Hey! Brakes in your car don’t prevent 100% of accidents. Completely useless. Get rid of em and don’t use them.
You mentioned "lost interest?"
As had you. But you also haven’t defended your positions or declarations very well. I’m not sure why that is, though.
Simple - you believe in Jesus and I believe in Santa. Or vice versa. I forgot.
Oh the sweet baby jebus! Santa is real! Still can’t defend your opines, eh? Well, Christmas is coming and if you’re good, Santa will help you.
Do I really have to defend record breaking cases globally after one year of vaccination? I'm sure you've heard. Or ineffective flu vaccine at 40%? What else?
What percentage of folks have to have had covid to reach herd immunity? What percentage of those with covid, hospitalized and dying are unvaccinated? Versus those who are?
Is seasonal flu eradicated? How about aids? SARS? Or any other type of viral infection disease?
If not 100%, it’s not effective? That’s just dumb. Drunk driving laws? Not effective, get rid of them. And hey! Go out and drunk drive everyone because, well, we can’t stop it 100% anyway. And age limits for guns? Why? You’re not stopping kids from killing others, right? What’s the point? And child proof caps on cleaning chemicals and medicine. Just a pain in the ass. Get rid of them. Lighters? Those Bic lighters where you’ve got to press two buttons simultaneously while you flick to get it to light? Dumb! Go back to the old school lighters. Airbags? No good, either.
Is everyone who is eligible to be vaccinated, vaccinated?
How do you have time for all of this? Wasted your whole day...
Took me about a minute and I must say, I’m entertained by our exchanges but hardly enlightened. I miss the old days. Sigh (through my mask).
What did you want me to say? Counter argue they should ban alcohol, cigarettes and (most importantly) sugar? It's pointless. By the way, you meant to say - through my double mask.
Out of curiosity, do you think that life insurance companies will raise the rates on or refuse coverage for unvaccinated people in the same way they do for cigarette smokers, alcoholics, and obese people?
Probably? If something makes the odds too high of having to pay out, the insurance companies won't want to insure it. There whole model works on everyone chipping into a pot, but only so many people need to take from the pot. If unvaxxed people have too great a chance of landing in the hospital, it would tip those scales.
Exactly. But it’s probably a pointless topic since most anti-vax idiots are probably too selfish and inconsiderate to consider life insurance anyway. That, and I think some of them truly believe they are invincible. I can’t keep up with their delusions anymore.
Why would you say "anti-vax idiots?" It's equivalent to "fat idiots." Over 50% of forum users are obese. Why not tell them to slow down on donut, coke and midnight snack consumption? Or mandate calorie intake restrictions. Same thing. Health choices.
By far the dumbest analogy I’ve seen lately, congrats. If you didn’t believe eating donuts and cokes makes you fat, and you were trying to not be obese, then yes, I would call you a fat idiot. Where is your data that 50% of forum users are obese? You state that as a fact with no research? Sounds like you just believe what you want to with only assumptions to credit for those beliefs. Sounds like a fabulous way to go about making medical decisions. Fact: data from vaccines show that they are safe and very effective in most cases. Fact: eating donuts can make you fat If you deny either of the above, in my book, you are an idiot (but that’s just an assumption on my part).
it's estimated 48% of americans are obese, so, assuming the fan club is also a decent enough sample size to reflect society, 50% wouldn't be a far off estimate.
Possibly, but that is assuming that this specific rock band’s fan club reflects society as a whole . Not to mention there are plenty of non-Americans here and pretty linear demographics otherwise. I would put it closer to 25%-30%. That is probably a topic for a different thread, though, right?
it takes months, sometimes even years, of hard work to lose weight. It takes literally sitting in a chair for 15 minutes to get the vaccine. you simply cannot compare the two.
"Oh Canada...you're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
Hey! Brakes in your car don’t prevent 100% of accidents. Completely useless. Get rid of em and don’t use them.
You mentioned "lost interest?"
As had you. But you also haven’t defended your positions or declarations very well. I’m not sure why that is, though.
Simple - you believe in Jesus and I believe in Santa. Or vice versa. I forgot.
Oh the sweet baby jebus! Santa is real! Still can’t defend your opines, eh? Well, Christmas is coming and if you’re good, Santa will help you.
Do I really have to defend record breaking cases globally after one year of vaccination? I'm sure you've heard. Or ineffective flu vaccine at 40%? What else?
What percentage of folks have to have had covid to reach herd immunity? What percentage of those with covid, hospitalized and dying are unvaccinated? Versus those who are?
Is seasonal flu eradicated? How about aids? SARS? Or any other type of viral infection disease?
If not 100%, it’s not effective? That’s just dumb. Drunk driving laws? Not effective, get rid of them. And hey! Go out and drunk drive everyone because, well, we can’t stop it 100% anyway. And age limits for guns? Why? You’re not stopping kids from killing others, right? What’s the point? And child proof caps on cleaning chemicals and medicine. Just a pain in the ass. Get rid of them. Lighters? Those Bic lighters where you’ve got to press two buttons simultaneously while you flick to get it to light? Dumb! Go back to the old school lighters. Airbags? No good, either.
Is everyone who is eligible to be vaccinated, vaccinated?
How do you have time for all of this? Wasted your whole day...
Took me about a minute and I must say, I’m entertained by our exchanges but hardly enlightened. I miss the old days. Sigh (through my mask).
What did you want me to say? Counter argue they should ban alcohol, cigarettes and (most importantly) sugar? It's pointless. By the way, you meant to say - through my double mask.
Out of curiosity, do you think that life insurance companies will raise the rates on or refuse coverage for unvaccinated people in the same way they do for cigarette smokers, alcoholics, and obese people?
Probably? If something makes the odds too high of having to pay out, the insurance companies won't want to insure it. There whole model works on everyone chipping into a pot, but only so many people need to take from the pot. If unvaxxed people have too great a chance of landing in the hospital, it would tip those scales.
Exactly. But it’s probably a pointless topic since most anti-vax idiots are probably too selfish and inconsiderate to consider life insurance anyway. That, and I think some of them truly believe they are invincible. I can’t keep up with their delusions anymore.
Why would you say "anti-vax idiots?" It's equivalent to "fat idiots." Over 50% of forum users are obese. Why not tell them to slow down on donut, coke and midnight snack consumption? Or mandate calorie intake restrictions. Same thing. Health choices.
By far the dumbest analogy I’ve seen lately, congrats. If you didn’t believe eating donuts and cokes makes you fat, and you were trying to not be obese, then yes, I would call you a fat idiot. Where is your data that 50% of forum users are obese? You state that as a fact with no research? Sounds like you just believe what you want to with only assumptions to credit for those beliefs. Sounds like a fabulous way to go about making medical decisions. Fact: data from vaccines show that they are safe and very effective in most cases. Fact: eating donuts can make you fat If you deny either of the above, in my book, you are an idiot (but that’s just an assumption on my part).
it's estimated 48% of americans are obese, so, assuming the fan club is also a decent enough sample size to reflect society, 50% wouldn't be a far off estimate.
Possibly, but that is assuming that this specific rock band’s fan club reflects society as a whole . Not to mention there are plenty of non-Americans here and pretty linear demographics. I would put it closer to 25%-30%. That is probably a topic for a different thread, though, right?
I'd say most are americans, and it might even skew fatter since a lot of us on the forums tend to be sitting all day at our jobs or just sitting on the computer doing nothing.
but yes, another thread.
"Oh Canada...you're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
Hey! Brakes in your car don’t prevent 100% of accidents. Completely useless. Get rid of em and don’t use them.
You mentioned "lost interest?"
As had you. But you also haven’t defended your positions or declarations very well. I’m not sure why that is, though.
Simple - you believe in Jesus and I believe in Santa. Or vice versa. I forgot.
Oh the sweet baby jebus! Santa is real! Still can’t defend your opines, eh? Well, Christmas is coming and if you’re good, Santa will help you.
Do I really have to defend record breaking cases globally after one year of vaccination? I'm sure you've heard. Or ineffective flu vaccine at 40%? What else?
What percentage of folks have to have had covid to reach herd immunity? What percentage of those with covid, hospitalized and dying are unvaccinated? Versus those who are?
Is seasonal flu eradicated? How about aids? SARS? Or any other type of viral infection disease?
If not 100%, it’s not effective? That’s just dumb. Drunk driving laws? Not effective, get rid of them. And hey! Go out and drunk drive everyone because, well, we can’t stop it 100% anyway. And age limits for guns? Why? You’re not stopping kids from killing others, right? What’s the point? And child proof caps on cleaning chemicals and medicine. Just a pain in the ass. Get rid of them. Lighters? Those Bic lighters where you’ve got to press two buttons simultaneously while you flick to get it to light? Dumb! Go back to the old school lighters. Airbags? No good, either.
Is everyone who is eligible to be vaccinated, vaccinated?
How do you have time for all of this? Wasted your whole day...
Took me about a minute and I must say, I’m entertained by our exchanges but hardly enlightened. I miss the old days. Sigh (through my mask).
What did you want me to say? Counter argue they should ban alcohol, cigarettes and (most importantly) sugar? It's pointless. By the way, you meant to say - through my double mask.
Out of curiosity, do you think that life insurance companies will raise the rates on or refuse coverage for unvaccinated people in the same way they do for cigarette smokers, alcoholics, and obese people?
Probably? If something makes the odds too high of having to pay out, the insurance companies won't want to insure it. There whole model works on everyone chipping into a pot, but only so many people need to take from the pot. If unvaxxed people have too great a chance of landing in the hospital, it would tip those scales.
Exactly. But it’s probably a pointless topic since most anti-vax idiots are probably too selfish and inconsiderate to consider life insurance anyway. That, and I think some of them truly believe they are invincible. I can’t keep up with their delusions anymore.
Why would you say "anti-vax idiots?" It's equivalent to "fat idiots." Over 50% of forum users are obese. Why not tell them to slow down on donut, coke and midnight snack consumption? Or mandate calorie intake restrictions. Same thing.
Is fat contagious?
Vaccinated don't spread?
Once again... for alpha variant, which the vaccine was designed to combat, it was proven to be 95% effective to prevent disease. So yes, vaccinated spread, but only 5% of people vaccinated for the first, deadly wave were capable of spreading. Math is hard, and math combined with public health is damned near impossible for some.
Once again, we have a fresh new variant. Do the math on that.
Exactly. So why do you expect the scientists to be clairvoyant and create a vax for something that didn't exist at the time? They saved millions of lives with the vaccine for Alpha and Delta. Vaccines suck because the virus mutated? Your positions make no sense.. at all. Not even a little.
Hey! Brakes in your car don’t prevent 100% of accidents. Completely useless. Get rid of em and don’t use them.
You mentioned "lost interest?"
As had you. But you also haven’t defended your positions or declarations very well. I’m not sure why that is, though.
Simple - you believe in Jesus and I believe in Santa. Or vice versa. I forgot.
Oh the sweet baby jebus! Santa is real! Still can’t defend your opines, eh? Well, Christmas is coming and if you’re good, Santa will help you.
Do I really have to defend record breaking cases globally after one year of vaccination? I'm sure you've heard. Or ineffective flu vaccine at 40%? What else?
What percentage of folks have to have had covid to reach herd immunity? What percentage of those with covid, hospitalized and dying are unvaccinated? Versus those who are?
Is seasonal flu eradicated? How about aids? SARS? Or any other type of viral infection disease?
If not 100%, it’s not effective? That’s just dumb. Drunk driving laws? Not effective, get rid of them. And hey! Go out and drunk drive everyone because, well, we can’t stop it 100% anyway. And age limits for guns? Why? You’re not stopping kids from killing others, right? What’s the point? And child proof caps on cleaning chemicals and medicine. Just a pain in the ass. Get rid of them. Lighters? Those Bic lighters where you’ve got to press two buttons simultaneously while you flick to get it to light? Dumb! Go back to the old school lighters. Airbags? No good, either.
Is everyone who is eligible to be vaccinated, vaccinated?
How do you have time for all of this? Wasted your whole day...
Took me about a minute and I must say, I’m entertained by our exchanges but hardly enlightened. I miss the old days. Sigh (through my mask).
What did you want me to say? Counter argue they should ban alcohol, cigarettes and (most importantly) sugar? It's pointless. By the way, you meant to say - through my double mask.
Out of curiosity, do you think that life insurance companies will raise the rates on or refuse coverage for unvaccinated people in the same way they do for cigarette smokers, alcoholics, and obese people?
Probably? If something makes the odds too high of having to pay out, the insurance companies won't want to insure it. There whole model works on everyone chipping into a pot, but only so many people need to take from the pot. If unvaxxed people have too great a chance of landing in the hospital, it would tip those scales.
Exactly. But it’s probably a pointless topic since most anti-vax idiots are probably too selfish and inconsiderate to consider life insurance anyway. That, and I think some of them truly believe they are invincible. I can’t keep up with their delusions anymore.
Why would you say "anti-vax idiots?" It's equivalent to "fat idiots." Over 50% of forum users are obese. Why not tell them to slow down on donut, coke and midnight snack consumption? Or mandate calorie intake restrictions. Same thing.
Is fat contagious?
Vaccinated don't spread?
Once again... for alpha variant, which the vaccine was designed to combat, it was proven to be 95% effective to prevent disease. So yes, vaccinated spread, but only 5% of people vaccinated for the first, deadly wave were capable of spreading. Math is hard, and math combined with public health is damned near impossible for some.
Once again, we have a fresh new variant. Do the math on that.
Exactly. So why do you expect the scientists to be clairvoyant and create a vax for something that didn't exist at the time? They saved millions of lives with the vaccine for Alpha and Delta. Vaccines suck because the virus mutated? Your positions make no sense.. at all. Not even a little.
My point is: vaccinated spread too.
and we all know that....also water is wet
Remember the Thomas Nine !! (10/02/2018) The Golden Age is 2 months away. And guess what….. you’re gonna love it! (teskeinc 11.19.24)
1998: Noblesville; 2003: Noblesville; 2009: EV Nashville, Chicago, Chicago 2010: St Louis, Columbus, Noblesville; 2011: EV Chicago, East Troy, East Troy 2013: London ON, Wrigley; 2014: Cincy, St Louis, Moline (NO CODE) 2016: Lexington, Wrigley #1; 2018: Wrigley, Wrigley, Boston, Boston 2020: Oakland, Oakland:2021: EV Ohana, Ohana, Ohana, Ohana 2022: Oakland, Oakland, Nashville, Louisville; 2023: Chicago, Chicago, Noblesville 2024: Noblesville, Wrigley, Wrigley, Ohana, Ohana; 2025: Pitt1, Pitt2
Hey! Brakes in your car don’t prevent 100% of accidents. Completely useless. Get rid of em and don’t use them.
You mentioned "lost interest?"
As had you. But you also haven’t defended your positions or declarations very well. I’m not sure why that is, though.
Simple - you believe in Jesus and I believe in Santa. Or vice versa. I forgot.
Oh the sweet baby jebus! Santa is real! Still can’t defend your opines, eh? Well, Christmas is coming and if you’re good, Santa will help you.
Do I really have to defend record breaking cases globally after one year of vaccination? I'm sure you've heard. Or ineffective flu vaccine at 40%? What else?
What percentage of folks have to have had covid to reach herd immunity? What percentage of those with covid, hospitalized and dying are unvaccinated? Versus those who are?
Is seasonal flu eradicated? How about aids? SARS? Or any other type of viral infection disease?
If not 100%, it’s not effective? That’s just dumb. Drunk driving laws? Not effective, get rid of them. And hey! Go out and drunk drive everyone because, well, we can’t stop it 100% anyway. And age limits for guns? Why? You’re not stopping kids from killing others, right? What’s the point? And child proof caps on cleaning chemicals and medicine. Just a pain in the ass. Get rid of them. Lighters? Those Bic lighters where you’ve got to press two buttons simultaneously while you flick to get it to light? Dumb! Go back to the old school lighters. Airbags? No good, either.
Is everyone who is eligible to be vaccinated, vaccinated?
How do you have time for all of this? Wasted your whole day...
Took me about a minute and I must say, I’m entertained by our exchanges but hardly enlightened. I miss the old days. Sigh (through my mask).
What did you want me to say? Counter argue they should ban alcohol, cigarettes and (most importantly) sugar? It's pointless. By the way, you meant to say - through my double mask.
Out of curiosity, do you think that life insurance companies will raise the rates on or refuse coverage for unvaccinated people in the same way they do for cigarette smokers, alcoholics, and obese people?
Probably? If something makes the odds too high of having to pay out, the insurance companies won't want to insure it. There whole model works on everyone chipping into a pot, but only so many people need to take from the pot. If unvaxxed people have too great a chance of landing in the hospital, it would tip those scales.
Exactly. But it’s probably a pointless topic since most anti-vax idiots are probably too selfish and inconsiderate to consider life insurance anyway. That, and I think some of them truly believe they are invincible. I can’t keep up with their delusions anymore.
Why would you say "anti-vax idiots?" It's equivalent to "fat idiots." Over 50% of forum users are obese. Why not tell them to slow down on donut, coke and midnight snack consumption? Or mandate calorie intake restrictions. Same thing. Health choices.
By far the dumbest analogy I’ve seen lately, congrats. If you didn’t believe eating donuts and cokes makes you fat, and you were trying to not be obese, then yes, I would call you a fat idiot. Where is your data that 50% of forum users are obese? You state that as a fact with no research? Sounds like you just believe what you want to with only assumptions to credit for those beliefs. Sounds like a fabulous way to go about making medical decisions. Fact: data from vaccines show that they are safe and very effective in most cases. Fact: eating donuts can make you fat If you deny either of the above, in my book, you are an idiot (but that’s just an assumption on my part).
And to be fair, PJ Power is absolutely one of our conservative friends here. We've had plenty of throw downs. So. he's no flaming lib.
Absolutely not a “flaming lib” nor a diehard conservative. I struggle with both ideologies, truth be told…ha…help me
Hey! Brakes in your car don’t prevent 100% of accidents. Completely useless. Get rid of em and don’t use them.
You mentioned "lost interest?"
As had you. But you also haven’t defended your positions or declarations very well. I’m not sure why that is, though.
Simple - you believe in Jesus and I believe in Santa. Or vice versa. I forgot.
Oh the sweet baby jebus! Santa is real! Still can’t defend your opines, eh? Well, Christmas is coming and if you’re good, Santa will help you.
Do I really have to defend record breaking cases globally after one year of vaccination? I'm sure you've heard. Or ineffective flu vaccine at 40%? What else?
What percentage of folks have to have had covid to reach herd immunity? What percentage of those with covid, hospitalized and dying are unvaccinated? Versus those who are?
Is seasonal flu eradicated? How about aids? SARS? Or any other type of viral infection disease?
If not 100%, it’s not effective? That’s just dumb. Drunk driving laws? Not effective, get rid of them. And hey! Go out and drunk drive everyone because, well, we can’t stop it 100% anyway. And age limits for guns? Why? You’re not stopping kids from killing others, right? What’s the point? And child proof caps on cleaning chemicals and medicine. Just a pain in the ass. Get rid of them. Lighters? Those Bic lighters where you’ve got to press two buttons simultaneously while you flick to get it to light? Dumb! Go back to the old school lighters. Airbags? No good, either.
Is everyone who is eligible to be vaccinated, vaccinated?
How do you have time for all of this? Wasted your whole day...
Took me about a minute and I must say, I’m entertained by our exchanges but hardly enlightened. I miss the old days. Sigh (through my mask).
What did you want me to say? Counter argue they should ban alcohol, cigarettes and (most importantly) sugar? It's pointless. By the way, you meant to say - through my double mask.
Out of curiosity, do you think that life insurance companies will raise the rates on or refuse coverage for unvaccinated people in the same way they do for cigarette smokers, alcoholics, and obese people?
Probably? If something makes the odds too high of having to pay out, the insurance companies won't want to insure it. There whole model works on everyone chipping into a pot, but only so many people need to take from the pot. If unvaxxed people have too great a chance of landing in the hospital, it would tip those scales.
Exactly. But it’s probably a pointless topic since most anti-vax idiots are probably too selfish and inconsiderate to consider life insurance anyway. That, and I think some of them truly believe they are invincible. I can’t keep up with their delusions anymore.
Why would you say "anti-vax idiots?" It's equivalent to "fat idiots." Over 50% of forum users are obese. Why not tell them to slow down on donut, coke and midnight snack consumption? Or mandate calorie intake restrictions. Same thing. Health choices.
By far the dumbest analogy I’ve seen lately, congrats. If you didn’t believe eating donuts and cokes makes you fat, then yes, I would call you a fat idiot. Where is your data that 50% of forum users are obese? You state that as a fact with no research? Sounds like you just believe what you want to with only assumptions to credit for those beliefs. Sounds like a fabulous way to go about making medical decisions.
How is that the dumbest analogy? Did you know that much like the vaccine, there are plenty of studies that show that being overweight isn't healthy for you? Obesity has been on of COVID's biggest issues. Many of the people that have died are obese. It isn't hard to exercise yet people still don't do it. Funny how all of the anti-vax shamers don't go after the obese in the same way. If more people lived a healthier life, many lives could've been saved during this pandemic. Are obese people selfish? They take up hospital beds because of their life choices. They make life decisions to not be healthy much like the unvaccinated make their decision.
Thank you!
Your analogy is right on point and don't let anyone tell you anything different. Obese people make the decision to be obese much like the unvaccinated make their decision to not be vaccinated. Both have all the information they need but still make their own decision to be not be healthy. I am not advocating that everyone starts to shame the obese. To be clear, we shouldn't be shaming either group because it's only going to cause more division. There is a plethora of unhealthy decisions made every day by many of us yet the unvaccinated are the only ones being attacked daily.
it takes months, sometimes even years, of hard work to lose weight. It takes literally sitting in a chair for 15 minutes to get the vaccine. you simply cannot compare the two.
Exactly. They are not 2 sides of the same coin AT ALL.
Hey! Brakes in your car don’t prevent 100% of accidents. Completely useless. Get rid of em and don’t use them.
You mentioned "lost interest?"
As had you. But you also haven’t defended your positions or declarations very well. I’m not sure why that is, though.
Simple - you believe in Jesus and I believe in Santa. Or vice versa. I forgot.
Oh the sweet baby jebus! Santa is real! Still can’t defend your opines, eh? Well, Christmas is coming and if you’re good, Santa will help you.
Do I really have to defend record breaking cases globally after one year of vaccination? I'm sure you've heard. Or ineffective flu vaccine at 40%? What else?
What percentage of folks have to have had covid to reach herd immunity? What percentage of those with covid, hospitalized and dying are unvaccinated? Versus those who are?
Is seasonal flu eradicated? How about aids? SARS? Or any other type of viral infection disease?
If not 100%, it’s not effective? That’s just dumb. Drunk driving laws? Not effective, get rid of them. And hey! Go out and drunk drive everyone because, well, we can’t stop it 100% anyway. And age limits for guns? Why? You’re not stopping kids from killing others, right? What’s the point? And child proof caps on cleaning chemicals and medicine. Just a pain in the ass. Get rid of them. Lighters? Those Bic lighters where you’ve got to press two buttons simultaneously while you flick to get it to light? Dumb! Go back to the old school lighters. Airbags? No good, either.
Is everyone who is eligible to be vaccinated, vaccinated?
How do you have time for all of this? Wasted your whole day...
Took me about a minute and I must say, I’m entertained by our exchanges but hardly enlightened. I miss the old days. Sigh (through my mask).
What did you want me to say? Counter argue they should ban alcohol, cigarettes and (most importantly) sugar? It's pointless. By the way, you meant to say - through my double mask.
Out of curiosity, do you think that life insurance companies will raise the rates on or refuse coverage for unvaccinated people in the same way they do for cigarette smokers, alcoholics, and obese people?
Probably? If something makes the odds too high of having to pay out, the insurance companies won't want to insure it. There whole model works on everyone chipping into a pot, but only so many people need to take from the pot. If unvaxxed people have too great a chance of landing in the hospital, it would tip those scales.
Exactly. But it’s probably a pointless topic since most anti-vax idiots are probably too selfish and inconsiderate to consider life insurance anyway. That, and I think some of them truly believe they are invincible. I can’t keep up with their delusions anymore.
Why would you say "anti-vax idiots?" It's equivalent to "fat idiots." Over 50% of forum users are obese. Why not tell them to slow down on donut, coke and midnight snack consumption? Or mandate calorie intake restrictions. Same thing.
Is fat contagious?
Vaccinated don't spread?
Once again... for alpha variant, which the vaccine was designed to combat, it was proven to be 95% effective to prevent disease. So yes, vaccinated spread, but only 5% of people vaccinated for the first, deadly wave were capable of spreading. Math is hard, and math combined with public health is damned near impossible for some.
Once again, we have a fresh new variant. Do the math on that.
Exactly. So why do you expect the scientists to be clairvoyant and create a vax for something that didn't exist at the time? They saved millions of lives with the vaccine for Alpha and Delta. Vaccines suck because the virus mutated? Your positions make no sense.. at all. Not even a little.
it takes months, sometimes even years, of hard work to lose weight. It takes literally sitting in a chair for 15 minutes to get the vaccine. you simply cannot compare the two.
Yes you can compare the two and I have multiple times. It's not about the time it takes to do something. It's about having all the information in front of you and still making the same unhealthy decisions.
Hey! Brakes in your car don’t prevent 100% of accidents. Completely useless. Get rid of em and don’t use them.
You mentioned "lost interest?"
As had you. But you also haven’t defended your positions or declarations very well. I’m not sure why that is, though.
Simple - you believe in Jesus and I believe in Santa. Or vice versa. I forgot.
Oh the sweet baby jebus! Santa is real! Still can’t defend your opines, eh? Well, Christmas is coming and if you’re good, Santa will help you.
Do I really have to defend record breaking cases globally after one year of vaccination? I'm sure you've heard. Or ineffective flu vaccine at 40%? What else?
What percentage of folks have to have had covid to reach herd immunity? What percentage of those with covid, hospitalized and dying are unvaccinated? Versus those who are?
Is seasonal flu eradicated? How about aids? SARS? Or any other type of viral infection disease?
If not 100%, it’s not effective? That’s just dumb. Drunk driving laws? Not effective, get rid of them. And hey! Go out and drunk drive everyone because, well, we can’t stop it 100% anyway. And age limits for guns? Why? You’re not stopping kids from killing others, right? What’s the point? And child proof caps on cleaning chemicals and medicine. Just a pain in the ass. Get rid of them. Lighters? Those Bic lighters where you’ve got to press two buttons simultaneously while you flick to get it to light? Dumb! Go back to the old school lighters. Airbags? No good, either.
Is everyone who is eligible to be vaccinated, vaccinated?
How do you have time for all of this? Wasted your whole day...
Took me about a minute and I must say, I’m entertained by our exchanges but hardly enlightened. I miss the old days. Sigh (through my mask).
What did you want me to say? Counter argue they should ban alcohol, cigarettes and (most importantly) sugar? It's pointless. By the way, you meant to say - through my double mask.
Out of curiosity, do you think that life insurance companies will raise the rates on or refuse coverage for unvaccinated people in the same way they do for cigarette smokers, alcoholics, and obese people?
Probably? If something makes the odds too high of having to pay out, the insurance companies won't want to insure it. There whole model works on everyone chipping into a pot, but only so many people need to take from the pot. If unvaxxed people have too great a chance of landing in the hospital, it would tip those scales.
Exactly. But it’s probably a pointless topic since most anti-vax idiots are probably too selfish and inconsiderate to consider life insurance anyway. That, and I think some of them truly believe they are invincible. I can’t keep up with their delusions anymore.
Why would you say "anti-vax idiots?" It's equivalent to "fat idiots." Over 50% of forum users are obese. Why not tell them to slow down on donut, coke and midnight snack consumption? Or mandate calorie intake restrictions. Same thing. Health choices.
By far the dumbest analogy I’ve seen lately, congrats. If you didn’t believe eating donuts and cokes makes you fat, then yes, I would call you a fat idiot. Where is your data that 50% of forum users are obese? You state that as a fact with no research? Sounds like you just believe what you want to with only assumptions to credit for those beliefs. Sounds like a fabulous way to go about making medical decisions.
How is that the dumbest analogy? Did you know that much like the vaccine, there are plenty of studies that show that being overweight isn't healthy for you? Obesity has been on of COVID's biggest issues. Many of the people that have died are obese. It isn't hard to exercise yet people still don't do it. Funny how all of the anti-vax shamers don't go after the obese in the same way. If more people lived a healthier life, many lives could've been saved during this pandemic. Are obese people selfish? They take up hospital beds because of their life choices. They make life decisions to not be healthy much like the unvaccinated make their decision.
Thank you!
Your analogy is right on point and don't let anyone tell you anything different. Obese people make the decision to be obese much like the unvaccinated make their decision to not be vaccinated. Both have all the information they need but still make their own decision to be not be healthy. I am not advocating that everyone starts to shame the obese. To be clear, we shouldn't be shaming either group because it's only going to cause more division. There is a plethora of unhealthy decisions made every day by many of us yet the unvaccinated are the only ones being attacked daily.
Hey! Brakes in your car don’t prevent 100% of accidents. Completely useless. Get rid of em and don’t use them.
You mentioned "lost interest?"
As had you. But you also haven’t defended your positions or declarations very well. I’m not sure why that is, though.
Simple - you believe in Jesus and I believe in Santa. Or vice versa. I forgot.
Oh the sweet baby jebus! Santa is real! Still can’t defend your opines, eh? Well, Christmas is coming and if you’re good, Santa will help you.
Do I really have to defend record breaking cases globally after one year of vaccination? I'm sure you've heard. Or ineffective flu vaccine at 40%? What else?
What percentage of folks have to have had covid to reach herd immunity? What percentage of those with covid, hospitalized and dying are unvaccinated? Versus those who are?
Is seasonal flu eradicated? How about aids? SARS? Or any other type of viral infection disease?
If not 100%, it’s not effective? That’s just dumb. Drunk driving laws? Not effective, get rid of them. And hey! Go out and drunk drive everyone because, well, we can’t stop it 100% anyway. And age limits for guns? Why? You’re not stopping kids from killing others, right? What’s the point? And child proof caps on cleaning chemicals and medicine. Just a pain in the ass. Get rid of them. Lighters? Those Bic lighters where you’ve got to press two buttons simultaneously while you flick to get it to light? Dumb! Go back to the old school lighters. Airbags? No good, either.
Is everyone who is eligible to be vaccinated, vaccinated?
How do you have time for all of this? Wasted your whole day...
Took me about a minute and I must say, I’m entertained by our exchanges but hardly enlightened. I miss the old days. Sigh (through my mask).
What did you want me to say? Counter argue they should ban alcohol, cigarettes and (most importantly) sugar? It's pointless. By the way, you meant to say - through my double mask.
Out of curiosity, do you think that life insurance companies will raise the rates on or refuse coverage for unvaccinated people in the same way they do for cigarette smokers, alcoholics, and obese people?
Probably? If something makes the odds too high of having to pay out, the insurance companies won't want to insure it. There whole model works on everyone chipping into a pot, but only so many people need to take from the pot. If unvaxxed people have too great a chance of landing in the hospital, it would tip those scales.
Exactly. But it’s probably a pointless topic since most anti-vax idiots are probably too selfish and inconsiderate to consider life insurance anyway. That, and I think some of them truly believe they are invincible. I can’t keep up with their delusions anymore.
Why would you say "anti-vax idiots?" It's equivalent to "fat idiots." Over 50% of forum users are obese. Why not tell them to slow down on donut, coke and midnight snack consumption? Or mandate calorie intake restrictions. Same thing. Health choices.
By far the dumbest analogy I’ve seen lately, congrats. If you didn’t believe eating donuts and cokes makes you fat, then yes, I would call you a fat idiot. Where is your data that 50% of forum users are obese? You state that as a fact with no research? Sounds like you just believe what you want to with only assumptions to credit for those beliefs. Sounds like a fabulous way to go about making medical decisions.
How is that the dumbest analogy? Did you know that much like the vaccine, there are plenty of studies that show that being overweight isn't healthy for you? Obesity has been on of COVID's biggest issues. Many of the people that have died are obese. It isn't hard to exercise yet people still don't do it. Funny how all of the anti-vax shamers don't go after the obese in the same way. If more people lived a healthier life, many lives could've been saved during this pandemic. Are obese people selfish? They take up hospital beds because of their life choices. They make life decisions to not be healthy much like the unvaccinated make their decision.
Thank you!
Your analogy is right on point and don't let anyone tell you anything different. Obese people make the decision to be obese much like the unvaccinated make their decision to not be vaccinated. Both have all the information they need but still make their own decision to be not be healthy. I am not advocating that everyone starts to shame the obese. To be clear, we shouldn't be shaming either group because it's only going to cause more division. There is a plethora of unhealthy decisions made every day by many of us yet the unvaccinated are the only ones being attacked daily.
It only works if the argument is related to hospitals. But you could counter that by recognizing that the hospital system we have is developed for the demographics as they exist today, which includes the obese. So yes, if we had fewer obese, we'd have fewer people in the hospital, but because that's a long societal curve, we'd also have fewer beds available. Ergo, it would be likely that the pandemic would still tax the hospital system. This is just basic second/third order effect reasoning.
Obesity is NOT a contagion. That's the difference.
Hey! Brakes in your car don’t prevent 100% of accidents. Completely useless. Get rid of em and don’t use them.
You mentioned "lost interest?"
As had you. But you also haven’t defended your positions or declarations very well. I’m not sure why that is, though.
Simple - you believe in Jesus and I believe in Santa. Or vice versa. I forgot.
Oh the sweet baby jebus! Santa is real! Still can’t defend your opines, eh? Well, Christmas is coming and if you’re good, Santa will help you.
Do I really have to defend record breaking cases globally after one year of vaccination? I'm sure you've heard. Or ineffective flu vaccine at 40%? What else?
What percentage of folks have to have had covid to reach herd immunity? What percentage of those with covid, hospitalized and dying are unvaccinated? Versus those who are?
Is seasonal flu eradicated? How about aids? SARS? Or any other type of viral infection disease?
If not 100%, it’s not effective? That’s just dumb. Drunk driving laws? Not effective, get rid of them. And hey! Go out and drunk drive everyone because, well, we can’t stop it 100% anyway. And age limits for guns? Why? You’re not stopping kids from killing others, right? What’s the point? And child proof caps on cleaning chemicals and medicine. Just a pain in the ass. Get rid of them. Lighters? Those Bic lighters where you’ve got to press two buttons simultaneously while you flick to get it to light? Dumb! Go back to the old school lighters. Airbags? No good, either.
Is everyone who is eligible to be vaccinated, vaccinated?
How do you have time for all of this? Wasted your whole day...
Took me about a minute and I must say, I’m entertained by our exchanges but hardly enlightened. I miss the old days. Sigh (through my mask).
What did you want me to say? Counter argue they should ban alcohol, cigarettes and (most importantly) sugar? It's pointless. By the way, you meant to say - through my double mask.
Out of curiosity, do you think that life insurance companies will raise the rates on or refuse coverage for unvaccinated people in the same way they do for cigarette smokers, alcoholics, and obese people?
Probably? If something makes the odds too high of having to pay out, the insurance companies won't want to insure it. There whole model works on everyone chipping into a pot, but only so many people need to take from the pot. If unvaxxed people have too great a chance of landing in the hospital, it would tip those scales.
Exactly. But it’s probably a pointless topic since most anti-vax idiots are probably too selfish and inconsiderate to consider life insurance anyway. That, and I think some of them truly believe they are invincible. I can’t keep up with their delusions anymore.
Why would you say "anti-vax idiots?" It's equivalent to "fat idiots." Over 50% of forum users are obese. Why not tell them to slow down on donut, coke and midnight snack consumption? Or mandate calorie intake restrictions. Same thing. Health choices.
By far the dumbest analogy I’ve seen lately, congrats. If you didn’t believe eating donuts and cokes makes you fat, and you were trying to not be obese, then yes, I would call you a fat idiot. Where is your data that 50% of forum users are obese? You state that as a fact with no research? Sounds like you just believe what you want to with only assumptions to credit for those beliefs. Sounds like a fabulous way to go about making medical decisions. Fact: data from vaccines show that they are safe and very effective in most cases. Fact: eating donuts can make you fat If you deny either of the above, in my book, you are an idiot (but that’s just an assumption on my part).
it's estimated 48% of americans are obese, so, assuming the fan club is also a decent enough sample size to reflect society, 50% wouldn't be a far off estimate.
Possibly, but that is assuming that this specific rock band’s fan club reflects society as a whole . Not to mention there are plenty of non-Americans here and pretty linear demographics. I would put it closer to 25%-30%. That is probably a topic for a different thread, though, right?
I'd say most are americans, and it might even skew fatter since a lot of us on the forums tend to be sitting all day at our jobs or just sitting on the computer doing nothing.
but yes, another thread.
Probably closer to 80% now that you mention it. At least my fat ass is vaccinated, lol
Hey! Brakes in your car don’t prevent 100% of accidents. Completely useless. Get rid of em and don’t use them.
You mentioned "lost interest?"
As had you. But you also haven’t defended your positions or declarations very well. I’m not sure why that is, though.
Simple - you believe in Jesus and I believe in Santa. Or vice versa. I forgot.
Oh the sweet baby jebus! Santa is real! Still can’t defend your opines, eh? Well, Christmas is coming and if you’re good, Santa will help you.
Do I really have to defend record breaking cases globally after one year of vaccination? I'm sure you've heard. Or ineffective flu vaccine at 40%? What else?
What percentage of folks have to have had covid to reach herd immunity? What percentage of those with covid, hospitalized and dying are unvaccinated? Versus those who are?
Is seasonal flu eradicated? How about aids? SARS? Or any other type of viral infection disease?
If not 100%, it’s not effective? That’s just dumb. Drunk driving laws? Not effective, get rid of them. And hey! Go out and drunk drive everyone because, well, we can’t stop it 100% anyway. And age limits for guns? Why? You’re not stopping kids from killing others, right? What’s the point? And child proof caps on cleaning chemicals and medicine. Just a pain in the ass. Get rid of them. Lighters? Those Bic lighters where you’ve got to press two buttons simultaneously while you flick to get it to light? Dumb! Go back to the old school lighters. Airbags? No good, either.
Is everyone who is eligible to be vaccinated, vaccinated?
How do you have time for all of this? Wasted your whole day...
Took me about a minute and I must say, I’m entertained by our exchanges but hardly enlightened. I miss the old days. Sigh (through my mask).
What did you want me to say? Counter argue they should ban alcohol, cigarettes and (most importantly) sugar? It's pointless. By the way, you meant to say - through my double mask.
Out of curiosity, do you think that life insurance companies will raise the rates on or refuse coverage for unvaccinated people in the same way they do for cigarette smokers, alcoholics, and obese people?
Probably? If something makes the odds too high of having to pay out, the insurance companies won't want to insure it. There whole model works on everyone chipping into a pot, but only so many people need to take from the pot. If unvaxxed people have too great a chance of landing in the hospital, it would tip those scales.
Exactly. But it’s probably a pointless topic since most anti-vax idiots are probably too selfish and inconsiderate to consider life insurance anyway. That, and I think some of them truly believe they are invincible. I can’t keep up with their delusions anymore.
Why would you say "anti-vax idiots?" It's equivalent to "fat idiots." Over 50% of forum users are obese. Why not tell them to slow down on donut, coke and midnight snack consumption? Or mandate calorie intake restrictions. Same thing. Health choices.
By far the dumbest analogy I’ve seen lately, congrats. If you didn’t believe eating donuts and cokes makes you fat, then yes, I would call you a fat idiot. Where is your data that 50% of forum users are obese? You state that as a fact with no research? Sounds like you just believe what you want to with only assumptions to credit for those beliefs. Sounds like a fabulous way to go about making medical decisions.
How is that the dumbest analogy? Did you know that much like the vaccine, there are plenty of studies that show that being overweight isn't healthy for you? Obesity has been on of COVID's biggest issues. Many of the people that have died are obese. It isn't hard to exercise yet people still don't do it. Funny how all of the anti-vax shamers don't go after the obese in the same way. If more people lived a healthier life, many lives could've been saved during this pandemic. Are obese people selfish? They take up hospital beds because of their life choices. They make life decisions to not be healthy much like the unvaccinated make their decision.
Thank you!
Your analogy is right on point and don't let anyone tell you anything different. Obese people make the decision to be obese much like the unvaccinated make their decision to not be vaccinated. Both have all the information they need but still make their own decision to be not be healthy. I am not advocating that everyone starts to shame the obese. To be clear, we shouldn't be shaming either group because it's only going to cause more division. There is a plethora of unhealthy decisions made every day by many of us yet the unvaccinated are the only ones being attacked daily.
It's really not on point at all. A decision to get the vaccine can be made now and you get an immediate result.
Remember the Thomas Nine !! (10/02/2018) The Golden Age is 2 months away. And guess what….. you’re gonna love it! (teskeinc 11.19.24)
1998: Noblesville; 2003: Noblesville; 2009: EV Nashville, Chicago, Chicago 2010: St Louis, Columbus, Noblesville; 2011: EV Chicago, East Troy, East Troy 2013: London ON, Wrigley; 2014: Cincy, St Louis, Moline (NO CODE) 2016: Lexington, Wrigley #1; 2018: Wrigley, Wrigley, Boston, Boston 2020: Oakland, Oakland:2021: EV Ohana, Ohana, Ohana, Ohana 2022: Oakland, Oakland, Nashville, Louisville; 2023: Chicago, Chicago, Noblesville 2024: Noblesville, Wrigley, Wrigley, Ohana, Ohana; 2025: Pitt1, Pitt2
Hey! Brakes in your car don’t prevent 100% of accidents. Completely useless. Get rid of em and don’t use them.
You mentioned "lost interest?"
As had you. But you also haven’t defended your positions or declarations very well. I’m not sure why that is, though.
Simple - you believe in Jesus and I believe in Santa. Or vice versa. I forgot.
Oh the sweet baby jebus! Santa is real! Still can’t defend your opines, eh? Well, Christmas is coming and if you’re good, Santa will help you.
Do I really have to defend record breaking cases globally after one year of vaccination? I'm sure you've heard. Or ineffective flu vaccine at 40%? What else?
What percentage of folks have to have had covid to reach herd immunity? What percentage of those with covid, hospitalized and dying are unvaccinated? Versus those who are?
Is seasonal flu eradicated? How about aids? SARS? Or any other type of viral infection disease?
If not 100%, it’s not effective? That’s just dumb. Drunk driving laws? Not effective, get rid of them. And hey! Go out and drunk drive everyone because, well, we can’t stop it 100% anyway. And age limits for guns? Why? You’re not stopping kids from killing others, right? What’s the point? And child proof caps on cleaning chemicals and medicine. Just a pain in the ass. Get rid of them. Lighters? Those Bic lighters where you’ve got to press two buttons simultaneously while you flick to get it to light? Dumb! Go back to the old school lighters. Airbags? No good, either.
Is everyone who is eligible to be vaccinated, vaccinated?
How do you have time for all of this? Wasted your whole day...
Took me about a minute and I must say, I’m entertained by our exchanges but hardly enlightened. I miss the old days. Sigh (through my mask).
What did you want me to say? Counter argue they should ban alcohol, cigarettes and (most importantly) sugar? It's pointless. By the way, you meant to say - through my double mask.
Out of curiosity, do you think that life insurance companies will raise the rates on or refuse coverage for unvaccinated people in the same way they do for cigarette smokers, alcoholics, and obese people?
Probably? If something makes the odds too high of having to pay out, the insurance companies won't want to insure it. There whole model works on everyone chipping into a pot, but only so many people need to take from the pot. If unvaxxed people have too great a chance of landing in the hospital, it would tip those scales.
Exactly. But it’s probably a pointless topic since most anti-vax idiots are probably too selfish and inconsiderate to consider life insurance anyway. That, and I think some of them truly believe they are invincible. I can’t keep up with their delusions anymore.
Why would you say "anti-vax idiots?" It's equivalent to "fat idiots." Over 50% of forum users are obese. Why not tell them to slow down on donut, coke and midnight snack consumption? Or mandate calorie intake restrictions. Same thing. Health choices.
By far the dumbest analogy I’ve seen lately, congrats. If you didn’t believe eating donuts and cokes makes you fat, then yes, I would call you a fat idiot. Where is your data that 50% of forum users are obese? You state that as a fact with no research? Sounds like you just believe what you want to with only assumptions to credit for those beliefs. Sounds like a fabulous way to go about making medical decisions.
How is that the dumbest analogy? Did you know that much like the vaccine, there are plenty of studies that show that being overweight isn't healthy for you? Obesity has been on of COVID's biggest issues. Many of the people that have died are obese. It isn't hard to exercise yet people still don't do it. Funny how all of the anti-vax shamers don't go after the obese in the same way. If more people lived a healthier life, many lives could've been saved during this pandemic. Are obese people selfish? They take up hospital beds because of their life choices. They make life decisions to not be healthy much like the unvaccinated make their decision.
Thank you!
Your analogy is right on point and don't let anyone tell you anything different. Obese people make the decision to be obese much like the unvaccinated make their decision to not be vaccinated. Both have all the information they need but still make their own decision to be not be healthy. I am not advocating that everyone starts to shame the obese. To be clear, we shouldn't be shaming either group because it's only going to cause more division. There is a plethora of unhealthy decisions made every day by many of us yet the unvaccinated are the only ones being attacked daily.
“Don’t let anyone tell you different” is probably the best way to research and form non-biased opinions…………. Have you seen the new movie “Don’t Look Up” or the classic “Idiocracy”, btw? “Don’t let anyone tell you different” is a pretty big theme of those if you can’t imagine At least you admitted that not getting vaccinated is an unhealthy decision.
Hey! Brakes in your car don’t prevent 100% of accidents. Completely useless. Get rid of em and don’t use them.
You mentioned "lost interest?"
As had you. But you also haven’t defended your positions or declarations very well. I’m not sure why that is, though.
Simple - you believe in Jesus and I believe in Santa. Or vice versa. I forgot.
Oh the sweet baby jebus! Santa is real! Still can’t defend your opines, eh? Well, Christmas is coming and if you’re good, Santa will help you.
Do I really have to defend record breaking cases globally after one year of vaccination? I'm sure you've heard. Or ineffective flu vaccine at 40%? What else?
What percentage of folks have to have had covid to reach herd immunity? What percentage of those with covid, hospitalized and dying are unvaccinated? Versus those who are?
Is seasonal flu eradicated? How about aids? SARS? Or any other type of viral infection disease?
If not 100%, it’s not effective? That’s just dumb. Drunk driving laws? Not effective, get rid of them. And hey! Go out and drunk drive everyone because, well, we can’t stop it 100% anyway. And age limits for guns? Why? You’re not stopping kids from killing others, right? What’s the point? And child proof caps on cleaning chemicals and medicine. Just a pain in the ass. Get rid of them. Lighters? Those Bic lighters where you’ve got to press two buttons simultaneously while you flick to get it to light? Dumb! Go back to the old school lighters. Airbags? No good, either.
Is everyone who is eligible to be vaccinated, vaccinated?
How do you have time for all of this? Wasted your whole day...
Took me about a minute and I must say, I’m entertained by our exchanges but hardly enlightened. I miss the old days. Sigh (through my mask).
What did you want me to say? Counter argue they should ban alcohol, cigarettes and (most importantly) sugar? It's pointless. By the way, you meant to say - through my double mask.
Out of curiosity, do you think that life insurance companies will raise the rates on or refuse coverage for unvaccinated people in the same way they do for cigarette smokers, alcoholics, and obese people?
Probably? If something makes the odds too high of having to pay out, the insurance companies won't want to insure it. There whole model works on everyone chipping into a pot, but only so many people need to take from the pot. If unvaxxed people have too great a chance of landing in the hospital, it would tip those scales.
Exactly. But it’s probably a pointless topic since most anti-vax idiots are probably too selfish and inconsiderate to consider life insurance anyway. That, and I think some of them truly believe they are invincible. I can’t keep up with their delusions anymore.
Why would you say "anti-vax idiots?" It's equivalent to "fat idiots." Over 50% of forum users are obese. Why not tell them to slow down on donut, coke and midnight snack consumption? Or mandate calorie intake restrictions. Same thing. Health choices.
By far the dumbest analogy I’ve seen lately, congrats. If you didn’t believe eating donuts and cokes makes you fat, then yes, I would call you a fat idiot. Where is your data that 50% of forum users are obese? You state that as a fact with no research? Sounds like you just believe what you want to with only assumptions to credit for those beliefs. Sounds like a fabulous way to go about making medical decisions.
How is that the dumbest analogy? Did you know that much like the vaccine, there are plenty of studies that show that being overweight isn't healthy for you? Obesity has been on of COVID's biggest issues. Many of the people that have died are obese. It isn't hard to exercise yet people still don't do it. Funny how all of the anti-vax shamers don't go after the obese in the same way. If more people lived a healthier life, many lives could've been saved during this pandemic. Are obese people selfish? They take up hospital beds because of their life choices. They make life decisions to not be healthy much like the unvaccinated make their decision.
Thank you!
I’ll assume that you’re both pro-soda tax. And White House gardens with lots of kale.
Hey! Brakes in your car don’t prevent 100% of accidents. Completely useless. Get rid of em and don’t use them.
You mentioned "lost interest?"
As had you. But you also haven’t defended your positions or declarations very well. I’m not sure why that is, though.
Simple - you believe in Jesus and I believe in Santa. Or vice versa. I forgot.
Oh the sweet baby jebus! Santa is real! Still can’t defend your opines, eh? Well, Christmas is coming and if you’re good, Santa will help you.
Do I really have to defend record breaking cases globally after one year of vaccination? I'm sure you've heard. Or ineffective flu vaccine at 40%? What else?
What percentage of folks have to have had covid to reach herd immunity? What percentage of those with covid, hospitalized and dying are unvaccinated? Versus those who are?
Is seasonal flu eradicated? How about aids? SARS? Or any other type of viral infection disease?
If not 100%, it’s not effective? That’s just dumb. Drunk driving laws? Not effective, get rid of them. And hey! Go out and drunk drive everyone because, well, we can’t stop it 100% anyway. And age limits for guns? Why? You’re not stopping kids from killing others, right? What’s the point? And child proof caps on cleaning chemicals and medicine. Just a pain in the ass. Get rid of them. Lighters? Those Bic lighters where you’ve got to press two buttons simultaneously while you flick to get it to light? Dumb! Go back to the old school lighters. Airbags? No good, either.
Is everyone who is eligible to be vaccinated, vaccinated?
How do you have time for all of this? Wasted your whole day...
Took me about a minute and I must say, I’m entertained by our exchanges but hardly enlightened. I miss the old days. Sigh (through my mask).
What did you want me to say? Counter argue they should ban alcohol, cigarettes and (most importantly) sugar? It's pointless. By the way, you meant to say - through my double mask.
Out of curiosity, do you think that life insurance companies will raise the rates on or refuse coverage for unvaccinated people in the same way they do for cigarette smokers, alcoholics, and obese people?
Probably? If something makes the odds too high of having to pay out, the insurance companies won't want to insure it. There whole model works on everyone chipping into a pot, but only so many people need to take from the pot. If unvaxxed people have too great a chance of landing in the hospital, it would tip those scales.
Exactly. But it’s probably a pointless topic since most anti-vax idiots are probably too selfish and inconsiderate to consider life insurance anyway. That, and I think some of them truly believe they are invincible. I can’t keep up with their delusions anymore.
Why would you say "anti-vax idiots?" It's equivalent to "fat idiots." Over 50% of forum users are obese. Why not tell them to slow down on donut, coke and midnight snack consumption? Or mandate calorie intake restrictions. Same thing. Health choices.
By far the dumbest analogy I’ve seen lately, congrats. If you didn’t believe eating donuts and cokes makes you fat, then yes, I would call you a fat idiot. Where is your data that 50% of forum users are obese? You state that as a fact with no research? Sounds like you just believe what you want to with only assumptions to credit for those beliefs. Sounds like a fabulous way to go about making medical decisions.
How is that the dumbest analogy? Did you know that much like the vaccine, there are plenty of studies that show that being overweight isn't healthy for you? Obesity has been on of COVID's biggest issues. Many of the people that have died are obese. It isn't hard to exercise yet people still don't do it. Funny how all of the anti-vax shamers don't go after the obese in the same way. If more people lived a healthier life, many lives could've been saved during this pandemic. Are obese people selfish? They take up hospital beds because of their life choices. They make life decisions to not be healthy much like the unvaccinated make their decision.
Thank you!
Your analogy is right on point and don't let anyone tell you anything different. Obese people make the decision to be obese much like the unvaccinated make their decision to not be vaccinated. Both have all the information they need but still make their own decision to be not be healthy. I am not advocating that everyone starts to shame the obese. To be clear, we shouldn't be shaming either group because it's only going to cause more division. There is a plethora of unhealthy decisions made every day by many of us yet the unvaccinated are the only ones being attacked daily.
Very well said. Couldn't agree more.
So you agree that not being vaccinated is an unhealthy decision too….that’s all I need to know.
it takes months, sometimes even years, of hard work to lose weight. It takes literally sitting in a chair for 15 minutes to get the vaccine. you simply cannot compare the two.
Yes you can compare the two and I have multiple times. It's not about the time it takes to do something. It's about having all the information in front of you and still making the same unhealthy decisions.
Again, most obese people know it probably isn’t healthy to be that way. On the opposite, most anti-vaxers deny the science and facts all together…That’s what makes them idiots in my book. I’m all about avoiding mandates and new laws, but it’s annoying seeing people unable to take care of themselves due to complete scientific denial or lack of education or whatever it is.
Hey! Brakes in your car don’t prevent 100% of accidents. Completely useless. Get rid of em and don’t use them.
You mentioned "lost interest?"
As had you. But you also haven’t defended your positions or declarations very well. I’m not sure why that is, though.
Simple - you believe in Jesus and I believe in Santa. Or vice versa. I forgot.
Oh the sweet baby jebus! Santa is real! Still can’t defend your opines, eh? Well, Christmas is coming and if you’re good, Santa will help you.
Do I really have to defend record breaking cases globally after one year of vaccination? I'm sure you've heard. Or ineffective flu vaccine at 40%? What else?
What percentage of folks have to have had covid to reach herd immunity? What percentage of those with covid, hospitalized and dying are unvaccinated? Versus those who are?
Is seasonal flu eradicated? How about aids? SARS? Or any other type of viral infection disease?
If not 100%, it’s not effective? That’s just dumb. Drunk driving laws? Not effective, get rid of them. And hey! Go out and drunk drive everyone because, well, we can’t stop it 100% anyway. And age limits for guns? Why? You’re not stopping kids from killing others, right? What’s the point? And child proof caps on cleaning chemicals and medicine. Just a pain in the ass. Get rid of them. Lighters? Those Bic lighters where you’ve got to press two buttons simultaneously while you flick to get it to light? Dumb! Go back to the old school lighters. Airbags? No good, either.
Is everyone who is eligible to be vaccinated, vaccinated?
How do you have time for all of this? Wasted your whole day...
Took me about a minute and I must say, I’m entertained by our exchanges but hardly enlightened. I miss the old days. Sigh (through my mask).
What did you want me to say? Counter argue they should ban alcohol, cigarettes and (most importantly) sugar? It's pointless. By the way, you meant to say - through my double mask.
Out of curiosity, do you think that life insurance companies will raise the rates on or refuse coverage for unvaccinated people in the same way they do for cigarette smokers, alcoholics, and obese people?
Probably? If something makes the odds too high of having to pay out, the insurance companies won't want to insure it. There whole model works on everyone chipping into a pot, but only so many people need to take from the pot. If unvaxxed people have too great a chance of landing in the hospital, it would tip those scales.
Exactly. But it’s probably a pointless topic since most anti-vax idiots are probably too selfish and inconsiderate to consider life insurance anyway. That, and I think some of them truly believe they are invincible. I can’t keep up with their delusions anymore.
Why would you say "anti-vax idiots?" It's equivalent to "fat idiots." Over 50% of forum users are obese. Why not tell them to slow down on donut, coke and midnight snack consumption? Or mandate calorie intake restrictions. Same thing. Health choices.
By far the dumbest analogy I’ve seen lately, congrats. If you didn’t believe eating donuts and cokes makes you fat, then yes, I would call you a fat idiot. Where is your data that 50% of forum users are obese? You state that as a fact with no research? Sounds like you just believe what you want to with only assumptions to credit for those beliefs. Sounds like a fabulous way to go about making medical decisions.
How is that the dumbest analogy? Did you know that much like the vaccine, there are plenty of studies that show that being overweight isn't healthy for you? Obesity has been on of COVID's biggest issues. Many of the people that have died are obese. It isn't hard to exercise yet people still don't do it. Funny how all of the anti-vax shamers don't go after the obese in the same way. If more people lived a healthier life, many lives could've been saved during this pandemic. Are obese people selfish? They take up hospital beds because of their life choices. They make life decisions to not be healthy much like the unvaccinated make their decision.
Thank you!
Your analogy is right on point and don't let anyone tell you anything different. Obese people make the decision to be obese much like the unvaccinated make their decision to not be vaccinated. Both have all the information they need but still make their own decision to be not be healthy. I am not advocating that everyone starts to shame the obese. To be clear, we shouldn't be shaming either group because it's only going to cause more division. There is a plethora of unhealthy decisions made every day by many of us yet the unvaccinated are the only ones being attacked daily.
no one but the unvaxxed/unmasked are willingly doing nothing to stop the spread of this deadly disease. full fucking stop. the obese are more likely to end up in hospital from either the unvaxxed or vaxxed group, but they aren't spreading their obesity.
this is the dumbest analogy in recent memory.
"Oh Canada...you're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
Hey! Brakes in your car don’t prevent 100% of accidents. Completely useless. Get rid of em and don’t use them.
You mentioned "lost interest?"
As had you. But you also haven’t defended your positions or declarations very well. I’m not sure why that is, though.
Simple - you believe in Jesus and I believe in Santa. Or vice versa. I forgot.
Oh the sweet baby jebus! Santa is real! Still can’t defend your opines, eh? Well, Christmas is coming and if you’re good, Santa will help you.
Do I really have to defend record breaking cases globally after one year of vaccination? I'm sure you've heard. Or ineffective flu vaccine at 40%? What else?
What percentage of folks have to have had covid to reach herd immunity? What percentage of those with covid, hospitalized and dying are unvaccinated? Versus those who are?
Is seasonal flu eradicated? How about aids? SARS? Or any other type of viral infection disease?
If not 100%, it’s not effective? That’s just dumb. Drunk driving laws? Not effective, get rid of them. And hey! Go out and drunk drive everyone because, well, we can’t stop it 100% anyway. And age limits for guns? Why? You’re not stopping kids from killing others, right? What’s the point? And child proof caps on cleaning chemicals and medicine. Just a pain in the ass. Get rid of them. Lighters? Those Bic lighters where you’ve got to press two buttons simultaneously while you flick to get it to light? Dumb! Go back to the old school lighters. Airbags? No good, either.
Is everyone who is eligible to be vaccinated, vaccinated?
How do you have time for all of this? Wasted your whole day...
Took me about a minute and I must say, I’m entertained by our exchanges but hardly enlightened. I miss the old days. Sigh (through my mask).
What did you want me to say? Counter argue they should ban alcohol, cigarettes and (most importantly) sugar? It's pointless. By the way, you meant to say - through my double mask.
Out of curiosity, do you think that life insurance companies will raise the rates on or refuse coverage for unvaccinated people in the same way they do for cigarette smokers, alcoholics, and obese people?
Probably? If something makes the odds too high of having to pay out, the insurance companies won't want to insure it. There whole model works on everyone chipping into a pot, but only so many people need to take from the pot. If unvaxxed people have too great a chance of landing in the hospital, it would tip those scales.
Exactly. But it’s probably a pointless topic since most anti-vax idiots are probably too selfish and inconsiderate to consider life insurance anyway. That, and I think some of them truly believe they are invincible. I can’t keep up with their delusions anymore.
Why would you say "anti-vax idiots?" It's equivalent to "fat idiots." Over 50% of forum users are obese. Why not tell them to slow down on donut, coke and midnight snack consumption? Or mandate calorie intake restrictions. Same thing. Health choices.
By far the dumbest analogy I’ve seen lately, congrats. If you didn’t believe eating donuts and cokes makes you fat, and you were trying to not be obese, then yes, I would call you a fat idiot. Where is your data that 50% of forum users are obese? You state that as a fact with no research? Sounds like you just believe what you want to with only assumptions to credit for those beliefs. Sounds like a fabulous way to go about making medical decisions. Fact: data from vaccines show that they are safe and very effective in most cases. Fact: eating donuts can make you fat If you deny either of the above, in my book, you are an idiot (but that’s just an assumption on my part).
it's estimated 48% of americans are obese, so, assuming the fan club is also a decent enough sample size to reflect society, 50% wouldn't be a far off estimate.
Possibly, but that is assuming that this specific rock band’s fan club reflects society as a whole . Not to mention there are plenty of non-Americans here and pretty linear demographics. I would put it closer to 25%-30%. That is probably a topic for a different thread, though, right?
I'd say most are americans, and it might even skew fatter since a lot of us on the forums tend to be sitting all day at our jobs or just sitting on the computer doing nothing.
but yes, another thread.
Probably closer to 80% now that you mention it. At least my fat ass is vaccinated, lol
mine too. triple shot baby!
"Oh Canada...you're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
Hey! Brakes in your car don’t prevent 100% of accidents. Completely useless. Get rid of em and don’t use them.
You mentioned "lost interest?"
As had you. But you also haven’t defended your positions or declarations very well. I’m not sure why that is, though.
Simple - you believe in Jesus and I believe in Santa. Or vice versa. I forgot.
Oh the sweet baby jebus! Santa is real! Still can’t defend your opines, eh? Well, Christmas is coming and if you’re good, Santa will help you.
Do I really have to defend record breaking cases globally after one year of vaccination? I'm sure you've heard. Or ineffective flu vaccine at 40%? What else?
What percentage of folks have to have had covid to reach herd immunity? What percentage of those with covid, hospitalized and dying are unvaccinated? Versus those who are?
Is seasonal flu eradicated? How about aids? SARS? Or any other type of viral infection disease?
If not 100%, it’s not effective? That’s just dumb. Drunk driving laws? Not effective, get rid of them. And hey! Go out and drunk drive everyone because, well, we can’t stop it 100% anyway. And age limits for guns? Why? You’re not stopping kids from killing others, right? What’s the point? And child proof caps on cleaning chemicals and medicine. Just a pain in the ass. Get rid of them. Lighters? Those Bic lighters where you’ve got to press two buttons simultaneously while you flick to get it to light? Dumb! Go back to the old school lighters. Airbags? No good, either.
Is everyone who is eligible to be vaccinated, vaccinated?
How do you have time for all of this? Wasted your whole day...
Took me about a minute and I must say, I’m entertained by our exchanges but hardly enlightened. I miss the old days. Sigh (through my mask).
What did you want me to say? Counter argue they should ban alcohol, cigarettes and (most importantly) sugar? It's pointless. By the way, you meant to say - through my double mask.
Out of curiosity, do you think that life insurance companies will raise the rates on or refuse coverage for unvaccinated people in the same way they do for cigarette smokers, alcoholics, and obese people?
Probably? If something makes the odds too high of having to pay out, the insurance companies won't want to insure it. There whole model works on everyone chipping into a pot, but only so many people need to take from the pot. If unvaxxed people have too great a chance of landing in the hospital, it would tip those scales.
Exactly. But it’s probably a pointless topic since most anti-vax idiots are probably too selfish and inconsiderate to consider life insurance anyway. That, and I think some of them truly believe they are invincible. I can’t keep up with their delusions anymore.
Why would you say "anti-vax idiots?" It's equivalent to "fat idiots." Over 50% of forum users are obese. Why not tell them to slow down on donut, coke and midnight snack consumption? Or mandate calorie intake restrictions. Same thing. Health choices.
By far the dumbest analogy I’ve seen lately, congrats. If you didn’t believe eating donuts and cokes makes you fat, then yes, I would call you a fat idiot. Where is your data that 50% of forum users are obese? You state that as a fact with no research? Sounds like you just believe what you want to with only assumptions to credit for those beliefs. Sounds like a fabulous way to go about making medical decisions.
How is that the dumbest analogy? Did you know that much like the vaccine, there are plenty of studies that show that being overweight isn't healthy for you? Obesity has been on of COVID's biggest issues. Many of the people that have died are obese. It isn't hard to exercise yet people still don't do it. Funny how all of the anti-vax shamers don't go after the obese in the same way. If more people lived a healthier life, many lives could've been saved during this pandemic. Are obese people selfish? They take up hospital beds because of their life choices. They make life decisions to not be healthy much like the unvaccinated make their decision.
Thank you!
Your analogy is right on point and don't let anyone tell you anything different. Obese people make the decision to be obese much like the unvaccinated make their decision to not be vaccinated. Both have all the information they need but still make their own decision to be not be healthy. I am not advocating that everyone starts to shame the obese. To be clear, we shouldn't be shaming either group because it's only going to cause more division. There is a plethora of unhealthy decisions made every day by many of us yet the unvaccinated are the only ones being attacked daily.
no one but the unvaxxed/unmasked are willingly doing nothing to stop the spread of this deadly disease. full fucking stop. the obese are more likely to end up in hospital from either the unvaxxed or vaxxed group, but they aren't spreading their obesity.
Hey! Brakes in your car don’t prevent 100% of accidents. Completely useless. Get rid of em and don’t use them.
You mentioned "lost interest?"
As had you. But you also haven’t defended your positions or declarations very well. I’m not sure why that is, though.
Simple - you believe in Jesus and I believe in Santa. Or vice versa. I forgot.
Oh the sweet baby jebus! Santa is real! Still can’t defend your opines, eh? Well, Christmas is coming and if you’re good, Santa will help you.
Do I really have to defend record breaking cases globally after one year of vaccination? I'm sure you've heard. Or ineffective flu vaccine at 40%? What else?
What percentage of folks have to have had covid to reach herd immunity? What percentage of those with covid, hospitalized and dying are unvaccinated? Versus those who are?
Is seasonal flu eradicated? How about aids? SARS? Or any other type of viral infection disease?
If not 100%, it’s not effective? That’s just dumb. Drunk driving laws? Not effective, get rid of them. And hey! Go out and drunk drive everyone because, well, we can’t stop it 100% anyway. And age limits for guns? Why? You’re not stopping kids from killing others, right? What’s the point? And child proof caps on cleaning chemicals and medicine. Just a pain in the ass. Get rid of them. Lighters? Those Bic lighters where you’ve got to press two buttons simultaneously while you flick to get it to light? Dumb! Go back to the old school lighters. Airbags? No good, either.
Is everyone who is eligible to be vaccinated, vaccinated?
How do you have time for all of this? Wasted your whole day...
Took me about a minute and I must say, I’m entertained by our exchanges but hardly enlightened. I miss the old days. Sigh (through my mask).
What did you want me to say? Counter argue they should ban alcohol, cigarettes and (most importantly) sugar? It's pointless. By the way, you meant to say - through my double mask.
Out of curiosity, do you think that life insurance companies will raise the rates on or refuse coverage for unvaccinated people in the same way they do for cigarette smokers, alcoholics, and obese people?
Probably? If something makes the odds too high of having to pay out, the insurance companies won't want to insure it. There whole model works on everyone chipping into a pot, but only so many people need to take from the pot. If unvaxxed people have too great a chance of landing in the hospital, it would tip those scales.
Exactly. But it’s probably a pointless topic since most anti-vax idiots are probably too selfish and inconsiderate to consider life insurance anyway. That, and I think some of them truly believe they are invincible. I can’t keep up with their delusions anymore.
Why would you say "anti-vax idiots?" It's equivalent to "fat idiots." Over 50% of forum users are obese. Why not tell them to slow down on donut, coke and midnight snack consumption? Or mandate calorie intake restrictions. Same thing. Health choices.
By far the dumbest analogy I’ve seen lately, congrats. If you didn’t believe eating donuts and cokes makes you fat, and you were trying to not be obese, then yes, I would call you a fat idiot. Where is your data that 50% of forum users are obese? You state that as a fact with no research? Sounds like you just believe what you want to with only assumptions to credit for those beliefs. Sounds like a fabulous way to go about making medical decisions. Fact: data from vaccines show that they are safe and very effective in most cases. Fact: eating donuts can make you fat If you deny either of the above, in my book, you are an idiot (but that’s just an assumption on my part).
it's estimated 48% of americans are obese, so, assuming the fan club is also a decent enough sample size to reflect society, 50% wouldn't be a far off estimate.
Possibly, but that is assuming that this specific rock band’s fan club reflects society as a whole . Not to mention there are plenty of non-Americans here and pretty linear demographics. I would put it closer to 25%-30%. That is probably a topic for a different thread, though, right?
I'd say most are americans, and it might even skew fatter since a lot of us on the forums tend to be sitting all day at our jobs or just sitting on the computer doing nothing.
but yes, another thread.
Probably closer to 80% now that you mention it. At least my fat ass is vaccinated, lol
Hey! Brakes in your car don’t prevent 100% of accidents. Completely useless. Get rid of em and don’t use them.
You mentioned "lost interest?"
As had you. But you also haven’t defended your positions or declarations very well. I’m not sure why that is, though.
Simple - you believe in Jesus and I believe in Santa. Or vice versa. I forgot.
Oh the sweet baby jebus! Santa is real! Still can’t defend your opines, eh? Well, Christmas is coming and if you’re good, Santa will help you.
Do I really have to defend record breaking cases globally after one year of vaccination? I'm sure you've heard. Or ineffective flu vaccine at 40%? What else?
What percentage of folks have to have had covid to reach herd immunity? What percentage of those with covid, hospitalized and dying are unvaccinated? Versus those who are?
Is seasonal flu eradicated? How about aids? SARS? Or any other type of viral infection disease?
If not 100%, it’s not effective? That’s just dumb. Drunk driving laws? Not effective, get rid of them. And hey! Go out and drunk drive everyone because, well, we can’t stop it 100% anyway. And age limits for guns? Why? You’re not stopping kids from killing others, right? What’s the point? And child proof caps on cleaning chemicals and medicine. Just a pain in the ass. Get rid of them. Lighters? Those Bic lighters where you’ve got to press two buttons simultaneously while you flick to get it to light? Dumb! Go back to the old school lighters. Airbags? No good, either.
Is everyone who is eligible to be vaccinated, vaccinated?
How do you have time for all of this? Wasted your whole day...
Took me about a minute and I must say, I’m entertained by our exchanges but hardly enlightened. I miss the old days. Sigh (through my mask).
What did you want me to say? Counter argue they should ban alcohol, cigarettes and (most importantly) sugar? It's pointless. By the way, you meant to say - through my double mask.
Out of curiosity, do you think that life insurance companies will raise the rates on or refuse coverage for unvaccinated people in the same way they do for cigarette smokers, alcoholics, and obese people?
Probably? If something makes the odds too high of having to pay out, the insurance companies won't want to insure it. There whole model works on everyone chipping into a pot, but only so many people need to take from the pot. If unvaxxed people have too great a chance of landing in the hospital, it would tip those scales.
Exactly. But it’s probably a pointless topic since most anti-vax idiots are probably too selfish and inconsiderate to consider life insurance anyway. That, and I think some of them truly believe they are invincible. I can’t keep up with their delusions anymore.
Why would you say "anti-vax idiots?" It's equivalent to "fat idiots." Over 50% of forum users are obese. Why not tell them to slow down on donut, coke and midnight snack consumption? Or mandate calorie intake restrictions. Same thing. Health choices.
By far the dumbest analogy I’ve seen lately, congrats. If you didn’t believe eating donuts and cokes makes you fat, and you were trying to not be obese, then yes, I would call you a fat idiot. Where is your data that 50% of forum users are obese? You state that as a fact with no research? Sounds like you just believe what you want to with only assumptions to credit for those beliefs. Sounds like a fabulous way to go about making medical decisions. Fact: data from vaccines show that they are safe and very effective in most cases. Fact: eating donuts can make you fat If you deny either of the above, in my book, you are an idiot (but that’s just an assumption on my part).
it's estimated 48% of americans are obese, so, assuming the fan club is also a decent enough sample size to reflect society, 50% wouldn't be a far off estimate.
Possibly, but that is assuming that this specific rock band’s fan club reflects society as a whole . Not to mention there are plenty of non-Americans here and pretty linear demographics. I would put it closer to 25%-30%. That is probably a topic for a different thread, though, right?
I'd say most are americans, and it might even skew fatter since a lot of us on the forums tend to be sitting all day at our jobs or just sitting on the computer doing nothing.
but yes, another thread.
Probably closer to 80% now that you mention it. At least my fat ass is vaccinated, lol
mine too. triple shot baby!
Woot woot! Btw, don’t leave, you are needed here!
I do appreciate that. thanks.
"Oh Canada...you're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
The potential benefits of cannabis has been known since early on in the pandemic…I posted some articles. Big pharma I doubt would ever bring it into a lab to see if/how beneficial…I hope I’m wrong…but I am a heavy cannabis user…maybe the vaccine and cannabis combined offers better protection…
Give Peas A Chance…
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,835
-EV 8/14/93
but yes, another thread.
-EV 8/14/93
The Golden Age is 2 months away. And guess what….. you’re gonna love it! (teskeinc 11.19.24)
1998: Noblesville; 2003: Noblesville; 2009: EV Nashville, Chicago, Chicago
2010: St Louis, Columbus, Noblesville; 2011: EV Chicago, East Troy, East Troy
2013: London ON, Wrigley; 2014: Cincy, St Louis, Moline (NO CODE)
2016: Lexington, Wrigley #1; 2018: Wrigley, Wrigley, Boston, Boston
2020: Oakland, Oakland: 2021: EV Ohana, Ohana, Ohana, Ohana
2022: Oakland, Oakland, Nashville, Louisville; 2023: Chicago, Chicago, Noblesville
2024: Noblesville, Wrigley, Wrigley, Ohana, Ohana; 2025: Pitt1, Pitt2
btw, do you watch Letterkenny? “To be fair” always makes me want to sing it, lol
What about water vapor? Just teasing, of course.
Obesity is NOT a contagion. That's the difference.
The Golden Age is 2 months away. And guess what….. you’re gonna love it! (teskeinc 11.19.24)
1998: Noblesville; 2003: Noblesville; 2009: EV Nashville, Chicago, Chicago
2010: St Louis, Columbus, Noblesville; 2011: EV Chicago, East Troy, East Troy
2013: London ON, Wrigley; 2014: Cincy, St Louis, Moline (NO CODE)
2016: Lexington, Wrigley #1; 2018: Wrigley, Wrigley, Boston, Boston
2020: Oakland, Oakland: 2021: EV Ohana, Ohana, Ohana, Ohana
2022: Oakland, Oakland, Nashville, Louisville; 2023: Chicago, Chicago, Noblesville
2024: Noblesville, Wrigley, Wrigley, Ohana, Ohana; 2025: Pitt1, Pitt2
Have you seen the new movie “Don’t Look Up” or the classic “Idiocracy”, btw? “Don’t let anyone tell you different” is a pretty big theme of those if you can’t imagine
At least you admitted that not getting vaccinated is an unhealthy decision.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Indiana is so fucking stupid I can't stand it
The Golden Age is 2 months away. And guess what….. you’re gonna love it! (teskeinc 11.19.24)
1998: Noblesville; 2003: Noblesville; 2009: EV Nashville, Chicago, Chicago
2010: St Louis, Columbus, Noblesville; 2011: EV Chicago, East Troy, East Troy
2013: London ON, Wrigley; 2014: Cincy, St Louis, Moline (NO CODE)
2016: Lexington, Wrigley #1; 2018: Wrigley, Wrigley, Boston, Boston
2020: Oakland, Oakland: 2021: EV Ohana, Ohana, Ohana, Ohana
2022: Oakland, Oakland, Nashville, Louisville; 2023: Chicago, Chicago, Noblesville
2024: Noblesville, Wrigley, Wrigley, Ohana, Ohana; 2025: Pitt1, Pitt2
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
this is the dumbest analogy in recent memory.
-EV 8/14/93
-EV 8/14/93
It sure is.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
-EV 8/14/93
How are you feeling. Cincy? Kicking that viruses butt, I hope!