I Hope PJ is Thrilled about Supporting a Socialist Prez



  • did the mods take the night off?
  • MrSmith wrote:
    did the mods take the night off?

    They must have...

    Maybe they're busy preparing for another annoucement ...
  • Spiritual_ChaosSpiritual_Chaos Posts: 30,942
    edited July 2009
    spiritual choas...... you probably take more than you contribute.

    Actually no.
    saying "ignorant American" is just plain dumb.

    Not really.
    Post edited by Spiritual_Chaos on
    "Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
  • ReachingForThinAirReachingForThinAir Posts: 184
    edited July 2009
    oh you people.

    some day, and it's not far in the future, you know like when Iraq was your masturbatory point...

    this point will become succinct in your mind.

    Socialism is a good thing. It takes the grubbing and sticks it in the ass.

    in the ass.

    Post edited by ReachingForThinAir on
  • Rossum20Rossum20 Posts: 910
    Lets face it...there is no true "left" anymore. The democrats are the new center/right and the republicans are those special "damaged" people way the fuck out in right field.

    I love the whole "oh boy, we are really in trouble now!" Are you fucking retarded...have you been living in your moms basement the last decade...we already are fucked..we were fucked last year before Obama took over and the people who are crying about Obama were perfectly happy with what preceded him? Thank god the American people finally accepted the fact that we need to change...some government intervention is UNAVOIDABLE at this point because too many people exposed the dangerous side that free flowing capitalism allows.

    How this makes Obama a socialist is beyond me...this is literally a PINCH of the whole pie that will be government controlled...and it has to be...otherwise our current system will continue to be exploited and we will continue to crash.

    Obama is a socialist....he wasn't born in the USA..wah wah waaaahhhh....and this is how far the republicans have fallen? C-Street? Its disgusting...and you either have to be someone who has been able to make a nice chunk of change by finding shortcuts in our "hands off" capitalistic society...or youre a complete fucking idiot...which is it?

    Socialist? Take a look.

    http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php ... 9&comments
  • as a pretty big fiscal conservative (not socially), this thread is fucking stupid.
  • breath123breath123 Posts: 397
    Sawyer wrote:
    I have never understood penalizing people for being educated and successful....I guees democrats can explain that better than I.

    I will give it a shot.

    when you have had all the breaks, the best education, take advantage of all the tax loopholes that all those politicians allow you to take advantage of, I think the only decent thing to do is break off a minute amount to help out the people who had NONE of these breaks most successful people are born into.

    Eh, that's a little idealistic, allow me to rephrase. If the hardest decision you have to make is between taking the porshe or the ferrari for a spin ou for a weekend in the hamptons, are you really souless enough to deny someone who's daily problem is how they are going to a meal today?

    Let me ask you this. Can you live on $199,999.99 per year, think you can eek out a living on that? My understanding is that under Obama anyone making less than $200,000 life doesn't change much.

    "Socialism" or "the right thing to do"? you decide...

    don't worry Sawyer, George Bush set the example that it was okay to be a filthy rich, heartless prick.

    A LOT of people followed his example, you're in good company.
  • satansbedsatansbed Posts: 2,139
    Sawyer wrote:
    Let me rant for a second......socialized healthcare....are you kidding....is this Russia? We are embarking on dangerous ground with Mr. Obama. I have never understood penalizing people for being educated and successful....I guees democrats can explain that better than I. He was so cool, and hip, and my God...BLACK....nevermind how underqualified this clown is, or that his own administration is now going.......uhhhhhhhhhh,,,,it is easy to be a democrat when you have more money than you know what to do with....ask Sean Penn....ask Tim Robbins...and by God question Pearl Jam once in awhile.

    He's adding a public option, so people can live,he is not socializing medicine (though we should really have a single buyer plan).... . If you don't like it go move to... errr... I guess you have little options there, as much of the developed world has true socialized healthcare.

    I'm not agreeing with everything in the original post, but I don't think you should be judging the strength of the American health care system based on the rest of the developed world. We still get better care for our health in this nation in comparison to almost anywhere on the planet. As I said, I'm not supporting everything in the original post, but I think we have a problem when we consider the health care standards in other nations as satisfactory measurements for the care in our own nation.
    except for cuba.............. and europe......... and india.......... and china
  • ECMECM Posts: 1,687
  • why do you care about universal health care? you can still keep your same health care you have now. it will just make it more reasonable for the millions who can't AFFORD health care to get it. i currently don't have nor can afford health care. i had an ear blockage that i couldnt solve on my own and had to go to a doctor. i was in a total of 3 minutes...and they essentially blasted the inside of my ear with water. bill? 200 bucks. for 3 minutes? really?!
    if me getting an opportunity at health care is socialism to you? f**kin' ...bring on socialism.
    i remember you...i was gonna vote for you one time...but voting isn't cool so i stayed home and got trashed on listerine.
  • SchokiSchoki Posts: 5,072
    Sawyer wrote:
    Let me rant for a second......socialized healthcare....are you kidding....is this Russia? We are embarking on dangerous ground with Mr. Obama. I have never understood penalizing people for being educated and successful....I guees democrats can explain that better than I. He was so cool, and hip, and my God...BLACK....nevermind how underqualified this clown is, or that his own administration is now going.......uhhhhhhhhhh,,,,it is easy to be a democrat when you have more money than you know what to do with....ask Sean Penn....ask Tim Robbins...and by God question Pearl Jam once in awhile.

    You are saying socialism but you mean communism or? Socialism is what we have here in Germany! Not so bad at all. Health care has nothing to do with being hip. Congrats for a great president you guys have now !
    Underqualified! Maybe you should watch some of the statements your old president Jr. made.
    Questionn yourself and unqualified comments once in a while.
  • Spiritual_ChaosSpiritual_Chaos Posts: 30,942
    i was in a total of 3 minutes...and they essentially blasted the inside of my ear with water. bill? 200 bucks. for 3 minutes? really?!

    here in Sweden I payed 12dollars for that. And then 10 dollars for some eardrops.
    "Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
  • DercheefDercheef Germany Posts: 732
    i was in a total of 3 minutes...and they essentially blasted the inside of my ear with water. bill? 200 bucks. for 3 minutes? really?!

    here in Sweden I payed 12dollars for that. And then 10 dollars for some eardrops.
    Had this a few years ago and I actually I paid nothing for the same treatment here in germany.
    2012:Amsterdam I+II, Prague, Berlin I+II, Stockholm, Oslo, Copenhagen
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  • i shit and i stinki shit and i stink Posts: 1,122
    edited July 2009
    Sawyer wrote:
    Let me rant for a second......socialized healthcare....are you kidding....is this Russia? We are embarking on dangerous ground with Mr. Obama. I have never understood penalizing people for being educated and successful....I guees democrats can explain that better than I. He was so cool, and hip, and my God...BLACK....nevermind how underqualified this clown is, or that his own administration is now going.......uhhhhhhhhhh,,,,it is easy to be a democrat when you have more money than you know what to do with....ask Sean Penn....ask Tim Robbins...and by God question Pearl Jam once in awhile.

    In Britain a lot of people look at your crazy healthcare system and wonder how on Earth it is possible do deny medical care to anyone based upon how good their insurance is. Socialist healthcare is not communist - equal access to treatment is a right, not a privilege. Our system is not perfect but I think most Brits would not swap our national health service for your elitist system.

    How does the American system currently work? All animals are equal but some are more equal than others.
    Post edited by i shit and i stink on
    we're all going to the same place...
  • brandon10brandon10 Posts: 1,114
    why do you care about universal health care? you can still keep your same health care you have now. it will just make it more reasonable for the millions who can't AFFORD health care to get it. i currently don't have nor can afford health care. i had an ear blockage that i couldnt solve on my own and had to go to a doctor. i was in a total of 3 minutes...and they essentially blasted the inside of my ear with water. bill? 200 bucks. for 3 minutes? really?!
    if me getting an opportunity at health care is socialism to you? f**kin' ...bring on socialism.

    I'm in Canada. Had the exact same problem. The only thing I had to do was wait ten minutes in the waiting room. Absolutely FREE.

    It's really sad how these idiotic right wing fools ruin what could be a fantastic country. That and religion, but thats a whole other topic. I hope all these fucking rednecks start shooting themselves with all the extra guns they are buying now.
  • violetpsychevioletpsyche Posts: 122
    Sawyer wrote:
    Let me rant for a second......socialized healthcare....are you kidding....is this Russia?

    Ooooh dear, my brain just did a major backflip at the stupidity and ignorance of this. I don't know what to say except that I suppose we in the UK are a bunch of commie bastards because we have services like the NHS. I despair.
  • America is the only industrialized, developed nation w/o some form of universal healthcare...don't be so naive calling us "socialist Russia". you have no idea what you are talkin about
    Justin smith
  • FlaggFlagg Posts: 5,856
    he was considering taxing the health care benefits of those who work for them!!!!

    An idea taken from the McCain health plan by the way.
    BOS-9/28/04,9/29/04,6/28/08,6/30/08, 9/5/16, 9/7/16, 9/2/18
    MTL-9/15/05, OTT-9/16/05
    ATX-10/4/09, 10/12/14
    Bridge School-10/23/2010,10/24/2010
  • FlaggFlagg Posts: 5,856

    BOS-9/28/04,9/29/04,6/28/08,6/30/08, 9/5/16, 9/7/16, 9/2/18
    MTL-9/15/05, OTT-9/16/05
    ATX-10/4/09, 10/12/14
    Bridge School-10/23/2010,10/24/2010
  • Wolf At BayWolf At Bay Posts: 236
    Sawyer wrote:
    Let me rant for a second......socialized healthcare....are you kidding....is this Russia? We are embarking on dangerous ground with Mr. Obama. I have never understood penalizing people for being educated and successful....I guees democrats can explain that better than I. He was so cool, and hip, and my God...BLACK....nevermind how underqualified this clown is, or that his own administration is now going.......uhhhhhhhhhh,,,,it is easy to be a democrat when you have more money than you know what to do with....ask Sean Penn....ask Tim Robbins...and by God question Pearl Jam once in awhile.

    +1. This country is in trouble.
    Actually, the economy is already on the rebound. turn on the news
  • Stephen FlowStephen Flow Posts: 3,327
    ITT: Bitching, whining, politics, soapbox standing & general tomfoolery... proceed with caution... I regret opening it.
  • heyhey Posts: 33
    We are embarking on dangerous ground with Mr. Obama? It seemed pretty dangerous to me when that clown of a president Bush was in office. I don't really know too too much about politics and I am not here to sound like i do. What I do think i have though is quite a few life experiences and have met many people throughout my journeys. Let me just say this. I believe that when you hear the same thing over and over again from many different people there has to be some truth to it. What I have heard many times from many different people is that republicans are narrow minded thinkers. I believe that somewhat pretty much b/c I have literally heard it over and over again from many different people. For example. My one friend who hasn't always been a huge PJ fan but I helped him see the light always said things to me like, I hope PJ's next album or single isn't political, or I hope Eddie doesn't talk about politics tonight at the show. I am always like, dude, where have you been, Eddie has always been like this, maybe not always as vocal, but he has been political. Writing Pro-Choice on your arm during a performance isn't political? That was years ago!!! My point is I know his father and his father is old school, straight laced, overall a nice man. BUT! He is republican and I have heard it with my own two ears telling his son, my friend, what are you doing listening to that hippy crap. That band doesn't support the war and our troops. To me, just narrow minded thinking, and I think its human nature to agree with your father, whether right or wrong cause he is your father. So my friend hears this and is like yeah, my dad is right. Why can't they just sing about girls, and hot rods, and getting laid. Why do they have to sing and talk about things that are actually going to make me think? I think a lot of people out there follow what their parents believe and I have found it to be many many mostly republicans when I witness this. I went to school in the south and don't even get me started on the south. Again, some of the things you hear time and time again about people living in the south are true. I had a roomate, very nice guy, we got along fine but were very different when it came to politics. I think the bottom line between us is that over the years I have formed my own opinions and he has gone off of what his FATHER believes. I remember reading I think is was either Howard Zinn or Ralph Nadar call it something like __________ thinking or something! Does anyone remember? But he even told me like my father is republican and that is why I am. Like god forbid you think differently than your father. That is why the south is a lot of republicans b/c many many people vote a certain way b/c their father does and his father does and aunt tilly used too and her uncle did. Its true but I also understand it can go both ways. Another friend of mine, and I still refer to him as my friend b/c no matter what, we will always be friends, is very very republican. His father is also, and they are catholic. I am just gonna go out on a limb here and say that most of my friends childhood was probably filled with republican talk and religous speeches. In this household they most likely went hand and hand. I always thought this was supposed to be kept sperate but over the years to me it does not seem like the case. He is totally against abortion and to me it seems like he is only against it b/c 1. Thats the republican way. 2. That is the catholic way 3. His father told him it was wrong. My point is, in speaking with him it never seems like he has ever put any more thought into it b/c he doesn't have to. His faith has already told him its wrong, his political view has told him its wrong, and his father, whom he dare not think differently than thinks this way. I know this is long but do you see where I am going with this people? Too me, with these examples, it seems like pretty narrow minded thinking or lack there of. My cousin told me that somone, may have been Bill O Reilly, on earth day or something, when others out there were planting trees he did a segment on his show where he was cutting trees down. Can someone confirm this for me? If this is true that is just bs, and if anyone out there follows this guy you should be ashamed of yourself. He is probably only republican cause his daddy and entire family tree wouldn't have it any other way. I remember reading a while back that Eddie was very close with one of the Ramone brothers and that he ( the ramone brother ) was very republican and that he would test eddie and ask him political questions just to teach him and to help one another learn about other points of view. To me that is awesome and that is exactly what we as people are not doing. People are not open to new ideas and only stick to what they were raised on, not everyone, but it happens a lot. Sepatation of church and state is bs b/c people tie the two together every single day. What do you people think?
  • Vedd HeddVedd Hedd Posts: 4,614
    Sawyer wrote:
    Sawyer wrote:
    Let me rant for a second......socialized healthcare....are you kidding....is this Russia? We are embarking on dangerous ground with Mr. Obama. I have never understood penalizing people for being educated and successful....I guees democrats can explain that better than I. He was so cool, and hip, and my God...BLACK....nevermind how underqualified this clown is, or that his own administration is now going.......uhhhhhhhhhh,,,,it is easy to be a democrat when you have more money than you know what to do with....ask Sean Penn....ask Tim Robbins...and by God question Pearl Jam once in awhile.


    think celebrities are in an element of their own where no matter how much one is taxed it really does not matter. Some one who makes 175K a year is mosy likely Republican and getting nailed.

    Wow, you couldnt be any more wrong than you are right here.

    By this comment alone, it shows your ignorance on the subject.

    And its not socialized healthcare.
    Turn this anger into
    Nuclear fission
  • heyhey Posts: 33
    many many people in this country are ignorant. that is a fact. someone just told me there was a school in the south somewhere, that up until recently, like a year or maybe less, they had segregated proms and dances. that is crazy. Racism still exists b/c people will always be ignorant. If daddy is racist, and grandma to, they your kid is going to grow up very very likely saying racist things. A lot of people just JOKE around about it but its not funny but people don't say things b/c they are afraid to look like a whimp. Its true. Like hey, Pete got all offended when I was joking around earlier saying the N word. What a p@#$y!! He is not black. Why does he care. its true. Its not un-patriotic to think others countries may have better systems than us the U.S. for certain things but if your dad says so and his daddy says so than it must be un-patriotic. I'm done. Peace.
  • Vedd HeddVedd Hedd Posts: 4,614
    The government isnt taking over health care....they are simply going to be able to provide people with an ALTERNATIVE to private care as well. Private care isnt going anywhere. Everyone can still have their awesome HMO's and PPO's to deal with.

    This should actually make private care more competitive, which is in the true spirit of captialism, so all this socalist talk is just right wing rhetoric.
    Turn this anger into
    Nuclear fission
  • Stephen FlowStephen Flow Posts: 3,327
    hey wrote:
    We are embarking on dangerous ground with Mr. Obama? It seemed pretty dangerous to me when that clown of a president Bush was in office. I don't really know too too much about politics and I am not here to sound like i do. What I do think i have though is quite a few life experiences and have met many people throughout my journeys. Let me just say this. I believe that when you hear the same thing over and over again from many different people there has to be some truth to it. What I have heard many times from many different people is that republicans are narrow minded thinkers. I believe that somewhat pretty much b/c I have literally heard it over and over again from many different people. For example. My one friend who hasn't always been a huge PJ fan but I helped him see the light always said things to me like, I hope PJ's next album or single isn't political, or I hope Eddie doesn't talk about politics tonight at the show. I am always like, dude, where have you been, Eddie has always been like this, maybe not always as vocal, but he has been political. Writing Pro-Choice on your arm during a performance isn't political? That was years ago!!! My point is I know his father and his father is old school, straight laced, overall a nice man. BUT! He is republican and I have heard it with my own two ears telling his son, my friend, what are you doing listening to that hippy crap. That band doesn't support the war and our troops. To me, just narrow minded thinking, and I think its human nature to agree with your father, whether right or wrong cause he is your father. So my friend hears this and is like yeah, my dad is right. Why can't they just sing about girls, and hot rods, and getting laid. Why do they have to sing and talk about things that are actually going to make me think? I think a lot of people out there follow what their parents believe and I have found it to be many many mostly republicans when I witness this. I went to school in the south and don't even get me started on the south. Again, some of the things you hear time and time again about people living in the south are true. I had a roomate, very nice guy, we got along fine but were very different when it came to politics. I think the bottom line between us is that over the years I have formed my own opinions and he has gone off of what his FATHER believes. I remember reading I think is was either Howard Zinn or Ralph Nadar call it something like __________ thinking or something! Does anyone remember? But he even told me like my father is republican and that is why I am. Like god forbid you think differently than your father. That is why the south is a lot of republicans b/c many many people vote a certain way b/c their father does and his father does and aunt tilly used too and her uncle did. Its true but I also understand it can go both ways. Another friend of mine, and I still refer to him as my friend b/c no matter what, we will always be friends, is very very republican. His father is also, and they are catholic. I am just gonna go out on a limb here and say that most of my friends childhood was probably filled with republican talk and religous speeches. In this household they most likely went hand and hand. I always thought this was supposed to be kept sperate but over the years to me it does not seem like the case. He is totally against abortion and to me it seems like he is only against it b/c 1. Thats the republican way. 2. That is the catholic way 3. His father told him it was wrong. My point is, in speaking with him it never seems like he has ever put any more thought into it b/c he doesn't have to. His faith has already told him its wrong, his political view has told him its wrong, and his father, whom he dare not think differently than thinks this way. I know this is long but do you see where I am going with this people? Too me, with these examples, it seems like pretty narrow minded thinking or lack there of. My cousin told me that somone, may have been Bill O Reilly, on earth day or something, when others out there were planting trees he did a segment on his show where he was cutting trees down. Can someone confirm this for me? If this is true that is just bs, and if anyone out there follows this guy you should be ashamed of yourself. He is probably only republican cause his daddy and entire family tree wouldn't have it any other way. I remember reading a while back that Eddie was very close with one of the Ramone brothers and that he ( the ramone brother ) was very republican and that he would test eddie and ask him political questions just to teach him and to help one another learn about other points of view. To me that is awesome and that is exactly what we as people are not doing. People are not open to new ideas and only stick to what they were raised on, not everyone, but it happens a lot. Sepatation of church and state is bs b/c people tie the two together every single day. What do you people think?

  • Yellow BedwetterYellow Bedwetter NYC Posts: 2,832
    i think its cool he personally called mark buerhle after his perfect game to congratulate him..yeah
    2005: Borgata 2, Philly
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    2012: Made in America
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    2015: Global Citizens
    2016: MSG 2 (ISO MSG1)
    EV Solo: NJPAC 2008; Tower Theatre, PA 2009; Hartford 2011
  • MayDay10MayDay10 Posts: 11,787
    obama isnt a real american citizen.

    he deals with known tear wrists

    he is a muslin

    We are gonna be soash lists

    he only got elected because he is black and is a good speaker.

    John McCain and Sarah Palin are mavericks and would have changed the country

    Ronald Reagan is the greatest president ever.

    sick of all the same old bullshit
  • Vedd HeddVedd Hedd Posts: 4,614
    i think its cool he personally called mark buerhle after his perfect game to congratulate him..yeah
    Is that sarcasm?
    Turn this anger into
    Nuclear fission
  • heyhey Posts: 33
    I think this county is awesome. Its all I know. One thing I feel, and other countries most likely have people like this as well, is that there are too many tough guys. Guys who just wanna fight. We all know people llike this. We saw them in high school, and we saw them in college, we work with them. The minute anything goes wrong with anything, they just want to fight. If you spoke about war with them they would probably call you some kind of name if you told them you didn't want to fight. Too many tough guys. I witness it here in my own small town. The firemen in this town, many of them I can't stand. They are ignorant tough guys who think just b/c they volunteer at the fire department they can do whatever they want. They drink too much and are alot of time just plain obnoxious. Don't get me wrong, volunteering is a good thing but they feel like just b/c they chose to do this they deserve special treatment and can act like a holes. They get acknowleded by recieving awards and other things but please. Some of them have to come down off their high-horses. My point is over the years some people have just heard negative things about Russia or UK, or Canada and how the U.S. is just better so when they hear things like Hmmmm, its a possibility that Russia has a better health care plan than we do they are like no way. Not Russia, can't be, I am not going to believe that for a second. The U.S. has the best everything.
This discussion has been closed.