How do you think the world will end?

With a bang or a whisper?
Will our technological marvels become technological terrors Terminator style?
Will we be invaded from alien beings and exterminated or have to leave our planet because of pollution (think Wall-E)
Disease or nuclear war?
Will our technological marvels become technological terrors Terminator style?
Will we be invaded from alien beings and exterminated or have to leave our planet because of pollution (think Wall-E)
Disease or nuclear war?
Post edited by frozenwithsalt on
(Not kidding)
And every other species here on Earth will breathe a sigh of relief and say...
Thank God we finally got rid of those assholes.
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
My mom actually says she HOPES a virus comes along and wipes out at least half of the human population, and that she's perfectly happy to be one of the victims if it means that the human problem gets under control, lol.
We could easily be within our extinction period right now and not even know it.
That's a very real possibility. Like that movie Last Night. It doesn't really say it's an asteroid but that's my take on it.
Awesome movie.
I love the last piano scene, off all the ways all those people in the auditorium could have decided to spend their final moments they decided to die listening to music.
Even if an asteroid hit thats an extinction level event, organisms will live on. There should be some survival and some sort of evolution.
Eventually the sun will blow up and it will end the world completely. Maybe we can get our shit together and colonize or at least spread life throughout cosmos before that happens.
2010: 5/20 NY, 5/21 NY ... 2011: 6/21 EV NY, 9/3 WI, 9/4 WI ... 2012: 9/2 PA, 9/22 GA ... 2013: 10/18 NY, 10/19 NY, 10/21 PA, 10/22 PA, 10/27 MD
2015: 9/23 NY, 9/26 NY ... 2016: 4/28 PA, 4/29 PA, 5/1 NY, 5/2 NY, 6/11 TN, 8/7 MA, 11/4 TOTD PA, 11/5 TOTD PA ... 2018: 8/10 WA
2022: 9/14 NJ ... 2024: 5/28 WA, 9/7 PA, 9/9 PA ----
We're ants, nothing more (though ego might argue with this).
Unless someone thinks humans = earth and all life, much will continue to live beyond us, as it did before.
If a giant asteroid were to do us in I would hope to be lucky enough to see it hit rather than be on the other side of the planet when it hits. What a sight that would be! You can't have enough money to buy tickets for that kind of show! And that would be so much better a way to end this tangles world than by slow rotting due to pollution or slow die off of most species due to climate change or nuclear radiation or any of the other poisons we create.
In any case, the likely answer to the OP's question as stated are really only one of these two:
-Hit my massive object like a rogue planet or giant asteroid or
-Engulfed in terrific heat as the sun swells in it's white dwarf stage.
How will the world end is an interesting question if you consider if people will be around for it or not.
The Sun will (apparently) have a new location and so will our stars. What does that mean for earth/our world? Who really knows.
Of course M33 (Triangulum galaxy) may hit our milky way first.
There are people who think like the government in China thinks "there is no global warming/fuck air pollution" (if you aren't familiar China has the worst air pollution in the world) so the earth will continue to have a massive warming effect (I recently read an article about it-when I find it, I will post it). Humans will stupidly build more machines/buildings to keep cool, which will continue to contribute to warming, and eventually we will all just die off because it's too damn hot/polluted to survive.
- Christopher McCandless
-Global warming (also top of my list)
-Over-pollution of oceans
-Nuclear radiation from either a larger Fukushima type event or nuclear war
-Pandemic by airborne virus
-Reversal of poles
-Earth hit by large enough meteor to cause large mammal extinction
-Grey Goo (a result of out-of-control nanotechnology, less likely than once predicted)
-A.I. machine take over/extermination of human life
-Black hole created by Haldron Collider
-Evolve into another species
-Alien Invasion
-"Mega Maid" (haha- I like that one!)
Many of those scenarios would possibly allow for small isolated groups of humans to carry on. That would be interesting.
So many ways to worry every day about our survival... but is that how we want to spend our days? Better to do what each of us can to make the world a little better, enjoy the time we have, and be good to each other and ourselves.
I wouldn't want to know when it's going to end though. I think the movie had some rather accurate ideas about people's behaviour in that case.
They love you so badly for sharing their sorrow, so pick up that guitar and go break a heart - Kris Kristofferson
2010: 5/20 NY, 5/21 NY ... 2011: 6/21 EV NY, 9/3 WI, 9/4 WI ... 2012: 9/2 PA, 9/22 GA ... 2013: 10/18 NY, 10/19 NY, 10/21 PA, 10/22 PA, 10/27 MD
2015: 9/23 NY, 9/26 NY ... 2016: 4/28 PA, 4/29 PA, 5/1 NY, 5/2 NY, 6/11 TN, 8/7 MA, 11/4 TOTD PA, 11/5 TOTD PA ... 2018: 8/10 WA
2022: 9/14 NJ ... 2024: 5/28 WA, 9/7 PA, 9/9 PA ----
E.V. Milwaukee-08
Chicago 1 & 2-09
Alpine Valley 1 & 2-11
St. Paul-14
St. Paul 1 & 2 - 23