Tim James is a racist



  • __ Posts: 6,651
    Godfather. wrote:
    comes a time in everybodys life that ya gotta wonder in the end will any of this matter ?
    when we stand before God the language we speak will be understood in his/our hearts and there will be no such thing as racism or hate.


    I agree. But we'll have to answer for the racism/hatred we supported or allowed.
  • Godfather. wrote:
    tonifig8 wrote:
    Godfather. wrote:
    comes a time in everybodys life that ya gotta wonder in the end will any of this matter ?
    when we stand before God the language we speak will be understood in his/our hearts and there will be no such thing as racism or hate.


    Till then - lets just hate each other..... :roll:
    that is probably one of the worst post I have ever seen.....

    ez bronco,I am far from hating anybody.
    a very close family to mine just lost their 7 year old little girl to cancer last night and when I started reading this thread this morning I just wondered if any of this argument really means anything when we stand before God.and besides I'll bet you have read worse post then that..crap I may even have posted it. :D


    sorry for the loss of your family friend, Godfather. I think he just meant that by the suggested reasoning in your post, there's no point to any of this discussion then. But now we know where you're coming from.

    Gimli 1993
    Fargo 2003
    Winnipeg 2005
    Winnipeg 2011
    St. Paul 2014
  • __ Posts: 6,651
    tonifig8 wrote:
    scb wrote:
    mikepegg44 wrote:
    They aren't visiting. they aren't on vacation. why on earth is it so hard to think that if someone goes to a country to LIVE that they learn the local customs, assimilate a little into the culture and learn the language the majority speak? No one is saying quit being Mexican, or anything else for that matter.

    In fact if the reverse were to happen and I was to move to France and expect everyone to speak English I would be seen as an A-hole American trying to bully other countries.

    Okay, but what about the people who have not COME to this country to live, but who have been here longer than we have? Or just as long? Why on earth is it so hard to think we should "let" them keep their language and culture? WHAT GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO DEFINE WHAT IT MEANS TO BE AMERICAN? (I put that in bold so you wouldn't miss the question.)

    And how can you think you have the right to define the customs, language, and culture of this country as those that match your own? What about all the other customs, languages, and cultures of the other people in this country?

    Regarding being seen as an American asshole if you moved to someone elses's land and demanded that they speak YOUR language, how can you not see that that's exactly what you ARE doing NOW?? It's not just something our ancestors did. And you are STILL being seen as an asshole because of it.

    +1 and +2
    damn your good!

  • __ Posts: 6,651
    Godfather. wrote:
    ez bronco,I am far from hating anybody.
    a very close family to mine just lost their 7 year old little girl to cancer last night and when I started reading this thread this morning I just wondered if any of this argument really means anything when we stand before God.and besides I'll bet you have read worse post then that..crap I may even have posted it. :D


    Sorry about your friend's little girl. :cry:
  • OnTheEdgeOnTheEdge Posts: 1,300
    tonifig8 wrote:
    scb wrote:
    mikepegg44 wrote:
    They aren't visiting. they aren't on vacation. why on earth is it so hard to think that if someone goes to a country to LIVE that they learn the local customs, assimilate a little into the culture and learn the language the majority speak? No one is saying quit being Mexican, or anything else for that matter.

    In fact if the reverse were to happen and I was to move to France and expect everyone to speak English I would be seen as an A-hole American trying to bully other countries.

    Okay, but what about the people who have not COME to this country to live, but who have been here longer than we have? Or just as long? Why on earth is it so hard to think we should "let" them keep their language and culture? WHAT GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO DEFINE WHAT IT MEANS TO BE AMERICAN? (I put that in bold so you wouldn't miss the question.)

    And how can you think you have the right to define the customs, language, and culture of this country as those that match your own? What about all the other customs, languages, and cultures of the other people in this country?

    Regarding being seen as an American asshole if you moved to someone elses's land and demanded that they speak YOUR language, how can you not see that that's exactly what you ARE doing NOW?? It's not just something our ancestors did. And you are STILL being seen as an asshole because of it.

    +1 and +2
    damn your good!

    He's not that good.....you just agree with him.
  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    thanks everybody.

  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    scb wrote:
    Godfather. wrote:
    comes a time in everybodys life that ya gotta wonder in the end will any of this matter ?
    when we stand before God the language we speak will be understood in his/our hearts and there will be no such thing as racism or hate.


    I agree. But we'll have to answer for the racism/hatred we supported or allowed.
    ;) yes your right.

  • OnTheEdgeOnTheEdge Posts: 1,300
    scb wrote:
    Godfather. wrote:
    comes a time in everybodys life that ya gotta wonder in the end will any of this matter ?
    when we stand before God the language we speak will be understood in his/our hearts and there will be no such thing as racism or hate.


    I agree. But we'll have to answer for the racism/hatred we supported or allowed.

    Alright i've been following this thread for a couple of days now and what the fuck??Who the fuck said anything about racism and hatred. Because we want to be able to communicate with others in english it's now racism and hatred. Most of this counry speaks english, have spoken english for a very long fucking time. Like people have said....if we go to another country do we expect them to just inherit somebody elses language. This thread is fucking stupid and i'm starting to think half the people on it are also. What is the big fucking deal if we want people to speak english. I live in Maine, so I don't see this issue much in life. But if you go north to the boarder you can't even go through a McDonalds drive thru because they can't speak english LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE 99.9% of the time.WTF? :x
  • Boxes&BooksBoxes&Books USA Posts: 2,672
    mikepegg44 wrote:

    +1 and +2
    damn your good!

    He's not that good.....you just agree with him.

    I don't get it....by me agreeing with SBC, I now weaken her statement?

    sorry I just don't have a clue on this one.......
  • Boxes&BooksBoxes&Books USA Posts: 2,672
    mb262200 wrote:
    scb wrote:
    Godfather. wrote:
    comes a time in everybodys life that ya gotta wonder in the end will any of this matter ?
    when we stand before God the language we speak will be understood in his/our hearts and there will be no such thing as racism or hate.


    I agree. But we'll have to answer for the racism/hatred we supported or allowed.

    Alright i've been following this thread for a couple of days now and what the fuck??Who the fuck said anything about racism and hatred. Because we want to be able to communicate with others in english it's now racism and hatred. Most of this counry speaks english, have spoken english for a very long fucking time. Like people have said....if we go to another country do we expect them to just inherit somebody elses language. This thread is fucking stupid and i'm starting to think half the people on it are also. What is the big fucking deal if we want people to speak english. I live in Maine, so I don't see this issue much in life. But if you go north to the boarder you can't even go through a McDonalds drive thru because they can't speak english LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE 99.9% of the time.WTF? :x

    I haven't been a part of this thread, however I did view the video- My opinion will remain with me, since it has pretty much been expressed throughout the thread......

    I would just like to apologize to you on behalf of people who don't speak English to well at the McDonald's- I am sure that hundreds of perfectly English speaking people lined up for those jobs at McDonalds, unfortunately those who couldn't speak English to well got the jobs. My apologies
  • Boxes&BooksBoxes&Books USA Posts: 2,672
    I wonder what kinds of complaints are received at that McDonald's - :? :? :cry::cry:

    IS THIS FU@!ING AMERICA OR MEXICO!!?? WTF!!! (my favorite)

    Etc..etc... I apologize for ALL CAPS>>> ;)
  • __ Posts: 6,651
    mb262200 wrote:
    tonifig8 wrote:
    scb wrote:

    Okay, but what about the people who have not COME to this country to live, but who have been here longer than we have? Or just as long? Why on earth is it so hard to think we should "let" them keep their language and culture? WHAT GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO DEFINE WHAT IT MEANS TO BE AMERICAN? (I put that in bold so you wouldn't miss the question.)

    And how can you think you have the right to define the customs, language, and culture of this country as those that match your own? What about all the other customs, languages, and cultures of the other people in this country?

    Regarding being seen as an American asshole if you moved to someone elses's land and demanded that they speak YOUR language, how can you not see that that's exactly what you ARE doing NOW?? It's not just something our ancestors did. And you are STILL being seen as an asshole because of it.

    +1 and +2
    damn your good!

    He's not that good.....you just agree with him.

    It's she.... and she IS that good! ;)
  • Boxes&BooksBoxes&Books USA Posts: 2,672
    mb262200 wrote:
    tonifig8 wrote:
    scb wrote:

    Okay, but what about the people who have not COME to this country to live, but who have been here longer than we have? Or just as long? Why on earth is it so hard to think we should "let" them keep their language and culture? WHAT GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO DEFINE WHAT IT MEANS TO BE AMERICAN? (I put that in bold so you wouldn't miss the question.)

    And how can you think you have the right to define the customs, language, and culture of this country as those that match your own? What about all the other customs, languages, and cultures of the other people in this country?

    Regarding being seen as an American asshole if you moved to someone elses's land and demanded that they speak YOUR language, how can you not see that that's exactly what you ARE doing NOW?? It's not just something our ancestors did. And you are STILL being seen as an asshole because of it.

    +1 and +2
    damn your good!
    He's not that good.....you just agree with him.

    It's she.... and she IS that good! ;)

    That's right!
  • __ Posts: 6,651
    mb262200 wrote:
    scb wrote:
    Godfather. wrote:
    comes a time in everybodys life that ya gotta wonder in the end will any of this matter ?
    when we stand before God the language we speak will be understood in his/our hearts and there will be no such thing as racism or hate.


    I agree. But we'll have to answer for the racism/hatred we supported or allowed.

    Alright i've been following this thread for a couple of days now and what the fuck??Who the fuck said anything about racism and hatred.

    Uh... obviously Godfather just did. Did you not read the post I was replying to? :?
    mb262200 wrote:
    Because we want to be able to communicate with others in english it's now racism and hatred. Most of this counry speaks english, have spoken english for a very long fucking time. Like people have said....if we go to another country do we expect them to just inherit somebody elses language.

    I'm pretty sure this has been addressed repeatedly, in this thread even. Please note that the English-speaking people DID come to another country (this one) and DO (present tense) expect them to just inherit somebody else's language (yours).
    mb262200 wrote:
    This thread is fucking stupid and i'm starting to think half the people on it are also.

    Hey look! Something we agree on! ;)
    mb262200 wrote:
    What is the big fucking deal if we want people to speak english. I live in Maine, so I don't see this issue much in life. But if you go north to the boarder you can't even go through a McDonalds drive thru because they can't speak english LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE 99.9% of the time.WTF? :x

    Maybe the part I underlined is part of the problem. And what's the big fucking deal if YOU want EVERYONE ELSE to speak YOUR language? Do you not see the inherent problem with your statement? Would you feel the same way if the shoe were on the other foot??
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,588
    scb wrote:
    The point here seems to be that the US has always spoken english, and therefore always should continue to do so. First of all, there have always been a large minority of spanish-speaking people in the US. Always. That's what warring with Mexico and Spain got you, after all. And when that minority is starting to get larger, well, it's damn reasonable that official documents etc are printed in the preferred language spoken by say 30% of the people. The US is at least billingual, especially in many southern states, and official language should reflect that. That would mean 2 official languages.

    For comparison, Norway with 4m people have 3 official languages. Two different forms of Norwegian(!), plus Sami which is spoken by the natives in the north. Most of our forms and such are also available in English (and recently Polish, since we get workers from there now). I dont think it's hard for the US to maintain 2.


    What's this? You mean your whole economy's not in ruins from having to print extra forms?????? And your whole society hasn't deteriorated from allowing people to speak their native tongues????

    With an unemployment rate of 3.3...I'd say the economy is ok there. ;)
    hippiemom = goodness
  • OutOfBreathOutOfBreath Posts: 1,804
    Yeah, we're doing ok. We're to our waists in well administered oil money after all. ;)

    But as for languages, I think it's more about courtesy and respect to have public information and forms in different languages. On tourist sites, we include signs in english for instance. And we have 3 official languages, even though the most common type of Norwegian makes about 80% of the population, the other type about 20%, and a miniscule percentage speak Sami.

    The ambition for America should be to make everyone learn Spanish as well as English. Just think how many more you then can communicate with? More or less the rest of your hemisphere, really. Norway has 3 mandatory languages in school. Both types Norwegian, English and one electable (most often German and somewhat French). You should put pride in knowing other languages, not making others speak yours.


    "Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
  • dasvidanadasvidana Grand Junction CO Posts: 1,355
    You should put pride in knowing other languages, not making others speak yours.


    It's nice to be nice to the nice.
  • OnTheEdgeOnTheEdge Posts: 1,300
    dasvidana wrote:
    You should put pride in knowing other languages, not making others speak yours.



    I DO take pride in knowing another languages. But if I go to another country where english is not their leading language then I expect to know THEIR language so that I may communicate with them. same ol same ol.....political correctness over common sense,uuuuggghhh

    and oh ya, sorry for calling scb a he, i knew she was a she but forgot and called she a he.
  • mikepegg44mikepegg44 Posts: 3,353
    scb wrote:
    mikepegg44 wrote:
    They aren't visiting. they aren't on vacation. why on earth is it so hard to think that if someone goes to a country to LIVE that they learn the local customs, assimilate a little into the culture and learn the language the majority speak? No one is saying quit being Mexican, or anything else for that matter.

    In fact if the reverse were to happen and I was to move to France and expect everyone to speak English I would be seen as an A-hole American trying to bully other countries.

    Okay, but what about the people who have not COME to this country to live, but who have been here longer than we have? Or just as long? Why on earth is it so hard to think we should "let" them keep their language and culture? WHAT GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO DEFINE WHAT IT MEANS TO BE AMERICAN? (I put that in bold so you wouldn't miss the question.)

    Who would you be talking about? I didn't define anything. What I said was simple. Learn the local customs, as those are different most places, assimilate into the local culture and keep yours. You attacked without much basis there. RELAX. I put that in bold so you wouldn't miss it. Supporting one common language is not telling anyone what they can or cannot do, it is just saying why don't we have one language that gets everyone on the same page. Having one common language that binds the country together should not be a dividing factor. Sorry. Like I said earlier, I don't give a shit what language it is, lets pick one and go with it. That way, no matter where you go in the country you can still communicate with everyone while still keeping your own culture from where you came from. I don't get it. Why is that such an asshole position?
    and again, I cannot move somewhere and demand what they do, so people who come here should not demand it either. But what we can do, is agree upon a common language and go with it. I still am racking my brain trying to find out how that makes me an asshole.
    that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
    It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
    - Joe Rogan
  • haffajappahaffajappa British Columbia Posts: 5,955
    mb262200 wrote:

    Alright i've been following this thread for a couple of days now and what the fuck??Who the fuck said anything about racism and hatred. Because we want to be able to communicate with others in english it's now racism and hatred. Most of this counry speaks english, have spoken english for a very long fucking time. Like people have said....if we go to another country do we expect them to just inherit somebody elses language. This thread is fucking stupid and i'm starting to think half the people on it are also. What is the big fucking deal if we want people to speak english. I live in Maine, so I don't see this issue much in life. But if you go north to the boarder you can't even go through a McDonalds drive thru because they can't speak english LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE 99.9% of the time.WTF? :x
    Sorry, North to the border as in the border of Maine and Quebec?
    You DO know that Quebec is a French Speaking province, right?
    live pearl jam is best pearl jam
  • youngsteryoungster Boston Posts: 6,576
    KDH12 wrote:
    I like that forms are written in Spanish I read that side and try to learn more and test my knowledge

    and to the person who commented on being paid in pesos....

    you now that there are none USD currencies in our country right?.... for example in IL we have Illinois trade dollars, and if I wasn't so tired I would do research on some NPR stories that talk about how more and more communities are creating their own currency to promote local trade and commerce... I know apples and oranges but still interesting to think about..... it does not have to be "black and white" ;)

    and where does the "this is our country and do as we say" attitude come from?

    Not sure of what you speak about communities in the US creating their own currency. Not saying you're wrong, just saying the money in my pocket says Federal Reserve Note and is accepted EVERYWHERE in the US. It is printed by the US to be spent in the US. Not sure how you're Illinois trade dollars would be accepted here in MA or any other of the 49 states.
    He who forgets will be destined to remember.

    9/29/04 Boston, 6/28/08 Mansfield, 8/23/09 Chicago, 5/15/10 Hartford
    5/17/10 Boston, 10/15/13 Worcester, 10/16/13 Worcester, 10/25/13 Hartford
    8/5/16 Fenway, 8/7/16 Fenway
    EV Solo: 6/16/11 Boston, 6/18/11 Hartford,
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,588
    haffajappa wrote:
    mb262200 wrote:

    Alright i've been following this thread for a couple of days now and what the fuck??Who the fuck said anything about racism and hatred. Because we want to be able to communicate with others in english it's now racism and hatred. Most of this counry speaks english, have spoken english for a very long fucking time. Like people have said....if we go to another country do we expect them to just inherit somebody elses language. This thread is fucking stupid and i'm starting to think half the people on it are also. What is the big fucking deal if we want people to speak english. I live in Maine, so I don't see this issue much in life. But if you go north to the boarder you can't even go through a McDonalds drive thru because they can't speak english LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE 99.9% of the time.WTF? :x
    Sorry, North to the border as in the border of Maine and Quebec?
    You DO know that Quebec is a French Speaking province, right?

    You mean like...It's Quebec...we speak French here?

    Is that different somehow?
    hippiemom = goodness
  • haffajappahaffajappa British Columbia Posts: 5,955
    Yeah, we're doing ok. We're to our waists in well administered oil money after all. ;)

    But as for languages, I think it's more about courtesy and respect to have public information and forms in different languages. On tourist sites, we include signs in english for instance. And we have 3 official languages, even though the most common type of Norwegian makes about 80% of the population, the other type about 20%, and a miniscule percentage speak Sami.

    The ambition for America should be to make everyone learn Spanish as well as English. Just think how many more you then can communicate with? More or less the rest of your hemisphere, really. Norway has 3 mandatory languages in school. Both types Norwegian, English and one electable (most often German and somewhat French). You should put pride in knowing other languages, not making others speak yours.

    Its like Americans are afraid of learning anything outside their bubble.
    I'm not sure if they do it on purpose or they really are that ignorant when it comes to different things, ESPECIALLY variances in the English language (not trying to generalize, sorry my American friends)

    I'll give you an example.We just got back from Las Vegas... My boyfriend's last name has a Z in it (we say ZED, US says ZEE). Whenever he spelt his name, the person would either sit their confused when he got to the Z (what letter now?)... or they would correct him. "CORRECT" him!! :shock: And that is in a tourist hot spot!!
    live pearl jam is best pearl jam
  • mikepegg44mikepegg44 Posts: 3,353

    look back at my post, and then go on a rant. I said "some Native American dialect". Not "one Native American language". Living in the Canadian Prairies, and having some Native cousins, I know all too well the history of their peoples.

    And who decides that language, good sir? If it was Spanish, or Aramaic, would you not be in an uproar that you were being forced against your rights to learn a language that was not part of your culture?

    no I wouldn't. I would learn the god damn language so I could communicate with the community that surrounds me. I have said it so many times and yet I am an asshole for it, why can we not all have one common language here? Why is that such a bad position to take?
    that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
    It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
    - Joe Rogan
  • haffajappahaffajappa British Columbia Posts: 5,955

    You mean like...It's Quebec...we speak French here?

    Is that different somehow?
    Hmmm, touche.
    live pearl jam is best pearl jam
  • OnTheEdgeOnTheEdge Posts: 1,300
    haffajappa wrote:
    mb262200 wrote:

    Alright i've been following this thread for a couple of days now and what the fuck??Who the fuck said anything about racism and hatred. Because we want to be able to communicate with others in english it's now racism and hatred. Most of this counry speaks english, have spoken english for a very long fucking time. Like people have said....if we go to another country do we expect them to just inherit somebody elses language. This thread is fucking stupid and i'm starting to think half the people on it are also. What is the big fucking deal if we want people to speak english. I live in Maine, so I don't see this issue much in life. But if you go north to the boarder you can't even go through a McDonalds drive thru because they can't speak english LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE 99.9% of the time.WTF? :x
    Sorry, North to the border as in the border of Maine and Quebec?
    You DO know that Quebec is a French Speaking province, right?

    You mean like...It's Quebec...we speak French here?

    Is that different somehow?

    yes...canada should speak english so when I go there you people can understand me.....J.K.
    They weren't speaking french.....it was spanish, and it was in Madawaske, Me. <
    i think. :? I may have to look at a map.
  • OnTheEdgeOnTheEdge Posts: 1,300
    you really think i would post an arguement about people speaking french 100' from the canadian boarder.
  • OnTheEdgeOnTheEdge Posts: 1,300
    haffajappa wrote:

    You mean like...It's Quebec...we speak French here?

    Is that different somehow?
    Hmmm, touche.

    In America it's "tushay" :D
  • OnTheEdgeOnTheEdge Posts: 1,300
    mikepegg44 wrote:

    look back at my post, and then go on a rant. I said "some Native American dialect". Not "one Native American language". Living in the Canadian Prairies, and having some Native cousins, I know all too well the history of their peoples.

    And who decides that language, good sir? If it was Spanish, or Aramaic, would you not be in an uproar that you were being forced against your rights to learn a language that was not part of your culture?

    no I wouldn't. I would learn the god damn language so I could communicate with the community that surrounds me. I have said it so many times and yet I am an asshole for it, why can we not all have one common language here? Why is that such a bad position to take?

    Because it makes you a racist prejudice asshole :roll: :lol:
  • mikepegg44 wrote:

    look back at my post, and then go on a rant. I said "some Native American dialect". Not "one Native American language". Living in the Canadian Prairies, and having some Native cousins, I know all too well the history of their peoples.

    And who decides that language, good sir? If it was Spanish, or Aramaic, would you not be in an uproar that you were being forced against your rights to learn a language that was not part of your culture?

    no I wouldn't. I would learn the god damn language so I could communicate with the community that surrounds me. I have said it so many times and yet I am an asshole for it, why can we not all have one common language here? Why is that such a bad position to take?

    because it doesn't make any fucking sense, that's why. to me, assimilation is a swear word. I take you as your are, as I expect everyone else to take me as I am. I'll do my best to help us communicate with each other. Yes, I'd make an effort if I was the visitor, but the government does not have the right to tell me I have to.

    and I call BULLSHIT on that. Living wherever you live all your life, and then a record number of, for example, spanish people move into your neck of the woods and then all of a sudden your area's official language changes to spanish, you'd be all for it? I'll say it again, BULLSHIT.
    Gimli 1993
    Fargo 2003
    Winnipeg 2005
    Winnipeg 2011
    St. Paul 2014
This discussion has been closed.