*** Vancouver Fanviews Here 9/25/09 ***



  • 10C... thank you very, very much! Tickets were excellent (23rd row center floor).

    Pearl Jam... big thanks. Of the 5 shows I have seen you play... the best by far. I'm glad the crowd made you feel as special as what you truly are.

    Seattle people... I was there night II. Don't take it personal that Ed and several others dissed you- these guys were only referring to the 100s of people that left before the encore, the 100s of people that had nodded off during the show, and the 100s of people texting while they were playing their bags off. There was no (ZERO) comparison between audience reception/appreciation. Van made Seattle look like an old age home.

    Come to Vancouver next time to rock out like we do and you'll have a much better time- as well as see what people are talking about when comparing the two groups of fans... no, wait... don't... then great tickets will be harder to get. Stay in Seattle, be defensive and pout.

    On another note... I can understand why some of you want the most obscure songs PJ has. It's as if you are trying to complete your baseball card collection and only need Rodney Scott (#622) to do it! You don't care if you come across another Reggie Jackson or Johnny Bench... you just want Rodney Scott. Me? I'll take doubles of George Brett or Jim Rice and feel better about that than coming across a Kent Tekulve. I've got lots of great times associated with Even Flow/ etc. When this band fires up one of them classics... I'm frickin singing at the top of my lungs and feelin' happier than shit. I'll never ever tire of those tunes. If I do get Rodney Scott... I'll gladly add him to my collection though! It's all good!
    "My brain's a good brain!"
  • Sorry to be a betty bummer, but I can't stand already how every show insists that their show was better than the last.... every show is great if you are seeing your favorite band....

    BUT, to me, ANY show that includes Last Kiss and Ben Harper coming out to waste my time, cannot be the best set list.... How many times are they going to do Indifference together? It's old already... boring... I would much rather hear ANYTHING but Last Kiss, including a Creed or Korn song covered lol

    That is just my opinion... but it IS how I feel....
  • Breath, SOLAT, Alive is like a Mickey Mantle rookie card.

    what with I Got Shit and Reign O'er leading the way.... *thud* ...pick me up off the floor.
  • aNiMaLaNiMaL Posts: 7,117
    Come to Vancouver next time to rock out like we do and you'll have a much better time
    That's utter bullshit as I was in Vancouver in 2005, along with the Gorge in 2005 and 2006, and Seattle 2009. I had equal amount of fun at all of those shows. Nothing in Vancouver this time around would have made me have a "much better time" than I already had in Seattle.

    I rocked my ass off at both Seattle shows as well as everyone around me....

    I think maybe tonight out of spite, I will take my laptop in and get some work done during the show and yawn a lot.

    A way to motivate the Seattle crowds; yeah motivate us to give him the big middle finger.
  • mrwalkerbmrwalkerb Posts: 1,015
    When we were sitting at Dix before the show I was joking about how they should let me do the setlist, and then they basically did, after the first four songs I kept waiting for disident or something that would kill the buzz but all they did was deal my favorite songs all night I mean No Way and later both singles songs back to back was the most absurdly fantastic thing that I've ever seen. So glad I made the trip, plus the Canucks shirt is wicked.
    "I'm not suicidal, except when I drink. That's why we don't all drink at the same time, there'd be no-one alive to drive home..."
    Chris Cornell

  • love the set list.... hope its going on the bootleg list
  • dustinparduedustinpardue Las Vegas, NV Posts: 1,829
    no more Brother?
    "All I Ever Knew" available now in print and digital formats at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and iBooks.
  • InMyTree4InMyTree4 Posts: 1,239
    i am jealous of all of you who were at this show it looks like it was perfect
    EV:boston 1+2.albnay 1.boston 2010
  • InMyTree4 wrote:
    i am jealous of all of you who were at this show it looks like it was perfect
    same here,just got text message from a friend..she told me that was so great,,the setlist first of all,alot of energy from crowd and the band..eddie said see u next year!!!!!!
    "...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
    "..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
    “..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
  • no more Brother?
    Lets hope they do it at least once during the 4 Philly shows. Man I cant wait for those Philly shows!!!!
    Pearl Jam Shows: 1998 - 9/11 New York, NY (MSG night 2); 9/13 Hartford, CT || 2000 - 8/24 Wantagh, NY (Jones Beach 2); 8/27 Saratoga Springs; 8/29 Mansfield, MA (night 1); 8/30 Mansfield, MA (night 2) || 2003 - 4/29 Albany, NY; 5/3 State College, PA; 7/2 Mansfield (night 1); 7/6 Camden, NJ (night 2); 7/8 New York, NY (MSG night 1) || 2004 - 9/28 Boston, MA (night 1); 9/29 Boston, MA (night 2) || 2005 - 10/3 Philadelphia, PA || 2006 - 5/12 Albany, NY; 5/13 Hartford, CT; 5/24 Boston, MA (night 1); 5/25 Boston, MA (night 2); 5/27 Camden, NJ (night 1); 5/28 Camden, NJ (night 2)|| 2008 - 6/19 Camden, NJ (night 1); 6/24 New York, NY (MSG night 1); 6/25 New York, NY (MSG night 2); 6/27 Hartford, CT; 6/28 Mansfield, MA (night 1); 6/30 Mansfield, MA (night 2); 7/1 New York, NY (Beacon Theater)|| 2009 - 9/21 Seattle, WA (night 1); 9/22 Seattle, WA (night 2); 10/27 Philadelphia, PA (Spectrum night 1); 10/28 Philadelphia, PA (Spectrum night 2); 10/30 Philadelphia, PA (Spectrum night 3); 10/31 Philadelphia, PA (Spectrum night 4)|| 2010 - 5/15 Hartford, CT; 5/17 Boston, MA; 5/20 New York, NY (MSG night 1); 5/21 New York, NY (MSG night 2)|| 2011 - 9/3 East Troy, WI (PJ20); 9/4 East Troy, WI (PJ20) || 2012 - 9/2 Philadelphia, PA, 9/30 Missoula, MT || 2013 - 7/19 Chicago, IL (Wrigley Field), 10/12 Buffalo, NY, 10/15 Worcester, MA (night 1), 10/16 Worcester, MA (night 2), 10/18 Brooklyn, NY (night 1), 10/19 Brooklyn, NY (night 2), 10/25 Hartford, CT || 2014 - 10/22 Denver, CO || 2015 -  9/26 New York, NY (Global Citizen Festival) || 2016 - 5/1 New York, NY (night 1), 5/2 New York, NY (night 2), 8/5 Boston, MA (Fenway Park night 1), 8/7 Boston, MA (Fenway Park night 2) || 2018 - 9/2 Boston, MA (Fenway Park night 1) || 2020 - 3/30 New York, NY
    Eddie Vedder solo: 2008 - Boston night 1 & 2 || 2009 - Albany, NY night 1 & 2 || 2011 - Hartford, CT, Boston, MA

  • that was Great show,Great set, and awesome crowd Eddy and the boys thought so to.
  • aNiMaL (hope I spelled that right).

    I may have been a bit cheeky there... but in all seriousness, the crowd (in general) at the Seattle show was apathetic. The crowd in Vancouver was unreal. Maybe there were a bunch of factors that contributed to this, but it doesn't really matter.

    I will agree with you- the show in Seattle was wicked and people like yourself had a blast and left the Arena feeling pretty damn special. Comparing the two shows... pretty hard to do. Comparing the two crowds... not so hard.

    There was a significant portion of the crowd in Seattle that flat out didn't show much passion for the band or the show as you likely did. I think this was uncool... especially after such a long hiatus.

    Just think for a second from PJ's perspective regarding, say, the early exits before the encore (and you cannot deny the 100s- yes 100s- of people wanting to 'beat the rush' as opposed to stay and soak up every second of concert experience PJ was giving!). That is a slight- and if I'm playing my ass off and people are exiting early, well... maybe I'm entitled to a comment (as Ed no doubt felt he was). Mike basically begged the section to his right to show some love all night long. Prompt after prompt after prompt. Not a fantastic response (yes, of course, w/ individual exception).

    I think I saw 4000 posts by your name. You obviously love this band- don't take offence. I was part of the "Shit crowd" too. I didn't feel he directed the comment to me and neither should you. That comment was fair, accurate and directed completely at the 'bored' portion that neighboured us as we rocked out.

    Enjoy tonight. May you get your Rodney Scott!
    "My brain's a good brain!"
  • aNiMaL wrote:
    Come to Vancouver next time to rock out like we do and you'll have a much better time
    That's utter bullshit as I was in Vancouver in 2005, along with the Gorge in 2005 and 2006, and Seattle 2009. I had equal amount of fun at all of those shows. Nothing in Vancouver this time around would have made me have a "much better time" than I already had in Seattle.

    I rocked my ass off at both Seattle shows as well as everyone around me....

    I think maybe tonight out of spite, I will take my laptop in and get some work done during the show and yawn a lot.

    A way to motivate the Seattle crowds; yeah motivate us to give him the big middle finger.

    Kind of a glass half-full of Eddie's bile type guy, huh ?

    Vancouver doesn't get them every album/tour. We don;t get the luxury of shows every year or so anymore. Listen to the Vancouver 05 bootleg, Eddie mentions how incredibly loud the crowd was. Same thing with last night.

    In 2000, they got a shit crowd in Vancouver, at the Commodore. Should have been a chance of a lifetime show, but was filled with douchebag radio station contest winners, most of which crowd surfed and moshed the entire show. It wouldn't have mattered who was on stage or what they were playing. And all night, I watched the band get more an more annoyed by it, and their energy dropped off. It was embarrassing.

    Now, the Seattle shows were nothing like this, but I did see a lot of people who didn't seem to know many songs, barely clapped after them, and sat down between songs and encores. Same thing both nights, and from very different seat locations.

    And since you claim to have been to shows before in your life, you must have heard a frontman get a rise out of a crowd by deriding their last tour stop. Eddie wasn't drunk last night, he was being the front man he is.

    As it was, when he talked at length about Terry Fox last night, leading up to revealing who this person was he was talking about, he built it up so the crowd would explode when Terry's name was finally mentioned. I looked at Stone, who was standing behind him, who was watching Eddie, and a huge smile crept across his face. I almost mis-read it for meaning he thought Ed was being disingenuous, just trying to get that rise out of us. It wasn't. It was clearly his admiration for how Ed can do that with a crowd.

    It's his job. To quote Almost Famous "You know what I do? I connect. I get people off. I look for the guy who isn't getting off, and I make him get off".

    Get over it. Have a good time at the show tonight.
    There's a lot to be said for nowhere...
  • aNiMaLaNiMaL Posts: 7,117
    Thanks Thirty Bills Unpaid and reflectedfromafar. Both of your posts make a lot of sense. It sucks that apparently the Seattle crowds were not up to par. And I guess I didn't catch it because I was too wrapped up in the show and having the time of my life.

    I am pumped up for Clark County tonight!! :mrgreen::mrgreen:

    Glad everyone had a blast in Vancouver last night. That is one of my favorite cities!!! 8-)
  • chittychitty Posts: 609
    Wow, I"ll try to be short, but the buzz is still going in me. I WON THE LOTTERY....and sang that line from WMA to everyone as I walked along the front row to my seats! Front row, dead center.
    When they started with In My Tree I knew it was going to be a special show as I know it isn't a common opener. My whole body, neck especially, is sore from rocking the whole time!
    My friend got one of the set-lists at the end of the show. I will be making a copy for myself without a doubt.
    I was row 33 in Seattle 2 so what a difference row 1 was. As for the shows, both were great, but as others have said, the crowd was WAY better in Vancouver. I mean even the people behind the stage were loving every second of it. Everytime I looked back the crowd was going bonkers. I loved it!
    When Eddie walked on stage to start the show he took 15 seconds to do a 360 look of the arena and judging by his facial expression, he was pretty impressed!
    As for my highlights, other then it being the whole show, I'd say Rearviewmirror and the last 3 songs of the first encore. Outstanding!
    I could write a whole novel about what I saw and felt at this show, but I do now it was one of the best nights of my life. What other band lets fan club members get front row? Best band in literally the best seats, it can't get better!
  • smarcheesmarchee Windsor, Ontario Posts: 14,539
    chitty wrote:
    Wow, I"ll try to be short, but the buzz is still going in me. I WON THE LOTTERY....and sang that line from WMA to everyone as I walked along the front row to my seats! Front row, dead center.

    I wish I thought of that in Toronto, great idea, congratulations on the lottery winnings, it truly is an experience that I will never forget (though not in front of Ed, in front of Mike)
    1998 ~ Barrie
    2003 ~ Toronto
    2005 ~ London, Toronto
    2006 ~ Toronto
    2008 ~ Hartford, Mansfied I,
    2009 ~ Toronto, Chicago I, Chicago II
    2010 ~ Cleveland, Buffalo
    2011 ~ Toronto I, Toronto II, Ottawa, Hamilton
    2013 - London, Pittsburgh, Buffalo
    2014 - Detroit
    2019 - Chicago X 2
  • aNiMaL wrote:
    It's kinda hard not to take shit like that personal.

    It kind of makes me not want to see them tonight... :(
    :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry: Can I have your ticket?? :lol:
    "In the age of darkness
    want to be enlightened"
  • Renee33Renee33 Posts: 128
    wow nice setlist for the Canucks :o ...thats why I love this band, no two shows alike!

    man, can't understand all the bickerin and show comparisons...jesus, I would've loved to be at any of the shows in seattle or vancouver. but, nnnooooo I was sitting at fuckin home doing nothin listenting to backspacer on my shitty little ipod...you should all be grateful no matter which show you attended - regardless of what ed said, or the drunk shits, or sober geriatrics...whatev, at least you were there!! spoiled brats. ;)

    man, every show I go to is great, no matter what
    Dancing in irreverence
  • this concert was off the chain
  • I used to post a lot on these boards, and stopped, but I can't resist...thank you thank you THANK YOU TEN CLUB! I never ever thought I would sit second row, in a million years.

    You made the kid in me (the kid that listened to Pearl Jam when all her elementary school classmates were listening to Backstreet Boys) absolutely lose it about a million times. I can't even attempt to explain how it felt. Thank you.
  • Last night was so amazing! I still don't have words to describe how I felt. Yesterday was probably the best day of my life! This was only my second Pearl Jam concert. My husband has been a fan since he was 10, but we didn't join the Ten Club until 2005. With a # of 361*** I wasn't expecting great seats, but we were happy to get Row 16 on the floor. My two little brothers got seats in Row 15, which was great since we were close enough to see each other.

    The 4 of us got to GM Place early and were lucky enough to meet Ben Harper, Mike, and Boom before the show in 3 separate places - what are the chances?! All were so nice and we were able to talk for awhile, take pictures, and get our CDs signed. We couldn't believe how lucky we were and the show hadn't even started!

    Then it got better! During Reign O'er Me my brother took the Canadian Flag he had brought and threw it up on stage. Jeff picked it up and draped it over the speakers, where it stayed for the rest of the show!!! Check out the pictures - that was our flag!!!

    To top it off, when the crew was packing up the flag got folded up and was just sitting there...so many people asked for it, including my brothers who were denied. With the help of a few fellow PJ fans, (and an irritated security guard) I was able to get it thrown back to me. WOW. No words to describe how happy we were. I was so excited at the time I forgot to say thank you to the people who helped me - if you're reading this - THANK YOU!

    Such an amazing night. I woke up this morning and the first thing I thought was - Did that really happen? I'm still grinning from ear to ear. Thanks Pearl Jam and fans for an incredible night. We can't wait to do it again.
  • My 16th time seeing them and by far the best show I have ever seen. Blew both Seattle shows out of the water, Eddie wasn't kidding when he said Seattle has gone to shit. Kudos to Eddie for mentioning Terry, can't wait for the next show here
  • Just to reiterate - Awesome, awesome show!! Teresa and I had an blast at the pre-party fundraiser for Pearl Jam!! Everyone we met was super positive - and I can't believe how many shows some people have been to! We ended up winning some great items on the raffle, like BC Lions vs Stamps tix, a Euro PJ tour red tshirt, and one of the Vic Posters'. I was really stoked to see so many 10c's out and more surprised to see how many were loving street fighter (like myself)

    We ended up getting tix for row 20, floor from 10C. So many people having an awesome time. I have to agree the set list was amazing. Great energy, great crowd.

    Pics to follow. Sorry don't remember some names. Brad (restlesssoul) and Brian are two I remember.
    Raffle Wins
    The Tour Van - Props!
    PJ Fan Friends
    Raffle Prize
    Silent Auction
  • Yellow BedwetterYellow Bedwetter NYC Posts: 2,832
    bruce wrote:
    Best Pearl Jam show I have ever been too. Amazing set and crowd. More on this later, speachless.

    i gotta say, out of 26 shows, gorge, MSG, boston, seattle,

    This was the best pearl jam show I have ever been to.

    i won front row in the lottery, i held up a 1982 Who Hankerchief during Reign, Ed saw it and liked it. Gave me a nod. During YL while mike was soloing and ed was resting, i threw it up to Ed. he didn't even have to move to catch it. Just hit him, he used it stuck it in his back pocket and ran and got me a pick, handed it to me personally and we shook hands.

    This interaction had nothing to do with this being the best show I've ever been to. i was thinking that LONG before this happened. Terry Fox song - Light Years. HUGE ovation for this. The crowd was unreal, the setlist was off the charts. Just look at it. The band knew they had something special going. The first encore was just blistering, i mean listen to the boot.. In seattle, we got sit down slow songs BOTH nights, on this night? FUCKIN i got shit, Regin, BREATH, SOLAT, ALIVE. MY GOD....No way was wicked tonight too, nasty jam at the end. officially dissed the seattle crowds. said he wanted to move to vancouver, but then the downside, after five years, we would turn into a SHIT CROWD TOO.!!!! hahahhahah

    unreal, epic, mind blowing. best concert ever for myself. Absolutely stunning.

    Im too tired to give a full review. Gotta sleep. portland drive starts in 7 hours. ouch

    pre Party = massive success. THANK YOU ALL.


    i might have to buy this boot (first one w/o having been to the show) based on your review alone...i dont need to read pages 2-8 i got the jist
    2005: Borgata 2, Philly
    2006: Camden 1&2, East Ruth 1&2
    2008: BONNAROO, MSG1, MSG2, Hartford
    2009: Philly 1, 2, 4
    2010: Hartford, MSG1, MSG2
    2012: Made in America
    2013: BK1, BK2, Hartford
    2015: Global Citizens
    2016: MSG 2 (ISO MSG1)
    EV Solo: NJPAC 2008; Tower Theatre, PA 2009; Hartford 2011
  • this was my 8th show just a few notes:
    thanks to 10 c for the seats. i was 3rd row to the extreme left of stone - great view (99xxx senority)
    been to every vancouver show since 93 (except the commodore as wasnt good enough to win cfoxs crap contest) definetly agree with others in this post stating it was the best pj concert theyve been to.
    while at work before the show i read a post where someone mentioned wanting to hear light years for terry fox. kudos to that person as i thought there was no chance in hell that would happen.

    my 2 fav bands back to back in 1 month off to u2 at bc place next month...
  • best PJ show ever. amazing crowd. unreal setlist. energy was incomparable to any PJ show I have ever seen.

    Vancouver loves PJ!
  • the show was so good i am going to go ahead and forgive and forget Ed's comment about the "shit seattle crowd" being that i am from seattle and was at last nights show (25th). i will hand it to you though the beer is better, the bud is better, therefore the people drinking and smoking must also be better...? i won't go as far as to say seattle is a shit crowd but i will forgive Ed this time. plus he forgets about Canada so much he probably just said it to make you all feel special EH!
    no hard feelings Eddie
  • No way, dont play since?
    Santiago I 2005
    Santiago II 2005
    West Palm Beach 2008
    Alpine Valley PJ20 I 2011
    Alpine Valley PJ 20 II 2011
    Santiago 2011
    Lima 2011
    Buenos Aires 2013
    Brooklyn I 2013
    Brooklyn II 2013
    Santiago 2015
    Bogota 2015
    Ft Lauderdale 2016
    Miami 2016
    Rio de Janeiro 2018
    Boston 2 2018
  • TT98TT98 Posts: 136
    wow what an amazing show! I think i was spoiled for my 1st Pearl Jam concert, heard some songs (Breath, No Way, Light Years for Terry) that I didnt think I would hear live. Far and away the best concert I have ever attented, crowd was incredible and cant wait to get my hands on another pair of tickets! I hope he was serious when he said "See you next year"
  • WobbieWobbie Posts: 30,694
    RJNadge4 wrote:

    man, can't understand all the bickerin and show comparisons...jesus, I would've loved to be at any of the shows in seattle or vancouver. but, nnnooooo I was sitting at fuckin home doing nothin listenting to backspacer on my shitty little ipod...you should all be grateful no matter which show you attended - regardless of what ed said, or the drunk shits, or sober geriatrics...whatev, at least you were there!! spoiled brats. ;)

    :lol::lol::lol::lol: well said.
    If I had known then what I know now...

    Vegas 93, Vegas 98, Vegas 00 (10 year show), Vegas 03, Vegas 06
    VIC 07
    EV LA1 08
    Seattle1 09, Seattle2 09, Salt Lake 09, LA4 09
    Columbus 10
    EV LA 11
    Vancouver 11
    Missoula 12
    Portland 13, Spokane 13
    St. Paul 14, Denver 14
    Philly I & II, 16
    Denver 22
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