im thinking of.....



  • josevolutionjosevolution Posts: 30,588
    Cateeto wrote:
    I mean, it was said that 2008 WILL BE a busy year, so we can only hope, right? I mean there's the election coming up... Pearl Jam will most definitely have to do something about that! But you all know this...

    I just always feel so bad when I have to turn down a Pearl Jam show... :(

    believe me i know exactly what you mean it's so hard for me to pass up a chance to see a pj show but when i think of all the things we will be going thru at least at my age i'd rather pass on this ,i've flown down to CHILE to see them spent afew hundred and a total of 4days no problem ...
    jesus greets me looks just like me ....
  • KDH12KDH12 Posts: 2,096
    Bonnaroo sucks, I was one of the only ones saying so but it sucks!!!!!!!!!

    I would rather spend that kind of money going to the Gorge, which is also in no mans land...... but worth the experience.

    I too would go if there was one day passes but $1200 and I am getting married the month before which is not free.......
    **CUBS GO ALL THE WAY IN......never **
  • CateetoCateeto Posts: 377
    believe me i know exactly what you mean it's so hard for me to pass up a chance to see a pj show but when i think of all the things we will be going thru at least at my age i'd rather pass on this ,i've flown down to CHILE to see them spent afew hundred and a total of 4days no problem ...
    Oh definitely! And I just keep thinking... Festivals are just always filled with obnoxious people. There are also those part time Pearl Jam "fans" who come out of hiding when they find Pearl Jam's name on a festival. They don't do the research through the year to find out when their "favorite" band is playing, but when it is shown to them that they are headlining a festival, automatically they show up... And usually annoy me with chants of "BETTERMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!! EVEN FLOW!!!!!!!!!!" and then become pissy when Ed talks politics or whatnot...

    Plus, no shade. Eek!

    Yeah, I'm leaning on not going now, I guess... I mean, if we wanted to, we could get the same experience calling all the jammers out and having a large camp out. And that would be better because it's cheaper and there are no crazies around! Except us of course.... :p
  • CateetoCateeto Posts: 377
    KDH12 wrote:
    Bonnaroo sucks, I was one of the only ones saying so but it sucks!!!!!!!!!

    I would rather spend that kind of money going to the Gorge, which is also in no mans land...... but worth the experience.

    I too would go if there was one day passes but $1200 and I am getting married the month before which is not free.......
    Yeah, it's a steep price to pay.... I say catch them later and enjoy that first month of marriage with your love :) Congrats by the way.
  • Cateeto wrote:
    Jon and I are debating whether or not to go... Like a lot of you are saying, spending four days without a shower in the HOT HOT sun is not very appealing. Plus the expenses. Plus it's a festival and we don't care for them much. BUGS. Dirty people. Sweat everywhere. I feel dirty even thinking about going... And I feel incredibly sunburned too.

    I love Pearl Jam with all my heart. I'm just not sure if this festival thing is going to work for us though.

    Am I a bad person? :( I love Pearl Jam! Really I do! But bugs... And stinky people. I've thought about it for a night or so... Not so sure....

    not a bad person at all, just being logical! i feel the same way you do, and as much as i love the band and would adore seeing them live, it just doesn't seem worth it for me.

    i do feel we'll get more chances though....the 10c email said a busy year, and that to me says more than recording and 1 festival gig. and like cutback said, there is always bridge. being on the lawn at the shoreline is as rough as i wanna get haha
  • exactly. when i travel for shows, a big part of it for me is
    exploring a new city...seeing the sights. doing as much as i
    can while i'm there.

    yeah, i may have spent a few dollars on pearl jam over the years. haha

    and i don't regret a single penny....not one, and i never will.
    me either, worth all of it! getting to explore a new town, and meeting up with old/new friends...the live show is the cherry on top really :)
  • not a bad person at all, just being logical! i feel the same way you do, and as much as i love the band and would adore seeing them live, it just doesn't seem worth it for me.

    i do feel we'll get more chances though....the 10c email said a busy year, and that to me says more than recording and 1 festival gig. and like cutback said, there is always bridge. being on the lawn at the shoreline is as rough as i wanna get haha

    Ohhhh Bridge sounds nice. :)
  • josevolutionjosevolution Posts: 30,588
    Cateeto wrote:
    Oh definitely! And I just keep thinking... Festivals are just always filled with obnoxious people. There are also those part time Pearl Jam "fans" who come out of hiding when they find Pearl Jam's name on a festival. They don't do the research through the year to find out when their "favorite" band is playing, but when it is shown to them that they are headlining a festival, automatically they show up... And usually annoy me with chants of "BETTERMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!! EVEN FLOW!!!!!!!!!!" and then become pissy when Ed talks politics or whatnot...

    Plus, no shade. Eek!

    Yeah, I'm leaning on not going now, I guess... I mean, if we wanted to, we could get the same experience calling all the jammers out and having a large camp out. And that would be better because it's cheaper and there are no crazies around! Except us of course.... :p

    exactly you have to deal with all the other aspects of nonfans, casuall fans, a lot different than just PJ SHOW ...if you go i hope you enjoy it but as of now i'm not no way ...
    jesus greets me looks just like me ....
  • Ohhhh Bridge sounds nice. :)
    doesn't it? nice cool breeze in the evening, no mud, no bugs haha

    i'm biased of course because i can sleep in my own bed the same night, a novelty for PJ gigs! :)
  • CateetoCateeto Posts: 377
    exactly you have to deal with all the other aspects of nonfans, casuall fans, a lot different than just PJ SHOW ...if you go i hope you enjoy it but as of now i'm not no way ...
    Yeah... Have to talk to Mr. Cateeto about it, but after a bit of thinking, we're kind of leaning on not going as well. I mean, it will cost over a thousand bucks... There's not much in TN for us other than some family he barely knows and one of my crazy ex's..... And bugs.

    I feel bad about probably ditching this show... But it also makes me feel good to know that I'm not alone in my feelings and have successfully come to some logic while reading over some threads, sorting all these thoughts out in my brain, and determining that Pearl Jam is far from done with when it comes to Bonnaroo.
  • josevolutionjosevolution Posts: 30,588
    Cateeto wrote:
    Yeah... Have to talk to Mr. Cateeto about it, but after a bit of thinking, we're kind of leaning on not going as well. I mean, it will cost over a thousand bucks... There's not much in TN for us other than some family he barely knows and one of my crazy ex's..... And bugs.

    I feel bad about probably ditching this show... But it also makes me feel good to know that I'm not alone in my feelings and have successfully come to some logic while reading over some threads, sorting all these thoughts out in my brain, and determining that Pearl Jam is far from done with when it comes to Bonnaroo.

    oh yeah i used to never wait if they announced a show i was going it didn't matter, but after 15yrs of following every move they make i have to now consider all aspects of just packing and leaving for a show specially since i do have a wife & two children to think about ....
    jesus greets me looks just like me ....
  • in_hiding79in_hiding79 Posts: 4,315
    taking one of these bad boys to Bonnaroo this summer.....

    watch out!!!!!!!

    May I join you......?? :)
    And so the lion fell in love with the lamb...,"
    "What a stupid lamb."
    "What a sick, masochistic lion."
  • KDH12 wrote:
    Bonnaroo sucks, I was one of the only ones saying so but it sucks!!!!!!!!!

    I would rather spend that kind of money going to the Gorge, which is also in no mans land...... but worth the experience.

    I too would go if there was one day passes but $1200 and I am getting married the month before which is not free.......

    Big reason why Im not going to Bonaroo... gotta save for that shit :)

    Hoping for a show within driving distance to the west coast.
    10.31.93 / 10.1.94 / 6.24.95 / 11.4.95 / 10.19-20.96 / 7.16.98 / 7.21.98 / 10.31.00 /8.4.01 Nader Rally/ 10.21.01 / 12.8-9.02 / 6.01.03 / 9.1.05 / 7.15-16,18.06 / 7.20.06 / 7.22-23.06 / Lolla 07
  • May I join you......?? :)


    i dont know im leaning towards going again.....

    if i park the r.v. and just hang out eat and drink for the first couple days with some good sure we would have a blast .....

    i would only have to deal with the festival the day pearl jam actually played....

    the other couple of days i would never even leave the r.v. area.....

    fuck fuck fuck...........i have changed my mind 475 times today....hehehehe
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • in_hiding79in_hiding79 Posts: 4,315


    i dont know im leaning towards going again.....

    if i park the r.v. and just hang out eat and drink for the first couple days with some good sure we would have a blast .....

    i would only have to deal with the festival the day pearl jam actually played....

    the other couple of days i would never even leave the r.v. area.....

    fuck fuck fuck...........i have changed my mind 475 times today....hehehehe

    Sounds like a plan, let me know when you have made up your mind!! :)
    And so the lion fell in love with the lamb...,"
    "What a stupid lamb."
    "What a sick, masochistic lion."
  • CateetoCateeto Posts: 377


    i dont know im leaning towards going again.....

    if i park the r.v. and just hang out eat and drink for the first couple days with some good sure we would have a blast .....

    i would only have to deal with the festival the day pearl jam actually played....

    the other couple of days i would never even leave the r.v. area.....

    fuck fuck fuck...........i have changed my mind 475 times today....hehehehe
    See, I thought about that too... That could be really fun....

    But bugs....

    And lack of shower....

    Still turns me off.
  • Cateeto wrote:
    See, I thought about that too... That could be really fun....

    But bugs....

    And lack of shower....

    Still turns me off.
    your r.v. will still have a shower....but with limited water...

    you just have to use it wisely.....

    im sure they spray the fuck out of that place to make sure bugs are not an issue........
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • josevolutionjosevolution Posts: 30,588


    i dont know im leaning towards going again.....

    if i park the r.v. and just hang out eat and drink for the first couple days with some good sure we would have a blast .....

    i would only have to deal with the festival the day pearl jam actually played....

    the other couple of days i would never even leave the r.v. area.....

    fuck fuck fuck...........i have changed my mind 475 times today....hehehehe

    you know your making it very hard to just say no at least for me dammm speedy this sucks ....
    jesus greets me looks just like me ....
  • CateetoCateeto Posts: 377
    your r.v. will still have a shower....but with limited water...

    you just have to use it wisely.....

    im sure they spray the fuck out of that place to make sure bugs are not an issue........
    Blah... I still think we're going to have to pass. It would be fun just for the adventure, but it's a pretty expensive adventure with a little too much bullshit :( Have fun if you go though! I'm going to probably wait and see what happens in the next few weeks/months.
  • josevolutionjosevolution Posts: 30,588
    your r.v. will still have a shower....but with limited water...

    you just have to use it wisely.....

    im sure they spray the fuck out of that place to make sure bugs are not an issue........
    yeah they spray once everybody is sleeping hahahhah next morning the chicken you think is chicken is actually dead pigeons he he he ...
    jesus greets me looks just like me ....
  • QuarterToTenQuarterToTen Cincinnati, Ohio Posts: 3,642


    i dont know im leaning towards going again.....

    if i park the r.v. and just hang out eat and drink for the first couple days with some good sure we would have a blast .....

    i would only have to deal with the festival the day pearl jam actually played....

    the other couple of days i would never even leave the r.v. area.....

    fuck fuck fuck...........i have changed my mind 475 times today....hehehehe


    simply ignore the masses for the most part
    and it will be a fine time had by all. quite an adventure.

    and we get to see pearl can you go wrong?
    Nice shirt.
  • you know your making it very hard to just say no at least for me dammm speedy this sucks ....
    fuck fuck fuck fuck.........

    i mean the money what it is.....its gonna run everyone $1000 to do it right....bottom line....

    but i can stay away from the nonsense for a couple days and just hang out by the r.v. problem...

    i realize im spending big money to sit in a lawn chair for 2 days.....but if your surrounded by friends......fuck it....MAKE THE BEST OF IT!!!!!

    i dont know....basically when we go to the derby ......we hang out at the r.v. all day and night.......and its fucking great!!!!!

    only diffeence is water and electrical.....

    fuck fuck fuck fuck............
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • CateetoCateeto Posts: 377
    fuck fuck fuck fuck.........

    i mean the money what it is.....its gonna run everyone $1000 to do it right....bottom line....

    but i can stay away from the nonsense for a couple days and just hang out by the r.v. problem...

    i realize im spending big money to sit in a lawn chair for 2 days.....but if your surrounded by friends......fuck it....MAKE THE BEST OF IT!!!!!

    i dont know....basically when we go to the derby ......we hang out at the r.v. all day and night.......and its fucking great!!!!!

    only diffeence is water and electrical.....

    fuck fuck fuck fuck............
    Right, it is fucking tempting... Hanging out with good people for days is great... But jeez... It's an expensive hang out. You can hang out with people for free in town!

    I love Pearl Jam though.... Ugh... What to do........ Just SO much money!
  • Foxy MopFoxy Mop Posts: 2,823
    fuck fuck fuck fuck.........

    i mean the money what it is.....its gonna run everyone $1000 to do it right....bottom line....

    but i can stay away from the nonsense for a couple days and just hang out by the r.v. problem...

    i realize im spending big money to sit in a lawn chair for 2 days.....but if your surrounded by friends......fuck it....MAKE THE BEST OF IT!!!!!

    i dont know....basically when we go to the derby ......we hang out at the r.v. all day and night.......and its fucking great!!!!!

    only diffeence is water and electrical.....

    fuck fuck fuck fuck............

    Think of this... $267 is not that bad. I've paid more than that at one show for tickets, merch & food/drinks.

    Ya go the one day and then hang in TN with the rest of the one-dayers who go :) Plus, you always have the option to go on any of the other days if you want. But you're not forced to be scuzzy all weekend long.

    I'm still up in the air. The one day thing is looking really good. I'm an addict. I feel sick thinking about NOT going at all. :eek:
    Wishlist Foundation

    This is my kind of love...
  • Foxy Mop wrote:
    Think of this... $267 is not that bad. I've paid more than that at one show for tickets, merch & food/drinks.

    Ya go the one day and then hang in TN with the rest of the one-dayers who go :) Plus, you always have the option to go on any of the other days if you want. But you're not forced to be scuzzy all weekend long.

    I'm still up in the air. The one day thing is looking really good. I'm an addict. I feel sick thinking about NOT going at all. :eek:
    $267 might not be bad for 4 days worth of music but to only go for one day that seems like a ridiculous price! its an awful long way to go just for hanging out and PJ... i really honestly feel like PJ will be playing other shows... i just dont wanna see any of you that are on the fence right now get disappointed if something else comes up... good luck to everyone with deciding :D
    "Senza speme vivemo in disio"
  • QuarterToTenQuarterToTen Cincinnati, Ohio Posts: 3,642
    Foxy Mop wrote:
    Think of this... $267 is not that bad. I've paid more than that at one show for tickets, merch & food/drinks.

    Ya go the one day and then hang in TN with the rest of the one-dayers who go :) Plus, you always have the option to go on any of the other days if you want. But you're not forced to be scuzzy all weekend long.

    I'm still up in the air. The one day thing is looking really good. I'm an addict. I feel sick thinking about NOT going at all. :eek:

    the price of the tickets is actually quite reasonable considering
    the number of bands and the price of concert tickets these days, agreed.

    it is our choice to only see pearl jam for that price.

    a choice i am leaning more and more towards making.

    whats the worst that can happen?? we see pearl jam in the
    rain with bed head and get a coupla of mosquito bites. big deal.

    its all about the experience.

    Nice shirt.
  • Foxy Mop wrote:
    Think of this... $267 is not that bad. I've paid more than that at one show for tickets, merch & food/drinks.

    Ya go the one day and then hang in TN with the rest of the one-dayers who go :) Plus, you always have the option to go on any of the other days if you want. But you're not forced to be scuzzy all weekend long.

    I'm still up in the air. The one day thing is looking really good. I'm an addict. I feel sick thinking about NOT going at all. :eek:
    you dont have to be scuzzy all weekend.....hehehehehehehehehe

    the r.v. is going to hold 30 -50 gallons of fresh water......plenty to get wet........soap up......and rinse off.......

    your just not going to be able to take a 10 minute shower.......

    if you need to fill the fresh water tank once in those 4 big deal....

    obviously i would have liked water and electrical hookup.....but you will still be able to shower......but you wont be able to actually enjoy it...hehehehe

    it will be more like a bird bath...hehehehehehe
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • sgossard3 wrote:
    $267 might not be bad for 4 days worth of music but to only go for one day that seems like a ridiculous price! its an awful long way to go just for hanging out and PJ... i really honestly feel like PJ will be playing other shows... i just dont wanna see any of you that are on the fence right now get disappointed if something else comes up... good luck to everyone with deciding :D

    I'm bummed that I'm not going anymore specially since my best friend is going and I would love to hand out with her at the Festival and see PJ together again :( BUT... I just can't justify that much money for only PJ, the rest of the band dont really appeal to me...the line up announced yesterday was what changed my mind and I too think they'll have at least 1 or 2 more shows and I'll kick myself if I go to 'roo and can't afford to travel later....

    It's very unlikely that I'll change my mind and end up going....
    "Without the album covers, where do you clean your pot?" - EV
  • I'm bummed that I'm not going anymore specially since my best friend is going and I would love to hand out with her at the Festival and see PJ together again :( BUT... I just can't justify that much money for only PJ, the rest of the band dont really appeal to me...the line up announced yesterday was what changed my mind and I too think they'll have at least 1 or 2 more shows and I'll kick myself if I go to 'roo and can't afford to travel later....

    It's very unlikely that I'll change my mind and end up going....
    the only way i change my mind is if they add neil young, bob dylan, or led zeppelin to the lineup at some later time... do they usually add more after the initial announcement or no?
    "Senza speme vivemo in disio"
  • Back and forth as people decide. hehehe :D
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