Your attitude is indicative of an entire narcissistic generation of people who were raised with the false reinforcement that you were special no matter what you did, and there are no winners or losers. Which of course was all a lie and in no way prepared anyone for the real world. The real world where you have to pay your dues and work your way to the top. You are not just simply entitled to it just because your mommy told you that you were special. I see it in the workplace a lot too. Kids come in and are flabbergasted when they do not get hired right out of the box to the director level positions.
Like it or not, but life is one big seniority list. The longer you have been around, the better seats you will get.
"Without the album covers, where do you clean your pot?" - EV
My problem is not with the people standing idly at the front, it's with knowing that those people are there simply because they've paid more money to the fan club over the years.
Your attitude is indicative of an entire narcissistic generation of people who were raised with the false reinforcement that you were special no matter what you did, and there are no winners or losers. Which of course was all a lie and in no way prepared anyone for the real world. The real world where you have to pay your dues and work your way to the top. You are not just simply entitled to it just because your mommy told you that you were special. I see it in the workplace a lot too. Kids come in and are flabbergasted when they do not get hired right out of the box to the director level positions.
Like it or not, but life is one big seniority list. The longer you have been around, the better seats you will get.
Though I agree with you, and your belief towards people who feel "entitled".
This is a band we are talking about. Nothing more than a rock band. Whats so wrong with giving everyone a fair shot at sitting up close. Why just a few rows of lottery tickets? Why not the first 10-15 rows? Whats so wrong with giving a larger amount of newer fans a chance to sit up close?
Take me piece by piece..... Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
My problem is not with the people standing idly at the front, it's with knowing that those people are there simply because they've paid more money to the fan club over the years.
Your attitude is indicative of an entire narcissistic generation of people who were raised with the false reinforcement that you were special no matter what you did, and there are no winners or losers. Which of course was all a lie and in no way prepared anyone for the real world. The real world where you have to pay your dues and work your way to the top. You are not just simply entitled to it just because your mommy told you that you were special. I see it in the workplace a lot too. Kids come in and are flabbergasted when they do not get hired right out of the box to the director level positions.
Like it or not, but life is one big seniority list. The longer you have been around, the better seats you will get.
Though I agree with you, and your belief towards people who feel "entitled".
This is a band we are talking about. Nothing more than a rock band. Whats so wrong with giving everyone a fair shot at sitting up close. Why just a few rows of lottery tickets? Why not the first 10-15 rows? Whats so wrong with giving a larger amount of newer fans a chance to sit up close?
Like the other poster mentioned. Senority does prevent scalpers from getting up front.. they can buy new memberships but get crappy seats.. open up 1/3 of the floor and those a pretty good odds for scalpers to start buying up 10c memberships.
My problem is not with the people standing idly at the front, it's with knowing that those people are there simply because they've paid more money to the fan club over the years.
Your attitude is indicative of an entire narcissistic generation of people who were raised with the false reinforcement that you were special no matter what you did, and there are no winners or losers. Which of course was all a lie and in no way prepared anyone for the real world. The real world where you have to pay your dues and work your way to the top. You are not just simply entitled to it just because your mommy told you that you were special. I see it in the workplace a lot too. Kids come in and are flabbergasted when they do not get hired right out of the box to the director level positions.
Like it or not, but life is one big seniority list. The longer you have been around, the better seats you will get.
Though I agree with you, and your belief towards people who feel "entitled".
This is a band we are talking about. Nothing more than a rock band. Whats so wrong with giving everyone a fair shot at sitting up close. Why just a few rows of lottery tickets? Why not the first 10-15 rows? Whats so wrong with giving a larger amount of newer fans a chance to sit up close?
Nothing wrong with it. Just think the band likes the seniority thing to a point. Why?
The scalper thing was mentioned, as well as the loyalty thing.
Not totally fair, but by addressing the lottery with rows 1,2,9, and 10. I feel they made the perfect compromise.
I'm middle of the pack by the way. 184,XXX.
So I get pushed back 2 to 4 rows........ or hit the lottery myself. I love the new system. Feel it is fair to all, especially the Band and their wishes.
Like the other poster mentioned. Senority does prevent scalpers from getting up front.. they can buy new memberships but get crappy seats.. open up 1/3 of the floor and those a pretty good odds for scalpers to start buying up 10c memberships.
I disagree. The scalpers can go ahead and buy all the 10club memberships they want. Then they can also fight with the rest of us and try their best to get tickets online, when the websites crash. Then, like the rest of us, the scalpers can show up at the venue and show proper I.D. to recieve their tickets at the 10club window. In other words, I dont think making the first 10-15 rowes lottery, would change a thing as far as scalpers are concerned.
Take me piece by piece..... Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Like the other poster mentioned. Senority does prevent scalpers from getting up front.. they can buy new memberships but get crappy seats.. open up 1/3 of the floor and those a pretty good odds for scalpers to start buying up 10c memberships.
I disagree. The scalpers can go ahead and buy all the 10club memberships they want. Then they can also fight with the rest of us and try their best to get tickets online, when the websites crash. Then, like the rest of us, the scalpers can show up at the venue and show proper I.D. to recieve their tickets at the 10club window. In other words, I dont think making the first 10-15 rowes lottery, would change a thing as far as scalpers are concerned.
Yeah... except most scalpers don't bother unless they can get top 10 rows or so, or if the show is crazy sought after.
profit margin isn't enough to bother with otherwise.
My question is why do you need to be jumping around up front? Maybe just Maybe it is a great feeling to just watch this band create music that close that you are mesmerized by it and just want to take it in. I have been a member for some time now. I only recently was able to use my 10 club tickets since I was in the Army and they decided to avoid Europe while I was there is that fair no, that is life, get over it.
96 Randall's Island II
98 CAA
00 Virginia Beach;Camden I; Jones Beach III
05 Borgata Night I; Wachovia Center
06 Letterman Show; Webcast (guy in blue shirt), Camden I; DC
08 Camden I; Camden II; DC
09 Phillie III
13 Wrigley Field
16 Phillie II
One thing that has always cracked me up on this board.
People will come here and its all about "charity". Please donate to Wishlist, The West Memphis Three, help save a tree, send money to help a friend that is unemployed, help give me a free room when I visit your town, please give me a free ride, blah blah blah.
But ask those same people if they are willing to give up their "precious 10club tickets" so a newer fan has the chance to sit up close? And its as if you asked them to give up their first born.
Post edited by SPEEDY MCCREADY on
Take me piece by piece..... Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
My problem is not with the people standing idly at the front, it's with knowing that those people are there simply because they've paid more money to the fan club over the years.
Your attitude is indicative of an entire narcissistic generation of people who were raised with the false reinforcement that you were special no matter what you did, and there are no winners or losers. Which of course was all a lie and in no way prepared anyone for the real world. The real world where you have to pay your dues and work your way to the top. You are not just simply entitled to it just because your mommy told you that you were special. I see it in the workplace a lot too. Kids come in and are flabbergasted when they do not get hired right out of the box to the director level positions.
Like it or not, but life is one big seniority list. The longer you have been around, the better seats you will get.
Missed the point, missed the point, missed the point. While I fully agree that some kids come in and get pissy because they weren't hired into a workplace at 6-digit salary levels, but that's not where this person is coming from at all. Would you like to know why your workplace example and entire "life is one big seniority list" view is fundamentally flawed in this case? This is very simple: if you are in a any professional workplace or career scenario, assuming you put in the time and hard work, you can actually make it to the top - it is in your control, and the harder you work and the smarter and savvier your are about it, the faster you can get there. But for the love of god, I would love for someone to tell me how one can come in at the ground level of this fan club and put in some sort of hard work or time to make it to the top of the seniority list (and the existing lottery system in now way is comparable to one making achieving a place at the top of the seniority list). You see, its just not possible, and THAT is the point that the original post was trying to make.
As a result, this unfortunately translates into some fans perhaps thinking that they are "more of a fan" just because they've paid their fan club dues for several years. I'll say this: I can guarantee all of you that I am as big of a PJ fan as they come, and I've been into this band from the very beginning; the only difference is I haven't been a member of the fan club. Woop-dee friggin' do. Paying money doesn't make you a fan of something, nor should it be used as a gauge of how passionate you are about something. However at the end of the day, when it comes to the whole ticketing thing, they (the fan club) have to find something to use as a tool for deciding who-gets-what-tickets, so to that end, what do you do? Either keep it like this, and the non-senior members are justifiably upset, OR you go with a larger scale lottery, thus pissing off those older 10-clubbers. Or maybe another solution is to somehow set up a system where at least once every 10 club member gets to sit in the front row for a show (in addition to the current partial lottery). I dunno.
But bravo to the original poster for writing what they felt. And for the record, whenever someone posts something on here that even remotely resembles a complaint, bitch, or "whine", for the life of me I CANNOT understand why everyone else feels they have the right to (VERY predictably) respond to it by calling them a "whiner". I mean I know its so easy and so very tempting for these people to do it, but honestly, do you really have to?
One thing that has always cracked me up on this board.
People will come here and its all about "charity". Please donte to Wishlist, The West Memphis Three, help save a tree, send money to help a friend that is unemployed, help give me a free room when I visit your town, please give me a free ride, blah blah blah.
But ask those same people if they are willing to give up their "precious 10club tickets" so a newer fan has the chance to sit up close? And its as if you asked them to give up their first born.
HA!!!!! Thats fuckin priceless, I LOVE IT! Amen to that!
One thing that has always cracked me up on this board.
People will come here and its all about "charity". Please donte to Wishlist, The West Memphis Three, help save a tree, send money to help a friend that is unemployed, help give me a free room when I visit your town, please give me a free ride, blah blah blah.
But ask those same people if they are willing to give up their "precious 10club tickets" so a newer fan has the chance to sit up close? And its as if you asked them to give up their first born.
HA!!!!! Thats fuckin priceless, I LOVE IT! Amen to that!
Its beyond priceless.
People come here saying..... "The West Memphis Three need your money,it is a good cause"
"Help save a is a good cause"
"Send money to help our environment"
But ask those same people to give up their precious 10club tickets to a FELLOW 10CLUB MEMBER?????
and the reply is....
Take me piece by piece..... Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Speedy, you cannot compare real charity causes with seating at a rock and roll show. Remember, it's really not that big of a deal nor that important on the "life" scale.
Either way of doing it is fine and Pearl Jam wants to honor the members that have paid their dues the longest. Okay, so be it. If they never opted for seniority, that would have been fine too. Six of one, half a dozen of another. IF it shouldn't be that big of a deal for us long timers to give up our seats, it also should be that bog of a deal to have the seniority system. Six of one, half a dozen of another. What's right is wrong, what's old is new. This is one of the oldest topics, and has been hammered into the ground 100 thousand times and the band and/or 10c has compromised with the current system. They still get to honor their longest running fan club members, while giving the newer fan club members a chance to get the all coveted first row.
And, I've said it many times before, I couldn't care less about the first row. The sound is waaaay better about rows 5-8.
I miss the days of; if you want to be up front, fight your way up there, and fight to hold your ground. Ahhh, the good ol' days of all general admission floors.
The way the system is now, your seniority means NOTHING when it comes to actually purchasing tickets. Right? We are all fighting at the same time to come here and hopefully get lucky enough to get tickets. Right? Why not just take it a step further, since seniority means NOTHING when it comes to purchasing tickets? Why not just make the first 10-15 rows lottery? What harm does that do?
Take me piece by piece..... Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
The way the system is now, your seniority means NOTHING when it comes to actually purchasing tickets. Right? We are all fighting at the same time to come here and hopefully get lucky enough to get tickets. Right? Why not just take it a step further, since seniority means NOTHING when it comes to purchasing tickets? Why not just make the first 10-15 rows lottery? What harm does that do?
Your analogy means nothing. How would seniority work for purchasing tickets? Seniority has never been in place for purchasing tickets. It has always been about seat allocation, for that is what is important to people on both sides of this argument. And both sides feel "entitled" to the better seat. Except for the only ones who truly do have any sort of entitlement are those who have paid their dues year in and year out, with a tour and without a tour. The band has decided that they are entitled to seniority seating. Why isn't that good enough?
The way the system is now, your seniority means NOTHING when it comes to actually purchasing tickets. Right? We are all fighting at the same time to come here and hopefully get lucky enough to get tickets. Right? Why not just take it a step further, since seniority means NOTHING when it comes to purchasing tickets? Why not just make the first 10-15 rows lottery? What harm does that do?
Your analogy means nothing. How would seniority work for purchasing tickets? Seniority has never been in place for purchasing tickets. It has always been about seat allocation, for that is what is important to people on both sides of this argument. And both sides feel "entitled" to the better seat. Except for the only ones who truly do have any sort of entitlement are those who have paid their dues year in and year out, with a tour and without a tour. The band has decided that they are entitled to seniority seating. Why isn't that good enough?
Your point means nothing to me.
Why not give more people a chance to sit up close? Whats so hard about that?
Take me piece by piece..... Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Why not give more people a chance to sit up close? Whats so hard about that?
Because they don't want to and want to do it the way they feel is the better way since it's their band and their fan club?
I'm just throwing that out there. Sort of a shot in the dark! Hahahahahaha
Like I have said before...
People here on this board, would rather give up their first born, than "GOD FORBID" have to sit 15-20 rows from the stage.
What's your point? We are all passionate about the same thing and both sides of this debate want the same thing so neither side is better and neither side is more giving than the other.
Plus, if they did away with seniority, can you imagine the drop off in membership dues in the off years? What incentive would the majority have to pay when the band is not touring, or at least not touring in their region?
What's your point? We are all passionate about the same thing and both sides of this debate want the same thing so neither side is better and neither side is more giving than the other.
What is my point?
I think the 10club should open up the lottery to the first 10-15 rows.
That is all
Take me piece by piece..... Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Plus, if they did away with seniority, can you imagine the drop off in membership dues in the off years? What incentive would the majority have to pay when the band is not touring, or at least not touring in their region?
So here we go....hehehehe
What you are saying is....That people here would drop off because "GOD FORBID" they no longer had their seats in the first 5 rows....right???
So it isnt really "about the music' or "about the band" to those people......right???
Its just about THEM and THIER precious first row seats....right????
I say FUCK those people.....
Take me piece by piece..... Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
One thing that has always cracked me up on this board.
People will come here and its all about "charity". Please donate to Wishlist, The West Memphis Three, help save a tree, send money to help a friend that is unemployed, help give me a free room when I visit your town, please give me a free ride, blah blah blah.
But ask those same people if they are willing to give up their "precious 10club tickets" so a newer fan has the chance to sit up close? And its as if you asked them to give up their first born.
I'm going to have to disagree with you on this one.
The first misconception is that ONLY those member with seniority are the ones who participate in the charitable aspects of the fan base. Is this true? Do you really believe that the younger members or those whom have joined the Club later refrain from charity... good will towards fellow fans... and that only those with senority contribute? If this is true... which I STRONGLY doubt... what does that tell you about the character of the younger fans?
The second false assumption is that those with seniortiy oppose this lottery. The ones i know... and i know a few of them... are fine with the infusion of the lottery winners. It is mostly those members with the higher numbers that are complaining that the lottery does not go far enough. Who is the selfish one in that equation? You are talking about the first 10 to 15 rows. If you have a higher number and don't win the lottery... you are displaced by 10 or 15 rows instead of 4.
Anyway, I feel it is a fair proposition... the lottery for 1,2 9,10.
I suppose there will never be a pleasing compromise for everyone except having a stage wide enough so every on the the fan club sit in the front row. But, where are you going to find a venue like that... outside of Jupiter?
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
What's your point? We are all passionate about the same thing and both sides of this debate want the same thing so neither side is better and neither side is more giving than the other.
What is my point?
I think the 10club should open up the lottery to the first 10-15 rows.
That is all
And, I respectfully do not think that is necessary. I think the current lottery system is more than a fair compromise between those with long running memberships and those newer to the club.
One solution would be to revert back to the ONE PAIR per Tour.
Which would only work if tours were announced like they were in the old days... all cities with one announcement. Because can you imagine the number of cry baby complaints if everyone went for the known cities... only to find later that their home city gets announced and they screwed the pooch and booked a flight to Los Angeles because they went for that gig.
There really is no pleasing... I am glad that none of the band members read this message board. This way, they still think we are pretty cool people.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
Oh thats a really quality thing to say. Douche.
This is a band we are talking about. Nothing more than a rock band. Whats so wrong with giving everyone a fair shot at sitting up close. Why just a few rows of lottery tickets? Why not the first 10-15 rows? Whats so wrong with giving a larger amount of newer fans a chance to sit up close?
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Like the other poster mentioned. Senority does prevent scalpers from getting up front.. they can buy new memberships but get crappy seats.. open up 1/3 of the floor and those a pretty good odds for scalpers to start buying up 10c memberships.
Nothing wrong with it. Just think the band likes the seniority thing to a point. Why?
The scalper thing was mentioned, as well as the loyalty thing.
Not totally fair, but by addressing the lottery with rows 1,2,9, and 10. I feel they made the perfect compromise.
I'm middle of the pack by the way. 184,XXX.
So I get pushed back 2 to 4 rows........ or hit the lottery myself. I love the new system. Feel it is fair to all, especially the Band and their wishes.
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Yeah... except most scalpers don't bother unless they can get top 10 rows or so, or if the show is crazy sought after.
profit margin isn't enough to bother with otherwise.
98 CAA
00 Virginia Beach;Camden I; Jones Beach III
05 Borgata Night I; Wachovia Center
06 Letterman Show; Webcast (guy in blue shirt), Camden I; DC
08 Camden I; Camden II; DC
09 Phillie III
13 Wrigley Field
16 Phillie II
People will come here and its all about "charity". Please donate to Wishlist, The West Memphis Three, help save a tree, send money to help a friend that is unemployed, help give me a free room when I visit your town, please give me a free ride, blah blah blah.
But ask those same people if they are willing to give up their "precious 10club tickets" so a newer fan has the chance to sit up close? And its as if you asked them to give up their first born.
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Missed the point, missed the point, missed the point. While I fully agree that some kids come in and get pissy because they weren't hired into a workplace at 6-digit salary levels, but that's not where this person is coming from at all. Would you like to know why your workplace example and entire "life is one big seniority list" view is fundamentally flawed in this case? This is very simple: if you are in a any professional workplace or career scenario, assuming you put in the time and hard work, you can actually make it to the top - it is in your control, and the harder you work and the smarter and savvier your are about it, the faster you can get there. But for the love of god, I would love for someone to tell me how one can come in at the ground level of this fan club and put in some sort of hard work or time to make it to the top of the seniority list (and the existing lottery system in now way is comparable to one making achieving a place at the top of the seniority list). You see, its just not possible, and THAT is the point that the original post was trying to make.
As a result, this unfortunately translates into some fans perhaps thinking that they are "more of a fan" just because they've paid their fan club dues for several years. I'll say this: I can guarantee all of you that I am as big of a PJ fan as they come, and I've been into this band from the very beginning; the only difference is I haven't been a member of the fan club. Woop-dee friggin' do. Paying money doesn't make you a fan of something, nor should it be used as a gauge of how passionate you are about something. However at the end of the day, when it comes to the whole ticketing thing, they (the fan club) have to find something to use as a tool for deciding who-gets-what-tickets, so to that end, what do you do? Either keep it like this, and the non-senior members are justifiably upset, OR you go with a larger scale lottery, thus pissing off those older 10-clubbers. Or maybe another solution is to somehow set up a system where at least once every 10 club member gets to sit in the front row for a show (in addition to the current partial lottery). I dunno.
But bravo to the original poster for writing what they felt. And for the record, whenever someone posts something on here that even remotely resembles a complaint, bitch, or "whine", for the life of me I CANNOT understand why everyone else feels they have the right to (VERY predictably) respond to it by calling them a "whiner". I mean I know its so easy and so very tempting for these people to do it, but honestly, do you really have to?
HA!!!!! Thats fuckin priceless, I LOVE IT! Amen to that!
People come here saying..... "The West Memphis Three need your money,it is a good cause"
"Help save a is a good cause"
"Send money to help our environment"
But ask those same people to give up their precious 10club tickets to a FELLOW 10CLUB MEMBER?????
and the reply is....
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Either way of doing it is fine and Pearl Jam wants to honor the members that have paid their dues the longest. Okay, so be it. If they never opted for seniority, that would have been fine too. Six of one, half a dozen of another. IF it shouldn't be that big of a deal for us long timers to give up our seats, it also should be that bog of a deal to have the seniority system. Six of one, half a dozen of another. What's right is wrong, what's old is new. This is one of the oldest topics, and has been hammered into the ground 100 thousand times and the band and/or 10c has compromised with the current system. They still get to honor their longest running fan club members, while giving the newer fan club members a chance to get the all coveted first row.
I miss the days of; if you want to be up front, fight your way up there, and fight to hold your ground. Ahhh, the good ol' days of all general admission floors.
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Why not give more people a chance to sit up close? Whats so hard about that?
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
I'm just throwing that out there. Sort of a shot in the dark! Hahahahahaha
Like I have said before...
People here on this board, would rather give up their first born, than "GOD FORBID" have to sit 15-20 rows from the stage.
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
I think the 10club should open up the lottery to the first 10-15 rows.
That is all
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
So here we go....hehehehe
What you are saying is....That people here would drop off because "GOD FORBID" they no longer had their seats in the first 5 rows....right???
So it isnt really "about the music' or "about the band" to those people......right???
Its just about THEM and THIER precious first row seats....right????
I say FUCK those people.....
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
I'm going to have to disagree with you on this one.
The first misconception is that ONLY those member with seniority are the ones who participate in the charitable aspects of the fan base. Is this true? Do you really believe that the younger members or those whom have joined the Club later refrain from charity... good will towards fellow fans... and that only those with senority contribute? If this is true... which I STRONGLY doubt... what does that tell you about the character of the younger fans?
The second false assumption is that those with seniortiy oppose this lottery. The ones i know... and i know a few of them... are fine with the infusion of the lottery winners. It is mostly those members with the higher numbers that are complaining that the lottery does not go far enough. Who is the selfish one in that equation? You are talking about the first 10 to 15 rows. If you have a higher number and don't win the lottery... you are displaced by 10 or 15 rows instead of 4.
Anyway, I feel it is a fair proposition... the lottery for 1,2 9,10.
I suppose there will never be a pleasing compromise for everyone except having a stage wide enough so every on the the fan club sit in the front row. But, where are you going to find a venue like that... outside of Jupiter?
Hail, Hail!!!
Which would only work if tours were announced like they were in the old days... all cities with one announcement. Because can you imagine the number of cry baby complaints if everyone went for the known cities... only to find later that their home city gets announced and they screwed the pooch and booked a flight to Los Angeles because they went for that gig.
There really is no pleasing... I am glad that none of the band members read this message board. This way, they still think we are pretty cool people.
Hail, Hail!!!