Let me rant for a second......socialized healthcare....are you kidding....is this Russia? We are embarking on dangerous ground with Mr. Obama. I have never understood penalizing people for being educated and successful....I guees democrats can explain that better than I. He was so cool, and hip, and my God...BLACK....nevermind how underqualified this clown is, or that his own administration is now going.......uhhhhhhhhhh,,,,it is easy to be a democrat when you have more money than you know what to do with....ask Sean Penn....ask Tim Robbins...and by God question Pearl Jam once in awhile.
Sure beats when they supported Ralph Nadar. I mean, I like Nadar and all.....but he totally cost Gore the election despite having no realistic chance of winning.
i think rampant voter fraud cost Gore the election.
Well it all came down to Florida. And after all the fraud bullshit or whatever was going on, the final official count had Bush beating Gore by about 600 votes. Nadar got 97,000 votes in Florida. Therefore, as far as I'm concerned, the George W. Bush presidency is all Ralph Nadar's fault. I don't know how he slept at night during Bush's term.
I don't mean to change topics, but as someone who went to business school in Philly.....it makes Mogadishu look like Burlington, VT.[/quote]
as a penn business grad, you should know much more about economics and politics than what you exhibit. i think you got ripped off. are you sure you graduated?
i think rampant voter fraud cost Gore the election.[/quote]
Well it all came down to Florida. And after all the fraud bullshit or whatever was going on, the final official count had Bush beating Gore by about 600 votes. Nadar got 97,000 votes in Florida. It's all Nadar's fault. I don't know how he slept at night while Bush was ruining the country.[/quote]
and Al Franken and the dems didn't highjack this election?
They are all the same becky
In my lifetime, I have conquered the Multiverse by force of trUth.
I don't mean to change topics, but as someone who went to business school in Philly.....it makes Mogadishu look like Burlington, VT.
as a penn business grad, you should know much more about economics and politics than what you exhibit. i think you got ripped off. are you sure you graduated?[/quote]
think so...maybe it was that second tier business school Kellog
I don't mean to change topics, but as someone who went to business school in Philly.....it makes Mogadishu look like Burlington, VT.
as a penn business grad, you should know much more about economics and politics than what you exhibit. i think you got ripped off. are you sure you graduated?
think so...maybe it was that second tier business school Kellog[/quote]
Well I went to Penn and survived living in disgusting Philadelphia so there.
Congrats. Hopefully you won't be coming for the shows here.
well...my dad is a Pres at Comcast so I have his box if I want it....but......did I mention how taxed he is?
this statement explains so much. just so much.
you need to use that penn education of yours and think about the word 'underqualified' and then think about who your party decided they wanted to be 'a heartbeat away' from leading our country.
I don't mean to change topics, but as someone who went to business school in Philly.....it makes Mogadishu look like Burlington, VT.
as a penn business grad, you should know much more about economics and politics than what you exhibit. i think you got ripped off. are you sure you graduated?
think so...maybe it was that second tier business school Kellog
Are you saying Wharton is beneath Kellog.....do not insult my alma mater....even though it sits next to Drexel in America's rectal gland.
[/quote] this statement explains so much. just so much.
you need to use that penn education of yours and think about the word 'underqualified' and then think about who your party decided they wanted to be 'a heartbeat away' from leading our country.[/quote]
haha. heartbeat away. CLASSIC. i could be wrong...but arent the current tax codes provided by bush? didn't you vote for him sawyer? you should also note that effective tax rates are actually pretty low at this point in time, so uh..hes lucky because i bet he makes so much money.
Sure beats when they supported Ralph Nadar. I mean, I like Nadar and all.....but he totally cost Gore the election despite having no realistic chance of winning.
i think rampant voter fraud cost Gore the election.
Well it all came down to Florida. And after all the fraud bullshit or whatever was going on, the final official count had Bush beating Gore by about 600 votes. Nadar got 97,000 votes in Florida. Therefore, as far as I'm concerned, the George W. Bush presidency is all Ralph Nadar's fault. I don't know how he slept at night during Bush's term.
Bah! I know what you mean, but I was thinking more of how many Florida voters were turned away at the polls/had problems with their registration, etc. This happened across the board, but was disproportionate in districts with high concentrations of likely democrats.
I think both the Democrats and the Republicans have been manipulating election day (and the whole system for that matter) for a long time... that was part of the reason people felt so passionately about getting a third party in the running. I don't think anyone could have anticipated just how high the cost of that grassroots effort would be. :(
but judging by your statements, i think you are hurting their rankings. seriously killing the rankings. you could have learned just as much at any school. actually, you should have just saved your dads money and not even gone. i think you would be better off.
but judging by your statements, i think you are hurting their rankings. seriously killing the rankings. you could have learned just as much at any school. actually, you should have just saved your dads money and not even gone. i think you would be better off.[/quote]
there are 2 posters on this thread that watch waaayyy too much sean hannity...
actually I hate him, I like ann coulture and savage
wow. just...wow.
the only listenable conserva-wacko on the radio is medved because he is actually smart and talks about issues and he doesn't yell and scream for 74% or each of his shows. i agree with basically nothing he says, but he at least has conversations.
as for the original post...you are in fantasy land if you think what we have is socialism...hence my guess you listen to hannity. Obama is such a centrist that the left is completely pissed at him, which is why his numbers are falling. he has been a dissapointment, although not a major one, cause i saw this coming a mile away. he is, after all, a politician, and a successful one. one does not become a successful politician by being a progressive nowadays unless you are kucinich or live in Vermont.
thread of the night!!! Let's all kick in our own doors and have a party till the police show up!!!!!! they wont bother us
With all this The Fixer sucks, PJ is playing a Halloween show in Philly after Ed Takes Olivia trick or treating in Seattle, Los Lobos is opening in Chicago, and how the Spectrum is like Vatican City this board needed something......'Heath Ledger Voice'..."and I'm gonna give it to them"
......all good in time my fellow chaps lol, we wont know how hot and sticky the shit is till its over or we are knee deep in it. Call ur local legislature if ya need to rant. Or place it in the appropriate forum peeps :? :roll: money money....he said he wouldnt pass the healthcare plan if it increased the deficient....Sorry if ur makin or 250 thousand or more. Ill be in that kinda bucket in a few years ill tell ya if im pissed after that happens. "HOpe is an emotion not a Plan" its better than what we had this time last year folks In My Humble Opinion
as for the original post...you are in fantasy land if you think what we have is socialism...hence my guess you listen to hannity. Obama is such a centrist that the left is completely pissed at him, which is why his numbers are falling. he has been a dissapointment, although not a major one, cause i saw this coming a mile away. he is, after all, a politician, and a successful one. one does not become a successful politician by being a progressive nowadays unless you are kucinich or live in Vermont.[/quote]
no but we are headed there in a racecar!
In my lifetime, I have conquered the Multiverse by force of trUth.
......all good in time my fellow chaps lol, we wont know how hot and sticky the shit is till its over or we are knee deep in it. Call ur local legislature if ya need to rant. Or place it in the appropriate forum peeps :? :roll: money money....he said he wouldnt pass the healthcare plan if it increased the deficient....Sorry if ur makin or 250 thousand or more. Ill be in that kinda bucket in a few years ill tell ya if im pissed after that happens. "HOpe is an emotion not a Plan" its better than what we had this time last year folks In My Humble Opinion
Emotional decisions are not better than logical ones in my humble opinon Brook, sorry.
In my lifetime, I have conquered the Multiverse by force of trUth.
as for the original post...you are in fantasy land if you think what we have is socialism...hence my guess you listen to hannity. Obama is such a centrist that the left is completely pissed at him, which is why his numbers are falling. he has been a dissapointment, although not a major one, cause i saw this coming a mile away. he is, after all, a politician, and a successful one. one does not become a successful politician by being a progressive nowadays unless you are kucinich or live in Vermont.
as for the original post...you are in fantasy land if you think what we have is socialism...hence my guess you listen to hannity. Obama is such a centrist that the left is completely pissed at him, which is why his numbers are falling. he has been a dissapointment, although not a major one, cause i saw this coming a mile away. he is, after all, a politician, and a successful one. one does not become a successful politician by being a progressive nowadays unless you are kucinich or live in Vermont.
no but we are headed there in a racecar![/quote]
based on what exactly? because we are head by a democrat? thats pretty much the only argument you have. and its a mentally challenged argument.
Well it all came down to Florida. And after all the fraud bullshit or whatever was going on, the final official count had Bush beating Gore by about 600 votes. Nadar got 97,000 votes in Florida. Therefore, as far as I'm concerned, the George W. Bush presidency is all Ralph Nadar's fault. I don't know how he slept at night during Bush's term.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
This coming from a guy who lives in Lowell, Mass.[/quote]
you getting personal now becky
I don't mean to change topics, but as someone who went to business school in Philly.....it makes Mogadishu look like Burlington, VT.[/quote]
Their healthcare system is roughly equivalent.
as a penn business grad, you should know much more about economics and politics than what you exhibit. i think you got ripped off. are you sure you graduated?
Well it all came down to Florida. And after all the fraud bullshit or whatever was going on, the final official count had Bush beating Gore by about 600 votes. Nadar got 97,000 votes in Florida. It's all Nadar's fault. I don't know how he slept at night while Bush was ruining the country.[/quote]
and Al Franken and the dems didn't highjack this election?
They are all the same becky
as a penn business grad, you should know much more about economics and politics than what you exhibit. i think you got ripped off. are you sure you graduated?[/quote]
think so...maybe it was that second tier business school Kellog
think so...maybe it was that second tier business school Kellog[/quote]
this statement explains so much. just so much.
you need to use that penn education of yours and think about the word 'underqualified' and then think about who your party decided they wanted to be 'a heartbeat away' from leading our country.
Are you saying Wharton is beneath Kellog.....do not insult my alma mater....even though it sits next to Drexel in America's rectal gland.
you need to use that penn education of yours and think about the word 'underqualified' and then think about who your party decided they wanted to be 'a heartbeat away' from leading our country.[/quote]
haha. heartbeat away. CLASSIC. i could be wrong...but arent the current tax codes provided by bush? didn't you vote for him sawyer? you should also note that effective tax rates are actually pretty low at this point in time, so uh..hes lucky because i bet he makes so much money.
Bah! I know what you mean, but I was thinking more of how many Florida voters were turned away at the polls/had problems with their registration, etc. This happened across the board, but was disproportionate in districts with high concentrations of likely democrats.
I think both the Democrats and the Republicans have been manipulating election day (and the whole system for that matter) for a long time... that was part of the reason people felt so passionately about getting a third party in the running. I don't think anyone could have anticipated just how high the cost of that grassroots effort would be. :(
Who is your father and what is he "president" of?
oh geez...don't get me started on Jersey...sheesh
If you insist. I am really done this time.
actually, i am saying that. i hate to burst your bubble.
http://grad-schools.usnews.rankingsandr ... s/rankings
but judging by your statements, i think you are hurting their rankings. seriously killing the rankings. you could have learned just as much at any school. actually, you should have just saved your dads money and not even gone. i think you would be better off.
actually, i am saying that. i hate to burst your bubble.
http://grad-schools.usnews.rankingsandr ... s/rankings
but judging by your statements, i think you are hurting their rankings. seriously killing the rankings. you could have learned just as much at any school. actually, you should have just saved your dads money and not even gone. i think you would be better off.[/quote]
wow. just...wow.
the only listenable conserva-wacko on the radio is medved because he is actually smart and talks about issues and he doesn't yell and scream for 74% or each of his shows. i agree with basically nothing he says, but he at least has conversations.
as for the original post...you are in fantasy land if you think what we have is socialism...hence my guess you listen to hannity. Obama is such a centrist that the left is completely pissed at him, which is why his numbers are falling. he has been a dissapointment, although not a major one, cause i saw this coming a mile away. he is, after all, a politician, and a successful one. one does not become a successful politician by being a progressive nowadays unless you are kucinich or live in Vermont.
With all this The Fixer sucks, PJ is playing a Halloween show in Philly after Ed Takes Olivia trick or treating in Seattle, Los Lobos is opening in Chicago, and how the Spectrum is like Vatican City this board needed something......'Heath Ledger Voice'..."and I'm gonna give it to them"
no but we are headed there in a racecar!
Emotional decisions are not better than logical ones in my humble opinon Brook, sorry.
no but we are headed there in a racecar![/quote]
space shuttle
no but we are headed there in a racecar![/quote]
based on what exactly? because we are head by a democrat? thats pretty much the only argument you have. and its a mentally challenged argument.