Let's Get Creative



  • tremorstremors Posts: 8,051
    There's something very powerful about giving someone else hot food - it's pre-linguistic. When you are delirious, psychotic, desolate, how do you know what to trust, what to cling to? Hot food says 'comfort', says 'we have time', says 'we are no longer in the cave', says 'you are alive, you are worth something'. You may not trust a word I say - I have been there, to a place of zero trust. The action of bringing food - to feed the child within. We ate before we spoke. The primeval centres of the brain - I have cold, you have fire, you make alchemy - the stoneage stonebaked pizza. I know a song like this. She feeds him, that's why she'll be back again. To feed, to strip to essentials
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  • DangDangDangDang Posts: 1,551
    It is suggested that this post be enjoyed with this excellent complementery selection


    tremors wrote:
    Some quick creativity indeed!
    Yes, actions - the action of bringing someone in need hot pizza. Trust me, I've tested this to destruction. I didn't recognise your face, I didn't know your words, I knew not if you were still my brother - I still felt good when you brought me hot pizza. In those times....

    I'm glad you explained....

    You previously said "...'tis nothing stronger than hot pizza".

    I would think instead that there is nothing more helpless.

    Unless a critical and very sad error occurs, a hot pizza is looking at nothing less than eminent and brutal annihilation. Even more vicious than this, the annihilators throw parties to host such destruction of the said helpless pizza.

    Tis, true,
    Nobody is worthy
    of hot pizza's trust.

    Poor, poor little trustless, helpless hot pizza
    I love you

    and yet I know that in that love
    you will be not

    you will go forth
    facing an ending of
    vile digestion.

    you are the pepperoni face of unconditional love
    No expectancy
    that your shredded melted cheese
    should ever trust

    Goodbye Helpless
    small hot pizza....
  • pandorapandora Posts: 21,855
    tremors wrote:
    There's something very powerful about giving someone else hot food - it's pre-linguistic. When you are delirious, psychotic, desolate, how do you know what to trust, what to cling to? Hot food says 'comfort', says 'we have time', says 'we are no longer in the cave', says 'you are alive, you are worth something'. You may not trust a word I say - I have been there, to a place of zero trust. The action of bringing food - to feed the child within. We ate before we spoke. The primeval centres of the brain - I have cold, you have fire, you make alchemy - the stoneage stonebaked pizza. I know a song like this. She feeds him, that's why she'll be back again. To feed, to strip to essentials
    these thoughts are great! especially our primeval connection deep with in, we forget about our basics.
    "she feeds him, that's why she'll be back again"
    giving is more fulfilling than getting always
    the old tradition of breaking bread together...
    My eldest sister who has passed, this was her way, baking, giving gifts of food, making people feel part of the family with a meal. It was the way she showed love. I miss her and the wise words I shrugged off too many times, but they are here with me now, so many times in any given day they come to me.
  • tremorstremors Posts: 8,051
    edited August 2010
    DangDang wrote:
    It is suggested that this post be enjoyed with this excellent complementery selection


    I'm glad you explained....

    You previously said "...'tis nothing stronger than hot pizza".

    I would think instead that there is nothing more helpless.

    God you creative women are an argumentative bunch!! I can do pedantic if you want. You wouldn't like me when I'm pedantic!!
    (good poems tho)

    Beer is strong
    Prozac is strong
    Pizza is stronger

    Pizza is not helpless
    Pizza is stronger
    These are strong words
    Your pizza is stronger
    Pizza is helpful

    You are helpless
    Prozac makes you helpless
    Pizza makes you stronger

    Pizza is a metaphor
    Pizza is a food
    Food is good

    Food is stronger medicine than medicine
    Love is stronger than justice
    Pizza with love is stronger than anger
    From Russia with love
    From Campania with love

    When I said Pizza is stronger
    I meant it
    Post edited by tremors on
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  • tremorstremors Posts: 8,051
    pandora wrote:
    these thoughts are great! especially our primeval connection deep with in, we forget about our basics.
    "she feeds him, that's why she'll be back again"
    giving is more fulfilling than getting always
    the old tradition of breaking bread together...
    My eldest sister who has passed, this was her way, baking, giving gifts of food, making people feel part of the family with a meal. It was the way she showed love. I miss her and the wise words I shrugged off too many times, but they are here with me now, so many times in any given day they come to me.

    Thanks for your comments Pandora, and thanks for your comments on my poem about 'Passion & Rapture'. I think I made a mistake earlier looking up the forum on my mobile phone - you get a very different sense of conversations, and you can't see the full context. The pizza thing was a text. Anyway, back at the pc and you have the luxury of reading things more clearly. I hope Cate f is alright. Are you out there Cate?
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  • tremorstremors Posts: 8,051
    I'm in a weird mood now
    Forgive me
    Sometimes I wish the internet
    Had a tone of voice
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  • the wolfthe wolf Posts: 7,027

    for some reason this brings something out of me,....
    Peace, Love.

    "To question your government is not unpatriotic --
    to not question your government is unpatriotic."
    -- Sen. Chuck Hagel
  • pandorapandora Posts: 21,855
    the wolf wrote:

    for some reason this brings something out of me,....
    Me too, thank you :D

    I look at that and see JB when I am gone.
    It is not sad because we had so much,
    nothing missed.
    Not alone in thought, but full of thought.
    A song plays with his beer. A song of us.
    A memory plays along.
    And he is waiting.
    He is waiting as I am, to see, to hear, to feel again.
    To hold love again in each other arms.
  • pandora wrote:

    You take the reader to the end and beyond don't you? "To conquer death all we must do is die" but for every one of us that is our greatest fear.
    Well, you scared me! I felt the fear in your words, I felt the loss of myself as I knew me. And then I was there, apart of the universe apart of forever, filled with inner peace. A truly happy ending :D
    The artist, Salvador Dali, would be touched by your words and how you captured the essence of his painting.
    Bravo to you and thank you so much for writing! And turning me on to Salvador Dali I had no idea who did that painting and now I have many paintings to get lost in and find myself in :D

    thank you Pandora so much for your hard core appreciation : ) I was hopin you'd dig... and thank you even more for puttin that pic up which I penetrated all evening... My sister's a painter and so she's partly the reason for my mild madness for intense art ... a while back a posted a lil bit which was written under the influence of one of her "sea" paintings which she did just for me... my poem's alright but the painting's something else... alas I have no clue how to put up these pics here... all this photoshop bucket business is beyond me..
  • What can I say -- I am completely speachless with this one..... my senses have been filled. Thank you[/quote]

    Mika, if I managed to fill up your senses, then I'm a happier man: )
  • mikalinamikalina Posts: 7,206
    the wolf wrote:

    for some reason this brings something out of me,....

    A lonely man - thinking - going over his life, the good and bad. I'm sure wondering - just like me....

    Where the HELL does time go !!!!! ;)
    ********************************************************************************************* image
  • pandorapandora Posts: 21,855
    tremors wrote:

    Thanks for your comments Pandora, and thanks for your comments on my poem about 'Passion & Rapture'. I think I made a mistake earlier looking up the forum on my mobile phone - you get a very different sense of conversations, and you can't see the full context. The pizza thing was a text. Anyway, back at the pc and you have the luxury of reading things more clearly. I hope Cate f is alright. Are you out there Cate?
    You are welcome and thanks again for sharing your thoughts. Kind of cool that you "travel" with PJ like that though, to be out and about with the forum along. I commend you for your tech savy ways. :D
  • pandorapandora Posts: 21,855

    thank you Pandora so much for your hard core appreciation : ) I was hopin you'd dig... and thank you even more for puttin that pic up which I penetrated all evening... My sister's a painter and so she's partly the reason for my mild madness for intense art ... a while back a posted a lil bit which was written under the influence of one of her "sea" paintings which she did just for me... my poem's alright but the painting's something else... alas I have no clue how to put up these pics here... all this photoshop bucket business is beyond me..
    Well maybe it can be a deal then, I'll post the pics, you write the awesome words :D
    Cool how creativity runs in families, I can see the two of you creating together, what a wonderful bond.
  • pandorapandora Posts: 21,855
    mikalina wrote:

    A lonely man - thinking - going over his life, the good and bad. I'm sure wondering - just like me....

    Where the HELL does time go !!!!! ;)
    :wave: Hi Friend,
    time does fly unbelievably so, thats why we must cherish the moments, like the last days of a summer full of fun memories made :D
  • DangDangDangDang Posts: 1,551
    the wolf wrote:

    for some reason this brings something out of me,....

    He's waiting for his pizza, small and hot.
  • tremorstremors Posts: 8,051

    I think it's time I realised
    That when I get the burning feeling
    And think fuckit-this-will-do
    It really won't do.
    Until I'm spared
    And all I hear is an echo
    Of anger resounding out
    Across the airwaves
    All I see is reflections of the disquiet
    In me
    Until I'm rescued
    By a poster
    By a painting
    By another
    By sleep
    Until I'm rescued
    By you
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  • tremors wrote:

    I think it's time I realised
    That when I get the burning feeling
    And think fuckit-this-will-do
    It really won't do.
    Until I'm spared
    And all I hear is an echo
    Of anger resounding out
    Across the airwaves
    All I see is reflections of the disquiet
    In me
    Until I'm rescued
    By a poster
    By a painting
    By another
    By sleep
    Until I'm rescued
    By you

    yeah man... this.. is something
  • tremorstremors Posts: 8,051
    hehe - yes it definitely is...... 'something'.

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  • pandorapandora Posts: 21,855
    tremors wrote:

    I think it's time I realised
    That when I get the burning feeling
    And think fuckit-this-will-do
    It really won't do.
    Until I'm spared
    And all I hear is an echo
    Of anger resounding out
    Across the airwaves
    All I see is reflections of the disquiet
    In me
    Until I'm rescued
    By a poster
    By a painting
    By another
    By sleep
    Until I'm rescued
    By you

    Impetuous vs Peace

    I no longer know impetuous, I remember it but long in the past.
    It is Time that has rescued me.
    Turmoil, fury, impulsiveness, temper, unrest, disquiet,
    they belong to the young.
    My eyes now witness the Good and bring it to my heart.
    Peace has smothered impetuous and let me be free.
  • tremorstremors Posts: 8,051
    Yes I remember peace, hearts, goodness
    My eyes are the eyes of the old
    Yet my spirit is frozen somewhere
    In my youth
    A juvenile
    A puerile impetuous young man
    I could tell you exactly where
    Exactly where I left it
    In a restaurant on valentines day 1996
    The day a young man
    Ran from his own mother
    Fleeing demons, real demons
    To be trapped
    Or rescued?
    By a stranger
    'Your mum is looking for you son'
    She is pleading, weeping
    At her wits end'
    Please come back
    To be rescued by an ambulance?
    To be pinned down
    And revived in a hazy corridor
    Of fleeting shadows, of melted faces
    Of friends faces merging into distant pasts and futures of unspeakable horror
    Of a bunch of flowers on a waiting room table
    Of a terrified mother and father
    As I described the looping vision of cartoony exploding flowers, showers
    As I shouted, shouted
    'Please please don't do this to me, you are evil, pure evil'
    As I was locked away.

    And this is as far back as I can go in safety right now
    Let's cut to later
    And I'm exactly halfway through my years
    If I'm lucky
    And I'm bringing myself close to tears
    And I'm eating poached eggs with ketchup
    And they're going cold
    And I wish I could be old
    As my years
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  • DangDangDangDang Posts: 1,551
    pandora wrote:
    :lol: I love it, so 8-) and promptly off the sleeve creative as you are

    "will the round roller attack you soon?
    will you be bent in half....like a first quarter moon?"
    great!!! Thank you Dang Dang :D
    mikalina wrote:
    I love it !!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

    Thank you!
  • pandorapandora Posts: 21,855
  • tremorstremors Posts: 8,051
    pandora wrote:

    Wow, absolutely amazing

    And exactly what the doctor ordered.

    This place is getting better for me, kinder to me.

    Even had time to skip back to the 'song lyrics' thread!!
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  • tremorstremors Posts: 8,051
    pandora wrote:
    pizza heals :D

    I believe this was your 5000th post Pandora!!
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  • pandorapandora Posts: 21,855
    tremors wrote:

    Wow, absolutely amazing

    And exactly what the doctor ordered.

    This place is getting better for me, kinder to me.

    Even had time to skip back to the 'song lyrics' thread!!
    I like you and thank you for sharing what is clearly your gift :D
  • pandorapandora Posts: 21,855
    tremors wrote:

    I believe this was your 5000th post Pandora!!
    oh boy I am addicted ! don't tell my family they already worry about me ;);)

    'pizza heals' my 5000th post thats really ironic, how insightful :lol: and I love pizza!!
  • tremorstremors Posts: 8,051
    pandora wrote:
    oh boy I am addicted ! don't tell my family they already worry about me ;);)

    'pizza heals' my 5000th post thats really ironic, how insightful :lol: and I love pizza!!

    Yeah, I know the feeling.

    It's a great 5000th post. You start off talking a lot and trying to prove yourself and analysing things to death, then you gain wisdom and insight and calm down, then if you are fortunate you may become a guru who can enlighten simply with the words 'pizza heals'

    followed by a beautiful painting.

    One day you too could be like this!
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  • pandorapandora Posts: 21,855
    tremors wrote:

    Yeah, I know the feeling.

    It's a great 5000th post. You start off talking a lot and trying to prove yourself and analysing things to death, then you gain wisdom and insight and calm down, then if you are fortunate you may become a guru who can enlighten simply with the words 'pizza heals'

    followed by a beautiful painting.

    One day you too could be like this!
    guru... I should find a pic of that... good idea!!! or maybe a quote by a guru. I love your mind and the others here. Entertaining, enlightening, generous, kind, it must be the PJ gene!!
  • tremorstremors Posts: 8,051
    pandora wrote:
    guru... I should find a pic of that... good idea!!! or maybe a quote by a guru. I love your mind and the others here. Entertaining, enlightening, generous, kind, it must be the PJ gene!!

    the PJ gene - it's nurture over nature baby!

    Here are a few sample 'guru' type avatars for your perusal Pandora

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  • pandorapandora Posts: 21,855
    omg :o that looks like me! karma.....
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