Tons of water drinking is supposed to really help. 10 cups a day at least.
On the placenta thing, anyone ever heard of someone they know eating the placenta? Ive heard some hospitals will prepare a soup or stew. Or you can take it home and cook it up. I know some people take it home and plant a tree over it too.
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
To the pregnant ladies(including formerly pregnant)
Did any of you ladies have "retaining water" issues? if so, how did you deal? My wife, due in 3 1/2 weeks feels her feet and ankles have disappeared.
Yes, my lower legs/feet swell at the end of every day because I sit at a desk. It's very gross, but normal. Drinking tons of water, being careful about sodium intake and elevating her feet are really about the only things you can do. But it'll go away in the days after delivery.
Tons of water drinking is supposed to really help. 10 cups a day at least.
On the placenta thing, anyone ever heard of someone they know eating the placenta? Ive heard some hospitals will prepare a soup or stew. Or you can take it home and cook it up. I know some people take it home and plant a tree over it too.
I've never heard of that in western culture, but I know it's customary some cultures.
...And my sister's bday is June 17th! Cograts to everyone expecting on here, I have a soon to be 7 year old but 4 friends and 2 cousins are having babies soon or have had them recetly and I'm itching for another one! Too bad I'm single :( Good luck and take care everyone!
Thanks for all the advice. She's been drinking the water and elevating her feet. Her Dr just told her this week to cut out salt, and even to watch sweets, cause the sugar can be bad for that too
depends on what you do, but keeping a giant Poland Spring bottle handy might help. That way you don't constantly need to go buy one, or go to the fridge for a refill. Or you could try to grab a fresh bottle, or glass every hour on the hour.
depends on what you do, but keeping a giant Poland Spring bottle handy might help. That way you don't constantly need to go buy one, or go to the fridge for a refill. Or you could try to grab a fresh bottle, or glass every hour on the hour.
See Im not a huge water drinker to begin with.
But I dont want to drink too much juice either.
I guess I just have to buck up and carry water with me.
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
32 weeks this week and I havent experienced
any "Braxton Hicks" contractions. Am I missing
something here? Anyone else getting or not getting them?
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
I think most people in my prenantal class are questioning the
ability to actually get a child out after watching the birthing
video last night. But it wasnt freaky, just looks painful.
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
i have a question.
what do you future parents think of freezing the stem cell? or is it automatic in the states? i hope its called like that in english, not quite sure.
"And I listen for the voice inside my head. Nothing. I'll do this one myself."
I am choosing to donate cord blood which is full of stem cells.
They clamp the cord and it will be sampled and tested and blood typed.
And if there is a little baby who needs this blood it will be used there
first. If thats not possible maybe an older person who needs stem cells
and lastly in research. I hope it will help someone.
You can also store cord blood in case of future need for your child but
it suposed to be quite expensive.
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
Pregnancy question: is there a point during the pregnancy when women are supposed to stop driving, for fear that water breaking, or contractions, or something could cause her to lose control of the car?
Pregnancy question: is there a point during the pregnancy when women are supposed to stop driving, for fear that water breaking, or contractions, or something could cause her to lose control of the car?
Nope unless you are in actual labor. And even then you should be ok cause you can just pull over till the contraction stops. But you should be able to drive during early labor to make it to the hospital.. if you are pushing you wouldnt get in a car and drive. You would call an ambulance.
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
32 weeks this week and I havent experienced
any "Braxton Hicks" contractions. Am I missing
something here? Anyone else getting or not getting them?
I think I may have had one or two Braxton Hicks contractions, but it didn't really feel like much of anything... Just a brief tightening of my uterus that went away pretty quickly... Could have been something else, for all I know!
There are a few women on this prego board where I post (on iVillage) are always talking about how they have them all the time. These are women who, like me, are due on June. I sometimes wonder if something else is up with them, because I certainly haven't experienced anything like they have...
Get the book Birthing from Within. It has some great breathing exercises.
Thanks. I'm normally a pretty relaxed person, but when I get upset I find it hard to calm myself down sometimes. Luckily I haven't been getting upset too often. I'm letting a lot of things slide now if I think they are going to upset me too much.
Ladies, how well did you men cope with the pregnancy? Did they realise what you were going through or were they impatient with you? Did they pour on the special treatment or was it life as usual? etc, etc.
Well hubbie rubs my feet every night.
They get really sore even though they arent swelling.
I would say hes more understanding now. And the
prenatal classes and check ups keep him in check too.
Most days hes pretty amazed that the baby can do
gymnastics already.
Pacifier if you dont have one yet I would get an excercise
ball to sit on at work, or even to sit on a bit at night and
stretch and stuff. It really feels good even if its only 15mins.
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
Thanks. I'm normally a pretty relaxed person, but when I get upset I find it hard to calm myself down sometimes. Luckily I haven't been getting upset too often. I'm letting a lot of things slide now if I think they are going to upset me too much.
Did you get the book?
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
lol, apparently so.
There was another woman who was worried that she was going to make an ugly face while pushing.
Those really arent top of my
worries list on the big day...
Did any of you ladies have "retaining water" issues? if so, how did you deal? My wife, due in 3 1/2 weeks feels her feet and ankles have disappeared.
On the placenta thing, anyone ever heard of someone they know eating the placenta? Ive heard some hospitals will prepare a soup or stew. Or you can take it home and cook it up. I know some people take it home and plant a tree over it too.
Yes, my lower legs/feet swell at the end of every day because I sit at a desk. It's very gross, but normal. Drinking tons of water, being careful about sodium intake and elevating her feet are really about the only things you can do. But it'll go away in the days after delivery.
I've never heard of that in western culture, but I know it's customary some cultures.
...And my sister's bday is June 17th! Cograts to everyone expecting on here, I have a soon to be 7 year old but 4 friends and 2 cousins are having babies soon or have had them recetly and I'm itching for another one! Too bad I'm single :( Good luck and take care everyone!
my wife had to cut her work shoes down the side so she could fit into them. After that, it was sandals all the time. She had no ankles!
Jeepers I hope I dont have to do that!
I try to put my feet up as often as possible.
I need to work on drinking more water myself.
Any tips on how to sneek it in during the day?
See Im not a huge water drinker to begin with.
But I dont want to drink too much juice either.
I guess I just have to buck up and carry water with me.
just when you think you are safe you drown...
But I dont think its cancerous. Unless were talkin acid rain.
32 weeks this week and I havent experienced
any "Braxton Hicks" contractions. Am I missing
something here? Anyone else getting or not getting them?
ability to actually get a child out after watching the birthing
video last night. But it wasnt freaky, just looks painful.
what do you future parents think of freezing the stem cell? or is it automatic in the states? i hope its called like that in english, not quite sure.
"And I listen for the voice inside my head. Nothing. I'll do this one myself."
Im not sure what you mean.
I am choosing to donate cord blood which is full of stem cells.
They clamp the cord and it will be sampled and tested and blood typed.
And if there is a little baby who needs this blood it will be used there
first. If thats not possible maybe an older person who needs stem cells
and lastly in research. I hope it will help someone.
You can also store cord blood in case of future need for your child but
it suposed to be quite expensive.
yes, that's what i meant. i know its expensive, its very expensive here too, i was just wondering how common this thing was overseas.
"And I listen for the voice inside my head. Nothing. I'll do this one myself."
I belive its becoming more common but the cost is still too much.
We never even considered it. So we are donating it to someone who needs it.
Nope unless you are in actual labor. And even then you should be ok cause you can just pull over till the contraction stops. But you should be able to drive during early labor to make it to the hospital.. if you are pushing you wouldnt get in a car and drive. You would call an ambulance.
I think I may have had one or two Braxton Hicks contractions, but it didn't really feel like much of anything... Just a brief tightening of my uterus that went away pretty quickly... Could have been something else, for all I know!
There are a few women on this prego board where I post (on iVillage) are always talking about how they have them all the time. These are women who, like me, are due on June. I sometimes wonder if something else is up with them, because I certainly haven't experienced anything like they have...
Yeah, banking cord blood is ridiculously expensive. It would be a nice idea, but it's not in our budget. We'll be donating ours as well.
Thanks. I'm normally a pretty relaxed person, but when I get upset I find it hard to calm myself down sometimes. Luckily I haven't been getting upset too often. I'm letting a lot of things slide now if I think they are going to upset me too much.
That sounds fun and good for you. I might look into that. thanks for the suggestion. Did you do it? how did you find it?
Well it's my fiance's b'day the week before so we are kinda hoping it comes a little earlier so that he can have a great birthday present
They get really sore even though they arent swelling.
I would say hes more understanding now. And the
prenatal classes and check ups keep him in check too.
Most days hes pretty amazed that the baby can do
gymnastics already.
Pacifier if you dont have one yet I would get an excercise
ball to sit on at work, or even to sit on a bit at night and
stretch and stuff. It really feels good even if its only 15mins.
Did you get the book?