14 years and counting...



  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,331
    If you want to be a citizen in a new country you need to do it legally!
    I hate it when people think they have all these rights when they are not legal citizens then sneak in and say they want more rights. Its a slap in our faces IMO.
    I know many illegals that work in my community. Some are good people with good families but the way they came here and the way they abuse and beat the system is not right.
    One of the worst parts about it is that they send ALL their money to their home land wich hurts the flow of the economic system in the US. Many Latinos and Indians that I have known send ALL their money home. They dont put anything back into the community. If they shop, they buy from stores that are owned by people that are the same culture or race.
    Many mexican families have many children here so that automaticly gives them advantages because the child is now a citizen.
    As far as borders...how on earth can you think its smart to have open borders and let everyone come and go as they please??? Ridiculous!
    And when some of you say "we are all immigrants?" Okay...well if ya keep allowing more and more people on your boat, sooner or later its gonna sink. Then where are you? S.O.L!
    Freedom is not Free.
    You want to be an American Citizen? Take the correct steps and show respect to the country you want to live in, pay taxes like everybody else, learn the language, give back to the community.....pretty simple I think
    Right or wrong, its my opinion.
    well it certainly is your opinion, and i think you are wrong on almost all points you make....i have so many issues with your post i don't know where to begin...fisrt of all, if you know many many illegals in your community why not do the "patriotic thing" and report them? how can you reconcile being so against illegal immigration, yet allow them to not only stay in the country, but "beat the system" as you call it??? why don't you put your money where your mouth is and be a hero and do your part and get them kicked out? i could not do that because i freely admit i have a conscience that would not allow me to do such a thing. they risk their lives to get here, yet how people want to just throw them out and completely fuck up those people's lives is beyond me.

    another thing that i do not believe is you say "they send ALL of their money back to their homeland". think about that for a second. if someone sent ALL of their money away how would they pay rent, buy food, get transportation to and from work, pay for phone calls home etc..it is just an asinine statement. besides, those that are here legally send money back home as well. it is ridiculous to think that the legals and illegals are that different or that one is more virtous than the other. and what is wrong with buying goods from people of your own culture? most of these places import things that are from other countries and are not sold at your big box grocery stores. if i can find a product that i am familiar with from my country i am going to go to the place that i know will have it instead of trying to find something similar when i can not read the label. also, i am sure there is some degree of distrust of the american stores when there are people like you out there that want these people deported. if i was maxican, i am going to a mexican grocery because i would trust my own culture over yours to not report me. if they buy products they pay SALES TAX, which is paying into "the system". unless these mexican grocery stores are somehow tax exempt or do not charge a sales tax, which we all know is not possible.

    "Freedom is not free"?? so since you were fortunate enough to have been born in this particular area of the world you have somehow done more to have this thing you call freedom? give me a break...just like me you were LUCKY enough to be born here and not in some place such as somalia or north korea...
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • Eliot RosewaterEliot Rosewater Posts: 2,659
    If you want to be a citizen in a new country you need to do it legally!
    I hate it when people think they have all these rights when they are not legal citizens then sneak in and say they want more rights. Its a slap in our faces IMO.
    I know many illegals that work in my community. Some are good people with good families but the way they came here and the way they abuse and beat the system is not right.
    One of the worst parts about it is that they send ALL their money to their home land wich hurts the flow of the economic system in the US. Many Latinos and Indians that I have known send ALL their money home. They dont put anything back into the community. If they shop, they buy from stores that are owned by people that are the same culture or race.
    Many mexican families have many children here so that automaticly gives them advantages because the child is now a citizen.
    As far as borders...how on earth can you think its smart to have open borders and let everyone come and go as they please??? Ridiculous!
    And when some of you say "we are all immigrants?" Okay...well if ya keep allowing more and more people on your boat, sooner or later its gonna sink. Then where are you? S.O.L!
    Freedom is not Free.
    You want to be an American Citizen? Take the correct steps and show respect to the country you want to live in, pay taxes like everybody else, learn the language, give back to the community.....pretty simple I think
    Right or wrong, its my opinion.

    I hope you are just a really, really, REALLY sarcastic person. It both frightens and saddens me if you actually mean and believe what you type.
  • haffajappahaffajappa British Columbia Posts: 5,955
    If you want to be a citizen in a new country you need to do it legally!
    I hate it when people think they have all these rights when they are not legal citizens then sneak in and say they want more rights. Its a slap in our faces IMO.
    I know many illegals that work in my community. Some are good people with good families but the way they came here and the way they abuse and beat the system is not right.
    One of the worst parts about it is that they send ALL their money to their home land wich hurts the flow of the economic system in the US. Many Latinos and Indians that I have known send ALL their money home. They dont put anything back into the community. If they shop, they buy from stores that are owned by people that are the same culture or race.
    Many mexican families have many children here so that automaticly gives them advantages because the child is now a citizen.
    As far as borders...how on earth can you think its smart to have open borders and let everyone come and go as they please??? Ridiculous!
    And when some of you say "we are all immigrants?" Okay...well if ya keep allowing more and more people on your boat, sooner or later its gonna sink. Then where are you? S.O.L!
    Freedom is not Free.
    You want to be an American Citizen? Take the correct steps and show respect to the country you want to live in, pay taxes like everybody else, learn the language, give back to the community.....pretty simple I think
    Right or wrong, its my opinion.

    I hope you are just a really, really, REALLY sarcastic person. It both frightens and saddens me if you actually mean and believe what you type.
    Although, he may be on to something with the sending money home part. There are a lot of Filipinos here who send all their money home (I work at a post office... they come in weekly to do money grams to send the money back to the Philippines). Not that you can blame them, if they have family there that needs it, but I guess it does happen.
    live pearl jam is best pearl jam
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    unsung wrote:
    Legal is good, illegal is bad.
    Other than the legal status... what is the difference?
    I'm serious... what is the difference between the two... other than one has the legal documents in his possession and the other one doesn't? Does not having the proper paperwork declare who is 'Good' and who is 'Bad'?
    If not... what is the difference and makes one good and the other, bad?
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    If you want to be a citizen in a new country you need to do it legally!
    I hate it when people think they have all these rights when they are not legal citizens then sneak in and say they want more rights. Its a slap in our faces IMO.
    I know many illegals that work in my community. Some are good people with good families but the way they came here and the way they abuse and beat the system is not right.
    One of the worst parts about it is that they send ALL their money to their home land wich hurts the flow of the economic system in the US. Many Latinos and Indians that I have known send ALL their money home. They dont put anything back into the community. If they shop, they buy from stores that are owned by people that are the same culture or race.
    Many mexican families have many children here so that automaticly gives them advantages because the child is now a citizen.
    As far as borders...how on earth can you think its smart to have open borders and let everyone come and go as they please??? Ridiculous!
    And when some of you say "we are all immigrants?" Okay...well if ya keep allowing more and more people on your boat, sooner or later its gonna sink. Then where are you? S.O.L!
    Freedom is not Free.
    You want to be an American Citizen? Take the correct steps and show respect to the country you want to live in, pay taxes like everybody else, learn the language, give back to the community.....pretty simple I think
    Right or wrong, its my opinion.
    Based upon your basic premise, "If you want to be a citizen in a new country..."
    But... what if you DON'T want to become a citizen of that country and just want to work there?
    You know, like the Americans working in Saudi Arabia or Iraq. Do they want to become Saudi or Iraqi Citizens?
    My guess... not so much. The money is great... much better than at home... but, they don't want to stay there forever, do they.
    And if what you believe is true... those American employees working in the Middle East need to quit sending their earnings back to the U.S. and spend it over there... after they master the Arabic language... and assimilate to their culture.
    The reason why many Mexicans (using the term generically) come here is to work because American small business owners will hire them to cut operating costs. Why should they learn English, if they are here just to work, not to live? And why can't they send the money back home to their families... for shelter, food and educations?
    If you have a beef with Illegal Immigration... go after the root cause... the drug dealer equivilent. Go after the American owned businesses that HIRE Illegal immigrants.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • acoustic guyacoustic guy Posts: 3,770
    Cosmo wrote:
    If you want to be a citizen in a new country you need to do it legally!
    I hate it when people think they have all these rights when they are not legal citizens then sneak in and say they want more rights. Its a slap in our faces IMO.
    I know many illegals that work in my community. Some are good people with good families but the way they came here and the way they abuse and beat the system is not right.
    One of the worst parts about it is that they send ALL their money to their home land wich hurts the flow of the economic system in the US. Many Latinos and Indians that I have known send ALL their money home. They dont put anything back into the community. If they shop, they buy from stores that are owned by people that are the same culture or race.
    Many mexican families have many children here so that automaticly gives them advantages because the child is now a citizen.
    As far as borders...how on earth can you think its smart to have open borders and let everyone come and go as they please??? Ridiculous!
    And when some of you say "we are all immigrants?" Okay...well if ya keep allowing more and more people on your boat, sooner or later its gonna sink. Then where are you? S.O.L!
    Freedom is not Free.
    You want to be an American Citizen? Take the correct steps and show respect to the country you want to live in, pay taxes like everybody else, learn the language, give back to the community.....pretty simple I think
    Right or wrong, its my opinion.
    Based upon your basic premise, "If you want to be a citizen in a new country..."
    But... what if you DON'T want to become a citizen of that country and just want to work there?
    You know, like the Americans working in Saudi Arabia or Iraq. Do they want to become Saudi or Iraqi Citizens?
    My guess... not so much. The money is great... much better than at home... but, they don't want to stay there forever, do they.
    And if what you believe is true... those American employees working in the Middle East need to quit sending their earnings back to the U.S. and spend it over there... after they master the Arabic language... and assimilate to their culture.
    The reason why many Mexicans (using the term generically) come here is to work because American small business owners will hire them to cut operating costs. Why should they learn English, if they are here just to work, not to live? And why can't they send the money back home to their families... for shelter, food and educations?
    If you have a beef with Illegal Immigration... go after the root cause... the drug dealer equivilent. Go after the American owned businesses that HIRE Illegal immigrants.

    Those American Workers over there have working contracts! They did not sneak their way in to make money! Its a contract job. LOL Are you serious??
    They were hired by American Companies who have bid on work over there.
    Apples and Oranges my friend...
    Get em a Body Bag Yeeeeeaaaaa!
    Sweep the Leg Johnny.
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    Those American Workers over there have working contracts! They did not sneak their way in to make money! Its a contract job. LOL Are you serious??
    They were hired by American Companies who have bid on work over there.
    Apples and Oranges my friend...
    I knew your simplistic mind would come up with that and completely miss the point.
    Whether under contract or not... they DON'T want to live there, right?
    Those Americans are:
    Taking job opportunities from the locals (how much skill does it take to drive a truck?).
    Sending the money they are making back home to the U.S.
    Not mastering the native language.
    The same things that Mexican migrant workers are doing... taking jobs, sending home earnings and not learning the language.
    Your basic premise is... they want to live here. That isn't always true. They are here because WE HIRE Them.
    And as someone else pointed out... you admit to 'knowing MANY illegals... yet, fail to do your 'Patriotic Duty' and turn them in. If they are 'Illegal' in your eyes... they are criminals that YOU knowingly allow to commit crimes. What does that say about you?
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • acoustic guyacoustic guy Posts: 3,770
    If you want to be a citizen in a new country you need to do it legally!
    I hate it when people think they have all these rights when they are not legal citizens then sneak in and say they want more rights. Its a slap in our faces IMO.
    I know many illegals that work in my community. Some are good people with good families but the way they came here and the way they abuse and beat the system is not right.
    One of the worst parts about it is that they send ALL their money to their home land wich hurts the flow of the economic system in the US. Many Latinos and Indians that I have known send ALL their money home. They dont put anything back into the community. If they shop, they buy from stores that are owned by people that are the same culture or race.
    Many mexican families have many children here so that automaticly gives them advantages because the child is now a citizen.
    As far as borders...how on earth can you think its smart to have open borders and let everyone come and go as they please??? Ridiculous!
    And when some of you say "we are all immigrants?" Okay...well if ya keep allowing more and more people on your boat, sooner or later its gonna sink. Then where are you? S.O.L!
    Freedom is not Free.
    You want to be an American Citizen? Take the correct steps and show respect to the country you want to live in, pay taxes like everybody else, learn the language, give back to the community.....pretty simple I think
    Right or wrong, its my opinion.
    well it certainly is your opinion, and i think you are wrong on almost all points you make....i have so many issues with your post i don't know where to begin...fisrt of all, if you know many many illegals in your community why not do the "patriotic thing" and report them? how can you reconcile being so against illegal immigration, yet allow them to not only stay in the country, but "beat the system" as you call it??? why don't you put your money where your mouth is and be a hero and do your part and get them kicked out? i could not do that because i freely admit i have a conscience that would not allow me to do such a thing. they risk their lives to get here, yet how people want to just throw them out and completely fuck up those people's lives is beyond me.

    another thing that i do not believe is you say "they send ALL of their money back to their homeland". think about that for a second. if someone sent ALL of their money away how would they pay rent, buy food, get transportation to and from work, pay for phone calls home etc..it is just an asinine statement. besides, those that are here legally send money back home as well. it is ridiculous to think that the legals and illegals are that different or that one is more virtous than the other. and what is wrong with buying goods from people of your own culture? most of these places import things that are from other countries and are not sold at your big box grocery stores. if i can find a product that i am familiar with from my country i am going to go to the place that i know will have it instead of trying to find something similar when i can not read the label. also, i am sure there is some degree of distrust of the american stores when there are people like you out there that want these people deported. if i was maxican, i am going to a mexican grocery because i would trust my own culture over yours to not report me. if they buy products they pay SALES TAX, which is paying into "the system". unless these mexican grocery stores are somehow tax exempt or do not charge a sales tax, which we all know is not possible.

    "Freedom is not free"?? so since you were fortunate enough to have been born in this particular area of the world you have somehow done more to have this thing you call freedom? give me a break...just like me you were LUCKY enough to be born here and not in some place such as somalia or north korea...

    First, I dont think we should grab them all and send them home. I didnt say that. I think we should make sure every illegal is accounted for and decided who is who and what their background is to eliminate any criminals.
    I actually know one family of Mexicans that are great people. I have known them for a long time. They are trying to become legal by going through the legal process. They bought a home here. They respect the country, they all speak English. I will help them anyway I can. I also know of many many Mexican who refuse to learn the language and i am insulted by that. If you want to reap the benefits of this great country then pay respect.
    As far as sending their money back??? Again, almost ALL the ones I have come into contact with are broke because they send ALL their money back. Many of the men here have their families in Mexico and they send EVERYTHING back. Of course they use money to eat and pay rent, don't be an idiot. The point is they really don't give back to the community. And sales tax?? Really? sales Tax? Whats that few Hundred a year IF that?
    Get em a Body Bag Yeeeeeaaaaa!
    Sweep the Leg Johnny.
  • acoustic guyacoustic guy Posts: 3,770
    Cosmo wrote:
    Those American Workers over there have working contracts! They did not sneak their way in to make money! Its a contract job. LOL Are you serious??
    They were hired by American Companies who have bid on work over there.
    Apples and Oranges my friend...
    I knew your simplistic mind would come up with that and completely miss the point.
    Whether under contract or not... they DON'T want to live there, right?
    Those Americans are:
    Taking job opportunities from the locals (how much skill does it take to drive a truck?).
    Sending the money they are making back home to the U.S.
    Not mastering the native language.
    The same things that Mexican migrant workers are doing... taking jobs, sending home earnings and not learning the language.
    Your basic premise is... they want to live here. That isn't always true. They are here because WE HIRE Them.
    And as someone else pointed out... you admit to 'knowing MANY illegals... yet, fail to do your 'Patriotic Duty' and turn them in. If they are 'Illegal' in your eyes... they are criminals that YOU knowingly allow to commit crimes. What does that say about you?

    You are not making sense.....Its a Gov Contract! Are their Americans sneaking over there to work to reap the benefits of the country??? NO! Are they working under the table to avoid paying taxes? NO!
    They work for an American Company that have a Contracted job in another country.
    You're argument does not hold water in this case what so ever.
    Get em a Body Bag Yeeeeeaaaaa!
    Sweep the Leg Johnny.
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    edited May 2010
    Cosmo wrote:
    Those American Workers over there have working contracts! They did not sneak their way in to make money! Its a contract job. LOL Are you serious??
    They were hired by American Companies who have bid on work over there.
    Apples and Oranges my friend...
    I knew your simplistic mind would come up with that and completely miss the point.
    Whether under contract or not... they DON'T want to live there, right?
    Those Americans are:
    Taking job opportunities from the locals (how much skill does it take to drive a truck?).
    Sending the money they are making back home to the U.S.
    Not mastering the native language.
    The same things that Mexican migrant workers are doing... taking jobs, sending home earnings and not learning the language.
    Your basic premise is... they want to live here. That isn't always true. They are here because WE HIRE Them.
    And as someone else pointed out... you admit to 'knowing MANY illegals... yet, fail to do your 'Patriotic Duty' and turn them in. If they are 'Illegal' in your eyes... they are criminals that YOU knowingly allow to commit crimes. What does that say about you?

    You are not making sense.....Its a Gov Contract! Are their Americans sneaking over there to work to reap the benefits of the country??? NO! Are they working under the table to avoid paying taxes? NO!
    They work for an American Company that have a Contracted job in another country.
    You're argument does not hold water in this case what so ever.
    Let me make this as simple as i can...
    Do the American workers want to become Saudi Arabia or Iraq citizens? Yes/No
    Point... not all Mexicans want to become American Citizens. They are only here because this is where they can find work. Their families and homes are in their native land. They care about learning English about the same as an American wants to learn conversational Arabic.
    Seriously... i don't know how to make this any simplier.
    Post edited by Cosmo on
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • acoustic guyacoustic guy Posts: 3,770
    Cosmo wrote:
    unsung wrote:
    Legal is good, illegal is bad.
    Other than the legal status... what is the difference?
    I'm serious... what is the difference between the two... other than one has the legal documents in his possession and the other one doesn't? Does not having the proper paperwork declare who is 'Good' and who is 'Bad'?
    If not... what is the difference and makes one good and the other, bad?

    One: Most likely the illegal is being paid under the table so they are not paying taxes like we are.
    Two: They don't have Insurance yet if they get hurt they can walk into a Hospital and they will be treated, Then we have to pay for it in one way or another.
    Three: Legals have shown respect and took the time to go through to proper procedure. They have shown they want to live here and be a part of the country, not just take what they want from the land then leave.
    Get em a Body Bag Yeeeeeaaaaa!
    Sweep the Leg Johnny.
  • acoustic guyacoustic guy Posts: 3,770
    {quote} Let me make this as simple as i can...
    Do the American workers want to become Saudi Arabia or Iraq citizens? Yes/No
    Point... not all Mexicans want to become American Citizens. They are only here because this is where they can find work. Their families and homes are in their native land. They care about learning English about the same as an American wants to learn conversational Arabic.
    Seriously... i don't know how to make this any simplier.[/quote]

    So you think anyone who wants to use this country and do what they please should be able to do it?
    This is not Mexico. Its not a State in Mexico. Its America. A whole different country and just because its on the border of Mexico does not mean anyone from any country can come and go as they please and disrespect the land.
    You are nuts. You are comparing APPLES AND ORANGES. You're argument makes no sense.
    Get em a Body Bag Yeeeeeaaaaa!
    Sweep the Leg Johnny.
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    One: Most likely the illegal is being paid under the table so they are not paying taxes like we are.
    Who is paying the Illegal worker sub-standard wages under the table? And if they had the proper paperwork... wouldn't they have worker's rights to minimum wages and State Health and Regulations?
    Two: They don't have Insurance yet if they get hurt they can walk into a Hospital and they will be treated, Then we have to pay for it in one way or another.
    But.. so do millions of Americans without insurance. They walk into Hospitals and get treatment. What should we do about them?
    Three: Legals have shown respect and took the time to go through to proper procedure. They have shown they want to live here and be a part of the country, not just take what they want from the land then leave.
    Yet... many of them find communities where people speak the same language as them. That is why you see signs for businesses written in Spanish, Vietnamese, Korean, etc... as you drive through certain parts of the city. And many of those naturalized American Citizens send money back to their native lands because moderate living here translates to vast wealth back home. Is that good or bad?
    Point being... Legal does not mean 'Good' (ref. Times Square Attempted Bomber... he went through proper procedures)... and not all illegals are bad. And having the right paperwork does not change that.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    well without immigration i wouldnt be living in australia.... so im all for it.
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    So you think anyone who wants to use this country and do what they please should be able to do it?
    This is not Mexico. Its not a State in Mexico. Its America. A whole different country and just because its on the border of Mexico does not mean anyone from any country can come and go as they please and disrespect the land.
    You are nuts. You are comparing APPLES AND ORANGES. You're argument makes no sense.
    Where have I said ANYTHING of the sort? Where?
    I am just saying that your basic premise... "They come here wanting to become citizens.." in ill-informed at best... purely moronic at worst.
    I am not saying I think they should be here or not... i am just saying that they are here because AMERICANS HIRE THEM!!!
    They don't give a shit about America because it's just a place to earn money... JUST AS the Americans working overseas don't give a shit about that country.
    It is about WHERE the work is and WHO is paying.
    I don't make sense to you because you can only see what you want to see and are incapable of even imagining what it is like to see the world through someone else's eyes.
    Now... it's a simple fucking question with a yes or no answer...
    Do the Americans working in Saudi Arabia or Iraq want to become Saudi or Iraqi citizens? YES or NO?
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • MoonTurtleMoonTurtle Posts: 752
    Sooo when you say new country, where exactly is this? I've been wanting to go to a country that no one's slept in because you know it's rare to come upon a bridge that has not been around or been stepped on.

    Yep, they sneak in, these non-humans. They want human rights?? Que? Estas loco!!! It is kind of like they fail to obey...they fail to obey.

    Wait illegals work? When you say illegals you do mean undocumented humans, right? Some of them are good as you say, just like citizens right? Some of them are good, others, nah, not so much.

    Because you know these illegals, I believe you when you say they send all their money to their homeland. Ever since this new country started they give all illegals free room and board.

    It sure does hurt the economy of this new country, I mean illegals make at least $45k a year.

    These stores you speak of, that are owned by people of the same culture or race, it really sucks! They don't pay rent, taxes or buy merchandise to supply their stores from this new country. They have it shipped from their homeland!!!! Where the illegals are sending their $45k anyway!

    Ahh the Mexicans! Those White Male American Mexicans, they do have automatic advantages! It is like they won the lottery when they are born, those white Mexican Americans, they do no wrong, so clean cut.

    I'll tell you what truly bothers me -- those that scream learn the language. They mean learn English, yet they do not know enough English to clearly state their complaints about other humans wanting what their own descendants wanted.

    Another thing that bothers me -- racial profiling of undocumented immigrants. Why is it that it is those with color on their skin that are always to blame for everything wrong with undocumented immigrants? There are plenty of White European undocumented immigrants in the US, yet they are never the poster child.

    http://www.irishcentral.com/story/advic ... 81717.html

    http://missionlocal.org/2010/03/as-tax- ... countants/

    By the way Hispanic/Latino is not a race.

    If you want to be a citizen in a new country you need to do it legally!
    I hate it when people think they have all these rights when they are not legal citizens then sneak in and say they want more rights. Its a slap in our faces IMO.
    I know many illegals that work in my community. Some are good people with good families but the way they came here and the way they abuse and beat the system is not right.
    One of the worst parts about it is that they send ALL their money to their home land wich hurts the flow of the economic system in the US. Many Latinos and Indians that I have known send ALL their money home. They dont put anything back into the community. If they shop, they buy from stores that are owned by people that are the same culture or race.
    Many mexican families have many children here so that automaticly gives them advantages because the child is now a citizen.
    As far as borders...how on earth can you think its smart to have open borders and let everyone come and go as they please??? Ridiculous!
    And when some of you say "we are all immigrants?" Okay...well if ya keep allowing more and more people on your boat, sooner or later its gonna sink. Then where are you? S.O.L!
    Freedom is not Free.
    You want to be an American Citizen? Take the correct steps and show respect to the country you want to live in, pay taxes like everybody else, learn the language, give back to the community.....pretty simple I think
    Right or wrong, its my opinion.
  • acoustic guyacoustic guy Posts: 3,770
    well without immigration i wouldnt be living in australia.... so im all for it.
    So how did you come to live there?
    Do you have a Green Card? Is it the same process to live there then here?
    Get em a Body Bag Yeeeeeaaaaa!
    Sweep the Leg Johnny.
  • arqarq Posts: 8,049
    It seems like there's no middle ground in this topic :|
    "The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it"
    Neil deGrasse Tyson

    Why not (V) (°,,,,°) (V) ?
  • Eliot RosewaterEliot Rosewater Posts: 2,659
    arq wrote:
    It seems like there's no middle ground in this topic :|
    Because it's those of us with souls vs. the soulless.

    It's hard to sort of have a soul. You either do or you don't. :mrgreen:
  • unsungunsung I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
    Ignorance must really be bliss. I invite those with *souls* to come back to reality.
  • Boxes&BooksBoxes&Books USA Posts: 2,672
    unsung wrote:
    Ignorance must really be bliss. I invite those with *souls* to come back to reality.

    what's reality,in regards to this topic? And are you really willing to accept reality?
  • unsungunsung I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
    Reality is illegal aliens are a problem. I'm not for open borders unlike some here. I'm for national sovereignty and I am for our departure from the UN.
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    MoonTurtle wrote:
    Sooo when you say new country, where exactly is this? I've been wanting to go to a country that no one's slept in because you know it's rare to come upon a bridge that has not been around or been stepped on.

    Yep, they sneak in, these non-humans. They want human rights?? Que? Estas loco!!! It is kind of like they fail to obey...they fail to obey.

    Wait illegals work? When you say illegals you do mean undocumented humans, right? Some of them are good as you say, just like citizens right? Some of them are good, others, nah, not so much.

    Because you know these illegals, I believe you when you say they send all their money to their homeland. Ever since this new country started they give all illegals free room and board.

    It sure does hurt the economy of this new country, I mean illegals make at least $45k a year.

    These stores you speak of, that are owned by people of the same culture or race, it really sucks! They don't pay rent, taxes or buy merchandise to supply their stores from this new country. They have it shipped from their homeland!!!! Where the illegals are sending their $45k anyway!

    Ahh the Mexicans! Those White Male American Mexicans, they do have automatic advantages! It is like they won the lottery when they are born, those white Mexican Americans, they do no wrong, so clean cut.

    I'll tell you what truly bothers me -- those that scream learn the language. They mean learn English, yet they do not know enough English to clearly state their complaints about other humans wanting what their own descendants wanted.

    Another thing that bothers me -- racial profiling of undocumented immigrants. Why is it that it is those with color on their skin that are always to blame for everything wrong with undocumented immigrants? There are plenty of White European undocumented immigrants in the US, yet they are never the poster child.

    http://www.irishcentral.com/story/advic ... 81717.html

    http://missionlocal.org/2010/03/as-tax- ... countants/

    By the way Hispanic/Latino is not a race.

    Very good post. Spot on.
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    unsung wrote:
    Reality is illegal aliens are a problem. I'm not for open borders unlike some here. I'm for national sovereignty and I am for our departure from the UN.

    Many would regard people like you as a problem.
  • CorsoCorso so poor I can't afford to comment on the PJ forum Posts: 201
    Moon Turtle, Eliot Rosewater, Cosmo, and Byrnzie... Just finished reading your current post. In the words of Byrnzie " spot on" !
  • __ Posts: 6,651
    edited May 2010
    Corso wrote:
    Moon Turtle, Eliot Rosewater, Cosmo, and Byrnzie... Just finished reading your current post. In the words of Byrnzie " spot on" !

    I'm going to be lazy and just agree to this post to indicate my respect and appreciation for all the others mentioned above.

    Post edited by _ on
  • __ Posts: 6,651
    ENGLISH LESSON FOR TODAY: "Illegal" is an adjective, not a noun.

    If you're going to live in our country, please show some respect and learn the language.
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,331
    Corso wrote:
    Moon Turtle, Eliot Rosewater, Cosmo, and Byrnzie... Just finished reading your current post. In the words of Byrnzie " spot on" !
    i agree with every one of them as well....
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,331
    scb wrote:
    ENGLISH LESSON FOR TODAY: "Illegal" is an adjective, not a noun.

    If you're going to live in our country, please show some respect and learn the language.
    exactly...when did "illegals" become a common plural noun??? probably about the same time "nuclear" became "nukuler"...
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • MoonTurtleMoonTurtle Posts: 752
    sure there is

    lots of middle ground

    that might be the problem
    arq wrote:
    It seems like there's no middle ground in this topic :|
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