Strange in the end I think this Michael Vick may turn out that this guy may save more dogs/animal rights than he ever did in hurting/killing them. He will be and is expected to be fighting for their rights for the rest of his life. It is possible he can do it, I'd like to see him accomplish this but we shall see.
And if I molest your children, then later work with the Child Welfare League that protects children from such monstrous behavior, you'll have me over for dinner with your family ?
of course there is no moral high ground in sports - it is about winning and losing, thus the reason there is a scoreboard. not sure I understand your point. Of course an employee who is more valuable will get away with more than one less valuable. don't you think your job is the same way?
I guess that is my point. Coaches and fans pay lip service to things like "second chance, forgiveness" when it is really codespeak for "we'll do anything to win." My job, though? No. You get a felony conviction, you're probably not coming back.
it's the same in politics, someone gets caught doing something they shouldn't have then they find jesus
don't compete; coexist
what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?
"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama
when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
While I don't like the idea of Sallworth back in the NFL, as weird as it sounds, I actually have more compassion for him than Vick. Stallworth made a terrible decision, and a man died because of it.... but one horrible decision that he immediately admitted and faced up to is easier to forgive than a guy who chooses to participate in torturing animals for years and then lies to everyone about it when he is caught.
I'm with you. Nowhere do I get any sense that Vick feels any remorse for what he did. He's only sorry that he got caught.
of course there is no moral high ground in sports - it is about winning and losing, thus the reason there is a scoreboard. not sure I understand your point. Of course an employee who is more valuable will get away with more than one less valuable. don't you think your job is the same way?
I guess that is my point. Coaches and fans pay lip service to things like "second chance, forgiveness" when it is really codespeak for "we'll do anything to win." My job, though? No. You get a felony conviction, you're probably not coming back.
THANK YOU. I've heard a lot of people saying that Michael Vick should be given that second chance because he's paid his debt to society and that's how we do things in this country when the reality is that the overwhelming majority of felons who've paid their debt to society don't get any such chance. They'll end of working as day laborers or at low paying, unskilled jobs, living with their relatives, and having a pretty tough time being productive citizens no matter how hard they want to be. Vick is lucky enough to have a desirable job skill; otherwise he'd just be an ex-con.
I know that's a bit of a rant but I'm really sick of hearing about he's "paid his debt to society." :roll:
the man should be electrocuted by his testicles. he said he "paid his debt to society" bull&!*t!!!! it's not society he owes the debt to, it's the poor helpless animals who were tourtured and killed at his hands that deserve repayment.
the man should be electrocuted by his testicles. he said he "paid his debt to society" bull&!*t!!!! it's not society he owes the debt to, it's the poor helpless animals who were tourtured and killed at his hands that deserve repayment.
He ruined ANIMALS' lives..... He is a human being. If you don't see the difference I feel sorry for you.
the man should be electrocuted by his testicles. he said he "paid his debt to society" bull&!*t!!!! it's not society he owes the debt to, it's the poor helpless animals who were tourtured and killed at his hands that deserve repayment.
He ruined ANIMALS' lives..... He is a human being. If you don't see the difference I feel sorry for you.
Most serial killers start off the same way. It's just a small step on the continuum.
I'm just flying around the other side of the world to say I love you
Sha la la la i'm in love with a jersey girl
I love you forever and forever
Adel 03 Melb 1 03 LA 2 06 Santa Barbara 06 Gorge 1 06 Gorge 2 06 Adel 1 06 Adel 2 06 Camden 1 08 Camden 2 08 Washington DC 08 Hartford 08
of course there is no moral high ground in sports - it is about winning and losing, thus the reason there is a scoreboard. not sure I understand your point. Of course an employee who is more valuable will get away with more than one less valuable. don't you think your job is the same way?
I guess that is my point. Coaches and fans pay lip service to things like "second chance, forgiveness" when it is really codespeak for "we'll do anything to win." My job, though? No. You get a felony conviction, you're probably not coming back.
THANK YOU. I've heard a lot of people saying that Michael Vick should be given that second chance because he's paid his debt to society and that's how we do things in this country when the reality is that the overwhelming majority of felons who've paid their debt to society don't get any such chance. They'll end of working as day laborers or at low paying, unskilled jobs, living with their relatives, and having a pretty tough time being productive citizens no matter how hard they want to be. Vick is lucky enough to have a desirable job skill; otherwise he'd just be an ex-con.
I know that's a bit of a rant but I'm really sick of hearing about he's "paid his debt to society." :roll:
great point
don't compete; coexist
what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?
"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama
when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
Most serial killers start off the same way. It's just a small step on the continuum.
Proof?? I'm from a rural area and I knew plenty of people in high school that went around shootin animals for fun and I know no serial killers.
I'm not condoning what he did, and there was some extra horrible shit, but it's stuff that I would imagine is pretty run of the mill for dog fighting rings so that extra horrible stuff is probably what makes the punishment for dog fighting so severe.
Most serial killers start off the same way. It's just a small step on the continuum.
Proof?? I'm from a rural area and I knew plenty of people in high school that went around shootin animals for fun and I know no serial killers.
I'm not condoning what he did, and there was some extra horrible shit, but it's stuff that I would imagine is pretty run of the mill for dog fighting rings so that extra horrible stuff is probably what makes the punishment for dog fighting so severe.
cruelty to animals is among the triangle of behaviors usually associated with serial killers (along with fire setting and bed wetting). John Douglas (former profiler for the FBI) outlines this in a number of his books - including mindhunter. There are a lot of resources if you want to learn more about it. I definitely encourage you to research it if you're interested. It's fascinating reading but it freaks me out.
Not everyone who is cruel to animals will go on to become a serial killer, but many develop antisocial personality disorder (which is what we used to call sociopaths). The lack of empathy is one of the main indicators. These people don't usually change. It's like OJ - you would think after being let off on 2 murders the guy would lay low for the rest of his life - but he just couldn't. It's a part of their character. I doubt this will be the last of vick's dirty deeds.
"I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
Most serial killers start off the same way. It's just a small step on the continuum.
Proof?? I'm from a rural area and I knew plenty of people in high school that went around shootin animals for fun and I know no serial killers.
I'm not condoning what he did, and there was some extra horrible shit, but it's stuff that I would imagine is pretty run of the mill for dog fighting rings so that extra horrible stuff is probably what makes the punishment for dog fighting so severe.
cruelty to animals is among the triangle of behaviors usually associated with serial killers (along with fire setting and bed wetting). John Douglas (former profiler for the FBI) outlines this in a number of his books - including mindhunter. There are a lot of resources if you want to learn more about it. I definitely encourage you to research it if you're interested. It's fascinating reading but it freaks me out.
Not everyone who is cruel to animals will go on to become a serial killer, but many develop antisocial personality disorder (which is what we used to call sociopaths). The lack of empathy is one of the main indicators. These people don't usually change. It's like OJ - you would think after being let off on 2 murders the guy would lay low for the rest of his life - but he just couldn't. It's a part of their character. I doubt this will be the last of vick's dirty deeds.
My counterpoint was to a statement saying "most serial killer are abusive to animals". It may be true in some cases, but not all, and I would guess a very low percentage.
I(not me but somebody that gave more of a crap) could make a study saying that it's essential for maturing boys to take out some of their aggression on animals, as to avoid doin it to humans.
I'm not saying it'll be the last of his dirty deeds, but he deserves a chance to show if it is or not. Anything he does in the future, he'll be punished more severely for.
I used to love settin fires and I've killed some small animals, basically for the hell of it and I'm not a serial killer. Never even been in a fist fight.
There are ALOT more things that go into making a serial killer than pyro and dog fighting.
My counterpoint was to a statement saying "most serial killer are abusive to animals". It may be true in some cases, but not all, and I would guess a very low percentage.
I(not me but somebody that gave more of a crap) could make a study saying that it's essential for maturing boys to take out some of their aggression on animals, as to avoid doin it to humans.
I'm not saying it'll be the last of his dirty deeds, but he deserves a chance to show if it is or not. Anything he does in the future, he'll be punished more severely for.
I used to love settin fires and I've killed some small animals, basically for the hell of it and I'm not a serial killer. Never even been in a fist fight.
There are ALOT more things that go into making a serial killer than pyro and dog fighting.
No I think the opposite is true (think you may have misread what I stated) - most serial killers (a high percentage) have been abusive to animals, but not all people who are abusive to animals become serial killers (although they do lack empathy).
Again I would say the opposite is true - aggression typically breeds more aggression. Actually animal therapy is very effective in teaching empathy to kids who have been abused or are showing aggressive tendencies.
I'd love to believe he's been reformed, but I'm not that gullible. I'm not in the market to buy any bridges either I'm sure there are a lot of people who are ready to jump at the chance to insure he is punished severely should he commit future felonies.
Not really surprised by your last statement. I already guessed that based on your previous posts, but that's for you to acknowledge - not for me to call you out on.
"I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
Come on, no one should be surprised that the city of brotherly love signed this guy ..
'I want to hurry home to you
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
Come on, no one should be surprised that the city of brotherly love signed this guy ..
This coming from a guy whos team had a guy shoot himself in the leg at a club..paid almost a $100 MILLION DOLLARS to an Tier 5 QB and has a picture of Mike Tyson for his profile pic..
Come on, no one should be surprised that the city of brotherly love signed this guy ..
This coming from a guy whos team had a guy shoot himself in the leg at a club..paid almost a $100 MILLION DOLLARS to an Tier 5 QB and has a picture of Mike Tyson for his profile pic..
Nice try, but I'm a Jet fan ..
'I want to hurry home to you
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
may you be reincarnated as one of michael vick's fighting dogs.
Wishing such horrible things on a person is as bad as what Michael Vick did.
oh, but i thought they were just dogs. now you think it's a horrible thing?
this is exactly my point. just because they are dogs doesn't make it any less disturbing.
Did I say it wasn't horrible? But yeah, they're just dogs. It doesn't make it less disturbing, but you could fuck horses or go around choppin cats' heads(both really fucked up, horrible things), and it doesn't compare to ANY intentional crime against another person.
If Vick wants to build some goodwill with his fans, the easiest thing he could do is publicly donate the majority of his 1.6 million first year salary to the animal humane society.
Good luck getting the bankruptcy court to agree to that.
I can't figure out why people are blowing a gasket about Vick when someone like Donte Stallworth will be back in the NFL next year after serving only 30 days for killing a human being while he was wasted. I'm not trying to make it like Vick is a saint because he's still an asshole in my book but he served 2 years in a federal pen for dogfighting. There will be no protests once Stallworth gets back to the NFL but everyone and their mother will be protesting when Vick gets back to playing. I will never understand that.
While I don't like the idea of Sallworth back in the NFL, as weird as it sounds, I actually have more compassion for him than Vick. Stallworth made a terrible decision, and a man died because of it.... but one horrible decision that he immediately admitted and faced up to is easier to forgive than a guy who chooses to participate in torturing animals for years and then lies to everyone about it when he is caught.
I have much more compassion for Stallworth too. It's not like he left the bar and hit some guy on the corner and fled the scene.
He had left the bar, went to sleep at a friend's house, woke up and then was driving home. I know many of us who have done the same thing - woken up and drove figuring you were ok to drive. He was driving on a stretch of highway and a the guy he killed was running across it to catch a bus that he was going to miss. Then after hitting the guy he stops, calls the police and stays on the scene the entire time and never tries to flee.
Whereupon Vick only admitted to years of animal abuse after he was dimed out by his friends.
I'm sorry, but I have much more respect for Stallworth who already agreed to help out the victim's family financially and was a stand up guy the entire time after making a tragic mistake.
And the reason he got such a short sentence, is because there is a contributory negligence law when it comes to DUI's on Florida and the fact that the victim ran across a highway made it almost impossible to get a harsher conviction so the DA had to offer the plea to Stallworth.
Im not going to believe anything Vick says at this point. He has $millions of reasons to say whatever will ease public opinion. The NFL and ESPN will also have rea$ons to frame the successful comeback story.
If he is truly remorseful, he will put up some money and/or some significant effort to right his wrongs.
Im not going to believe anything Vick says at this point. He has $millions of reasons to say whatever will ease public opinion. The NFL and ESPN will also have rea$ons to frame the successful comeback story.
If he is truly remorseful, he will put up some money and/or some significant effort to right his wrongs.
I was thinking this morning that if he isn't truly remorseful now, then he probably will end up being... He will work a lot with groups like the humane society, and unless he is some sort of psychopath (which I doubt), spending time in those shelters, talking with people who work there, dealing with the dogs, it will have to give him an appreciation for the animals and the seriousness of what he did.
My whole life
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
vick is a piece of shit.... take your second chance and forgivness bullshit and shove it where the sun doesnt shine...
i am a life long die hard eagles fan that WILL NOT be watching any games this year, rooting for them in any way, going to any games, or supporting them or Vick in any way... i will not pay a nickel of that piece of shits salary and i wil not give the eagles one fucking dime of my money
some things are more important then athletic ability and sports teams...
i am officially no longer a philadelphia eagles fan because of this, and i hope there are many more like me out there.
vick is a piece of shit.... take your second chance and forgivness bullshit and shove it where the sun doesnt shine...
i am a life long die hard eagles fan that WILL NOT be watching any games this year, rooting for them in any way, going to any games, or supporting them or Vick in any way... i will not pay a nickel of that piece of shits salary and i wil not give the eagles one fucking dime of my money
some things are more important then athletic ability and sports teams...
i am officially no longer a philadelphia eagles fan because of this, and i hope there are many more like me out there.
fuck em
There were rumors the Bills were going to be the team that signed him on Wednesday.... I have said from the getgo, if the Bills gain Vick, they lose me.
I'm still going to watch my Eagles. I mean, if I stopped watching shows/sports/whatever based on the moral character of the actors/athletes/etc, there would be nothing to watch.
vick is a piece of shit.... take your second chance and forgivness bullshit and shove it where the sun doesnt shine...
i am a life long die hard eagles fan that WILL NOT be watching any games this year, rooting for them in any way, going to any games, or supporting them or Vick in any way... i will not pay a nickel of that piece of shits salary and i wil not give the eagles one fucking dime of my money
some things are more important then athletic ability and sports teams...
i am officially no longer a philadelphia eagles fan because of this, and i hope there are many more like me out there.
I'm still going to watch my Eagles. I mean, if I stopped watching shows/sports/whatever based on the moral character of the actors/athletes/etc, there would be nothing to watch.
I just wanna watch some football.
There ya go... I watch sports and my teams specifically for the enjoyment of it and rooting for my team. I don't have to root for Vick or any other player.
This is your notice that there is a problem with your signature. Please remove it.
Social awareness does not equal political activism!
5/23/2011- An utter embarrassment... ticketing failures too many to list.
And if I molest your children, then later work with the Child Welfare League that protects children from such monstrous behavior, you'll have me over for dinner with your family ?
Because, dammit, I made a mistake ?
it's the same in politics, someone gets caught doing something they shouldn't have then they find jesus
what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?
"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama
when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
BOS-9/28/04,9/29/04,6/28/08,6/30/08, 9/5/16, 9/7/16, 9/2/18
MTL-9/15/05, OTT-9/16/05
ATX-10/4/09, 10/12/14
Bridge School-10/23/2010,10/24/2010
I know that's a bit of a rant but I'm really sick of hearing about he's "paid his debt to society." :roll:
He ruined ANIMALS' lives..... He is a human being. If you don't see the difference I feel sorry for you.
I also would not have a problem.....that on the first play from scrimmage....
Vick has his spinal cord snapped in half, and spends the rest of his life paralyzed from his eye balls down to his toes......
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Sha la la la i'm in love with a jersey girl
I love you forever and forever
Adel 03 Melb 1 03 LA 2 06 Santa Barbara 06 Gorge 1 06 Gorge 2 06 Adel 1 06 Adel 2 06 Camden 1 08 Camden 2 08 Washington DC 08 Hartford 08
great point
what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?
"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama
when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
Proof?? I'm from a rural area and I knew plenty of people in high school that went around shootin animals for fun and I know no serial killers.
I'm not condoning what he did, and there was some extra horrible shit, but it's stuff that I would imagine is pretty run of the mill for dog fighting rings so that extra horrible stuff is probably what makes the punishment for dog fighting so severe.
Not everyone who is cruel to animals will go on to become a serial killer, but many develop antisocial personality disorder (which is what we used to call sociopaths). The lack of empathy is one of the main indicators. These people don't usually change. It's like OJ - you would think after being let off on 2 murders the guy would lay low for the rest of his life - but he just couldn't. It's a part of their character. I doubt this will be the last of vick's dirty deeds.
"I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
My counterpoint was to a statement saying "most serial killer are abusive to animals". It may be true in some cases, but not all, and I would guess a very low percentage.
I(not me but somebody that gave more of a crap) could make a study saying that it's essential for maturing boys to take out some of their aggression on animals, as to avoid doin it to humans.
I'm not saying it'll be the last of his dirty deeds, but he deserves a chance to show if it is or not. Anything he does in the future, he'll be punished more severely for.
I used to love settin fires and I've killed some small animals, basically for the hell of it and I'm not a serial killer. Never even been in a fist fight.
There are ALOT more things that go into making a serial killer than pyro and dog fighting.
Again I would say the opposite is true - aggression typically breeds more aggression. Actually animal therapy is very effective in teaching empathy to kids who have been abused or are showing aggressive tendencies.
I'd love to believe he's been reformed, but I'm not that gullible. I'm not in the market to buy any bridges either
Not really surprised by your last statement. I already guessed that based on your previous posts, but that's for you to acknowledge - not for me to call you out on.
"I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
9/24/96 MD. 9/28/96 Randalls. 8/28-29/98 Camden. 9/8/98 NJ. 9/18/98 MD. 9/1-2/00 Camden. 9/4/00 MD. 4/28/03 Philly. 7/5-6/03 Camden. 9/30/05 AC.
10/3/05 Philly. 5/27-28/06 Camden. 6/23/06 Pitt. 6/19-20/08 Camden. 6/24/08 MSG. 8/7/08 EV Newark, NJ. 6/11-12/09 EV Philly, PA. 10/27-28-30-31/09 Philly, PA., 5/15/10 Hartford,5/17/10 Boston, 5/18/10 Newark, 5/20-21/10 MSG
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
This coming from a guy whos team had a guy shoot himself in the leg at a club..paid almost a $100 MILLION DOLLARS to an Tier 5 QB and has a picture of Mike Tyson for his profile pic..
9/24/96 MD. 9/28/96 Randalls. 8/28-29/98 Camden. 9/8/98 NJ. 9/18/98 MD. 9/1-2/00 Camden. 9/4/00 MD. 4/28/03 Philly. 7/5-6/03 Camden. 9/30/05 AC.
10/3/05 Philly. 5/27-28/06 Camden. 6/23/06 Pitt. 6/19-20/08 Camden. 6/24/08 MSG. 8/7/08 EV Newark, NJ. 6/11-12/09 EV Philly, PA. 10/27-28-30-31/09 Philly, PA., 5/15/10 Hartford,5/17/10 Boston, 5/18/10 Newark, 5/20-21/10 MSG
Nice try, but I'm a Jet fan
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
oh, but i thought they were just dogs. now you think it's a horrible thing?
this is exactly my point. just because they are dogs doesn't make it any less disturbing.
even less revelent.
Did I say it wasn't horrible? But yeah, they're just dogs. It doesn't make it less disturbing, but you could fuck horses or go around choppin cats' heads(both really fucked up, horrible things), and it doesn't compare to ANY intentional crime against another person.
I have much more compassion for Stallworth too. It's not like he left the bar and hit some guy on the corner and fled the scene.
He had left the bar, went to sleep at a friend's house, woke up and then was driving home. I know many of us who have done the same thing - woken up and drove figuring you were ok to drive. He was driving on a stretch of highway and a the guy he killed was running across it to catch a bus that he was going to miss. Then after hitting the guy he stops, calls the police and stays on the scene the entire time and never tries to flee.
Whereupon Vick only admitted to years of animal abuse after he was dimed out by his friends.
I'm sorry, but I have much more respect for Stallworth who already agreed to help out the victim's family financially and was a stand up guy the entire time after making a tragic mistake.
And the reason he got such a short sentence, is because there is a contributory negligence law when it comes to DUI's on Florida and the fact that the victim ran across a highway made it almost impossible to get a harsher conviction so the DA had to offer the plea to Stallworth.
- 8/28/98
- 9/2/00
- 4/28/03, 5/3/03, 7/3/03, 7/5/03, 7/6/03, 7/9/03, 7/11/03, 7/12/03, 7/14/03
- 9/28/04, 9/29/04, 10/1/04, 10/2/04
- 9/11/05, 9/12/05, 9/13/05, 9/30/05, 10/1/05, 10/3/05
- 5/12/06, 5/13/06, 5/27/06, 5/28/06, 5/30/06, 6/1/06, 6/3/06, 6/23/06, 7/22/06, 7/23/06, 12/2/06, 12/9/06
- 8/2/07, 8/5/07
- 6/19/08, 6/20/08, 6/22/08, 6/24/08, 6/25/08, 6/27/08, 6/28/08, 6/30/08, 7/1/08
- 8/23/09, 8/24/09, 9/21/09, 9/22/09, 10/27/09, 10/28/09, 10/30/09, 10/31/09
- 5/15/10, 5/17/10, 5/18/10, 5/20/10, 5/21/10, 10/23/10, 10/24/10
- 9/11/11, 9/12/11
- 10/18/13, 10/21/13, 10/22/13, 11/30/13, 12/4/13
If he is truly remorseful, he will put up some money and/or some significant effort to right his wrongs.
I was thinking this morning that if he isn't truly remorseful now, then he probably will end up being... He will work a lot with groups like the humane society, and unless he is some sort of psychopath (which I doubt), spending time in those shelters, talking with people who work there, dealing with the dogs, it will have to give him an appreciation for the animals and the seriousness of what he did.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
i am a life long die hard eagles fan that WILL NOT be watching any games this year, rooting for them in any way, going to any games, or supporting them or Vick in any way... i will not pay a nickel of that piece of shits salary and i wil not give the eagles one fucking dime of my money
some things are more important then athletic ability and sports teams...
i am officially no longer a philadelphia eagles fan because of this, and i hope there are many more like me out there.
fuck em
There were rumors the Bills were going to be the team that signed him on Wednesday.... I have said from the getgo, if the Bills gain Vick, they lose me.
I just wanna watch some football.
Whatever you are, be a good one --Lincoln
Good to know.
There ya go... I watch sports and my teams specifically for the enjoyment of it and rooting for my team. I don't have to root for Vick or any other player.
Social awareness does not equal political activism!
5/23/2011- An utter embarrassment... ticketing failures too many to list.