to contribute, let's be able to do this freely.
Did you ask him why he thought Americans were more important than everyone else?
of course, but no answer anybody gives to that is going to make sense and of course his didn't.
He answered....He is very patriotic, loves his country and will defend every American blah blah blah
you can love where you're from, but patriotism to this extreme is the worst "ism" of them all perhaps.
You should have asked him whether, since you're American, he'd be willing to buy you 100,000 beers.
That was awesome!
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Why not (V) (°,,,,°) (V) ?
I don't give a shit about this issue. It's something for the those on the right and the conservadems on the left to get elected on. They know full well that they're not gonna do anything about it because the corporate dipshits that bought them want cheap labor so they can pay less and inflate their bottom line. If you think this is a real issue you are a fool among fools. Wanna pay 24.00 for a cantelope? fine, let's send them back to Mexico and put white, educated, union workers in the fields. Yeah, good luck with that. welfare would explode with people who think they're just too good for that kind of work.
welfare? seriously? there are documented Legal Americans who should get off their ass and get to work.
It's amazing how we bemoan the loss of dishwashing jobs and crop picking jobs yet the jury falls silent as halfway decent jobs flow out of the US like blood from a gaping wound.
when the laws are enforced and corporations are held accountable, we'll talk.
I thought on commenting on this statement but i think is clear enough.
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Why not (V) (°,,,,°) (V) ?
Credit: U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Agents found 983 pounds of marijuana in scrub brush near Sonoita, Ariz.
by Jennifer Thomas
Posted on June 4, 2010 at 12:14 PM
Updated yesterday at 2:22 PM
TUCSON -- Nearly 4,600 pounds of marijuana worth more than $3 million was seized in southern Arizona in less than 48 hours.
On Tuesday, Customs and Border Protection officers on patrol noticed two suspicious vehicles covered with tarps near Stanfield, Ariz., and contacted U.S. Border Patrol agents for support.
The agents discovered two pickup trucks containing a total of 159 bundles of marijuana. The approximately 3,400 pounds of marijuana was valued at more than $2.7 million. Record checks revealed that both vehicles had been reported stolen.
On Wednesday, agents at the Highway 90 checkpoint discovered 200 pounds of marijuana concealed within a compartment of a vehicle. The marijuana, valued at more than $177,000, and the vehicle were seized. The driver was held for prosecution.
Early Thursday, an agent assigned to the Sonoita Station was working with a handheld infrared camera and spotted a group of suspected illegal immigrants. Responding agents discovered 20 bundles of marijuana abandoned in the scrub brush but were unable to locate anyone. The marijuana weighed in at more than 980 pounds and is valued at more than $780,000.
Combined, the marijuana seized by Tucson Sector agents is valued at more than $3.6 million.
From Oct. 1 to May 31, the Tucson Sector Border Patrol seized more than 712,000 pounds of marijuana exceeding $569 million in value.
Maybe there's a market for ALL that marijuana here on the USA, I'm afraid that all that marijuana is going to waste!!! :shock:
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Why not (V) (°,,,,°) (V) ?
and.....your point ? you don't think they get caught also, most of the drugs in US come in from mexico and one reason is because the borders have been so lax, it's more a country problem than a people problem,drug money has corrupeted cop's INS and mexicos past presidents and maybe the current president...he hassn't been killed yet he must be playing ball
I believe the drug "problem" deserves a thread for itself.
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Why not (V) (°,,,,°) (V) ?
Totally agreed!
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Why not (V) (°,,,,°) (V) ?
Drug smuggling is a problem on many borders not just Mexican/US ones
you would be surprised how it affects the job market here,I grew up in the construction trades from the mid 70's up till 2001 and I can tell you it's not good, I put a lot(or all) of the blame on the const. company's that hired illegals at half or less the normal wage, I know company owners that have told me that they can hire 3 illegals to 1 skilled carpenter from san diego area and the same goes with concrete drywall etc. it really is no joke here
and as far as the drug market here I have lived that too it's worse than the t.v will tell you sometimes, in the 80-90's I saw things that would blow you away, in 1980-81 me and a friend went to the bay in mission beach to have a few beers and kick back around 8:30-9:00pm when we pulled up to park by the jeddy we saw 5 boxes tied up with twine so I went to check it out and it was bud's...lotza bud's and as i grabbed a box a mexican guy with a walkie talkie runs up yelling at me in spanish so I looked at him thinking I could drop this guy quick but I took a look at the only way in and out and there was a motor home parked there all the sudden and I looked back at him and he was handing me a hand full of weed saying vominos (sp) and real quick I knew we had come to have a beer on the wrong night so I took the hand full of weed and left.
I know there is problems on other border's and AZ. and cal. are just a few that's why the issue needs to be corrected across the board.
So, you are admitting here that you participated in 'Drug Trafficing' by not reporting the incident to law enforcement and took illegal drugs instead? That you are admitting that you are no better than those general contractors that hire illegals instead of local workers? Aren't you admitting to being part of the problem, instead of the solution?
Okay... I see where you are coming from.
Hail, Hail!!!
cosmo.....decaf man decaf ! ha ha I was like 18 or19 years old and not afraid of much back then, it's funny how you think you know it all at that age but don't really know shit...btw arent you admitting that you are a rat just by asking me those questions... I think I see where your coming from
It all comes to a question of 'Character'.
And age 18,19 is an adult and not much of an excuse for a lack moral character. You claim to have witnessed criminal activity and just let it slide... then, complain about that EXACT criminal activity later in life. It points to you either being morally bankrupt at age 19, a hypocrite or the story you just told was a complete fabrication. Which is it? If it is something other, then, please, enlighten me. It was your story in which you paint yourself as someone who not only witnessed a crime and chose not to report it... but actually PARTICIPATE in it by accepting payment from the criminal.
And how am I a 'Rat' for pointing out questions on a story you offered up freely?
Hail, Hail!!!
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
You mean you went there on the 'right' night?
I wish it was so black and white.
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Why not (V) (°,,,,°) (V) ?
you don't know much about the world around you do you need to get out and give your computer a break,giving people a hard time on this forum seem to be your life.....sad.
no...why do you say that ?