***2016 Detroit Lions Thread***

c'mon i know you're out there
just switched the 2010 thread to 2011. maybe we'll have more than 3 pages of discussion this year eh?
alright it's 2012 and we finally have something to talk about heading into this year (besides the arrests)
sorry i'm 2 weeks late. but does it matter? I think our coaches might be awful
hey its been a few years. reading these old posts looks like I used to drink A LOT before posting.
anyways..go lions
c'mon i know you're out there
just switched the 2010 thread to 2011. maybe we'll have more than 3 pages of discussion this year eh?
alright it's 2012 and we finally have something to talk about heading into this year (besides the arrests)
sorry i'm 2 weeks late. but does it matter? I think our coaches might be awful
hey its been a few years. reading these old posts looks like I used to drink A LOT before posting.
anyways..go lions
Post edited by megatron on
me, "hey the preseason schedule was announced today..no games in florida
douchejammer2821, "dude the lions went 0-16 a couple years ago you suck!"
me, "ehhhhh go fuck yourself"
redemption season. this ones for gramps
EDIT: douchejammer2821, now THAT's funny
nice paradoy thread....errr...oh wait, this is a real thread. sorry about your birth rights of being born in Detroit and growing up a Lions fan.
i will give you props for sticking with them tho.
i could never change teams. don't know how people do that
we always joke the red wings were gods way of keepin us sane..then it looked like they would fall off. thankfully they're back at it
well it makes it easier to fight back when they're equally awful.
and the lions DID suck
i never thought i could change, but as a Pirates fan, at some point you have to cut bait. 17 years of NOT trying to win was enough for me. i can deal with losing in sports,...it happens to 97% of teams every year, but NOT trying to win, is where i draw the line.
you can aruge that the Lions are trying to improve. they have made some strides. with the NFL being what it is, they should have a decent season in a year or two.
so does Detroit...it's just very very old
54 baby!
doesnt even matter about the bucs. i'd say fans in orlando are 20% bucs, 15% dolphins, .08% jaguars, 50% steelers and the rest will randomly pick playoff teams to jump on with..or talk about the gators since EVERYONE is now a gator fan when 5 years ago i knew like 3 (i've lived here 7 years now)
I'm right there with you.
I'm always going to be a Lions' fan, however, It's hard for me to get excited anymore.
I like the Schwartz as a coach, and Martin Mayhew has made some smart moves so far. But I can't help but feel like Charlie Brown lining up for a kick.
Just been burned by the team too many times.
yes it's frustrating. i can't help it. i have a personality trait disorder..kinda like why i keep bangin the ex. expecting different results. but it always end in disapointment
Oh..wait..wrong thread...
in lions news...
mcnabb being traded really hurts us from trading away the number 2 pick. so that sucks
hargrove signed with the saints..but a trade is still possible
and pacman rumors are still swirling. i don't care who he is. the lions have one cb worth starting. we need players. looks like they are waiting to finish the draft before making a decision
The Pacman thing is interesting, because nobody wants him, so the Lions have the upper hand in giving him a contract.
In other words, offer a contract that makes it very easy to cut ties with him if he does "anything detrimental to the team."
Maybe Schwartz and Vandenboush can talk some sense into him.
IMO- if it's handled the right way it could be a low risk, high reward situation if he plays well.
I know he hasn't done much to help his image, but if it's clear this is a no tolerance thing, perhaps he can keep his nose clean and just play football.
Or, he can start doing his favorite things, only for charity- who wouldn't love to see him "make it rain" in front of a soup kitchen once in awhile?
Lions trade a fifth round pick to Seattle for Rob Sims.
I love what Mayhew is doing. A proven starter on the offensive line for fifth round pick is awesome. He's only 26 too.
I'm not planning a trip to the Superbowl, or even the playoffs, but I think they can win six easy, and maybe more...
not to excited about this defense. the lb's and secondary still look like retards on blow trying to cross a highway.
but the offense will be good. i'm expecting 5 wins. hoping for 7. wanting 11.
at least Suh will be entertaining
and as a prize, if you are in detroit, a free monday night game.
way to go
i like packer and viking fans (and chicago fans) whining about not having a qb. lions have been stuck with a broken armed hill and god awful stanton and we hang in games. gotta start winning
I work with a lady that is a Packer fan. I told her before the game that this was the Lions day and that Rodgers was going out with a shoulder injury. I warned her not to argue about the injury thing because the last time I predicted something so crazy I said that the favored horse in the Kentucky Derby was going to break its leg... it did. Oops. (cant remember the name now, about 5 years ago...)
I dug out the Lions hard hat after the win and took her picture with it. She refused to wear it though.
Was quite funny though, as we were "watching" the games on the computer I had her come over and read the headline as she was on her way out of the control room.