Boy, am I tired! Rough day. I'm missing Vincent the one-eared cat and Bogie the bumpkin dalmation, who've been with me for the past year; they went to "Disneyland" yesterday evening. :-( My pup is curled up and snoozing already, so I'm going to try to get to bed before 3:00 a.m. for a change.
I was sitting here thinking, "I really wish I could watch Unplugged to get my mind off things." Escape may not be the safest path, but escapism has it's place! I guess I'll just raise a toast to the dearly departed and see if I can fall asleep anyway.
Sweet dreams, and hug your pets if you got 'em (unless they're fish or otherwise squishable)!
Let us think the unthinkable, let us do the undoable. Let us prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all. --Douglas Adams
I have flying monkeys, and I'm not afraid to use them.
Sweet dreams to you too Headlong! I'll go hug my iguana. I bet he'd like Unplugged too!
Thanks, Lizardjam. I was consoling myself watching a little of the Reading show. I think I need to see if anyone has posted about the guy who jumped onto the stage during Severed Hand! I've watched this show several times, now, and that's the first time I've seen it. Either I just hadn't noticed it before, or my local microbrewery added something to their special dark! (I meant it when I said I would raise a toast to the dearly departed!).
Maybe your iguana would like to sign the petition...?
Let us think the unthinkable, let us do the undoable. Let us prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all. --Douglas Adams
I have flying monkeys, and I'm not afraid to use them.
Let us think the unthinkable, let us do the undoable. Let us prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all. --Douglas Adams
I have flying monkeys, and I'm not afraid to use them.
-95, Stockholm (MirrorBall Tour)
-00, Stockholm
-07, Copenhagen
-09, Berlin
-10, Berlin
-11, East Troy 1+2
-12, Stockholm, Oslo, Copenhagen, EV London 2
-13, London, Chicago
-14, Amsterdam 1+2, Berlin, Stockholm, Oslo -16, TOTD San Francisco 1+2 -17, EV Amsterdam 2+3 -18, Amsterdam 1+2, London 1+(2), Barcelona, London 2 -19, EV Brussels
It's Friday! With no Unplugged to enjoy I can't be bothered to stay in the house Just kidding. School is back :mad::( and I have homework this weekend and work tomorrow/Sunday :mad::(
are PJ actually gonna release the unplugged album? Coz i've been listening to a shitty boot for years, and the sound quality isn't the best but still think it's a brilliant album.
If Pearl Jam was a beer, they'd probably be the best beer in the world!!
are PJ actually gonna release the unplugged album? Coz i've been listening to a shitty boot for years, and the sound quality isn't the best but still think it's a brilliant album.
If people sign it will be released
It will just take some time. Have faith in the thread and it will be done. You know about the online petition? Supposedly 10,000 (around 4600 now) signatures will get the petition to MTV and a good chance of a release. I doubt PJ has any say in it. Then again their is that whole Nirvana Unplugged issue with Whortney.... Who knows? Signing and hoping is the best we can do for now And talk about a really awesome show.
If people sign it will be released
It will just take some time. Have faith in the thread and it will be done. You know about the online petition? Supposedly 10,000 (around 4600 now) signatures will get the petition to MTV and a good chance of a release. I doubt PJ has any say in it. Then again their is that whole Nirvana Unplugged issue with Whortney.... Who knows? Signing and hoping is the best we can do for now And talk about a really awesome show.
You in?
true that!!!
Esther's here and she's sick?
hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
If people sign it will be released
It will just take some time. Have faith in the thread and it will be done. You know about the online petition? Supposedly 10,000 (around 4600 now) signatures will get the petition to MTV and a good chance of a release. I doubt PJ has any say in it. Then again their is that whole Nirvana Unplugged issue with Whortney.... Who knows? Signing and hoping is the best we can do for now And talk about a really awesome show.
You in?
Well, I certainly am!
The signature count on the petition is growing steadily, and we're nearly halfway there! The sooner we reach 10K sigs, the sooner we have the possibility of an official release of [size=+1]Unplugged[/size]!
So please take a moment to sign the petition. It won't take you long, and it doesn't hurt a bit! Too worn out after a long work week to go to the link in danny's sig or in the first post? No problem! it's right [size=+1]here[/size]!
Thanks for stopping by!
Let us think the unthinkable, let us do the undoable. Let us prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all. --Douglas Adams
I have flying monkeys, and I'm not afraid to use them.
The signature count on the petition is growing steadily, and we're nearly halfway there! The sooner we reach 10K sigs, the sooner we have the possibility of an official release of [size=+1]Unplugged[/size]!
So please take a moment to sign the petition. It won't take you long, and it doesn't hurt a bit! Too worn out after a long work week to go to the link in danny's sig or in the first post? No problem! it's right [size=+1]here[/size]!
Thanks for stopping by!
Seriously, it'll just take a moment. ~
Let us think the unthinkable, let us do the undoable. Let us prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all. --Douglas Adams
I have flying monkeys, and I'm not afraid to use them.
Okay I'm sorry, I've really been slacking today. Doing too much at once. Three hours in the chamber of fire should be enough time for me to think about what I did.
soi'll be on here all night, i hope some of you are so we can talk. life man, what a bithc it can be. i've been overcome with a deep sense of loneliness and depression and guilt all since last night. it wasn't too bad until i started drinking about twentty minutes. i was gong to devote a thread for me, but then i thought noone would wasnt to guys and girls in here are pretty damn nice so far though
"this is, uhh, this is state of love ang trust...busted down the pretests..."
state of love and trust as i busted down the pretext
sin still plays and preaches but to have an empty court, uh huh
and the signs are passing...grip the wheel can't read it
sacrifice receiving the smell that's on my hands...hands, yeah
and i listen for the voice inside my head, nothing, i'll do this one myself
lay her down as priest does...should the lord be a-counting?
will be in my honor, make it pain, painfully clear, uh huh
promises are whispered in the age of darkness
want to be enlightened like i want to be told the end...end, yeah
and the barrel shakes aimed a-directly at my head
oh help me, help me from myself
and i listen from both sides of a friend, nothing, i'll do this one myself
myself, myself...
yeah yeah
hey, na na na na hey that's something
hey, na na na na hey that's something
hey, na na na na hey that's something
want it back, back to the left, yeah huh uh
and i listen oh for the voice inside my head, nothing, i'll do this one myself
oh, ah and the barrel waits, trigger shakes, aimed right at my head
won't you help me? help me from myself, oh...
hmm, state of love and trust and a...
state of love and trust and a...
state of love and trust and a...
state of love and...yeah...woh woh woh
Esther's here and she's sick?
hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
Hey man, what's up? Chronic insomniac here, so PM me if you need, or just post.
(Wish I had preambles and improvs totally memorized!)
Let us think the unthinkable, let us do the undoable. Let us prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all. --Douglas Adams
I have flying monkeys, and I'm not afraid to use them.
soi'll be on here all night, i hope some of you are so we can talk. life man, what a bithc it can be. i've been overcome with a deep sense of loneliness and depression and guilt all since last night. it wasn't too bad until i started drinking about twentty minutes. i was gong to devote a thread for me, but then i thought noone would wasnt to guys and girls in here are pretty damn nice so far though
"this is, uhh, this is state of love ang trust...busted down the pretests..."
state of love and trust as i busted down the pretext
sin still plays and preaches but to have an empty court, uh huh
and the signs are passing...grip the wheel can't read it
sacrifice receiving the smell that's on my hands...hands, yeah
and i listen for the voice inside my head, nothing, i'll do this one myself
lay her down as priest does...should the lord be a-counting?
will be in my honor, make it pain, painfully clear, uh huh
promises are whispered in the age of darkness
want to be enlightened like i want to be told the end...end, yeah
and the barrel shakes aimed a-directly at my head
oh help me, help me from myself
and i listen from both sides of a friend, nothing, i'll do this one myself
myself, myself...
yeah yeah
hey, na na na na hey that's something
hey, na na na na hey that's something
hey, na na na na hey that's something
want it back, back to the left, yeah huh uh
and i listen oh for the voice inside my head, nothing, i'll do this one myself
oh, ah and the barrel waits, trigger shakes, aimed right at my head
won't you help me? help me from myself, oh...
hmm, state of love and trust and a...
state of love and trust and a...
state of love and trust and a...
state of love and...yeah...woh woh woh
Hey man, what's up? Chronic insomniac here, so PM me if you need, or just post.
(Wish I had preambles and improvs totally memorized!)
Angst is always a great song-starter! Good song material, for that matter, because we can all relate!
You guys will have to pick up any slack next week; I'm heading out on Tuesday.
Let us think the unthinkable, let us do the undoable. Let us prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all. --Douglas Adams
I have flying monkeys, and I'm not afraid to use them.
Hey man, what's up? Chronic insomniac here, so PM me if you need, or just post.
well i knoew its not jsut the drink talking, i have been told and experiencd that when you drink you say a lot of true things and stuff on your mind. my wife flew back home last night to see her sick father and when she rode off on the bus to the airport i almst lost it. since we been married never been away from her for more that half a day. also pissed cuz i couldnt go back and sipport her and family plus my grandpa is sick. but then, nobodys to blame but me, i pushed foe her to take the jobhere but that was before we knew that they were both going to be in the current condition. im thinking that come march a full year here, we should make decison to move back home despite that will put us in debt more than we are. family is more important than money. im sorry danny for not keeping this for purpose intendedfor.
"we, we belong together, together"
unplugged is the first time i heard that
Esther's here and she's sick?
hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
well i knoew its not jsut the drink talking, i have been told and experiencd that when you drink you say a lot of true things and stuff on your mind. my wife flew back home last night to see her sick father and when she rode off on the bus to the airport i almst lost it. since we been married never been away from her for more that half a day. also pissed cuz i couldnt go back and sipport her and family plus my grandpa is sick. but then, nobodys to blame but me, i pushed foe her to take the jobhere but that was before we knew that they were both going to be in the current condition. im thinking that come march a full year here, we should make decison to move back home despite that will put us in debt more than we are. family is more important than money. im sorry danny for not keeping this for purpose intendedfor.
"we, we belong together, together"
unplugged is the first time i heard that
I guess you've got some rough stuff going on. Looks like you and your wife are in it together, though, so that's a good thing. Have you talked to her since she got to her family's place?
Hey, a couple questions for background, if you don't mind:
1. Where does your/her family live? (general, if you don't want to give details)
2. How long have you been in Bellingham?
3. How long have you been married?
(There'll be more, but let's go from there)
Oh, and the drinking=telling the truth thing. Yeah, sometimes, but I wouldn't go too heavy on it when you're already feeling bad. Take the edge off, man, then just ride with it for a while.
Let us think the unthinkable, let us do the undoable. Let us prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all. --Douglas Adams
I have flying monkeys, and I'm not afraid to use them.
I never knew of this. Let's hope for their sake it's included in the official release
I was sitting here thinking, "I really wish I could watch Unplugged to get my mind off things." Escape may not be the safest path, but escapism has it's place! I guess I'll just raise a toast to the dearly departed and see if I can fall asleep anyway.
Sweet dreams, and hug your pets if you got 'em (unless they're fish or otherwise squishable)!
I have flying monkeys, and I'm not afraid to use them.
"New music, new friends. Pearl Jam."
I like our socks. I hear we make a fine sock. I always say, You might not love our records, but I think you'll like our socks. - Stone
"This record is us speaking out in class." -EV on PJ
Thanks, Lizardjam. I was consoling myself watching a little of the Reading show. I think I need to see if anyone has posted about the guy who jumped onto the stage during Severed Hand! I've watched this show several times, now, and that's the first time I've seen it. Either I just hadn't noticed it before, or my local microbrewery added something to their special dark! (I meant it when I said I would raise a toast to the dearly departed!).
Maybe your iguana would like to sign the petition...?
I have flying monkeys, and I'm not afraid to use them.
I have flying monkeys, and I'm not afraid to use them.
Esther's here and she's sick?
hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
-00, Stockholm
-07, Copenhagen
-09, Berlin
-10, Berlin
-11, East Troy 1+2
-12, Stockholm, Oslo, Copenhagen, EV London 2
-13, London, Chicago
-14, Amsterdam 1+2, Berlin, Stockholm, Oslo
-16, TOTD San Francisco 1+2
-17, EV Amsterdam 2+3
-18, Amsterdam 1+2, London 1+(2), Barcelona, London 2
-19, EV Brussels
Yes. It's wanted very badly by me too! I fucking love this show and can't wait for its release!!!! Thank you
Esther's here and she's sick?
hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
let's go!!!
Esther's here and she's sick?
hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
to the thread...
Esther's here and she's sick?
hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
The currents will shift...
where you been?
Esther's here and she's sick?
hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
It's Friday! With no Unplugged to enjoy I can't be bothered to stay in the house
If people sign it will be released
It will just take some time. Have faith in the thread and it will be done. You know about the online petition? Supposedly 10,000 (around 4600 now) signatures will get the petition to MTV and a good chance of a release. I doubt PJ has any say in it. Then again their is that whole Nirvana Unplugged issue with Whortney.... Who knows? Signing and hoping is the best we can do for now
You in?
true that!!!
Esther's here and she's sick?
hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
The signature count on the petition is growing steadily, and we're nearly halfway there! The sooner we reach 10K sigs, the sooner we have the possibility of an official release of [size=+1]Unplugged[/size]!
So please take a moment to sign the petition. It won't take you long, and it doesn't hurt a bit!
Thanks for stopping by!
I have flying monkeys, and I'm not afraid to use them.
Seriously, it'll just take a moment. ~
I have flying monkeys, and I'm not afraid to use them.
Okay I'm sorry, I've really been slacking today. Doing too much at once. Three hours in the chamber of fire should be enough time for me to think about what I did.
"this is, uhh, this is state of love ang trust...busted down the pretests..."
state of love and trust as i busted down the pretext
sin still plays and preaches but to have an empty court, uh huh
and the signs are passing...grip the wheel can't read it
sacrifice receiving the smell that's on my hands...hands, yeah
and i listen for the voice inside my head, nothing, i'll do this one myself
lay her down as priest does...should the lord be a-counting?
will be in my honor, make it pain, painfully clear, uh huh
promises are whispered in the age of darkness
want to be enlightened like i want to be told the end...end, yeah
and the barrel shakes aimed a-directly at my head
oh help me, help me from myself
and i listen from both sides of a friend, nothing, i'll do this one myself
myself, myself...
yeah yeah
hey, na na na na hey that's something
hey, na na na na hey that's something
hey, na na na na hey that's something
want it back, back to the left, yeah huh uh
and i listen oh for the voice inside my head, nothing, i'll do this one myself
oh, ah and the barrel waits, trigger shakes, aimed right at my head
won't you help me? help me from myself, oh...
hmm, state of love and trust and a...
state of love and trust and a...
state of love and trust and a...
state of love and...yeah...woh woh woh
Esther's here and she's sick?
hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
(Wish I had preambles and improvs totally memorized!)
I have flying monkeys, and I'm not afraid to use them.
They should've played Breath
Angst is always a great song-starter!
You guys will have to pick up any slack next week; I'm heading out on Tuesday.
I have flying monkeys, and I'm not afraid to use them.
well i knoew its not jsut the drink talking, i have been told and experiencd that when you drink you say a lot of true things and stuff on your mind. my wife flew back home last night to see her sick father and when she rode off on the bus to the airport i almst lost it. since we been married never been away from her for more that half a day. also pissed cuz i couldnt go back and sipport her and family plus my grandpa is sick. but then, nobodys to blame but me, i pushed foe her to take the jobhere but that was before we knew that they were both going to be in the current condition. im thinking that come march a full year here, we should make decison to move back home despite that will put us in debt more than we are. family is more important than money. im sorry danny for not keeping this for purpose intendedfor.
"we, we belong together, together"
unplugged is the first time i heard that
Esther's here and she's sick?
hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
No worries
I guess you've got some rough stuff going on. Looks like you and your wife are in it together, though, so that's a good thing. Have you talked to her since she got to her family's place?
Hey, a couple questions for background, if you don't mind:
1. Where does your/her family live? (general, if you don't want to give details)
2. How long have you been in Bellingham?
3. How long have you been married?
(There'll be more, but let's go from there)
Oh, and the drinking=telling the truth thing. Yeah, sometimes, but I wouldn't go too heavy on it when you're already feeling bad. Take the edge off, man, then just ride with it for a while.
I have flying monkeys, and I'm not afraid to use them.
thanks man. at least this will always keep it at top
Esther's here and she's sick?
hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks