hey there - thanks for the calling out those 2 C U Next Tuesdays last night. that was my daughter. i am not sure which guy you are but i have to say that all of the guys around us were super cool to my 13 year old (she is a bit small for her age). what bothered me the most and prompted me to go to security (something i have never done in all my years of concert attendance) was the smart ass response when i asked them to stop. in fact, they shot me a smirk and chuckled at me in essence laughing at me and my kid, had no show of remorse at all and thought the whole thing was funny. it took all the control i have to have not jumped back a row and... whatever - i was not going to get myself arrested!
i have been to well over 25 pj shows and have always been amazed by the community aspect of the 10c section down front. my member number of 66xxx has afforded me not only the best concert experiences in my over 40 years on earth but has also led to some great friendships that have started and continued thanks to pj. the guy sitting next to me was at the show in may 2003 - the first show i took my daughter to. we were dead center in the third row - eddie tossed his tambourine to her and he remembered us from that show - now that's community.
In the days before chicago's smoking ban, this would have been a different thing. i would still have taken my daughter to the show but she would have known that smoke was part of the experience and maybe would have passed - maybe not.
the security guys were totally cool - off duty chicago cops. it took daughter and brother for us to take care of the situation and i gotta tell ya... it felt damn good to see those 2 assholes escorted out of the show.
bottom line - no one fucks with my kid and gets away with it... a true shout out to you and the others and again my sincere thanks. see you at the next show.
You kept your composure real well, I was two rows behind you. You were very polite, and did not get pissy with them at all. Their response blow a big ass cloud of it right at her....unreal. T I had your back, :-) they pissed me off with that BS. I have sat next to, behind, pot smokers, I don't dig it, and if I ever asked any of them to stop they were totally cool and apologetic. At least blow it up for crying out loud, they went out of their way to frag you. I hope she had a good time, I was keeping my fingers crossed she'd at least get a pick.
As Tony drove us back to West Rogers Park last night, we sat in his back seat speechless. We were on our way back from the second show of Pearl Jam's two-night stint at the United Center in Chicago, and for once, words failed us.
But let's backtrack first before we get into the details. Frequently, people ask why I go to more than one Pearl Jam show per tour. I politely explain that the band has taken a cue from performers like Bruce Springsteen, and they change up their sets from night to night. I would tell people this partially because it was true, and partially to assuage my own guilt from spending so much money to see this band so many times.
And then Chicago happened:
2 nights
56 songs
Only 7 repeats
Let me say that again, in case you missed it:
Only 7 repeats
This wasn't two separate shows in the same city, this was one 2-part show. It was a marathon 4.5 hour concert, with a 22 hour encore break in the middle. It was a concert to be remembered and cherished.
Part 1 was an energetic show with a recognizable, but far from standard setlist. Opening with the calm and beautiful Long Road, the band sampled from their radio hits (Corduroy, Alive, Dissident, Small Town, Given to Fly, Even Flow), their early hard rock tracks (Rats, Why Go, Spin the Black Circle, Rearviewmirror), their lesser known gems (Come Back, Save You, In Hiding, Man of the Hour, Long Road, God's Dice, Insignificance, Life Wasted), rarities (Sad, Smile), their upcoming album Backspacer (The Fixer, Supersonic, Got Some), a bit of Neil Young (Needle and the Damage Done) and The Who's epic album Quadrophenia (Love Reign O'er Me, The Real Me).
The show was a powerhouse of energy and emotion, as Jeff Ament dedicated it to a good friend who had recently died. The encores were the show's strongest point, and the night ended on a high as Mike McCready played us out the doors as the house lights went on with Yellow Ledbetter.
Thus endeth part 1.
Part 2 began similarly calmly, with the Mike driven Hard to Imagine. The band followed that up with Corduroy, after which Eddie turned to the crowd smiling and said:
'What day is it? Is it Monday? Well, it feels like a Sunday night crowd. It's definitely more of a Sunday night crowd than last night's crowd,' to which the crowd erupted. The next thing we heard were the opening drums to In My Tree (the old good version) and after that things began to get crazy. By the end of the first encore, we had heard 5 songs off of Vitalogy including Nothingman, Last Exit, Whipping, and Not For You; we had the first Brother in the US since the early 90s; we had heard killer versions of Grievance, Alive, Do the Evolution, and Porch; we had heard a beautiful rendition of Black with 'We belong together' at the end. And that was only the first encore. There was still one to go.
The second encore began with Boom on Wasted Reprise, then straight into Betterman. By the time Stone played the first chord of Crazy Mary, it was already 10:58 PM, with only 2 minutes until the assumed 11 PM curfew.
But the band continued with State of Love and Trust.
And we thought they were finished.
But the band turned on the house lights, and continued with Fuckin' Up.
And then we knew they had to be finished- the house lights had already gone on, Mike and Jeff had switched bass and guitar, and Eddie had traded a tamborine for a blonde wig- what else could possibly happen?
But Mike took his guitar back, and rocked us all to sleep with Yellow Ledbetter.
To quote Greg Kot of the Chicago Tribune: (Eddie Vedder) "didn't so much sing the songs as detonate them." Kot's got it on the money. This wasn't a concert- it was an explosion; an explosion of energy, emotion, great music, fantastic songs, and a band and their following- both of whom never seem to want to let up.
I've seen these guys many times, from Lolla 92 to yesterday...and by far yesterday was the best setlist.
A good mix of "rare" stuff and classic, crowd pleasing standbys. They mixed the pace well and when they got going...oh MAN did they get going.
The last time I saw the band was when they opened for Petty (in Minneapolis and Milwaukee) and the energy at those shows was amazing and I was disappointed they didn't get to play longer. Well, they made up for it last night. The band seemed like they wanted to play all night (and they did play "All Night").
I can't add much more than what was already said...the show was solid, the band was together and obviously having fun.
Thanks to 10c for the seats and the good folks sitting around me (much prefer the 10c folks than the random hangers-on who tend to be the BIG drunks and concert ruiners).
Good stuff. Just wish I didn't get home at 3am and have to work today. Not sure how I'm still awake right now.
I remember the first time I saw them…..6th row center….Alpine Valley….Lolapalloza…1992. Short set….Eddie climbed to the top of the center canopy…..I was hooked ever since.
Then 1995 in Milwaukee…Summerfest I think…then for whatever reason I didn’t go to the 2 night stand at Alpine in 98…..but I caught the Ice Bowl in 2000.
Then I was treated to my fav show of all time…Alpine 2003. Caught them again at UC in 2006 and then the Tom Petty show at summerfest.
Patiently waited…(got a lil fixer with EV solo at the Riverside)…..till there return to Chitown in 2009 night 2. And I thought 2003 Alpine kicked ass…But I must say….this band just keeps getting better. This has to be the best PJ show I have seen to date. I have seen many other shows…TOOL is an experience too, never seen a bad show by them….but last night….was truly a night to remember in my concert going festivities.
I could go on and on about this guy next to me, or the drunk chick I saw being dragged around by her husband….but all I need to say is Thank you PJ…thank you 10C….thank you Chicago.
Besides my love for my kids, my wife….and my faith in Jesus Christ. I am thankful to be alive and being able to witness this band from the beginning to the hopefully distant end….oh and I am thankful that I will get to see Tiger Woods entire golf career too LOL.
and being a father of a cubscout…I wonder where troop 365 is from?
I'm grateful to live in Chicago and have the means to see Pearl Jam as often as schedules allow. My highlight from this particular show was the chance to really watch Stone play. My very solid 10 Club seats gave me a good look at him most of the night. Tremendous. And I could really hear Jeff's bass well, which was awesome.
i live on long island, ny, so this was the furthest ive traveled for a show.. .built my vacation around it (my dad lives just outside chicago so this was a good week to come visit (:), it did not disappoint...this was my 12th show, 1st time seeing bad religion opening, already was a fan but seeing them live made me a bigger fan. ..as for pj, what can you say that hasnt already been said, they sounded tight and gave a very energetic performance.. .ed gave a funny line about some dude wearing a "no even flow" t-shirt, saying he might have to fight mike and himself...somehow "alive" never gets old for me. ..also nice to hear the new songs got some and fixer.. .also heard brother and the real me for the 1st time live...hard to imagine is always a great opener
ps-this was my first pj show not getting tickets from the fan club, decided to go too late to get them from 10c so got them from shitty unnamed ticketbroker. . .probably the worst seats ive had (sec 213), but that didnt stop me from enjoying the show. . .also the 2nd pj show ive attended solo, hardly noticed belting out the tunes with my fellow jamily
i have wished for so long, how i wish for you today
no complaints at all energy tonight was 100 times better than last night
Mike's fingers were on fucking fire
Matt's bass drum was vibrating my spinal column
Ed's voice is in as good of shape as I can remember
Stone is some energetic guy I never saw before
Jeff playing the bass at his knees...just love it
Boom is still ugly
a great pair of nights
Night 2 energy from the crowd was fantastic! Night 1, I have no clue but I was in 109 and I seen ALOT of people just standing around, while the rear sections of the arena were on fire!
come on senior members of the club, pick it up!!! or are we getting too old (myself included )
either way, great experience would do it again in a heartbeat!
section 4...you guys kicked ass
East Troy 10/08/00 St. Paul 06/16/03 Chicago 5/17/06 St. Paul 6/26/06 St. Paul 6/27/06 Lollapalooza '07 Bonnaroo '08 Chicago 8/23/09 Chicago 8/24/09 PJ 20 9/3/11 PJ 20 9/4/11 Milwaukee 10/20/14 Chicago 8/20/16 Chicago 8/22/16 Chicago 8/18/18 Chicago 8/20/18
hey there - thanks for the calling out those 2 C U Next Tuesdays last night. that was my daughter. i am not sure which guy you are but i have to say that all of the guys around us were super cool to my 13 year old (she is a bit small for her age). what bothered me the most and prompted me to go to security (something i have never done in all my years of concert attendance) was the smart ass response when i asked them to stop. in fact, they shot me a smirk and chuckled at me in essence laughing at me and my kid, had no show of remorse at all and thought the whole thing was funny. it took all the control i have to have not jumped back a row and... whatever - i was not going to get myself arrested!
i have been to well over 25 pj shows and have always been amazed by the community aspect of the 10c section down front. my member number of 66xxx has afforded me not only the best concert experiences in my over 40 years on earth but has also led to some great friendships that have started and continued thanks to pj. the guy sitting next to me was at the show in may 2003 - the first show i took my daughter to. we were dead center in the third row - eddie tossed his tambourine to her and he remembered us from that show - now that's community.
In the days before chicago's smoking ban, this would have been a different thing. i would still have taken my daughter to the show but she would have known that smoke was part of the experience and maybe would have passed - maybe not.
the security guys were totally cool - off duty chicago cops. it took daughter and brother for us to take care of the situation and i gotta tell ya... it felt damn good to see those 2 assholes escorted out of the show.
bottom line - no one fucks with my kid and gets away with it... a true shout out to you and the others and again my sincere thanks. see you at the next show.
Sorry to hear that some punks almost ruined your night. There no place for these kind of people at a Pearl Jam concert, or anywhere else.. Cool for the security. Hope you still enjoyed the show!.
There's a light,... when my baby's in my arms...
And I know she's reached my heart,... in thin air
hey there - thanks for the calling out those 2 C U Next Tuesdays last night. that was my daughter. i am not sure which guy you are but i have to say that all of the guys around us were super cool to my 13 year old (she is a bit small for her age). what bothered me the most and prompted me to go to security (something i have never done in all my years of concert attendance) was the smart ass response when i asked them to stop. in fact, they shot me a smirk and chuckled at me in essence laughing at me and my kid, had no show of remorse at all and thought the whole thing was funny. it took all the control i have to have not jumped back a row and... whatever - i was not going to get myself arrested!
i have been to well over 25 pj shows and have always been amazed by the community aspect of the 10c section down front. my member number of 66xxx has afforded me not only the best concert experiences in my over 40 years on earth but has also led to some great friendships that have started and continued thanks to pj. the guy sitting next to me was at the show in may 2003 - the first show i took my daughter to. we were dead center in the third row - eddie tossed his tambourine to her and he remembered us from that show - now that's community.
In the days before chicago's smoking ban, this would have been a different thing. i would still have taken my daughter to the show but she would have known that smoke was part of the experience and maybe would have passed - maybe not.
the security guys were totally cool - off duty chicago cops. it took daughter and brother for us to take care of the situation and i gotta tell ya... it felt damn good to see those 2 assholes escorted out of the show.
bottom line - no one fucks with my kid and gets away with it... a true shout out to you and the others and again my sincere thanks. see you at the next show.
You kept your composure real well, I was two rows behind you. You were very polite, and did not get pissy with them at all. Their response blow a big ass cloud of it right at her....unreal. T I had your back, :-) they pissed me off with that BS. I have sat next to, behind, pot smokers, I don't dig it, and if I ever asked any of them to stop they were totally cool and apologetic. At least blow it up for crying out loud, they went out of their way to frag you. I hope she had a good time, I was keeping my fingers crossed she'd at least get a pick.
to each their own, just don't be pricks about it
Unbelievable. Yeah, I don't care if you smoke up at the shows either, just don't antogonize people with it. Two jerks in Dallas in 2000 would lean forward ove the back of my seat and intentionally blow it on the back of my neck and laugh. I never call security over pot and never have since but I did that day. I wasn't in 10C seats though so neither were they.
Anyway, glad you had the situation resolved and had a great show because night 2 was incredible.
I would agree with what you are saying except for the fact that Ed made a couple comments about the LACK OF ENERGY from the crowd. It did pick up over the course of the show in spots. But a crowd with great energy would not have Eddie trying to give it a pep talk.
A few people have mentioned this, but that's not what I remember him saying. Maybe I just misheard it, but I thought he was saying that it was a better crowd than Sunday's. That it was more like a weekend crowd, or is being like a weekend crowd a bad thing? :?
He said something like "You are more of a Sunday crowd than Sunday's crowd" or something like that and then "We'll do our best to make it a Saturday night crowd". Something along those lines.
this link takes me to a site where they want me to sign up for a free trial of something?
anyone else getting this?
Get it now, get enough, before its gone, let's everybody carry on, carry on....
join the street team http://wishlistfoundation.fancorps.com
"headphones are highly recommended...." Jeff Ament
Was in section 4 with a fellow Ohio native about 5 rows back and we jammed hard. Two guys right in front of us were hitting it hard to. My brother and friend were about 10 rows back from us and said it was pretty hoppin back there to. Way to represent Section 4!
1992: Bridge School Benefit
1993: Reno
1994: Bridge School Benefit
1995: San Jose
1996: Seattle
1997: Santa Cruz
1998: Indianapolis
1999: Bridge School Benefit
2000: St. Louis
2001: Bridge School Benefit
2002: Chicago
2003: East Troy
2004: Asheville
2005: Thunder Bay
2006: Portland
2007: Copenhagen
2008: Washington D.C.
2009: Chicago
Was in section 4 with a fellow Ohio native about 5 rows back and we jammed hard. Two guys right in front of us were hitting it hard to. My brother and friend were about 10 rows back from us and said it was pretty hoppin back there to. Way to represent Section 4!
Row 14!!!!
East Troy 10/08/00 St. Paul 06/16/03 Chicago 5/17/06 St. Paul 6/26/06 St. Paul 6/27/06 Lollapalooza '07 Bonnaroo '08 Chicago 8/23/09 Chicago 8/24/09 PJ 20 9/3/11 PJ 20 9/4/11 Milwaukee 10/20/14 Chicago 8/20/16 Chicago 8/22/16 Chicago 8/18/18 Chicago 8/20/18
I would agree with what you are saying except for the fact that Ed made a couple comments about the LACK OF ENERGY from the crowd. It did pick up over the course of the show in spots. But a crowd with great energy would not have Eddie trying to give it a pep talk.
A few people have mentioned this, but that's not what I remember him saying. Maybe I just misheard it, but I thought he was saying that it was a better crowd than Sunday's. That it was more like a weekend crowd, or is being like a weekend crowd a bad thing? :?
He said something like "You are more of a Sunday crowd than Sunday's crowd" or something like that and then "We'll do our best to make it a Saturday night crowd". Something along those lines.
He definitely was giving crowd 2 shit at the start. Because I agree that crowd 1 was more crazy. Lots of reasons for that. More fan club, more time to party beforehand, and my excuse for night 2, still hungover from night 1. But we all got going.
I think he than introduced Nothingman by saying, "Here's a Sunday night one for ya."
Overall, both nights were incredible. Slight edge to night 1 for the crowd. Set lists are so personal.
Thanks 10Club for seats. Both were great. #140,xxx. Right side of stage, 12th row, night 1. 19th row Sec. 3 for night 2.
As for the pot smokers, they must have been rookies. I like to hold it in mon.
Anyone else see Jen Patterson at the show? She also showed a vid on Monsters this morning of Eddie playing catch with Ryan Dempster of the Cubs on the field before the Cubs game yesterday. Super hip Mike North (sic) said it looked like Dempster was playing catch with a homeless guy. Jen said "Shame on you Mike."
I want to rock and roll all night, and part of every day. - M. McCready
It opens another window. Just keep going back to the original page and it should play.
i am technologically challenged. i keep going back and i get either the i reel thing or a how to make money on google ad?
Get it now, get enough, before its gone, let's everybody carry on, carry on....
join the street team http://wishlistfoundation.fancorps.com
"headphones are highly recommended...." Jeff Ament
When it opens a new window, click back on the original tab and click the play button in the center.
thank you!!!!!!!!!
holy mother of pearl jam!!!!!!
Get it now, get enough, before its gone, let's everybody carry on, carry on....
join the street team http://wishlistfoundation.fancorps.com
"headphones are highly recommended...." Jeff Ament
When it opens a new window, click back on the original tab and click the play button in the center.
thank you!!!!!!!!!
holy mother of pearl jam!!!!!!
I guess that means you liked it. I am uploading Needle and the Damage Done/Rats right now. 2 hours to go. I got 16 videos from the 2 nights in total. I filled up 12 GB of memory.
When it opens a new window, click back on the original tab and click the play button in the center.
thank you!!!!!!!!!
holy mother of pearl jam!!!!!!
I guess that means you liked it. I am uploading Needle and the Damage Done/Rats right now. 2 hours to go. I got 16 videos from the 2 nights in total. I filled up 12 GB of memory.
yes indeed!
thank you!
Get it now, get enough, before its gone, let's everybody carry on, carry on....
join the street team http://wishlistfoundation.fancorps.com
"headphones are highly recommended...." Jeff Ament
I feel like I spent 2 weeks in fucking Disneyland....
Hahaha! I felt exactly the same way. Sunday and Monday were like one giant Christmas present in August.
I forgot to mention a few things...when they opened with Hard To Imagine I almost peed my pants...it's one of my favorite PJ songs and I had never heard it live. I was surprised that they didn't open either night with Release, but I didn't care!
It was also awesome to see Bad Religion live!
Seriously, they should make a DVD of these two epic shows. I agree with whoever said it was two volumes of one giant concert...just with a 24 hour break in between!
Chicago 2000 : Chicago 2003 : Chicago 2006 : Summerfest 2006 : Lollapalooza 2007 : Chicago 2009 : Noblesville (Indy) 2010 : PJ20 (East Troy) 2011 : Wrigley Field 2013 : Milwaukee (Yield) 2014 : Wrigley Field 2016
When it opens a new window, click back on the original tab and click the play button in the center.
thank you!!!!!!!!!
holy mother of pearl jam!!!!!!
I guess that means you liked it. I am uploading Needle and the Damage Done/Rats right now. 2 hours to go. I got 16 videos from the 2 nights in total. I filled up 12 GB of memory.
WOW, these two nights should devinately have been shot for a DVD release. Don't have much more that what's been said. I knew it was going to be an epic experience, but DAMN!
You kept your composure real well, I was two rows behind you. You were very polite, and did not get pissy with them at all. Their response blow a big ass cloud of it right at her....unreal. T I had your back, :-) they pissed me off with that BS. I have sat next to, behind, pot smokers, I don't dig it, and if I ever asked any of them to stop they were totally cool and apologetic. At least blow it up for crying out loud, they went out of their way to frag you. I hope she had a good time, I was keeping my fingers crossed she'd at least get a pick.
to each their own, just don't be pricks about it
Check my review and pics here: http://troubledsoulsunite.blogspot.com/
As Tony drove us back to West Rogers Park last night, we sat in his back seat speechless. We were on our way back from the second show of Pearl Jam's two-night stint at the United Center in Chicago, and for once, words failed us.
But let's backtrack first before we get into the details. Frequently, people ask why I go to more than one Pearl Jam show per tour. I politely explain that the band has taken a cue from performers like Bruce Springsteen, and they change up their sets from night to night. I would tell people this partially because it was true, and partially to assuage my own guilt from spending so much money to see this band so many times.
And then Chicago happened:
2 nights
56 songs
Only 7 repeats
Let me say that again, in case you missed it:
Only 7 repeats
This wasn't two separate shows in the same city, this was one 2-part show. It was a marathon 4.5 hour concert, with a 22 hour encore break in the middle. It was a concert to be remembered and cherished.
Part 1 was an energetic show with a recognizable, but far from standard setlist. Opening with the calm and beautiful Long Road, the band sampled from their radio hits (Corduroy, Alive, Dissident, Small Town, Given to Fly, Even Flow), their early hard rock tracks (Rats, Why Go, Spin the Black Circle, Rearviewmirror), their lesser known gems (Come Back, Save You, In Hiding, Man of the Hour, Long Road, God's Dice, Insignificance, Life Wasted), rarities (Sad, Smile), their upcoming album Backspacer (The Fixer, Supersonic, Got Some), a bit of Neil Young (Needle and the Damage Done) and The Who's epic album Quadrophenia (Love Reign O'er Me, The Real Me).
The show was a powerhouse of energy and emotion, as Jeff Ament dedicated it to a good friend who had recently died. The encores were the show's strongest point, and the night ended on a high as Mike McCready played us out the doors as the house lights went on with Yellow Ledbetter.
Thus endeth part 1.
Part 2 began similarly calmly, with the Mike driven Hard to Imagine. The band followed that up with Corduroy, after which Eddie turned to the crowd smiling and said:
'What day is it? Is it Monday? Well, it feels like a Sunday night crowd. It's definitely more of a Sunday night crowd than last night's crowd,' to which the crowd erupted. The next thing we heard were the opening drums to In My Tree (the old good version) and after that things began to get crazy. By the end of the first encore, we had heard 5 songs off of Vitalogy including Nothingman, Last Exit, Whipping, and Not For You; we had the first Brother in the US since the early 90s; we had heard killer versions of Grievance, Alive, Do the Evolution, and Porch; we had heard a beautiful rendition of Black with 'We belong together' at the end. And that was only the first encore. There was still one to go.
The second encore began with Boom on Wasted Reprise, then straight into Betterman. By the time Stone played the first chord of Crazy Mary, it was already 10:58 PM, with only 2 minutes until the assumed 11 PM curfew.
But the band continued with State of Love and Trust.
And we thought they were finished.
But the band turned on the house lights, and continued with Fuckin' Up.
And then we knew they had to be finished- the house lights had already gone on, Mike and Jeff had switched bass and guitar, and Eddie had traded a tamborine for a blonde wig- what else could possibly happen?
But Mike took his guitar back, and rocked us all to sleep with Yellow Ledbetter.
To quote Greg Kot of the Chicago Tribune: (Eddie Vedder) "didn't so much sing the songs as detonate them." Kot's got it on the money. This wasn't a concert- it was an explosion; an explosion of energy, emotion, great music, fantastic songs, and a band and their following- both of whom never seem to want to let up.
Eddie Vedder: 6/15/09 6/16/11
A good mix of "rare" stuff and classic, crowd pleasing standbys. They mixed the pace well and when they got going...oh MAN did they get going.
The last time I saw the band was when they opened for Petty (in Minneapolis and Milwaukee) and the energy at those shows was amazing and I was disappointed they didn't get to play longer. Well, they made up for it last night. The band seemed like they wanted to play all night (and they did play "All Night").
I can't add much more than what was already said...the show was solid, the band was together and obviously having fun.
Thanks to 10c for the seats and the good folks sitting around me (much prefer the 10c folks than the random hangers-on who tend to be the BIG drunks and concert ruiners).
Good stuff. Just wish I didn't get home at 3am and have to work today. Not sure how I'm still awake right now.
Then 1995 in Milwaukee…Summerfest I think…then for whatever reason I didn’t go to the 2 night stand at Alpine in 98…..but I caught the Ice Bowl in 2000.
Then I was treated to my fav show of all time…Alpine 2003. Caught them again at UC in 2006 and then the Tom Petty show at summerfest.
Patiently waited…(got a lil fixer with EV solo at the Riverside)…..till there return to Chitown in 2009 night 2. And I thought 2003 Alpine kicked ass…But I must say….this band just keeps getting better. This has to be the best PJ show I have seen to date. I have seen many other shows…TOOL is an experience too, never seen a bad show by them….but last night….was truly a night to remember in my concert going festivities.
I could go on and on about this guy next to me, or the drunk chick I saw being dragged around by her husband….but all I need to say is Thank you PJ…thank you 10C….thank you Chicago.
Besides my love for my kids, my wife….and my faith in Jesus Christ. I am thankful to be alive and being able to witness this band from the beginning to the hopefully distant end….oh and I am thankful that I will get to see Tiger Woods entire golf career too LOL.
and being a father of a cubscout…I wonder where troop 365 is from?
It said "Seattle" right above the 365.
Here are my shots from Monday night:
My shots from Sunday are linked in the thread for that show.
My fellow 155xxx 10 Clubbers, sitting in Section 114, were a delight. Safe travels to all.
Couple vids I found..
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29Ks4lBQ ... dded#t=183
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVKTBU3g ... dded#t=463
Great shots - thanks for sharing!
ps-this was my first pj show not getting tickets from the fan club, decided to go too late to get them from 10c so got them from shitty unnamed ticketbroker. . .probably the worst seats ive had (sec 213), but that didnt stop me from enjoying the show. . .also the 2nd pj show ive attended solo, hardly noticed belting out the tunes with my fellow jamily
9.10.98 NYC / 8.23.00 JONES BEACH /4.30.03 UNIONDALE / 7.9.03 NYC /5.12.06 ALBANY/ 6.1.06 E.RUTHEFORD/ 6.3.06 E. RUTHEFORD/ CAMDEN 6.19.08/ NYC 6.24.08/ NYC 6.25.08/ HARTFORD 6.27.08/ CHICAGO 8.24.09/ PHILLY 10.31.09/ HARTFORD 5.15.10/ NEWARK 5.18.10/ NYC 5.20.10/ CHICAGO 7.19.13/ BROOKLYN 10.18.13/ BROOKLYN 10.19.13/ HARTFORD 10.25.13/ NYC 9.26.15/ 4.8.16 FT. LAUDERDALE/ 4.9.16 MIAMI / 5.1.16 NYC/ 5.2.16 NYC / 8.5.16 BOSTON / 8.7.16 BOSTON/ 8.20.18 CHICAGO/ 9.2.18 BOSTON/ 9.4.18 BOSTON/ 9.18.21 ASBURY PARK
Night 2 energy from the crowd was fantastic! Night 1, I have no clue but I was in 109 and I seen ALOT of people just standing around, while the rear sections of the arena were on fire!
come on senior members of the club, pick it up!!! or are we getting too old (myself included
either way, great experience would do it again in a heartbeat!
section 4...you guys kicked ass
Chicago 8/23/09 Chicago 8/24/09 PJ 20 9/3/11 PJ 20 9/4/11 Milwaukee 10/20/14 Chicago 8/20/16 Chicago 8/22/16 Chicago 8/18/18 Chicago 8/20/18
Sorry to hear that some punks almost ruined your night. There no place for these kind of people at a Pearl Jam concert, or anywhere else.. Cool for the security. Hope you still enjoyed the show!.
And I know she's reached my heart,... in thin air
Unbelievable. Yeah, I don't care if you smoke up at the shows either, just don't antogonize people with it. Two jerks in Dallas in 2000 would lean forward ove the back of my seat and intentionally blow it on the back of my neck and laugh. I never call security over pot and never have since but I did that day. I wasn't in 10C seats though so neither were they.
Anyway, glad you had the situation resolved and had a great show because night 2 was incredible.
BOS-9/28/04,9/29/04,6/28/08,6/30/08, 9/5/16, 9/7/16, 9/2/18
MTL-9/15/05, OTT-9/16/05
ATX-10/4/09, 10/12/14
Bridge School-10/23/2010,10/24/2010
He said something like "You are more of a Sunday crowd than Sunday's crowd" or something like that and then "We'll do our best to make it a Saturday night crowd". Something along those lines.
BOS-9/28/04,9/29/04,6/28/08,6/30/08, 9/5/16, 9/7/16, 9/2/18
MTL-9/15/05, OTT-9/16/05
ATX-10/4/09, 10/12/14
Bridge School-10/23/2010,10/24/2010
anyone else getting this?
Get it now, get enough, before its gone, let's everybody carry on, carry on....
join the street team
"headphones are highly recommended...." Jeff Ament
Was in section 4 with a fellow Ohio native about 5 rows back and we jammed hard. Two guys right in front of us were hitting it hard to. My brother and friend were about 10 rows back from us and said it was pretty hoppin back there to. Way to represent Section 4!
Thank You Ten Club :!:
1992: Bridge School Benefit
1993: Reno
1994: Bridge School Benefit
1995: San Jose
1996: Seattle
1997: Santa Cruz
1998: Indianapolis
1999: Bridge School Benefit
2000: St. Louis
2001: Bridge School Benefit
2002: Chicago
2003: East Troy
2004: Asheville
2005: Thunder Bay
2006: Portland
2007: Copenhagen
2008: Washington D.C.
2009: Chicago
Built To Last Fan
Three Fish
July 1996 San Francisco
June 1999 Chicago
Yeah, a redirect to ireel.com or something
I feel like I spent 2 weeks in fucking Disneyland....
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
It opens another window. Just keep going back to the original page and it should play.
Row 14!!!!
Chicago 8/23/09 Chicago 8/24/09 PJ 20 9/3/11 PJ 20 9/4/11 Milwaukee 10/20/14 Chicago 8/20/16 Chicago 8/22/16 Chicago 8/18/18 Chicago 8/20/18
He definitely was giving crowd 2 shit at the start. Because I agree that crowd 1 was more crazy. Lots of reasons for that. More fan club, more time to party beforehand, and my excuse for night 2, still hungover from night 1. But we all got going.
I think he than introduced Nothingman by saying, "Here's a Sunday night one for ya."
Overall, both nights were incredible. Slight edge to night 1 for the crowd. Set lists are so personal.
Thanks 10Club for seats. Both were great. #140,xxx. Right side of stage, 12th row, night 1. 19th row Sec. 3 for night 2.
As for the pot smokers, they must have been rookies. I like to hold it in mon.
Anyone else see Jen Patterson at the show? She also showed a vid on Monsters this morning of Eddie playing catch with Ryan Dempster of the Cubs on the field before the Cubs game yesterday. Super hip Mike North (sic) said it looked like Dempster was playing catch with a homeless guy. Jen said "Shame on you Mike."
Get it now, get enough, before its gone, let's everybody carry on, carry on....
join the street team
"headphones are highly recommended...." Jeff Ament
When it opens a new window, click back on the original tab and click the play button in the center.
thank you!!!!!!!!!
holy mother of pearl jam!!!!!!
Get it now, get enough, before its gone, let's everybody carry on, carry on....
join the street team
"headphones are highly recommended...." Jeff Ament
I guess that means you liked it. I am uploading Needle and the Damage Done/Rats right now. 2 hours to go. I got 16 videos from the 2 nights in total. I filled up 12 GB of memory.
thank you!
Get it now, get enough, before its gone, let's everybody carry on, carry on....
join the street team
"headphones are highly recommended...." Jeff Ament
Hahaha! I felt exactly the same way. Sunday and Monday were like one giant Christmas present in August.
I forgot to mention a few things...when they opened with Hard To Imagine I almost peed my pants...it's one of my favorite PJ songs and I had never heard it live. I was surprised that they didn't open either night with Release, but I didn't care!
It was also awesome to see Bad Religion live!
Seriously, they should make a DVD of these two epic shows. I agree with whoever said it was two volumes of one giant concert...just with a 24 hour break in between!
Keep 'em comin'!