Are you still writing your poems mainly when getting drunk Pandora? Somehow I don't think so.
I can't read my writing when I do that! Liquor though inspires and arouses ...brings
inhibition and creativity for me.
mostly my writing comes from my dreams... I hold for a day or two
then release it out to paper... seems to help to understand or deal with them
but no as of late no cocktailing mixed in with the writing but maybe
I should work on that....
thanks friend for being there, reading and listening
Writing from your dreams - that is very interesting. We're lucky to see the results! I was just remembering a conversation some while back where I think you said you wrote under the influence sometimes! Whatever gets the creativity flowing....! Is all good with me
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Are you still writing your poems mainly when getting drunk Pandora? Somehow I don't think so.
I can't read my writing when I do that! Liquor though inspires and arouses ...brings
inhibition and creativity for me.
mostly my writing comes from my dreams... I hold for a day or two
then release it out to paper... seems to help to understand or deal with them
but no as of late no cocktailing mixed in with the writing but maybe
I should work on that....
thanks friend for being there, reading and listening
Writing from your dreams - that is very interesting. We're lucky to see the results! I was just remembering a conversation some while back where I think you said you wrote under the influence sometimes! Whatever gets the creativity flowing....! Is all good with me
Thanks tremors...I too remember that and I guess I've gotten more comfortable or freer with letting it out....
Lord knows I don't drink less
Had an awesome dream about Eddie last night ...few and far between those are
gonna take my time with that and see what He brings ...
Clearly through the eyes of Angels we fly
As though the wings of eagles have been set upon us
Then in this world we seek its edge
Only to gaze in wonder and anticipation
Of gift’s we believe wait for us at the edge of the world.
I thought I saw you last night in a dream
We broke some bread and shared some wine
Then we spread our wings to fly
Like eagles flying in an angels eye
We went too far we got to high
We were flying at the edge of the world.
While at a cafe today, amidst all the laughter and comfortable voices, I saw a painting on the wall. I couldn't stop staring at it, with each glance it pulled at the heaviness in my heart. It inspired me to write something, which I thought I'd share - I don't know why, just felt the need today. I can't seem to put my finger on why it has affected me so much, why the very thought of it moves me.
deep breath, here goes, my first poem on here...
Eat Your (He)Art Out
A white washed wall
Imperfect. Spots of its
Past visible, hazy and covered.
Blue, red, yellow, lilac,
Flash of orange, green hypnosis.
History peers, it reaches
Desperately, clawing its way
Through layer after layer,
To no avail.
A painting - young woman
Handsome of face, small
stature. Reflection, piercing
Through the glass, empty frame of a
Windowsill. Features incandescent,
Eyes burning with life, glazed
With reverie and hope. Vanity.
Yet old and stale - the oil dry,
Crusting, crumbling as
I touch my finger to the surface,
To share, join, take the naivety
To no avail.
Further back, another body, female
Sitting on a stone cold bench,
Watching on, faceless observer
Guardian of the golden.
She is unknown, hidden
by the blur, the rush
Of paint, hastily applied. Afterthought.
Mystery blends with the flowers, sweet.
Their stems and leaves holding
Her, enclosing her, child. Arms
Stretched, summer's nothingness reigns,
She grasps at stifled, hot air.
Trying to catch her dreams
To no avail.
Clearly through the eyes of Angels we fly
As though the wings of eagles have been set upon us
Then in this world we seek its edge
Only to gaze in wonder and anticipation
Of gift’s we believe wait for us at the edge of the world.
I thought I saw you last night in a dream
We broke some bread and shared some wine
Then we spread our wings to fly
Like eagles flying in an angels eye
We went too far we got to high
We were flying at the edge of the world.
While at a cafe today, amidst all the laughter and comfortable voices, I saw a painting on the wall. I couldn't stop staring at it, with each glance it pulled at the heaviness in my heart. It inspired me to write something, which I thought I'd share - I don't know why, just felt the need today. I can't seem to put my finger on why it has affected me so much, why the very thought of it moves me.
deep breath, here goes, my first poem on here...
Eat Your (He)Art Out
A white washed wall
Imperfect. Spots of its
Past visible, hazy and covered.
Blue, red, yellow, lilac,
Flash of orange, green hypnosis.
History peers, it reaches
Desperately, clawing its way
Through layer after layer,
To no avail.
A painting - young woman
Handsome of face, small
stature. Reflection, piercing
Through the glass, empty frame of a
Windowsill. Features incandescent,
Eyes burning with life, glazed
With reverie and hope. Vanity.
Yet old and stale - the oil dry,
Crusting, crumbling as
I touch my finger to the surface,
To share, join, take the naivety
To no avail.
Further back, another body, female
Sitting on a stone cold bench,
Watching on, faceless observer
Guardian of the golden.
She is unknown, hidden
by the blur, the rush
Of paint, hastily applied. Afterthought.
Mystery blends with the flowers, sweet.
Their stems and leaves holding
Her, enclosing her, child. Arms
Stretched, summer's nothingness reigns,
She grasps at stifled, hot air.
Trying to catch her dreams
To no avail.
I can see the picture! ...very very good
pictures are a wonderful catalyst
and just plain great to get lost in
you may guess my favorite lines are the last two,
'catching my dreams'
seems to be a something I do literally, regularly.
While at a cafe today, amidst all the laughter and comfortable voices, I saw a painting on the wall. I couldn't stop staring at it, with each glance it pulled at the heaviness in my heart. It inspired me to write something, which I thought I'd share - I don't know why, just felt the need today. I can't seem to put my finger on why it has affected me so much, why the very thought of it moves me.
deep breath, here goes, my first poem on here...
Eat Your (He)Art Out
A white washed wall
Imperfect. Spots of its
Past visible, hazy and covered.
Blue, red, yellow, lilac,
Flash of orange, green hypnosis.
History peers, it reaches
Desperately, clawing its way
Through layer after layer,
To no avail.
A painting - young woman
Handsome of face, small
stature. Reflection, piercing
Through the glass, empty frame of a
Windowsill. Features incandescent,
Eyes burning with life, glazed
With reverie and hope. Vanity.
Yet old and stale - the oil dry,
Crusting, crumbling as
I touch my finger to the surface,
To share, join, take the naivety
To no avail.
Further back, another body, female
Sitting on a stone cold bench,
Watching on, faceless observer
Guardian of the golden.
She is unknown, hidden
by the blur, the rush
Of paint, hastily applied. Afterthought.
Mystery blends with the flowers, sweet.
Their stems and leaves holding
Her, enclosing her, child. Arms
Stretched, summer's nothingness reigns,
She grasps at stifled, hot air.
Trying to catch her dreams
To no avail.
I can see the picture! ...very very good
pictures are a wonderful catalyst
and just plain great to get lost in
you may guess my favorite lines are the last two,
'catching my dreams'
seems to be a something I do literally, regularly.
thank you for sharing!
thank you very much Pandora, means a lot
Definitely got lost in this one, also the painting you posted earlier up - I love it, beautiful
Clearly through the eyes of Angels we fly
As though the wings of eagles have been set upon us
Then in this world we seek its edge
Only to gaze in wonder and anticipation
Of gift’s we believe wait for us at the edge of the world.
I thought I saw you last night in a dream
We broke some bread and shared some wine
Then we spread our wings to fly
Like eagles flying in an angels eye
We went too far we got to high
We were flying at the edge of the world.
Lovely Godfather,
thank you for your beautiful heart.
I'll see you over the edge
I wish everyone was like you Pandi.....crap I wish I was a kind and caring as you.
Clearly through the eyes of Angels we fly
As though the wings of eagles have been set upon us
Then in this world we seek its edge
Only to gaze in wonder and anticipation
Of gift’s we believe wait for us at the edge of the world.
I thought I saw you last night in a dream
We broke some bread and shared some wine
Then we spread our wings to fly
Like eagles flying in an angels eye
We went too far we got to high
We were flying at the edge of the world.
Lovely Godfather,
thank you for your beautiful heart.
I'll see you over the edge
I wish everyone was like you Pandi.....crap I wish I was a kind and caring as you.
Oh!.... I am very glad you are you!
I am fortunate to know you, to call you friend and to be able
to share your amazing thoughts.... thank you for you!
so amazingly super fantasticly extra extrordanarily awesomefyingly happy
very cool ! good for you ! your post just made me smile, thanks !
me too!!
"Your message contains too many smilies. The maximum number of smilies allowed is 20."
got this when I tried to post :wtf: so I had to pick the one I wanted most lol ...
with an addict that's really difficult ( :
yeah it was because my botfriend wrote me a song - to the tune of last kiss just new words- and please dont sigh and say "oh young love..." because im getting that enough lately lol but now im depressed because miley cyrus is re doing smells like teen spirit
“I told you from the start just how this would end. When I get what I want, I never want it again.” — Courtney Love
“If he doesn’t treat you like a princess, then he doesn’t deserve to be your prince.” — Unknown
“And we’ll move on and go our separate ways. Just know, I’ll miss you everyday, but things just aren’t the same.” — Unknown
A white washed wall
Imperfect. Spots of its
Past visible, hazy and covered.
Blue, red, yellow, lilac,
Flash of orange, green hypnosis.
History peers, it reaches
Desperately, clawing its way
Through layer after layer,
To no avail.
A painting - young woman
Handsome of face, small
stature. Reflection, piercing
Through the glass, empty frame of a
Windowsill. Features incandescent,
Eyes burning with life, glazed
With reverie and hope. Vanity.
Yet old and stale - the oil dry,
Crusting, crumbling as
I touch my finger to the surface,
To share, join, take the naivety
To no avail.
Further back, another body, female
Sitting on a stone cold bench,
Watching on, faceless observer
Guardian of the golden.
She is unknown, hidden
by the blur, the rush
Of paint, hastily applied. Afterthought.
Mystery blends with the flowers, sweet.
Their stems and leaves holding
Her, enclosing her, child. Arms
Stretched, summer's nothingness reigns,
She grasps at stifled, hot air.
Trying to catch her dreams
To no avail.
Just reading your first poem here electricxlovex. I'm impressed!!! I hoped you would share some writing with us, and I hope you share some more in the future. It gets less scary the more you do it!
Some great lines in this one, very evocative
This was my favourite part:
She is unknown, hidden
by the blur, the rush
Of paint, hastily applied. Afterthought.
Mystery blends with the flowers, sweet.
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PJFAN1997 enjoy every second of it,life is such a cool journey with good times bad times but when you look back you can say "whahooooooo what blast !' that was cool.
PJFAN1997 enjoy every second of it,life is such a cool journey with good times bad times but when you look back you can say "whahooooooo what blast !' that was cool.
thanks i try to have as much fun as possible, ill keep that advice wih me forever
“I told you from the start just how this would end. When I get what I want, I never want it again.” — Courtney Love
“If he doesn’t treat you like a princess, then he doesn’t deserve to be your prince.” — Unknown
“And we’ll move on and go our separate ways. Just know, I’ll miss you everyday, but things just aren’t the same.” — Unknown
PJFAN1997 enjoy every second of it,life is such a cool journey with good times bad times but when you look back you can say "whahooooooo what blast !' that was cool.
Wise words!
I greatly enjoyed your last poem here btw.
Just catching up with this thread!
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pearljamfan-1997 ....
my advice,
save all the mementos, decades later they will lie in the palm of your hand....
1000 ft. closet
Away from the world, I have saved my world,
no panes to see through just the years all gone.
My life in my 1000 ft. closet.
On the hangers, places traveled, events passed.
A notched wicker basket, filled with mementos.
Destined never to forgot, they lie in the palm of my hand....
A single red rose pin, my Mother's passing.
Little pink dress, satin shoes, my daughter's birth.
A shell peanut, whose tiny face drawn carefully,
marks the size of our unborn son.
Forever it smiles at me, made blurry,
by my tears that always come.
A tiny tooth fairy pillow, dusty and faded
once held the dreams and the smiles of my child.
High heeled shoes of past dances
and a wedding dress 30 years old,
loves celebration renewed.
Lessons learned, some never learned.
Lies told, actions forgiven....
hope never lost.
Here safe from the world, I have saved my world,
my life in my 1000 ft closet
thats deffinately going in my momentos and what he wrote me today:
Dalton :
Its all because of you That all my dreams come true You are always there to brighten my day and make me happy in your own special way You dont know how much I care Whenever you need me I will be there No body is special for me except you I love you so much and its really true. Your smile awakens my soul, As the sun awakens the day. A kiss and my life is yours, It seems a fair price to pay. Your touch arouses my senses, As the moon arouses the night. Your heart endures all emotion, As the sky endures all the stars. Love me and we'll have eternity, There is no greater love than ours. (This is what i did in English class<3)
Dalton :
Your Perfect* Because everything you do Makes me smile… Because every second I spend with you Is worthwhile.. Because when you laugh at me I laugh too Because everyone else can see That I’m devoted to you.. Because I love your eyes and the way they shine… Because you don’t tell lies and you’re so beautiful when you whine.. Because when you get mad You can’t hide it.. Because even when you’re sad I can find it.., your spirits so free and you’re so dang fine! Because I never stop thinking about you.. Its not fair.. Because you’re just perfect and no one else can compare… I Love You Callen<3
it kinda got wired at the end but i tried
“I told you from the start just how this would end. When I get what I want, I never want it again.” — Courtney Love
“If he doesn’t treat you like a princess, then he doesn’t deserve to be your prince.” — Unknown
“And we’ll move on and go our separate ways. Just know, I’ll miss you everyday, but things just aren’t the same.” — Unknown
PJFAN1997 enjoy every second of it,life is such a cool journey with good times bad times but when you look back you can say "whahooooooo what blast !' that was cool.
Wise words!
I greatly enjoyed your last poem here btw.
Just catching up with this thread!
thank you very much ! that was a nice thing to see to start the new day.
God I'm feeling so loved-up reading the last page of this thread! There's going to be an outbreak of hugging soon. I think I need to go and stick on some Black Sabbath
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Writing from your dreams - that is very interesting. We're lucky to see the results! I was just remembering a conversation some while back where I think you said you wrote under the influence sometimes! Whatever gets the creativity flowing....! Is all good with me
Send my credentials to the house of detention
Very nice - moving!
Send my credentials to the house of detention
Thanks tremors...I too remember that and I guess I've gotten more comfortable or freer with letting it out....
Lord knows I don't drink less
Had an awesome dream about Eddie last night ...few and far between those are
gonna take my time with that and see what He brings ...
it was happy sad though
I'm going to really miss this world ... it can be heaven
His eyes say it all . . .
He leans in to lighten the moment with a hand gesture.
The room explodes with laughter,
but his eyes say it all.
My heart sinks as the laughter subsides
and I search his face for relief.
I see, hidden behind smiling eyes,
the sadness.
His hopes, yet again, crushed.
by the weight of disappointment.
We have let him down.
Please . . . no . . .
I want to shout and again someone screams
drowning my thoughts,
our thoughts, in the ridiculous ego of one,
of many.
He begins to sing,
sing from his beautiful soul.
He shares himself,
giving love freely.
Sharing the only way he knows how.
The chatter in the room is unbearable.
I look at the faces,
please . . . stop . . .
it only grows louder.
A single tear gets away from me
and the lump in my throat makes it hard to breathe.
He is now a million miles away,
somewhere I want to be too,
quiet, alone with his song.
I see then that single tear.
It glistens there in the colored lights
as it rolls down his cheek to his lips
and mixes with the beautiful lyrics.
And our eyes meet in a moment,
one tear shared.
We are sorry . . .
Our eyes say it all.
' beauty in the eye of the beholder '
beauty in the heart of the beholder
beauty is not seen
it is felt
As though the wings of eagles have been set upon us
Then in this world we seek its edge
Only to gaze in wonder and anticipation
Of gift’s we believe wait for us at the edge of the world.
I thought I saw you last night in a dream
We broke some bread and shared some wine
Then we spread our wings to fly
Like eagles flying in an angels eye
We went too far we got to high
We were flying at the edge of the world.
lovely. very true
deep breath, here goes, my first poem on here...
Eat Your (He)Art Out
A white washed wall
Imperfect. Spots of its
Past visible, hazy and covered.
Blue, red, yellow, lilac,
Flash of orange, green hypnosis.
History peers, it reaches
Desperately, clawing its way
Through layer after layer,
To no avail.
A painting - young woman
Handsome of face, small
stature. Reflection, piercing
Through the glass, empty frame of a
Windowsill. Features incandescent,
Eyes burning with life, glazed
With reverie and hope. Vanity.
Yet old and stale - the oil dry,
Crusting, crumbling as
I touch my finger to the surface,
To share, join, take the naivety
To no avail.
Further back, another body, female
Sitting on a stone cold bench,
Watching on, faceless observer
Guardian of the golden.
She is unknown, hidden
by the blur, the rush
Of paint, hastily applied. Afterthought.
Mystery blends with the flowers, sweet.
Their stems and leaves holding
Her, enclosing her, child. Arms
Stretched, summer's nothingness reigns,
She grasps at stifled, hot air.
Trying to catch her dreams
To no avail.
Lovely Godfather,
thank you for your beautiful heart.
I'll see you over the edge
I can see the picture! ...very very good
pictures are a wonderful catalyst
and just plain great to get lost in
you may guess my favorite lines are the last two,
'catching my dreams'
seems to be a something I do literally, regularly.
thank you for sharing!
thank you very much Pandora, means a lot
Definitely got lost in this one, also the painting you posted earlier up - I love it, beautiful
10,000th post!
now that was some sorta fate
thanks! :thumbup:
Here Nor There
I am,
lost in my timeless travel,
with my yellowed thoughts and empty hugs.
Lovely names, famous places, pinpoints on a map.
A paper shuffle, solemn words, lives written to be told.
I am Here ...
amongst the pieces of my Century's Old.
There ....
I am,
in cornfields, cow pastures alongside a Wisconsin lake.
Young towns, no town, one lonely shack upon a hill.
Across distant waters, down dirt roads, over foggy English land.
Greeting eerily familiar faces and eyes that mirror my own.
I am There,
within the shared smiles of my Century's Old.
I am Here Nor There
I am Everywhere...
I am my Century's Old!
I wish everyone was like you Pandi.....crap I wish I was a kind and caring as you.
I am fortunate to know you, to call you friend and to be able
to share your amazing thoughts.... thank you for you!
“If he doesn’t treat you like a princess, then he doesn’t deserve to be your prince.” — Unknown
“And we’ll move on and go our separate ways. Just know, I’ll miss you everyday, but things just aren’t the same.” — Unknown
very cool ! good for you ! your post just made me smile, thanks !
"Your message contains too many smilies. The maximum number of smilies allowed is 20."
got this when I tried to post :wtf: so I had to pick the one I wanted most lol ...
with an addict that's really difficult ( :
yeah it was because my botfriend wrote me a song - to the tune of last kiss just new words- and please dont sigh and say "oh young love..." because im getting that enough lately lol but now im depressed because miley cyrus is re doing smells like teen spirit
“If he doesn’t treat you like a princess, then he doesn’t deserve to be your prince.” — Unknown
“And we’ll move on and go our separate ways. Just know, I’ll miss you everyday, but things just aren’t the same.” — Unknown
Just reading your first poem here electricxlovex. I'm impressed!!! I hoped you would share some writing with us, and I hope you share some more in the future. It gets less scary the more you do it!
Some great lines in this one, very evocative
This was my favourite part:
She is unknown, hidden
by the blur, the rush
Of paint, hastily applied. Afterthought.
Mystery blends with the flowers, sweet.
Send my credentials to the house of detention
“If he doesn’t treat you like a princess, then he doesn’t deserve to be your prince.” — Unknown
“And we’ll move on and go our separate ways. Just know, I’ll miss you everyday, but things just aren’t the same.” — Unknown
“If he doesn’t treat you like a princess, then he doesn’t deserve to be your prince.” — Unknown
“And we’ll move on and go our separate ways. Just know, I’ll miss you everyday, but things just aren’t the same.” — Unknown
Wise words!
I greatly enjoyed your last poem here btw.
Just catching up with this thread!
Send my credentials to the house of detention
my advice,
save all the mementos, decades later they will lie in the palm of your hand....
1000 ft. closet
Away from the world, I have saved my world,
no panes to see through just the years all gone.
My life in my 1000 ft. closet.
On the hangers, places traveled, events passed.
A notched wicker basket, filled with mementos.
Destined never to forgot, they lie in the palm of my hand....
A single red rose pin, my Mother's passing.
Little pink dress, satin shoes, my daughter's birth.
A shell peanut, whose tiny face drawn carefully,
marks the size of our unborn son.
Forever it smiles at me, made blurry,
by my tears that always come.
A tiny tooth fairy pillow, dusty and faded
once held the dreams and the smiles of my child.
High heeled shoes of past dances
and a wedding dress 30 years old,
loves celebration renewed.
Lessons learned, some never learned.
Lies told, actions forgiven....
hope never lost.
Here safe from the world, I have saved my world,
my life in my 1000 ft closet
Dalton :
Its all because of you That all my dreams come true You are always there to brighten my day and make me happy in your own special way You dont know how much I care Whenever you need me I will be there No body is special for me except you I love you so much and its really true. Your smile awakens my soul, As the sun awakens the day. A kiss and my life is yours, It seems a fair price to pay. Your touch arouses my senses, As the moon arouses the night. Your heart endures all emotion, As the sky endures all the stars. Love me and we'll have eternity, There is no greater love than ours. (This is what i did in English class<3)
Dalton :
Your Perfect* Because everything you do Makes me smile… Because every second I spend with you Is worthwhile.. Because when you laugh at me I laugh too Because everyone else can see That I’m devoted to you.. Because I love your eyes and the way they shine… Because you don’t tell lies and you’re so beautiful when you whine.. Because when you get mad You can’t hide it.. Because even when you’re sad I can find it.., your spirits so free and you’re so dang fine! Because I never stop thinking about you.. Its not fair.. Because you’re just perfect and no one else can compare… I Love You Callen<3
it kinda got wired at the end but i tried
“If he doesn’t treat you like a princess, then he doesn’t deserve to be your prince.” — Unknown
“And we’ll move on and go our separate ways. Just know, I’ll miss you everyday, but things just aren’t the same.” — Unknown
thank you very much ! that was a nice thing to see to start the new day.
Send my credentials to the house of detention
“If he doesn’t treat you like a princess, then he doesn’t deserve to be your prince.” — Unknown
“And we’ll move on and go our separate ways. Just know, I’ll miss you everyday, but things just aren’t the same.” — Unknown