do you guys really need to go to so many shows on this tour?



  • you had equal opportunity to purchase tickets when they went on sale. As a 10C member, you had two opportunities. Now tickets are sold out. People traveling to shows didn't exclude you from the opportunity. How is that their fault?
  • aNiMaLaNiMaL Posts: 7,117
    I am with you, J_LAWN. I personally do not understand the thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars that are spent on hotel rooms, rental cars, plane tickets, and concert tickets to see PJ over and over and over again like groupies. Sure, I have come a little ways from the years where I only saw them one time per tour, and i am going to both Seattle shows and the Portland show, but that is it. I am afraid if I go to any more shows, they will most definitely lose their luster. I don't ever want to start a thread because i am sick of a certain song because I have gone to 12 of the last 13 shows. I don't ever want to take a song for granted and use it as a pee break. But that is just me.
  • vduboisevduboise Posts: 1,937
    J_LAWN wrote:
    First off, yes this is for real.

    Secondly, to whoever told me to get a job: I am a college student and the entire point of going to school is so someday i can get a job. But until then i am living on a very fixed income.

    And finally, I was un aware of when the presale started. Sometime around may im guessing, a time i am very busy and do not check this site often.

    But then this brings up another question. What about ten club members without access to a computer or internet? Are they to be denied the opportunity to get pre sale tickets? Why should a fan be screwed if they do not have a computer?
    Sorry J_LAWN, I agree with Vedderwt. I understand your plight as a college student. Been there and done that- but while in college, I still had a job. I studied and went to work, saving what I can, so that if there is something that I want to do, I could swing it. It takes a lot of dedication and sacrifice- and its not easy working and going to school. But it can be done, and a lot of people do it.

    As for the pre-sale- eh... Check the boards once a week to see if anything new is happening- this way you won't feel out of the loop. And college libraries have computers- so you do have access if you want to (unless your school is crappy and doesn't have that)
  • ParksyParksy Posts: 1,788
    J_LAWN wrote:
    First off, yes this is for real.

    Secondly, to whoever told me to get a job: I am a college student and the entire point of going to school is so someday i can get a job. But until then i am living on a very fixed income.

    And finally, I was un aware of when the presale started. Sometime around may im guessing, a time i am very busy and do not check this site often.

    But then this brings up another question. What about ten club members without access to a computer or internet? Are they to be denied the opportunity to get pre sale tickets? Why should a fan be screwed if they do not have a computer?

    There's your problem. You weren't checking the sites or listening to the radio.. or checking your emails to get information. Where as, we were.

    And as far as going to multiple shows.... call me a deuchbag... If me going to my 7th show in a row prevents you from going to one show... tough shit.

    Sorry, but that's the reality... i LOVE pearl jam. Enough to go to multiple shows in multiple cities. And enough to check for updates regularly. And enough to be on this site for an hour trying to get tickets.

    I gotta say.... perhaps 10c tickets can be hard to get sometimes.... but for the Toronto show that you speak of... and most other shows... you had three options of acquiring tickets:

    1) Ten Club
    2) Edge 102 Pre-Sale
    3) General Public Sale

    To not get general public tickets is understandable... but you COULD have got 10C tix or Edge 102 tix.

    Here's where you say: "well I didn't know about the Edge 102... blah blah blah..." your fault dude.

    Sorry mate :cry:
    Toronto 2000
    Buffalo, Phoenix, Toronto 2003
    Boston I&II 2004
    Kitchener, Hamilton, London, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto 2005
    Toronto I&II, Las Vegas 2006
    Chicago Lollapalooza 2007
    Toronto, Seattle I&II, Vancouver, Philly I,II,III,IV 2009
    Cleveland, Buffalo 2010
    Toronto I&II 2011
    Buffalo 2013
    Toronto I&II 2016
    10C: 220xxx
  • ParksyParksy Posts: 1,788
    aNiMaL wrote:
    I am with you, J_LAWN. I personally do not understand the thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars that are spent on hotel rooms, rental cars, plane tickets, and concert tickets to see PJ over and over and over again like groupies. Sure, I have come a little ways from the years where I only saw them one time per tour, and i am going to both Seattle shows and the Portland show, but that is it. I am afraid if I go to any more shows, they will most definitely lose their luster. I don't ever want to start a thread because i am sick of a certain song because I have gone to 12 of the last 13 shows. I don't ever want to take a song for granted and use it as a pee break. But that is just me.

    To give you understanding about a person like me, who has done all of those things you mention above..

    PJ shows are a vacation for me. Instead of going on a hunting or fishing or carribbean vacation... I go to Pearl Jam shows. It's a matter of preference.

    I work 50 weeks a year. For those 2 weeks off, I like to catch Pearl Jam concerts. And I want to do it now, before I have kids and such.

    I personally don't understand the thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars spent on lying on a beach all day getting drunk somewhere... But I accept it. I accept it as a common thing that most people enjoy doing. And I do not judge these people.

    It's allll a matter of preference :D
    Toronto 2000
    Buffalo, Phoenix, Toronto 2003
    Boston I&II 2004
    Kitchener, Hamilton, London, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto 2005
    Toronto I&II, Las Vegas 2006
    Chicago Lollapalooza 2007
    Toronto, Seattle I&II, Vancouver, Philly I,II,III,IV 2009
    Cleveland, Buffalo 2010
    Toronto I&II 2011
    Buffalo 2013
    Toronto I&II 2016
    10C: 220xxx
  • given2fly23given2fly23 Evanston, IL Posts: 5,944
    There IS such a thing as regular, non-10C tickets. the show will still be great. there's no reason to piss on how other people choose to spend their money just because you cant do the same right now.

    fortunately, we live in free countries where people can spend money the way they choose.
    Found: Soundgarden Hyde Park DVD (Thank you for the gift!)
    Posters for Sale:
    T-Shirts for Sale:
  • Vedder_Girl77Vedder_Girl77 Posts: 4,335
    I'm only going to 3 shows this year which is next to nothing compared to most people on this message board but oh well. No need to complain. If you really want to go to a show you'll find a way to get a ticket even if you missed out on the Ten Club pre-sale there is always Ticketmaster, Live Nation, Stub Hub or E-Bay. If there is a will there is a way.
    8/29/00, 7/3/03, 5/24/06,6/28/08 & 6/30/08, 10/9/09,10/28/09, 10/30/09 & 10/31/09, 5/15/10, 5/17/10, 5/18/10, 5/20/10 & 5/21/10, 10/23/10 & 10/24/10, 9/3/11, 9/4/11, 9/11/11, 9/12/11, 9/23/11, 9/22/12, 9/30/12, 7/16/13, 7/19/13
  • I am going to:
    9-21 Seattle
    9-22 Seattle
    9-25 Vancouver
    9-26 Portland

    You are right I do not NEED to go. I just WANT to go. The shows are pretty close to me, I have saved my money so I can afford to go, I have saved my vacation days at work for the tour. Whats the big deal? I know my wife and I are planning on flying out to another couple of shows in 2010. And we will once again save and plan ahead to go. Some people go on cruises. Some go to Disneyland. Some people go camping. I go to Pearl Jam shows!
    There's alot to be said for Nowhere
  • Back_PedalBack_Pedal Posts: 1,171
    I'm not saying people don't have the right to see as many shows as they want, but I couldn't possibly imagine why anyone would need to see a band so many times on the same tour. I can understand once or twice, for each tour, but 5+ shows seems ridiculous to me.
    Thanks EPOTTSIII!
    "Vinyl or not, you will need to pay someone to take RA of your hands" - Smile05
    424, xxx
  • Vedderwt wrote:

    Years ago, at the age of 15, I started on a secret plot so that I could be in control to see as many shows as I pleased.

    Code named: Got a Job.

    Yes, I geared it to my future schedule and financial needs. I think that is called

    There is NOTHING in my list of hobbies that I look forward to more than seeing a tour announcement with dates in cities I have yet to experience and being able to enact my secret plan so that I can go to as many new places and see my favorite band perform and react to the environment and the crowds in those new cities. I get it though.....I squeezed someone out of the Berlin show in 2000, and probably totally fucked over someone at MSG.

    NOt sure how else to say this. Don't hate the player?????? Does that fit here???

    Finally...where there is a will, there is a way. HAvent you heard Eddie say one something like "not sure how you guys do this, but whether you begged, borrowed or stole to be here, we appreciate you coming"........

    I can help you start on a similar secret plan if you like??? Send me 50 bucks and I will repeat this email to you...
    This shit made me laugh my ass off after a brutal day at work and an all day marathon fight with my girlfriend. Mucho gracias
  • Laf9124Laf9124 Posts: 342
    I can see and agree with parts of both sides of this argument. I've seen as many as 11 shows/tour, and as few as 1. I tend to think that if this tour had been announced all at once, cities like the original posters(TO) and mine(Chicago) wouldn't have been in such high demand. But the fact is, almost everyone here was a college student at one point and struggled with the same thing you are. I would see 1 or 2 shows in those days, locally, and leave it at that. Trust me, when you have a degree/job, you'll see more shows than you think. I'm planning an entire vacation around Austin City Limits. It's fun!

    Just too much hate on here. Act how you'd like at shows, see as many as you want, etc.

    Finally--Jeff, there always seems to be someone on here who's selling a ticket, willing to trade for something, etc. See what you can do. Kindness always gets you farther than starting a thread with nastiness.
  • starmap3333starmap3333 Posts: 3,925
    It's not feasible for me to go to Chicago either, I'm from NY, but I'm not eating this month to cover my flight and ticket.

    "So this life is sacrifice..."

    Oh, and anytime i can take YOUR ticket... I'm in. 10/10 times!
  • OffMeGoesOffMeGoes Posts: 483
    Back_Pedal wrote:
    I'm not saying people don't have the right to see as many shows as they want, but I couldn't possibly imagine why anyone would need to see a band so many times on the same tour. I can understand once or twice, for each tour, but 5+ shows seems ridiculous to me.

    Listen. I went to Tool for the first time ever in San Diego, 2007. Great fucking show. Had tickets to night two and was certain I would get some repeats, but highly hoping to get tons of songs I knew that they didnt reach the first night.......

    They changed ONE god damn, pickle piping, bologna smelling, spaghetti eating song in the entire setlist. Every other song was in the same exact position and done the same exact way with matching background images coupled to them. By song 4, I was ready to leave because, to me, it was an act, like a rehearsed play. I didnt come to see that type of art, I came to see them playing grab ass with eachother and rocking their faces off, interacting with the crowd, changing it up to fit their mood and their fans. COokie cutter.

    It made me respect PJ EVEN more.......

    I am going to all four Los Angeles shows because every single one will be different, and not just rearanging the songs....I think during the span of Riot Act tour, they played a total of 123 different songs. I NEVER know what I am going to get at a PJ show. Believe it or not, I feel they could do an even better job of mixing it up, but there really isnt much room to even do that. (they respect the casual fan to hit certain songs every night and to not go too deep into their catalog more than once or twice a show) Eddie talks about the previous shows and you get the sense that it is all some sort of artistic I like to watch. How many AMAZING songs have you "found" because you finally hear it live and it totally hits you differently...?? You cant get that by going to the one show in your backyard every three years..........but hey, if you are happy with seeing just 27 of the 123 songs possible, be my guest.........for me, as much as each show stands alone, they also form something larger when combined, and I LOVE being at as many of those moments as I can.

    That and there are usually really hot girls at concerts.
    Formally known as Tackalac before being formally known as Vedderwt,,,,....release my old name and posts....

    I saw a wino eating grapes, I said, "Dude, you have to wait"
  • i am only happy when i see the band 30 times per tour. that's the only way i get self esteem.
  • dcfaithfuldcfaithful Posts: 13,076
    J_LAWN wrote:
    Honestly now. I'm seeing how a lot of you are going to 5, 7, 9 or in some cases, even more shows on this tour. I understand how much you love the band and your "need" to see them but aren't you being a bit selfish? I have been trying so hard since pre-sale went on to get tickets for toronto but i have had no luck. It is not feasible for me to travel to Vancouver or chicago (both shows i could of gotten tickets to), yet there are many tc members traveling miles and miles to see these and many other shows.

    I simply want tickets to one show (as do many others, both tc and non tc) that is relatively close to me. I don't have much money to travel far, or even keep my tc membership if this is going to be the case with tickets everytime.

    I just wish my fellow TC members would be a bit more considerate of others before gobbling up all the pre sale tickets to several shows.

    With respect,

    Consider starting a PJ fund if you are having financial problems everytime a show is scheduled.

    Other then that, I don't know what to say...we're all allowed to only buy two tickets per it's not like one person is hoarding it.
    Vedderwt wrote:
    Back_Pedal wrote:
    I'm not saying people don't have the right to see as many shows as they want, but I couldn't possibly imagine why anyone would need to see a band so many times on the same tour. I can understand once or twice, for each tour, but 5+ shows seems ridiculous to me.

    Listen. I went to Tool for the first time ever in San Diego, 2007. Great fucking show. Had tickets to night two and was certain I would get some repeats, but highly hoping to get tons of songs I knew that they didnt reach the first night.......

    They changed ONE god damn, pickle piping, bologna smelling, spaghetti eating song in the entire setlist. Every other song was in the same exact position and done the same exact way with matching background images coupled to them. By song 4, I was ready to leave because, to me, it was an act, like a rehearsed play. I didnt come to see that type of art, I came to see them playing grab ass with eachother and rocking their faces off, interacting with the crowd, changing it up to fit their mood and their fans. COokie cutter.

    It made me respect PJ EVEN more.......

    I am going to all four Los Angeles shows because every single one will be different, and not just rearanging the songs....I think during the span of Riot Act tour, they played a total of 123 different songs. I NEVER know what I am going to get at a PJ show. Believe it or not, I feel they could do an even better job of mixing it up, but there really isnt much room to even do that. (they respect the casual fan to hit certain songs every night and to not go too deep into their catalog more than once or twice a show) Eddie talks about the previous shows and you get the sense that it is all some sort of artistic I like to watch. How many AMAZING songs have you "found" because you finally hear it live and it totally hits you differently...?? You cant get that by going to the one show in your backyard every three years..........but hey, if you are happy with seeing just 27 of the 123 songs possible, be my guest.........for me, as much as each show stands alone, they also form something larger when combined, and I LOVE being at as many of those moments as I can.

    That and there are usually really hot girls at concerts.

    That's exactly it. The experience of each Pearl Jam show is unique, and that feeling of traveling, seeing a one of a time PJ show is a thrill, and a journey. It's totally worth the money/time. This year will be the first time I actually see Pearl Jam in my hometown.
    7/2/06 - Denver, CO
    6/12/08 - Tampa, FL
    8/23/09 - Chicago, IL
    9/28/09 - Salt Lake City, UT (11 years too long!!!)
    9/03/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 1
    9/04/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 2
  • LOV2ROCKLOV2ROCK Minneapolis/St.Paul Posts: 822
    Back_Pedal wrote:
    I'm not saying people don't have the right to see as many shows as they want, but I couldn't possibly imagine why anyone would need to see a band so many times on the same tour. I can understand once or twice, for each tour, but 5+ shows seems ridiculous to me.

    Then you my friend,just don't understand.If we have to explain,you are not someone i want to get to know. ;)
  • i am only happy when i see the band 30 times per tour. that's the only way i get self esteem.

    me too. it makes me feel like i'm hung.
    If nothing is everything, I'll have it all
  • OffMeGoesOffMeGoes Posts: 483
    edited August 2009
    AND......just another tip from your uncle Matt:

    The day I graduated from the University of California, I was on a plane to Europe to follow Pearl Jam around. My very first show was that trip, in Berlin, 2000. I never had the money to see them before that and the timing never synced up.

    Now, 53 PJ shows, 11 EV shows, two Jonas Brothers shows, a son named Vedder (see below)


    One fantastically drunk night in Hawaii when I met the band (see below)


    The message Eddie wrote to my son on my jacket without me asking (see below)


    And the exclamation mark on my PJ career when I got a photo with my son and Ed (see below)
    (Warning, awful photo of me......)

    The message from Uncle Matt? Figure out what you want and use your brain to make it happen....!
    So, I guess wrap up that degree and make up some time!

    Now who wants to touch me? I said who wants to fucking touch me!!!!!!!
    Post edited by OffMeGoes on
    Formally known as Tackalac before being formally known as Vedderwt,,,,....release my old name and posts....

    I saw a wino eating grapes, I said, "Dude, you have to wait"
  • Black DiamondBlack Diamond Posts: 25,107
    My wife does not understand my obsession (pretty much the random song deal, like a lot of people. Same as it was for the Grateful Dead when I followed them all over the place). What she does understand is that I am taking her and the kids on a vacation where it just so happens PJ is playing on the west coast. She is happy and I am happy. And my boys get to see their first shows.

    It's fun to have a hobby. Mine is music.
  • WildsWilds Posts: 4,329
    Vedderwt wrote:
    AND......just another tip from your uncle Matt:

    The day I graduated from the University of California, I was on a plane to Europe to follow Pearl Jam around. My very first show was that trip, in Berlin, 2000. I never had the money to see them before that and the timing never synced up.

    Now, 53 PJ shows, 11 EV shows, two Jonas Brothers shows, a son named Vedder (see below)


    One fantastically drunk night in Hawaii when I met the band (see below)


    The message Eddie wrote to my son on my jacket without me asking (see below)


    And the exclamation mark on my PJ career when I got a photo with my son and Ed (see below)
    (Warning, awful photo of me......)

    The message from Uncle Matt? Figure out what you want and use your brain to make it happen....!
    So, I guess wrap up that degree and make up some time!

    Now who wants to touch me? I said who wants to fucking touch me!!!!!!!

    Good shit. :) Thanks for the pics.
  • Jeff MurrayJeff Murray Posts: 1,259
    J_LAWN wrote:
    First off, yes this is for real.

    Secondly, to whoever told me to get a job: I am a college student and the entire point of going to school is so someday i can get a job. But until then i am living on a very fixed income.

    And finally, I was un aware of when the presale started. Sometime around may im guessing, a time i am very busy and do not check this site often.

    But then this brings up another question. What about ten club members without access to a computer or internet? Are they to be denied the opportunity to get pre sale tickets? Why should a fan be screwed if they do not have a computer?

    When I was in college, 91-95, I never saw Pearl Jam. And it was the breakout time of their career!! It wasn't until '96 that I saw them for the first time and then it was 7 years later that I saw them a second time. So no pity here for your lack of a ticket.

    I'd recommend signing up for concert announcements from ticketmaster, LiveNation and directly from venues around your area. That way you will stay on top of any shows in your area.

    I don't see how this is anyone else's fault but your own. Some of us stayed up with the news and were prepared to purchase tenlcub tickets. Even if the tenclub tickets didn't sell out they were only available for a specific time period. Once the general public sale hit those tickets would have been taken anyway. So it's our fault that you didn't get tickets?

    If you try a different route you might find a kind fan on the board that has an extra tenclub ticket for the show. Whining about it is not the best way to go about it.

    And to answer your question.... Yes I do really need to go to so many shows. When Chicago was announced I had the opportunity to see the band and see some friends that I haven't seen in a while, so I jumped at it. I had been planning for a tour this year and saved my vacation time and money. Later on Seattle was announced and I saw the Yanks were playing at Safeco and the Huskies had home college football game, instant vacation for me. And then later on hometown shows were announced for me, so I couldn't pass up seeing the closing of the Spectrum, as well as seeing more friends I haven't seen in a while. So you might not like the fact that I am going to all these shows, but that is my choice and I have the ability to do it right now. Down the road, who knows, but I'm going to enjoy it while I can. :D
    If there were no Angels would there be no sin?
  • Laf9124Laf9124 Posts: 342
    Vedderwt--totally with you. Every show I get home hooked on a song that maybe I didn't particularly love before, and the show changed my mind. That, along with the random setlists are *the* reason to see as many shows as possible. I've seen amazing, marathon-esque shows, a show in 26 degree weather, and everyone from Ben Harper to Uncle Neil to Bono show up on stage. It's always great, and you never know what you're in for when the lights go down. Original poster(Jeff was it?)..I'm telling you, it's always worth it. This forum seems to be full of really nice people, who share a deep rooted love for the same band. Next time try being nice and seeing if anyone has a ticket for face value, trade, etc. You'll have much better luck than you did going about it this way.

    Vedderrt--great pics! Thanks for sharing.
  • wolfbearwolfbear Posts: 3,965
    Laf9124 wrote:
    I can see and agree with parts of both sides of this argument. I've seen as many as 11 shows/tour, and as few as 1. I tend to think that if this tour had been announced all at once, cities like the original posters(TO) and mine(Chicago) wouldn't have been in such high demand. But the fact is, almost everyone here was a college student at one point and struggled with the same thing you are. I would see 1 or 2 shows in those days, locally, and leave it at that. Trust me, when you have a degree/job, you'll see more shows than you think. I'm planning an entire vacation around Austin City Limits. It's fun!

    Just too much hate on here. Act how you'd like at shows, see as many as you want, etc.

    Finally--Jeff, there always seems to be someone on here who's selling a ticket, willing to trade for something, etc. See what you can do. Kindness always gets you farther than starting a thread with nastiness.
    Great post. We've seen up to 7 and as few as 0 but catch as many as we can that fit into our schedules and places we want to visit. PJ got us to Europe, Chicago, etc. for the first time and other places we probably never would have visited but loved. We also visit family/friends when they are playing in those cities. I do feel for those that want to and can't but that is life. We've missed out on our share for sure. Two this tour that are in our area we couldn't go to so just more reason to go to those that you can. :)
    "I'd rather be with an animal." "Those that can be trusted can change their mind." "The in between is mine." "If I don't lose control, explore and not explode, a preternatural other plane with the power to maintain." "Yeh this is living." "Life is what you make it."
  • WildsWilds Posts: 4,329
    edited August 2009
    I'm going to 6 shows. I obtained Ten Club tickets for two of them. The other four I had to get Ticket Asshole tickets, hook up with another Ten club member, or hit Craigslist.

    The good news is for 5 of those 6 shows there are still tickets available.

    I don't feel I took tickets out of the hands of any member on here. If I could have gone to TOR I would have. Hell if I had time and money I would have gone all over to see this band, and all of the interesting beautiful places they are playing.

    I'm going to be hitting my 20th plus shows this tour and I have never been shut out. Where there is a will there is a way.

    Anyone who can't get into the building for face or less isn't really trying IMO. To put that blame on others is ridiculous.

    And for fun here they are: (I'm in LA, so not too much traveling for me)

    Outside Lands Festival: Don't have a ticket yet, but will get one below face on craigslist. ;)

    LA 1: Bought a pair off of ticket scumbag during the initial minutes of the onsale. Taking my friend.
    LA2: Bought 6 tickets off ticket jackass during the initial sale. Taking the wife, and 4 friends.
    LA3: Traded my LA4 Ten Club ticket with a cool person from the board.
    LA4: Bought Ten Club seats. Traded for LA3 with my spare. Hell Yeah! :mrgreen:

    San Diego: Bought Ten Club seats. Going with a cool member of this board who was the first to respond to wanting my extra. :D

    Yeah.... I'm a greedy boy. :P
    Post edited by Wilds on
  • 58823005882300 Posts: 813
    I work my ass off to go to every show that I am able and it's my right and everyone else's to go to which ever shows they want. I wish everyone who wanted tickets could get them but it just ain't gonna happen. No one rolls out a red carpet for the rest of us when tickets go on sale. (Well except for when Stone came to my door with a bugle and a scroll for this tour announcement) Everyone has the same opportunity to get tickets. Don't get shitty with people who can afford to do things.
  • Laf9124Laf9124 Posts: 342
    Wolf, that's half the reason we picked ACL over the SF fest--we've never been there. We'll spend 4 or 5 days doing fun things that we've never experienced before with the concert mixed in. It's how we do our non local PJ shows. Vacations or mini vacations seeing things we've never seen before, etc. I cannot thank Pearl Jam enough for the places we've been, the things we've seen, etc. If they just played the same set over and over again, I'd never go to more than the local show.
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    Am I in the selfish club? I am going to 5 shows... 4 in Los Angeles, 1 in San Diego (and I have a war chest to cover Santa Barbara, just in case)... but, they are all close to home. and Ten/VHC seats? 2 of 5. One L.A., one S.D. The others are one split with another Pearl Jam Club member and the other 2 from TicketMonster.
    and just a little help to the original poster. Create a seperate 'Pearl Jam' account today and save up for the next tour. Don't touch it, except for Pearl Jam Tickets. I did that, even after my divorce when I was barely clinging to my house and eating Top Ramen and popcorn.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • 58823005882300 Posts: 813
    Laf9124 wrote:
    Wolf, that's half the reason we picked ACL over the SF fest--we've never been there. We'll spend 4 or 5 days doing fun things that we've never experienced before with the concert mixed in. It's how we do our non local PJ shows. Vacations or mini vacations seeing things we've never seen before, etc. I cannot thank Pearl Jam enough for the places we've been, the things we've seen, etc. If they just played the same set over and over again, I'd never go to more than the local show.

    You are dead on PJ tours are a way to see great music, great cities, and meet awesome people. A lot of people on this board including myself save their money and vacation in order to go to as many shows and see as many cities as possible. This is the best time of year.
  • Do you have to breathe so much air? Seriously...seems kinda selfish.
    Be Kind, for everyone is fighting a hard battle
  • normnorm Posts: 31,146
    Do you have to breathe so much air? Seriously...seems kinda selfish.

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