***Petition for 10c to re-stock PJ20 Blu Ray***



  • PSUS2HPSUS2H USA Posts: 2,113
    I have the PJ20 Deluxe on my Christmas list too. I told the MRS. ABSOLUTLY NO EBAY. I told her that the $500+ these are going for could go a lot further than a blu ray.
    Pittsburgh, PA September 28, 2005 || Washington, DC June 22, 2008 || Barstow, VA May 13, 2010 || Seattle, WA  August 10, 2018 || Dana Point, CA September 29, 2018 (EV) || Dana Point, CA September 28, 2019 (EV) || Dana Point, CA September 25, 2021 (EV) || Dana Point, CA October 1, 2021 || Dana Point, CA October 2, 2021 || Chicago, IL August 29, 2024 
  • demetriosdemetrios Posts: 90,936
    Come on Cameron Crowe & Kelly Curtis. It's the holiday season. Please make more of these Deluxe Edition sets. Do it for the kids! Please!!!

  • All I want for Christmas is PJ20 Deluxe 3 DVD,...Deluxe 3 DVD,...Deluxe 3 DVD
    :wave: :wave: :wave:
  • aus_suzaus_suz Posts: 9,364
    nc_jammer wrote:
    All I want for Christmas is PJ20 Deluxe 3 DVD,...Deluxe 3 DVD,...Deluxe 3 DVD
    :wave: :wave: :wave:

    Massive Bump.......
  • kellanazziekellanazzie Posts: 1,484
    demetrios wrote:
    Come on Cameron Crowe & Kelly Curtis. It's the holiday season. Please make more of these Deluxe Edition sets. Do it for the kids! Please!!!


    :lol::lol::lol: That is thee best thing I have seen all week... :clap::clap: :thumbup:
  • This shouldn't be on the second page BUMP
  • bump
  • aus_suzaus_suz Posts: 9,364
    Bump how many sigs are we at now Sweet Oblivion?
  • I won't give it up.

    It will be PJ40 and I will be asking for a reissue of the PJ20 Blu Ray LE.
    In love with music
  • PRSNT10SPRSNT10S Posts: 206
    Your words help me heal
    Redigested past regrets
    I see things clearer
  • bump
    "All I Ever Knew" available now in print and digital formats at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and iBooks.
  • PJArtistPJArtist Posts: 542
    New Orleans 00/Seattle 02/New Orleans, Houston, Dallas 03/
    Kissimmee 04/Montreal 05/Chicago 06/Gorge 06/Leeds 06/London 07/Lollapalooza 07/EV Chicago 08/EV Santa Barbara 08/Bonnaroo 08/EV @ McCartney NY 09/EV Atlanta 09/Spectrum 09 (4 shows)/Jazz Fest '10/Voices for Justice (EV) 10/Columbus 10/Noblesville 10/EV Sydney, Melbourne 11/EV Philadelphia, Detroit 11/Alpine weekend/Toronto 11 (2 shows)/Made in America 2012/Deluna Fest 2012/Missoula 2012/Brooklyn, Philadelphia, Dallas, OKC, Portland, Spokane, Vancouver, Seattle 2013/Global Citizen/Florida 16/MSG 16/Wrigley 16
  • aus_suz wrote:
    Bump how many sigs are we at now Sweet Oblivion?

    I'll be honest that I haven't updated the list in a while now since I just haven't had the time plus at this stage, I'm afraid to say I've lost all hope with it and just see no point in updating it. The fact that we never even got a proper response to the matter is disheartening enough. If anyone wants to carry on the list, that's cool. But I think I'm officially throwing in the towel on this one.
  • I´m with you on the petition.They didn't print enough + if it was that limited, it should have only been sold to ten club members
  • kellanazziekellanazzie Posts: 1,484
    aus_suz wrote:
    Bump how many sigs are we at now Sweet Oblivion?

    I'll be honest that I haven't updated the list in a while now since I just haven't had the time plus at this stage, I'm afraid to say I've lost all hope with it and just see no point in updating it. The fact that we never even got a proper response to the matter is disheartening enough. If anyone wants to carry on the list, that's cool. But I think I'm officially throwing in the towel on this one.

    :shock: NOOOooooooooooo.............

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHSTwqCs ... 3C19C37AD5
  • aus_suz wrote:
    Bump how many sigs are we at now Sweet Oblivion?

    I'll be honest that I haven't updated the list in a while now since I just haven't had the time plus at this stage, I'm afraid to say I've lost all hope with it and just see no point in updating it. The fact that we never even got a proper response to the matter is disheartening enough. If anyone wants to carry on the list, that's cool. But I think I'm officially throwing in the towel on this one.

    :shock: NOOOooooooooooo.............

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHSTwqCs ... 3C19C37AD5

    :lol: And I feel like Apollo after the past year with 10c!
  • Just wanted to add: Although, I understand that many, many folks didn't get a chance to order their DVDs and/or Blue Ray Box Sets in time, trust me this is a lost cause... As u may or may not know, many folks who DID get their orders in on time, still have NOT received their orders - I'm assuming that many of them by now, have given up and canceled/gotten their money back...

    I respect the fact that many of u tried to get a petition together, but again, I can't imagine 10c will give it(u) the time, because for those who had their orders lost and/or still haven't received their orders, well, the communication/cooperation hasn't been very good. However, I will be clear, 10c are not crooks out to steal people's money. Many folks have been reimbursed, and many (like myself) haven't given up and therefore are still waiting, but will probably/eventually have to give up, cancel their orders and get their money back...

    The point, (from what I was told by 10c) apx. 1000 orders were shipped (including mine) and were lost and for the most part, have not been received. Believe it or not, in the year 2011, 10c didn't bother to track these orders, these limited edition box sets, and therefore many, many of these orders are no where to be found... Do the math - 1000 x $65 - $85 = a shit ton of money, that eventually will all have to be reimbursed! Therefore, this huge waste of money, well, I assume 10c and/or PJ will basically EAT!

    I just can't imagine after this HUGE disaster and incompetent blunder, 10c or whoever, would spend more money to produce more of these boxsets... No doubt, there's a huge demand for these, but they've already lost a lot of money...

    Finally, to give u an idea, I ordered my boxset in mid September, right now, it is December 14, so I've been waiting for 3 months. I'm really sorry that some of u missed the boat, but maybe it's for the better? Imagine what it feels like to be one of the one's (like myself) who did actually get their order in on time, but will probably NEVER see these coveted boxsets... Yeah, on many different levels, it SUCKS!

    Good luck! :|
  • LOL, give it a rest people WHO CARES? The dvd is not worth this much trouble, no dvd is....no matter how special or limited. I got the limited edition dvd and I don't even want it! Think I watched it like once....pppfffttt.

    10c only cares about making money and they will act accordingly....

    wake up. and smell.....the. coffee. :lol::lol::lol:
  • kellanazziekellanazzie Posts: 1,484
    LOL, give it a rest people WHO CARES? The dvd is not worth this much trouble, no dvd is....no matter how special or limited. I got the limited edition dvd and I don't even want it! Think I watched it like once....pppfffttt.

    10c only cares about making money and they will act accordingly....

    wake up. and smell.....the. coffee. :lol::lol::lol:

    :shock: :o :shock: You don't WANT IT??? Well then.....

  • aus_suzaus_suz Posts: 9,364
    Replying to JB171847 post ..

    This is the very reason why more should be re-produced to give to the ppl that
    had theirs lost and for others to purchase that didnt at the time...
  • skanji32skanji32 Posts: 592
    Cameron Crowe on the LE BluRay situtation about 3 weeks ago:
    "Your voice WILL be heard"

    ...assume he's a man of his word.
    My 22 shows:
    1996 - Toronto
    1998 - Montreal, Toronto
    2000 - Montreal, Toronto
    2003 - Toronto, Montreal
    2004 - Boston I, Boston II
    2005 - Kitchener, London, Hamilton, Montreal, Ottawa
    2011 - Toronto I, Toronto II, Ottawa
    2013 - London, Seattle
    2016 - Ottawa, Toronto I, Toronto II
  • fall by the waysidefall by the wayside Jericho, VT Posts: 756
    skanji32 wrote:
    Cameron Crowe on the LE BluRay situtation about 3 weeks ago:
    "Your voice WILL be heard"

    ...assume he's a man of his word.

    I assume he's a man of his word as well, but I also assume after our voice was heard it was summarily dismissed by Kelly Curtis/PJ and/or 10c management. You know, "10c style" to quote Mr. Bierman. As one of the unlucky ones who had my order "disappear" with no tracking info I've since gotten a refund. Frankly I don't give a shit about this organization anymore. Having gone through the two day nightmare to get Canadian tour tickets, this deluxe set debacle, seeing every piece of merch being made LE (benefitting flippers at the expense of club members), and now watching our European brothers and sisters getting completely shit on this week with the presale, I can only conclude that 10c neither values or gives a shit about its paying customers anymore. I'll continue to keep my membership updated as long as they maintain a monopoly on premium PJ tix, but this organization will never see another dime from me outside of that. Thanks for the careless indifference 10c. I look forward to saving the thousands of dollars I spend here, and look forward to spending it somewhere that I'm actually treated like a valued customer.
    9/13/98, 10/4/00, 4/29/03, 6/29/03, 7/2/03, 9/28/04, 9/29/04, 9/15/05, 9/16/05, 5/12/06, 5/13/06, 6/27/08, 6/28/08, 6/30/08, 10/30/09, 10/31/09, 5/15/10, 9/11/11, 9/12/11, 10/19/13, 10/21/13, 10/22/13, 10/25/13, 10/27/13, 9/26/15, 4/28/16, 4/29/16, 8/5/16, 8/7/16, 8/13/18, 9/2/18, 9/4/18, 9/26/21, 9/1/22, 9/2/22, 9/14/22, 9/18/23, 9/19/23, 9/7/24, 9/9/24, 9/12/24, 9/15/24, 9/17/24
  • bump
  • aus_suzaus_suz Posts: 9,364
  • I assume he's a man of his word as well, but I also assume after our voice was heard it was summarily dismissed by Kelly Curtis/PJ and/or 10c management. You know, "10c style" to quote Mr. Bierman. As one of the unlucky ones who had my order "disappear" with no tracking info I've since gotten a refund. Frankly I don't give a shit about this organization anymore. Having gone through the two day nightmare to get Canadian tour tickets, this deluxe set debacle, seeing every piece of merch being made LE (benefitting flippers at the expense of club members), and now watching our European brothers and sisters getting completely shit on this week with the presale, I can only conclude that 10c neither values or gives a shit about its paying customers anymore. I'll continue to keep my membership updated as long as they maintain a monopoly on premium PJ tix, but this organization will never see another dime from me outside of that. Thanks for the careless indifference 10c. I look forward to saving the thousands of dollars I spend here, and look forward to spending it somewhere that I'm actually treated like a valued customer.

    Amen. I'm not even renewing my membership...you shouldn't either. Why continue to let them win and give them more and more of your hard earned money? They're a bunch of fat cats and real people out there are struggling! I can't wait until my membership ends next month. I am so done with all this bullshit.
  • Jearlpam0925Jearlpam0925 Posts: 16,932
    I assume he's a man of his word as well, but I also assume after our voice was heard it was summarily dismissed by Kelly Curtis/PJ and/or 10c management. You know, "10c style" to quote Mr. Bierman. As one of the unlucky ones who had my order "disappear" with no tracking info I've since gotten a refund. Frankly I don't give a shit about this organization anymore. Having gone through the two day nightmare to get Canadian tour tickets, this deluxe set debacle, seeing every piece of merch being made LE (benefitting flippers at the expense of club members), and now watching our European brothers and sisters getting completely shit on this week with the presale, I can only conclude that 10c neither values or gives a shit about its paying customers anymore. I'll continue to keep my membership updated as long as they maintain a monopoly on premium PJ tix, but this organization will never see another dime from me outside of that. Thanks for the careless indifference 10c. I look forward to saving the thousands of dollars I spend here, and look forward to spending it somewhere that I'm actually treated like a valued customer.

    Amen. I'm not even renewing my membership...you shouldn't either. Why continue to let them win and give them more and more of your hard earned money? They're a bunch of fat cats and real people out there are struggling! I can't wait until my membership ends next month. I am so done with all this bullshit.

    I'm guessing your membership number suuuuucks.
  • demetriosdemetrios Posts: 90,936
    skanji32 wrote:
    Cameron Crowe on the LE BluRay situtation about 3 weeks ago:
    "Your voice WILL be heard"

    ...assume he's a man of his word.

    Crossing fingers things work out. :)
  • I'm guessing your membership number suuuuucks.

    On the contrary....I joined a long time ago and have a decent number...but I don't care.
  • fall by the waysidefall by the wayside Jericho, VT Posts: 756
    I assume he's a man of his word as well, but I also assume after our voice was heard it was summarily dismissed by Kelly Curtis/PJ and/or 10c management. You know, "10c style" to quote Mr. Bierman. As one of the unlucky ones who had my order "disappear" with no tracking info I've since gotten a refund. Frankly I don't give a shit about this organization anymore. Having gone through the two day nightmare to get Canadian tour tickets, this deluxe set debacle, seeing every piece of merch being made LE (benefitting flippers at the expense of club members), and now watching our European brothers and sisters getting completely shit on this week with the presale, I can only conclude that 10c neither values or gives a shit about its paying customers anymore. I'll continue to keep my membership updated as long as they maintain a monopoly on premium PJ tix, but this organization will never see another dime from me outside of that. Thanks for the careless indifference 10c. I look forward to saving the thousands of dollars I spend here, and look forward to spending it somewhere that I'm actually treated like a valued customer.

    Amen. I'm not even renewing my membership...you shouldn't either. Why continue to let them win and give them more and more of your hard earned money? They're a bunch of fat cats and real people out there are struggling! I can't wait until my membership ends next month. I am so done with all this bullshit.

    I'm guessing your membership number suuuuucks.

    I have a fantastic member number that would make many jealous, and it's the only thing keeping me in this club. If there were another way to purchase good seats to PJ without paying brokers/scalpers I'd be gone in a heartbeat.
    9/13/98, 10/4/00, 4/29/03, 6/29/03, 7/2/03, 9/28/04, 9/29/04, 9/15/05, 9/16/05, 5/12/06, 5/13/06, 6/27/08, 6/28/08, 6/30/08, 10/30/09, 10/31/09, 5/15/10, 9/11/11, 9/12/11, 10/19/13, 10/21/13, 10/22/13, 10/25/13, 10/27/13, 9/26/15, 4/28/16, 4/29/16, 8/5/16, 8/7/16, 8/13/18, 9/2/18, 9/4/18, 9/26/21, 9/1/22, 9/2/22, 9/14/22, 9/18/23, 9/19/23, 9/7/24, 9/9/24, 9/12/24, 9/15/24, 9/17/24
  • Jearlpam0925Jearlpam0925 Posts: 16,932

    Amen. I'm not even renewing my membership...you shouldn't either. Why continue to let them win and give them more and more of your hard earned money? They're a bunch of fat cats and real people out there are struggling! I can't wait until my membership ends next month. I am so done with all this bullshit.

    I'm guessing your membership number suuuuucks.

    I have a fantastic member number that would make many jealous, and it's the only thing keeping me in this club. If there were another way to purchase good seats to PJ without paying brokers/scalpers I'd be gone in a heartbeat.

    Exactly. I hear you on this, as I'd most likely do the same. That's why I wonder what this guy means by "I joined a long time ago." Anything after 2000 I'd say isn't worth keeping a membership.
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