Your wrong....why is it no one can give me a link to were you people get this informatiuon?
Because every time we do, you simply level accusations of "LIES" like a petulant child who throws a tantrum when she can't have her way. The fact that there's an inline link in my post that proves the statements I just made, that you obviously didn't even bother to click, shows your absolute obstinacy and intrasigence.
But go ahead, be the shrill voice of unreason and blind hatred. I just hope it won't be too late for all of us by the time your group realizes the truth of what I just wrote.
"It's not hard to own something. Or everything. You just have to know that it's yours, and then be willing to let it go." - Neil Gaiman, "Stardust"
Your group is not peaceful. You've been documented many times involved in disrupting peaceful town hall meetings, shouting down those whom you disagree with including disabled and senior citizens, using extremely violent, threatening, hateful, homophobic, xenophobic, and outright racist language both written and spoken, openly carrying and displaying firearms and other weapons at peaceful gatherings like modern day Pinkerton thugs, and now you've been documented using thuggish and violent tactics, such as spitting at Congressmen and threatening their lives and their families.
Your group is not regular. 74% of you either identity with the Republican Party, or strongly lean towards them. You're almost 90% white. You house within your ranks such outlandish, outrageous ideas such as 9/11 Trutherism, the idea that the President is not a citizen or otherwise ineligible to serve as President, and the idea that our democratic, constitutionally elected republic is something that is evil and deserves to be destroyed. You worship the likes of Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck without holding up their insane and outrageous ideas to the light of open debate, reason, and criticism.
Your group is not middle class. You collude with known corporatist whores like Dick Armey's FreedomWorks and Americans For Prosperity who work to siphon off middle class wealth into the hands of the already ultra rich. You rail against government, which actually protects the middle class of this country, and support tax cuts for the super-rich, who would love nothing more to return us to another Gilded Age where an oligarchy rules, and everyone else serves them at their leisure.
So in other words, you're being played, and your blind, arrogant hatred for anything and everything you don't like is going to drag us all down with you. Meanwhile, the oligarchs pulling your strings are laughing all the way to their bailed out banks and their luxury yachts and gold plated cutlery.
Can you show me the part were they show a Tea Party member threatening anyone please? I said the media and the left are using Fear and lying about the Tea Party’s involvement...
So the images of Congress members being spat on and harassed not good enough for you? Who are you going to believe if you blanketly discard hard news coverage of the incidents? Sarah Palin's Hand of God?
There scared of the Tea Party movement because we are peaceful regular middle class citizens, Grandmothers, grandfathers, moms, dads, cashiers , lawyers....Like I said before.....if they weren’t scared of our political progress they would not be spending so much time trying to demonize us...
Why are they acting as if threats is something new.....blowing it all out of proportion....with not an once of proof ....
So the fact that a Teabagger blogger has already admitted to egging on his followers to break windows all over the place isn't good enough for you?
Here's something for you. Your so called "Tea Party" movement is neither peaceful, regular, nor middle class.
Your group is not peaceful. You've been documented many times involved in disrupting peaceful town hall meetings, shouting down those whom you disagree with including disabled and senior citizens, using extremely violent, threatening, hateful, homophobic, xenophobic, and outright racist language both written and spoken, openly carrying and displaying firearms and other weapons at peaceful gatherings like modern day Pinkerton thugs, and now you've been documented using thuggish and violent tactics, such as spitting at Congressmen and threatening their lives and their families.
Your group is not regular. 74% of you either identity with the Republican Party, or strongly lean towards them. You're almost 90% white. You house within your ranks such outlandish, outrageous ideas such as 9/11 Trutherism, the idea that the President is not a citizen or otherwise ineligible to serve as President, and the idea that our democratic, constitutionally elected republic is something that is evil and deserves to be destroyed. You worship the likes of Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck without holding up their insane and outrageous ideas to the light of open debate, reason, and criticism.
Your group is not middle class. You collude with known corporatist whores like Dick Armey's FreedomWorks and Americans For Prosperity who work to siphon off middle class wealth into the hands of the already ultra rich. You rail against government, which actually protects the middle class of this country, and support tax cuts for the super-rich, who would love nothing more to return us to another Gilded Age where an oligarchy rules, and everyone else serves them at their leisure.
So in other words, you're being played, and your blind, arrogant hatred for anything and everything you don't like is going to drag us all down with you. Meanwhile, the oligarchs pulling your strings are laughing all the way to their bailed out banks and their luxury yachts and gold plated cutlery.
this post is quite reasonable and well stated, but your link just does not have enough proof for me, so its all lies...
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
Your wrong....why is it no one can give me a link to were you people get this informatiuon?
Because every time we do, you simply level accusations of "LIES" like a petulant child who throws a tantrum when she can't have her way. The fact that there's an inline link in my post that proves the statements I just made, that you obviously didn't even bother to click, shows your absolute obstinacy and intrasigence.
But go ahead, be the shrill voice of unreason and blind hatred. I just hope it won't be too late for all of us by the time your group realizes the truth of what I just wrote.
I read your links
“We the people are the rightful masters of bothCongress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
You guys are right. Those wacky tea partiers are just OUT OF CONTROL! I personally don't see why the government hasn't set up internment camps yet for these radical killing machines. I mean, you only have to go to the news recently to see it just chalk full of Tea Party violence right? Well, I haven't seen much so far, but I know it has to be happening. Maybe I just don't recall the incidents.
Oh that's right, now I remember. They took that poor census worker and hung him. Oh wait, no that was suicide.
Oh, yeah, I forgot, they did do over $50,000 in damage during the G20 summit in Pittsburg last year. Wait a was those peace loving left wing radicals.
Well, I know that it was a Tea Partier who shot and killed a number of her university co-workers recently. Oh, wait. Dammit, that was some left wing nut job that professed to be an ardent Obama supporter.
It was Tea Partiers who toppled two radio towers in Seattle late last year. Crap, good thing I just checked my facts, because that was another left-wing group.
We know that it had to be Tea Partiers who broke 11 windows out at the Colorado Democratic Headquarters last year. I'm just confused why the person who did this worked for the Democratic party going door-to-door in support of Democrat Mollie Cullom.
I'm positive that Tea Partiers were going around a while back setting SUV's on fire. Shit, nope, wasn't them. Another left wing group.
I for one am hoping they can get this tea party group under control, because who knows what they may be capable of. :roll:
You guys are right. Those wacky tea partiers are just OUT OF CONTROL! I personally don't see why the government hasn't set up internment camps yet for these radical killing machines. I mean, you only have to go to the news recently to see it just chalk full of Tea Party violence right? Well, I haven't seen much so far, but I know it has to be happening. Maybe I just don't recall the incidents.
Oh that's right, now I remember. They took that poor census worker and hung him. Oh wait, no that was suicide.
Oh, yeah, I forgot, they did do over $50,000 in damage during the G20 summit in Pittsburg last year. Wait a was those peace loving left wing radicals.
Well, I know that it was a Tea Partier who shot and killed a number of her university co-workers recently. Oh, wait. Dammit, that was some left wing nut job that professed to be an ardent Obama supporter.
It was Tea Partiers who toppled two radio towers in Seattle late last year. Crap, good thing I just checked my facts, because that was another left-wing group.
We know that it had to be Tea Partiers who broke 11 windows out at the Colorado Democratic Headquarters last year. I'm just confused why the person who did this worked for the Democratic party going door-to-door in support of Democrat Mollie Cullom.
I'm positive that Tea Partiers were going around a while back setting SUV's on fire. Shit, nope, wasn't them. Another left wing group.
I for one am hoping they can get this tea party group under control, because who knows what they may be capable of. :roll:
I have certain rules I live by ... My First Rule ... I don't believe anything the government tells me ... George Carlin
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
You guys are right. Those wacky tea partiers are just OUT OF CONTROL! I personally don't see why the government hasn't set up internment camps yet for these radical killing machines. I mean, you only have to go to the news recently to see it just chalk full of Tea Party violence right? Well, I haven't seen much so far, but I know it has to be happening. Maybe I just don't recall the incidents.
Oh that's right, now I remember. They took that poor census worker and hung him. Oh wait, no that was suicide.
Oh, yeah, I forgot, they did do over $50,000 in damage during the G20 summit in Pittsburg last year. Wait a was those peace loving left wing radicals.
Well, I know that it was a Tea Partier who shot and killed a number of her university co-workers recently. Oh, wait. Dammit, that was some left wing nut job that professed to be an ardent Obama supporter.
It was Tea Partiers who toppled two radio towers in Seattle late last year. Crap, good thing I just checked my facts, because that was another left-wing group.
We know that it had to be Tea Partiers who broke 11 windows out at the Colorado Democratic Headquarters last year. I'm just confused why the person who did this worked for the Democratic party going door-to-door in support of Democrat Mollie Cullom.
I'm positive that Tea Partiers were going around a while back setting SUV's on fire. Shit, nope, wasn't them. Another left wing group.
I for one am hoping they can get this tea party group under control, because who knows what they may be capable of. :roll:
Don't forget all of those mansions that were burned down a few years ago by members of the extreme left wing Earth First club.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Rock me Jesus, roll me Lord...
Wash me in the blood of Rock & Roll
You guys are right. Those wacky tea partiers are just OUT OF CONTROL! I personally don't see why the government hasn't set up internment camps yet for these radical killing machines. I mean, you only have to go to the news recently to see it just chalk full of Tea Party violence right? Well, I haven't seen much so far, but I know it has to be happening. Maybe I just don't recall the incidents.
Oh that's right, now I remember. They took that poor census worker and hung him. Oh wait, no that was suicide.
Oh, yeah, I forgot, they did do over $50,000 in damage during the G20 summit in Pittsburg last year. Wait a was those peace loving left wing radicals.
Well, I know that it was a Tea Partier who shot and killed a number of her university co-workers recently. Oh, wait. Dammit, that was some left wing nut job that professed to be an ardent Obama supporter.
It was Tea Partiers who toppled two radio towers in Seattle late last year. Crap, good thing I just checked my facts, because that was another left-wing group.
We know that it had to be Tea Partiers who broke 11 windows out at the Colorado Democratic Headquarters last year. I'm just confused why the person who did this worked for the Democratic party going door-to-door in support of Democrat Mollie Cullom.
I'm positive that Tea Partiers were going around a while back setting SUV's on fire. Shit, nope, wasn't them. Another left wing group.
I for one am hoping they can get this tea party group under control, because who knows what they may be capable of. :roll:
Don't forget that fucking nut called Bill Ayers....pretty sure he's a progressive demmy also.
I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
I by no means am advocating violence, I condone it. However the Government should fear the People, not the People fearing the Government. Vote them out. Make them fear the polls.
What pains me about this country is people who keep voting the same people in that are to blame for the way this country is.
You guys are right. Those wacky tea partiers are just OUT OF CONTROL! I personally don't see why the government hasn't set up internment camps yet for these radical killing machines. I mean, you only have to go to the news recently to see it just chalk full of Tea Party violence right? Well, I haven't seen much so far, but I know it has to be happening. Maybe I just don't recall the incidents.
Oh that's right, now I remember. They took that poor census worker and hung him. Oh wait, no that was suicide.
Oh, yeah, I forgot, they did do over $50,000 in damage during the G20 summit in Pittsburg last year. Wait a was those peace loving left wing radicals.
Well, I know that it was a Tea Partier who shot and killed a number of her university co-workers recently. Oh, wait. Dammit, that was some left wing nut job that professed to be an ardent Obama supporter.
It was Tea Partiers who toppled two radio towers in Seattle late last year. Crap, good thing I just checked my facts, because that was another left-wing group.
We know that it had to be Tea Partiers who broke 11 windows out at the Colorado Democratic Headquarters last year. I'm just confused why the person who did this worked for the Democratic party going door-to-door in support of Democrat Mollie Cullom.
I'm positive that Tea Partiers were going around a while back setting SUV's on fire. Shit, nope, wasn't them. Another left wing group.
I for one am hoping they can get this tea party group under control, because who knows what they may be capable of. :roll:
i have some questions for you two if that's ok.
which of the tea parties policies best supports your view on things? are you critical of any of their policies?
who did you support prior to the tea party?
I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
They have done more damage to this country than any tea party member.
I'll stipulate that, BUT have you noticed that for the most part, eco-terrorists usually target property, not people. You CAN'T say the same thing about Tea Party.
Rock me Jesus, roll me Lord...
Wash me in the blood of Rock & Roll
I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
i have some questions for you two if that's ok.
which of the tea parties policies best supports your view on things? are you critical of any of their policies?
who did you support prior to the tea party?
I'll take that.
I prefer limited government, less taxes, elimination of the PATRIOT Act, for the war in Afghanistan, pro-gun, anti illegal alien, the end of NAFTA, etc...
I voted for the Constitution Party candidate Chuck Baldwin for President in 2008 and I intend to support all like minded candidates in 2010. I'm voting out RINOs and supporting candidates that favor individual rights.
It's really fucking fustrating how these fucking news reporters go photo shopping and shooting video of these people, then they go back to the station and get rid of all the smart people they talked to and put together a bunch of crap that makes the whole thing look rediculous. And then people buy right into it. Are there any fucking nut jobs at a tea party? Fuckin a right there is! I've seen a couple wackos at a Pearl Jam show once or twice also. So I guess WE ALL ARE!!!
I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
They have done more damage to this country than any tea party member.
I'll stipulate that, BUT have you noticed that for the most part, eco-terrorists usually target property, not people. You CAN'T say the same thing about Tea Party.
Has the tea party murdered anyone? Has anyone even been harmed?
It's really fucking fustrating how these fucking news reporters go photo shopping and shooting video of these people, then they go back to the station and get rid of all the smart people they talked to and put together a bunch of crap that makes the whole thing look rediculous. And then people buy right into it. Are there any fucking nut jobs at a tea party? Fuckin a right there is! I've seen a couple wackos at a Pearl Jam show once or twice also. So I guess WE ALL ARE!!!
uh, huh. You've never worked in a newsroom, have you? We don't put words in peoples' mouths. All we do is hand them a microphone. It's not our fault they're a bunch of gibbering idiots.
Rock me Jesus, roll me Lord...
Wash me in the blood of Rock & Roll
They have done more damage to this country than any tea party member.
I'll stipulate that, BUT have you noticed that for the most part, eco-terrorists usually target property, not people. You CAN'T say the same thing about Tea Party.
Has the tea party murdered anyone? Has anyone even been harmed?
Again, I lead you back to OKC and George Tiller.
Rock me Jesus, roll me Lord...
Wash me in the blood of Rock & Roll
It's really fucking fustrating how these fucking news reporters go photo shopping and shooting video of these people, then they go back to the station and get rid of all the smart people they talked to and put together a bunch of crap that makes the whole thing look rediculous. And then people buy right into it. Are there any fucking nut jobs at a tea party? Fuckin a right there is! I've seen a couple wackos at a Pearl Jam show once or twice also. So I guess WE ALL ARE!!!
uh, huh. You've never worked in a newsroom, have you? We don't put words in peoples' mouths. All we do is hand them a microphone. It's not our fault they're a bunch of gibbering idiots.
Thats not what i'm saying. I don't believe that everybody they talk to comes across as an idiot.....they just don't show them.
It's really fucking fustrating how these fucking news reporters go photo shopping and shooting video of these people, then they go back to the station and get rid of all the smart people they talked to and put together a bunch of crap that makes the whole thing look rediculous. And then people buy right into it. Are there any fucking nut jobs at a tea party? Fuckin a right there is! I've seen a couple wackos at a Pearl Jam show once or twice also. So I guess WE ALL ARE!!!
uh, huh. You've never worked in a newsroom, have you? We don't put words in peoples' mouths. All we do is hand them a microphone. It's not our fault they're a bunch of gibbering idiots.
Thats not what i'm saying. I don't believe that everybody they talk to comes across as an idiot.....they just don't show them.
Honestly, if we could find someone to hold a coherent conversation, we would. Because gibbering idiots make the news media look bad, too.
Rock me Jesus, roll me Lord...
Wash me in the blood of Rock & Roll
You mean to tell me that when you go to a tea party there is not one member there that says:
I'm here because I am angry at larger government, closed door deals, bribery, for not listening to the people they work for, for bailouts that do nothing biut provide large bonuses, for stimulus that create no jobs.etc....
You guys are right. Those wacky tea partiers are just OUT OF CONTROL! I personally don't see why the government hasn't set up internment camps yet for these radical killing machines. I mean, you only have to go to the news recently to see it just chalk full of Tea Party violence right? Well, I haven't seen much so far, but I know it has to be happening. Maybe I just don't recall the incidents.
Oh that's right, now I remember. They took that poor census worker and hung him. Oh wait, no that was suicide.
Oh, yeah, I forgot, they did do over $50,000 in damage during the G20 summit in Pittsburg last year. Wait a was those peace loving left wing radicals.
Well, I know that it was a Tea Partier who shot and killed a number of her university co-workers recently. Oh, wait. Dammit, that was some left wing nut job that professed to be an ardent Obama supporter.
It was Tea Partiers who toppled two radio towers in Seattle late last year. Crap, good thing I just checked my facts, because that was another left-wing group.
We know that it had to be Tea Partiers who broke 11 windows out at the Colorado Democratic Headquarters last year. I'm just confused why the person who did this worked for the Democratic party going door-to-door in support of Democrat Mollie Cullom.
I'm positive that Tea Partiers were going around a while back setting SUV's on fire. Shit, nope, wasn't them. Another left wing group.
I for one am hoping they can get this tea party group under control, because who knows what they may be capable of. :roll:
So bascially, just because a bunch of wackos and terrorists like the Red Army Faction and the MNLF committed assault, vandalism and murder people, the Teabagger movement should be absolved of all accountability. :roll:
What you have posted is a classic strawman argument. Put something up that has nothing to do with the issue at hand, then proceed to attack it.
"It's not hard to own something. Or everything. You just have to know that it's yours, and then be willing to let it go." - Neil Gaiman, "Stardust"
Because every time we do, you simply level accusations of "LIES" like a petulant child who throws a tantrum when she can't have her way. The fact that there's an inline link in my post that proves the statements I just made, that you obviously didn't even bother to click, shows your absolute obstinacy and intrasigence.
But go ahead, be the shrill voice of unreason and blind hatred. I just hope it won't be too late for all of us by the time your group realizes the truth of what I just wrote.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
You can't tell the difference between a duck hunter and protestor, truly sad
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
Oh that's right, now I remember. They took that poor census worker and hung him. Oh wait, no that was suicide.
Oh, yeah, I forgot, they did do over $50,000 in damage during the G20 summit in Pittsburg last year. Wait a was those peace loving left wing radicals.
Well, I know that it was a Tea Partier who shot and killed a number of her university co-workers recently. Oh, wait. Dammit, that was some left wing nut job that professed to be an ardent Obama supporter.
It was Tea Partiers who toppled two radio towers in Seattle late last year. Crap, good thing I just checked my facts, because that was another left-wing group.
We know that it had to be Tea Partiers who broke 11 windows out at the Colorado Democratic Headquarters last year. I'm just confused why the person who did this worked for the Democratic party going door-to-door in support of Democrat Mollie Cullom.
I'm positive that Tea Partiers were going around a while back setting SUV's on fire. Shit, nope, wasn't them. Another left wing group.
I for one am hoping they can get this tea party group under control, because who knows what they may be capable of. :roll:
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
Don't forget all of those mansions that were burned down a few years ago by members of the extreme left wing Earth First club.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Wash me in the blood of Rock & Roll
You know what, I'll agree with you. PETA, et. al, ARE terrorists. But that's not the point, now is it?
Wash me in the blood of Rock & Roll
I'll let you in on a little secret.... I'm a registered Republican.
Wash me in the blood of Rock & Roll
What pains me about this country is people who keep voting the same people in that are to blame for the way this country is.
which of the tea parties policies best supports your view on things? are you critical of any of their policies?
who did you support prior to the tea party?
They have done more damage to this country than any tea party member.
I believe the word you're looking for is "condemn".
Wash me in the blood of Rock & Roll
I'll stipulate that, BUT have you noticed that for the most part, eco-terrorists usually target property, not people. You CAN'T say the same thing about Tea Party.
Wash me in the blood of Rock & Roll
I'll take that.
I prefer limited government, less taxes, elimination of the PATRIOT Act, for the war in Afghanistan, pro-gun, anti illegal alien, the end of NAFTA, etc...
I voted for the Constitution Party candidate Chuck Baldwin for President in 2008 and I intend to support all like minded candidates in 2010. I'm voting out RINOs and supporting candidates that favor individual rights.
Has the tea party murdered anyone? Has anyone even been harmed?
uh, huh. You've never worked in a newsroom, have you? We don't put words in peoples' mouths. All we do is hand them a microphone. It's not our fault they're a bunch of gibbering idiots.
Wash me in the blood of Rock & Roll
Again, I lead you back to OKC and George Tiller.
Wash me in the blood of Rock & Roll
Thats not what i'm saying. I don't believe that everybody they talk to comes across as an idiot.....they just don't show them.
Honestly, if we could find someone to hold a coherent conversation, we would. Because gibbering idiots make the news media look bad, too.
Wash me in the blood of Rock & Roll
You mean to tell me that when you go to a tea party there is not one member there that says:
I'm here because I am angry at larger government, closed door deals, bribery, for not listening to the people they work for, for bailouts that do nothing biut provide large bonuses, for stimulus that create no jobs.etc....
give me a fucking break.
up the long ladder, down the short rope :roll:
Wash me in the blood of Rock & Roll
So bascially, just because a bunch of wackos and terrorists like the Red Army Faction and the MNLF committed assault, vandalism and murder people, the Teabagger movement should be absolved of all accountability. :roll:
What you have posted is a classic strawman argument. Put something up that has nothing to do with the issue at hand, then proceed to attack it.
Wash me in the blood of Rock & Roll
You're right....I knew I saw Scott Roeder and Tim McVeigh at those rallies. Damn Tea Partiers. Hang em all. :roll: