Mmm Mmm Mmm Barak Hussain Obama ......

Kids at this school can't sing Christmas carols,cant dress up for Halloween,can't prey if they want,but the teacher thinks this is ok. :x :shock: :?
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Edit: I wonder if there are any more significant things occurring in the world? :?
Gosh. imagine that. Shame on them. Imagine something as shocking as focussing on the first black president of the USA. i would've thought it makes perfect sense.
I saw this on Fox News the other night with a full panel on Hannity's America and I was wandering how long before somebody was going to post this. I gather it had to be you to break the ice and NOW I gather these children have been totally indoctrinated and ruined for life. The lawsuits are coming for sure now for the school being upset that the video got out right.
Yes Obama is the evil one who caused this to our children with his speech to America right. This would be more interesting to me had you posted on the Glenn Beck white culture thread.
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
seriously tho, a whole panel discussion on hannity's show?? must have been a slow news day....
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
On a more serious note did this teacher seek permission from her Principal? Also did this teacher seek permission from all the parents of these children? I taught pre-school some years ago and I asked permission for everything I did in my classroom cause in this world you can't trust anyone including your director/principal. You just don't know who is going to be offended by the slightest of things.
Depending on the answers to those questions these parents I'm sure probably would've been in an uproar if this was sung in praise of George W Bush without their permission. If permission was given by all the parents I don't have a problem if they sang to Glen Beck.
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
A couple of points I would like to make here...
First off, is this song going to be an 'indoctrination' thing... such as the 'Pledge Of Allegience'? And are all students forced into participating in it?
Next, kids still sing Christmas songs... such as 'Jingle Bells', 'Deck The Halls' and 'Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer'... don't they? They just cannot be indoctrinated into singing those songs that are specifically targeted to one religion.
Then there is the pagan ritual of 'All Hallow's Eve'. I know, I know... Halloween is for the kids because of all the costumes and free candy and shit. But, maybe that is something left for the parents of the kids to decide, not an indoctrination of the schools. I mean, a little kid that dresses up as Paris Hilton or Britney Spears and goes to complete stranger's homes and accepts candy from them?
Finally, little school kids shouldn't be alowed to prey upon each other. What parent wants their kid to become a predator? If you meant school lead prayer... again, it is because it goes against the whole separation of Church and State. How you you feel if, hypothetically, you were a Christian in a United States that was predominantly Jewish... You would be okay with the school, indoctrinating your kid to Judaism? A 'Moment of Silence' to begin the day is fine... it allows the kids that want to pray to Jesus or God or Allah or Satan or meditate or just veg out for a minute as the morning dose of doctor prescribed/parent approved Ritalin kicks in, to do so... that's fine... typically to most people who don't think a publicly funded school is a proper place to indoctrinate the kids towards one religion over the others.
So, to comment on your thread... Yes, it is a horrible idea if the little school kids must sing the praises of President Obama every morning. If that is the truth.
Adding... were the parents of the kids who sang 'shocked' and 'appalled' when they saw the video? If so, i have to ask... don't they talk to their kids (and vice-versa)? I mean, when I was their age, we had to rehearse that 'Up With People' song and I told my parents about it... you'd think the kids and parents would talk about what's going on at school. Don't the kids and parents talk about what's going on the the kid's life? Or am i just out of it because I don't have kids?
Hail, Hail!!!
He's allowing them (and the Financial companies ) to continue with business as it has been. The exact kind of crooked, criminal and inhumane business practices they have been operating all along.
surely, they can find a better lyricist
Obama is a sham artist. I called it for 18 months leading up to his election. And he's done nothing to prove me wrong.
Must be so much better than before when the last president was spying on you, torturing prisoners, wiping his ass with the constitution...
Now if you'll excuse us, we have things that matter to talk about. Can you please keep your phony indignation machine to a dull roar?
How is this petty crap, when our President has really NOT done an enormous amount of what he claimed he'd do? He talks a big game during his campaign, but he's catering to the very same corporations who were/are huge contributors to the mess we're in.
Wait, are you assuming (in all of your high and mighty, arrogant wisdom) that if someone doesn't support or believe in Obama, that, they must automatically be supporters of Bush Jr. and Chenney?
With your oh so high and mighty and oh so focused on "real " issues attitude, one would think you'd be immune to narrow-minded thinking and black and white perceptions. I believe I see a some rust eating away at your oh so superior silver crown of a superiority complex.
Oh that's right, you have to go join the others on The Porch and talk about the quality of Ed Vedder's 2009 hair, compared to 1992. Yes, do run along and join that discussion. Hurry, wouldn't want to miss that one.
BTW, what's with this "us" and "we" thing? You said...and I quote..... " if you'll excuse "us", "we" have things that matter to talk about."
You have a mouse in your pocket?
Or maybe you're a conjoined twin?
"Prey?" with an e!
That's a good one.
You don't think that bitching about a song about the president sung by a bunch of school kids is "petty crap?"
I haven't seen the video, but I've heard about it and it does scare me that our children are being taught this kind of thing. I remember when my daughter was in Kindergarten and she learned a song about Abe Lincoln. That was completely different because the song basically was about Lincoln being our 16th president. It wasn't worshipping a current president.
Did this happen in a private school? If so, then I still feel awful for our future but I really have no say over what happens in a private school. If it happened in a public school, it's a whole different story. Permission slips better be on record and what kind of parent signs a permission slip like that???
I think we both agree... it was lame at best. When I was in the Fourth grade, I thought that 'Up With People' thing was cool... but, hey... I was in the fourth grade. I look back and now it seems quite lame.
And i don't know if worship is the correct term, here. It was a song the kids learned and rehearsed for that 'Welcome Back To School' thing... which was nothing more than a 'Welcome Back To School' thing.
I think people got all worked up because of all the Nazi/Communist/Socialist/Fascist indoctrination stuff that grown adults fabricated.
I don't know what warrants a permission slip... field trips, yes... vaccination shots, yes... sing-a-songs? It may also mean that we require permission slips for Christmas plays where the 'threat' on 'Silent Night' might make an appearance. Where do we draw the line?
In the big picture... not a big deal. I used to believe my teachers when they told me about George Washington and the cherry tree incident.... "I cannot tell a lie" was just a lie. I grew up to discover that George Washington was a Free Mason (not a bad thing) that owned slaves. It didn't do anything to me and I understand that teachers were trying to instill a sense of American citizenship in me. Just like I don't hold scorn towards my parents about that whole Santa Claus lie. I guess it's just what adults do to little kids... lie to them. But, it ain't a bad thing. Let them learn about the founding fathers owning slaves, the genocide of the Native Americans and the original text of the 'Pledge Of Alligence' when they get older and hone their reasoning skills.
Hail, Hail!!!
Idiotic thing for a teacher/school to do? yes.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
This might come as a shocker Jasunmark....but just because it's petty crap to you doesn't mean it's petty crap to everyone. I say keep politics out of our schools. If we want our kids learning about politics let the parents deal with it. I'm sure there are some parents out there that are republican and do not agree with Obama policies. Freakin ignorant teachers should realize this.
Right On!!!! He's always bringing up Bush. Like if we don't agree on something we're big Bush lovers. I think he's still holding in alot of anger from the last president :roll: GET OVER IT!!!!! MOVE ON!!!!!
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
so far I've seen lots and lots of attacks on our new president and they all fall into the "Petty Crap" or "Internet Innuendo" categories..
He's "uppity," he wasn't born in America, his wife shows too much arm, they shake hands like terrorists, he's speaking to kids in school to brain wash them, his wife wears shorts, his old minister yells a lot, he uses Dijon Mustard, he once sat on a board with some guy who was a political radical 10 years before, he's on too many TV shows, he's not going on Fox, he looks good with his shirt off, he reads too much... he wants to "pull the plug on Grandma.."
It's pointless cry baby crap.
When a bunch of kids all got together and as "The Katrina Kids" and sang a song about how they were working with George Bush "Hand in Hand," the phony indignation machine stayed quiet... but without anything tangible to wail about... they're now whining that a few kids sang a song.
For the record, I didn't give a shit about the George Bush song, either... it's just kids doing something other than drugs as far as I'm concerned.
But all this harping about shit that doesn't matter is just making people look lame.
I like that... 'Keep politics out of our schools'. Is that how you have the political skills you possess today... you never learned anything about politics in school... only in your home?
If so... that explains a lot.
Hail, Hail!!!
Well that's the real kicker, isn't it?
The "No Child Left Behind" debacle has meant that kids no longer are taught opinions.. they're not taught how to reason or independent thought. "NCLB" is all about memorizing answers and not questioning what you've been told.
I think one of the most insane things I've read for a while is "Keep politics out of school." School is where that SHOULD be taught. Students should debate, they should develop their own positions and make informed decisions.
Keeping politics out of school leads to people like the Tea Baggers... they don't know what socialism is, they don't know what communism is, they don't know what fascism is but they know they're bad... they don't know what a "Czar" is in the American political sense, they don't know how bills are passed, they don't know what the three branches of government are.
They say things like "keep your government hands off my medicare." They whine about socialism while sitting in a public park and watching a free concert thrown by the city before they take the subway home.
We need the next generation to be smarter. Hey, if that means more conservatives, fine... but at least give me conservatives that know what the difference between socialism and communism.
well,yeah, you're probably right about that i guess. But c'mon, having kids sing " mmm mmm mmm Barak Hussain Obama " is a little freaky.
Politics in schools can be fine. But there not leaving kids to make there own choices on what they WANT to believe....There teaching them WHAT to believe.
Thats real mature.....let's try to keep my family and the way I was brought up out of debates please.
They're teaching them to sing a song about the president of the USA. It's no different from singing God Bless America or any other patriotic nonsense. If all it takes is one song in a lame school pageant thing to hopelessly shatter the mind of your child and make them worship Obama, I think the problem is not indoctrination but poor parenting at home.
everything can not be blamed on poor parenting, blame lies in each individual. so kids just dont give a f*@& what their parents or anyone else says, kids are used to expecting everything and dont pay attention to important things, and when you try to teach them, you only get rolled eyes. which for one makes me wanna smack them eyes out of their head.