Okay, I'm Gonna Say This...FOOD INC. Related

edited October 2009 in The Porch
I respect and am appreciative that Pearl Jam is wanting us to be aware of what we are eating. I am the Executive Chef at WALKERS in Billings, Montana and I understand the message 100%...this is not new news to me, but still vital information...with that being said, God damn it guys...by you smoking cigarettes, you are promoting and supporting the tobacco industry and all it does to decay the fabric of our country and our citizens, just like the food movie you are encouraging us all to watch and act upon...even the preview you post for us to view on your site mentions the parallels between the modern food producers and the American tobacco companies...Ed, I could fucking care less if you smoke American Spirits, you are still promoting and encouraging this bullshit to your children and mine by doing it...I admire Pearl Jam more than any other band I have ever had the pleasure of listening to, but enough is enough...call me an asshole everyone, fire at will...but I am not wrong, and I know this to be the truth....so...just give me some truth...I just had to say it... :oops:

P.S. I smoked 2 1/2 packs of Marlboro Reds a day for 8 years, had my first puff off a cigarette in the third grade because all my heroes smoked...I haven't had a cigarette or an urge (thank God) for 10 years now...I just quit one day because I was poisoning myself and filling the bank accounts of WEALTHY slave owning families...no regrets here....sorry to be so preachy, just speaking from my own experience...

Also, I think it wouldn't be a terrible idea to sticky this one MODS...there is validity here...
"No way to save someone who won't take the rope,and just lets go..."
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • ToastieToastie Posts: 42
    Its a good point, wish Ed would stop smoking.
  • WhyNotSwedenWhyNotSweden Posts: 4,307
    Is Ed a member here?

    A Non Smoking Generation is a non – profit organisation, with noaffiliations to any political parties or religious denominations,working towards informing and inspiring young people never to startusing tobacco.

    Since our foundation in1979, our agenda has been constantly developing and now includesactivities such as altering public opinion by way of running campaigns,taking part in media debates and lobbying key decision makers. Althoughour most important work is still the work we do everyday; talking tothe people that really matter, Kids.

    Weorganise for young men and women in their early twenties visit schoolsto talk about influence, respect, personal knowledge and peer pressure.Our belief is that if the children understand the importance of makingyour own decisions rather than just going with the crowd, they'vealready come a long way towards living a life free fromtobacco.

    If you would like to know moreabout A Non Smoking Generation, or how to help, please do not hesitateto send us an email at <!-- e --><a href="mailto:info@nonsmoking.se">info@nonsmoking.se</a><!-- e -->.
    -95, Stockholm (MirrorBall Tour)
    -00, Stockholm
    -07, Copenhagen
    -09, Berlin
    -10, Berlin
    -11, East Troy 1+2
    -12, Stockholm, Oslo, Copenhagen, EV London 2
    -13, London, Chicago
    -14, Amsterdam 1+2, Berlin, Stockholm, Oslo
    -16, TOTD San Francisco 1+2
    -17, EV Amsterdam 2+3
    -18, Amsterdam 1+2, London 1+(2), Barcelona, London 2
    -19, EV Brussels

  • Paul AndrewsPaul Andrews Posts: 2,489
    edited October 2009
    The tobacco industry (let's forget the evils of the product for a second) must be one of the dirtiest and most unethical industries on the planet. For years they covered up proof that there is no safe way to consume their deadly product and even going so far as using doctors in their advertising. They then turned to high profile 'celebs' in their advertising and when this was banned, they moved to product placement in films, 'sponsorship' of sports and other cultural events.

    Once the overwhelming burden of proof fell against them we saw the ridiculous charade of dickwad tobacco executives testifying that they did not believe tobacco was harmful. Have any of them ever been brought to justice for perjury? How much do these people 'donate' to politicians?

    As their markets decline and they struggle to sell cigarettes in the west, no worries, they just move their machine into developing counties and spread the death there. Nothing like getting a whole new culture addicted to your rubbish to make profits rise again. You people are scum.

    What a happening tailpipe of an industry.

    PS I have never smoked tobacco, never will and am proud of the fact. I have however been addicted (past tense) to other substances (one prescription and one recreational) and offer whatever moral support I can to anyone who wishes to break the stranglehold that tobacco has over their lives.

    Post edited by Paul Andrews on
  • Is Ed a member here?

    Ed's not just a member, he's the President :lol:

    trying to lighten up my heavy post....too late? :?
    "No way to save someone who won't take the rope,and just lets go..."
  • SOLAT319SOLAT319 Posts: 4,594
    I agree with the OP.
    Quit already! Just listen to a boot from 2006 and this year. I am not even talking about the voice itself. I am talking about him getting short of breath. Listen to Got Some on various boots (LA3 and SLC most obvious ones) and you'll know what I'm talking about.
    Yes, this has been discussed before many times and yes it's his own damn business. But as an M.D, who had seen what tobacco actually physically does to lung tissue, I have a responsiblity to say it:

    QUIT POISONING YOURSELF! If not for your own good, for your children.
    I have no patience for bad music and stupid people...

    The whole world will be different soon the whole world will be RELIEVED

    #resistgezi #resistturkey #resisttaksim #direnturkiye #direngezi
    #standingman #duranadam
  • Toastie wrote:
    Its a good point, wish Ed would stop smoking.

    Ed's not the only cigarette smoker in the band.....for the record........
    "No way to save someone who won't take the rope,and just lets go..."
  • Paul AndrewsPaul Andrews Posts: 2,489
    From the American Spirit website:

    Are cigarette butts litter?

    Yes. It could take thousands of years to biodegrade just one cigarette butt so they should be considered litter. We encourage all smokers to dispose of cigarette butts responsibly.

    They may encourage people to dispose of butts responsibly, but how many do? Another environmental timebomb just ticking away.
  • Paul AndrewsPaul Andrews Posts: 2,489
    From 2005: http://www.contactmusic.com/new/xmlfeed ... ones-death

    PEARL JAM star EDDIE VEDDER is desperately trying to quit smoking - a habit he started as he attempted to cope with the suicide of fellow grunge icon KURT COBAIN.

    The rocker recently decided to quit when the untimely death of another pal JOHNNY RAMONE, aged just 55, made him realise his own mortality.

    He says, "I started smoking after the Kurt thing - I kind of thought I'd do the same thing, just slowly, you know? Now I don't feel like doing that at all.

    "Johnny Ramone was young... At one point you see a number like that (55) and you think, 'I don't have to worry; I got plenty of time.' They you get to a certain age and you think, 'Well, maybe I don't have as much time as I thought.'"


    Given his comment about the Bush administration making it tough to give up smoking and also the line in Unemployeble '...lights a cigarette he's grown to hate' i think Ed has well got the message. Tobacco addiction is tough I am told. Give the guy a break, hash words rarely help. Love and support is what is needed.
  • october22october22 Posts: 2,533
    edited October 2009
    You are wrong.

    Your argument is poorly thought out and illogical.

    Tobacco is a crop, not a sentient being. Tobacco is not a food product. Furthermore, it is not something that is being sold as nourishing. However, it used to be. The reason the tobacco industry can no longer get away with selling their product as nourishing (which they used to) is because of groups who behaved like those who produced this film. Such groups served to create an educated populace. They served to hold the tobacco companies responsible for lying and for not clearly listing what was in their product.

    This issue of Food, Inc. is not one of "do no harmful things to your body", it is simply about educating people about where our food comes from, what exactly it is we are consuming and how to make an educated decision about what to eat and what not to eat.

    The goal of this film or vegetarianism for that matter is not "perfection" or even "do no harm", it is simply being AWARE of harm, whether to oneself, others or the planet at large. In doing so, it may be able to foster an environment in which destructive behavior can be altered.

    I am happy that you have chosen to quit smoking and it's fine that you encourage others to give it up too, however here is where your entire argument falls apart:

    Neither the band, nor the movie are encouraging you to not eat food.

    So you see, even though you know are not wrong and "you know this to be the truth", what I perceive to be the truth is that you are someone so hung up on being a chef at WALKERS (whatever that is) that it's hard for you to create a rational argument against something that touches a little too close to home. You say the facts in the film are not news to you but I would have more respect for you if you were the Executive Chef at WALKERS (whatever that is) and this was news to you. At least then you could have claimed ignorance rather than openly admitting that you're aware you serve people toxic food all day for cash.

    One of your last lines in your post reads: "I just quit [smoking] one day because I was poisoning myself and filling the bank accounts of WEALTHY slave owning families."

    But you'll happily and knowingly poison others while filling the bank accounts of WEALTHY slave owning (for these animals truly are slaves) corporations. Well, aren't you great?

    I hope you and others like you can see that there is NO rational argument against this film and its sentiment.

    I had fun doing this to you. Goodnight.
    Post edited by october22 on
  • october22october22 Posts: 2,533
    october22 wrote:
    WALKERS (whatever that is)


    Thanks Paul Andrews but I had already Googled it. I was simply using the literary device know as "being a dick."
  • Paul AndrewsPaul Andrews Posts: 2,489
    october22 wrote:
    october22 wrote:
    WALKERS (whatever that is)


    Thanks Paul Andrews but I had already Googled it. I was simply using the literary device know as "being a dick."

    Yeah I gathered that, I was just showing I can always be a bigger dick ;) (and know how to use it) :lol:
  • A point of view is up to the person who wrote it or said it..please don't tell people they are wrong for this..or we would all agree on the same few ideas in life.
    we would all listen to pearl jam
    all be non smokers
    all run 10 miles a day etc etc

    lets try and be nice to one another.
  • october22october22 Posts: 2,533
    A point of view is up to the person who wrote it or said it..please don't tell people they are wrong for this..or we would all agree on the same few ideas in life.
    we would all listen to pearl jam
    all be non smokers
    all run 10 miles a day etc etc

    lets try and be nice to one another.

    Man, the people on here blow me away sometimes.

    Let me get this straight. If I tell someone it is wrong to be racist, for example, then I am somehow doing humankind some sort of injustice by contributing to a world of like-minded non-racist automatons?

    Sorry, sir, but sometimes people are simply wrong and they should be told so. Writing as a man who has been wrong many times in life, I have nothing but thanks for those who've pointed it out. Attempts at correcting errors in thinking "or points of view" is what makes us flourish and aids in diversification, not what stifles it.

    I will try and be nice to you by refraining from calling you a fool but rather "a silly person with lovely hair and a sparkling disposition."

    How's that?
  • I respect and am appreciative that Pearl Jam is wanting us to be aware of what we are eating [shortened quote to save space, see OP...] ...I admire Pearl Jam more than any other band I have ever had the pleasure of listening to, but enough is enough...call me an asshole everyone, fire at will...but I am not wrong, and I know this to be the truth....so...just give me some truth...I just had to say it... :oops:

    you have a great point... and you bring up a lot of interesting questions. good post.
    "one man stands the edge of the ocean
    a beacon on dry land
    eyes above the horizon
    in the dark before the dawn..."
    "i am a donut"
  • october22october22 Posts: 2,533
    I respect and am appreciative that Pearl Jam is wanting us to be aware of what we are eating [shortened quote to save space, see OP...] ...I admire Pearl Jam more than any other band I have ever had the pleasure of listening to, but enough is enough...call me an asshole everyone, fire at will...but I am not wrong, and I know this to be the truth....so...just give me some truth...I just had to say it... :oops:

    you have a great point... and you bring up a lot of interesting questions. good post.

    Really? Ok, please quote one interesting question.

    I might have missed it.
  • redrockredrock Posts: 18,341
    edited October 2009
    Ed, I could fucking care less if you smoke American Spirits, you are still promoting and encouraging this bullshit to your children and mine by doing it.

    I don't really think it's going to be Ed's fault if your kid smokes.....
    but enough is enough...call me an asshole everyone, fire at will...but I am not wrong, and I know this to be the truth....so...just give me some truth...I just had to say it... :oops:.

    What are you on about? Truth? Truth about what? Ed smoking? He doesn't hide it. Truth about what smoking does to you? All over the packs... SMOKING KILLS, etc. Can't be closer to the truth with that. Truth about the food industry? That's what this film is all about. We are all aware of the dangers of smoking. Not many of us are truly aware of what happens to our food before we eat it. A very serious issue that impacts all of us (yes, even vegetarians or vegans with genetically modified crops).

    The truth is out there......
    Post edited by redrock on
  • october22 wrote:
    A point of view is up to the person who wrote it or said it..please don't tell people they are wrong for this..or we would all agree on the same few ideas in life.
    we would all listen to pearl jam
    all be non smokers
    all run 10 miles a day etc etc

    lets try and be nice to one another.

    Man, the people on here blow me away sometimes.

    Let me get this straight. If I tell someone it is wrong to be racist, for example, then I am somehow doing humankind some sort of injustice by contributing to a world of like-minded non-racist automatons?

    Sorry, sir, but sometimes people are simply wrong and they should be told so. Writing as a man who has been wrong many times in life, I have nothing but thanks for those who've pointed it out. Attempts at correcting errors in thinking "or points of view" is what makes us flourish and aids in diversification, not what stifles it.

    I will try and be nice to you by refraining from calling you a fool but rather "a silly person with lovely hair and a sparkling disposition."

    How's that?

    that would do nicely thank you...lol to be truthfull i just wanted you to rant at me as i liked your last post.it was a good read
  • I respect and am appreciative that Pearl Jam is wanting us to be aware of what we are eating. I am the Executive Chef at WALKERS in Billings, Montana and I understand the message 100%...this is not new news to me, but still vital information...with that being said, God damn it guys...by you smoking cigarettes, you are promoting and supporting the tobacco industry and all it does to decay the fabric of our country and our citizens, just like the food movie you are encouraging us all to watch and act upon...even the preview you post for us to view on your site mentions the parallels between the modern food producers and the American tobacco companies...Ed, I could fucking care less if you smoke American Spirits, you are still promoting and encouraging this bullshit to your children and mine by doing it...I admire Pearl Jam more than any other band I have ever had the pleasure of listening to, but enough is enough...call me an asshole everyone, fire at will...but I am not wrong, and I know this to be the truth....so...just give me some truth...I just had to say it... :oops:

    P.S. I smoked 2 1/2 packs of Marlboro Reds a day for 8 years, had my first puff off a cigarette in the third grade because all my heroes smoked...I haven't had a cigarette or an urge (thank God) for 10 years now...I just quit one day because I was poisoning myself and filling the bank accounts of WEALTHY slave owning families...no regrets here....sorry to be so preachy, just speaking from my own experience...

    Also, I think it wouldn't be a terrible idea to sticky this one MODS...there is validity here...

    Ed isn't twisting your fucking arm to watch this shit now is he?! no he isn't!! it's just a way of them saying "hey..you might want to check this out".....ya know? like a suggestion...not a fucking command...so you choose to either watch the shit or not! Period! End of fucking story!.....Ed isn't coming out and saying "hey you! eat this and don't eat that!".....so give us a fucking break with your drama bullshit ok...i don't like to see Ed smoke, but it's none of my bizz...just like it's none of yours!...i used to smoke too....and i quit...it was hard as fuck but i have been cig free for 7 years now!......but i'm not telling Ed to quit cause i did....and i'm not blaming him for making people smoke...i mean how many little kids even know who he is?!?!...so show up early and get a free dvd if you want it(or give it to someone who isn't as enlightened as you about our food supply)...if not....then stay in the lot and drink or do whatever it is you do before a show...it's your choice...just like Ed & the band have theirs.

    man......the shit people bitch about around here!!!!!!!! unfucking real!!!!!
  • october22 wrote:
    ...you are someone so hung up on being a chef at WALKERS (whatever that is) that it's hard for you to create a rational argument...

    ...I would have more respect for you if you were the Executive Chef at WALKERS (whatever that is) and this was news to you. At least then you could have claimed ignorance rather than openly admitting that you're aware you serve people toxic food all day for cash.

    ...you'll happily and knowingly poison others while filling the bank accounts of WEALTHY slave owning (for these animals truly are slaves) corporations. Well, aren't you great?

    ...I had fun doing this to you. Goodnight.
    You sure are a dick.
    PS I see the irony of criticizing your trashing of someone else's point of view and personally attacking their career choice and lifestyle, whilst simultaneously calling you a dick, but you are a dick.
    I don't ever think it's fun tearing someone else to shreds when they a) raise an interesting point and b) have nought but good intentions behind their words, and I also think it's pissweak of you to do it all behind the protective shield of anonimity offered by the internet.
    And before you say it, I also see the irony in me saying that when I'm also taking advantage of the relative anonimity provided by internet forums, but this is the medium at hand I guess!
    Sydney 3 1998; Brisbane 1 2003; Sydney 1/2/3 2003; Brisbane 1/2 2006; Sydney 1/2/3 2006; Melbourne 1/2 2006; Adelaide 2009; EV Solo Sydney 1 2011.
  • JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363
    Ed never proclaimed to be a saint so why does the OP hold him in such high regard?

    He's human. He smokes. We all have choices, and pointing the finger at him because he's not living a pristine smoke free life yet wants to spread awareness about what's really in the food we're eating isn't truly related. So the tobacco industry and the food industry are tied. Ok. But to harp on someone who just wants to get some truth out, it isn't fair to go after his other vices and accuse him for not being godly.
  • [quote="U R A Crazy Breed[/quote]

    Ed isn't twisting your fucking arm to watch this shit now is he?! no he isn't!! it's just a way of them saying "hey..you might want to check this out".....ya know? like a suggestion...not a fucking command...so you choose to either watch the shit or not! Period! End of fucking story!.....Ed isn't coming out and saying "hey you! eat this and don't eat that!".....so give us a fucking break with your drama bullshit ok...i don't like to see Ed smoke, but it's none of my bizz...just like it's none of yours!...i used to smoke too....and i quit...it was hard as fuck but i have been cig free for 7 years now!......but i'm not telling Ed to quit cause i did....and i'm not blaming him for making people smoke...i mean how many little kids even know who he is?!?!...so show up early and get a free dvd if you want it(or give it to someone who isn't as enlightened as you about our food supply)...if not....then stay in the lot and drink or do whatever it is you do before a show...it's your choice...just like Ed & the band have theirs.

    man......the shit people bitch about around here!!!!!!!! unfucking real!!!!![/quote]

  • yield2meyield2me Posts: 1,291
    It's a good point and yet another reason why the band should stay out of politics and just make music.
    “May you live to be 100 and may the last voice you hear be mine.” - Frank Sinatra
  • yield2me wrote:
    It's a good point and yet another reason why the band should stay out of politics and just make music.

    i strongly dis-a-fucking-gree!!
  • Not to mention it is a lot harder to quit smoking for most people. I'm sure Ed doesn't like the fact that he smokes. Most people don't. He's not perfect. None of us are.
  • jecicajecica Posts: 954
    I love smoking....
    Appreciation is a wonderful thing: It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.... (Voltaire)
  • october22october22 Posts: 2,533
    october22 wrote:
    ...you are someone so hung up on being a chef at WALKERS (whatever that is) that it's hard for you to create a rational argument...

    ...I would have more respect for you if you were the Executive Chef at WALKERS (whatever that is) and this was news to you. At least then you could have claimed ignorance rather than openly admitting that you're aware you serve people toxic food all day for cash.

    ...you'll happily and knowingly poison others while filling the bank accounts of WEALTHY slave owning (for these animals truly are slaves) corporations. Well, aren't you great?

    ...I had fun doing this to you. Goodnight.
    You sure are a dick.
    PS I see the irony of criticizing your trashing of someone else's point of view and personally attacking their career choice and lifestyle, whilst simultaneously calling you a dick, but you are a dick.
    I don't ever think it's fun tearing someone else to shreds when they a) raise an interesting point and b) have nought but good intentions behind their words, and I also think it's pissweak of you to do it all behind the protective shield of anonimity offered by the internet.
    And before you say it, I also see the irony in me saying that when I'm also taking advantage of the relative anonimity provided by internet forums, but this is the medium at hand I guess!

    Are you kidding me? I am supposed to feel bad for him because I "attacked his career choice and lifestyle?"

    Give me a break. He was much harder on smokers than I was towards his lifestyle. Go back and read his post. He's a grown man. I'm sure he can take it. Besides, I used his career choice to illuminate the double standard in his thinking. I would happily say this to his face, by the way. I have done it many times over the years. I am not "pissweak". I will have this conversation in person with anyone. You can try me out in Philly. I'll be at every show. PM me if you'd like and we can arrange a meeting.

    Also, yes, I do think it is a fun intellectual exercise to tear someone's bad ideas to shreds. There is beauty in debate and if it is sometimes harsh, well, maybe it needs to be. This is an issue that so many people are so blind to (as is evident with the OP) that people need to be shaken up a bit. Sorry, but I don't think grown-ups need to be spoken to like children when it involves the future of our very existence.
  • EvergreenEvergreen Posts: 492
    I respect and am appreciative that Pearl Jam is wanting us to be aware of what we are eating. I am the Executive Chef at WALKERS in Billings, Montana and I understand the message 100%...this is not new news to me, but still vital information...with that being said, God damn it guys...by you smoking cigarettes, you are promoting and supporting the tobacco industry and all it does to decay the fabric of our country and our citizens, just like the food movie you are encouraging us all to watch and act upon...even the preview you post for us to view on your site mentions the parallels between the modern food producers and the American tobacco companies...Ed, I could fucking care less if you smoke American Spirits, you are still promoting and encouraging this bullshit to your children and mine by doing it...I admire Pearl Jam more than any other band I have ever had the pleasure of listening to, but enough is enough...call me an asshole everyone, fire at will...but I am not wrong, and I know this to be the truth....so...just give me some truth...I just had to say it... :oops:

    P.S. I smoked 2 1/2 packs of Marlboro Reds a day for 8 years, had my first puff off a cigarette in the third grade because all my heroes smoked...I haven't had a cigarette or an urge (thank God) for 10 years now...I just quit one day because I was poisoning myself and filling the bank accounts of WEALTHY slave owning families...no regrets here....sorry to be so preachy, just speaking from my own experience...

    Also, I think it wouldn't be a terrible idea to sticky this one MODS...there is validity here...

    "encouraging this bullshit to your children and mine by doing it"

    That is ridiculous to state. It is your responsibility to raise you kids and if you are expecting rock stars to be good role models, then maybe re-think what you want your kids exposed to. I am sorry, but I can NOT believe that people give the guy shit about smoking. Just enjoy the music people and leave the other stuff to him. I am sure you have some bad habits and that is ridiculously heavy to be placing that responsibility on Ed.

    This movie is letting us know where our food comes from and what is in it. Food is necessary to LIVE. We can not give it up. I don't know how you can compare the two.

    Like someone said above, tobacco is a crop and an all natural one at that. Yes, tobacco companies ruin that, except for American Spirit that keep the crop organic and natural. This has been going on for THOUSANDS of years, and also used in religious rituals.

    I personally appreciate the band endorsing movies, causes, movements, music, whatever that can make me aware of something that can effect my life. I look at the good that they do, and the awareness that they bring forward as such a huge bonus to being a fan.

    Then, I see something like your post and see it as nitpicking. So, Ed smokes. So do so many others. If you are going to make that an issue, what about drinking, what we wear, where we shop, other addictions such as over shopping, gambling, what we drive...as it all effects our environment around us. I see shopping at Walmart as bad as smoking, but I am not going to hold Ed responsible for teaching my kid that.
  • When I first started reading internet chatter about Food, Inc. a few months ago, it sounded like an updated and bigger budget The Future Of Food. I have not found the new film online for free yet, so I have not seen it.

    The Future Of Food is free for anyone to watch on hulu.com. It's an 88 minute documentary. It has great information. It provides an easy-to-understand overview of the fast and devastating change in world agriculture from independent family farms to techno/pharma corporately owned patents. There's a story of a farmer in Canada who fought Monsanto (and lost) when the chemical company negligently spilled its genetically modified seeds onto his land. Unfortunately, some segments have a woman narrator whose voice will lull the audience to sleep...but if you can stay awake, the film is packed with knowledge that needs to be shared.

    Hey, it's FREE!
    "May you live in interesting times."
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