Okay, I'm Gonna Say This...FOOD INC. Related



  • yataheyatahe Posts: 168
    Good point here...

    Evergreen wrote:
    Jeanwah wrote:
    Evergreen wrote:
    I am also NOT going to place the burden on people that do unhealthy things with the "role model" thing. That is what is getting me...no one is reading my posts. I am not saying that smoking is good, I am saying it is a choice and while it is a choice people have the right to do so without being critisised, especially when they were putting a good thing out there...Pearl Jam endorsing the movie.
    I think what it is, is that a lot of fans think that Eddie and whatever vice he may have, he should get over it because he's a public figure. Who honestly gives a shit what he wants to do. Smoking may be bad, but we all have choices, and if you don't like his choice, you have the choice of not standing near him when he lights up his cigarette. We're all so judgemental, aren't we.

    THAT is exactly what I have been trying to say. I just don't get the "he is influencing my kids" mentality. I choose to smoke (a more "natural" form of a crop) and I drink and that is my choice. God help the person that comes up to me and tells me to stop because i am influencing their kid or making them spend more on health care or something of the such.

    Yes, I have tons of passions about the environment, and I will be honest in that I get REALLY ticked off at irresponsible people, or people that don't fucking care and still drive monster cars and use plastic bags, liter our beaches, and on and on and on, but I DO NOT ctritise them, I offset their behavior by volunteering more or donating more...a positive action.

    Unless you are perfect in every single way and cause no harm to anyone, eat all home grown food, walk to work, make your own cloths from farm animals you raised and do not have any consumer waste and 0 carbon footprint, then you have no room to judge, as you are doing SOMETHING that effects someone else.
  • normnorm Posts: 31,146
    Evergreen wrote:

    I am also NOT going to place the burden on people that do unhealthy things with the "role model" thing. That is what is getting me...no one is reading my posts. I am not saying that smoking is good, I am saying it is a choice and while it is a choice people have the right to do so without being critisised, especially when they were putting a good thing out there...Pearl Jam endorsing the movie.


    funny part to me is, people worry about ed's smoking for instance...they seem to think that he's an idiot and must tell him that smoking is bad for you...guess what kids...he knows...now let him live his life they way he wants and you live yours the way you want...you're his fan, not his guardian
  • JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363
    norm wrote:
    Evergreen wrote:

    I am also NOT going to place the burden on people that do unhealthy things with the "role model" thing. That is what is getting me...no one is reading my posts. I am not saying that smoking is good, I am saying it is a choice and while it is a choice people have the right to do so without being critisised, especially when they were putting a good thing out there...Pearl Jam endorsing the movie.


    funny part to me is, people worry about ed's smoking for instance...they seem to think that he's an idiot and must tell him that smoking is bad for you...guess what kids...he knows...now let him live his life they way he wants and you live yours the way you want...you're his fan, not his guardian
    Right! I mean, I just don't get how people in general feel that it's ok to tell others how they should live. I was brought up by parents who had no problem telling me to Mind My Own Business.
  • FACT: Eddie Vedder is a singer for a rock band. That is his JOB.
    FACT: Nearly every night he's on stage he's chain smoking, and drinking heavily. Sometimes to the point where it affects his performance.
    FACT: If he had ANY OTHER JOB he would have been fired for this kind of behavior years ago.

    We afford these 'luxuries' to rockstars and celebrities, etc, while the rest of us have to play by 'the rules' of normal society, so when this band hops on it's soapbox and starts preaching about what we should and shouldn't be doing, who we should and shouldn't be voting for, who we should and shouldn't be listening to, etc, it's going to come across as more than slightly hypocritical. Pearl Jam does not, has never, and will never be forced to function like the rest of us. They have extremely deep pockets, &lots of powerful and influential friends. It's REAL easy to take a stand, and bitch and moan about all the 'evils' in the world when you don't have to worry about how much your next paycheck is going to be for, or where it's coming from, or where you're going to be living next month. The band has plenty of time to jump on these bandwagons, and throw their weight and support around for these different organizations, and that's just wonderful. Yippee for them. Unfortunately, I have a lot more important shit to worry about at this stage in my life. I don't have the luxury of focusing all my energy on some cause. I would be broke, homeless, and out of a job if I paid attention to every little 'evil' in this fucked up world of ours. The fact of the matter is we barely have control over our tiny little place in this world, let alone having any kind of control over the 'big picture'. I don't have that luxury, nor do I have the time or the money. Pearl Jam does. I just wish at times they would do what THEY think they need, or have the POWER to do, and just leave the rest of us out of it.
  • EvergreenEvergreen Posts: 492
    FACT: Eddie Vedder is a singer for a rock band. That is his JOB.
    FACT: Nearly every night he's on stage he's chain smoking, and drinking heavily. Sometimes to the point where it affects his performance.
    FACT: If he had ANY OTHER JOB he would have been fired for this kind of behavior years ago.

    We afford these 'luxuries' to rockstars and celebrities, etc, while the rest of us have to play by 'the rules' of normal society, so when this band hops on it's soapbox and starts preaching about what we should and shouldn't be doing, who we should and shouldn't be voting for, who we should and shouldn't be listening to, etc, it's going to come across as more than slightly hypocritical. Pearl Jam does not, has never, and will never be forced to function like the rest of us. They have extremely deep pockets, &lots of powerful and influential friends. It's REAL easy to take a stand, and bitch and moan about all the 'evils' in the world when you don't have to worry about how much your next paycheck is going to be for, or where it's coming from, or where you're going to be living next month. The band has plenty of time to jump on these bandwagons, and throw their weight and support around for these different organizations, and that's just wonderful. Yippee for them. Unfortunately, I have a lot more important shit to worry about at this stage in my life. I don't have the luxury of focusing all my energy on some cause. I would be broke, homeless, and out of a job if I paid attention to every little 'evil' in this fucked up world of ours. The fact of the matter is we barely have control over our tiny little place in this world, let alone having any kind of control over the 'big picture'. I don't have that luxury, nor do I have the time or the money. Pearl Jam does. I just wish at times they would do what THEY think they need, or have the POWER to do, and just leave the rest of us out of it.


    I can't believe you are relating Ed's "job" to most of our traditional ones. Who is going to fire him for his behavior? Us?

    Wow...you sound extremely jealous or something. Quit your job and motivate yourself to be self employed and you can smoke and drink too.

    Oh, and no one is forcing you to see and support the band.
  • Paul AndrewsPaul Andrews Posts: 2,489
    Pearl Jam still draw massive crowds - even when album sales fall or stagnate - because of the quality of their live performances. I and thousands of others can't wait for their Nov 14 show here in West Australia. If people think Eddie's so called demons affect his and Pearl Jam's performance, you have to vote with your feet and simply stop going to his/their shows. Obviously most don't feel this way and I'm sure your tickets will be snapped up by someone else.

    While it is always sad to see a rock band unable to perform well because of drugs/alcohol/personal differences etc, I have never thought that Pearl Jam were in this category. As a non-smoker and only rare drinker, of course I'd rather see my rock heros look after themselves better, but as many others have said - that's up to them - they look pretty healthy from where I stood at LA3 & LA4 . I think Pearl Jam have most bases covered in this regard and do a whole lot better than many others.

    At the height of Oasis' popularity, they couldn't fill the Perth Entertainment Centre (cap 8500), which months before or after, Pearl Jam filled twice. The reason was Perth people were sick of their drunked, coked loutish behaviour and the demons that were affecting their performances (plus, if you ask me - they're crap and got wheret hey are on the back of a lot of other bands' talent- although I've always liked Noel and his honesty). From what I hear the show was like watching paint dry as the band were all too hung over and drug fucked to know what day it was let alone hold it together.
  • I'm a smoker...am I proud of that? Absolutely not. Is it my choice to continue, or better, to stop? Positively. And when I'm ready, I will- I've done it before. We all know smoking is bad, especially those of us who choose to do it. But for every person that is adversely affected by another persons decision to smoke a cigarette, there is another who is equally affected in a negative way by another persons decision to do a million other things.

    For instance, if one decides to toss their used alkaline batteries in the trash rather than dispose of them in a safe manner with the appropriate facility, well, then that person is contributing to the contamination of soil, ground water, and eventually, wildlife, which may or not become a food source. If a person decides to go ahead and dump those extra prozac pills that have been hanging out in the medicine cabinet after they decided they didn't need to take them anymore, down the toilet, well then thank you. My child might just benefit from those trace amounts of fluoxetine that are showing up in our water sources, along with a myriad of other foreign substances that I wouldn't voluntarily give my child. Point is, not one of us is perfect.

    You don't smoke? That's great. Really. But if you stop and think about each and every little thing you do, even in a day, I would venture to say that each one of us does something that impacts another in a negative way. So, given that, it seems safe to say that if we left advocating something that you believe in only to those who are islands unto themselves and have realized perfection...that doesn't leave us with much. Personally, I find it far more hypocritical to flame someone who happens to smoke for promoting safe eating than do I find a person who happens to smoke, promoting a movie on food source awareness.
    "I knew all the rules but the rules did not know me. Guaranteed."
    KC, MO 7.3.98
    OKC 4.3.03
    KC, MO 5/2010
    EV- Memphis 6.20.09
    EV- Tulsa 11.18.12
  • october22october22 Posts: 2,533
    haha, is this thread still going? I killed this guy on the first page. Go back and read it. There is no conversation to be had here. His point is logically invalid. It's over. Stop arguing about it and prepare for the greatest week of PJ shows ever!
  • Paul AndrewsPaul Andrews Posts: 2,489
    edited October 2009
    Great post Jessie78

    We as a world community need to examine our interactions with the earth and with each other. Unfortunately capitalism and globalisation has presented us with terrific opportunities and a bounty of riches, but at the same time maginalised some and brought havoc and destruction to others.

    At the end of the day it comes down to personal responsibility - taking charge of your actions and supporting those of others. Everyone blames someone else or looks for excuses where we can make change by being educated and then acting on that education.

    If we all (individuals through to corporations and governments) thought about how our actions affected others on a local and global scale -and then acted with best interest, we'd all be far better off. At the moment, too many look at their own self interest and agendas without an ounce of thought for anyone else. and yes, I am sure I am guilty of this in some aspects of my life, but I'm trying - I'm really trying to live as cleanly and leave the smallest footprint possible.

    Some say I'm a dreamer...
    Post edited by Paul Andrews on
  • force-10force-10 Posts: 794
    Hey food inc, pearl jam, everyone...


    Poisoning? Really? Holy shit. I don´t want to know what mcdonalds put in food here in guatemala. BTW, it is common knowledge here that some bars (low life bars i must add) serve dog meat. I don´t know how true this is. What the fuck are you americans complaining about :?:
  • october22 wrote:
    haha, is this thread still going? I killed this guy on the first page. Go back and read it. There is no conversation to be had here. His point is logically invalid. It's over. Stop arguing about it and prepare for the greatest week of PJ shows ever!

    I didn't think your rebuttal was all that great. After this last post you made, I think it confirms how big of a tool you really are!
  • EvergreenEvergreen Posts: 492
    Great post Jessie78

    We as a world community need to examine our interactions with the earth and with each other. Unfortunately capitalism and globalisation has presented us with terrific opportunities and a bounty of riches, but at the same time maginalised some and brought havoc and destruction to others.

    At the end of the day it comes down to personal responsibility - taking charge of your actions and supporting those of others. Everyone blames someone else or looks for excuses where we can make change by being educated and then acting on that education.

    If we all (individuals through to corporations and governments) thought about how our actions affected others on a local and global scale -and then acted with best interest, we'd all be far better off. At the moment, too many look at their own self interest and agendas without an ounce of thought for anyone else. and yes, I am sure I am guilty of this in some aspects of my life, but I'm trying - I'm really trying to live as cleanly and leave the smallest footprint possible.

    Some say I'm a dreamer...

    but you're not the only one. :D
  • force-10force-10 Posts: 794
    WHAT? There is nothing new i heard on that trailer, except for the political shit it mentions. Corn is used for everything, BIG NEWS. Industrial food is harmful for us. WHERE THE FUCK HAS EVERYONE HAD THEIR HEADS SUNKED INTO? That shit gives us cancer. Go buy organic food if you have the money. Grow your own food if you have the time and knowledge. OP, what the hell are you complaining about. Everyone knows this shit. Tobacco is bad. Someone who smokes is not bad. It´s a bad habit. So is farting. Drinking too, but if you get drunk and kill someone there are laws to fuck you over. You know what else everybody, don´t have kids. This world is overpopulated. That way, the industry will no longer be an industry, in about 100 years. That will show them!
  • edited October 2009
    october22 wrote:
    So you see, even though you know are not wrong and "you know this to be the truth", what I perceive to be the truth is that you are someone so hung up on being a chef at WALKERS (whatever that is) that it's hard for you to create a rational argument against something that touches a little too close to home. You say the facts in the film are not news to you but I would have more respect for you if you were the Executive Chef at WALKERS (whatever that is) and this was news to you. At least then you could have claimed ignorance rather than openly admitting that you're aware you serve people toxic food all day for cash.

    One of your last lines in your post reads: "I just quit [smoking] one day because I was poisoning myself and filling the bank accounts of WEALTHY slave owning families."

    But you'll happily and knowingly poison others while filling the bank accounts of WEALTHY slave owning (for these animals truly are slaves) corporations. Well, aren't you great?

    I hope you and others like you can see that there is NO rational argument against this film and its sentiment.

    I had fun doing this to you. Goodnight.

    Just for the record, I said this was not new news to me, as I have been a chef for 18 years and have seen the landscape of manufactured food in America go through drastic changes in my career. I am fine with you thinking I am "hung up" on my occupation (which makes very little sense to me, but to each their own) but what you are assuming is that I purchase, prepare, cook and serve food that is produced by the food manufacturers showcased in FOOD INC., which I am glad to inform you to not be the case...

    Your hyper-critical oversight weakens your very eloquently written diatribe against me.

    But what the hell do I know, you "killed" me on the first page, had "fun doing this to me" (?) and then wished me "goodnight"....soooooo.......

    sweet dreams to you, too ;)
    Post edited by Snoopy Died For Our Sins on
    "No way to save someone who won't take the rope,and just lets go..."
  • force-10 wrote:
    WHAT? There is nothing new i heard on that trailer, except for the political shit it mentions. Corn is used for everything, BIG NEWS. Industrial food is harmful for us. WHERE THE FUCK HAS EVERYONE HAD THEIR HEADS SUNKED INTO? That shit gives us cancer. Go buy organic food if you have the money. Grow your own food if you have the time and knowledge. OP, what the hell are you complaining about. Everyone knows this shit. Tobacco is bad. Someone who smokes is not bad. It´s a bad habit. So is farting. Drinking too, but if you get drunk and kill someone there are laws to fuck you over. You know what else everybody, don´t have kids. This world is overpopulated. That way, the industry will no longer be an industry, in about 100 years. That will show them!

    Excellent points, you are 100% right and have shown me the errors of my ways....I take it all back!!! You have shown me the light :lol::lol::lol::lol:
    "No way to save someone who won't take the rope,and just lets go..."
  • For the record, I am very pleased that over 1800 of us have read, discussed and argued these points...it just shows that we all have some backbone, even if we can't agree (or read with comprehension :lol: )
    "No way to save someone who won't take the rope,and just lets go..."
  • Paul AndrewsPaul Andrews Posts: 2,489
    For the record, i am very plesed that over 1800 of us have read, discussed and argued this point...it just shows that we all have some backbone, even if we can't agree (or read with comprehension :lol: )

    For the most part, the quality of the contributions on this thread have been outstanding.
  • For the record, i am very plesed that over 1800 of us have read, discussed and argued this point...it just shows that we all have some backbone, even if we can't agree (or read with comprehension :lol: )

    For the most part, the quality of the contributions on this thread have been outstanding.

    I solemnly agree :)
    "No way to save someone who won't take the rope,and just lets go..."
  • force-10force-10 Posts: 794
    force-10 wrote:
    WHAT? There is nothing new i heard on that trailer, except for the political shit it mentions. Corn is used for everything, BIG NEWS. Industrial food is harmful for us. WHERE THE FUCK HAS EVERYONE HAD THEIR HEADS SUNKED INTO? That shit gives us cancer. Go buy organic food if you have the money. Grow your own food if you have the time and knowledge. OP, what the hell are you complaining about. Everyone knows this shit. Tobacco is bad. Someone who smokes is not bad. It´s a bad habit. So is farting. Drinking too, but if you get drunk and kill someone there are laws to fuck you over. You know what else everybody, don´t have kids. This world is overpopulated. That way, the industry will no longer be an industry, in about 100 years. That will show them!

    Excellent points, you are 100% right and have shown me the errors of my ways....I take it all back!!! You have shown me the light :lol::lol::lol::lol:

    No i don´t want to show you the light.

    The only positive thing about such movie, is to try to control these industries, or regulate what they are making. But, c´mon. It´s never gonna be 100% healthy food. You want to eat healthy? We make a healthy salad. Guess what? Everything on that salad, has a good chance of containing some chemical shit due to either fertilizers or plague control. It´s up to you in the end.

    Cigars, your heroes having them. Who are we to claim for them to stop smoking? Don´t blame eddie if your kids start smoking. Blame yourself. You are the parent. Let eddie worry about his kids.
  • snipes824snipes824 Posts: 870
    Lets be honest here... i know tons of people who get cancer who have never smoked, so whats the real threat of smoking anymore?
    i don't give a fuck who smokes and who doesn't. i have smoked many cigarettes in my life. i have never participated in an "ed should not smoke" thread. but...

    you can't be serious, can you? that's beyond ignorant.
  • The JugglerThe Juggler Posts: 48,624
    god bless the original poster. he speaks nothing but the truth.
  • october22october22 Posts: 2,533
    PearlJam24 wrote:
    october22 wrote:
    haha, is this thread still going? I killed this guy on the first page. Go back and read it. There is no conversation to be had here. His point is logically invalid. It's over. Stop arguing about it and prepare for the greatest week of PJ shows ever!

    I didn't think your rebuttal was all that great. After this last post you made, I think it confirms how big of a tool you really are!

    Well, look at you there PearlJam24. Aren't you a very handsome young man. Shoot, maybe you're right. Maybe I am a tool.

    Since I'm a tool, allow me to put myself to good use and unlock what seems to be confusing so many of you.

    I'll write this as clearly as I can: THE OP MAKES NO LOGICAL ARGUMENT.

    I will try to explain this again. Snoopy is arguing the supposed hypocrisy of Eddie using tobacco products while simultaniously supporting a film that educates the viewer about the food we consume. Snoopy sees a hypocrisy where there isn't one.

    Think of it this way: The OP would be correct in finding a hypocrisy there if Eddie said "Do not eat food because food is bad for you" while Eddie was smoking a cigarette. Now we have a one-to-one correlation; cause and effect. But Ed and the band aren't doing this. They are not saying cigarettes shouldn't have warning labels but food should, for example. That might be hypocrisy but they are not doing that. Therefor Snoopy's argument is logically unsound.

    Let's take it a step further: By Snoopy's logic, because Ed is a smoker, he is not fit to support anything that promotes healthy lifestyle choices. By this logic, if Ed were to quit smoking, one must assume that Snoopy would grant Ed the right to contribute to a discussion about where food comes from. However, Ed also consumes alcohol. If not Snoopy, surely someone would realize that his doing so would again disqualify him from partaking in a discussion about what's in food. Ok, well let's assume Ed gives up smoking and drinking but decides to ride a motorcycle. This is surely dangerous to one's health. Hell, it could kill you in an instant! Certainly this would kick Ed right out of the ever-shrinking circle of those capable to share facts about where food comes from and how it's processed. I mean, after all, anyone who smokes, drinks or engages in any risky behavior is in no way qualified to promote a film that discussed modern food production! Right?!!

    How can so many of you be so blind to the fact that Ed's choice to smoke has NOTHING to do with him promoting a film about FOOD? One simply has no bearing on the other regardless of the health issues surrounding them. I invite you, PearlJam24, (or anyone for that matter) to use reason to justify Snoopy's argument.

    Understand that I do realize your contribution to this thread may simply have been to just call me a tool. Which is fine, of course.
  • october22 wrote:

    Well, look at you there PearlJam24. Aren't you a very handsome young man. Shoot, maybe you're right. Maybe I am a tool.

    Understand that I do realize your contribution to this thread may simply have been to just call me a tool. Which is fine, of course.

    Well scream "dude", I never voiced which side of the fence I was on for this topic. While we are all entitled to our opinions, I feel that if you, or anyone else, posts something they think it their greatest "work" that destroyed someone, they shouldn't have to brag about it within the same thread. Let your original post do the talking...
    october22 wrote:
    haha, is this thread still going? I killed this guy on the first page. Go back and read it. There is no conversation to be had here. His point is logically invalid. It's over. Stop arguing about it and prepare for the greatest week of PJ shows ever!

    Honestly, I don't think you need to go to this extent. And maybe I didn't get to read the whole story Snoopy posted. I realize it has been edited but to what extent? Anyway, I should have just ignored the post like I do with most. I still think you're a tool...how about a monkeywrench? haha j/k

    Even the best of us sometimes speak before thinking about the consequences.

    Thanks for the compliment even though it was probably sarcastic!
  • october22october22 Posts: 2,533
    PearlJam24 wrote:
    october22 wrote:

    Well, look at you there PearlJam24. Aren't you a very handsome young man. Shoot, maybe you're right. Maybe I am a tool.

    Understand that I do realize your contribution to this thread may simply have been to just call me a tool. Which is fine, of course.

    Well scream "dude", I never voiced which side of the fence I was on for this topic. While we are all entitled to our opinions, I feel that if you, or anyone else, posts something they think it their greatest "work" that destroyed someone, they shouldn't have to brag about it within the same thread. Let your original post do the talking...
    october22 wrote:
    haha, is this thread still going? I killed this guy on the first page. Go back and read it. There is no conversation to be had here. His point is logically invalid. It's over. Stop arguing about it and prepare for the greatest week of PJ shows ever!

    Honestly, I don't think you need to go to this extent. And maybe I didn't get to read the whole story Snoopy posted. I realize it has been edited but to what extent? Anyway, I should have just ignored the post like I do with most. I still think you're a tool...how about a monkeywrench? haha j/k

    Even the best of us sometimes speak before thinking about the consequences.

    Thanks for the compliment even though it was probably sarcastic!

    eh, whatever dude. I'm really not an asshole. Things just come off harsh sometimes in print and it makes it all the more easy to go down that road. I don't mean for shit to get too personal. I don't usually get in "arguments" on here but when I do it's just so I can enjoy thinking and writing. Trying to invest much more than that is a waste of time. I think that's what I was trying to get at in the post you originally called me a tool in. I can see why you would say that about me from that post but I really thought the others were pretty logical and thought out. Anyway, who cares? I have to get to bed as tomorrow marks the first day for what will be one of my (and many others') greatest PJ experiences ever! Peace
  • edited October 2009

    Why are you coming out with yet another personal attack on another poster?!

    And then backpedalling like a coward?!?!?!?! :roll:

    Why no response to my retort?

    Afraid to pick on someone your own size?????? (relax kid, I'm kidding, you are clearly much smaller)

    Your posts have spoken for themselves.......just crawl away and hide before I really turn the screws on you, you silly twit! :lol:
    Post edited by Snoopy Died For Our Sins on
    "No way to save someone who won't take the rope,and just lets go..."
  • let people free to do what they want...whats the matter with everyone judge everyone...
    once again one is confirm...
    "...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
    "..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
    “..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
  • let people free to do what they want...whats the matter with everyone judge everyone...
    once again one is confirm...

    opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and they all stink

    yes, we get it

    touche baby! ;):)
    "No way to save someone who won't take the rope,and just lets go..."
  • october22october22 Posts: 2,533
    edited October 2009

    Why are you coming out with yet another personal attack on another poster?!

    And then backpedalling like a coward?!?!?!?! :roll:

    Why no response to my retort?

    Afraid to pick on someone your own size?????? (relax kid, I'm kidding, you are clearly much smaller)

    Your posts have spoken for themselves.......just crawl away and hide before I really turn the screws on you, you silly twit! :lol:

    Really? You're pretty funny, man. If you go back and look at the order of the posts, he responded before you. I responded to what he wrote and then I read your post. I did not respond to your "retort" because there wasn't one! A further explanation of what you do for a living doesn't suddenly make your argument sound. You are the one not responding to my retort. You chose to respond only to my point about what I perceived as your own hypocrisy rather than my larger argument against your entire rationale. Go back again and read my posts in here and show me the LOGIC in your first post. I have responded to you twice now very clearly. Can you do the same? Just show me the rational argument. I'll frame it in a question so it's easier for you:

    How does the fact that Ed smokes make him a hypocrite for sharing information about the origin of food?
    Post edited by october22 on
  • i shit and i stink, i'm real join the club


    Well at least pj/eddie got us talking about it. :lol:

    ‘people are free to do what they want’
    while I’m glad I live in a country that has freedom……or so called freedom I believe people’s choices effect me.
    our freedom of religion thing………..you can’t say because we live in a free country one person’s religion doesn’t effect things. It does. People in high ranking positions make decisions, and while religion may not be first on their mind, people’s beliefs shape their decisions.
    Just an example.
    People actions effects us all. It’s not as easy as you do this and I’ll do that.
    *~Pearl Jam will be blasted from speakers until morale improves~*

  • october22october22 Posts: 2,533
    i shit and i stink, i'm real join the club


    Well at least pj/eddie got us talking about it. :lol:

    ‘people are free to do what they want’
    while I’m glad I live in a country that has freedom……or so called freedom I believe people’s choices effect me.
    our freedom of religion thing………..you can’t say because we live in a free country one person’s religion doesn’t effect things. It does. People in high ranking positions make decisions, and while religion may not be first on their mind, people’s beliefs shape their decisions.
    Just an example.
    People actions effects us all. It’s not as easy as you do this and I’ll do that.

    Blondieblue, you seem like a really nice person so don't take this as an insult, but what are you talking about? Do not give the original poster any credit here. PJ or the OP haven't "gotten us talking." We aren't talking about anything! He has no point!

    It is very simple. Read the following sentence (anyone!) and try to answer it logically:

    Where is the hypocrisy in a smoker's choice to spread information about the food industry?!!
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