you went to the Reading Festival when it was one stage and the headliners were Yes and Wishbone Ash.
your 22 year old daughter who you still think of as a baby moves to a town 2 hours away.
:shock: how old are you?!
Been to this many PJ shows: Reading 2006 London 2007 Manchester & London 2009 Dublin, Belfast, London, Nijmegen & Berlin 2010 Manchester 1 & Manchester 2 2012...
... and I still think Drive-By Truckers are better. have been married longer than you were single.
not just yet....but i do realize, i've 'known' my husband more than half my life now. crazy.
how i actually enjoy going to bed early, say 10:30-11pm on a weeknight, so i can get a good night's sleep... :roll:
i consider that wisdom, not old
but then...
you start rationalizing your old person habits by claiming it's wisdom
honestly, it's a very recent i could choose to attribute it to age, or to finally have work with regular hours, or trying to get a bit ealier and dare to exercise.... :oops: but even so, i attribute it to age, b/c in my younger years, while i would know it to be the 'smart' thing to do, i still would not choose it.
but sure, really...there's the wisdom of age: experience.
when you run into someone you haven't seen for a couple years and they ask what you've been up to and your answer is "not much.... work"
:shock: I said that exact sentence to an old friend the other day
... when some of your friends are on their second marriage and you remember them WAAAAAAY before their first :shock:
Been to this many PJ shows: Reading 2006 London 2007 Manchester & London 2009 Dublin, Belfast, London, Nijmegen & Berlin 2010 Manchester 1 & Manchester 2 2012...
... and I still think Drive-By Truckers are better.
I groan everytime I get up of the coach,chair,bed :oops: :roll:
I do too and really never thought much about it until one day my 5 year old grandson, who I babysit for, got up from watching TV saying, "ooo, ouch, ooow, oooo, ouch". He didn't do it intentionally to imitate me, nor was he sore or hurting. It just felt like a habit for him after hearing me for so long. I pointed it out to him and he thought it was funny. He didn't realize he did it. Kids really do imitate adults!
...all of the kids that i'm hiring now were born when i was in middle school.
...and they to watch younger customers get so excited about things like "the lost boys" tshirt when they weren't even born when it came out...and i remember watching it over and over again :(
...all of the kids that i'm hiring now were born when i was in middle school.
...and they to watch younger customers get so excited about things like "the lost boys" tshirt when they weren't even born when it came out...and i remember watching it over and over again :(
puh-leese, most of your staff weren't even born when i graduated college! :shock:
i remember the first time i saw one of those signs that state "you must've been born in X year to purchase cigarettes" and the year was 1986...i almost fell over. talk about feeling OLD. :?
...all of the kids that i'm hiring now were born when i was in middle school.
...and they to watch younger customers get so excited about things like "the lost boys" tshirt when they weren't even born when it came out...and i remember watching it over and over again :(
puh-leese, most of your staff weren't even born when i graduated college! :shock:
i remember the first time i saw one of those signs that state "you must've been born in X year to purchase cigarettes" and the year was 1986...i almost fell over. talk about feeling OLD. :?
I hate those signs. I always think the years are too near. Then I realize my age!!!!!!!
bugs in the way...I feel about you
"New music, new friends. Pearl Jam."
I like our socks. I hear we make a fine sock. I always say, You might not love our records, but I think you'll like our socks. - Stone
"This record is us speaking out in class." -EV on PJ
well i still enjoy younger men.
as i said, if i think about it...i might feel dirty/pervy, but i simply try not to think about it.
eh well, at least your thinking about it. then again, maybe i wasy lucky, b/c it didn't hit me until after 30, and took me a good 5 years of denial before i faced the facts. :P then i went right back to my wicked ways and am still facing it at 40. so much for the wisdom age correlation eh?
and i definitely feel old when i consider that people 10-15 years younger than me start feeling old! :shock: and normally, i don't feel old!
edit - and btw, yes! too far! you are too young to have DVDs containing hot girls that you think you are old enough to be their father! ack! that reminds me, my husband saw miley cirus at a today show taping (he used to work right around rockefeller plaza) he had no idea who she was, saw her from behind, and commented to his partner about the chick with the smokin' hot legs. when he found out who she was, from his partner sgiving one of those, wtf you know how old that girl is?! hahahahaha. my husband was mortified. and yes, he said she looked way older from behind. [/quote]
Well, that's why it is making me feel guilty. Until a little while ago 21 would not have shocked me, but now it's becoming odd. I don't have a problem with younger men, but this guy now feels like a baby
... and the will to show I will always be better than before.
Well, that's why it is making me feel guilty. Until a little while ago 21 would not have shocked me, but now it's becoming odd. I don't have a problem with younger men, but this guy now feels like a baby
yes, exactly. :?
i still imbibe of course. i do have a pulse. but seriously. 21.........*sighs*...and yes, they ARe so adorable! hahahaha. but damn, even hot, they just look soooooo YOUNG. almost too young. and THAt is when i really "realize my age" as lizard above so mentions. damnnnnnnnnn.
edit - and btw, yes! too far! you are too young to have DVDs containing hot girls that you think you are old enough to be their father! ack! that reminds me, my husband saw miley cirus at a today show taping (he used to work right around rockefeller plaza) he had no idea who she was, saw her from behind, and commented to his partner about the chick with the smokin' hot legs. when he found out who she was, from his partner sgiving one of those, wtf you know how old that girl is?! hahahahaha. my husband was mortified. and yes, he said she looked way older from behind.
musta missed this one...
i should clarify, the dvd's are not of girls that i could be the father of, which i believe would land me in prison just that i may have a few from that genre, where the "actresses" star with men old enough to be their fathers, hehe. god bless the internet!
your husband shouldn't beat himself up. it's kinda spooky sometimes how fast teenagers grow up these days. it's a strange contradiction... i see girls on college campuses now and they DO look so young. but on the flipside, i used to have to chaperone junior high dances for an old job and some of the girls at them looked like they could walk into any club and get served no problem... in JUNIOR HIGH. some of the guys could have been professional athletes they were so damn huge. there's definitely something wrong with our food supply.
You know you're getting older when you start reading the nutritional content of foods and look directly for Fiber!!!!!!!!!
THIS made me laugh!
conor, ok...far better, thank you.
besides, in reality, the 'average' film has romantic entanglements with may/december pairings ALL the time, with the man being 15-25 years older, and it is NOT the storyline, just 'reality.' :? hahaha. sooo many films are like this, even old films! now if a woman is so much as 7 years older, all of a sudden it IS the plotline. but i digress. no worries, my husband got over it immediately. he just relayed the story b/c it was funny, and yes...commented how young girls dress nowadays. seriously tho, i look back to how i dressed in my teens, most especially make-up....and yea, i looked 'older' at 15 than i did at 25. hahahaha.
When you realise people born in the 90s are now old enough to work :shock: ... and think of the 80s as retro :? ... I swear walking around certain parts of London it's like being in a time warp
or when the prof asks who was born in the 90's and over half the lecture hall puts up their hands :shock:
When you have just accepted redundancy with roughly a years pay and STILL dont know whether to spend some of it going to OZ for a couple of shows, OR saving it and being sensible as who knows how long it will be until i get another job?
Ten years ago i would already have the flights and tickets booked even though i only got the call 90 minutes ago!!
Dam you sensible getting old thoughts..............
When you have just accepted redundancy with roughly a years pay and STILL dont know whether to spend some of it going to OZ for a couple of shows, OR saving it and being sensible as who knows how long it will be until i get another job?
Ten years ago i would already have the flights and tickets booked even though i only got the call 90 minutes ago!!
Dam you sensible getting old thoughts..............
Comments ... gers.jhtml
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
your 22 year old daughter who you still think of as a baby moves to a town 2 hours away.
:shock: how old are you?!
... and I still think Drive-By Truckers are better.
not just yet....but i do realize, i've 'known' my husband more than half my life now. crazy.
how i actually enjoy going to bed early, say 10:30-11pm on a weeknight, so i can get a good night's sleep... :roll:
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
i consider that wisdom, not old
but then...
you start rationalizing your old person habits by claiming it's wisdom
honestly, it's a very recent i could choose to attribute it to age, or to finally have work with regular hours, or trying to get a bit ealier and dare to exercise.... :oops: but even so, i attribute it to age, b/c in my younger years, while i would know it to be the 'smart' thing to do, i still would not choose it.
but sure, really...there's the wisdom of age: experience.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
52 but never grown up.
03/22/94, 01/14/95, 09/24/96, 08/25/98, 08/26/98, 08/31/98, 09/01/98, 09/22/98, 09/23/98, 08/09/00, 08/10/00, 08/12/00, 08/20/00, 08/21/00, 04/11/03, 04/13/03, 07/08/03, 07/09/03, 09/28/04, 09/29/04, 10/06/04, 10/08/04, 09/28/05, 05/20/06, 05/03/10, 05/04/10, 05/10/10
Sorry :oops:
I always thought you seemed much younger form your posts... not that 52 is old mind you!
:shock: I said that exact sentence to an old friend the other day
... when some of your friends are on their second marriage and you remember them WAAAAAAY before their first :shock:
... and I still think Drive-By Truckers are better.
I still have some 8 track tapes.
That makes me feel better about being 42.
...and they to watch younger customers get so excited about things like "the lost boys" tshirt when they weren't even born when it came out...and i remember watching it over and over again :(
puh-leese, most of your staff weren't even born when i graduated college! :shock:
i remember the first time i saw one of those signs that state "you must've been born in X year to purchase cigarettes" and the year was 1986...i almost fell over. talk about feeling OLD. :?
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
I hate those signs. I always think the years are too near. Then I realize my age!!!!!!!
"New music, new friends. Pearl Jam."
I like our socks. I hear we make a fine sock. I always say, You might not love our records, but I think you'll like our socks. - Stone
"This record is us speaking out in class." -EV on PJ
well i still enjoy younger men.
as i said, if i think about it...i might feel dirty/pervy, but i simply try not to think about it.
eh well, at least your thinking about it. then again, maybe i wasy lucky, b/c it didn't hit me until after 30, and took me a good 5 years of denial before i faced the facts. :P then i went right back to my wicked ways and am still facing it at 40. so much for the wisdom age correlation eh?
and i definitely feel old when i consider that people 10-15 years younger than me start feeling old! :shock: and normally, i don't feel old!
edit - and btw, yes! too far! you are too young to have DVDs containing hot girls that you think you are old enough to be their father!
Well, that's why it is making me feel guilty. Until a little while ago 21 would not have shocked me, but now it's becoming odd. I don't have a problem with younger men, but this guy now feels like a baby
a perfect example of an 'you know you're getting old...' statement.
yes, exactly. :?
i still imbibe of course. i do have a pulse.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
musta missed this one...
i should clarify, the dvd's are not of girls that i could be the father of, which i believe would land me in prison
your husband shouldn't beat himself up. it's kinda spooky sometimes how fast teenagers grow up these days. it's a strange contradiction... i see girls on college campuses now and they DO look so young. but on the flipside, i used to have to chaperone junior high dances for an old job and some of the girls at them looked like they could walk into any club and get served no problem... in JUNIOR HIGH. some of the guys could have been professional athletes they were so damn huge. there's definitely something wrong with our food supply.
"New music, new friends. Pearl Jam."
I like our socks. I hear we make a fine sock. I always say, You might not love our records, but I think you'll like our socks. - Stone
"This record is us speaking out in class." -EV on PJ
THIS made me laugh!
conor, ok...far better, thank you.
besides, in reality, the 'average' film has romantic entanglements with may/december pairings ALL the time, with the man being 15-25 years older, and it is NOT the storyline, just 'reality.' :? hahaha. sooo many films are like this, even old films! now if a woman is so much as 7 years older, all of a sudden it IS the plotline. but i digress. no worries, my husband got over it immediately. he just relayed the story b/c it was funny, and yes...commented how young girls dress nowadays.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
i'm older than monty python.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
yeah but the guys in monty python are waaay older.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Ten years ago i would already have the flights and tickets booked even though i only got the call 90 minutes ago!!
Dam you sensible getting old thoughts..............
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★