(PJ related) CBS: Video Relay Interpreters Companies Busted



  • IamMineIamMine Posts: 2,743
    Sorry, blondie... but I thought about it some more...

    The "helper" aka interpreters... for those who worked many hours on translating the songs...and working hard during the show.

    It's not an easy job....so I think it's a nice acknowledgment, you know? Natalie told me it had never happened to her before at other concerts and she said it made her feel so good that Ed gave her a nod of acknowledgment. It really made her feel good about herself. :D

    It's nice to be appreciated for all the hard work you've put into something and hoping it did something good, you know?

    I do see what you mean, though, Blondie.

    Not those people who are doing it so they can have the "look at me!" or only doing it for the purpose of getting attention, hoping to get something more out of it. :roll:

    Big difference.
    JA: Why do I get the Ticketmaster question?
    EV: It's your band.
    ~Q Magazine

    "Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
  • I thought you were upset ed sometimes pulls the interrupters on stage, no?

    I see what you’re saying about CC for concerts. Good point.
    *~Pearl Jam will be blasted from speakers until morale improves~*

  • IamMineIamMine Posts: 2,743
    No, not necessarily.... those particular interpreters from Texas, yes.

    They were abusing their positions - using us as a vehicle of means in order to accomplish their goals. :P

    They did not care about providing us access - their original attitude when I finally got to them at the stage at Lolla 07 on the first night was horrible. I explained the difficulty of seeing them and how I was having problems with the guy who wouldn't take me to them so that I could see them during the show.

    They just shrugged me off with noses up in the air, saying "We are providing access to the whole crowd"

    Then I said excuse me? You are involved in the Deaf Community, as I can tell from the way you are signing... you know better than that - we need close proximity in order to see you!

    I've been trying to contact you for FOUR months! Then they realized who I was.... changed their faces right there.

    But yet, they kept lying to me over and over... and one terp in particular was stalking EV the whole weekend.

    So much shit went on that weekend.

    I complained and told a whole bunch of people... including 10c. More than once.

    Then again before ACL....told them it was those same interpreters.

    Then what do I see? :P

    That's why I got fucking pissed off at EV. I got the impression that he or 10c didn't take me seriously about the problems I faced with those interpreters both in 07 and 08 at Lollapalooza.

    It was a slap to my face... sending a message to the interpreting community that they could get away with it and get rewarded.

    In 2007, I filed with Department of Justice and a separate complaint with the Texas agency that oversees and certificates interpreters.

    Nothing. They got away with it.
    JA: Why do I get the Ticketmaster question?
    EV: It's your band.
    ~Q Magazine

    "Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
  • So unprofessional! :evil:

    The DOJ is flooded with cases all because people don't act right and/or don't follow the ADA.
    it's all right there people in the ADA.....now do right!
    *~Pearl Jam will be blasted from speakers until morale improves~*

  • IamMineIamMine Posts: 2,743
    So unprofessional! :evil:

    The DOJ is flooded with cases all because people don't act right and/or don't follow the ADA.
    it's all right there people in the ADA.....now do right!

    *smirks* Yup.

    DOJ sent me a letter saying they won't take the case...and recommended me to other agencies. :roll:

    Funny, when I tried some of those agencies, they were no longer in service. so yeah, they are totally flooded.

    I know some folks who are still waiting years...

    That's why there are so many problems and some people know they can get away with it because of the flawed system. :(

    Like you said, companies are finding loopholes in ADA and using them to their advantages.
    JA: Why do I get the Ticketmaster question?
    EV: It's your band.
    ~Q Magazine

    "Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
  • WOW Mel thats awesome!!!
    I hope that biatch from Lolla is one of the people who's ass gets nailed to the wall at some point!!

    Keep up the good work!! Even if you don't see results for yourself, you will have MANY others for years to come that will benefit :) ((hugs))
    "Rock and roll is something that can't be quantified, sometimes it's not even something you hear, but FEEL!" - Bob Lefsetz
  • IamMineIamMine Posts: 2,743
    Thanks, Mel. :)

    You've been very supportive since the beginning, always lending me your ears and shoulders whenever i wanted to rant about those terps!

    Thanks for that! ((hugs))
    JA: Why do I get the Ticketmaster question?
    EV: It's your band.
    ~Q Magazine

    "Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
  • IamMine wrote:
    A simple solution would be that Pearl Jam hires a full time Interpreter. Someone should travel with them to every show... A person that knows what's going on.... someone that disabled audience members can understand. I don't think anyone else does this...............pave the way, Pearl Jam!

    Would that person be a tax deduction? Maybe?

    It's not surprising that these people were busted. 90% of government paid workers are 'set'--- their jobs are too cushy.

    That would be awesome...but that would require EV to do some work as a manager. Stone would have to step in and help. ;)

    I would love to be a fly on the wall for the interviews!

    "OK, Jane... do 'Lukin'"

    "Uh...right now? here?" *gets extremely nervous, her arms getting wobbly and numb*

    "I'm just kidding! Do this one..." ;)

    Yes, it's tax deductible. Everything used to pay for the interpreters is tax deductible.

    It would be a challenging for the band, I think... they could do a "one time tour" with selective cities just to see how this works out? :mrgreen: See how the demand is and how the audience (both you and me) responds?

    Guess it's up to Mr. Stone. :mrgreen:

    I really hope you've written to management explaining the situation and your concerns. The band doesn't need to be involved. A serious interpreter shouldn't be that hard to find. Tons of people already tour with the band.... what's another one?
  • IamMineIamMine Posts: 2,743

    I really hope you've written to management explaining the situation and your concerns. The band doesn't need to be involved. A serious interpreter shouldn't be that hard to find. Tons of people already tour with the band.... what's another one?

    You're tempting me. :P

    It's easier being mad at EV right now, wanting to kick his and those terps' asses and not trying that routine. Even though I know i'd get rejected.

    It is just more complicated than that... it's not so simple...

    And Blondie's paper is just pissing me off even more thinking about all those little details I forgot about at lolla - C3's asshole lawyer and my two lawyers. His attitude was patronizing and those 2 deaf lawyers were classy all the way. My veins were throbbing the whole time...and they were just being cool and classy. And they did all this work on donations, which isn't much...

    I want to write a separate post giving those two lawyers a shout for all the hard work they did on the lolla case for 2008, but right now my daughter wants to hog my laptop (the other computer got fried :( ).

    Thanks, covered in bliss. :D

    I'll just stay mad for a while longer, ok?
    JA: Why do I get the Ticketmaster question?
    EV: It's your band.
    ~Q Magazine

    "Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
  • All that pint up anger isn’t doing anybody good.
    Write a letter to pj management.
    If you really read my paper, you’ll see I really resent people with disabilities that just sit around and complain and don’t try to improve their situation. (that goes for all people really)
    You’ve already done a lot, do a bit more. It’s no big deal.
    *~Pearl Jam will be blasted from speakers until morale improves~*

  • All that pint up anger isn’t doing anybody good.
    Write a letter to pj management.
    If you really read my paper, you’ll see I really resent people with disabilities that just sit around and complain and don’t try to improve their situation. (that goes for all people really)
    You’ve already done a lot, do a bit more. It’s no big deal.

    I totally agree Blondie!

    Mel...By taking a defeatist attitude regarding Curtis Management you are admitting defeat without fighting.
    In not even TRYING you are taking any chance of Curtis surprising you by doing the right thing away from them.
    Are the odds in your favour??? No Is there a slight chance that SOME change my eventually come from writing a letter to Curtis Management?? Hell yes!
    Mel all you can do is try! Then you can at least say you did EVERYTHING you could! That you never gave up no matter how much the odds were against you.

    I KNOW you have it in you Mel. I'd be happy to proof read before you send it in too...and I'm sure Blondie would too...right Blondie??
    "Rock and roll is something that can't be quantified, sometimes it's not even something you hear, but FEEL!" - Bob Lefsetz
  • IamMineIamMine Posts: 2,743
    :P Now my ass is the one getting kicked. :( Yes, i know you meant well....

    Well, that is going to take a lot of thinking on how/what to write....

    we are talking about asking them to take on additional responsibilities and more $$ to pay. Something that they are NOT required to do.

    And secondly, getting enough support and/or interest to back me up on this. From my experience, not much... not even on the lolla case!!! Very few, to my surprise - they'd rather talk about it than going through the process with me.

    I am not comfortable in signing off the letter.... that there are also others who would love to see this happening.

    I do agree with you on one part - at least try. Sigh... it's not the management I'm mad at, Mel.... but whatever, I'm starting to sound ridiculous now.
    JA: Why do I get the Ticketmaster question?
    EV: It's your band.
    ~Q Magazine

    "Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
  • IamMineIamMine Posts: 2,743
    Just to let you know... I emailed Bjorn Storm and asked for his feedback as an interpreter.

    I also will be asking around, including the lawyer i worked with because he said I could contact him anytime and then give you the draft letter here to look at for feedback.
    JA: Why do I get the Ticketmaster question?
    EV: It's your band.
    ~Q Magazine

    "Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
  • IamMineIamMine Posts: 2,743
    Sorry for another post tonight...but wanted to post this partial information related to the VRS situation that I got from one of my close friends, who is an activist and blogger.

    http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/a ... 4764A1.pdf

    Edward Lazarus, FCC Chief of Staff, said "This is, to my knowledge, the largest investigation that the FCC’s Inspector General’s Office has ever undertaken, and we could not have effectively pursued the indictments unsealed today without a terrific collaboration across many agencies."

    JA: Why do I get the Ticketmaster question?
    EV: It's your band.
    ~Q Magazine

    "Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
  • IamMine wrote:
    ....and we could not have effectively pursued the indictments unsealed today without a terrific collaboration across many agencies."

    See when people do come together, good things happen. the agencies. You can’t sit on the sidelines.

    Look forward to proof reading!

    "I had absolutely no idea if they had even received it or read it.
    “I thought if you don’t ask, you don’t really know (what can happen).”
    - melissa leckie
    From Pearl Jam helps a Paralympian newstory: http://www.disaboomlive.com/forums/t/49706.aspx
    *~Pearl Jam will be blasted from speakers until morale improves~*

  • IamMineIamMine Posts: 2,743

    See when people do come together, good things happen. the agencies. You can’t sit on the sidelines.

    you always make very good points, blondie. :D
    Look forward to proof reading!

    Very cool...it will take time, though. But looking forward to your feedback!
    "I had absolutely no idea if they had even received it or read it.
    “I thought if you don’t ask, you don’t really know (what can happen).”
    - melissa leckie
    From Pearl Jam helps a Paralympian newstory: http://www.disaboomlive.com/forums/t/49706.aspx

    Damn, how did i miss that story?

    Now I feel like a total asshole.

    If EV ever found out about this thread, he'd have every right to smirk at me. :P

    JA: Why do I get the Ticketmaster question?
    EV: It's your band.
    ~Q Magazine

    "Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
  • hahahahaha! :lol:

    you're not an asshole unless you don't write that letter. ;)laughing-smiley-tongue.gif
    *~Pearl Jam will be blasted from speakers until morale improves~*

  • IamMineIamMine Posts: 2,743
    hahahahaha! :lol:

    :lol: Oh, I totally deserved it... especially what I did that nobody knows, other than hubby and 10c. :oops:

    EV would be totally going "take that, bitch!" *flips the bird* :lol:
    you're not an asshole unless you don't write that letter. ;)laughing-smiley-tongue.gif

    Maybe less of an asshole... :P

    I will do that letter on behalf for others....to make it easier for EV to decide. :P

    If it were for me, i'd say fuck off if i were him. ;) :P
    JA: Why do I get the Ticketmaster question?
    EV: It's your band.
    ~Q Magazine

    "Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
  • he would SO not say that. :D
    *~Pearl Jam will be blasted from speakers until morale improves~*

  • IamMineIamMine Posts: 2,743
    he would SO not say that. :D

    Really? Want to bet, blondie? ;)

    Want me to tell you what i did?

    I could do that privately, if you'd prefer....
    JA: Why do I get the Ticketmaster question?
    EV: It's your band.
    ~Q Magazine

    "Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
  • sure..........blab away. yeah on PM
    *~Pearl Jam will be blasted from speakers until morale improves~*

  • IamMineIamMine Posts: 2,743
    sure..........blab away. yeah on PM

    Thanks - it's in your inbox waiting for you to read. ;)

    JA: Why do I get the Ticketmaster question?
    EV: It's your band.
    ~Q Magazine

    "Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
  • IamMineIamMine Posts: 2,743
    hey Blondie... i'm going to say something in related to your paper about organizations working together for a cause with the latest current event here in MI.

    There is a threat of closing the Deaf Education at MSU - the only other school major in Deaf Education that teaches and promotes ASL. Eastern Michigan School only provides the concentration area of Auditory/Oral (speech and listening therapy). http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=180527046260

    Um.... no noise in the Deaf Community, nor has any Deaf/Hard of Hearing organization, even on the state level - DODHH - has issued any press releases on their websites addressing this concern.

    There's a rally going on this Friday at MSU.

    Who's leading the rally? HEARING students who are majoring in Deaf Education. While I applaud their quick actions and taking activism, it's embarrassing to see no organization stepping up and saying I'll take the lead or support this and urging the community to come and support.

    The community is saying nothing. And this says that they are okay with hearing people stepping in and taking care of the problems for them. *slams forehead*

    On one organization's site for the events this weekend i saw was the Texas poker 'em. *groans*

    I would like to go to the rally but have no gas money and going to ask around for a ride over there...

    A LANGUAGE is being taken away in education and the community is saying nothing?

    I posted this rally on our unofficial organization's blog last week... not even ONE comment and we have a lot of subscriptions. :cry:
    JA: Why do I get the Ticketmaster question?
    EV: It's your band.
    ~Q Magazine

    "Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
  • Yeah I do know that’s been an issue in the deaf community for a LONG time. pity it’s still going on. (hiring hearing instead of one of their ‘own’)

    it's not good when one steps in on the behalf of another ......when that other has no say so.
    and then for THAT person/group to just lie back and lets them do it......that's BAD.
    *~Pearl Jam will be blasted from speakers until morale improves~*

  • IamMineIamMine Posts: 2,743
    Yeah I do know that’s been an issue in the deaf community for a LONG time. pity it’s still going on. (hiring hearing instead of one of their ‘own’)

    it's not good when one steps in on the behalf of another ......when that other has no say so.
    and then for THAT person/group to just lie back and lets them do it......that's BAD.


    And I've just been asked to give a brief speech on behalf of an official organization for the rally this FRI.

    I just don't want to look like an idiot if there's cameras on me. If the media even bothered to show up. :P I get extremely nervous when people look at me.... especially when there are so many people! i get sick in my stomach and losing balance. Stage fright.

    A good friend of mine, an activist who is better at politics than anyone else in the community, is giving her speech to someone else because she has to be in classes this Fri. :( She'd be way better at it and IS good at it!

    Now I'm nervous.... fuck.

    Will be busy the next few days, hoping to rally more support and working with people in contacting organizations to be there. Last minute... as usual. :roll:
    JA: Why do I get the Ticketmaster question?
    EV: It's your band.
    ~Q Magazine

    "Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
  • do a shot before you go on! hehehe...
    *~Pearl Jam will be blasted from speakers until morale improves~*

  • IamMineIamMine Posts: 2,743
    do a shot before you go on! hehehe...


    And slur in sign language! ;)
    JA: Why do I get the Ticketmaster question?
    EV: It's your band.
    ~Q Magazine

    "Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
  • ha! :mrgreen:
    *~Pearl Jam will be blasted from speakers until morale improves~*

  • IamMine:
    IamMine wrote:
    dirtyfrank2005 & covered in bliss - I wanted to show you one of my top list of interpreters on youtube.

    I think that it would help you see how EV can see how good they are.

    Bjorn Storm caught my attention with his interpretation of "New Shit" from Marilyn Manson on YouTube over a year ago.

    Now I am not a fan of his music...but his ASL interpretation is dead on! Then I got hooked on his other work.

    I did ask him to do San Diego, but he couldn't do the job because he had things going on and felt it wasn't fair to me because of insufficient time to prepare for the show. He said maybe in a year or two...depending on things are going for him.

    I love him! He's also a body artist...I told him I wanted him to paint himself for the show like backspacer - the Fixer guy. Hehe. Too bad that didn't work out. :(

    Just pay attention to his body language and how it matches Marylin Manson's music - make sure you get it in high quality and full screen for best viewing:


    That guy is my dream interpreter. :oops:

    Another top interpreter on my list is Natalie from Nashville, who did really an incredible job for EV's solo show at Ryman: http://www.flickr.com/photos/iammine_my ... 564566975/

    No, I'm not going to insert that picture into here to make it stand out here...just click on that and that's her on the left. I'd crop myself out...but that would hurt her feelings because we've become friends. :D

    He's amazing! I've lost track of how many times I've watched that video. Saw all of his other videos too! His video is better than the official one (looked it up for comparison, not a fan of that music either). I hope you can get him for some shows next tour. Can you book him ahead for the 20th? ;) I hope the evil interpreters don't discourage you from going to shows. Hey, if we ever go to the same shows, I would be more than willing to hassle anyone that bugs you. :D Got into a little... lets say "discussion" with the photographers at OLF. But I was not one of the ones that used their heads as target practice (tempted to :twisted: ), that was on Stone's side (I was on Mike's).
    IamMine wrote:
    :P Now my ass is the one getting kicked. :( Yes, i know you meant well....

    Well, that is going to take a lot of thinking on how/what to write....

    we are talking about asking them to take on additional responsibilities and more $$ to pay. Something that they are NOT required to do.

    And secondly, getting enough support and/or interest to back me up on this. From my experience, not much... not even on the lolla case!!! Very few, to my surprise - they'd rather talk about it than going through the process with me.

    I am not comfortable in signing off the letter.... that there are also others who would love to see this happening.

    I do agree with you on one part - at least try. Sigh... it's not the management I'm mad at, Mel.... but whatever, I'm starting to sound ridiculous now.

    Glad you're starting to change your mind about the letter. Again if you need any help with proof reading the letter or want someone to sign it with you, let me know. :D


    I read your paper, and learned a lot. The gray areas are ridiculous, and the "Grandfather Clauses" are just disgusting. Trying to get out of making buildings accessible to everyone! My family often wonders why some buildings haven't been fixed. The biggest shock was at Disneyland ("The Happiest Place on Earth") last summer. My sister was still recovering from a broken ankle and was wearing a boot and using a cane. She nearly slipped on the stones on the way in. She couldn't make it at all on the cobblestones on Main Street. Then we rented a wheelchair from them, but it wasn't allowed on the monorail to Downtown Disney. It would be leaving the park area. And the hilly land at Disneyland! It was all I could do to keep her from flying going up or down hill! And two of the newest rides should be fine right? Nope. The line for the Buzz Lightyear ride was so slanted that I to use all my weight and have my knee in her back to keep her stationary. And the brand new, opened in 2009 Finding Nemo Subs? Not even wheelchair accessible. She managed to hobble down the narrow, curving steps though (Taurus the bull, stupidly stubborn). Hell, I even had trouble going down. One disabled man couldn't go with his family and had to wait on the side for them. That really bothered us. You'd think Disneyland, of all places (and with THAT MANY people going though there), would have their shit together! Hope someone slaps them with a lawsuit. :twisted: Your paper reminded me of all this. At least I now know how people get away with all this (and more). :(

    Btw, its at the end of the semester for me, so I won't be able to respond back as quickly as I'd like. But come Dec. 17th I'm free!
    PJ: 07-16-06 ; 08-28-09 ; 10-23-10 ; 11-26-13 ; 05-13-24
    EV: 04-08-08 ; 07-05-11
    Mike: 07-07-11 ; 05-20-12
    Soundgarden: 07-21-11

    10C #271XXX
    Since 2002
  • IamMineIamMine Posts: 2,743
    dirtyfrank2005, I say this in the Jamily way - i love you! :mrgreen:

    Bjorn is fucking awesome! he's my addict biatch!

    By the way, he responded today and said he is so thrilled that somebody is doing something about the traveling interpreter with a band... he strongly believes that one who is well versed with the band's materials and qualified to do the job, should. That it is one of his goals of changing the music industry by doing that.

    And he said after things settle down, he'd be up for the job if PJ would hire him. YYEEESSS!!!!

    Also, the Nashville interpreter said she'd do it too...and she also wanted to work with Bjorn!

    So there...I've taken care of two possible interpreters for PJ to consider...but of course, they have the power to deny them and choose others... like choosing those Texas terps. :evil: Like it or not, they are also one of the best ones out there... but they won't get as much support as Bjorn would. :P I would NOT go to any PJ shows if they chose the Texas terps.

    Thanks, man!

    It also will be a while before i post a draft letter here for you and others to look at for feedback.

    Then it's just a waiting game... but i have to expect that they will reject the proposal. :P

    But we have to try, right? :D

    Finish up the semester really good, you hear?! We need you back here with good head!
    JA: Why do I get the Ticketmaster question?
    EV: It's your band.
    ~Q Magazine

    "Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
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