***The Official 'Did You Know??' Thread***

Okay, lets see how this goes. I'll start. Pretty simple. I'll start by stating something I know or just found out and the next poster tells me whether or not they knew it and if they care at all or find it interesting or not. And then they post their own "Did you know" question. Can be anything at all. I'll start.
Did you know that Joaquin Phoenix was originally offered the role of Derek Vinyard in American History X, but turned it down because he found the material distasteful and passed?
Did you know that Joaquin Phoenix was originally offered the role of Derek Vinyard in American History X, but turned it down because he found the material distasteful and passed?
Another habit says it's in love with you
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
Did you know that Bill Walton is only 62 years old? That guy looked 62 years old 20 years ago! Blew my mind when I found that out recently.
Did you know that Vancouver BC is now apparently the "supercar capital of North America", with more Lamborhinis, Ferraris, Porsches and other luxury cars per capita than LA, the former supercar capital?
Did you know that millions of vancouverites prefer Victoria?
Did you know that you can suffer reverse regurgitation? ( puke shit).
Did you know that Andre the Giant was a master card player and collector of fine wines?
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
Did you know Zerox developed most of the stuff we use on computers (monitor, mouse and more) but didn't think computers would become popular (it was the 1970's) and didn't patent them. Woz stole the ideas for the first apple PC's.
Fuckus rules all
Did you know that unless food is mixed with saliva you can't taste it?
Did you know that it's important to drink lots of water to be healthy?
Did you know that cows can't sweat?
Did you know that guinea pigs are noisy?!
Did you know that you sweat almost a gallon from just your feet?
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
Fuckus rules all
Do you know that a "dirty" martini has olive juice in it?
DYK Daniel Tosh was born in Germany?
Do you keep track of actresses' names?
DYK that Steven Speilberg originally wanted to use m&m's in the movie E.T., but they said no after they weren't allowed to see the final script?
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
Did you know that when AGB invented the telephone, and applied for a patent, it was rejected at first.. Citing: who would ever use such a thing?? Lmfao..
Did you know that Johnny Guitar is also the title of a 1954 western/drama starring Joan Crawford?
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
Did you know that on tomorrow, Hot Pursuit comes out exactly 28 years to the day after the similarly titled 1987 movie with John Cusack?
Did you know German Chocolate Cake is not German, but named after American chocolate maker Sam German?
Did you know that the moon is actually just a gigantic stone circling around the earth ?
And that the three biggest planets in our solar system is called "gas giants" because they consists of gas.
Did you know that Canada apparently has more donut shops per capita than any other country?
Did you know that Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta Jones have the same birthday?
Did you know that Ice weighs less than water?
Did you know that Fortune cookies were invented in 1920 by a worker in a San Francisco noodle factory?
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
Edit - forgot to add anything.
No, I didn't know that.
Did you know that all the real teas, including all the types of black, green and white teas, are from the same plant, with the difference being how the leaves are processed?
No I did not know that about Tea leaves.
Did you know that, despite it's size, all of China is in one time zone?
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
Did you know that the province of Newfoundland and Labrador keeps a time zone that is 3.5 hours less than GMT (not 3, not 4, but 3.5).