O.K. how many people here are pregnant?



  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    Hi ladies... I'm on bed rest now. :(

    I'm still not showing any signs of preeclampsia (and they have done extensive testing of my blood/urine to make certain) but my blood pressure is high now (140/90) so I'm out of work and can only get up to go to the bathroom, shower, and get food... I don't get to do any housework (yay!) but I'm basically on house arrest and can't go anywhere except for dr. appointments. Unfortunately, it looks like we will be delivering early, especially if preeclampsia does develop...

    I've got wonderful, attentive doctors, and we have a great hospital, so I feel confident that this will still have a great outcome even if she has to be born a little too soon...but please send some good vibes to me and my baby. :) (and excuse my run-on sentence! ;))
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    Hi ladies... I'm on bed rest now. :(

    I'm still not showing any signs of preeclampsia (and they have done extensive testing of my blood/urine to make certain) but my blood pressure is high now (140/90) so I'm out of work and can only get up to go to the bathroom, shower, and get food... I don't get to do any housework (yay!) but I'm basically on house arrest and can't go anywhere except for dr. appointments. Unfortunately, it looks like we will be delivering early, especially if preeclampsia does develop...

    I've got wonderful, attentive doctors, and we have a great hospital, so I feel confident that this will still have a great outcome even if she has to be born a little too soon...but please send some good vibes to me and my baby. :) (and excuse my run-on sentence! ;))

    Oh geez Im so sorry to hear this.
    Things could be worse though I guess.
    Stay healthy and do stretches and stuff while in bed/couch.
    How long are you allowed to be up at a time?
    Are the doctors thinking they will induce early? Or is it a wait
    and see type thing? Im totally sending happy strong vibes.
    Take care and let us know how you are doing.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • pacifierpacifier Posts: 1,009
    Hi ladies... I'm on bed rest now. :(

    I'm still not showing any signs of preeclampsia (and they have done extensive testing of my blood/urine to make certain) but my blood pressure is high now (140/90) so I'm out of work and can only get up to go to the bathroom, shower, and get food... I don't get to do any housework (yay!) but I'm basically on house arrest and can't go anywhere except for dr. appointments. Unfortunately, it looks like we will be delivering early, especially if preeclampsia does develop...

    I've got wonderful, attentive doctors, and we have a great hospital, so I feel confident that this will still have a great outcome even if she has to be born a little too soon...but please send some good vibes to me and my baby. :) (and excuse my run-on sentence! ;))

    good vibes coming your way :)
  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    genevieve wrote:
    Oh geez Im so sorry to hear this.
    Things could be worse though I guess.
    Stay healthy and do stretches and stuff while in bed/couch.
    How long are you allowed to be up at a time?
    Are the doctors thinking they will induce early? Or is it a wait
    and see type thing? Im totally sending happy strong vibes.
    Take care and let us know how you are doing.

    Thanks to both of you for the well wishes! Right now it's a "wait and see" thing. It's pretty much a given that they'll induce early, but how early is what we're trying to determine. I think if my blood pressure doesn't get any higher, and there is no preeclampsia, they'll try to hold out until 35-36 weeks. If she's got to come before that, she'll most likely be ok, but it'll be a long road and she'll spend some time in the hospital before coming home. The thought of leaving her in the NICU breaks my heart, so I'm really hoping we can hold out for a while.

    I'm allowed to get up to shower (thank god!!!) and grab meals from the fridge, but I can't do anything more strenuous than that. So it could definitely be worse... I think I'd lose my mind if I wasn't able to get up and stretch out once in a while.
  • Best of luck. I couldn't imagine going home without the baby. If it does happen, it will be tough, but remember that is where she will get the absolute best care
  • EddiesGurlEddiesGurl Posts: 166
    Hi ladies... I'm on bed rest now. :(

    I'm still not showing any signs of preeclampsia (and they have done extensive testing of my blood/urine to make certain) but my blood pressure is high now (140/90) so I'm out of work and can only get up to go to the bathroom, shower, and get food... I don't get to do any housework (yay!) but I'm basically on house arrest and can't go anywhere except for dr. appointments. Unfortunately, it looks like we will be delivering early, especially if preeclampsia does develop...

    I've got wonderful, attentive doctors, and we have a great hospital, so I feel confident that this will still have a great outcome even if she has to be born a little too soon...but please send some good vibes to me and my baby. :) (and excuse my run-on sentence! ;))

    geez..thats tough..just stay strong & good luck...i'm sending good vibes your way **~~**~~**

    good luck w/ everything..
    Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm

    ~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
  • EddiesGurlEddiesGurl Posts: 166
    pacifier wrote:
    Ladies, how well did you men cope with the pregnancy? Did they realise what you were going through or were they impatient with you? Did they pour on the special treatment or was it life as usual? etc, etc.

    my guy has been treating me like gold ~ i'm 21wks right now & so we are still getting used to me being pregnant..he loves my belly & always rubs on it & kisses it...he rubs my feet & my back & is always willing to get up to get me anything...hes been great. even on the days when i want to kill him for no apparent reason, he tolorates it well..i'm lucky b/c i can get pretty nasty w/ all these raging hormones...:)
    Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm

    ~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    Thanks to both of you for the well wishes! Right now it's a "wait and see" thing. It's pretty much a given that they'll induce early, but how early is what we're trying to determine. I think if my blood pressure doesn't get any higher, and there is no preeclampsia, they'll try to hold out until 35-36 weeks. If she's got to come before that, she'll most likely be ok, but it'll be a long road and she'll spend some time in the hospital before coming home. The thought of leaving her in the NICU breaks my heart, so I'm really hoping we can hold out for a while.

    I'm allowed to get up to shower (thank god!!!) and grab meals from the fridge, but I can't do anything more strenuous than that. So it could definitely be worse... I think I'd lose my mind if I wasn't able to get up and stretch out once in a while.

    How many weeks are you right now?
    I just thought reading your post that Im 33 weeks this week.
    If I was told it was gonna come out in 2 weeks I might faint! :D
    Do you havce to stay lying down or can you sit up for extended
    periods? Like with your legs on pillows or something.
    I hope you like reading. Can you get to use the computer regularly?
    I have wireless in my house and use a laptop so it would be ok that way.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    EddiesGurl wrote:
    my guy has been treating me like gold ~ i'm 21wks right now & so we are still getting used to me being pregnant..he loves my belly & always rubs on it & kisses it...he rubs my feet & my back & is always willing to get up to get me anything...hes been great. even on the days when i want to kill him for no apparent reason, he tolorates it well..i'm lucky b/c i can get pretty nasty w/ all these raging hormones...:)

    Im getting treated pretty well but not that good! :D

    Is everyones hubbies/partners going to the prenatal exams with them?
    A friend of ours is pregnant right now and hes not going to the exams
    with her. I would be super ticked if that was me. I mean if hes out
    of town or something thats a totally different matter.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    Brain of Lo how are you doing?
    Everything going ok?
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • EddiesGurlEddiesGurl Posts: 166
    genevieve wrote:
    Im getting treated pretty well but not that good! :D

    Is everyones hubbies/partners going to the prenatal exams with them?
    A friend of ours is pregnant right now and hes not going to the exams
    with her. I would be super ticked if that was me. I mean if hes out
    of town or something thats a totally different matter.

    i'm lucky..Chris has been to both of my ultrasounds w/ me & one of my exams..the first one.

    but here, all of the other exams are just the Dr. feeling my stomach & listening to the heartbeat..takes 5-10 min...so i dont think its necessary for him to take off work to go for those appts.

    and yes ~ i consider myself to be very lucky..he has been so supportive & so excited about this pregnancy....i think sometimes hes more excited than me! he loves my belly & he treats me like a queen! we'll see how long that treatment lasts after baby is here! ;)

    take care fellow preggo ladies! ;)
    Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm

    ~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    genevieve wrote:
    Brain of Lo how are you doing?
    Everything going ok?

    I'm doing great; thanks for asking! I go for my next dr. visit tomorrow. Wish me luck when they take my blood pressure! I've been very good...just relaxing and twiddling my thumbs. :)

    To answer your earlier questions, I'm about 28 weeks and 5 days right now. I can sit up, too... It's not really strict bed rest, but I'm trying to just lay down (and stay off the computer) as much as possible, because that's really the best thing.

    I think the thing I needed most was to be taken out of my stressful work environment. I really believe my boss and all of her craziness/abuse is the reason I'm having this problem to begin with...
  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    genevieve wrote:
    Im getting treated pretty well but not that good! :D

    Is everyones hubbies/partners going to the prenatal exams with them?
    A friend of ours is pregnant right now and hes not going to the exams
    with her. I would be super ticked if that was me. I mean if hes out
    of town or something thats a totally different matter.

    My husband goes to my exams, because I tend to get nervous in the waiting room if I have to wait a long time. (I'm crazy. ;)) It kind of sucks for him to have to take off of work all the time because I'm going so often now, but he doesn't mind. He also goes to ultrasounds and will be going with me to my weekly testing (where they evaluate the baby to make sure she's moving around enough and that her heart rate is good.) This is just because of the blood pressure issue, and I'll be starting this week for the first time, but they did this test about 4 times while I was in the hospital last week and the results were great each time. :)
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    Im so glad to hear you are doing good.
    Eat lotsa fruit and veggies and drink lotsa water. Stay away from salt.
    Stay sane. I guess thats the best you can do. Let us know how the
    appointment goes.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    genevieve wrote:
    Im so glad to hear you are doing good.
    Eat lotsa fruit and veggies and drink lotsa water. Stay away from salt.
    Stay sane. I guess thats the best you can do. Let us know how the
    appointment goes.

    My appointment went great!!! :) My blood pressure was much better, so my doctor thinks the bed rest is working. In fact, it was such an improvement over last week that I don't even have to go back for two weeks!!! :)
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    My appointment went great!!! :) My blood pressure was much better, so my doctor thinks the bed rest is working. In fact, it was such an improvement over last week that I don't even have to go back for two weeks!!! :)

    Thats awsome. If it keeps improving this way will you be allowed to go out
    a bit? Like to dinner, or to the grocery store and stuff? Cause it would be
    nice to be able to go for short walks and stuff.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    genevieve wrote:
    Thats awsome. If it keeps improving this way will you be allowed to go out
    a bit? Like to dinner, or to the grocery store and stuff? Cause it would be
    nice to be able to go for short walks and stuff.

    No, I'll be on house arrest until the baby is born because the resting is what she thinks is keeping my blood pressure low, and we want to avoid an increase at all costs. I have my own theory that my stressful job was the whole reason it was high to begin with, and that with work eliminated from my life, it will steadily improve...but I know the doctor isn't going to take any chances. But that's ok. I'm really doing a lot better with this than I thought I would. I have sketchbooks and journals and many books to read to keep me occupied. The last week has gone so fast, and now I'm a whole week closer to a safe delivery time. :)
  • Hellfish Jr, otherwise known as either Jack Michael or Grace Sheridan, will be entering the world tomorrow morning, at approximately 7:30 A.M. EST. For those interested in pics, check:


    No baby pics will be up until late tomorrow night at the earliest
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    No, I'll be on house arrest until the baby is born because the resting is what she thinks is keeping my blood pressure low, and we want to avoid an increase at all costs. I have my own theory that my stressful job was the whole reason it was high to begin with, and that with work eliminated from my life, it will steadily improve...but I know the doctor isn't going to take any chances. But that's ok. I'm really doing a lot better with this than I thought I would. I have sketchbooks and journals and many books to read to keep me occupied. The last week has gone so fast, and now I'm a whole week closer to a safe delivery time. :)

    So how does it work with your mat leave?
    Are you going on maternity leave?
    If so does it mean you had to start it earlier than you wanted
    or is this just like having a doctors note and taking sick days?
    What did you do for work that was so stressful?
    Im glad being out of there has made a big difference!
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    Hellfish Jr, otherwise known as either Jack Michael or Grace Sheridan, will be entering the world tomorrow morning, at approximately 7:30 A.M. EST. For those interested in pics, check:


    No baby pics will be up until late tomorrow night at the earliest

    So exciting.
    Im going to check things out.
    Hope alls well.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • EddiesGurlEddiesGurl Posts: 166
    Congrats to you Hellfish!! :D thats exciting!!!

    I have been having the worst freakin headaches ever all week this week & last week... like its as soon as i open my eyes it feels like i am majorly hungover. And it just doesn't go away..and tylenol doesn't do jack shit for me.

    So ~ we have a medical dept. for the company i work for, and they do free blood pressure checks, so on my lunch i stopped over there today to have it checked since people that i work with were telling me that headaches are often associated w/ high blood pressure...so i went over there, it was 146/92 ... my mom is a nurse & said it should be under 140/90..so i'm not really very high at all..but she said that little bit could be causing my headaches. My next Dr. appt is April 10th..so we will see what she says. And fyi ~ i'm about 21wks.
    Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm

    ~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    EddiesGurl wrote:
    Congrats to you Hellfish!! :D thats exciting!!!

    I have been having the worst freakin headaches ever all week this week & last week... like its as soon as i open my eyes it feels like i am majorly hungover. And it just doesn't go away..and tylenol doesn't do jack shit for me.

    So ~ we have a medical dept. for the company i work for, and they do free blood pressure checks, so on my lunch i stopped over there today to have it checked since people that i work with were telling me that headaches are often associated w/ high blood pressure...so i went over there, it was 146/92 ... my mom is a nurse & said it should be under 140/90..so i'm not really very high at all..but she said that little bit could be causing my headaches. My next Dr. appt is April 10th..so we will see what she says. And fyi ~ i'm about 21wks.

    I know that when you get pregnant your body starts producing more blood.
    My sister got some horrible headaches when she was pregnant.
    I on the other hand am a migrain sufferer and havent had one this whole time
    yet. Im hoping I will get through this without one. Call your doctor to see if
    they have anything to say. Or if you should go in earlier. My last
    bloodpressure reading was 99/80. I have no idea what that means but the midwife didnt say there was anything to worry about so Im fine I guess.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    genevieve wrote:
    So how does it work with your mat leave?
    Are you going on maternity leave?
    If so does it mean you had to start it earlier than you wanted
    or is this just like having a doctors note and taking sick days?
    What did you do for work that was so stressful?
    Im glad being out of there has made a big difference!

    I'm on unpaid leave right now. It would be considered short-term disability, but, unfortunately, I am 2 weeks shy of qualifying for disability coverage through work. This means I am home without any pay at all. If I had been able to last two more weeks I could have gotten 50% of my salary for up to 26 weeks while on disability, but no such luck. It doesn't matter, though. I'm about 99% sure that I'm not going to go back to work after the baby, so we've just started living on our new budget a bit sooner than expected. Frankly, being away from work is worth more to me than all of the money in the world.

    I work in the marketing department of a big law firm. The job itself can be very stressful (with insanely tight deadlines, working with stressed-out, megalomaniacal attorneys) but the real issue is my boss. She is literally the most horrible person I've ever known. I won't go into what makes her so bad, because it literally makes my blood pressure rise to think about her, but just take my word for it. :) Abusive isn't even the word.

    So...as I said, being out of there will do me and my baby a world of good!! :)
  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    EddiesGurl wrote:
    Congrats to you Hellfish!! :D thats exciting!!!

    I have been having the worst freakin headaches ever all week this week & last week... like its as soon as i open my eyes it feels like i am majorly hungover. And it just doesn't go away..and tylenol doesn't do jack shit for me.

    So ~ we have a medical dept. for the company i work for, and they do free blood pressure checks, so on my lunch i stopped over there today to have it checked since people that i work with were telling me that headaches are often associated w/ high blood pressure...so i went over there, it was 146/92 ... my mom is a nurse & said it should be under 140/90..so i'm not really very high at all..but she said that little bit could be causing my headaches. My next Dr. appt is April 10th..so we will see what she says. And fyi ~ i'm about 21wks.

    Have you told your doctor about the headaches you're having? Bad headaches (that can't be relieved with tylenol) are a symptom of preeclampsia. Your doctor might want to see you sooner if he/she knows about this. I'm certainly not trying to scare you, but with your blood pressure and the headaches combined, they are probably going to want to do some labs to check that your kidneys and other organs are functioning properly. (I've become very familiar with this stuff, because my doctor started watching me for preeclampsia around 21 weeks because of my blood pressure.)
  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    genevieve wrote:
    I know that when you get pregnant your body starts producing more blood.
    My sister got some horrible headaches when she was pregnant.
    I on the other hand am a migrain sufferer and havent had one this whole time
    yet. Im hoping I will get through this without one. Call your doctor to see if
    they have anything to say. Or if you should go in earlier. My last
    bloodpressure reading was 99/80. I have no idea what that means but the midwife didnt say there was anything to worry about so Im fine I guess.

    I have migraines, too, but haven't had a single one while pregnant. It's awesome! I'm going to be so sad once those start up again. (I have them with my period, so I imagine it'll start up again once that does... )

    Oh, and that's a terrific blood pressure! I'd kill for that. ;) Anything under 120/70 is in the "good" range... 120/70-139/89 is "pre-hypertension" and 140/90 + is considered hypertension. God... I never wanted to know so much about blood pressure. ;)
  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    Hellfish Jr, otherwise known as either Jack Michael or Grace Sheridan, will be entering the world tomorrow morning, at approximately 7:30 A.M. EST. For those interested in pics, check:


    No baby pics will be up until late tomorrow night at the earliest

    Congratulations! I can't wait until it's my baby's turn to enter the world!! :) I'm getting so excited now that I'm into the home stretch... :D
  • EddiesGurlEddiesGurl Posts: 166
    Have you told your doctor about the headaches you're having? Bad headaches (that can't be relieved with tylenol) are a symptom of preeclampsia. Your doctor might want to see you sooner if he/she knows about this. I'm certainly not trying to scare you, but with your blood pressure and the headaches combined, they are probably going to want to do some labs to check that your kidneys and other organs are functioning properly. (I've become very familiar with this stuff, because my doctor started watching me for preeclampsia around 21 weeks because of my blood pressure.)

    thanks for the info & i think im going to call my Dr. office right now & just let them know what is going on....if anything is going on ~ i want them to catch it early! Ugh! Anyway, glad to read that things are going good for you! :)

    oh & can someone please explain what the heck this preeclampsia is exactly?? and does this mean more blood work? and maybe another ultrasound (that would be great - another ultra sound)
    Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm

    ~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    EddiesGurl wrote:
    thanks for the info & i think im going to call my Dr. office right now & just let them know what is going on....if anything is going on ~ i want them to catch it early! Ugh! Anyway, glad to read that things are going good for you! :)

    oh & can someone please explain what the heck this preeclampsia is exactly?? and does this mean more blood work? and maybe another ultrasound (that would be great - another ultra sound)

    Preeclampsia is a condition where your body sort of reacts badly to being pregnant and it can be hard on the mother and the baby. I would recommend looking it up on the internet, because there's a lot of information about it out there.

    There will be some blood work involved if your doc wants to rule it out. The tests are to check for certain markers in your blood that would indicate that your kidneys and liver aren't functioning as well as they should be, such as uric acid. There's also a 24 hour urine test. That's TONS of fun, trust me. ;) You literally have to collect your urine for 24 hours and then they test it to see if there's an abnormal amount of protein in the urine. While they check for protein in your urine every time you visit the doctor, the 24 hour test is the gold standard because protein levels can fluctuate over a 24 hour period.

    If you're diagnosed with preeclampsia or even just chronic or pregnancy-induced hypertension, you will end up having more ultrasounds and also at around 28 weeks they'll begin monitoring the baby's heartrate on a weekly basis. I go for the ultrasounds once a month now, and I consider that to be a silver lining in all of this. I got some beautiful profile shots of my little girl last time! (And she totally has my nose!! :D) And we also got a really cute one of her sucking her toe!! :)

    The best thing you can do for preeclampsia is to catch it early. And don't be too freaked out by things you read on the internet. It is a serious condition, but doctors are very very equipped to deal with it in the western world and there's no reason to think anything bad will happen to you or your baby. Since I started being watched for it, I've encountered SO many people that have gone through it and had very happy results. (In fact, ever person I've encountered has had a perfectly healthy baby.) It just requires a lot of care and rest to bring the blood pressure down.

    Good luck! I'm sure everything will turn out fine. :)
  • ToywomanToywoman Posts: 43
    Wow... I feel so out of touch, I'm glad to hear you're doing better, J, and I'm sorry I didn't know you were having a rough time to begin with:(

    My last pregnancy pretty much tried to kill me. My kidneys and liver were trying to shut down, my body swelled like there was no tomorrow, my BP wouldn't come down without my feet being up and being on extremely potent meds, my sugar was sky high without three doses of a fast working medication per day... and lo and behold, nine days before his due date, Jacob came into this world at a whopping 10 lbs 10.8 oz (he's only three and a half months old and is 16 pounds now). My doctor went against hospital policy and did my tubal right then because she said if I wanted to be there to raise the three kids we had not to have any more. The first sign of trouble (other than extreme nausea and abdominal pain) was headaches. Not all headaches will be signaling something so severe, but definitely DEFINITELY anyone who's pregnant needs to keep a journal of them and contact their doctors with all information.
    "sounds like pearl jam just had a three song orgasm."~~vacatetheword
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    From what Ive heard and read high BP and preeclampsia are
    definatley better than some other stuff. Gestational Diabetes
    can be pretty toughIve heard. Im glad I dont have that.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
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