Fender Amps?

does anyone else have an obsession? oh man, you can crank them up, and they sound even BETTER i run my SG standard through a Fender Hot Rod Deluxe, and a Vibrolux, and i couldnt ask for anything better!
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I'm like obsessed with amps though...I'm in love with my Traynor YCV40WR but I still want a Rivera Suprema 55, Fender Blues Deluxe Reissue, and sometype of matchless combo
oh and who ever was looking to get an Epiphone Casino...I played it today, it was REALLY nice, especially for the price
My old physics teacher was GIVEN an original, Kalamazoo, Gibson Casino. He found out it was made somewhere around '68. I myself have never played them but they sound amazing. Oh, to the Fender Amp thingy, I love them. I LOVE the reverb on them, it's amazing.
"Pearl Jam always eases my mind and fires me up at the same time.”-Jeff Hardy
I just found one for $750 used......
I'm gunna look into it, because I played the Deville and really liked that and have heard that this is even better.
I can probably get it for lower than $750....hopefully.
"Sorry is the fool who trades his love for high-rise rent, Seems the more you make equals the loneliness you get"
You might actually end the search! I may have as well, I played a Twin and loved it... so I'm now looking for a used one.
Good call man....I think I saw one on the Toronto Craigslist the other day, let me check it out for ya
This is the one I saw...
"Sorry is the fool who trades his love for high-rise rent, Seems the more you make equals the loneliness you get"
I'm lookin at the newer one with the distortion channel.... The distortion was actually great... I just need to get the cash!
This one was on there too:
You could get that for cheaper for sure....especially since it needs new tubes.
"Sorry is the fool who trades his love for high-rise rent, Seems the more you make equals the loneliness you get"
Ya! If I can jump on one of the newer ones for about that I'll go for it. I liked the new one because the distortion sounded fantastic. It wasn't a reissue.
Ya man go for it.....
Like I said,
I found a used Tweed Blues Deluxe for $750 and I think should probably be able to swing like $550 - $600...so I'm gunna go try those out tonight
"Sorry is the fool who trades his love for high-rise rent, Seems the more you make equals the loneliness you get"
Those are also beckoning... I'm a sucker for that Fender Clean tone... I figured that if I got the traynor I'd want something else. If I get the twin, that is the amp.
ha notice i come in everytime traynor is mentioned
by what do you mean by something else?
I dunno, that I'd want to upgrade eventually... I still need to try everything again. There are sooo many options out there, but I've narrowed it down between a used Twin or a Traynor.... I'll have to give them another whack.
They didn't have the Blues Deluxe when I went in tonight......:(
The guy was such an idiot.....he was like "I think that's it right there" (pointing to a Blues Junior) and I was like "oh really??" (as if I didn't know) and then he thought it was the Bassman....I hate going in there man, som many of the guys are such pricks who aren't helpful at all.
That's why I love it here so much.
They had the Blues Deluxe in the computer for $799 + tax
The one I found was used for $700.....I can get that lowered for sure, I'm hoping to like $550.
"Sorry is the fool who trades his love for high-rise rent, Seems the more you make equals the loneliness you get"
I think I may agree with you.
cool you're in Atlanta, me too. Which Ken Stanton did you go too?
you gotta take out a lone and just buy that guitar. my friend has it andd i agree it is so awsome, but you should try the AM deluxe ash teleas well, thats what i got about 2 months ago, and its awsome
I was considering a Casino. How's the action, really easy to move on the neck? Not too fat?
7/9/06 LA 1
7/10/06 LA 2
10/21/06 Bridge 1
I'm getting really tempted just to trash the fucker and pick up a Blues Deluxe RI or a DRRI, an older Mentone KOB and a Seymour Duncan Twintube. :mad:
The blues deluxe is a great amp for the money, but it's not going to do the high-gain stuff. I'm WAY over that at this point in my playing, so I don't even care. I only need one channel.
Why are you getting mad at the Traynor?
I've been playing it for about 4 years now, and it's a great amp, but I need a change before I kill it.
I think it has to do with all the expensive stuff I've been toying with lately, and I can't make it dial in the same tones. It makes me :(
It's mainly because I moved in May, and I can't turn it up loud enough anymore to get it to sound good. The 80 watt has a master volume, so you can get really saturated tones even at a low volume and it's manageable. However, the responsive tube overdrive I really like, I can't get at these volumes.
For example, to get a great tube tone, I'll take the lead channel, turn off boost, put the gain at 4, volume at 6, and the master at 5. Now, that's pretty loud, but it is extremely responsive to my guitar. It also pisses off the neighbours, and I can't afford another noise complaint. :( I just can't get the tones anymore.
I found with the Fender amps, I could get similar, or very close to at low volumes, or with just a push of an od pedal.
the DRRI takes pedals quite well generally and may do the high gain thing well with the right pedal.
but you'll need an attentuator to get it saturated on it's own. it breaks up around 4 (depending on your pickups) but that's still very loud.
my most favourite amp ever. i wish i had a wall full of them.
personlly, i think it's miles above the hot rod and blues deluxes as far as clarity and range.
The one I played was slightly used so the previous owner could have done work on it but the action was pretty low, it was nice, and the neck was thin which is what I loved about it
yeah I think I'm going to get a Blues Deluxe RI, I'll let you guys know how I like it