ok non performance related this show was a total cluster fuck, lines upon lines for everything, getting in/out, ten club/will call, into the venue....all of it was one of the worst run shows I have been to. Missed all of BOH waiting in line for Ten club tickets, and could not even hear them playing in our location behind the venue, worst ticket experience ever. What is so hard about mailing them really? Scapler this blah blah blah, they are still getting scalped so why make the hassle
Performance wise guys were in great spirits, played their assess off, and another nice well rounded set. Only beef is no Avocado, oh well cannot have it all I guess ;-). The sound was fine up front other than as usual you can barely hear boom
I still feel like they are not touring on a new record as they are not playing a set heavy with new ones. I now they have a lot of music to cover and the fans bitch no matter what, but having seen two on this tour they have not played as much Backspacer as I thought they would, especially since the songs are so short. Minor minor wondering, not a complaint.
The crowd was fucking HOT! All night long they were tearing it up and were as loud as any show I have been to, they had the volume of an indoor crowd, and were wayyyy better than the St. Louis crowd. I think all the ticket bullshit really got everyone fired up. This is the best front row I have seen since the lottery was put into effect, better than any Chicago or MSG show KUDOS to you in front
I liked the vibe from the band from the get go, you could tell they were happy everything worked out despite the weather and ticket BS. Ed was as in good a mood as I can ever recall.
The show was amazing. I've seen them in Indy three times and this was the best. Our seats in the pavilion were horrible so we ended up joining my Mom and brother in the lawn. At least we had the jumbo-trons out there so we could see the band. What pissed me off most was when I took my daughter down closer so she could see the band with her own eyes there were HUGE lots of VIP rows sitting empty. The venue was at capacity and there sat all those awesome seats empty. I wanted to take my kid and park our asses in those seats!
I thought Ed was in his element last night and sounded great. The wind did mess with the sound a bit but we were having such an amazing time that it didn't matter. And to the guys in the old POS car breakdancing on their car hood to The Spin Doctors....Thank you! That was awesome. LMAO! You guys rock. I would have liked to been in that car jammin' with you.
Thank you Pearl Jam for coming back to Indiana. We've missed you. Don't forget that the new arena is almost done in Louisville. You have to add that venue to your next tour.
It's an art to live with pain.. mix the light into gray.
Great show...we were in the center of the pavilion near the sound guy so the sound was awesome
crowd was great
This venue sucks. I got VIP parking and was out in 20 minutes but holy shit there what a fucking mess
Maybe you and the previously disgruntled 'fan" can travel together. Perhaps you could take up your complaints with Verizon Wireless who ruined the name of Deer Creek as corporations dictate how things are run. Maybe they should get jet cars for VIP parking so you can get the fuck out of there faster...because to have the horrible nightmare of havng to wait in your car and in the VIP section yet! ....is just about the worst thing I have ever heard someone suffer. I'm so very sorry for your pain.
Push a hoosier and we push back. Former hoosier who now lives somewhere differnt.
I am a hoosier. I live in Noblesville....the venue sucks
just checking the set list, and you know what encore 1 has what i would class. as my top 4, fav pj songs, plus i love lukin(its my ringtone), and just breathe is a class song, so for that alone, im am jealous.
hope it was as amazing as it lookes, and the rest of the set list looks great also.
Glasgow cathouse-1992-2-23, San diego sports arena-1995-11-06 & 07, Glasgow secc-2000-06-03, Tampa st petes times forum-2003-04-13, London O2 arena-2009-08-18, Belfast odyssey arena-2010-06-23.Leeds 2014 - 07-08
so so good...this was my 37th show---first with my Dad---made it special. The y flat out brought it and were in GREAT moods...This makes all the difference in a PJ show.....great seats by 10 Club (Section C Row W)..rocked with some awesome people. I was the guy with the blue Vedder 10 Cubs' jersey...some liked it...some hated it oh, and I love the poster.
The weather and late start put a buzz into the crowd that I haven't seen in a while. Everyone seemed 1) Relieved to be finally in their seats and not missed any of the concert 2) Anxious to see if the boys were ready to come out on all cylinders. They did not disappoint!
Release was the most fitting opener they could have chosen and really pulled the crowd together. I was expecting them to play up tempo to warm everyone up and Last Exit is one of my favorite songs to hear second in a setlist. The highlight of the night for me was In My Tree. That was the song I had my fingers crossed for and it was awesome to finally hear it in it's original form (minus Mr. Irons of course). After that, they could have called it a night and I would have walked out with a smile on my face.
Ed was in very good spirits and took several occasions to address the crowd and crack wise. Everyone in my section was into the music and having a good time. The song about Indiana was awesome and was sure to make all the locals very happy. They played over half of Ten along with a lot of rare classics that kept the intensity of the show strong all night.
Man, that place was fucking packed!! The lawn looked like a massive sea of people! I was concerned that the lawn attendance was going to be sparse but it looked like a packed can of sardines up there. Way to represent, Indiana!
This will go down as one of the most memorable shows I've ever seen
Last but not least, I would like to thank the large gentleman in the orange shirt that was falling down drunk outside and trying to beat someones ass (this person may have been imaginary). You have provided my friends and I with a funny antidote that will be recalled for many years. Godspeed, Sir!
I have seen many PJ shows....I have bought even more bootlegs...I have the videos.............This show should have been videotaped and sold! Best band effort I have ever seen...They gave 110% and the crowd was very good at just the right times as well!!!! Great set!
So, since PJ wasn't playing Chicago this tour I decided to meet some of my Indiana friends and my cousin for the Indy show. Traffic absolutely sucked on the way there, which didn't surprise me except for the Indiana traffic...I swear half of the traffic on Indiana highways is due to people slowing down to look at cops pulled over on the side of the road. :roll:
But, all that aside, it was fun. I'm glad they went on despite the weather. The people we met were so incredibly nice; it was like we were all just one big, happy Pearl Jam loving family. I met 10c members from all over the place who came down for this show. I was happy that the crowd was energetic for once; whenever I go to Chicago shows I feel like I'm the only one dancing. :oops:
You can tell there were a ton of us from the city that migrated down there...Ed said something about friends of his from Chicago in the audience, and a huge cheer went up, and he looked around kind of surprised and said, "Well, I guess there's more Chicago friends here than I thought!" I was so stoked to finally hear Garden and Off He Goes live! The setlist was great. And they played Down!!!
Thanks, PJ, for another memorable concert experience. Next time I just need to remember to bring an extra jacket...
Chicago 2000 : Chicago 2003 : Chicago 2006 : Summerfest 2006 : Lollapalooza 2007 : Chicago 2009 : Noblesville (Indy) 2010 : PJ20 (East Troy) 2011 : Wrigley Field 2013 : Milwaukee (Yield) 2014 : Wrigley Field 2016
I have seen many PJ shows....I have bought even more bootlegs...I have the videos.............This show should have been videotaped and sold! Best band effort I have ever seen...They gave 110% and the crowd was very good at just the right times as well!!!! Great set!
there was a guy with video camera on Mike's side the entire evening. Couldn't see another one on stone's side though.
New screenname for the new site. At least for now. Previously Lackofdave
Blogging at <a href="http://www.dadtherapy.com">Dad Therapy</a>
I have seen many PJ shows....I have bought even more bootlegs...I have the videos.............This show should have been videotaped and sold! Best band effort I have ever seen...They gave 110% and the crowd was very good at just the right times as well!!!! Great set!
there was a guy with video camera on Mike's side the entire evening. Couldn't see another one on stone's side though.
There was another camera guy on Stone's side as well...hopefully a video will be coming soon!
After finally setting down today to reflect on the last couple of days it finally hit me. We seen some totally awesome music. This was only my 3rd and 4th show but it was something I will never forget. Columbus on Thursday and Noblesville on Friday was cool. I got the privileged of being at my nephews first show. I am here to tell you that this fine young man was really into it. We met some GREAT GREAT people. Met a lady in Columbus that was cool and ran into her again at Noblesville. She won lottery seats and was in the second row....TILL they took out the front row and she was then in row 1. We were all so damn happy for her.What a kick ass lady. Then there were these two dudes from Cleveland that were right beside us in Columbus and guess what...THEY walked in and seat down right beside us at Noblesville. I am shitty at names but I can tell you what. The tall guys was a RIOT. They are going to the Cleveland show ( their home town) and I hope they are treated to the same caliber of shows that we seen on those two days. I am thankful to have met these GREAT people. I only hope I get to seen them again in the future. The band was totally on fire but these fine folks around us made it all happen and I just want to say THANK YOU for making this a life long memory.
May 7, 2010 Noblesville, Indiana, Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre Indiana
Set List: Release, Last Exit, Got Some, Why Go, In My Tree, Small Town, Unthought Known, Even Flow, Supersonic, Down, Daughter/WMA/Blitzkrieg Bop (Ramones), Goin’ Back To Indiana (The Corporation) [partial version], Rats, Wishlist, Insignificance, Force Of Nature (dedicated To Hud Mellencamp), Jeremy, The Fixer
1st encore: Just Breathe, Off He Goes, Given To Fly, Lukin, Better Man, Do The Evolution
Please share your experiences of the show here...the Fanview threads are preserved on the board.
Please try to keep the thread for Fanviews....
Thank you
i read the setlist last night b4 going to bed but reading over it again...it seems like just one of those "great" shows with some Rats, that string of Supersonic/Down/Daughter w/WMA & Ramones tags, Insignif, Off He Goes, Better Man for the crowd then DTE to end encore...open 2nd w/Garden and get fans back on your side...elevate them w/Whipping...excite them w/Alive then rock to Baba and close w/ YL and SSB tag...might have to check out this boot for sure (and read the rest of this thread now)
2005: Borgata 2, Philly
2006: Camden 1&2, East Ruth 1&2
2008: BONNAROO, MSG1, MSG2, Hartford
2009: Philly 1, 2, 4
2010: Hartford, MSG1, MSG2
2012: Made in America
2013: BK1, BK2, Hartford
2015: Global Citizens
2016: MSG 2 (ISO MSG1)
EV Solo: NJPAC 2008; Tower Theatre, PA 2009; Hartford 2011
The business side of the venue sucks, the tickets, the lines, the restrooms, the parking, but when it comes to the actual shows in the place it doesnt get much better.
The sound under the pavilion was good, but maybe a little loud, til the wind came. That just seemed to really funnel through the pavilion and fuck with the sound. I left my seats and went to the lawn for the encore and the sound out there was like listening to a bootleg. Looks like they got some new screens out there, too.
Force of Nature was f'in amazing tuned down or not.
Goin Back To Indiana....had a feelin a Jackson related tune would surface....nice tie in with the last show, which they did with the openers last time
A little bummed to hear Baba at both shows I hit, but that is in no way related to the way I reacted at either show. It kicked ass, but I just love hearing songs that I haven't heard. I hadn't heard it previously, so maybe I hoped for it too hard.
This show was absolutely amazing for several reasons! The set list was AMAZING, and I know there is a lot of negative comments about the venue, but I love it. The shows here are always special and I always seem to meet some of the greatest people here. Luckily, my friend and I met a woman from Columbus (we had driven to Indy from C-bus as well) at the 10C window, and she asked us if we needed a single. She couldn't contain herself, saying "I won the lottery!!". Of course we purchased her spare FRONT ROW ticket and had so much fun. I have been to dozens of PJ shows, and never had this opportunity. Now I have yet another PJ fan to call a friend. The experience we shared is hard to put into words. All I can say is that it is even MORE amazing than you can imagine. I am getting goose bumps right now, just typing this post!
I really hope all fans get to experience this - the energy of the band and the crowd was fabulous. I can only hope the Cleveland show tomorrow matches it!
I'll give a much more detailed thought to this after I get back home (waiting for plane to take off to NYC) but I HAVE to give a huge thank you to the wonderful people who were surrounding us in Section D, row N... I did a terrible job of bringing warm clothes for my 9 year old and after the storm it got really cold and VERY WINDY...
First and especially to the amazing Mary and her husband who sat behind us for watching our stuff for bathroom breaks and warming sessions and especially the unbelievable charity of giving up their sweatshirt to add a 10th layer to my sons freezing body... Never will be forgotten.. To TJ and friend who got me beer and extoled the wonders of Indiana (the people IMO being #1) and to the two guys in front of us who cleared a path for Colemeiser to see
I could not have had a better time
Oh yeah the band rocked too
P.S. To Artic Angel, her friend from Minny andher boyfriend, thanks for keeping tabs on my boy at the pre-party and it was my pleasure meeting your acquaintance... And to our fabulous hosts at the pre-party you guys were awesome
Did I see a concert???
you were two rows up from us. kid had a sox hat on right?
This show was absolutely amazing for several reasons! The set list was AMAZING, and I know there is a lot of negative comments about the venue, but I love it. The shows here are always special and I always seem to meet some of the greatest people here. Luckily, my friend and I met a woman from Columbus (we had driven to Indy from C-bus as well) at the 10C window, and she asked us if we needed a single. She couldn't contain herself, saying "I won the lottery!!". Of course we purchased her spare FRONT ROW ticket and had so much fun. I have been to dozens of PJ shows, and never had this opportunity. Now I have yet another PJ fan to call a friend. The experience we shared is hard to put into words. All I can say is that it is even MORE amazing than you can imagine. I am getting goose bumps right now, just typing this post!
I really hope all fans get to experience this - the energy of the band and the crowd was fabulous. I can only hope the Cleveland show tomorrow matches it!
Rock on!
This HAS to be the same lady I was talking about. SHE is a very good person and we are fortunate to have met here my friend. People like that are RARE...you would ONLY ever meet someone like that at a PJ show. I have seen a few shows in my life and she was top shelf to say the least.
This show was absolutely amazing for several reasons! The set list was AMAZING, and I know there is a lot of negative comments about the venue, but I love it. The shows here are always special and I always seem to meet some of the greatest people here. Luckily, my friend and I met a woman from Columbus (we had driven to Indy from C-bus as well) at the 10C window, and she asked us if we needed a single. She couldn't contain herself, saying "I won the lottery!!". Of course we purchased her spare FRONT ROW ticket and had so much fun. I have been to dozens of PJ shows, and never had this opportunity. Now I have yet another PJ fan to call a friend. The experience we shared is hard to put into words. All I can say is that it is even MORE amazing than you can imagine. I am getting goose bumps right now, just typing this post!
I really hope all fans get to experience this - the energy of the band and the crowd was fabulous. I can only hope the Cleveland show tomorrow matches it!
Rock on!
This HAS to be the same lady I was talking about. SHE is a very good person and we are fortunate to have met here my friend. People like that are RARE...you would ONLY ever meet someone like that at a PJ show. I have seen a few shows in my life and she was top shelf to say the least.[/quote
I went back and read your post, and yes I think this is the same person we are talking about. She is great, and I am so happy that I got to share this experience with her! She got one of Ed's picks and was so excited. I appreciate that she made it happen that I got to be in the front row with my best friend (even though she only had one spare - she let us use her ticket to get us both down there).
I have seen many PJ shows....I have bought even more bootlegs...I have the videos.............This show should have been videotaped and sold! Best band effort I have ever seen...They gave 110% and the crowd was very good at just the right times as well!!!! Great set!
there was a guy with video camera on Mike's side the entire evening. Couldn't see another one on stone's side though.
There was another camera guy on Stone's side as well...hopefully a video will be coming soon!
Were they the cameramen that were filming for the show to be broadcast on the big screens at the venue?
On a separate note, the show was awesome, but it was very weird being in the lawn. I felt like I was the only one into it, at least in my little area! During GTF, it was pretty awkward when I sang, "Well fuckers, he still stands," and was jumping around because nobody was with me on it!
But still, an awesome show. Ed was very complimentary of the crowd, and Mike said that he loves the Midwest. Ed also was concerned about the lawn and said that ever since Roskilde, they were hurt to their core about what happened and always want their fans to be safe (don't remember the exact wording). He is always so heartfelt when addressing fans!
I'll give a much more detailed thought to this after I get back home (waiting for plane to take off to NYC) but I HAVE to give a huge thank you to the wonderful people who were surrounding us in Section D, row N... I did a terrible job of bringing warm clothes for my 9 year old and after the storm it got really cold and VERY WINDY...
First and especially to the amazing Mary and her husband who sat behind us for watching our stuff for bathroom breaks and warming sessions and especially the unbelievable charity of giving up their sweatshirt to add a 10th layer to my sons freezing body... Never will be forgotten.. To TJ and friend who got me beer and extoled the wonders of Indiana (the people IMO being #1) and to the two guys in front of us who cleared a path for Colemeiser to see
I could not have had a better time
Oh yeah the band rocked too
P.S. To Artic Angel, her friend from Minny andher boyfriend, thanks for keeping tabs on my boy at the pre-party and it was my pleasure meeting your acquaintance... And to our fabulous hosts at the pre-party you guys were awesome
Did I see a concert???
you were two rows up from us. kid had a sox hat on right?
This show was absolutely amazing for several reasons! The set list was AMAZING, and I know there is a lot of negative comments about the venue, but I love it. The shows here are always special and I always seem to meet some of the greatest people here. Luckily, my friend and I met a woman from Columbus (we had driven to Indy from C-bus as well) at the 10C window, and she asked us if we needed a single. She couldn't contain herself, saying "I won the lottery!!". Of course we purchased her spare FRONT ROW ticket and had so much fun. I have been to dozens of PJ shows, and never had this opportunity. Now I have yet another PJ fan to call a friend. The experience we shared is hard to put into words. All I can say is that it is even MORE amazing than you can imagine. I am getting goose bumps right now, just typing this post!
I really hope all fans get to experience this - the energy of the band and the crowd was fabulous. I can only hope the Cleveland show tomorrow matches it!
Rock on!
This HAS to be the same lady I was talking about. SHE is a very good person and we are fortunate to have met here my friend. People like that are RARE...you would ONLY ever meet someone like that at a PJ show. I have seen a few shows in my life and she was top shelf to say the least.[/quote
I went back and read your post, and yes I think this is the same person we are talking about. She is great, and I am so happy that I got to share this experience with her! She got one of Ed's picks and was so excited. I appreciate that she made it happen that I got to be in the front row with my best friend (even though she only had one spare - she let us use her ticket to get us both down there).
THAT was her. Like I said. She is a once in a lifetime person. She embodies the true spirit of what Pearl Jam stands for.
i met the columbus girl too. killer she'd share like that. that's what it's all about.. man what a show i can't really put it into words right now. after columbus and indy i gotta process this shit a little.
i met the columbus girl too. killer she'd share like that. that's what it's all about.. man what a show i can't really put it into words right now. after columbus and indy i gotta process this shit a little.
I hear ya my brother. I am just glad we were all there to see it.
My 12th PJ show and it was the best ever. I did not even drink and I feel like i got run-over by a truck and have absolutely no voice. Set-list was insane and they didn't even play rearview mirror. I was pretty close and did not notice any issues with the sound. Still a hell of alot better than the United Center in Chicago. The crowd was electric and i was amazed to hear Rats and that they did not open with Long Road. Release made me tear up immediately. Even Down and Jeremy gave me goose-bumps. Loved the fact that the band made sure everyone got in and still kicked our asses until midnight. It will be hard to top this one.
Went to show Friday night then ran the minimarathon Sat morning...got to bed late, jumped around all show, froze arse off, little overserved, woke up allnight with leg cramps then got up and ran 13.1 miles with one song in my head.....WHY GO.
Great weekend, great show, twice the energy compared to Columbus Thurs nite. Just by chance sat next to the same guys from Dayton both nights and had a great experience.
Took 14 yr old son to first concert ever Thurs and he thanked me 30 times in the car on the way home.
2 Ten Club tickets.......$150, Pearl Jam concert with your son.......priceless.
Wow, all of this talk of poor sound quality - I didn't notice it. There were four of us with fan club tix, 2 in section D and 2 on the oppposite side in H, pretty far away from the stage. We all agreed that the setlist wasn't quite as good as Columbus, but the crowd's energy and participation were as good or better, and the band absolutely brought their A game. I'd still say Columbus was a tad better overall since we weren't dealing with 50mph winds inside, and outdoor venues always seem to attract more drunken idiots, but overall, a very good experience. We didn't have to wait long for tickets. yes, the parking lot was a disastrous cluster fuck, and Taco Bell was the only place for a post-show meal that we could find, and the line was horrendous, but the show itself was fucking awesome.
I am curious about this venue now. I Google'd it to see what it looks like, and it doesn't look like a bad place to see a concert. Besides the sound that everyone is complaining about, what else sucks about it?
it's a great place to "see" a concert but overall it sucks...I had to miss three songs because I had to go to the bathroom...at Columbus and St Louis (yes arenas) I exit, hit the bathroom and I'm back in a minute
I can deal with the parking....but the facilities themselves cannot accommodate those crowds efficiently
of course they will always sell out so why should they change?
and for the record I wasn't pounding beers....I had a few mixed drinks
Remember the Thomas Nine !! (10/02/2018) The Golden Age is 2 months away. And guess what….. you’re gonna love it! (teskeinc 11.19.24)
1998: Noblesville; 2003: Noblesville; 2009: EV Nashville, Chicago, Chicago 2010: St Louis, Columbus, Noblesville; 2011: EV Chicago, East Troy, East Troy 2013: London ON, Wrigley; 2014: Cincy, St Louis, Moline (NO CODE) 2016: Lexington, Wrigley #1; 2018: Wrigley, Wrigley, Boston, Boston 2020: Oakland, Oakland:2021: EV Ohana, Ohana, Ohana, Ohana 2022: Oakland, Oakland, Nashville, Louisville; 2023: Chicago, Chicago, Noblesville 2024: Noblesville, Wrigley, Wrigley, Ohana, Ohana; 2025: Pitt1, Pitt2
Performance wise guys were in great spirits, played their assess off, and another nice well rounded set. Only beef is no Avocado, oh well cannot have it all I guess ;-). The sound was fine up front other than as usual you can barely hear boom
I still feel like they are not touring on a new record as they are not playing a set heavy with new ones. I now they have a lot of music to cover and the fans bitch no matter what, but having seen two on this tour they have not played as much Backspacer as I thought they would, especially since the songs are so short. Minor minor wondering, not a complaint.
The crowd was fucking HOT! All night long they were tearing it up and were as loud as any show I have been to, they had the volume of an indoor crowd, and were wayyyy better than the St. Louis crowd. I think all the ticket bullshit really got everyone fired up. This is the best front row I have seen since the lottery was put into effect, better than any Chicago or MSG show KUDOS to you in front
I liked the vibe from the band from the get go, you could tell they were happy everything worked out despite the weather and ticket BS. Ed was as in good a mood as I can ever recall.
thanks guys, and thank you Indy!
Release fucking killed!
I thought Ed was in his element last night and sounded great. The wind did mess with the sound a bit but we were having such an amazing time that it didn't matter. And to the guys in the old POS car breakdancing on their car hood to The Spin Doctors....Thank you! That was awesome. LMAO! You guys rock. I would have liked to been in that car jammin' with you.
Thank you Pearl Jam for coming back to Indiana. We've missed you. Don't forget that the new arena is almost done in Louisville. You have to add that venue to your next tour.
Ditto. It does suck.
hope it was as amazing as it lookes, and the rest of the set list looks great also.
The weather and late start put a buzz into the crowd that I haven't seen in a while. Everyone seemed 1) Relieved to be finally in their seats and not missed any of the concert 2) Anxious to see if the boys were ready to come out on all cylinders. They did not disappoint!
Release was the most fitting opener they could have chosen and really pulled the crowd together. I was expecting them to play up tempo to warm everyone up and Last Exit is one of my favorite songs to hear second in a setlist. The highlight of the night for me was In My Tree. That was the song I had my fingers crossed for and it was awesome to finally hear it in it's original form (minus Mr. Irons of course). After that, they could have called it a night and I would have walked out with a smile on my face.
Ed was in very good spirits and took several occasions to address the crowd and crack wise. Everyone in my section was into the music and having a good time. The song about Indiana was awesome and was sure to make all the locals very happy. They played over half of Ten along with a lot of rare classics that kept the intensity of the show strong all night.
Man, that place was fucking packed!! The lawn looked like a massive sea of people! I was concerned that the lawn attendance was going to be sparse but it looked like a packed can of sardines up there. Way to represent, Indiana!
This will go down as one of the most memorable shows I've ever seen
Last but not least, I would like to thank the large gentleman in the orange shirt that was falling down drunk outside and trying to beat someones ass (this person may have been imaginary). You have provided my friends and I with a funny antidote that will be recalled for many years. Godspeed, Sir!
But, all that aside, it was fun. I'm glad they went on despite the weather. The people we met were so incredibly nice; it was like we were all just one big, happy Pearl Jam loving family. I met 10c members from all over the place who came down for this show. I was happy that the crowd was energetic for once; whenever I go to Chicago shows I feel like I'm the only one dancing. :oops:
You can tell there were a ton of us from the city that migrated down there...Ed said something about friends of his from Chicago in the audience, and a huge cheer went up, and he looked around kind of surprised and said, "Well, I guess there's more Chicago friends here than I thought!" I was so stoked to finally hear Garden and Off He Goes live! The setlist was great. And they played Down!!!
Thanks, PJ, for another memorable concert experience. Next time I just need to remember to bring an extra jacket...
there was a guy with video camera on Mike's side the entire evening. Couldn't see another one on stone's side though.
Blogging at <a href="http://www.dadtherapy.com">Dad Therapy</a>
There was another camera guy on Stone's side as well...hopefully a video will be coming soon!
i read the setlist last night b4 going to bed but reading over it again...it seems like just one of those "great" shows with some Rats, that string of Supersonic/Down/Daughter w/WMA & Ramones tags, Insignif, Off He Goes, Better Man for the crowd then DTE to end encore...open 2nd w/Garden and get fans back on your side...elevate them w/Whipping...excite them w/Alive then rock to Baba and close w/ YL and SSB tag...might have to check out this boot for sure (and read the rest of this thread now)
2006: Camden 1&2, East Ruth 1&2
2008: BONNAROO, MSG1, MSG2, Hartford
2009: Philly 1, 2, 4
2010: Hartford, MSG1, MSG2
2012: Made in America
2013: BK1, BK2, Hartford
2015: Global Citizens
2016: MSG 2 (ISO MSG1)
EV Solo: NJPAC 2008; Tower Theatre, PA 2009; Hartford 2011
The sound under the pavilion was good, but maybe a little loud, til the wind came. That just seemed to really funnel through the pavilion and fuck with the sound. I left my seats and went to the lawn for the encore and the sound out there was like listening to a bootleg. Looks like they got some new screens out there, too.
Force of Nature was f'in amazing tuned down or not.
Goin Back To Indiana....had a feelin a Jackson related tune would surface....nice tie in with the last show, which they did with the openers last time
A little bummed to hear Baba at both shows I hit, but that is in no way related to the way I reacted at either show. It kicked ass, but I just love hearing songs that I haven't heard. I hadn't heard it previously, so maybe I hoped for it too hard.
Release is just classic.
All in all the set was classin Deer Creek PJ.
I really hope all fans get to experience this - the energy of the band and the crowd was fabulous. I can only hope the Cleveland show tomorrow matches it!
Rock on!
you were two rows up from us. kid had a sox hat on right?
edit, just saw picture...
This HAS to be the same lady I was talking about. SHE is a very good person and we are fortunate to have met here my friend. People like that are RARE...you would ONLY ever meet someone like that at a PJ show. I have seen a few shows in my life and she was top shelf to say the least.
This HAS to be the same lady I was talking about. SHE is a very good person and we are fortunate to have met here my friend. People like that are RARE...you would ONLY ever meet someone like that at a PJ show. I have seen a few shows in my life and she was top shelf to say the least.[/quote
I went back and read your post, and yes I think this is the same person we are talking about. She is great, and I am so happy that I got to share this experience with her! She got one of Ed's picks and was so excited. I appreciate that she made it happen that I got to be in the front row with my best friend (even though she only had one spare - she let us use her ticket to get us both down there).
Were they the cameramen that were filming for the show to be broadcast on the big screens at the venue?
On a separate note, the show was awesome, but it was very weird being in the lawn. I felt like I was the only one into it, at least in my little area! During GTF, it was pretty awkward when I sang, "Well fuckers, he still stands," and was jumping around because nobody was with me on it!
But still, an awesome show. Ed was very complimentary of the crowd, and Mike said that he loves the Midwest. Ed also was concerned about the lawn and said that ever since Roskilde, they were hurt to their core about what happened and always want their fans to be safe (don't remember the exact wording). He is always so heartfelt when addressing fans!
I have been to the United Center several times. I have traveled to Florida to see shows. This was the best crowd I've seen.
Columbus had what I would have considered to be a dream setlist, but the Indy crowd killed it. Unreal.
Oh Dammit!! :evil:
THAT was her. Like I said. She is a once in a lifetime person. She embodies the true spirit of what Pearl Jam stands for.
Alpine Valley Resort is etched in my brain!!!
I hear ya my brother. I am just glad we were all there to see it.
Great weekend, great show, twice the energy compared to Columbus Thurs nite. Just by chance sat next to the same guys from Dayton both nights and had a great experience.
Took 14 yr old son to first concert ever Thurs and he thanked me 30 times in the car on the way home.
2 Ten Club tickets.......$150, Pearl Jam concert with your son.......priceless.
it's a great place to "see" a concert but overall it sucks...I had to miss three songs because I had to go to the bathroom...at Columbus and St Louis (yes arenas) I exit, hit the bathroom and I'm back in a minute
I can deal with the parking....but the facilities themselves cannot accommodate those crowds efficiently
of course they will always sell out so why should they change?
and for the record I wasn't pounding beers....I had a few mixed drinks
The Golden Age is 2 months away. And guess what….. you’re gonna love it! (teskeinc 11.19.24)
1998: Noblesville; 2003: Noblesville; 2009: EV Nashville, Chicago, Chicago
2010: St Louis, Columbus, Noblesville; 2011: EV Chicago, East Troy, East Troy
2013: London ON, Wrigley; 2014: Cincy, St Louis, Moline (NO CODE)
2016: Lexington, Wrigley #1; 2018: Wrigley, Wrigley, Boston, Boston
2020: Oakland, Oakland: 2021: EV Ohana, Ohana, Ohana, Ohana
2022: Oakland, Oakland, Nashville, Louisville; 2023: Chicago, Chicago, Noblesville
2024: Noblesville, Wrigley, Wrigley, Ohana, Ohana; 2025: Pitt1, Pitt2